Technical Hiring Conclave 2021

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hello everyone welcome to the technical hiring concave 2021. a proud host of this event i'm thrilled to be here and welcome our eminent guests industry speakers and our lovely audience thank you so much everyone for joining us today it's time for us to kick kick start the event and to begin with you know attracting top talent is essential for uh almost all the organizations today reports suggest that 52 of people who apply for a job are under qualified and 47 of companies report few or no qualified applicants for the positions they're trying to fill in in today's competitive job market top talent won't be falling in your lab anytime soon and today at this virtual conclave you will see industry stalwarts talk about the methods strategies and the impact that comes alongs with the entire recruitment process but before i go ahead and unfold the sequence of interesting segments that you are about to witness i would like to invite mr akesh pandey head project delivery for tg pro thanks to kriti so hello everyone i am glad and very excited to welcome all of you in 10 technical hiring conclave 2021 so as we all know that to create a newest product or to scale an existing product every company in world is in need of hair based engineer from market and all those engineers who are working on cutting-edge technologies in today's virtual world of working i feel that we all are having those challenges in the process of hiring so to answer all those questions on hiring has curated this insightful event for all of you so today we are going to witness the panel discussion about innovation and technical hiring from the industry leaders from suntech business solution itc infotainment conduit gs associate anterior trevory then we need we are going to have some exciting exciting quiz on recruitment where we can be on when amazon vouches as well so and the third part is we are going to learn from recruitment expert navamita majumdar on how top companies are hiring these days without taking much of your time i welcome all of you to take geek technical hiring on clip 2021 thanks over to you so great thank you so much mr pandey i am sure you know you've already given us a gist of what the audience can look forward to in terms of the excitement that we're going to create uh in the coming time for the concave uh moving forward audience uh here's a special announcement for you that if you participate in each of the segments there are certain scores that you uh that you will gain and the more actively you participate the better are your chances of ascending the leaderboard and standing a chance of winning amazon vouchers worth rupees eight thousand and uh you know we will allocate a thousand rupees vouchers to the top eight uh engagements at the leaderboard who scored the highest points and uh the scores will be calculated basis if you see the agenda you score five if you visit the auditorium you're scoring five points if you're visiting the exhibition hall you scored ten if you're uh if the you don't go for a video chat uh with the boot staff you score 20 if you're downloading the brochure you score 20. chatting uh in the networking lounge will give you 40 and filling in then query form will give you 30. last but not the least participation in the trivia quiz which is gonna be most interesting part of our conclave today will give you 50 points all together so the more you participate the more scores you will have and you will top the leaderboard and will be you know you'll be designated to win our amazon vouchers worth rupees uh 8 000 altogether let's go ahead and now it's time for me to call our panelists for the panel discussion on the merit of skill assess profiles in building a strong talon pipeline folks please join me in welcoming michael jasodas chief technology officer suntec business solutions mahesh prabhu go ahead michael go ahead no i just wanted to say hi thank you mahesh prabhu vice president and global head of innovation idc infotech india limited hello everyone talent acquisition director conduent ashish bambi human resource manager recruiting zetas associates in their limited hi everyone priya dundon head of healthcare welfare education india unit and site head theo therapy pune hello everyone and nitish man director of media engineering dalham hi okay welcome to the conclave everyone thank you so much for joining uh you know our discussion today and we're looking forward to some insightful uh conversation and some insightful uh stats and uh you know elements that we'll be discussing today i would you know begin with you know the era of uh shortlisting tech talents through conventional resumes has uh you know seen a shift altogether and we are living in a time where business continuity and uh competitive advantage selecting the right candidate is tough but a critical task altogether but what are the key things that companies look for in a developers resume and would they prefer a resume full of features that you know that make the person eligible for uh even getting shortlisted uh how do you calculate the rois and how do you actually build uh the entire pipeline for yourself as a brand i cannot wait uh you know to get these answers from our panelists today so i will quickly begin our panelists to start with i would want to know from each one of you that how has our industry shifted from the educational credential based hiring to skill based hirings ashish will begin with you oh okay uh well i feel that not only industry even education system has also evolved over a period of time if you talk about technical education in india especially when we completed our graduation uh those were the times when we had only the traditional branches uh but today you see a lot more specialized industry relevant branches and a lot of universities where they are focusing on you know like cyber security as one of the branches which they know that is a hot skill in the industry right now and while having a complete job oriented curriculum is a far fetched code in our setup i feel that gaap is getting filled by a lot of companies by creating internal universities and that is a culture which allows you know a lot of pressures getting trained uh on those skill sets which companies are looking for so and that and that will continue i think a lot of you know big firms and even you know smaller firms are adopting this culture of creating this internal universities so that they can build their talent uh with it and uh and can retain that talent for a longer period of time thank you ashish yeah absolutely i think i agree with ashish and uh you know one of the thing which we are seeing uh in current times is to to build up the pipeline because you know uh during pandemic we have seen a current at this time at this moment also we are seeing many of a decline so organizations are challenged to create a pipeline a healthy talent pipeline to cater to current departments and and this is also shifting this this paradigm shift uh today is is forcing us to create uh you know um a kind of methods innovative methods of maybe creating coding contests and creating hackathons and so on so forth so this is the shift from just a resume based election to a skill based election and