Teller Reacts to my 1st Fool Us Appearance - TELLER SPEAKS

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Great video.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Mex5150 📅︎︎ Jul 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

I always love hearing Teller talk, not just because of his silent act, but because he is always so kind, friendly, and uplifting when he speaks. Seriously If you ever get to see Penn and Teller Live, go talk to Teller after the crowd dies down (or gathers around Penn). Its really the perfect way to end one of their shows, hanging out for an hour or two after the show just talking with him.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SyntheticBunny 📅︎︎ Jul 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

I have never heard Teller speak before... I kinda knew he did speak but I was never sure lol

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/iveo83 📅︎︎ Jul 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

I liked the trick but I thought the frame part seemed tacked on. Maybe he needs time to generate/get the photo made. But could I do this? HELL NO

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/U-GO-GURL- 📅︎︎ Jul 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
at 19 you're not supposed to be able to do that you can see what the expression on my face is no my face is damn well hello everyone Kevin Lee here I'm with the infamous mr. teller right now so we are about to do something I never thought was possible we are gonna actually take a revisit at my Penn & Teller fullest performance the first time around so you ready I am I'll be I'll be happy to see it again because I've seen a lot of magic since then he sure has well let's get right today my parents are traditional Asian parents they came to America wanting a better future for their children and when I got into magic they were pretty worried because they wanted their son to have a very stable job and future applying for college my father recommend I'm gonna pause it right here because I think that this is something worth mentioning so this was my sophomore year of college Wow I know I was going through Business School I was figuring out like what it is exactly I wanted to do so I mean coming from a very traditional family I'm sure you're aware that like they want us to do something financially stable right and something like magic is hasn't been seen like that in my family at least so as the first person doing entertainment like this was super nerve-wracking for them but I think after this one and after my second appearance you know that was the reason that led to them to really believe me so I'm gratified to hear that thank you but my parents my parents just always supported anything that I wanted to do right and I was a I was a school teacher for six years and I told them I told them what I think I thought I might be able to do this full-time and they said so how are you what's your backup plan yeah I said well I'm taking a year's leave of absence from teaching mm-hmm and if I should if I should be starving in an alley a year I can go back to teaching again that sounds fine yeah I guess it was probably that September mm-hmm when I was sleeping late yeah and all the people who were school teachers were up at 6 o'clock in the morning yeah their car and the freezing cold drawn and marked test papers I began to think I gotta make this work or else I'm gonna fry yeah yeah that's true well recommended business because he was also a business major and it turned out to be probably one of the best decisions of my life in my startup company the magic fits perfectly with networking with people and connecting with them I really want to live life doing what I love what I'm passionate about and magic is just that [Music] [Applause] experiences how many do you actually remember how many do you want to remember to make sure I remember everything worthwhile about a year ago I challenged myself to take one instant photo every just say yeah that is great no I mean you're you're already you you're already taking an idea mm-hmm and the finding the magical analog for it yeah you know at 19 you're not supposed to be able to do with I don't think I was aware of what you just said that I just kind of want to put together a story and intro but yeah but now-now you already have me thinking about freezing moments in my life you know and so I mean I I do remember this this moment yeah with me saying oh I like this guy because so many people come in to do you know just they just do a trick that has no that has no layering - yeah yeah okay back to them to watch it every single week of my most favorite memory I would then attach the photo to a playing card something I always have on me a deck has 52 cards just like a year has 52 weeks can we look at photos it takes us back to that moment in time and we almost feel what we felt then this was my birthday celebration with a few of my closest friends just looking at this photo right now brings me back I feel like I'm there right now I hear all the sounds let's see oh this was taken after a 5k race and it was my personal record wait is that a that's a photo bomber right there I know what we can do we can just take that photo bomber right it's pretty good okay yeah another thing you're doing this is that just already shows us that you're a great composer of magic which is you realize that the texture of something has to remain fascinating and compelling yeah throughout the throughout the throughout the