TED Service | Feb.9th, 2020 1st Service

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[Music] ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha that is manifest in his beretta a collaborative our asada I see in the rains of manner I address your situations a camera I am exotica Tanana and aha I don't do try an arrow ha ha ha ha ha [Music] sockappellas protego token a katissa we asked you please don't get Diana Paul are taken my apostle assist with the believers we say that you should stand with me in prayer for the supply of the spirit sakyo pietà a men ought always to pray and not to faint go ahead dolphins like ooo Sebata dolphins Embraer LeBron Deborah celebrity' we know our beloved brother Ephrathah who'll oppose who is a minister that I've gone before hula balls fervently in preyas the Cabana separated by yatta declare this drought this year I am given to pray aza I am given to pray aza I am giving to pray us I received his spirit of supplication mingott okay Deborah Deborah Sebata I will pray for all senses I will pray for my man of God I Kato kappa yatta sita panda bear Asuka tele blood I will propose an individual a candy bar Azusa Radhika Talib allah i will break ins and indeed the program will have pars reticulata I will pray for all cells nikos esse subrata begin to declare a cap and OCAC sobriety as we go out of prison ward declare this money that if I have a Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the father of glory will give unto your yo-yo your disciples the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of the spirit that have seemed so restrictive in to us in Redemption that in eyes of your understanding will be enlightened me Kappa Rosie Britt that they will receive illumination that they will receive clarity they kebaya declare that in their minds that the burden of ignorance is lifted declare capone Asiata that the body knows abaya of india Liza piccata is destroyed couple days my Appa by my Bridget they will come to a place to understand what is the hope of the Kalina they will come to a place to understand what he is sitting witness of his power to us-ward who believe the working of his mighty power which he wrought in great resources when he raised him from the dead and sent him papaya and his own right hand Farah both principalities and powers far above the million Empire a Casablanca Baja Sayaka Barbarossa [Music] [Music] ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Blackie's lackeys aha they glared through my bridge in ER as I haven't Eliza there will be wholeness in Bauchi sauce grandiose Katella bra [Music] ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha mnemonic Atelier de personaje a kookaburra super ah ha ha ha I finally could find a face ha ha ha Barroso Brenda Beata I do not find us wonderful certainly ha ha ha ha I do know restless wound up BCSC caponata I know that there is a reward Nika Barroso blender ha ha ningke Sabra da ba ha ha ha ha mahakasyapa the Mahabharata to the man of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus McGregor sama dosent elaborate ah viana ptosis a rock ok automa senders EGIS sue Candela bracha sarkodie collaborative or super alotta Sica boroughs and avenues you can tell every day I [Music] [Music] [Music] in this house in this house in this house [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] to see Keanu Gaga member davekeli bocas canada prozac ienaga Lego lava rock Otis kettle and a broken-down malanga leader Baracus EK lita barakat illegal a rocket domicile in America Tana magical Dakotas Canada barakato sick LED barakatuh gonnigan Nevada barakaatuh sigelei de Baca Baraka Temecula dvorak Canada barakato sick LED barakatuh McCauley Nevada katana Callie up and about Jacques le da ba ha ha thank you Lord Jesus thank you Lord Jesus and with the creed and exceeding greatness of his power which you wrote in Christ when he raised him from the dead we'll continue to find expression through everyone when the critics award gruesome I flee on our inside in the mighty name of Jesus father we give you praise lift your hand some begin to praise him for answer prayer began to praise him begin to praise Him Heda speaks in tongues giving tongues very well began oh praise him for answer prayer began oh praise him for answer prayer Magalie dibala cotton dick Alana Monica Kelly DuBose akela Deborah Cossack Elia Lakha Baraka tuna calleda Bob Umbra Niguel Anamosa kale in a manga the pranic attila Tobiah father we give you praise blessed be a holy name in the name of Jesus father we receive right now answers and we receive right now every deposit manifested we receive right now every grace made manifest and in the name of Jesus when acridity award comes it clarity revelation knowledge granted every one of us your word comes to build us up equip us for the for the work ahead of us and we rejoice that we are coldly bore us together with you in the fire we are your husbandry we rejoice that we are your workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God before ordained that we should walk in them so we walk in them good walks we walk in them good walks we walk in them good walks and we rejoice Lord congeners awarding new order to appear your testimony wanted to be at the message wanted to be a bearded the mandate of bringing clarity teaching and equipping man and raising disciples for the kingdom we give you praise for answered prayer in Jesus precious name and every believer since the powerful amen lift your right hands to heaven let's release our feet together to say these words I am born of God I am born of the world the Word of God is my nature I do not struggle to do the world I do the world naturally therefore today I will understand the word of His grace I will be built up by the end of this service I will never be the same never ever be the same again in Jesus name and every believer sees a male electron down what wonder welcome every one of you connected to this service where we have Kingdom Life Network Facebook YouTube all our campuses around the world but let's have everybody connected get ready the world is gonna build you up and you will never be the same again can I have a powerful amen is anybody excited about the privilege to serve God just serve God and live for God can we give the Lord a shout and celebrate the opportunity we have glory amen you can be seated with your seats much of this morning amen we're having church unusual so this morning was still looking at why I must be in a local church and be committed there why I must be in a local charge and be committed there we've been on this for a few days and I want to encourage everybody to get the CDs it's so critical because of the things we are teaching and sharing these are vitals to help you to help you to be able to go with what God is doing in this time in this house because if you do not understand the things you are teaching you will soon be out of place all these occasional visitor charge and you say oh I remember this church I occasionally visit in our church or a permanent visitor you come once in a week a program of eight days you come once and even that once you don't understand anything we say see how can you how can you flow in the spirit how can you flow in the spirit of the house you know you are doing yourself a disservice you're doing yourself a disservice I waste my time on that you should know better than that why I must be in a local charge and be committed there what are the scriptural reasons why I must belong to the local church why must I be in a church can't I just South God on my own can't I just stay at home and serve God after all God does not live in physical buildings so why must I be in a local church and why must I be committed why must I be in the program from Sunday to Sunday why must I be in church all the time why must I be committed some of us attend church as if we're doing God a favor we come to church as if our dream pastor a favor as if we'd we're just trying to encourage God so that God will know that people are still thinking of him we come to church as if we're just trying to motivate God and that the reason is because we are spiritually insensitive when people are spiritually insensitive what is intended to bring your benefit suddenly you will see like doing the blessing that is benefiting you a favor its insensitivity and what you are insensitive you can maximize the grace that God has made available to you when you are insensitive you can't get the best of God's plan for your life when you are insensitive you can function in the maximum of God's design for your life Matthew chapter 16 verse number 18 Matthew chapter 16 verse number 18 put it up for me Matthew 16:18 thank you Lord Jesus I hope the person on that computer it's not the person I was there yesterday please somebody find out for me quickly if it's the person I need a different person do somebody quickly one of the proko passing go to the studio now and make sure tell them I said I don't want the person on the computer yesterday there now Matthew 16 