Stop moving like a noob | Movement Mastery pt. 1

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clean movement is one of the most satisfying things to watch in valorin it's also one of the most important mechanical aspects of your game to develop no amount of high-level raw aim will be enough to cover up bad movement but how do we practice our movement with this video I hope to provide you with a comprehensive answer to that question not only am I going to show you the exact drills I give my private students but I will also show you how to objectively measure and track your own current skill level this will make the path abundantly clear for any Avid Learners who wish to take their games to the next level to make sure we're performing the correct inputs it is essential that we can review footage of our practice I highly recommend using OBS combined with the OBS input overlay plugin this will allow you to see exactly which Keys you are pressing during your practice this will be very important as I begin to explain how the following drills are meant to be performed foreign [Music] is a technique that allows you to shoot accurate bullets while changing directions notice that I always have exactly one of my movement Keys pressed at all times while performing this mechanic while your agent is changing directions there is a small window slightly after you press the opposite movement key where you can fire an accurate bullet this term is frequently confused with counter strafing which will not be covered in this video whether or not you counter space personal preference and many pro caliper players do not counter-strip first stroll to practice dead zoning revolves around this pole first wiggle back and forth at the pole and then begin trying to shoot bullets on the right side of the pole make sure the bars on your shooting aircraft are all orange before proceeding to the next step [Music] now try to shoot bullets on either side of the pole as you change directions still do not aim just shoot on either side of the pole until you can consistently shoot within the accuracy window measure our skill in dead zoning we're going to use the bot practice the Bots spawn on the left side we're going to over aim and start moving to the right then we'll change our direction to the left and try to fire a bullet within the window on the bot's head we will do the opposite for Bossa spawn on the right side of the range if you can get at least 20 bots in this exercise then move on to the next tier at the next tier do the same exercise but on medium difficulty if you can consistently score above 20 on this then you are considered proficient enough at dead zoning and move on thank you on hard difficulty it is too difficult to quickly react to the bot spawn location instead move in a consistent Direction and when the boss spawns change directions and try to shoot the bot during the accuracy window [Music] how high are you able to score [Music] first thing is the bread and butter of extended gunfights in competitive Valor bursting in isolation is not a difficult mechanic however the best valoran players are able to cover significantly more ground while still bursting the same amount of bullets as a lower rated player for practicing bursting I highly recommend using a metronome we will initially set our metronome to 80 BPM and we will move between these two highlighted lines our goal is to reach the line shoot two bullets and then quickly move to the next line and shoot our next two bullets as the metronome ticks our Target is 110 BPM once you can reach this BPM while still moving completely between the two lines you can move on do not cut Corners here you must be able to move completely across this line and touch the two lines before you move on otherwise you will be skimping yourself and you will not be performing the mechanic as quickly as you should be the final level of practicing our bursts we will begin to implement dead zoning between our bursts you should be able to pick any pattern before you begin and comfortably perform it here in this clip I'm performing first Dead Zone Dead Zone first burst Dead Zone Dead Zone first first one very common fighting pattern in valorin is to swing a corner Dead Zone a single bullet and then enter a bursting pattern this keeps you more mobile than bursting on your first shot [Music] [Music] one kill remaining [Music] as you can see there is not a one-size-fits-all approach to gunfights at the highest level however I hope this has opened your eyes to various ways that gunfights can be taken [Music] here we can see a master of air strafing look how the world bends to his will such Majestic movement the only word that comes to mind is captivation truly a mechanic to behold when applied properly can we really learn to move like this too foreign [Music] we must begin by running forward we must know which direction we plan on turning before we jump when we jump we'll continue to hold W and we'll begin to hold set Direction on the keyboard while we hold this additional direction we get a or D we will smoothly move our Mouse in that direction as well we're holding a we will move to the left and if we're holding D we will move to the right there is a maximum speed at which you can move the mouse before your character fails to follow the air Strait try to develop a comfortable understanding of where this limit is by practicing strafing 180 degree jumps in the range I encourage you to consider binding jump to scroll wheel as it is much easier to time the jump when you land because you can input multiple jumps at once a fun air strafe Bunny Hop to practice for beginners is on hey you'll begin by jumping onto this first ledge and Air strafing 180 degrees back towards the other side now before you can perform your final jump you'll switch to your primary weapon and jump over the window while holding crouched midair so that your legs completely clear the window at full momentum [Music] for intermediate players I recommend you learn how to Bunny Hop back and forth on top of a small box like this one on Haven [Music] additionally there's some nice latches over here on Haven I can let you practice your Technique [Music] thank you [Music] once you've mastered this technique the sky is the limit [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Woohoojin
Views: 1,358,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nm_n2lvHbsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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