this is what we are seeing uh you know many companies are following now absolutely thank you mahesh uh we all know that the the tech demand is very very high and uh and the availability of skilled resources is is not able to match up to that demand uh regardless of how many engineering colleges we create or how many institutions we create and courses we create that i think they have not been able to fill that gap one of the reasons is also because the technology is changing very rapidly and also what we have seen is um today the there is there is code available as open source and uh you know you have code snippets for everything that you can think of so there is not much of a need for for people to understand the syntax which used to be the case uh a couple of decades back uh you know you had to know the syntax of everything that you are writing but today that is irrelevant so what is more important right now is uh having a strong foundation uh in your technical skills um whether you are you're a back-end developer front-end developer so to understand the whole concept and how the how the system works uh from from your system to the cloud and backwards and so on so having this fundamental knowledge is very important and also there are newer ways of doing things today for example there are many no code and local platforms where you can drag drop and create something quickly so today it's all about less is more so you write less lines of code to achieve a lot of functionality so with this entire change in the change in the baby approach technology and the baby develop systems so this is what makes a skill based hiring probably more relevant than than just the education based and in any case when we talk about education we are talking about be and b text but then we have almost all branches of b and b these days so what you have learned in the in in your formal education system is not what you're applying uh in your day-to-day work um so i think that part is is irrelevant so what is most relevant today is your intelligence your your logical reasoning and your ability to understand how systems work and how you can quickly uh learn new things so um yeah so that's the change that we are seeing and i am and i'm sure you know this change will only uh keep changing more rapidly absolutely and i completely uh you know second that uh the kind of demand that has increased past a couple of years i should say it's it's phenomenal the kind of opportunities that people are getting uh and the new domains that that are coming up i'm sure it's gonna you know see a bigger boom altogether i will move to michael now you secretary um so uh we used to have a very strictly degree driven approach um within the technology industry right i remember in the 90s it actually said you know unless you have this experience and you have a degree in computing don't apply right so and um we have seen democratization of knowledge um so um in the in the 2000s right i remember as a technical manager um hiring manager at that time i was told to make sure that you hire people who have got good google search skills so if you have skills like that which are now critical um if search skills are critical then those things don't really relate to degree right you know and some people are able to dig up information from google better than others i'm sure many of you will probably agree so so we have we have we have been moving away from the basic uh degree based approach into into skills-based approach anyway um and in the over the past uh 10-15 years i've seen people just clubbing technology and science and any degree is as as as as good as any in the term for technology hires right and as we move a little bit past into the into the future the pandemic kind of has accelerated the necessity for talent suddenly has changed shifted in the sense you know it became you could hire from anywhere right and so so so it was both the buyers and the sellers market kind of thing and the degree equation suddenly became a far less important things today if you really have the sales skills then you should be able to do the job and the only the relevance that what i think about for the degree is for the soft skills of the person uh you know sometimes people who can articulate concepts and do logical reasoning sometimes a an actual training in in a classroom would probably help but as far as the advanced skills that we are looking for in the industry um it's it's it's purely skills based at this stage you know it's safe to say that yes interesting i will move to nutesh now thank you secretary um i i think the the shift from magic education credential based to the skill base that is clearly evident in the hiring practices in the technology industry but i think it's it's important to understand why that that shift is taking place um i i think the the rapid changes in the technology sector has meant that the academy hasn't always been able to keep pace with the changes they need to make in their curriculum even the best of the best education institutes in the country have a very long drawn complex process of overhauling the curriculum which means the engineering graduates do not always have the the skill set which is relevant to the industry the the need of the hour is workforce which is skilled in technologies that the industry sees as potential growth drivers for the businesses and technologies such as ai ml big data to name a few and it is this uh you know need which has tilted the scale towards you know skills getting a greater importance a a higher weightage and you see edtech platforms uh coming in to fill this gap there are now you know byte-sized courses available which you can access anytime anywhere on demand and you can you know quickly uh bring yourself up to date with these skills that that you are interested in and that you see the demand curve shifting towards and i think as a result of that the hiring practices are are also going to have to adapt your your key talent may not today be sitting in metro cities because you know for them to get education they've got a plethora of online avenues and they could be sat anywhere in the country and getting themselves up to date with those skills which means you're hiring practices you have to cast a wide net and and you have to be really open-minded about where you search for talent thank you nithesh priya what would you add here yeah um actually all my industry colleagues have already said most of the things but i would like to put a little different aspect also over here which is not that uh education degree has any you know we are undermining that degree at all frankly speaking but what is today important is how do you implement that knowledge that you have received in the university and i think these life skills are more important than implementation skills are more important than you just understanding this stuff so theoretical has its own uh importance for sure i i will never undermine that uh at all however uh the critical skills uh the critical thinking skills or uh or how to deal with the ambiguity skills because this is a vuca world and do you know how to you know maneuver to this world is a skill and i think these generations and millennial generations and alpha generation i'm ready to take them as my managers as