Mid Week Service | Feb.19th, 2020

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see Kelly Dobara gigelli Baracus Katrina control of the bharatas gotelli debris in a katana gay year the Chicano turbo rocket osika ladybug alley monocle inamorata secondly the Baraka technically the bio legality barakato sickle atabrine a katana the bomber and Miguel and among the bharatas cattle and a brain acatenango a cable jacqueline debris Nakata tality Baraka tisk appeal in a manga lady bro rocket on a bomb rocket is a Kennedy Bruna khattala diplomatically the boy you know goes my prom got eagle Edie balm bronica lady barbara Rocco to sue Kelly debris locket Oh ladybug rocket is a killing a brain occasionally Baraka to schedule a de ba ha ha ha hey bozo colada Brina catalana Bora Rapa - bolita Baraka Tony Kelly da ba Baracus inna Kelly da ba Baracus inna Kelly edible chocolate arena Catalina bring a Content led by Muhammad also color the green a hot I'll praise you Father in the name of Jesus father we rejoice the we have this another opportunity to fellowship in the light of your world and we rejoice that every time we come together the fellowship around your word we are gifted revelation knowledge I pray that the eyes of each one's understanding be flooded with light tonight feels full of and clarity comes by a world equip and build your people and by the end of this service Jesus glorified and the body of Christ edified we give you praise that nobody lives here the same way they came thank you for the blessing upon this house tonight in Jesus precious name and every believer says a powerful a man lift or enhance to heaviness release our feet together say these words I am born of God I am born of the world the Word of God is my nature I do not struggle to do the world I do the world naturally therefore today I will understand the word of His grace I will be built up by the end of the service I will never be the same never ever be the same again in Jesus name and every believer sees a powerful Amen well welcome everybody connected to the service where we have kid life Network Facebook YouTube and all the various platforms and all our campuses around the world is another great time to fellowship in the world of His grace and we're glad to have everybody connected get ready the world is gonna build you up and you will never be the same again can I have a powerful amen are we excited about the opportunity to learn tonight and to be equipped in the world can we give the Lord a shout and a praise in the service glory somebody shout you powerful amen you can be seated with your sweets marcelles let's get in the world glory to God alright so we began to deal with the in Christ realities is in - and we were looking at brother Paul's revelation of identification before we got into you know training evangelism and discipleship now we're done with season 1 of training evangelism and discipleship we have about 12 seasons of that teaching this year but I'm just gonna you know continue from where we stopped on brother Paul's revelation of identification the Book of Luke chapter 24 verse number 25 in Christ realities 24 25 then he said unto them o fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken if your Bible was mine I will underline that word belief to believe all up to believe all that the prophets of spoken next verse Luke chapter 24 verse 20 26 ought not Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory 27 and beginning at Moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself so the things they themselves saw there were things the disciples saw now I want you to keep your mind refresh because I'm just gonna continue from where we stopped I'm not gonna go back I'm not gonna do any reviews alright and I'm sure you have all the materials so if there's anything you can factor out you can go back to your materials of you know the whole teachings I think this is part 14 of that teaching series not for 13 hours already on these all right sort of things they themselves saw was a crucifixion they saw the crucifixion all of these disciples that Jesus was talking to where were they when Jesus was crucified so they are witnesses of the crucifixion so Jesus was not indicted in them on the crucifixion look at what was in that in the moon ought not Christ to have suffered these things now so they saw the sufferings but there's one thing they never understood and the glory that will follow and the glory that will follow in other words the questioned the glory that will follow because they needed explanation they needed explanation what is so far could be seen with eyes but the glory that were followed cannot be seen with eyes the sufferings of Christ can be seen with eyes but the glory that follows cannot be seen with eyes now they don't have to believe in the sufferings because you don't need faith to believe that a man suffered when you were there when he was suffering but they need faith to believe in the glory that will follow they need faith to believe in the glory that will follow so the crown of this discourse is a glory that will follow the crown of this discourse is the glory that will follow Jesus taught from the law and the prophets many things you know he talked about many kings and prophets desire to see the things that you saw if you remember read that in Matthew he talking about many prophets and righteous men desire to see the things that you seen he talked about that in the Book of Luke he talked about the law and the prophets desire he talked about that also he talked about Moses and the prophets also desire to be part of what we're talking about so in jesus's explanation he classified moses as one of the prophets in the context of his utterances moseys are one of the prophets in the context of his utterances so we said that the symbolism of the law does not weigh like the words that were spoken the symbolic expressions and the figurative communications in the law were not as witty as the words that were spoken if you remember we set up so we want to look so closely at Jesus as we begin to advance to us brother Paul Jesus did not require eyewitness as a fundamental explanation of his experience he didn't need any eyewitness because if you are living eyewitness when he rose from the bed and he meant those guys on the way to Emmaus you will have said in them gentlemen let me tell you about what happened to me three days ago when I was on that cross these were the things I experienced the moment I gave up the ghost this was how the journey went this was how I travel these were the things I saw he never needed eyewitness account to reveal himself or to explain the scriptures to his disciples so Jesus use prophetic prophetic intimations to communicate what had happened to him that makes it valid for someone who was not in the account he just looked at the prophetic utterances of the Old Testament to communicate what happened in three days and three nights there was not in experience communicated it was everything according to the Scriptures watch this ought not Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory