Will COKE and Pineapple ACID Disintegrate Meat?

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in today's video we're going to try submerging steak in three different substances to see which one breaks it down the most [Applause] we have steak again we have steak again which is a good day for me what's the time I'm pretty much always excited about that we have some non steak stuff with us as well we do most of this is edible most most is edible here's the basic idea we've got some hydrochloric acid we have a pineapple and we've got some coca-cola we're going to submerge a large steak in each of these substances let them sit over the weekend and we're gonna see which one has dissolved the steak the most all right guys here is what we're thinking you may have seen that you can use pineapple to tenderize meat it may be partly because it's acidic but mostly it's because pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain which breaks down the meat fibers and everything holding a steak or similar together and we want to try hitting that the pineapple versus a couple other things that may have a bit of a reputation for being able to dissolve meat so this is Neri otic acid also hydrochloric acid it has the same basic ingredient as stomach acid that's right muriatic acid is a diluted form of hydrochloric acid and that's basically what we've got going on in our stomach to dissolve food I'm pretty sure that even this diluted form is stronger than what we have in our stomach test of it but either way it's it's an acid and it's dissolving food sometimes in our stomach so we want to see what it does concentrate it just stake in a container full of hydrochloric acid what's it gonna do and we have coca-cola coca-cola of course has urban myths and legends and old wives tales about how bad coke is for you and whether it can dissolve you from the inside and I think that there's been plenty of what decades bordering on centuries of testing at this point that well it may not be great for you it's also not just gonna dissolve you but we're gonna do a more concentrated test and once again submerge a stake in coca-cola let it run over the weekend and see what it does I don't think we can just put the pineapple on the steak directly we want to get that bromo lean out into the open so we're going to blend our pineapple up cut the tops off but I've recently learned that even the rind of a pineapple supposed to have some of this enzyme in it so we're going to just cut the top off and then cut our pineapple into probably quarters and run it into a blender and turn it into pulp we have a strong enough blender it should work just fine [Music] there we go nice all right pineapple slurry that looks actually that looks like spicy mustard but it's not not even close get some of that in there take our steak that is quite a steak Wow yeah make sure some under it and then we're just gonna cover it up make sure there's lots of it okay that is one well covered next up we're gonna take this stay here fit into this glass container watch it slump a little bit like that and then we're going to fill coca-cola until it's well past the height of a steak we want to make sure that there's plenty in here this one we are going to coat muriatic acid giving off fumes almost immediately that fake is already very discolored that should keep too many fumes from getting out but if there's any sort of pressure it's not gonna hold it in its foil alright now we're gonna find places to keep these over the weekend wow it's been a weekend my goodness these are disgusting this this looks vile okay so again coca-cola blended pineapple muriatic acid and I do want to address what's happened to our muriatic acid container over the weekend we got back into the studio in the fumes themselves ate through the aluminum it's pretty impressive well let's see if we can take them out through that pineapple smells good there's a chance that it's dissolved so much that we won't give it cohesive steak but we'll try and we can rinse them off set them out to dry here so I'm actually just gonna pour out all of this sludge into the sink and then see what the steak looks like as well I'm gonna start mixing up some baking soda to try and attempt to get our steak out of the mere attic out of here trying to get all that coca-cola residue off of the meat this does feel really really soft like I'm trying to hold it together right now but in a minute we'll do a test to see how easily it comes apart Hung's not very compatible with that jar Oh No well that looks like about the consistency of roast beef all right here's our steak from the pineapple sludge oh boy I'm trying to pour off the acid but quite a bit of the steak is coming with it too while I'm rinsing this pineapple off like some of the fat cap is just rubbing away in my fingers pieces of steak may decide to be a part of this experiment so about mistakenly muriatic acid you know what's weird about it is it looks cooked like the color of it is cooked meat it doesn't look raw so if you look at the one that was in the acid like gently running water was tearing this apart this has the consistency of something that's been cooking in a slow cooker for two days which is far too long for or steak that was in your stomach for two days probably so you know normally with a roast beef like you can tear this direction fairly easily but this stuff you can tear this direction almost as easily so I think we have a clear winner as to which one dissolves the steak the most very obviously the acid did that but now we have our pineapple which is got the bromelain enzyme as a tenderizer and we have coca-cola which one do you think is softer I've handled both of them gently and they both seem very soft so just because I've seen what the bromine will do I think that