long as they are ready to demonstrate those skills over there and i think that is where the paradigm shift has happened which is which is when we have shifted from recruitment to talent acquisition that's when the whole shift has happened so i think um the question was answered 10 years back which is education based to skill base i think what is most important over here is are you able to uh you know show your critical skills at the right time at the right place uh to be able to encash on it so i think that's when that's where the whole shift has happened into this world of pandemic or pre-random a little bit and post pandemic also yeah thank you priya so uh you know now that we have uh the perspectives added here uh i would want to know i would want to deep dive and understand from each one of you now so maisha you know i would want to ask that what is the credibility of skill and performance and technical assessments to be very specific yes you look at what kind of assessments we typically do when we're talking of let's say a lateral hiring so it is typically interview based right and what do we what do we check there i mean typically you're checking whether whether the candidate is able to answer questions um so and and we know that people are good at preparing uh their cvs so you know this is a lot of cv preparation service also available on the internet today so people are able to present a nice cv to you so which you're impressed with people are also able to because you know they they do have some time before the interview actually happens so they are able to actually come prepared for the interview so which means um and also there are there are certain tech questions that are the question banks everything is available so people can read up and come come back and give you the right answer however what what gets missed out here is so the ability to answer a question versus ability to do a job uh is you know is there is are these two in sync and most of the times you you know if you're just sticking to the interview type of uh format then then you're losing out on on the second aspect another thing also is that you know there is vastness in every text tag so it is very uh um it's not possible for any individual to master everything that is there so he may be an expert in a given given stack but still he will not be able to answer everything that is there so there is also a possibility that the interviewer will reject good candidates um so how do how do you balance this right um so we have to understand that everybody does not need to know everything so uh as long as they have the ability to extrapolate what they have learned and apply that in in your situations so from that perspective um so the the specific knowledge of a given technology is not so much important but the overall understanding of the fundamentals and and the ability for that person to implement it and uh even if he is searching on the google or looking at open source uh code snippets whatever way if the job is getting done and how how soon can he think on a speed and uh and implement so that is very important um so we have also tried some unconventional ways of hiring you know we we have our annual tech event called itech where we uh where we do hackathons and you have some startup tech showcase and so on in the hackathon specifically we give challenges that are [Music] that are given by our customers around the globe across industries so and and uh these typically hackathons last for two days um so 48 hours no sleep and and people have to find out real solutions and they have to not only answer questions but they'll have to actually demonstrate and create a working prototype so the when you know when people get into these kind of activities then the quality of highers that we have seen you know is is much much different than the quality that you would get in a traditional interview based uh hiring um so i i think another thing that we have also seen is uh for uh campus hires and for um fresh graduates so um something like having an internship model where uh we are able to take we offer let's say a three month or a six month internship where they come and uh you know we have uh interruption labs uh where we do uh research on emerging technologies and we we encourage the interns to play around with the new technologies and uh again give them some specific problems to solve and if they're able to solve this within the given time uh and although three months may may seem a short time but it's definitely better than one hour interview so uh you know when they when they try this out and then when they're able to achieve something and and come back and demonstrate actually what they have built so that gives more confidence and and that way we are also able to get better talent than uh than a normal traditional interview based uh right thank you mahesh for that i will uh you know move to you now and help me understand what is the merit and feasibility of verified core skills to shortlist a candidate because as mahesh spoke there are formats there are you know questions that we look at uh when it when it comes to hiring the right candidate the technical technical talent that we're talking about here so uh what do you think about this yeah absolutely thank you and uh i fully agree with mr mahesh uh you know the the interview based in the interview facilitation process is not quite changing and now now look at the current situation uh the pandemic is is not yet over industry we are all facing higher tuition rates higher offer declines and digital technology is changing rapidly changing every day the new technologies are coming up the the entire and other thing i mean everything is changing so fast uh there is a lot of focus on health wellness and other concerns you know of the employees so so looking at this there is a demand for diversified skills this demand has increased and organizations are looking for workforce which can work in a complete dynamic environment now to assess such kind of uh situation and such kind of uh talent is is another challenge now as i told in my first comment that you know we are currently facing offer declines in in technology world uh multiple offers candidates are having and then the decline at the last moment we as a talent acquisition leader we have to create a very healthy talent pipeline now we have to have people who are uh you know who can fit into the current requirement of the business needs who are dynamic who are skilled so we need to find out definitely we need to find out the new methods of assessing the right talent all right so like mr mais said you know hackathons and coding context and various uh you know methods we are devising and internally also not only as a single interview based but we are having parallel interviews we are having uh situational uh questions and and the interview process has also changed uh as far as technologies are concerned most of the hiring managers they always say that you know resume looks very good fantastic but you know the the while interviewing the candidate we find that the person is not uh having necessary skills uh and that's why we see a lot of rejections so i think there's a lot of merit in having us verified core skills and and list of shortlisted candidates who