and beginning at Moses and all the prophets he expounded there was not in experience there was nothing one of the things I suffered one of the things I experienced it was all pure revelation all right so that means Jesus didn't need I witness account now come with me to John chapter 1 verse 45 John chapter 1 verse number 45 the Gospel of John Phillie finite Nataniel and said on him we have found him of whom Moses in the law and the prophets did write did write Jesus of Nazareth the son of Joseph like in Underland or did write did write we have found him of whom Moses and the prophets did write all right so this is a third party and he said they did write fill appointed at Moses and the prophets as third party in their writings we have found him of whom Moses and the prophets did write that is there were certain things they wrote about that was not their own experience there were certain things they wrote about that was not their own experience it was a third party information or a third party reportage Moses and the prophets come with me to John chapter 1 please give me your attention John chapter 1 verse 1 we're gonna get some very exciting things tonight in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God can we re to get everybody very loud everybody want to go in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God can we read it one more time while we think as we read very loud one to go in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God said with me the Word was God said very loud the Word was God you know Eric I recall and it discuss a hard with an atheist an atheist who looked at me and he said to me do you believe there there is God I thought a little bit about it that you know when I came from that experience do you believe in God as it is he said why I said because they are reefs why do you believe that there is God because there is God hey why do you believe that there is God because there is God huh yes because there is God then reset me so how do you use a non material substance a non material substance to have tremendous effect on matter how do you use a non material substance matter to have a tremendous effect on Mata please listen carefully so I'll serve him whatever you have said is simply answered in Genesis chapter 1 verse 1 so give us Genesis 1:1 everybody look at it we're going to read to get everybody want to go Genesis chapter 1 verse number 1 put it up can we read one to go in the beginning God created the heaven can you say it again one more time now all of science all of science is time space and matter all of science science is restricted within the factors of time space and matter is a true and I know a lot of us here are science students science does not discover anything outside time space and matter Genesis 1:1 in the beginning time in the beginning time God created the heavens space the heavens space and the earth matter Genesis 1:1 in the beginning time God created the heavens the shamans the heavens shamans in the Hebrew all right God created the shamans or the heavens space and the earth matter so Genesis 1:1 already takes care of the limitation of science because science don't discover nothing outside time space and matter and Genesis 1:1 tells us in the beginning God created in the beginning time heaven space earth matter that summarizes everything for him so if God created the heavens the earth and time he cannot be known in what he has created if God created the heavens the earth and time you can't find him in what he has created so science can Oh God God is bigger than science you can use science to factor God out I mean if I'm already play if if I murdered a clay pot I am NOT in that pot am I in the pot I can't be in the pot and the molding the pot so you can use the poor to know me God created in the beginning time heavens space earth matter is still here I said are you still here so that's fundamental you can only investigate within these confines you cannot go beyond these factors you can only investigate within these confines so now so you go to school and you read Sciences because you're investigating what already exists out of God's creation you're investigating you are not making a new discovery every discovery you are making is within what has already been created there's no nuclear discovery outside of it meaning no matter scientific you are you can factor God out you can't because the create the created cannot explain the Creator the Creator cannot explain the creator so you can't ask where is God within what is created you can't ask where is God within what god has created is illogical you can't ask you know where is God within time you can't ask where is God within space you can't actually scored within matter so to answer your question on how can a materials in non material substance have such effect on matter is so simple can you might realize love can you match allies hit can you much allies like you can virtualize like you can virtualize love you can virtualize hit yet as non-material as they are they control the totality of humanity are you still here they exist so stop fooling yourself there are things that run the edge that are not material glory to God are you still in this video there are things that run the earth there are not material so you can use science to explain God God is a revelation glory to God and I said to the guy you know you believe in God by default you know you do that is why you cannot rest that's why you keep asking the questions because you know that there is God it's just that you're trying to factor him within the factors of space time and matter which can never walk they've got to relax let those of us that know him tell you how we came about knowing him it's call revelation knowledge I thought somebody would shout hallelujah so John 1:1 again let's read John 1:1 to get everybody John chapter 1 verse 1 want to go in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God now look at that remember John 1:45 Moses and the prophets wrote about we have found him of whom Moses and the prophets did write taught party reportage look at how John writes it John chapter 1 verse 1 in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God that word word is the Greek word logos logos L or gos logos can refer to speech it can refer to speech it can refer to an idea it can refer to a thought a concept or an explanation logos can refer to speech it can refer to an idea it can refer to a thought it can refer to a concept or an explanation so it always depends on the context of usage the word logos which is word always depends on the context where it is used so in the beginning was the world was the world was the Lobos in the beginning was the logos John 1:45 we have found him we have found him the word found him is a Greek word you can write it down h EU r is K o hero eurisko here is Coe it implies to discover upon such to discover upon such so they discovered something upon Asajj we have found him that is we have discovered something upon Asajj whereas the same search was embarked upon using Jesus's words the same search was embarked