our pineapple steak is going to be softer but I don't know I haven't handled visa coca-cola one at all I'm gonna take this dinner knife not sharp at all and I'm going to see if I can just cut right down through our pineapple steak here go for it it's got some reason there's some texture still there it's not slicing through at least not after the first like quarter-inch I am still able to cut it with a knife it is still a steak that like there's still inside still looks like actually looks like a pretty good steak - yeah all right similar tests on the coca-cola oh it's it's squishy about the same ok again that looks like a pretty good steak on the inside throw some salt on get some some pot oil in a pan and fry them up a little bit and see what kind of result we get I gotta say just by like poking it these feel just incredibly tender they do not look like a good state like even just when I flipped it over I was like normally there's like a nice Brown yeah this was like these are leech stray and black and white that is still that's raw oh that's still cold on the inside whoops can you cut several slices off finish those up in the frying pan and then we'll try them well now at least we have something that looks pretty delicious the inside of this is looking like now there we go a little bit of pink still steak tenderize by pulverized blended pineapple for 72 hours cooked in oil on the stove hmm extraordinarily tender very little flavor that is the tenderness level of an expensive filet mignon super easy to chew through yeah that sort of fell apart my mouth however the first flavor that hit me was sour hmm I might not have rinsed off all of the pineapple for me the flavor is like roast beef maybe like mediocre roast beef and salt from the crust that we put on it it's almost like like you did fall apart my mouth but it almost felt almost sandy coz like because it like becomes like a little tiny grits almost and it's very interesting but yeah it like you can like you don't need your teeth for that no so honestly a filet mignon doesn't normally have a lot of fat in it and not a ton of the flavor comes through because of that I would say that's actually a decent well I didn't get any sour in mine but I would say what I had was a decent approximation of flaming yon not a super strong beef flavor but crazy tender really easy to chew we blended the rind as well so it's not like a mmm springy acidic it's more like plant yeah that's a mistake that wasn't supposed to be there weird let's try the coca-cola one think any of the flavor came through in this don't find out that tasted like coca-cola right there absolutely definitely got some Cola flavor in that bite the texture it's held together just a little bit so there are like the fibery texture that you want in steak that you expect but it's like a very very soft steak so the texture is actually phenomenally if you got this at a restaurant this text you'll be thrilled yep that's fantastic it tastes like coca-cola there's like no beef flavor coming through and there's Coca Cola flavor coming through and I don't like Cola so to me that's not a good thing all right cameraman gets to try some pineapple pineapple maybe too soft on that one like it really doesn't have any steak chew to of whatsoever he oughta mean that kind of falls apart whereas this one I really got a lot of coke flavor in it which to me isn't a good thing I love code video do you like it in your meat yep I actually really liked a coca-cola one I mean if you were able to keep a little bit more flavor maybe 24 hours instead of 72 hours I think that would be fantastic I'm shocked so muriatic acid dissolved like it was gonna sell together in the container we couldn't physically get it out of the container without a just shredding to bits pineapple versus coke okay so it sounds like you liked the coca-cola one a lot better I get honestly the texture for me when it comes to steak is a lot to do with it the texture on our pineapple steak is really throwing me off just because of how easily it falls apart like it is really really soft and has know very little fiber holder yeah I think the pineapple also stripped more flavor I was thinking the coked at first I've changed my mind the pineapple pulled more flavor out mm-hmm and the coke pulled a lot of flavor out but even though I don't really like the coke flavor it's a flavor and so the pineapple is just like bland with salt the cola is like land cola with salt but like a little bit of the beef flavor still would you recommend that somebody do this with their steak if they have bad teeth and love coca-cola then sure I guess I think if you added something else maybe honestly this might sound strange but if you added a little bit of like garlic too-hoo your coke and then marinate it in that I think it would actually darling salt and pepper in with the Cobras ala marinade Oh like that yep maybe you can get something good maybe not for 72 hours guys mmm Cameron eight guys that's it for today but you know we always have more for you to see click that box up to the top to check out our most recent video and we'll see you in the next one talk to you then [Music] you
Channel: TKOR
Views: 1,490,238
Rating: 4.8619199 out of 5
Keywords: acids, pineapple acid, how dangerous is pineapple acid, how dangerous is coke acid, how strong is muriatic acid, how strong is stomach acid, meat vs acid, how to breakdown meat, marinating steak, best marinades for steak, bromelain, how does bromelain work, pineapple juice benefits, best way to tenderize steak, steak tenderizer, acids and bases, marinating steak in coke, how strong is pineapple, random happens, tkor, grant thompson, nate, calli
Id: On2GM76QlJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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