experience mmm so you don't just go well here's my punchline right you know you're tonus you're taking this on the way a little trip and this took a long time to like film that polar photo cuz goes oh of course yeah as you can imagine but I think it can look a lot better if my hair wasn't so out of place so watch my hair not here here if we get a small breeze like this [Music] my hair is now back into place [Music] and that looks really good hashtag no filter ah here you go my brand-new record player I love listening to its music but I also enjoy watching the vinyl spin round and around when it spins that's when the music starts your team built this Soviet law sometimes we want to relive our memories beneath the last longer [Music] [Applause] [Music] this moment I have at all of you right now [Music] [Music] so I'm gonna stop it right here because this was because of so much inspiration from you from invisible thread like we talked about and I love that you literally created a story where you saved the world with invisible thread it was all but it was based on a short story but yeah oh wow that's in its in cruel tricks for dear friends okay and we we adapted it for the for the moon but yeah was that was all about our love of al flosso magic shop okay all those years are those oldest crusty old man's right these guys you know they'll sell you nothing in in Philadelphia the the one was Chanin okay Shannon Shannon Jack Chan and who was I think Russian but had a sort of exotic look about him right which would sell absolutely anything when my mother came in to buy a trick for her six-year-old child okay he did the cups and balls for her and then sold her the cups and the ball with a very simple routine rather pom-poms in one extra ball love it but I he I think he just used to go to junk shops and ya know pick up anything that looked exotic and then he would do great magic but yeah that's what it's about you can sell anything yes [Music] my hands are shaking fine with me like at any moment something's just gonna come [Music] this is my favorite part [Music] the moment with all of you here brings my conception [Music] yeah you can see what the expression on my face is first to my face is damn I wish I wish I didn't have a pretty clear idea what the method was because this is such a good regime thank you you know yeah it's something that I worked on with shenlin oh did you so this was back in like 2060 and I'm like I had this weird idea of just ripping it off and combining it combining two main plots of magic TNR and like levitation so put that together i Skype with and then he's like okay this is something interesting so we put that on the magic market and I audition with that so and it's a beautiful yeah and it's also a great calling card for you because of the way you can compose the story right you know and that's that's very rare it's all about the context for me I mean it's what you say to make people care about it and you know you can do a TNR straight up and it'll be pretty good but if you don't add some meaning to it make people really get invested emotion wise into it then I mean you know this more than anyone like that's how you make people feel something yeah I I know I I rarely think about making other people feel something I I think mostly about how to make myself feel so I know it's true though I do I do i I work I work I think of course you you you were thinking about them right but you're thinking about them as you as you you want to believe them I want to I want to be there in the audience seeing this thing that's inside in my head absolutely and I'll lounge a little did you guys that'll feel a little - Larry - shot how it works it's it's crazy doing magic full-time right now it's you have let me say if you can do that you won the game you know you know I I considered that the first year when I was just a street performing and making very little money right but I was making enough to sustain myself mhm I just thought okay yeah you know if you could you can live off of what you love to do okay you never work a day in your life technically yeah what else is what else was there to strive for so I mean when they were playing 110 seat theaters I thought okay I can do this for the rest of my life right I will be delighted you know it was only by chance that we were you know we were to take them to New York and we did the off-broadway show and for some reason it happened to be the right thing at the right time you don't know what's going to be the right time readiness meets opportunity as I said but also by that time Penn and I had worked together for 10 years so in a minute when you know if you get that getting that level of notice when you've only been in business for two years you know well that's what destroys all the young rock bands right because they don't know how to deal with that kind of attention but but we did you know and this I think if we hadn't had that ten years be honest we would we would have broken up right we were to split up so I mean look is a great deal yeah really you know being ready the readiness is always yeah how it says it is well well do you have any advice for you know young people that are trying to make major decisions in their lives right now we're trying to figure it out kind of like me right now but I would say they they really value a financial stability but they also highly value that mental health like you know being happy doing what you love yes I do have one piece of advice keep your overhead low I mean I