How Sentinels REVIVED Tenz in Pro Valorant

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tens and Sentinels have just regained the title as the best in valerent after winning the America's kickoff tournament against loud this is drastically different from where tenens and the rest of his team was just a year ago where Sentinels look to be completely washed so what changed from last year to now that allowed tens to revive his Superstar career and possibly return to his former Peak play while there's a lot of reasons for this one of the biggest comes from a player that wasn't even supposed to be on that stage the vibe Merchant zelus giving 10 is one of the best teammates he's ever had and I'm going to look into why zelus is one of the biggest keys to activating tens and the rest of the team to win these huge games so far this season well also looking at the rest of the Sentinels team as the other changes they've made over the offseason has given tens the best team he has had since his master's rovic run but first make sure you subscribe and notifications on so you don't miss a single video throughout the valerant season as it gets more and more insane you won't want to miss out the season so looking back at the team and run they had in the inaugural America season it wasn't pretty with them finishing in seventh just outside the playoffs after making a late season push after releasing their igl Def and Coach psycho 6 weeks into the season as well as having tens jump in and out of the lineup due to circumstances outside of valerin ultimately it was a season that tens and Sentinels wanted to forget and forget they did as Marv left the team to join NRG while m80's standout igl John QT joined the roster along with him zelus joined the team as a sixth man after leaving Cloud9 where he planed to focus on content while Pata stayed on the team but when Pata couldn't play in the end of the Sentinels Invitational Tournament during the off season zelus played as a standin and it was clear right away celsus needed to stay on the starting roster as he quickly became the emotional core and glue for this team looking for a new identity with him on the team they went on their way to winning their first trophy in over two years against oxygen and with that Sentinels decided to keep with a hot hand where they won the afria TV valerant League against paper Rex to end the off season on top of course we know that with zela's tens and Sentinels have been able to come out of the season on fire winning the America's kickoff event with zelus being the key to why they are able to keep things from spiraling out of control when they're losing and hype up his team to run away with halves like we saw against one of the best teams in the world during the group of death with his perfectly timed pop off moments you can see the morale of the team always being high giving tens and the team The energy they need to close out Maps which is reminiscent of how Sentinels were during their peak in 2021 albeit zelus is naturally less toxic But Not only was zelus a great addition personality-wise for the team but the RO flexibility and skill he brought to the roster was extremely valuable and the reason why they came out of the gates hot this year during the run at the kickoff tournament celsa played four different agents with Viper brim KO and KJ that that's three different roles he could slot into for that team and he not only filled these roles but excelled in each of them with specifically his Viper and Koo looking top class at a 1.13 and a 1.15 rating which was one of the best performances on these agents throughout all the regional kickoff events but zelus isn't the only teammate that has allowed tenens to revive his valerant career another big reason is the change in in-game leadership with JN QT joining the team as last year they started with de then when that didn't work out out they tried marved which worked for a bit but wasn't a permanent fix with m80's John QT as igl it's been clear the difference in prep and protocols they've had in place for the team to fall back on where when things got chaotic late in the rounds JN qt's prepping of the team allowed them to be drilled enough to be confident in what to do next usually leading to them being able to close out these close rounds so much more consistently now another way the arrival of John QT revived Ten's career is that he and the rest of the team helped ten switched to a more comfortable role within the roster as he had a hard time trying to find where he fit in Pro valerent after it was clear he no longer excelled at the dualist entry role Jung QT over the offseason had tens play more and more Omen on a lot of maps in the pool leading to tens both being able to pull off crazy plays with this op flash but since a lot of maps have shifted to a two smoke meta tens can still be aggressive since if he falls early they have another smokes player in either John qt or zelus to keep the team in the round and with Ten's aim it's a safe bet that when he is allowed to play off his own util he can usually get kills leading to leads for his team early that junq can mid round with ease to Victory this change in leadership didn't just help tens but also the rest of the players that stayed with the team over the offseason as Saucy and zein just got better this season which is hard coming from these two who actually played well last season but were poorly used like the rest of the team they both have been able to continue their fragging abilities as Zin has fully taken over the entry role for from tens while still allowing