are already verified through various methods uh i mean we can't just judge on one or two methods but then we have to work out uh various methods and then create a talent pipeline which can uh which is as dynamic as the world is right now as the technology is right now and can fit into the current work environment thank you uh you know with this which you know my haitian you both of you have just spoken about uh how coding competitions and hackathons have you know been very helpful in finding the talent that you're looking for i'm sure you know as brands when you reach out in the market when you put out your problems and you get real-time solutions from the crowd that you are actually looking at even if you're not shortlisting or hiring that candidate but you have a perspective that's an add-on right so i think that is that is the biggest value that you can drive from such events and i think uh we you know we are tagging also hosts our annual event called code gladiators that we do every year which is india's biggest coring competition and here in you know all the brands that we have collaborated with they have uh been instrumental in finding those uh you know solutions from the candidates that would have been registered and participated in their uh according competitions and uh the final submissions or the problems that they had put out so i completely agree with what both of you have put in i will now move to ashish ashish you know you are managing the whole recruitment process for your organization you can help me understand and what are the methods to deal the right right roi when we look at the entire hiding process all together thanks so kriti and i think uh as far as veterans are concerned and uh till they have already touched upon uh you know most of the points uh so maybe i can uh touch upon first the roi that how what kind of you know elements we can look at when it comes to the roi so broadly i i look at you know three categories uh so first is the candidate experience uh then comes the cost and uh and the last one is the performance indicator or the way you are mesh pick the performance of these people so uh largely when it comes to you know the candidate experience you today in the in today's scenario you need to have a robust process yet simplified process uh um i and i you know why i'm saying this because uh there was a time even today uh zs is uh termed as uh you know one of the top 10 toughest firms to crack in india um i think we were seventh uh in some years so uh but now i think with the times are changing i think you need to have a simplified process and not to mention that you uh you have to really compromise on the quality but uh keeping the candidate experience at the center and uh how would you want to make sure that the people whom you're interviewing you can you know complete your process in a certain time and giving a good experience to that candidate so definitely one uh you know roi element is candidate experience and technology is going to be the key to you know scale uh a future and you know keeping this candidate experience uh in mind uh and like my haitian belief spoke about hackathons so that will that will certainly uh you know take the center stage and these tools uh will help us to stay ahead uh you know in the game um on top of that uh there is you know another uh element of interviewing as a service um which has which is you know one of its kind uh capability which allows you to keep the human element uh there i i know you know uh some of the uh you know tech folks here they might agree that uh you know tools and everything uh will be there and will always be there i still would want to have a human element i would still want my managers to you know interview these people and really assess them you know from that aspect so this kind of a service really allows you to have that human element yet uh save a lot of internal time cost uh of your own folks uh as they are spending time uh you know even if i just keep as uh you know x dollars per hour of your uh you know uh or your consultants or your uh you know senior folks in the team you just you know save one out of those folks and the the amount of money that you give to the services it's like one twentieth or one thirtieth of that amount so uh that that is where the second element of cost uh you know comes in and last but not least is the the performance indicator doing all this uh you know introducing technology tools to assess people and then of course interpreting as a service um it is always important to keep a check on on these methods that are they giving you right people with the system while there is a need to scale there is a need to stay ahead in the game there is always a need to you know make sure that you are not impacting your company's culture uh with you know radical ideas of uh you know adding people in the system while the radical ideas are important but at the same time there has to be some checks and balances uh it could be you know halfway or yearly that you know whatever i did in uh you know at the starting of 2021 uh what kind of performance indicators do i see of those people by the end of 2021 uh and and this cycle you know keeps keeps running uh you know come 2022 right even today i i'm you know talks to my leaders that okay now again we'll have to come up with some radical ideas uh the way we did it you know late 2020 uh so we need to do the same in uh in this year so that cycle will keep running you you can't just stay uh or you know uh stay content that okay my process is now sorted and uh now as i mentioned offer drop is not a concern i have enough pipeline uh today you might have tomorrow you might not so uh so that ways your methods will keep changing and uh so is your roi thank you ashish i think that completely makes sense and i think that that is gonna evolve uh at a time gap of six months that we are looking at uh right now right because something or the other comes in and you have to keep up to the trend so agreeing on to that you know with this i would want to actually move to michael and being the technology officer michael you'll help me understand here that uh how do you think these technical assessments are accurate measures to evaluate a candidate skill how far do you think these are reliable and uh how would you like to recommend it it's just your thoughts here please so they're very relevant short answer right so let me uh put it this way to you with all the skills that you've got right i want to have somebody who can ride a bicycle and not someone who has understood how the bicycle works right so if you want to do that you can ask someone even in an interview process 10 times can you ride a bicycle they will probably say yes right but riding a bicycle is not only just knowing its controls but you have to negotiate the traffic you need to follow the rules there are many things that follow just riding the bicycle so i want them to have a little bit of a demo if that's the best way to do it to to show me you know show me how you can ride a bicycle what hiring platforms provide for us uh is the ability for us to actually see a short demo of how they would ride the bicycle right and sometimes also things like how you can work together as a group right so um using hiring platforms is