in the of the Mike Matthew 16:18 and I say also unto thee that thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it the gates of hell the water area is the Greek word Hades the gates of Hades now the water hurry up is not like Hellfire is Hades Hades means a place of outer darkness meaning it was not a statement that was going to be post resurrection the gates of the hell was going to be in his resurrection that is the gates of darkness of the dark places cannot stop him from rising from the dead and don't forget in his resurrection was the birth of the church so since the church has been born it means the gates of Hell did not prevail so it's not like let us pray that the gates effect cannot prevail no Jesus already defeated the gates of Hell in that he rose again Toddie when he rose his resurrection was a permanent defeat of the gates of darkness or the gates of hell so the believer is born in victory the believer is born in victory therefore they believe a functions from victory that's a whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world whatsoever is born of God overcometh you are born in victory you live from victory your function in victory so you cannot have charge without a gathering yesterday we establish that you cannot have charge without a gathering when the word charge is used a gathering is required when the word charge is used a gathering is required because church means a coming together of people who are called out a coming together of people who are called out Ephesians chapter 1 verse 18 please pay attention Ephesians chapter 1 verse number 18 Ephesians chapter one verse number 18 Ephesians chapter 1 verse number 18 the Word of God says in Ephesians chapter 1 verse Ephesians 1:18 that he may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the same next verse and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe according to the working of his mighty power next verse which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places next verse far above all principality and power and might and Dominion and every name that is named not only in this world but also in that which is to come all things that are charged next class what is the charge so the charge is called the body of Christ which is his body the charge is called the body of Christ that's a very important term the church which is his body it means that Christ and the gathering are one Christ and the gathering are one Christ and the gathering awan a message of the 18 he says where two or three are gathered together in my name I am there in their midst am deer in their midst where two or three are gathered am dear in the amis does a church a gathering where two or three are gathered together that means the charge refers to people gather together the charge refers to people gather together so the charge and Jesus are one that will mean therefore that my identification with the charge is my identity somewhat priced my identification with the charge is my identification with Christ I can't say I identify with Christ and I do not identify with his body I cannot say that I identify with Christ and I do not identify with his body look at official chapter 3 verse 14 Ephesians chapter 3 verse 14 and 15 Ephesians 3:14 and 15 the whole family in heaven and earth is named so the church is called family the church is his body the church is called family officials of the two of us 18 and 19 Ephesians chapter 2 verse 18 and 19 for through him we both have access by one spirit unto the father 20 and are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets Jesus Christ Himself being the chief Christ himself a build Jesus Christ himself so Jesus and the church are together give me verse 19 down 19 officials 2:19 now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners but fellow-citizens with the Saints and of the household of course fellow citizens of the household of God so Jesus and the church are together and you are the household of God household means family household means family look at Galatians chapter 6 verse 10 Galatians chapter 6 verse number 10 as we have therefore opportunity let us do good unto all men especially unto them who are of the household of especially on the demo of the household of faith or the family of faith so the charge is family because we have one faith we have one father we have one heritage we have one family we have one spirit we have one Lord a fish instructor for verse five we have one father we have one faith we have one family officials chapter four verse number five one Lord one Lord one faith one baptism the Church of Jesus Christ is one family is award ecclesia the charge is the word in the Greek ecclesia which means a gathering of people that are called out ecclesia a gathering of people that are called out that means we come together like this just like we are this morning everybody gathered here together we come together like this is actually a demonstration of our identification with Jesus when we gather like this physically together in one location is a demonstration of our identification with Jesus a demonstration very important of identification with Christ you cannot claim to be a Christian and you do not gather with the church you cannot claim to be a Christian and you do not gather with the charge that's an impossible definition of the word Christian that's an impossible definition of the word Christian because you cannot have Christianity without the gathering you cannot have Christianity without the gathering the gathering is the church the word ecclesia it takes three things to have the church number one people number two gathering number three the Assembly of those who are called out people gathering and the Assembly of dole's of who are called out look at first Peter chapter 2 verse 10 first Peter chapter 2 verse number 10 first Peter chapter 2 verse number 10 which in time past were not a people but are now the people of God which had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy in time pass we are not people but now our People of God which did not obtain mercy but now have obtained mercy the church look at the book of Ephesians chapter 2 verse 1 Ephesians chapter 2 verse number 1 and you have he and you hath he quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins verse 4 to 6 of the same official septa 2 verse 4 to 6 visions chapter 2 verse 4 to 6 but God who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us verse 5 even when we were dead in sins hath quickened us together with Christ by grace ye are saved verse 6 and had raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus has raised us up together and made all sit together with Christ the church the church is Christ and his people together Christ and his people together that's what we call the church now look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 verse 17 and 18 2nd Corinthians chapter 2 verse 17 and 18 sorry chapter 5 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 and 18 second Corinthians 5:17 and 18 therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new next verse and all things are of God who has reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ and have given to us the Ministry of reconciliation so a man that is in Christ is a new creature or a new breed or a new race or a new spaceship or being that never existed before first John 5:4 fest John chapter 5 verse 4 read for Ozzfest John 5:4 for whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our so the charge is the gathering of the people who have overcome the world the charge is a gathering of people who are seated together with Christ who have been quickened together with Christ raised up together with Christ made to sit together with Christ a gathering of these people is what we call the charge the charge is a gathering of those that are regenerated so the charge is not just a collection of people all over the place no is a gathering of people that have been called out of darkness into his marvelous light can somebody shout hallelujah festivity chapter 3 verse 15 first timothy 3:15 just to behave thyself in the house of God which is the Church of the Living God the pillar and ground of the truth you know how to behave yourself in the gathering the house of God you know how to you ought to behave so there is a way to behave there is protocol to the charge there is a way to behave you don't behave anyhow in the charge because a charge is the pillar and the ground of the truth and it is a charge of the Living God the mainstay of truth so you need to know how you ought to behave yourself in the Church of God so the house of God is the gathering in first Corinthians 3:16 but apart calls it the temple he says you are the temple of God the temple the dwelling of God the residence of God in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 21 officials to 21 put it off for me Ephesians chapter 2 verse 21 in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord grow it on to a holy temple so all of us together are the temple