Teenage comedian destroys heckler and crowd loses it! (2:20)

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I know imagine not being worthy to move into Worthington imagine doing an act on Thursday night that everybody votes in and thinks is really good and then imagine the principal cutting part of the Act about 30 seconds before the show starts so I'd like to introduce Luke mains [Applause] should I bow now [Applause] hey guys how's everyone doing today you got out of class you're welcome as I guessed a lot of you know my name is Luke Maness and I would like to reiterate that I am going to be doing some stand-up today so for the first time all of this performance you're allowed to openly laugh among the acts up here without getting judgy looks for the other thing anyways I am a new student I moved here in the summer from West Virginia to Ohio [Music] [Applause] a little more than I thought more but you know I moved here and I got the transition from West Virginia to Ohio it was going to be a bit easier because West Virginia Ohio are very similar you know in a lot of ways West Virginia it's just like curvy Ohio and that's why I thought the transition would be easier and in a lot of ways it was until I got worthiness for instance it was very hard for my family night to find a house in Worthington because Worthington real estate is such a competitive market thank you again but it's a very repetitive work because as soon as a house get to put up on the market it gets seized the very same day because so many people want to live in Worthington for some reason listen man listen listen listen I know I know I know you don't like you don't have the best before I got a thing going on with your mom [Applause] [Applause] before you say something like that again [Applause] I had a lot more to the act I had a lot more but it was just a little bit too edgy I think Scully mr. Scully addressed that a little bit earlier so we are sadly going to have to cut back short but before I do so I just have to tell you that I am contractually obligated to tell you that none of my jokes reflect the t wh s administration or any affiliates of the cartogram respect women others and wear your seat belts [Applause]
Channel: 9 Plus Us
Views: 5,974,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Teenage, comedian, heckler, mic drop, legendary
Id: epy84jx9lmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 8sec (248 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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