extremely important um because that's the only way that we can actually get a flavor of uh of how exactly this can happen on all my managers right all 20 of them um they all have to go out and actually figure out when a candidate is being hired or offered they must have some evidence that they can indeed do the job as what their resume says right you know so that that is one requirement that i put up on all my managers you know i said i don't need to review any hiring but you got to make sure that this actually happened and the easiest way they can do it is to say okay you know here is uh here are the results from the hiring platform and therefore you know at least the person has demonstrated that right and they you know these days you get lots of evidence and so on the other important reason about um using of user platforms is that you know we we want to get a lot of broad skills but you know there is there is a certain level of depth also that you need and in order to get that depth right it's not uh the process of getting people is not uniform right you know so the if you just purely rely on the interviewer process right you will have this issue of you know one day the exam is too difficult and the other day it's too easy right so you know you you have that subjectivity that comes into play so you need to make sure that you neutralize that totally and the the platform uh being non-personal that actually provides that and finally the most important thing for us right we are always all of us right you know me and all the palace we are all on on a hunt for good talent right and that you know obviously goes not only beyond just tech skills but it goes into the values of what that person has been and has done in the past as well as the the the cultures they actually come from the work culture they come from so in order to do that you need to cast the net wide you know and um whereas we can still interview people over over the video calls um the best ways in which we can actually do this is to make sure that they are actually qualified candidates before we actually go in for the interview so so remember what i said is that there is a human element to it and and i 100 uh agree with him um the human element needs to be at the stage where you know we are sure that the candidate is or appears to be in that niche that we are actually looking for you know you you need people to be good team players and you can sometimes see um you know go doing hackathons or anything you can actually see how a team performs and from within a team sometimes a leader might emerge right and then you sometimes look for those leadership skills also so at the level where they they they come to in terms of tech skills then the human element comes in because you you still want to know you know what is their intent you know do they really do they really want this job or they just you know took it as a plan b right so you always want uh in this day and age of huge number of offered declines right that they leave that actually pointed out right so we we you just need to make sure that this thing so you shouldn't actually go and offer to somebody who wouldn't accept so i i have i have that that that element always but the the the platforms from where you get the information that actually qualifies you know and 70 80 of the time we get we get it spot on it's very rare these days for us to have a higher where we hired somebody thinking that that someone knew something and turned out to be the exact opposite so it doesn't it doesn't happen so that helps us very much thank you michael i think uh very valid points uh you know you've shared with us thank you so much for that with this i'll move to natasha dish tell me if you uh you know you're getting pre-assessed profiles of these candidates so we spoke about uh you know technology uh being you know uh a tool for us to uh help people hire the right candidate right so those platforms that we just spoke about uh moving forward if you are getting pre-assessed profiles of the candidates do you think that can make your recruitment process more efficient and effective i think technology as a tool in this context is is very uh useful in in the internet age there are a plethora of avenues to access you know candidate profiles uh but it's the it's a scale which is sometimes a problem the the volume of profiles you would get access to and if you're employing let's say the traditional methods of you know keyword-based initial screening they they aren't always effective you know they they don't uh give you that confidence of relevancy and suitability at all times uh what you are looking for is in addition to that a context into let's say a evidence about the use of that knowledge those skills in delivering a solution a evidence around you know somebody being a constant learner and upgrading their knowledge and you would also want some indication that they are actually open for change you know like how mr michael mentioned that you also want to see that willingness uh to go for a change before you actually make an offer and and i think all of these for me are a definition of pre-assessment so to me a pre-assessed profile would mean that it has all of these elements present and i and i think the um a very common example of pss profile is let's say a employee reference when a current employee refers a potential candidate to you all of these dimensions have implicitly gone into your current employees mind before they you know recommend someone to you so pre-assess profiles definitely uh have a benefit they definitely reduce the time now are there other ways in which you could tap into pre-assessed profiles yes you know linkedin has a skill batch and almost everybody has spoken about uh the hackathons um and tech gig also uh has a capability to organize hackathons at scale so i think that that's another revenue those are some other avenues for tapping into pre-assessed profiles so they definitely are a means to reduce the time and then and improve the the quality of the candidates the interviewers get to speak to thank you i will now move to priya so priya all of us have spoken about you know uh using these recruitment tools to actually filter the candidates and pick up the right ones even for the interview part also as you know michael was speaking that it at least gives you that spot-on candidate to you know at least reach the interview round uh with candidates having multiple offers you know deliver was mentioning initially that there are so many offers that the candidates have today in the market and uh do you think the process that we just spoken about helps in building a great talent pipeline because one offers is over if somebody is declining i think you have a backup ready right so how do you think this is like uh helpful at all across verticals don't blame me if i become a little more controversial over here because uh i really do want to put that particular point and have a little different day get it talent pipeline is a myth for me frankly speaking resourceful is a reality for me but talent pipeline itself is a myth for me because you cannot put a talent in a pipeline uh you can put a talent in a network but you cannot put a talent in a pipeline because if nobody if you you call as a talent will sit in the