Tenderizing a steak with sour cream! Searing with Mayo? Taste?

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[Music] all right welcome back guys so today with testing a theory or putting sour cream [Music] watch these videos on cook both steaks two different ways one in the sous-vide for an hour-and-a-half and 129 degrees what's gonna give us that perfect man we're never gonna finish it on the skillet get a good sear on both sides eat it up the second steak which is my wife Stacy she doesn't want to wait so we're gonna cook that right away mid-round owner will actually see probably want some more coastal well done I've done no pink all right yes I see more stuff with no pink which I don't understand but it's okay we're gonna clean her up seasoned it put it on a scale it get a great sear on it and finished it on for sticking of and based off how thick it is we may not will see as we take the temperature on it all right so something else we're gonna do as well we're gonna take mayonnaise mayonnaise we're gonna cover our steak with mayonnaise on both sides not a lot just a little thin layer on both sides now I came around the word but it creates some kind of effect that makes the skin I mean get nice and crisp you won't taste the mayonnaise at all just like you want taste the sour cream because it's gonna be cleaned off this is an onion left phone a thin thin layer to see how much of a beautiful crust we can get on these steaks check it out [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys got a bag that conceals me seasoned other steak ready for the mayonnaise soviets it is ready not 29 and a half [Applause] enough water I made it put a little bit more water in there [Music] all right guys the means they listen for about 10 minutes limits falling apart as I try to grab it pull over to the side so I'm gonna try to be quick all right all right has no sound over there ready [Music] [Music] all right says it's done let's check out the bank put on a table patted dry and get ready to see it here we go Oh hot pan steak already cooked and the sous vide we're just getting a good sear with the Mayo on both sides look how its falling apart guys we're gonna try to get this Oh I'm going to attempt to flip this all right guys the steak looks wonderful smells amazing looking for a perfect mid-rare gonna cut into it taste it and give you a review on what it tastes like do we taste the Mayo do we take some sour cream would just give you an overall reveal what the steak is like so check it out it was falling apart as I was on that really see what we think dude I think my wife's not gonna try she wanna be the video definitely more tender it was falling apart when I am was trying to flip it you'll see it in a video but my goodness this is very tender the fat man running down so much to where she's like melting very good so I'm going to enjoy the rest of the steak man listen leave a comment down below on what you want to see next which woman to try today I tried sour cream and mayonnaise I'm willing to try anything to enjoy some good healthy food the food is amazing done tastes like sour pain then tastes like Mayo tastes like a really really good steak thank you guys for watching and tuning in like subscribe down below leave a comment thank you [Music] you
Channel: Chef D-Way
Views: 7,083
Rating: 4.8850574 out of 5
Keywords: Sousvide steak sour cream mayo, steak, medium rare, sour cream and steak, mayo and steak, tenderizer, crispy steak, seasoning steak, sosvide, perfect temperature steak, pan searing ribeye steak, cheap steak, how to tenderize a cheap steak, tenderize ribeye, sour cream steak, How to tenderize a steak, How to tenderize a ribeye
Id: U4PiwcCxVGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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