him to op allowing Z and tens to just focus on what they're both best at while Saucy is always a steady hand for the team being able to pick up clutches consistently on an initiator not forcing tens to have to be the best player on the server day in and day out like Sentinels had to rely on ever since winning Masters rovic Instead This well-rounded team allowed each player to just fit into their roles and not try to make hero plays which played them in 2023 and because they have so much talent on this team tens can go for plays like this with without any worry is still alive here and he still wants with the op trying to land the shots missing everything going wide he's out and now John QT shows up and he freaks back in Spike planted P persistent in his approach as he re aggresses and rep Peaks oh my gosh now with the shorty still oh my gosh to stop planing for him it's going to be a 2v5 can demon one pull this off oh can he pull it off an angel of Deliverance is instantly clipp from his wings giving tens the opportunity to return to his previous Glory but before we go into how his stats have changed from last year to now I want to show you a round where each piece we discussed came together to allow tens to feel confident in his game the first being from the NRG game where elimination was on the line for both teams and already in round nine of the first map Sunset it looked to be a hardfought match throughout with the game rais are thin but for Sentinels in reality they had been hanging on by a thread thanks to zin's heroics but it wouldn't last forever as they needed their other Superstar intends to start heating up in the game as he only had three kills so far so JN QT came up with a strategy to both punish a tendency NRG had and give tens an easy kill to start heating up in nrg's previous match against Cloud9 d one had great success on defense with the op as he could pretty much push up as aggressive as he wanted in mid as he would always get the shot off usually gting the first kill and have marved on Omen be able to use this flash to allow demon one to dash back and not be traded s knew this well and came up with a hard punish for this with tens and Saucy Saucy used his dizzy at the very beginning of the round to confirm presence in mid which he could retrieve with ease and have ready to use again quickly and at the same time 10 smokes off mid top isolating the energy players in mid from any support demon one is in a super aggressive opping spot that if tens isn't careful in Jump Peaks he'd be Tak out early but Sentinels are aware of this possibility so they throw the Dizzy to either Force Deon one to back off when they swing or even better blind him if he tries to stay he picks the ladder hoping marved can back him up but marved is too preoccupied by the fear of a push out on tiles which allows demon one to be the first death in this critical early round as tendons picks up an easy kill to Boost's confidence in the game and this is when sentinel's drilling comes into place as instead of Zin continuing to push out aggressively and hope for another kill the team just sits back and resets now with a 5v4 player lead for the real attack with this lead they forc energy off a sight for the plant and their post plant was perfect as after they lost celsus on the flank they played two on site with tens ready to flash at first Contact where he could possibly rake up the kills with his precise aim while the play didn't work perfectly it does delay NRG just enough to allow the remaining Sentinels to be able to just take 1 V one fights then pull back letting the new player win their own fight putting energy out of rhythm as they had to fight from so many different angles and with those kills in round win tenens was brought into the game with his chance for an insane highlight increasing as he got more and more comfortable with him coming through for the team in the biggest moment in the final round of Regulation with this play always pick the right side first trip cleared the dog went all the way around the pillar T does it again but can they counter no t with four second gets the last oh on the cards and with that they were able to win overtime to go up 1 which led to a 2-1 win to qualify for Madrid but how much has the stats really changed from last year to the beginning of this season it's clear there's been a noticeable Improvement in all major aspects of his game all Rising with only his clutch rate being below how he was last year but even that is barely different the most impressive stat is how much he improved his first kill to First death ratio something very impressive for a primarily smokes player matching up to some of his Peak play back in 2021 so with these incredible stats from 10 during the kickoff tournament how do I think Sentinels will do in Masters Madrid well you have to subscribe with notifications on so you don't miss out on my masters Madrid predictions they'll be packed to the brim with brand new stats I've been collecting all throughout the regional tournaments so you don't want to miss out on that
Channel: eSports Andy
Views: 100,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant, valorant tenz, tenz, zellsis, valorant zellsis, sentinels, valorant sentinels, sen vs loud, sen vs nrg, sentinels vs loud, sentinels vs g2, johnqt, johnqt valorant, zekken, zekken valorant, vct, vct americas, vct 2024, valorant analysis, valorant analysis vct, pro valorant analysis, pro valorant, sen vs prx, sen tenz
Id: qFImguDRUsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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