of God all of us together are the temple of God and all of us individually are the temple of God so all of us together right now the temple of God is assembled at 1981 I borrowed the temple of God are you still in the building so it means you and I and others so we're together form the house of God you cannot have the house of God alone you cannot have the house of God alone there has to be a coming together to form the house of God and so we took them to look at brother Paul's major emphasis they update the epistles written by brother Paul and we say there were four major and emphasis brought up all had in all of his writings number one soteriology a story of salvation second timothy 3:15 is said to Timothy and from Acharya known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation in Romans chapter 10 verse 8 to 10 he says with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation in officience of the two of us eight to ten it says for by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not of works lest any man should boast you know branagh Paul took them to deal with a subject of salvation and then a major in the writings of brother Paul is pneumatology pneumatology a study of spirits and you know Jesus said God is spirit so you cannot know God very you know exert until you study the writings of brother Paul man is also a spirit you cannot know man until you study the writings of other Paul angels are spirits you cannot understand angels until you study the writings of brother Paul demons and Satan are spirits so if you want to understand spirits you've got to study the register brother Paul in 1st Corinthians 12:1 brother Paul said and concerning spirituals I will not have you ignorant concerning spirituals I will not have the ignorant that means in the writings of burnup all spirits apart God angels demons Satan they are taught in their exactness the thought emphasis over Nepal is eschatology a study of the end times the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times man will depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits which is a doctrine of devils then another emphasis of the Nepal which is major is ecclesiology a study of the ecclesia a study of the church or a study of the called out ones a study of the charge or a study of the called out ones all right so we're going to be looking at some of these brother Paul's teachings to help us so we can get the best out of our walk with Jesus Christ right here on earth brother Paul taught exhaustively on the church as he also taught on the gifts of the Spirit earlier if you look at first Corinthians chapter 12 verse 7 to 11 it took time to deal with the gifts of the Spirit the gifts of the Spirit now put up for me 1st Corinthians chapter 12 verse 12 first Corinthians chapter 12 verse number 12 begins to explain the functionality of the body of Christ using the human body as symbolic to teach on how the body of Christ as one functions alright put up the scripture again from in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 verse 12 for as the body is one and hath many members and all the members of that one body be many and let those fingers met I mouth here hair all makes one body it is in the analogy of the physical body to explain the functionality of the body of Christ please pay attention now Christ has members Jesus has members the born-again man is born into a family you cannot lay claim to salvation and reject relationship with the body you cannot lay claim to salvation and reject relationship with the body you can't be saved in isolation you are saved into a family you can be saved in isolation you are born into a family because salvation is a birth is caught born again you are born into a family the family of God look at first Corinthians 12 27 first Corinthians 12 27 members in particular and members in particular so the body of Christ refers to a gathering of believers and we are that body of Christ so Paul is still teaching on the body Romans chapter 12 verse 4 Romans chapter 12 verse number 4 Romans 12 for so look at it brother Paul now is teaching on the functionality of this body kimmy verse 5 so we being many are one body in Christ and every one member is one of another you see that so Ronna Paul took time to talk about the body of Christ ecclesiology now come with me to Galatians chapter 6 verse 10 Galatians chapter 6 verse number 10 Galatians 6:10 put it off for me as we have opportunity let us do good unto all men especially unto their more of the household of faith especially on to demo the household or the family of faith the family of it that support Paul will now see in Galatians chapter 6 verse 1 before I talk about a family of faith in Galatians chapter 6 verse 1 put it off for me brethren if a man be overtaken in a ye which are spiritual restore such an one in the spirit of meekness considering thyself lest thou also be tempted so you can be restored when you don't have people who relate with you you can be restored if they brother be overtaken in a fault ye which are spiritual meaning the brother is in the company of the spiritual if you are in isolation who restore you you have to be in the family so that where you are not doing well or their brethren that a spiritual will pick it up and put you in the right that's one of the benefits of being in a local charge that there are people watching you there are people looking after you there are people interested in you there are people who love you and there are people who have got your back you are spiritual and that's the same reason why I said you are spiritual because everybody may charge is not spiritual their people come to service once a month you can call such people spiritual someone who comes to Bible study once a month how can it be spiritual so as I say II who as spiritual because everybody is not spiritual see he was spiritual restore such a one who has been overtaken in the spirit of meekness because through spirituality is growth in the Word of God true spirituality is not an emotion true spirituality is growth in the knowledge of God's Word the words I speak to you they are spirit so true spirituality is growth in the knowledge of God's world you can't claim to be spiritual just because you know you're a Christian know your spiritual because you're growing in the knowledge of God's Word that's what makes you spiritual somebody shout hallelujah so you can be restored when you don't have people who relate with you some Christians suffer in their Christian work because they have not identified with Christians who can help them when they are problems they don't identify they stay aloof they stay isolated and the Bible says he that isolates himself rages against all judgment he that isolates himself rages against all judgment he that wonder it out of the way of understanding shall dwell in the congregation of the dead he that wonder it out of the way of understanding shall dwell in the congregation of the day when unbelievers are more your friends than church people you are living with dead people when unbelievers are more your friends than believers you are congregating with the dead because a non-believer is dead I don't care intelligence is he is dead in sins so where your congregation is always unbelievers know that you are living in burial ground you are living among dead bodies you are functioning with dead people so we cannot dismiss the assembling of ourselves together because our gallery has believers keeps us among the living it keeps us among those that are alive alive unto God teaching good those that are alive unto God Alleluia hacer hallelujah so we've seen a number of scriptures that establishes the Pauline theology was about the gathering all Paul's letters were directed to the church gathering look at Philippians chapter 4 verse 15 Philippians chapter 4 verse number 15 now he Philippians know also that's in the beginning of the gospel when I departed from Macedonia no church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving no church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving but ye only no church means no gathering because there are different gatherings that means no gathering communicated with me no local assembly communicated with me concerning giving and receiving so the Church of Jesus Christ is a major concept of Christianity the Church of Jesus Christ as a major concept of Christianity is not just like a hobby hobby you know of optional burnsy Church is my hobby No you know I like going to church no no no no is a major concept of Christianity coming took charge is actually part of what you believe is actually part of your Christian life it's part of your faith you couldn't have Christianity without the church so coming to church and being committed in charge is as important as any other subject of Scripture is as important as any other subject of Scripture in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 30 second Thessalonians chapter 3 verse number 13 put it off for me secondly yep second Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 13 but he brethren be not weary in well-doing yeah next verse and if any man will be not a word by this episode not that man and have no company with him that he may be ashamed and if any man obey not our world by this epistle note that man and have no company with him so if there was no local gathering brother Paul would not tell them to note the man and not have company don't associate with him avoid him he is in charge but brethren are treating him with a distance why that he may be ashamed why does he have to be shame because he's not obeying the teachings of God's Word he receiveth not him put it up again for me second Thessalonians of the three verse number number 14 and if any man obey not our word by this epistle note that man anybody live in control with what were teaching and acting contrary to the things you're learning he said 'keep no company avoid him that he may be ashamed so this latest after the gathering of believers festivity and second Timothy were written to a pastor concerning the church Titus was a letter written to a pastor their core pastoral epistles Philemon was a letter written to a brother who was at him in the church so if you observe carefully all the latest all the epistles were written with the church in mind the local church yesterday I told you all the letters about the poor Romans is to a church in room Corinthians is to a church in Corinth Galatians is researching Alicia are you understanding local churches first and second Thessalonians is it letter to a church in Thessalonica policy is a letter to the church in college callosum Ephesus is a church letter to a church in Ephesians if you observe even the book of Revelation is research in Potamus TR tira Church in Laodicea all those are local assemblies because God is a God of local churches God wants us to be committed is God's design the local church is God's design people say Christianity is a personality really it's not personal it's personal in the sense that you are accepted the message but the moment you accept the message it is no more personal it becomes about us the moment to accept the message you enter a family is no more personal is our team I don't know if I'm convocation at all it's personal in the sense that you have to accept the message but once you've accepted the message Christianity is no more personal it becomes ours because you're in a family now you become accountable to Jesus and you become accountable to the charge look at Hebrews chapter 13 verse in Hebrews 13:17 obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves but they watch for your souls as they that must give account that they may do it with joy and not with grief for that is unprofitable for you obey them that have the rule over you talking about church authorities look at Festus solonian chapter 5 verse 12 Festus alone ian's chapter 5 verse 12 and 13 and we beseech you brethren to know them which labor among you and I over you in the Lord and admonish you know them which labor among you and all value in the Lord next vows and to esteemed them very highly in love for their works sake and be at peace among yourselves to esteem them very highly so people are going to be accountable for your life people are going to be accountable for your life and the judgment seat of Christ Jesus will be accidents for lives Jesus will ask all of us to account for the lives that we were responsible for disciples we raised people we have opportunity to evangelize to we're going to account for lives when we begin to talk about evangelism in the course of this week you will discover that way of opportunity to preach to people and you refuse their blood is in your hand and their blood will be required from your hand if you allow them to go to hell and you did nothing about your condition I'm going to show you the scriptures that every man of opportunity to preach to and you turn it down their blood will be required from your hands if they die and go to hell I'm going to show you with scriptures so now you understand that one of our major mission on earth is to get people saved one of our major asami there is a wire on earth listen if all to Christianity is to be born again and go to heaven they did you got born again shall have died because the purpose has been fulfilled your opponent you know so what I hear for you are taken out but there is more than being born again you are born again to get orders born again your life the mission of being on earth is not to to to gain titles and achieve everything that the world can offer that's not a mission if only our life is in our hope is in this world were of all men most miserable what shall it profit a man to gain the whole and live with losses so generally they were listener the assets of Kobe you know is it Kobe I hope I'm pronouncing it well cuz I told you I only had a name for the first time two weeks ago they were listening his assets they said he left about two billion dollar worth of assets he left a mansion of over five hundred million dollars and there are all kinds of things where is he now none of those things went with him the only thing has gone with him now is anything he has laid up so when you've struggled and gathered the wealth of this world and then you want to settle down on it and you die you go to face Jesus you go to face Jesus the only team that will speak for you in eyetality is the impact you have made on the body of Christ and on source that you preach to finish nothing else is a serious matter anything about it you need to think about it because when you when you live in this world as if you have arrived you're a fool what did I say I mean I was sitting down about you just enjoy myself in the afternoon news came up on screen that Kobe just crashing helicopter and died people were in shock because he just left the one place to go to another place people saw him when he was living just few minutes and is dead that's life is like a flower it grows in the morning and dries up in the evening so if what you are living for is this world you're a fool there's more to life than this world we must be men of eternal value we must be people that have understood that were in this world on a mission to advance the kingdom of God we're on this world in this world on a mission to save souls and to establish God's kingdom I mean that's all Jesus said it you saw it within a week lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven lay it up because we are your heart is that's where your treasure is is where your heart will be these are things that matter these are things that are critical somebody shot her here these are things that matter to us as believers so as a born-again man you are born into a family brother Peter wrote to churches first Peter 1 1 he wrote that letter to a charge 1st Peter chapter 5 verse 1 he wrote that letter to the elders of which I am also an elder and a partaker of the sufferings of Christ it was writing to the church in first Peter 2:17 was a letter from Peter to the charge brother James wrote to the church in James chapter 1 he wrote to the churches and then in James chapter 2 he began to talk about brotherly love within the charge James who st. James of the file is any sick among you let him call for the elders of the church let him call so you must belong to a local body for you to call you have to belong thus the essence of being in a local assembly and this is apostolic instruction let him call for the elders what'd you say believer that is in trouble and nobody is there for him no die has not been a good Christian even if it's in a church is not a committed person he's not a serious person because no matter what were you're in a group of believers and you identify with them very well if something goes wrong there will be people there for you is the way it functions but when you are alone and things are happening nobody's showing up nobody's identified know that you're not you're not you're not behaving right because if you are behaving right people who identify people sure people will come to your help people come to your aid and I'm gonna be talking about that in a few minutes all right so brother Paul was dealing with with all of these that has to do with our commitment in the local church call and anytime call there are people that will come to us 2 a.m. 3 a.m. 12:00 midnight because of the way you've been committed because of your dedication to Christ and to his body somebody shout I hear you brother Jude Oh st. Jude chapter 3 contend earnestly contend earnestly in first John brother John will talk about Gaius who showed charity and was a blessing to the body of Christ all of these are within the local charge you need to belong to the church don't just come around this is a family don't just come around the church is a gathering you must belong there and if your spirit filled you will submit your time your resources in the local church you will submit them to the local church your time and your resources when you are spirit filled your level of giving in the