pipeline for you um so i don't think so um the second thing is um is the talent network is a is a reality today and is it a new method absolutely it is a new method it's a very long investment it's a time consuming hard investment but it is a absolutely a good investment to make i think uh changing times is telling us how to go for it changing avenues okay one of the method i really really think is talent network uh is which means that you with the help of like for example a tech game with the help of tech gig you actually identify the prospective people talent into the market you make an initial contact with them you can do a pre-assessment with with whatever it is but they are not really appearing for you they are just there uh you are looking at their approaches uh of any technical solution through this uh through this uh hackathons that internet hackathons external hackathons uh a competition spirit or whatever but at the end of the day it's not a solution that you're looking for you're really looking for their approach whether they can approach a problem in a particular way and that's what you're going to invest in i think that is the talent talent network is and and the you know uh companies like at the gate really really helps in such kind of things it's because it is easier uh to set up these networks otherwise it takes a long time to set up such kind of networks you help us in setting up the networks and getting that network identified will you in cash on it tomorrow because somebody else has an offer i don't think so however you will encash on it because you want to encash on it so you will go and address that as a talent pickup and i think then the idea of that person joining you yeah the chances are very very high because you have not put a jelly you have put a person you have sold uh the company to that person and you said i want to utilize your skills for these reasons and that's why you and i should align for the next three years to four years because it's a win-win i think that would be my take on your question because i don't think this uh this is a myth to have this backup thing and i'm saying this is a good thing if you are really going for a resourceful but not as a talent mapping or a talented thank you i think you have uh positioned my intent in a very uh different perspective and uh actually that that adds value to what our intent and thoughts have been for the conversation i should say and this also brings us to the end of our uh discussion thank you for adding value to our conclave with your knowledge and insights everyone it was an absolute pleasure speaking with each one of you before i wrap up the this section it's my honest request to all of you to give me a closing remark for this session we'll begin with michael please oh you know thank you so much um you know i in fact while i was listening to all of you um it was like the whole flash of new ideas uh certainly come up some of them i already know one but some of them uh the same the idea that there is no talent pipeline is something uh you know fascinating the idea of using uh like you know a tech gig like platform is always been there you know that has been our approach anyway um and uh the the value of um traditional human-based approaches uh this is not diminished and and certainly education is is still important as it is um and we still live in a pandemic so so all of those are the other reminders and uh i just want to thank you and all at the gig for giving us all the opportunity to to address this this thing and learn something very valuable here thank you thank you mahesh very useful insights from all the panelists here so thank you for that um yeah i think uh the key takeaway for me is um so with the changing times i think we have to look at innovative ways of uh hiring uh just doesn't apply only for hiring probably all parts of work and and more more important for the for the technical hiring because that is where we see lot of gaps between the demand and the supply thank you so thanks uh geek for this opportunity and i really enjoyed this session very much uh i like the idea of talent uh network uh has spoken about is a great uh you know idea and i think it is right also we should not call it as pipeline i think it's a wrong word to use uh pipeline but network talent network a future talent network and then we create an engagement with them i think it's a great opportunity here and i really thank uh thank you and thank all my panels i learned a lot today thank you so much thank you ashish yeah i i totally agree with everyone uh i think it was a very insightful session and uh while there are a lot of takeaways i think some of the key ones will be uh clearly you know building a talent community and uh uh you know platforms like tech cake uh definitely gives you that uh you know or gives you that leverage to build that community uh across and uh and even uh help you create your brand uh in the market making people understand that uh how technology is not restricted to only the technology firms uh and it is uh you know even across the board uh even in constructing so uh so yeah i think building the talent community through tech cake and other platforms i think that is that is gonna be a key future thank you ashish priya coming at the end has his disadvantage because except no i i'm really privileged uh to be uh with all of you frankly um the reason actually i participated into uh this panel uh discussion is also because this is a network in itself and it needs to build up because we are going to face the similar problems and although we are uh probably uh looking for a talent a competition inside the same pool at the same time we can be a great help to each other uh frankly speaking and i think that respect uh comes by just listening to the fellow colleagues over here so i'm just privileged uh i think thank you so much for taking actually to follow me over here and give me an opportunity to discuss things thanks thank you priyanka page thanks secretary for the opportunity to be here um i second the thought of the network effect for me it has been a sounding board of you know validating the ideas um that i had been carrying in my head and to listen to other panelists in in terms of you know how they have derived value how they've leveraged let's say technology for technology hiring so these have been very useful insight and michael's analogy of a bicycle i would say that that's going to stay at the top of my head for a long time thank you even i have learned a lot uh you know i have been doing this but uh this is one of those special sessions where we had so many uh insights that that we don't normally talk about and we don't think through so thank you so much everyone uh once again from the degree team i would like to thank each one of you thank you for being here thank you thank you thank you all right ladies and gentlemen let's move to the next section i hope you've uh you know enjoyed and had a great time listening to our uh eminent panelists uh in this discussion i would now like to present you a master class by namita mazandar hello am i audible yes you are okay awesome and i'm visible too just just give us a second because i can see myself so all good good to go yeah you'll have to share your screen uh yes yes thank you