upon using Jesus's words in John chapter 5 verse 39 John chapter 5 verse 39 put it up such the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and the a day which testify of me so but Philip and Nataniel were searching from the same place but Philip and Nataniel we are searching from the simplest they embarked on Asajj from the same source and at the end of the Asajj they concluded we have found him not eat that is when they were searching what their discovery of the earliest search was a person not an item they discovered him of whom the prophets and the law did right that was a climax of the Asajj so now the words of Jesus says to the Pharisees search the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life so what the Pharisees also we are searching from the same place the simplest we are Philip and Nathaniel such is the Pharisees were such but the difference is Jesus said that the Pharisees did not believe remember the two guys on the way to Emmaus were slow over hard to believe and we are slow of heart to believe you will keep searching and it will take longer time to come to a place where you will find so faith is how to such faith is how to such faith is how to such this one search and found him this one's they searched and found him look at John chapter 1 verse 10 please pay attention John chapter 1 verse number 10 he was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not the world knew him not next verse verse 11 he came unto his own and his own received him not they did not receive him they did not receive him doesn't mean they did not know him because they were crossed ourian's of the spiritual but they did not receive him because they did not believe they did not receive because they did not believe so vast wealth as many deer for as receive him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe in his name so the search of these folks was Asajj of faith the search of these folks was Asajj of faith faith in the worlds which the prophets spoke faith in the worlds which the prophets spoke so the Pharisees such but they didn't find the Pharisees were searching but didn't find why john 5:39 john 5:39 watch this such the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and the they which testify of me verse 40 verse 40 and you will not come to me that you might have life so observe you think that eternal life is in the scriptures because you are looking for an item you don't believe me so you you you ignore me and you're searching and seeking for what you will never find you think you have it analyzed in the scriptures but you will not come to me so you stay with the Scriptures and never find because you don't believe in me you don't believe in me I am life eternal I am eternal life eternal life is not an item on the shelf and you can only discover eternal life by faith you've got to believe me he will not come to me that you may have life are you still in the building so eternal life is a passing eternal life is a pressing and that was this person speaking to them eternal life is a pressing and that was the pressing speaking to them but this pressing such and they found in John 1:45 where did they search they searched in the scriptures we have found him of whom Moses in and the Prophet did right so they found him in the scriptures so if anybody missed it either by eyewitness and if anybody found it they found it in the same place meaning you don't need an eyewitness to know Christ meaning you don't have to be there when Jesus was there to know him because Philip and Nathanael did not find him by experience they found him in the scriptures the Jews couldn't find him in the scriptures even though they were searching because they were searching for the wrong thing they were not seeking for the right thing if they missed it they missed it from the same place if they found it they found it from the same place so you are not at a disadvantage because even the Pharisees who are with Jesus missed it so it's not about being with Jesus is about the Scriptures teaching go tonight they missed it because there's such wrongly Philip an eternal got it because they searched by faith that's exactly what Jesus said in Luke 24 2500 fools slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken but not Christ to have suffered so their problem was they were slow of heart to believe slow of heart to believe all that the prophets of spoken so how is Christ found he is found by faith how is Christ found he is found by faith where in the scriptures he is found by faith we are in the scriptures so if I want to find Christ have got to believe and look for him by faith in the scriptures so the basis of finding Christ remains the same wherever the Pharisees would Philip an eternal or you today it's going to be from the same place Moses and the prophets Moses and the prophets look at mark 12 24 mark chapter 12 verse 24 and Jesus answering said unto them do you not dear for air because you know not the Scriptures nor the power of God you don't know the Scriptures means you don't know the message you don't know the Scriptures means you don't know there is in behind the Scriptures you don't know the Scriptures means you don't know the person at the scriptures we are witness of know the power of God so the knowledge of the scriptures when adequately received unveils the power of God who is a passive the knowledge of the scriptures when adequately we received unveils the power of God which is oppression so everyone that missed it or got it right was based on their approach to the scriptures everyone that missed it or got it right was based on their approach to the scriptures all right so follow these John chapter 1 verse 1 again John chapter 1 verse 1 in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word and the word was god the word beginning is the greek word Hachi ra r CH e in the beginning the word Archie in the beginning look at verse 2 of John chapter 1 John chapter 1 verse 2 the same was in the beginning if your Bible was mine I will underline beginning in verse 1 and beginning in verse 2 the same was in the beginning with God open to three other places John 8:44 John chapter 8 verse 44 for you are of your father the devil and the world's loss of your father you will do he was a murderer from the beginning if your Bible is man I will underline the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him when he speaketh a lie he speaketh of his own for is a liar and the father of each first John chapter 1 verse 1 first John chapter 1 verse 1 that which was from the beginning if the Bible is man I will underline the word beginning again that which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have seen with our eyes which were looked upon and our hands of hand or of the word of life that word a chair again beginning a chair again beginning look at one more scripture Matthew 19 verse 8 Matthew chapter 19 verse number 8 he said unto them Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives but from the beginning it was not so now a museum math USA corroborative evidence for that beginning because all