local church will be different because you are level of giving is your level of commitment your level of giving in the local church is an expression of your level of commitment to that local church let me be honest with you it's an a local church and you're not giving your money dangerously I mean giving it or not de Cali to not charge you don't believe in that charge you don't believe in it you're just doing it because there is nothing else to do you invest your treasure where your heart is if you're worshiping are not give him you are a hypocrite if you're worshiping and you're not giving you're a hypocrite because the mark of worship is at his height when you give the woman broke their pastor box they say it was wasted Jesus is worshiping me live I'll owe the poor you larissa this one she has done she's preparing my body it is worship to me a true worshiper is a giver and not just a given but a good given that a true worshiper is a given giving is watching if you're not giving precious things it means you're not serious with your commitment if you are not giving precious things in is you're not serious with your commitment so ecclesiology is a study of crystal relationships founded on the local church please write it down ecclesiology there's a story of relationships supernatural relationships ecclesiology is a story of supernatural relationships founded in the local church supernatural relationships founded in the local church you can't just be hanging around the church in Acts chapter 4 they went to their own company their own company just like sometimes you have some people that are just there they went to their own company why because that is a relationship that has been built over the years when you are built a relationship over the years and invested into a relationship over the years you rely on that relationship you rely on it you depend on it because you know that no matter what the kind of time you have spent in that relationship and the investment you have made in that relationship the relationship is there for you relationships are expensive they are very expensive relationships relationships are very expensive I told you yesterday relationship currency is higher than monetary currency relationship currency is higher than monetary currency that's where the church is built on supernatural relationships you can't just be in hanging around nobody can survive without a local church as a believer nobody can survive without a local church as a believer for me about the meaning of past oh I don't have any relationships I'll say the body of Christ I don't have maybe if your quentin's is hello lor you bless you my main relationships are believers my main relationships are not just believers serious believers believers that are given to prayer believers that are given to Penniston those are my relationships casual relationships people come around to waste my time I don't have such I don't have it because I don't even have the time for those kind of casual waste of time make hay while the Sun shines what qualities day night cometh when no man can walk I don't have the time my relationships as heroes believers they are people that I can call on and say hey I need prayer now let's pray and you'll hear prayer coming out anybody around you that you I'm not called to pray with you is a useless relationship where your spiritual life is concerned you don't need those people you need people that come pray with you you need people that know the Word of God you need people that are committed to the things of God and you need people that can mini stature you are the kind of people to hang around those are the kind of people to have in your company those are the kind of people you can relax meet those are kind of people you can hang out with because these people whether it is official or unofficial they are building you on when I saw official or unofficial they are there for you the beauty of and those relationships can only be found among believers serious believers at that believers that have defined their commitment to Jesus Christ am i communicating at all place is very important so relationships are three within the church I said to you a few days ago and take note of that commitment in a local church destroy selfishness commit mental local church is God's device for destroying selfishness a prison that is not committed to the local church is a selfish Christian commitment to the local church is go strategy for destroying selfishness many Fiorano committed to porosity yeah those purely selfish purely selfish you know committed to this charge you come around at your convenience you are celebrating and fertilizing selfishness you are knowing serious just hanging around to encourage us let me put it to your face you're a selfish person and very selfish a lot God's device for destroying selfishness is commitment to a local house you think only of you you come to church leads because you don't think you need to come any because coming le means you will have to help you in sweep in you will have to help in arranging you will have to help in making things up you know all of that is service when you think of it you say no I will not come le I'll come late you arrive just about when preaching was that you leave immediately preaching is finish it selfish you are worshiping yourself you are not worshiping Christ because to worship Christ is to service people to worship Christ is to service people you come to church on a Sunday morning you peep at the children's charge you find out do they have enough snacks do they have enough things to eat if not you give them money you organize things for the children you are serving the body of Christ you come to church you look around you look around you make sure everything is working if you discover something is not working you target it to replace it within the week you are sad in Christ solving Christ is sad in his charge you can't claim to be sad in Christ are you serving him he said what you did the list of this my brethren you did it to me am i communicating at all so selfish people won't want that kind of commitment the woman that kind of commitment because that kind of commitment takes from them that kind of commitment takes from them you know preference suddenly are a nuisance to you brethren suddenly a problem they disturb you brethren suddenly you know have tolerance when you see brethren you are allergic you feel an allergy to brethren I need to examine your salvation I need to really examine your salvation because for all that maybe we may not be having the same DNA we may not be born of the same parent because if we're born of the same parents we should be able to joyfully see one another and we should be happy to relate you to one another am I talking to somebody here yes they were born of the same parents if I born of the same parents even if your brother is always in your face you will have some level of tolerance some level of tolerance because that's what fellowship does fellowship in together as the body of Christ allows people in our space it allows people in our space in fact sometimes it allows people to take advantage of us sometimes because when we are relating there are moments where we take advantage of one another I'm not saying as a lifestyle but there are those moments that's what relationship conflict and man that does reward interference you know Marie is it not true the moment you marry a woman you have given up your rights for privacy the moment you marry a woman because marriage is a relationship you've given up your rights of privacy she will enter the bathroom and see you showering she said so you have a pimple on your back she wouldn't have done that if you were not in a relationship of that kind so the moment you join a church by being born again you have given up your right for privacy bredrin are going to come into your space brethren are going to visit your house without invitation they will just appear bro what did you cook what did you cook what did you cook because I have come to the brothers house have they now come to the brother's house bro what did you cook did you cook something today I am hungry you're not ashamed when you're in your brother's house am i talking to somebody that is how we should relate you to one another you visit a family morning Oh morning oh haha we bless you bless you bless you the motor of the else is there anything the man of God is hungry yeah it's part of the Impreza it's part of being president it's part of being president that's what we that's what we are a family except you're not born of God except you are not born of God so now you need to make up your mind are you really born of God but that's important it gives us the opportunity to be able to imagine to each other of course we respect each other but there are moments where we barge into each other there are moments well I just feel like I want to see this broader there are moments where those feel like I've not seen the sister for a long time hey sister what's up are you okay bless