so much here we start i hope i'm okay so thank you so much uh shukriti and teen step gig for offering me this opportunity to talk about uh an idea which was in the making since many years and a requirement which is building the future so yes uh as we i mean the panel that we just had uh was a was a beautiful example of uh let me begin with saying why chros are becoming the ceos of top gold global multinational the panel explains that and the thoughts that they shared is exactly what we are going to talk about the future of work why uh i mean why are we talking technology hiring right now right here future of work is the first area vantage point and human centric evp future of work if you look at this uh this diagram this is by pwc a report by pwc which discuss how the segment how the industry has been segmented in terms of building the future i'll start with the red one red uh the red one talks about the the sector which builds the product so competitive that one can eat the other for lunch uh innovation eats regulation for lunch and uh obviously talent over there is highly competitive super competitive i mean cryptocurrency we know uh banning them wouldn't be enough regulations wouldn't be enough a better service is required or uh amazon amazon was working fine then we had uh geo mart geo mart was working fine so we had zepto of offering us uh delivering 10 minutes why are we talking about these kind of products and services because these this is what the future is and this is what you are building and you will hire talent to build something like this or something similar to this in your own area next is the blue uh blue segment which is the blue world where corporate is the kink company such as ibm who have stood the test of time and will always be there irrespective of of any pandemic any downturn or any kind of a industry scenario third is the green world companies that are really and environmentally sensitive companies such as teslas and companies such as juice lawn which are building products and building a better uh world as well and final is the yellow world the yellow world is all about building a segment building an industry segment for human beings this is where i want to talk about this is exactly what our leaders in the panel just before was we're talking about what is building industry for for the human beings are these three not about human beings yes they are however the human centricity is so high that the processes of the past no matter how time tested and how uh how how fine they might seem are not really designed for the future hear what the future requires this is what uh this is a a kind of a uh idea which uh which came out from uh holding up holding all these hackathons since year 2009 why did why did was it required yes um i'm i'm grateful to miss priya attendant for talking about talent communities right then in 2005 2006 building talent communities started uh it was prehistoric nobody was really thinking in that direction nobody really thought that this is going to be the future back then tech gates started these hackathons wherein these uh these developers these italian these talent or candidates as we can call with them came and they came and they participated in the real time scenario why was it required it was required because it was different from the uh from the normal interview and normal screening process so the talent was in its own uh in its own um element it did not had to pretend uh to be nice or it did not have to meet the biases of the interviewers so in its own element it started behaving and that's the kind of data which was uh which was built over a period of time so the kind of of the kind of screening that kind of uh scored card that you may see for a talent uh using it but tg pro is a time tested score card which shows a talent in its real element not in a uh not in a classroom scenario not in a inves interview cubicle not trying to pretend in its own element best best thing best place obviously uh these are the few areas which is why it helps why because the kind of scoring that uh the talent required that the talent received due to those hackathons were completely upfront on the basis of how they were how they were presenting in vis-a-vis to other talents i mean uh yes somebody might might have received a great score in their uh in their classroom exam but they are not really good when it comes to competing with other 10 people from other 10 institute from probably other 10 states when the geographies blend and why do why are we talking about geography blending because yes last 18 months taught us technology rules there is no geography organizations are boundary less and talent is everywhere and who brings you this kind of uh this kind of a platform in a place with pre-verified and pre-assessed talent ready for you to be interviewed take it for a tg pro now uh obviously what does this help you why does this help you obviously as a hr has as a hiring uh leader you know the costs are are more important to you cost quality and timeline is all that matters more than that obviously this is something uh someone from dg pro can explain better but more than that you know that there are hidden costs it's not just the cost of hiring it's not just the uh interview to hiring ratio there are hidden cost of your team spending time over over interviewing people who might seem interested in the profile but is just being interviewed for for the sake of negotiating with their current employer or something some reasons of their own you do not know you spend that cost you it goes out of your team budget to interview such candidate when they do not turn up it it's out of your own budget mostly when you interview 50 50 candidates for one role you it's it's human it's human that there are there are rejections and during rejection what happens is you are also creating and a branding image in those in the mind of those talent and candidates whom you whom you might not hire but they would still remain in the industry assuming those about you these this is the cost that obviously you will incur at the branding stage you're taking care of it right now hidden costs can spiral into in many more ways you know what what more areas you are spending in terms of obviously you you may not require to pay for travel but you will you still need to hire talents boundarylessly from different geographies obviously or you all your time tested uh arenas such as consultant can definitely find you cool but then there is a timeline as well here's exactly what priya mentioned and i really liked it uh talent pool is good talent pipeline is perfect it works for so many years however no talent is going to behave the same way pre and post the disruption that we have faced first thing second thing obviously are the time tested the time time tested methods gives you a complete view of talent that you that you require for your fitment you still do not know the trainability of that talent over here you will you will get to know seeing the resume or seeing the kind of uh the kind of profile that that tg pro is going to send it to you i'll show it to you soon soon which is why you can screen uh smarter obviously that saves your time you are cutting short the screening process and obviously uh amongst everything i really