Get INSANE Crosshair Placement! (IN-DEPTH GUIDE) | Valorant

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are you tired of being inconsistent do you want to know the secrets holding you back from reaching a mortal ingredient well have no fear because your favorite radiant cereal is here in this guide i'll go in depth on all the ins and outs of crosshair placement starting with the fundamental concepts like pre-aiming and moving into advanced concepts later in the video such as angle alignment and anti-crosshair placements so be sure to stick around for the whole guide this video is broken down into three main levels beginner intermediate and pro and in each one i'll cover the major aspects of crosshair placement associated with those ranks to help you improve and finally rank up but quickly before i hop into the nitty gritty i'd like to mention that i have partnered with both to give away valerian points to you guys what is buff you may be asking buff is a free app that lets you earn free skins just for simply playing your favorite games such as valorance cs go league of legends and fortnite just have both run in the background while playing and complete some of their easy challenges such as getting headshots or winning rounds buff makes their money straight from subscriptions and advertisements and has no effect on your computer's performance the process of getting skins is so simple and easy there's no reason to not try buff thanks to both i'll be giving away valerian points to five lucky winners all you have to do to enter is to download buff and comments hashtag buff in the comments along with your discord username and i'll be announcing the winners in my discord server linked below so try buff for free using the link in the description and start redeeming your favorite skins today so now that you have all your skin your heart desires let's talk about what exactly is crosshair placement since it's a very common term that people like to throw around a lot essentially crosshair placements is the act of placing your crosshair in such a way that it takes the least amount of time and mouse movement to kill your enemy simply put the goal of crosshair placement is to set up your crosshair in a way that a half disabled grandpa on a wheelchair can hit the shot if he can't then you can definitely improve upon your cross replacement well saro how do i improve my crosshair placement then depending on your rank you will need to prioritize different aspects of crosshair placement which is why i have broken this video into three main levels starting off with the most basic idea which is to keep your crosshair at enemy head level since everyone's mom already knows about this concept i will keep it very brief focusing more on the improvement aspect essentially you should know that aiming at head level equals easy headshots and headshots equals easy kills despite what you tell yourself if you are in these lower ranks i promise you that you aren't always aiming directly at head level if you don't believe me then just simply record a few rounds of your games and your ego will quickly shatter once you realize that you are actually mopping the floor half the time to practice keeping your crosshair at head level i would recommend doing the premise method with the practice bots without moving your crosshair vertically at all you can also practice this in a death match to get used to the different elevations and heights try to look for specific marks on the maps to help you remember where to place your crosshair such as dyson ascent generator midline and pretty much any metal or wooden box found on any map over time you won't need these anymore as your brain will become better at visualizing head elevations but initially i recommend that you are consciously focusing on maintaining this headshot level also a quick tip i know those beautiful skins can be distracting but instead of looking down just use you to drop your current weapon trust me it may save your life and now moving on to the final lowering concept which is learning how to pre-aim properly just like maintaining headshot level pre-aiming is extremely fundamental and is a huge part of having consistent aim the idea is that you place your crosshair relative to the angle that you want to peak so that when you swing out your crosshair is already on the enemy's head if done correctly you will only need to use your keyboard without actively moving your mouse you are basically doing all the aiming before you peak the enemy which in turn will make you significantly more consistent as you will only have to focus on small micro adjustments later on the only time you don't want to be pre-aiming and instead hugging the angle is when you're clearing off angles like shown here the best way to practice is to go either into a death match or a custom game and focus on pre-aiming all the common angles players can be i would also recommend for those starting out to ping the angle before peaking so you can get a better idea of how you will align your crosshair pre-aiming combined with maintaining good headshot level will improve your aim and consistency dramatically allowing you to finally escape out of low elo now let's move on to the intermediate section which should contain most of the gold to diamond players out there specifically we'll be discussing how to anticipate slash predict enemy peaks and how to efficiently cut angles let's start with predicting how the enemy will pick you so in valorum there are three main ways the enemy can pick you one a standard peak where the enemy peaks a short distance and stops when they see you two a wide peak where the enemy runs