you with nothing let's see after service it's part of the family it's part of the family but when you find out you are allergic to Brethren you need to check your salvation you need to carry your salvation and put on a is the barometer or thermometer or what commitment to the local church write this down destroy selfishness commitment to the local church destroys selfishness now write this down selfishness is the opposite of sacrifice selfishness is the opposite of sacrifice selfishness is the opposite of sacrifice you're either sacrificing or you're selfish you're either sacrificing or you're selfish if you are not sacrificing your selfish Jesus died because of sacrifice he died because of sacrifice so Christianity is built on the platform of sacrifice Jesus died as he sacrifice so Chris tentative functions on sacrifice Chris charity functions on sacrifice first John 3:16 first John chapter 3 verse 16 first John chapter 3 verse 16 hereby perceive we the love of God because he laid down his life for us we are to lay down our lives why he lay down his life for us we are Christianity is built on sacrifice once you say I'm a child of God what you're saying is I am registered for a sacrificial life he laid down his life for us we are to let down our life for the Brethren it's called Saudis look at it again 2nd Corinthians 5:15 2nd Corinthians chapter 5 verse number 15 2nd Corinthians 5:15 we no longer live for ourselves we live on to him that died for us sacrificial living we live unto him that died for us so in early for Jesus with only for ourselves alone and we live for the Brethren so the charge destroys selfishness service in the local church strips you on selfishness in Acts chapter 2 verse 44 watch Acts 244 acts 244 and all that believed were together and had all things common they had all things come they had all things come don't let people out there mess of your mind concerning the church don't let the secular define your narrative concern in the church don't don't let because they are of the flesh and the natural mind cannot receive the things of the Spirit so their opinion of the church cannot be your opinion their impression of the church cannot be your pressure in pressure those on social media those in the press how their secular people they can't define how the church functions first of all they are not part of us they don't have stand our configuration so they can't define what we do they can't tell us what to do and the can tell us what not to do because they didn't save us they are operating at a different that they are far from the kingdom so they can't define how if we serve God we don't serve God according to our terms we serve God on his terms we serve God on his terms after you're born again and you start growing spiritually the fruit of spiritual growth is certain God on his terms I want you start serving God on his terms selfishness gives way you can serve God in selfishness as you grow on you will find out that as people are growing and you're grown with them suddenly becomes a delight for you to serve them you can't say you love God and you hid his body you can't say you love the man's head and you hid from his neck to his leg you can of Jesus and not love his body Jesus said whatever you did to this ones you did for me local church destroys selfishness the local church destroys selfishness you know people are desired to study the Bible on the internet and do the impasto themselves they end up becoming a very big problem for themselves they want to study the Bible because there are many resources on the internet so now did the pastor themself they decide which one to read which one not to read which one they had siding for themselves they end up becoming error wreck of themselves they become a wreck they become so confused and the reason is because that's not the way to be pastored Jesus when he rose from the dead he gave gifts to men and he gave pastors to pastor local churches you can be smarter than him you can be wiser than him you can do more than him God's protocol is for you to find a local church and be committed get a pastor who will help you grow some well ours cannot attend any gathering there are two critical reasons you should have on how to look at a lookout George two critical reasons you must have on how to look at a local church and be committed there for life how to look at a local church and be committed dear for life number one we are you receive salvation is the first majority don't go to a church where salvation is not preached and salvation is normally available the first reason to be in church is to be in a place we are you receive salvation and you are established in the assurance of the salvation does the first reason does the first visit hallelujah I said hallelujah in Acts chapter 2 verse 41 look at how they charge how they Church emerge acts 2:41 put it off for me Acts chapter 2 verse 41 read on then they that gladly received his word were baptized and the same day there were added unto them about three hundred three thousand souls so on the day of Pentecost people are not born again next verse and they continued steadfastly in the Apostles the moment they are born again the next thing is they entered a local church to be taught the next thing is they entered a local church to be and they continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in preyas they were attending prayer meetings prayer meetings at least today everybody prayed in this charge everybody including those who have been avoiding prayer meeting we've got you to pray this morning even if you are frowning at least you're inside a prayer even if you are frowning you were inside the prayer a brother beside you was praying and his prayer was touching at least we're inside prayer because if God said come for prayer meeting you come so we waited for you to arrive we planned you and we will plan you everybody you don't sound good according to your terms yourself God on his terms teaching good this morning beautiful beautiful glory to God Toshi only one see I love to pray prayer makes power available I didn't hear powerful amen they continued steadfastly in the Apostles teaching and in fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers sinner so why you receive salvation is the first reason why you join a local church number two once I am saved and I discover that in the church where I belong I am saved but I am not fed I am born again I have had a message but I am NOT fed meaning I'm not growing I have so many unanswered questions about Christianity and my pastor is doing nothing to supply me answers if when I asked my pastor privately what about this he tells me don't worry it is for mature Christians when you crew so when you are born again in a church we are it makes Christianity look like Dera there are those in the inner caucus that have access to some information I cannot have access to it is time to live that charge the ambition in your life has expired at least you got born again there we are born again is not where you must necessarily grow I come across many people tell me dr. demeanor before I started listening to your teaching I had so many questions I asked my pastor you cannot answer in fact I met some people said the reason why I became a Muslim is because I met a lady in New York the reason why I became a Muslim is because Christianity had no answers to my questions so since Christianity did not have answers to my questions I went to Islam at least at least in Islam I have been given answers whether they are correct or not you know in Islam in Islam they say if you kill a non-muslim you will be in paradise that's an answer how do I go to Paradise kill an answer is honest in Islam they met a man that had a bump on his body tied a bump on his body and was about to detonate a suicide bomba and old man they said Baba why do you want to do this he said because Islam told me that if I do this I will sleep with seven virgins today me I want to sleep with seven virgins that's why I'm doing this those are answers whether they are right or wrong but when you ask a pastor so when I die now do I travel or I stay in the grave and he says I don't know why do you want to go back to that past or to move Christianity has answers to eternal matters except a man does not know the Bible and Amanda does not know the Bible should not pastor a charge if you're hearing me say I hear you the mission of the church is to produce answers to questions answering questions is called spiritual fruit where you start learning and your questions are beginning to be answered what is happening to you is that you're growing spiritually the mission of the church is not motivation hype in you you may be going through some fire you may be going through some challenges but I've got news for you there's a god up somewhere huh there's a god up somewhere somewhere yeah yeah my goodness the church is very hot by the time you leave service your emotions will cool down then your problems you look at you ladies because we are hyped but you are not