of the Scriptures am reading is John John John John so how to go too much you to give you a bit corroboration so he was talking about the creation beginning creation beginning creation so John 8:44 will fall in line with Matthew chapter 19 verse 8 beginning of creation beginning of creation all right first John chapter 1 verse 1 that which was first John 1:1 that which was from the beginning that which was from the beginning which beginning is this huh creation okay go to John chapter 1 verse 2 again synoptic John 1:2 the Gospel of John the same was in the beginning that which was in the beginning the same was in the beginning he still here the same was in the beginning vast who flows into verse 3 look at verse 3 all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made in which has to do with creation John 1:1 John 1:1 John 1:1 in the beginning was the word and the word was god and the word was god is that creation citizens is that creation are you sure ok you said so write it somewhere ok 1st John 1:1 1st John 1:1 you know I'd like to do this remember first John 1:1 then which was from the beginning which were hard which have similar eyes is that the beginning of creation hey let me a you well you said no you said yes can write it down will we get a shot John 1:1 the same John 1:1 in the beginning was the word John chapter 1 verse 1 and the Word was with God and the Word was God so he uses the word logos logos which we can use as the logic behind something logos is the logic behind something or the regime behind something so what's the only preposition that was different there what was the only preposition that was different John John 1:1 look at it let me read one and two again then you look at it in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God vast you the same was in the beginning with God was a proposition that is different there huh put it up again I wanted to get it I don't just give it cheaply the same that's 1 in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God next verse the same was the same was in the beginning with God was the proposition as differently was was was was worse that word that word look at it quickly very carefully the one with God with God second with God is the word P or s which means to say in view of with is the world P or s boss which means to say in view of to project in view of so we see the word logos is used 301 times in the New Testament which means logic and it has the word that were three times logic he uses worse worse worse now you have to follow John carefully said I don't miss it please pay attention you have to follow John carefully he uses in and was let me read it again John 1:1 and two please pay attention John chopped in the beginning in if your bubble is when I was circular in the beginning was our second was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the world in and whoa is the same in the Greek the word in and was is the same in the Greek is the word EMI EMI it will come in handy when we get to brought up all the word in and the word was is the same in the Greek is the word EMI and it will come in handy when we get to brother Paul now come with me to John chapter 1 verse 14 I'm laying a foundation for all I'm gonna be doing in the next few weeks John 1:14 and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth the word became is a Greek word gene oh my G i M om e IG know my the word became flesh or was made flesh the word became flesh or the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and dwelt among us and dwelt among us so back again to John chapter 1 verse 1 John chapter 1 verse 1 in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the Word was God the word was God say with me very loud the word was god please say it like somebody's really understanding something now john 1:14 and the word was made flesh the word was god and the word was made flesh God was made flesh and the word was made flesh God was made flesh is that right so what will John 1:1 be saying in the beginning was the world did I say in and was is the same came so in the beginning was the word off in the beginning in the world in the beginning in the world and the word in God and the word in God I see here let me repeat again in the beginning in God the word in God that is the word in God the word was in God now so to see it in the beginning in God underworld in God underworld in God are you still in the building good I'm enjoying this so it suppress the firm word us are not aware God exists the term God as another way God exists word world in the beginning in God and the Word was in God and the world in God so the word is are not aware God exists because is a logic because is a logic we're dealing with logical Lucas so write this down please write it down there was never an intention of God for man to be like God there was never an intention of God for man to be like God I know that this one is going to mess up religious thinking there was never a cell generator there was never an intention of God for man to be like God and that is the posture of religion the pursuit of religion is man is trying to be like God but there was never an intention of God for man to be like God look at the logic are you still in the building look at the logic in the beginning in God and the word in God and the word in God and the word in flesh the world which is under our God exists became flesh flash did not become God the logic the logic is that it will be the world that will become flesh in the building yeah think with me so God became flesh John 1:1 - John 1:14 the logic was for God to be like man that's the logic the logic Cabana gamma Kalina manga collado berroco to scale and a manga a gay bull shark alley Rancho Bella named Umbra negra tequila and I'm a membrane a gas O'Toole and am angry the cable and a mama I receive a receiver receiver receive understanding our receiver NASA the logic was for God to become flesh in the beginning in the beginning the word in God and the word became flesh does a logic the logic are you still in the building now so the logic is that God became flesh so that's why if you follow so - you know English well it is one in class well it is one I told you in Christ realities world that we said we have a man like God did you remember we have a man like God a man like God a man does a logic the word became flesh so what John 1:1 is putting out is the pre existence the pre existence of the deity of the world the deity of the world now the word is man the word is man the man Jesus the word is man the man Jesus and that is the man like God the man Jesus is the man like code and this is vital because of the word pros the word pros because for example the Java witness version of the Bible says you have a God you have a God that's where Java witness Bible say and if you don't pay attention they can play around with your brain because that doesn't make sense the word became flesh the point is this you have to see that the logic the logic is that God became a man stop trying to be like God God became like us stop trying to be like God you can't so since you