The Beauty of Jean Pierre Polnareff

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a host to many great supporting characters in its long 30-year run well except for these two parts though some do end up being more memorable than others it usually depends on the impact the character leaves on the world and one of the most memorable characters in all of Jojo is the Frenchman with passion in his heart and a blade at his hip jean-pierre polnareff [Music] so tarot cards have played an important role in the overall character design and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure especially during Stardust Crusaders not only were characters having their stands named after the tarot cards but the characters themselves would reflect characteristics of the cards meaning and this is made especially clear with polnareff and the chariot Arcana as polnareff himself even points out this connection though before we get into that we should actually understand where the John pierre-paul Neurath name comes from so Araki said into Johnny in volume 16 that when he was designing polnareff's name he knew he wanted the character to be French so he thought of his three favorite Frenchmen about the name jean-pierre polnareff my three favorite French people are Alain Delon jean-paul Belmondo and the singer-songwriter Michel polnareff so I was influenced by their names and back then the first French name that came to mind was Jean Paul so let's break down these three influences on polnareff's name so first is the name Jean which the first name is probably credited to jean-paul Belmondo given that jean-paul was the first name that Araki could think of he kept the Jean part also given the fact that John is such a common name in France but Bal mondo was a big French actor in the 60s 70s and in the 80s and in the 80s Val mondo actually worked closely with the person who inspired the Pierre in polnareff's name that person being alain delon which may sound strange at face value so let me explain you see Delon is best known for working with a director named jean-pierre melville and some people even refer to it alone as definitive MLV lien actor so when you think of Delon you might also find yourself thinking about John Pierre Melville it's a lot like how bruce campbell is very connected to sam raimi in a way that is a more american idea of what i'm talking about now Melville is best known for his works on minimalistic film noir crime dramas some examples being less MRI and less Urkel Rouge and both of these movies starred alone so this is probably the most likely place where Araki got the the Pierre in jean-pierre polnareff as it plays off of his original idea of jean-paul while maintaining its own uniqueness then finally we have michel polnareff michel polnareff is a french singer-songwriter who like the rest of these people were hugely popular in the 60s and the 70s but unlike everyone else they fell off really badly during the 70s only to return to popularity in the 90s so some influence is found on jean pierre polnareff the character from michel polnareff the musician is that Palmer F the musician is well known in his earlier career for experimenting with his styles he wrote songs and genres such as folk rock psychedelic pop pop jazz and just regular rock so he has a very colorful musical career though one of the largest influences I can find on jean-pierre polnareff is the real history of michel polnareff you see both the character and the musician suffer from a sudden loss of a close family member michel polnareff loses his mother where Jean Pierre polnareff loses his sister both of these losses found the two leaving France in search of something to ease their suffering michel polnareff went to America where Jean Pierre was hunting down Jay Kyle and then lastly a small connection but one that has Jojo mirror reality both Jean Pierre polnareff and michel polnareff returned home to france on the same year that year being 1989 with both of them overcoming their hardships then in the late 90s specifically 1998 polnareff the singer-songwriter would return to popularity as some of his old songs were being picked up and used as themes for other things specifically we will all go to paradise a song that was used by restaurants to cure which is a charity which provides the needy with the essentials they need for life such as a warm meal and a place to stay this is also reflected by a rocky in the exact same year night bringing polnareff back into the main story of part 5 as the debuts in August of 1998 he as a character is used to deliver the protagonists the tools they need to defeat Diavolo he is bringing something to the needy so polnareff the musician has a long-lasting effect on Poehler after the character another thing that impact of the character of polnareff was his chariot tarot card Palmer F was assigned the Cherry either by his own accord or by do india was acting as a fortune-teller either way the card which polnareff represents early on is the reverse chariot tarot the reverse chariot describes a person who has lost control of their life and feels themselves guided by an external force they are also prone to horrible rash decision making and they are overfilled with confidence in the case of polnareff the external force that is pushing polnareff down the path that he's going is do and jay guile they control polnareff's decisions through most of the early half of Stardust Crusaders and even after Joe Darrow and his crew cure Palmer half of his brainwashing he's still the reverse chariot because his Reformation wasn't purely on his own choice but based on his duty to the Crusaders and he still has the external force of Jay Kyle guiding him this is seen in polnareff's behavior during the devil fight the repeatedly falling victim to his enemies traps and only coming out on top based on pure luck then as the real force that guides him appears again he makes an irrational decision to leave the Crusaders in search of Jay Kyle on his own this action to abandon the Crusaders appears to cost polnareff his friend Abdo life though after all survives because [ __ ] but in the loss of polnareff's friends he finds himself taking control over his life back this realization that the Crusaders is where he belongs gives him purpose enough to allow kaki to help him as they overcome Jay Kyle and this triumph he's able to take his reverse chariot and turn it back to an upright chariot as the upright chariot represents conquest victory and overcoming the opposition through your own confidence and control he fully takes control of his life back from Jay Kyle and from do he then takes this upright chariot with him throughout all of part 3 and into his character and personality in part 5 because you see part 5 is a whole new tarot reading compared to part 3 because of this when the upright chariot appears again the chariot carries new meaning this new meaning says that the person should tread cautiously and utilize any newly acquired power or discipline with care yada-yada great power great responsibilities the chariot also mentions imparting a great balance to the world this could easily be seen as polnareff being in possession of the special arrow this arrow being the one that creates requiems is the power that polnareff needs to handle with care' and then having to bestow this information and this arrow on to pacion is what creates a balance between passion and Diavolo though if there was ever a moment when polnareff was coming close to turning from the upright back to the reverse it was during the judgment fight polnareff makes a deal with a gin or the judgment stand to bring people back from the dead in doing this planner F is unable to handle the consequences of his decision