Technoblade Moments I Will Forever Love

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a legendary speedster once ran this island he left behind this this pig's foot wait a minute the admin said if i win minecraft monday they'll add a one percent speed talus man it's like this quest was made for me my foot no [Music] i'd never edited a skin before but i mean it's just copy paste an hour could it be the only thing left to do was put on my masterpiece [Music] don't laugh it's for the fridge okay it looks a little chubby but so long as nobody looks at me too closely wait a second something's a little off there he broke my table no big deal he fixed it he fixed it i mean it was a pretty nice table to be fair this is is there any nether right in here that i can just steal i'm a big fan of robbery all right i'm just gonna did anyone did anyone see me take this yeah we're just we're just gonna take that just there's just immediate death in every direction what can i use to slow my fault oh check this out i've never done this before but if i do it on my first try it'll be sick all right check this out i'm gonna [Music] all right i negated the fall damage with that ladder phyllis said he was working on something over here what is this my puny hypixel brain cannot understand there's no sugar cane there and it's it's making ah this is witchcraft i i'm just not gonna ask glad that man's on my side oh fast forward we're in eighth grade and we're choosing our world language and i'm just like well clearly since i live in california and my options are spanish and french let's consider what country is literally shares sharing a border with california france of course yep so i took friends first pvp of the stream pvp pvp no it's strafing it's strafing it's strafing pvp pvp this is gonna be a long a long game i don't think i can kill you if i tried you're moving around too fast so i guess we can be best we're just kidding the great thing about the magma boss is that it only drops one ember rod and uh there's like 10 people here so so yeah people have been asking in the chat like hey hey when was the last spawn and i just said like yeah it was like 30 minutes ago and they were like i'll see you guys in one hour 30 minutes i lied i looked those men in the eyes and i lied what does this game made me become the first was a dentist appointment and the second was when i had to play in minecraft championships what do i message him was it worth your time losing mcc hey it took me two hours to lose mcc but it'll cost you nine months to lose potato or jay relax relax hello hello you can do it man believe in your dreams believe in them don't believe in your dreams i hate you don't come back come back what i didn't say i didn't say which way to go pick away okay what do you want summon in me yo we summoned this dude we summoned to god bye yo [Music] dream i got an idea i gotta let's ask him if he can grant a wish bro bro this is huge this is huge [Music] one bro one he's gonna grant a wish we can get one wish we can get one wish i want a bell i want a bell give me a bell give me a bell what are you get us out of here what do you mean i want a bell yo yo it's working yo yo you want a bell get us you had one wish you could have gotten us out of here yeah yo yo we got a bell hit the join button dream don't die don't die i need to make money first hit the join button today yo you can't tell me i didn't break it i broke it that was easy [Music] don't do it again you're just gonna do this again until you get footage all right i'm gonna place that there and then you get ready to launch when i say so ah he's built a blockade i think our plan's been countered pete get ready to launch go go go go go go go he's blocked the bridge his shots fired i'm only here oh shut up what the hell what's that look at that well he's gone that man you never stood a chance killed him my bow didn't even lose durability that is how inconsequential this raid was we are gonna go find ourselves some diamonds and casually mine over here and instantly find some diamonds that does not look like diamonds that looks like death look what i found ah yes yes give me the dive besides that there was only one other time i had to go to the store the other day i had to interrupt my potato farming because my dad was like hey can you go to the store and pick up my medicine and i was like can i really tell him that i'm not getting his medicine because i need to farm potatoes can i really look i'm an atheist but when god sends me to hell i want him to hesitate okay i want him to hesitate for a few seconds my second year french we have a new teacher and all of my friends are warning me that apparently she's like known to pick favorites or something so i definitely should get on her good side and i i don't know if this was true at all it's just what i heard and i don't really think i ever saw any evidence for it but anyhow i went into my second year thinking oh man i better not better not do anything to annoy her because i'm really bad at french and i need to hedge my bets before she gets annoyed at how bad i am and so anyhow first first week of school i trip over a wire and break your only fan where's carl you see one of my top donators vowed to never donate to me again should it die i mean that horse is my entire retirement plan i soon got word of its whereabouts they had taken him deep underground and constructed a massive labyrinth filled with traps and puzzles and redstone contraptions designed to burn my horse and lava should i attempt to break through it forcefully if i wanted my horse back the death maze would have to be completed legitimately it would be a battle of wits where one wrong move meant certain doom as i stared into the jaws of death i realized what i had to do just gonna break this sign here yo skeppy i made a cool puzzle for you to do you gonna kill me for views i would never do that i would never trick you in any way except for all the times that you've tricked me listen i got a lot of views out of