farther into the open before stopping and three jiggle peak where the enemy peaks very tight while strafing if your crosshair is placed exactly where the enemy will peek all you have to do is react and shoot without needing to move your mouse at all although it seems like it's completely random and impossible to predict how the enemy will peak there is actually a neat way to find out essentially you want to put yourself in the enemy's shoes if you were them how would you pick the angle would you stop to fully clear it or would you skip past the angle as it is enough angle by thinking about it this way you can get an idea of how the enemy will likely pick you so if you're playing a standard angle which is always cleared you should have your crosshair a bit closer to the wall since the enemy will likely stop to clear you on the other hand if you are playing it off angle you can expect the enemy to still be running since they are likely trying to swing the next standard angle suggesting that you should hold your crosshair a bit farther from the wall what about the jiggle peek should i hold my crosshair very tight to kill the enemy most of the time the answer is no because if they are trying to commit to the fight they will likely swing out forcing you to flick and rely on luck when you account for your reaction time the server lag and randomness of the enemy movement holding angles super tight doesn't make any sense the only time i would recommend holding tight angles is if you have an operator as it is far more consistent to land a body shot than a headshot on someone who is jiggle peeking another thing to consider when deciding on how wide to hold an angle is the distance you are from the angle the closer you are to an angle the farther you should place your crosshair from the wall since the enemy is going to be moving faster across your screen on the contrary if you're farther from the wall then you want to be holding your crosshair a little closer since the opponents will run slower across your screen in terms of practice you can try improving your reaction time through third-party benchmarks like but don't expect crazy improvements because your reaction time is largely affected by genetics and the latency of your pc however the benchmark can still be very useful as it gives you an idea of how wide or tight you should hold the angle because if you're getting 500 millisecond reaction time you probably shouldn't be holding your angles like this i also want to mention that you should always hold the side or edge of the smoke astral wall or viper ultimate the enemy likely won't swing out the middle since it exposes them to too many angles instead they will likely peak on the side because it's more safe as it allows them to isolate more angles it's usually a good idea to pre-fire a few bursts just in case someone is holding the other side so try to always use this concept to your advantage and i promise you will start getting a lot more kills when you're holding on a bombsite or playing post land this brings me to my last intermediate concept which is cutting angles once you are comfortable with maintaining headshot level and pre-aiming you want to combine these into a form that allows you to properly clear every angle essentially this is a disciplined version of pre-aiming also known as slicing the pie where you strafe to clear every angle as if someone is there a big mistake i see people making is that they get lazy with pre-aiming and forget to clear all the angles between the angle they are at and the angle they want to hard clear if i just swing out i would have to flick back to the enemy and be exposed to multiple angles at the same time increasing the luck involved instead notice how i'm strafing to clear every angle instead of just swinging out so please don't get lazy and remember to stop after every angle so if someone is actually there all you have to do is react and shoot them the best way to practice this would be to go into a custom game and cut every angle as if you're getting ready to execute onto a site you can also practice cutting angles with the practice box in a range during your warm-up by slicing the angle slowly using this wall although some people suggest that you should practice this in a comp game or a deathmatch i would advise against it as you will quickly forget about it and go back to playing normally if you think about it whenever you are pushing a site you have to worry about the same angles every time by practicing this in a custom game you will quickly develop muscle memory for clearing every angle which will result in you going through the proper motions on autopilot when you're in an actual game finally let's go into the legendary pro section which includes all the secrets you've been dying to know and exactly what's going on in the high elo brain more specifically i'll be focusing on two major topics angle alignment and anti-cross replacement the idea of angle alignment boils down to the idea of lining up your crosshair to hold multiple angles at once as this concept is best explained through examples let's say you're in a 1v1 on bind a site the bomb is planted and you run short many players would hold this position like i'm showing right now but this is completely wrong while holding this position you have to worry about many angles where you can get peaked such as heaven both sides of triple from u-haul and from flank if you're holding left side triple and get peaked from the right side you'll have to rely on flicking to the enemy who's already had their crusher on your head giving them a huge advantage instead in this example you should go to u-haul where you're