equipped you didn't hear what I said you will hyped but you are not equipped but yeah I will help you I will equip you you can help yourself I won't hype you I will equip you you can hide yourself and when problem look at you like digitally in your car because you know better you know what to do you've been equipped am I talking to somebody if you understand it short I hear you the mission of the church is for the equipping of the Saints not for the - of the sense the equipping of the Saints now listen this one I'm teaching this I'm showing you now is very critical and I wanted to catch it so after salvation is spiritual growth I will show you we are people in the Bible God said from one church and when to another church for spiritual growth I'll show from the Word of God they God saved in one charge and moved to another church for example Acts chapter 6 15 we a man by the name Silas Silas in at not before I get to 15 look at acts 11 27 acts 11 27 quickly came prophets from Jerusalem to Antioch am prophets from Jerusalem on to Antioch so there was a church in Jerusalem that church in Jerusalem is repentance upon as one Itali in Jerusalem Tarija in Jerusalem until you be endued with power from on high Acts chapter 2 and they were together in one place where in Jerusalem so there was a local church in Jerusalem and Silas was a member of the Jerusalem church Silas got born again in Jerusalem are you following now in that Jerusalem charge if you observe carefully even until Acts chapter 8 Philip was a member of the Jerusalem church in Acts chapter 6 weather was murmuring it was a Jerusalem church now but there was another church in Antioch there was another Church in a city called Antioch and certain prophets and teachers came to Antioch from Jerusalem Jerusalem sent some prophets and teachers to visit Antioch please follow these so when they arrived at Antioch one of them that went on that trip is a man Agha boss Agha boss he was a prophet look at acts 15 27 at 1527 they shall tell you the same things by mouth they were sent from Jerusalem party at 1530 acts 1530 so when they were dismissed they came to Antioch and when they had gathered the multitude together they delivered the episode they delivered to them the EP stood 31 to 33 acts 15 which when they had read they rejoiced for the consolation next verse and Judas and fellows being prophets Oh also themselves exhorted the Brethren with many words and confirmed them next verse 33 and after they had tarried there in space they were led to go in peace from the Brethren unto the Apostles so now they were to go back to Jerusalem okay another encounter doctrines sound doctrine are teaching in Antioch they encountered sound doctrinal teaching in Antioch in Antioch sailors and judah's discovered that Paul had a revelation from God that was not common to the Jerusalem church they discovered that Paul was teaching something in Antioch that the Jerusalem church have never had so Judas and Silas went back to Jerusalem to share with the Brethren what they had in Antioch 34 and 35 acts 15 34 and 35 Paul also and Barnabas continued in Antioch teaching and preaching the word of the Lord with many others also so now Silas decided I would not go back to Jerusalem Silas decided Jerusalem Israel got born again Jerusalem is receive the Holy Ghost but I didn't group questions in my Christian life had no answers until I came to Antioch now that I have found Antioch I will stay in Antioch there are families in this charge who moved from different parts of Nigeria to acquire bomb to stay because of porosity they here families a man hardly preached relocated his business carried his wife and children and came to yodel living their modern I can count them in this building right now they are living in a quiet bomb now not because they've had an employment because they had something they have moved up a bomb there many of them in discharge but in this service and in the Nexus there are people that are locating from abroad they are planning to move to acquire bomb some of them already negotiating to buy land to build their houses to come to acquire bomb and live for Paulo city and some of you are sitting here you are living here to come to church we have to use a trailer to drag you families are you located I'm not joking they are in locating a businessman told me in a short while I want to sell half of my business come to a cry bomb pile and he's watching Mina is in one of the countries abroad and he's doing very well he said what I hear you preach I have never had it before this is all I am looking for in my life so I'm going to share half of my business I will come to a bomb build and start another business and I will move to live in a PI bond and I will follow you everywhere you go everywhere you gotta be following you I will buy my ticket I will found my clip I'll just be following you because I can't get enough of this thing you're teaching to sell us once it tested Antioch he said Giroux bio I'm going to camp in Antioch there is something in Antioch am I talking to somebody here there's a sister here from Minnesota right - ah - Ora in America she came to be with all this weekend she flew from America to come and stay and hear the word from America she's sitting here you you just live in Newton Putin Putin we are you can track you don't need transport fare you can track here to have to look for will borrow and then you arrive when I am rounding up the service you are shining teach that you you manage the finally come at least I manage I came late but at least I was thinking she came with her haha nice she came with her knees they paid for your hotel they stayed in the hotel on Friday came to service Friday came to service yesterday they are in service now then after today's service they go back to America people fly from America to attend your service you you a top good I want there's one Thimphu I don't want Oh God I say glory to God I was preaching one state of Nigeria a young man looked at me say Papa is it okay for me to move my business to you latina preaching I can almost stay away from it I said if it's moveable he's in Rianna he moved his whole business to you he's been in charge since last October he lives here now he is no more in that state I don't want to be specific because they are here he moved his whole family they are not in a fire bomb number one for business they're in a car bomb number one for charge business is number two am I talking to somebody here these people that are relocating to you are judgment they are the ones that are going to judge you people that are relocating to come and live in a PI bond for the same word you're hearing they are your judgment they are the ones that have come to judge and get permanent your numbers in their numbers they are relocating in their numbers they are judgment judgment see if you don't value what you have let us come and help you enjoy it they are your judgment and such people when they come here they're on fire they're on fire so that's why a head of department that is no serious cannot be a head of department for such people you can be a head of department for such people who relocated with their family to come here number one for discharge then you are their head of department you come to church once in two weeks it will be ungodly it will be on heavenly it will be on Jesus ly for you to be the head of department I'm teaching here if I heard him say here yeah Jerusalem did not know the time of their visitation Jesus wept over them he stood over Jerusalem and wept he wept over Jerusalem he said o Jerusalem you don't know the time of your visitation you've missed your time of visitation he's a wake-up call for everybody so wake up call Silas Pig back look at verse 40 40 of acts 15 at 15 Acts chapter 15 and Paul to Silas and departed being recommended by the brethren onto the grace of after Silas instead for some time Silas became Paul's companion look at because of his seriousness he now became a companion of Paul don't you have the Cibola Silas this huh the Holy Ghost porn award because Silas is located and his commitment to the Word of God was obvious he became the pl2 brother Paul they were going around together preaching that's one example of somebody who got born again in one church but for spiritual growth went to another Church now say I must die my mother's George die now die model structure you cannot even explain salvation you can't explain John 3:16 USD bragging about your mother's George your mother Church has been there since your mother was born till now and they cannot explain salvation and you're happy to stadium they can explain John 3:16 John 3:16 the guy explain it another person that left his mother's chose to follow is Timothy Timothy Timothy was born again with his grandmother a mother long ago before he met Paul when he met Paul he relocated was a doctrinal example those are doctrinal examples that for the cause of God's Word your relationships can be affected your relationships can be affected because of the Word of God the Word