can't the logic you know logic the logic the logic of Scripture the logic of Scripture is that God became flesh now I'm going somewhere with these that explains everything to you God became a man it was a man to be like God is God becoming a man that is the logic does a logic in the beginning was the logic the logos what is the logos God who is God the word became flesh God became man the word became flesh and dwelt among us John 1:14 the word only begotten means uniquely uniquely he's the only begotten of the Father full of grace uniquely alright is talking about uniqueness now look at John 1:4 everybody John chapter 1 verse number 4 in him was life glory to God and the life was the light of men in him was what can we say in him in him in him exist as life and that life is the light of men so John 1:1 explains history in debtless past John 1:1 explains history in dateless past he was talking about John 1 to go back give me John 1:1 and don't want to because I was one one for us in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god verse 2 now the same was in the beginning with God next verse all things were made by him he citizens who is him the world all things question what are they all things talk to me talk to me life life and light not creation did you see creation in that verse in him wars and the life so all things will be what life and light leave firmament and clouds and trees that's not what is dealing with here contextually he's dealing with LighterLife so the logic was present the logic was present in creation but is not talking of trees and plants the logic was present in creation so what you mean that everything is talking about here will be spiritual in the beginning was the word the Word was with God and the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made in him was life and the life was the light of men and the light shines in darkness and the darkness cannot comprehend it all of that is spiritual there's not a natural the light the life spiritual things things are a spiritual so the logic there is the man like God the logic there is the man like God look at John chapter 1 verse 14 mmm glory to God and the Word was made flesh and dwelt well the read well among him or he dwelt among us so what is the logic God became vast logic does the whole logic of the Scriptures now the whole logic of his creatures so is John saying the word if you observe carefully from what we've read we are talking about analogy and the reason or the explanation analogy there is in the explanation as well a delivery Anna so what do you think he is referring to which would the world of where in the beginning was the word which word the world of will want to try which word don't be afraid you may be seen directly the one who the one of God the one of the world which word the word of the scriptures we have found him where Moses and the prophets such the scriptures in the beginning was the word which word the word that is found where in the scriptures that word was gone and that was rolled over from Genesis it rolled over a role a role in prophecy types and shadows and became flesh and walked among those why the logic has always been that God would become a man what I'm coming to get you here that's always been the logic that God will become a man am I like God now stay with me where will you find the word in the scriptures so that means the world must precede the are trances that means the world must precede the utterances because the world is a reason for the our trances of the scriptures the world is arisen for the are trances of the scriptures are you still in the building yeah is the risen when he said the word became flesh is still in the building when he said the word became flesh what was that yes God became a man what will that imply what was the logic talk to me George what was the logic that God will become a man so when he says and the word became flesh what is that the fulfillment of the prophecy of the scriptures so the word becoming flesh is the Scriptures fulfilled because that was the logic now the logic fulfilled in God becoming a man are we still together here yeah because he's the reason for the utterances so John chapter 1 from verse 1 to 14 explains the Old Testament John chapter 1 from verse 1 to 14 explains the Old Testament please stay with me so all through the Old Testament what the prophecy was is that we will have a man like God remember we said he is only found where in the scriptures written by prophets were prophets written by written by so we will find a man like God a man a man like God written well in the scriptural scriptures written by man so man were custodians of the logic that God will be a man and walk among me teaching good yeah written by men written by men now remember we said we have a man like God so when he said he came unto his own that were referred to which people to the man who are those men the Jews and they did no receiving so don't think John is just fantasizing in the beginning was the word no no no no John is making reference to the prophetic scriptures and the logic behind the prophetic scriptures he uses the word locusts which will mean the low cost of the scriptures the logic of the Scriptures so the logos of the Scriptures is both man and God the logic of the Scriptures is both man and God a man like God does the reasoning of the Scriptures a man like God thus a reasoning of the Scriptures so we have found him we're in the scriptures remember Matthew 13 17 Matthew 13 17 for verily I say unto you that many prophets and righteous men prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which you see and have not seen them and to hear those since which you hear and have not heard them look 10 23 look 10 23 look 10 23 and he turned and he turned him on to his disciples and said privately blessed eyes which see the things that you see 24 for I tell you that many prophets and Kings so prophets righteous men prophets Kings Luke 1629 look 16:29 Abraham said unto him they have Moses and the prophets let them hear them Moses and the prophets so three categories one righteous man prophets to profess Kings three Moses and the prophets they look up for look 14 18 pay attention and they all look 14 18 and he looked for 18 forgive me Luke chapter 4 verse 18 the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind to set at liberty them that are bruised next verse to preach the acceptable year of the Lord next verse and he closed the book he closed the book and he gave it again to the minister and sat down and the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fasting on him next verse and evening on is shown to them this day is the scripture fulfilled in your ears oscillation the scriptures dis scriptures this there is this not the scriptures this particular one this scripture fulfilled not in your eyes in your ears chugga-lugga not in your eyes in your ear so those are trances contain third-party informations that were talking about him they contain third-party information about him so whoever said they desire to see they saw but could not say the disciples saw