realize that sounds a bit crass but if you have an expensive lifestyle if you have let's say you have a family yeah it makes it a lot harder just to jump off the ledge value what you want to do because then you have you know if you have two children who are depending on your income being regular if you have a year in which as was true in 1979 1980 you know 1981 we had a tremendous crash where we ended a show that was very successful we produced a show that was a catastrophe we lost every penny on that show we got kind of like depressed and went back to doing street performing and of rethinking your life a bit huh yeah somewhat I mean mostly just trying to pull our egos back from them from the break yeah no we've been we've been working together for six years and everything had been increasingly successful it was a terrible crash know if we had had families at that boy Ryan who knows maybe I would have gone back to teaching you know I mean but I didn't because I didn't have that keep your overhead low sounds like a silly piece of advice but it's true if if all you're doing is buying food and paying for your apartment yeah you can do that on a pillow that's very true well seeing a lot of magic on social media now on the internet like randomly on YouTube we'll see a lot of Penn & Teller coolest videos and it's a beautiful thing you just go on binges all my friends are the same like strangers I mean you see one video and the next and the next and what are your thoughts on like this next style of generation of magic I guess like social media magicians quote unquote I don't know yet right still kind of new it is kind of new it's certainly a different form from anything that we've had before it basically it started with David Blaine yeah and you know you have to give David Glenn credit for inventing a whole form of entertainment in magic and focusing on it has an event off of the stage is very very interesting around you know the thing that is so striking about magic is that magic is the ultimate live you know you can watch it on TV you can watch it on film on videos and feel the same it doesn't feel the same as I'm there in person so I I feel like magicians will always be able to to survive right in the in the face of the TV film and all that you know because where you can you can listen to a recording of a band yeah and you get a lot of what the band is about definitely but when you watch a magician on TV versus watching that experience when it's right there with your realize there's just no comparison splen a ssin for it it's just no there's no comparison with the visceral impact yes because magic is about this collision between what you see and what you know yeah and to be there in a room with it happen in Vegas is there's no way to compete with that experience you know on TV although I'm very I'm full of admiration for all business who are doing cool stuff I've been doing social media magic for like a year or two now and the change in the pattern of like magic in person like you just talked about - magic on social media you've got it like hook people within three seconds visual magic and it kind of takes away that layer of emotion no way so you just gotta go like straight for the trick and I think that my sutures it definitely changes that outlook of magic it's this new style of magic it's not it's not the same it's not the same but remember in the back in the old days there were people like Horace golden no Horace golden his whole thing was doing everything very fast and flashy as fast as possible okay I mean there wasn't I wouldn't say I had a deep emotional connection to Horace golden right I mean he you know he'd come out he'd drag out a couple of rabbits he throw them in a box tear the box and it was just this frantic thread throughout everything after the old boom yeah yeah so he wasn't really taking advantage of what would you know about any obviously even true even tonight just spending that moment now with the audience to to to begin they're not gonna run out the room in you know it's really in the first yeah whereas on on video they go ahead they'll click away anyway well our video recording kind of ended prematurely but it was an honor to talk with you tell her that was such beautiful real talks right here check out masterclass thanks for watching after closing the Penn & Teller show back in late 2019 I asked teller afterwards if you can just share some thoughts on my first performance to my surprise he then said what if we just watch it together most of you have probably never heard tell her speak I'm still shocked myself I hope you all enjoy the insight that teller gave and the chat afterwards if you're new to my channel welcome I post magic unlike any other performances tutorials and surprise videos just like this one so hit that subscribe button if you haven't already so you're always up to date with when I post also it would mean a lot to me if you shared this video with their friends and family because I am confident they will learn a lot from this thanks again for watching and always remember to share meaning in what you do peace [Music]
Channel: Kevin Li
Views: 1,195,013
Rating: 4.9305539 out of 5
Keywords: magic, magician, FOOL US, fool us, fool us kevin li, teller speaks, teller magic voice, teller talks, kevin li fool us, teller talking, Kevin Li Fool Us, kevin li teller magic, teller, fool us talking, magic tricks
Id: CVnu3L_5klA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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