of God can affect your marital decision marital decision don't marry a sister that is not committed to this kind of world and don't marry a brother that is not committed to this kind of world donto is a pastoral advice so the botulin we can be safe from unnecessary counseling don't don't the teaching of god's word defines our relationships there are people we cannot relate it because of what we know am i teaching here there are people we cannot be legit let me say this to you do you know that brother Nelson you know Pradhan Nelson brother Nelson has a biological father okay his relationship with his biological father has helped him to be who he is but that's where it ends I am brother Nelson don't have any biological natural history but we have spiritual history he is born again and born again we are family our relationship together is supernatural the one else with his father is natural the one he has with his father cannot help him fulfill the plan of God the one he has with his father cannot help him live out the plan of God no way the only one that can help him live out the plan of God is the one he has with me God's plans are fulfilled by supernatural relationships God's plan for your life not your plan for yourself God's plan for your life can only be fulfilled via the instrumentality of supernatural relationships so you cannot afford to jeopardize supernatural relationships you cannot afford to play with supernatural relationships you can't afford it you can't reach supernatural relationships with dishonor and you can't reach supernatural relationships carelessly to to play with supernatural relationships is to play with the plan of God for your life to play with supernatural relationship is to play with the plan of God for your life you must never forsake supernatural relationships you can never fulfill your assignment outside of where God has put you many people are struggling with ministry because they're in the wrong place God put you in the church get your ministry and if you run away you have run away from your ministry if you run away you have run away from your ministry for example porosity has a bigger assignment than our individual assignment but it is in this big assignment Corp our city that you fulfill your individual assignment the big assignment of discharge is for all of us but everybody has a part to play when you play that part you are fulfilling the plan of God for your life and that is what Jesus will reward you for that is what Jesus will reward you for and what people say don't follow a man does total nonsense in Christianity we follow men in Christianity we follow men that's why it is called discipleship a disciple is one who follows you Paul say follow me follow me follow we follow men in Christianity say I hear you as I say I hear you you will never fail I'm not telling that amen I'm not hearing that amen so if you're in a church where salvation is made available spiritual growth is made available you have arrived you stay there you grow and part of growth yourself you stadium you grow yourself service is ministry he that descended is he that ascended when he ascended he gave gifts to men for the perfecting of the Saints and when men are being perfected they do the work of the ministry you commit to this house you commit to decide worship you commit to evangelism you commit to service you commit to service amen the local church is where you receive salvation and where you grow spiritually but if all they give you is salvation then you've got to leave to go to where you have spiritual growth because spiritual growth is where you will ultimately fulfill the plan of God for your life somebody bless this money shot a powerful amen I didn't hear your amen stand on your feet this morning stand on your feet I want to pray for you stand on your feet I want to pray for you please don't you never see a broader system whoever stand aside when a supernatural relationship we relate with one another because we are born of one Father our spiritual relationship is superior to any natural relationships we have this is where it matters because we are eternally together we're in this life together and after this life we are together in Christ this is superior relationship therefore I honor you and I will honor you I will honor our relationship in this house I will not accept this honor and I will not treat you with dishonor because it will take honor to receive I want to receive every grace every supply every benefit I can get from you therefore I treat our relationship with atomos honor because I know will always receive from the Lord I didn't hear powerful Amen honor will always receive from the Lord listen let me tell you something something important do you know that everything you need in this world is in this charge everything you need everything you need if you want to see President Buhari there is somebody in discharge that can get you to see him I'm not joking you may not know the person doesn't mean is not here if you need a job there are people in this church that know where there are jobs but the reason why you're not aware is because you're not maximizing the relationships we have when we begin to maximize the relationships you have we'll just find out very soon that all we need is here all we need is within the body God has enriched the body the body has everything we need so that's why the way you treat relationships will determine how much you get out of it you didn't hear that the way you treat relationships will determine how much you get out of relationships so treat the relationships we have in this house with honor and treat this house with honor treats the ministry you have in this house with honor so that you yourself can enjoy value from these relationships you won't feel in Jesus name further pray for everybody this morning thank you for the privilege to learn and to be equipped thank you for the things you are learning in this church that makes us better makes us fulfill our ministries and fulfill your purpose for our lives I prefer everybody under the sound of my voice that the enemy never takes advantage of anyone in this house anyone watching online anyone in our campuses the enemy never takes advantage of you we are not ignorant of his devices therefore I decree that you are kept by the power of God you are strengthened with might by the spirit and in the name of Jesus you are sustained by the grace of God I decree that the Word of God finds freedom through you and finds expression through you and decree that the Word of God is glorified in your life I decree that the purpose of God is made manifest through you in the name of Jesus and the Clennon grace abound to us everyone under the sound of my voice you will always have sufficiency in all things you are bound unto every good work great grace is upon you today in Jesus precious name every believer says that a man on a mote of finality can we celebrate the Word of God with a shout out in the building that doesn't look like a kind of shout celebrate a man whoa get a good offering this morning let's honor the Word of God we give sacrificially we give intentionally and we give knowing exactly that were laying treasures in heaven for ourselves we give intentionally knowing that were laying treasures in heaven for ourselves those of you online is time to give those of you in our campuses it's time to give and I want to pray right now father we give in faith we give a joy thank you for the privilege of giving today our offerings fries a sweet smell before you and we thank you that together as a church we are laying up treasure for ourselves in heaven and we rejoice that our givings advances the kingdom in Jesus precious name and every believer in this service shots a powerful amen listen to me online were signing you up but listen carefully listen carefully when as they Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday this week we continue this conference you have tomorrow and Tuesday to take care of all your other businesses but from Wednesday evening we are back again because this training continues until we are able to arrive at something this training continues so online campuses our eyes are on the ball we're committed to this because we believe in what God wants to do with us this is so everybody get ready for this our campuses will love you we live all of you in the AVO hands of our coordinators and everybody else you don't want to miss what our teachers eleven o'clock as a continued teaching on why I must be committed in the local charge and why I must belong to one we love you guys enjoy the rest of your day let's celebrate viewers are the wall praise God amen a said Amen or not listen because of time we just move quickly and drop you [Music] we [Music] this is Kingdom you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 6,184
Rating: 4.9117646 out of 5
Id: GW_t-jCVcvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 7sec (6307 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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