protected from flank and are able to align your crosshair down the site to cover any way the enemy can pick you if the enemy swings out of either side or triple close sight or showers your crosshair will already be aligned in their head giving you a huge advantage and if it's a 1v2 and the enemy swing you at the same time you'll be able to collat and kill both of them since they are peaking from the same angle think of your crosshair as a straight line which kills anyone passing by if you have to move your line to too many places then you're basing that i'll fight off luck and which angles the enemy will pick you by aligning the angles you're removing luck from the equation giving you significantly more consistent aim and crosshair placement another example is holding mid on breeze instead of holding it like this where you can get peaked from three different angles bottom mid top mid and elbow you should align the bottom mid wall with the close elbow wall which will merge all of these angles into just one now it won't matter which angle the enemy peeks you from because you will have perfect crosshair placement for all three angles there are hundreds of examples on all the maps but instead of going over every single one and making this video five hours long just remember that if you're holding an angle where enemies can pick you from different positions align the angles together to minimize crosshair adjustments by removing a lot of the luck and randomness all you will have left is to react and shoot this brings me to the final point regarding pro crosshair placement which is to abuse anti-crosshair placement the idea of anti-crosshair placement boils down to disturbing your enemy's cross replacement in order to give you a huge advantage when taking 1v1 duels there are two main ways you can accomplish this you can mess up the horizontal crosshair placement through specific peaks or you can mess up their vertical crosshair placement by changing elevations first let's talk about the horizontal aspect so during post plants or any situation really you can bring your opponent's crosshair closer to the wall by jiggling or jump peeking then once your enemy has their crosshair very close to the wall to pre-aim you you can then swing really widely catching them off guard and forcing them to rely on a wide flick this will definitely mess up their crossfire placement and as long as you're pre-aiming the enemy you will have a major advantage here this strategy is really useful in one view on post by situations as you can jiggle to get them off the bomb and then full swing to secure the kill while completely catching them off guard now let's talk about the vertical aspect of anti-cross replacement the idea is similar but it's instead focused on increasing or decreasing your head elevation to mess up the enemy's cross replacement the simplest way to decrease your head elevation is to crouch around the corner such as a new hall as the enemy would have their crosshair way above your head giving you an element of surprise on the opponents some people think that you should never crouch when holding an angle but in reality crouching can give you a big advantage as your opponent will likely be aiming above your head the only major suggestions i have here is to not do this in low elo because the enemies are probably already aiming on your body also don't do this when you're holding an angle far away because the adjustments for the opponent will be very minor and actually puts you in a disadvantage as you are unable to move from the position the other way you can disturb your enemy's vertical crosshair placement is by increasing your head elevation for example when you are pushing long you can jump or up traps on top of this ledge to catch the opponents off guard as they are likely aiming for the swing below you can also do this when you're peeking showers by jumping on top of the wooden boxes giving you a crazy height elevation that your opponents likely aren't aiming at there are many spots like this across all maps but remember that if you're able to play on top of a box or container you should be playing on the very edge so you're able to fall back quickly if you miss your shots just remember to change up your elevation as you peak or hold angles to throw off your opponent's cross replacement the whole goal is to make your shots as easy to land as possible while making your opponent shots as hard to connect as possible keeping your crosshair at head level learning to properly predict enemy peaks practicing cutting angles and developing a strong grasp of advanced concepts like angle alignment and anti-cross replacement will help you be way more consistent and win a lot more duels huge shout outs to everyone who recently boosted my discord server links in the description if you're struggling with bad teammates consider watching my end up guide on the screen if anything i said in this guide was helpful consider subscribing thanks for watching peace
Channel: Sero
Views: 858,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: valorant guide, valorant, valorant tips, Crosshair placement, radiant, crosshair placement valorant, prems method, crosshair placement guide, sero crosshair placement, sero, valorant crosshair placement guide, valorant crosshair, pre aiming, cutting angles, anti crosshair placement, valorant standard angles, valorant slicing the pie, valorant angle advantage, crosshair placement tips, standard angle, valorant angle guide, valorant tips and tricks, how to get better at valorant
Id: 0lKMsdjn6qU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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