that worth it anything for that one out of ten confetti skeppy you have to understand that's all i live for i'd betray all my friends for confetti you really would betray me for confetti i would absolutely pray i would portray my country for confetti [Music] uh just kidding government oh wait this isn't planned out for some kind of event or is it or is it just the kind of beast i'm ruining all of it it's all spoiled now i'm walking on their food with my shoes with my shoes [Music] and so after several weeks of grinding we're finally back you don't know how much work it took to get back to 15 million coins but we did it it's just every time i see a glimpse of happiness in my life dio just what no no no get back here i will be very impressed okay listen i swear to god if you somehow met no what no there's no way bruh not even close oh skeppy that's a nice base defense you have there no no no it would be a shame if i were to left click no i cannot die don't worry about it he won't die it's hope i lied hey there skeppy i'm thinking is what if we break this block down here [Music] what if we break that block i'm pretty sure that they wouldn't expect the toilet dream they would not expect the toilet and then if we break this block and though the warden ever checks on us it'll look absolutely normal from his perspective unless they like walk all the way over to the toilet and i mean let's be honest who wants to go near the toilet man come on come on it'll be easy to keep them away from that what about this if we break this block i'm pretty sure there's an elder guardian right below the cell i can take him so we're gonna fight the elder guardian with our fists yeah what else are we gonna do you know hey how about i jump in there i start beating it up and uh if i somehow die despite my elite martial arts prowess you can just bring me back and i can jump in again and keep beating it up and if i die you can just bring me back and i'll jump in and i'll keep beating it up stupid devs and their checkpoints i'm free [Music] nice well guys we did it one million subscribers i am now officially a big boy and it didn't even take that long i mean it just took like 11 days and nine months and five years but who's counting i need one judge to come up here and say the magic words don't know you go i'm done with it i'm pissed i would like you to just do kind of like a um a ritual kind of no no no no get out the boat i go in the boat this is a magician okay so um one second okay so i'm going to need you to make a little charlie you know louder [Music] [Applause] youtube must have done a pretty thorough review of my appeal because like 10 minutes later i get an email saying uh dear technoblade denied sincerely the youtube team but to read this after further review we've determined that your video is in violation of our community guidelines but which one which guideline you gotta give me you gotta give me some like some answers here because i need to you don't send people to jail and tell them why are they going to jail oh it's because you broke the law but which law was it the law silly boy this is awkward i'm trying to negotiate with you get on top of this stupid boat okay okay negotiations okay right there we gotta move into our own private chat bro you could rat out two people and we let you go are you willing to sacrifice two people so you stay in as i looked at the map i saw it filled with my peers my friends people i'd known for years did i really have it in me to sabotage two of them just for a measly refrigerator yes oh what have i done what have i done are we heading the right direction techno do you want your freedom uh we have to kill one more person are we confident techno couldn't escape from that prison i'm going to check yeah we should probably check actually what what guys come on come on guys come on have a little bit of faith but i wait how'd you get out guys come on guys guys come on have fun guys guys please guys please guys hold on he asked for a boat did the boat i give him help him escape give him a boat when i was three years old i only know this from eyewitness testimony because i don't remember any of this but apparently when i was three i was playing at the park and i was assaulted by a frenchman i'm not i'm not even making this up okay so apparently like there i was at the park playing you know i'm three years old and there's some other there's some other toddler there we're both jerking around but we had the same we had the same toy it looked the same and so some some conflict happens because of this and so you know three-year-old 1v1 inbound now we're both three years old so obviously we can like barely walk much less like savagely maul each other so i'm sure it was a very intense 1v1 but anyways this french guy sees me messing with this kid and so he's like clearly as an adult i should intervene and attack this small child so he walks over and pushes me over it's not like he was gonna kill me or anything but like you know i was three so the slightest amount of adult intervention and i just get gg 10 easy comboed montage so yeah my parents being uh very hardcore called the police and things happened i don't think things actually happened though i think the police just came and were like why and he was like cause cause he messed with and the police were like why i'll i don't think the police actually did anything they're just they just came over here and like judged him like why are you pushing a baby why you do this that was my first that was my first experience with french culture you know you have to start it off with a high note wait a minute did he just say links in the description links strike number two this uh one by one water jump and if you can make that you survive that's a lapis vlog are you typing [Music] you've been banned [Music] boom
Channel: Lyyger
Views: 1,594,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8R98SAbfoP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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