but could not understand what they saw so they spoke what they did not understand they didn't understand what they were seeing so they spoke what did did not understand that is why John the right of the Gospel of John compared his own account of Jesus and brought it closer to the New Testament unlike others you know the way other people root John wrote E is the man like God he just compressed it you know in the beginning was over the waters gone waters and the word became flesh you know what I mean or does a virgin shall conceive - jabbering what a baby his name shall be called Emmanuel and they went I went I went and they went then after they have told experiences they will now use scripture to support it John didn't do that John had no experience he just took what was written as the logos of God glory to God he took what was written as a logic the logic the logos of God and compressed it together that God became a man that we have a man like God does the reason behind all the prophecies all the prophecies of the Old Testament was that we'll have a man like God so John said it existed with the beginning meaning is not an afterthought others wrote experiences and eyewitness look at Matthew 2241 they will love this one Matthew 2241 while the Pharisees were gonna together Jesus acts them next verse saying what Tinky of Christ whose son is he they say unto Him the son of David next verse he said unto them how then doth David in spirit call him Lord saying the Lord said unto my lord sit down on my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footstool I love Jesus is like a puzzle you know because Jesus is called the seed of David now look at verse was 40 44 if David then go to 45 45 if they did then call him Lord how is he his son now how many of you know he has not said I'm not the son of David he hasn't said that but he just threw it to them like a puzzle fixing the missing pieces I love Jesus give it a Texas that's the logic you know the logic does the logic there why then if he is his own why does he call him Lord does a logic now give me an exhaust and no man was able to answer him a word never does any man from that they thought axe him any more questions whoa I love Jesus don't you love Jesus you know the next thing they did kill him they did accent any other question they just kill him because hidden in God is man hidden in man is called hidden in God is man hidden in man is God so God concealed man and man concealed God in the same place God concealed man and man concealed God in the same place he is hundred percent God also not man 100% man as though not God He is God man God man God concealed man man concealed God in the same place glory oh god somebody catching this shot I hear you now look 24 25 now ooh then he said unto them o fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken verse 44 44 of the same Luke 24:44 and he said unto them these are the words which are spoken to you while I was here with you that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses and in the prophets and in the sun's how does the logic it's all concerning God becoming Emma the great plan of God to live among men to live among us the great plan of God the atomic intent of God we said that Jesus explained Christ from the scriptures did I say that did I said I when Jesus rose he didn't talk about experience did I say that what did he do when he rose from the dead he explained from well beginning art and all he expounded unto them the things there was no new material he went back to the scriptures and expounded interpreter Philip and Nathanael we have found him where scriptures you are not at a disadvantage the same scriptures that he used after euros is the same scriptures you have you didn't miss anything I thought you will give his disciples on jeast hey guys you know you guys are privileged you are here when I rose from the dead touch my hand now come let me tell you guys some things nobody knows about no from resurrection hidden beginning at Moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself no new material no jeast the moment I give up the ghost by darkness appeared I went through darkness for a long time then I was hearing some voices whoa what whoa whoa whoa whoa and fear started touching me man that road a place of darkness is very dark no jeast no jest no jest same scriptures he used it to teach them the import of his death burial and resurrection that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God I'm teaching good tonight if you catching my flu shot I hear you so he explained through the Scriptures which means any particle have done the same teaching meeting it didn't have to be Jesus if I was the one that made those people by traditional is I will have taught them I will have taken them beginning at Moses and all the prophets and expound unto them that Christ would suffer and out of his suffering glory will follow the same thing I'm teaching you now is the same thing Jesus was teaching them there in Luke 24 they were not another at an advantage we're all equally at the same advantage am i teaching somebody here if you're catching my flu shot I hear you so we can say that Christ explained Jesus from the Old Testament this seems to be more you know informative about Jesus they seem to had a lot of information of Jesus in the Old Testament than in the four Gospels why because the Old Testament carries the logic it carries a logic so that should make it clear for you now because that was what was my main emphasis in the first set of teachings now the four Gospels were not used as Simone materials and you should not angry you should not get angry about Jesus you know use the Fogo supposed to explain himself Moses and all the prophets he expounded on to them in all the Scriptures the things so he didn't use the four Gospels he used the Old Testament to reveal himself so we did you remember said can we successfully remove the four Gospels and still have the complete gospel you remember without you that in the first part of decisions yeah looking at it the way it is here right now look at verse 45 of Luke 24 look 24 45 then openly they are understanding after expounding that they might understand the Scriptures and you know that word open is is the water launch their understanding they now go for the first time look at Luke 24 31 look 24 31 and their eyes were opened and they knew him and he vanished out of their sight 32 and they said one to another did not our heart burn within us while he talked to us by the way and while you open to all the scriptures did not our hearts burn the opening of the scriptures is when you see that the key to the scriptures is a passing the day you see that the key to the scriptures is a passing is the day the scriptures open up to you the day you see that the key to the scriptures is a passing that is the day the scriptures open up to you a person opens it up that's why until he is seen the scriptures remain locked until the person is seen the scriptures remain locked that's why they said we have found him we have found him so safely you can see why John's Gospel