and these consequences begin to physically damage polnareff he slowly begins to tilt back into the reverse again until the real abdill returns and makes polnareff realize he doesn't need to live a life filled with regrets this fully cements polnareff's placement as the upright chariot and this is why of all the events and fights in part three the one that polnareff remembers as his body dies in part five is the judgment as it was such a major memory for him another interesting detail about the chariot Arcana is that it is sometimes referred to as the victory Arcana in this version of the card it depicts a picture of the arc angel Samael whose name literally means P who sees God gem al also assists people in finding strength and courage to face adversity when it seems they have none left these two factors play into major moments for polnareff as a character during the two parts that he appears in the first being him encountering Theo before everyone else in the mansion this makes polnareff the one who sees God as do literally means God in Italian this scene also is important as it paints do has a very powerful being such as a god and shows off to the reader his ability for the first time we also get the stands name and its design then you have sharm IL assisting people in their time of need which is polnareff's purpose and part 5 which is why these two major scenes for polar app actually mirror each other as you see they are both scenes involving palma wrath a main villain and a stairway in fact they almost look exactly the same if you put them next to each other and just swap the two characters but ER differences in power between Paul Nura and part three in polnareff in part five speaking of polnareff's purpose during parts let's discuss his use in both Stardust Crusaders and golden wind Araki disguised polnareff's use in part three as when you think about characters who grew the most on their journey to defeat do the first one who comes to mind is polnareff he went from a lone wolf who only cared about getting revenge for his sister to one of the allies who supported the Joestar group to the end it was a lot of fun to draw his growth through his stand battles and on his way to Egypt for better or for worse pull raps lines always stand out so the readers may think he gets a lot of screen time Jotaro was the main character and of course joseph is the navigator Palmer F was the best answer I could come up with for a personality and visual appearance that would be able to stand uniquely apart from those two he makes up for what the two joestar's can't do so in a sense polnareff was being written as more of a main character than the rest of the supporting cast Araki would always struggle also with whether or not he would kill polnareff off he always threw him at do-or-die situations as you see with most stand fights which is what plays into him being one of the three survivors he was the silly foil to Joe DeRosa motionless appearance and also the serious side to Joseph's scoopy antics he was the perfect middle ground for a character this is why like the other two survivors of the crusade polnareff goes on to be a mentor to a new crew Joseph was the mentor to the Crusaders Joe duro became the mentor to the morio Joe boys polnareff became the mentor to the pacion gangsters he also becomes their second-in-command because two is too close to four now design-wise I feel polnareff is very simple he dresses for combat and nothing more though the most noticeable detail about him is his earrings which is a broken heart which symbolizes the burden he bears from the death of his sisters and possibly later on the death of his friends then you have his hair which Araki claims to be inspired by an earlier character of von Stroheim and he only kept it around due to how imposing an iconic it looked when the character was just a silhouette he also pointed out that it was also fun to draw which is one of the reasons why he used polar apps so often though these design ideas can also be seen in another character who I feel greatly inspired the whole character of John pierre-paul wrath and that being Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride now looking at both of these characters you'll notice that they have very similar ideas in their design and their use in their story as you see an egos design isn't that overly complex or fancy compared to characters like the Dread Pirate Roberts or the six-fingered man these designs have a silliness aspect to them as well as an egos long hair and mustache makes him appear as goofy as polnareff with his ridiculously high standing hair then you also have both of these characters are very skilled swordsman and they both implement some sort of misdirect in their first battle where polnareff reveals that silver chariot armor is removable and makes it faster and also mid fight when an ego reveals that he's fighting with his offhand the entire time then you have both characters turning from enemy to ally this is very simple and done a lot in a lot of stories but they're also both looking for a man with a deformed hand you see Annie goes looking for the man with six fingers on his right hand that killed his father where polnareff is looking for a man with two right hands that killed his sister when they meet this deformed man they chase after them desperately and when they finally catch them they become a victim of a thrown dagger though this dagger is ineffective and polnareff and an ego bolt call out dramatically their reason and intent for vengeance before killing their rivals [Music] they also after that point take on more fancy identities with an ego becoming the Dread Pirate Roberts and polnareff becoming the guardian of the arrow fun little fact a character named Pierre actually takes up the title of dread pirate after Wesley instead of an ego so in the movie it's an ego and in the book it's a character named Pierre I just thought that me that's be fun to mention because of the obvious Jean Pierre polnareff polnareff is one of the best supporting characters in the whole of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure if not the best he had a perfect blend of humor seriousness and love ability and his stands are a whole video in and of himself and yes I said stands that's a that's a whole different topic but if you enjoyed this video and want to see more videos like it in the future please head on over to my patreon at slash many not the bad guy three dollars or more gives you the ability to vote in the monthly it just works pull which is a pull for the next it just works that I will do monthly I have like specific characters up there so if you want to vote for one that you want then head on over there and do it there and if you are on a quest to find your own six-fingered man I heard that you can find their location at fun dimension com select show slash demon and are born with a console forgery joke doesn't exist or in Amazon com what's even end up boring or lugar jokes doesn't exist any by DVD and it comes it's like a matte it's like leave a little you literally open up some app it's like this your six finger man you can go get him you don't even have to train you just go get him throw copies of shimoneta and buy like a hundred and just throw them that's your new weapon it's my stand
Channel: Meti『Not The Bad Guy』
Views: 591,342
Rating: 4.9202852 out of 5
Keywords: The Beauty of Jean Pierre Polnareff, Silver Chariot, SC, Stardust Crusaders, Part 3, JOJO, JoJo, jjba, JJBA, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Polnareff, Analysis, Polnareff Analysis, Polneraff, JJBA Part 3
Id: -vFzehiu7cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2017
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