seemed almost like it is not one of the Synoptics even though it is one of the Synoptics now I'm rounding up the class are you blessed tonight but I will round up until I talk about Paul because from now we move to Paul this is how I conclude the Gospels with Jesus and I moved to brother Paul now so you don't need to be an eyewitness to explain Christ did you hear that you don't need to be an eyewitness to explain Christ why you have the scriptures which is Moses the law and prophets I don't need to be an eyewitness now so come with come with me go to you lever back up again are you here Acts chapter 9 brother Paul's face and count out with Jesus that's what we begin with brother Paul his first encounter with Jesus acts 9 4 and 5 he will know this and he fell to the earnest and had a voice saying on him Saul Saul why persecutest thou me next verse and he said what he say what their Lord because Jesus is Lord he said what our Lord because he something something bigger than II anybody that would throw me on the ground must be a lord who our Lord it wasn't a submission to the lordship of Jesus it was acknowledging power that passes power are you them next class and he trembling astonished no go back to verse five who are our Lord and he said and the Lord said I am Jesus whom the persecutors I am Jesus you are persecuting my people you are persecuting me who are you lord I am Jesus whom you persecute so that introduction is the reason why Paul wrote the way he wrote his entry point into Christ is identification ok I am Jesus whom you persecute right so full-blast identification now look at this guy just got saved in Acts chapter 9 look at the events that followed his salvation Acts chapter 9 verse 20 acts 9:20 and straightway he preached Christ in the synagogue's that he is the son of God what did he preach Christ how long has he been in Christ st. chapter 9 he got born again and started preaching the same Christ a new combat has no reason no excuse not to evangelize it's not approaching Christ straight away no waste of time this guy picking on Oprah's Christ put it off for Megan at 9:20 tech note of award straightway he preached prize in the synagogue that is the son of God that what preach is the word heralded or the word Caruso Caruso used 61 times he heralded he preached ek Russo like a town crier like a newscaster look at verse 22 of Acts chapter 9 but shall increase the more in strength and confound at the Jews which dwelt as Damascus proving on the line that word prove him that this is very Christ proving what was he using to prove the Old Testament the scriptures that word prove him is a Greek word son babbles Oh son Bob a zoo is su m bi ba z o soon Bob Azul it means to bring facts together brother Paul at the point of conversion began to bring facts together to Harold Christ that's the very start of his ministry he started ministry by collecting facts together by collecting facts together samba basil - Jorge he collected facts together and charged look at verse 27 27 of Acts 9 but Barnabas took him and brought him to the Apostles and declared unto them how he had seen the Lord in the way and that he had spoken to him and how he had preached boldly preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus on the land the word preached boldly he preached boldly at Damascus look at that if that word preached boldly is a greek word that is long ameno pronounce it but i can spell it PA r r es i PA r r es i a Z OMA parasu my PA r r e as i z om a i Paris's oh my used for preached boldly preached poorly to speak without holding back which most times comes out of persuasion to speak without holding back which most times will come out of persuasion you will use see the use of that word Perez's oh my in acts 1346 for further study acts 1346 acts 1826 acts 19-8 acts 26:26 official 6:20 fastest alone Ian's - - I repeat acts 1346 as 1826 acts 19 8 acts 26 26 official 621st a solonius - - to speak boldly he couldn't hold back to speak boldly he couldn't hold back look at the adjectives used for brother Paul heralded Christ he judged the Scriptures by proving to speak without holding back verse 20 22 and 27 in the same chapter his eyes were opened to the scriptures look at verse 29 of Acts 9 a closer that at 9:29 acts 929 and inspect boldly in the name of the Lord Jesus and disputed against the Grecians but they were about to slay him the word disputed the word disputed is the word su sitio as you said ete Oh Susie Q it means to argue to argue there are times you have to engage somebody and I you descriptions with him and bring him to a place of persuasion there are times especially when you know the person is seeking to know you engage him dissolve these doubts pull the rug of his argument from under his legs render him bottomless then give him fresh facts to go home with did you hear what I just said now it takes a degree of understanding and persuasion to be able to gather that doctrinal teachings require a lot of deep thoughts it requires a lot of thinking and patience anybody that is doing glug glug glug refer doctrine is not going far doctrine there's no progress in doctrine as I said they are not until there is an endurance required in doctrine you're listening to me teach for for one hour you start synchronous are you trying to say and you trying to say I don't agree with that one this is how my dad who says it where you see people talking like that they are not going far they have arrived No is there no IQ that talks like that men that are deep they are slow to talk they will take the time to painstakingly follow your thoughts to his logical conclusion when they have arrived and there are issues are resolved then out of intelligence gathering of facts well armed they confront what you thought those are the kind of people I like to discuss me know somebody I started following me that's it man is not designed to be like God how can you set up the Bible see is it not written in your law I have said you are God's even caught in Scripture died himself can you explain such people are not going far and sometimes is better not to answer them let a fool stay in is fully that's where the Bible puts it live him in his foolishness and then sometimes answer a fool according to his foolish Ness sometimes sometimes when he starts arguing engaging and help is foolishness to be amplified when he starts arguing helping remove these straws are in public and give the atrocities foolishness otherwise how do you come to a lecture class where a lecturer has been teaching for 200 hours and you start cooking Papa Papa are you trying to say that the people that are sitting there and writing knows us to period only wise one didn't you meet people there who have been there before you came you think they are stupid only one dirty shop you are all gods how can you say God does you want us to be God can you hear yourself be slow to speak be fast to hear but in hearing come down and and deal because the reason for endurance is sound doctrine has a way of making you not know what you know so you can know what you don't know you didn't hear what I said so you have to come down and follow carefully and don't talk just follow till we have arrived at logical conclusion where we say now we have finished with this series let's begin another one and if you are patient you will find that that instead of display of foolishness it was wisdom to be quiet you know sometimes a foolish man that is quiet is very wise because you wouldn't know that he doesn't know you would think it is because she knows that's why he's not talking you would think he's hiding something that everybody needs to know there's wisdom in silence glory river I'm teaching here which I never say and do sound doctrine torture never said don't have itching ears I said touch somebody said don't have itching ears on line all of you my own lines guys said to somebody don't have itching ears yeah our campus is there somebody sitting by you don't develop itching ears there is patience there is study there is depth of thoughts depth of thoughts that must be given to a discourse you must understand the context you must understand it they the direction of the discourse you know it's like somebody you know one of the things I posted out today doctor let me pass the Christian I think uh you know shared with me and he mailed it to me I loved it and I put it out on my page it says like somebody would heed where Jesus said Jesus made some statements and he said Jesus is controlling me why he has not even read what Jesus is saying I have not come to bring peace I have come to bring war he takes it out jesus said he has come to bring war so Jesus is behind Boko Haram is a city in the Bible he say he didn't come to bring peace he came to bring war meanwhile that statement is within a context and if you read the context well you will know why that statement was made it's like we make statements and somebody does not listen to the whole lipstick statement he takes out a line out of it that person is not just deceptive it's mischievious he's mischievous he's mysterious he's not being honest at all can I hear good amen yes be mischievous it's like you read the Bible and say love not the world and they say take the whole world now if you are given up the whole world please remove your clothes remove your shoes give us your house and everything in your house go to even the bush is part of the world live this planet die die now now because I the only way you are not of the world am i teaching here but that statement is made within a context therefore you must understand the context and the content to be able to know what he implied by making such a statement great Grace's upon you your a man is not looking like like a good oh I said great Grace's upon you I said great grace is upon you and it in here powerful amen so brother Paul disputed that's what brought me there he disputed since a film to argue now look our Paul did everybody look our party he preached he proved he charged his poke without holding back and he argued in the other in other scriptures we read he preached he proved he judged his spoke without holding back and he can argue brother Paul can argue and where was he arguing from from the scriptures remember he was not one of the disciples but he could argue he argued like somebody that was there when Jesus died he argued like somebody who died with Jesus and went through everything because only brother Paul will give us the revelation of what happened from the cross to the throne nobody else so look at brother Paul he discussed us if human Jesus died to get up and wait together and came back and when Jesus didn't want to tell us the things that happened when he died Paul took it from where Jesus stopped and opened up everything not sentimentally but doctrinally from where the Old Testament from the Old Testament he spoke as one that was there that's why you don't miss anything not being there when jesus also met you don't miss anything in fact you have more than those over there you didn't hear a joseph you have more than those that were there can somebody shout hallelujah say with me I receive revelation knowledge stand on your feet and surety powerful amen don't your neighbor say neighbor preach the world prove the world George speak without holding back argue if you have to argue and argue and that's all Christ is clearly presented I didn't hear powerful amen somebody's blessed alert can I a powerful Amen give the Lord Jesus a great shout in the building tonight Lorraine Oh father I decree for everybody under the sound of my voice revelation knowledge grows beep on your inside until nothing else matters in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus we receive a harvest of souls we command the veil of darkness and ignorance torn to pieces we command the eyes of men to be opened with the clearer as we preach the word that the Holy Ghost has given us in Scripture the Holy Ghost will breathe upon the world and the people's understanding will be enlightened we receive a harvest of disciples to the kingdom in the name of Jesus we rebuke sickness and disease we rebuke the voice of the enemy we Salus everything that is contrary to what Christ has done in the name of Jesus thank you Father for answered prayer in Jesus precious name and every believers is that amen on a note of finality can I hear better amen than that amen get a good offering let's give tonight as we celebrate glory to God whoo glory those of you online there are banking details for you to give to us the advancement of the kingdom in our campuses Father we pray tonight and we receive by faith the opportunity to give to the advancement of your word the advancement of your kingdom and we thank you because we are responsible believers we are responsible citizens of the kingdom so our resources goes out generously plus the advancement of the cause of Christ on the earth and we give you praise for answered prayer in Jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on a note of finality hey guys were signing you off is a joy and a privilege to serve you the grace of God from this pulpit and it's a joy and a privilege to be a blessing you don't want to miss what I'm going to be sharing on Sunday morning first on second service it's going to be very explosive our campuses will leave you in the evil hands of our coordinators and everybody else listen phillipe make sure you get out for evangelism this week and make sure you start disciplining somebody ASAP the manuals for discipleship I'm still working on it please stay in prayer with me so I can quickly get done with it so you can have it emailed to you but we love you guys enjoy the rest of your day and be blessed let's celebrate viewers around the world praise God whoa hear it let's do it as we celebrate and give our offerings tonight and I'd like you to walk right to the pool you [Music] this is Kingdom Life Network [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 6,121
Rating: 4.71875 out of 5
Id: jAll8PcheQs
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Length: 95min 4sec (5704 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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