like um i really like hello hello am i uh am i audible am i audible is there is there anybody anybody else talking no no let me go on okay sorry uh so let me go on so this is exactly where um i wanted to share a story which devin from tg pro team had shared uh obviously you um you know all these companies who uh who would barely hire a tech talent i mean i know one of the large heavy missionary companies uh in some were deep in the corner of our country who would hire barely 20 id professionals a year during uh during pandemic because of the sudden search of the inva or rather the technology invasion had to hire 20 idea id professional a month imagine the kind of scaling up that they had to do the kind of protocols that they had to override the kind of hierarchies they had to override to ensure that they closed on the process dude did they really made it no why because the kind of profiles that they were screening were from the processes which did not give them free assist be verified about the fact that the candidate is actually looking for that job the candidate is actually interested to apply for apply for for this job and it's it's not just one question uh i mean one question over the call that you may ask are you interested in in this role are you looking for the job and they say you yes or no that doesn't answer it what answers it a talent who is building his profile over the period of years who is constantly working on improvements attending webinars attending uh improvement i mean improvement based programs that tells you that talent is looking for something more he or she is not happy at the job he or she is preparing for a better role which obviously the profiling gives you as per your requirement let me take you to the next point of uh this is the exact um this is the exact resume format that i wanted to talk about this is how uh the entire talent profiling is what you will receive when you call up uh the dg pro team and you give you give them your requirement obviously it is uh it will show you the proficiency on the number of challenges attempted performance in the skill quotient how is this different how is this different from the educational certificates or the scorecards that he had received from his university how is this different from um from his past job scorings you may may not have it but still let me assume it this is different because this happened at an environment but the talent was not really uh looking forward to be uh to be i mean they did not have to pretend they did they will pretend in a interview but they they will not be able to pretend in a hackathon which goes on for so many years over a period of time they come and participate and the best part is uh their scores from one hackathon that they have our one program that they had attended right in 2009 is still stored in the system so you can see the kind of improvement that the talent have made you can you can get your tick boxes right before you even speak to that person obviously that saves a lot of your time that says your rejections and that helps you bring the employer branding image that we all already talked about obviously the summary of skill in a in a nutshell gives you a better view than a three-page resume which probably the consultant would share with you and obviously the the entire summary of candidates performance in the contest reservist this is the competitive scoring that i i was talking about think about it every every talent would would try their level best to uh to score during any kind of a assessment right however they may not have a good day they may have they may not have or it might be their lucky day so one assessment one fine day can not really prove who exactly is what a series of assessment which is uh which is vetted against many other talent of the same um same profile that gives you the right kind of decision making capab that that actually enables your decision-making capabilities think about it obviously uh somebody from from the best college or the top tier tier one college suits your profile however that that person from the tier one college doesn't really score well when he is vetted against ten more candidates of his profile from other colleges does this affect you yes because even though you may have a tier one college in mind what you're looking for is training ability what you're looking for is that uh cutting edge cutting edge proficiency for the skill set what you're looking for is that shark skills the the sharkest instinct that the candidate is going to put put himself through for the job without without trying to please anyone and obviously it also saves your team from the human biases because now that the geographies are gone now that the boundaries are gone you don't really get to uh you don't really get to choose that okay fine people from this particular area would only be good for this job you don't have to worry about it the technology has already taken care of all those human biases it is absolutely a bias proof uh error proof or rather i would say a few it's a future proof product that that helps you choose the candidate at the very shortest span of time than you any other arenas can let me look into the next one sorry okay so participation of the participation history of the candidate with performance difficulty of challenges and skill required for the contest this this is a this is an in-depth view which probably you would you would arrive at after interviewing a candidate for 45 minutes over the probably in person because over the course they might they might be able to hide or play around with words over here you do not have to you do not have to depend on any such things because this data has been collected over the period of years and obviously the webinar participation as i had mentioned before shows the kind of trainability the kind of intent a candidate has towards improving themselves towards looking for a job towards being more employable than any and anybody else can i mean this is one product which which literally gives you a score on employability which literally gives you score on uh trainability which literally gives you score on the preparedness of a candidate to join the job so yes if you have those uh those areas for which you're paying somebody who's who might be very good in scoring in exams educational exams but not really trainable you're saving on that cost somebody who might be uh too eager by talking to you over the phone but it doesn't really want the job you're saving on that cost so it is a product which which actually saves you from different kind of failures as you take a step towards the right direction next next look this is the final idea that i would leave you with yes uh the hr leaders are other are the ceos of the future and we already have miss lina and i are taking up uh chanel as ceo proving that and we will have many many of you taking uh taking the ceo's office in future because whatever process you have designed you have designed it for future whatever challenges that you have faced you have kept the solution for the future in mind you're not just designing for today you're not you're not just deciding uh for this particular uh this particular project that you're hiring for you are thinking for the next three months you're thinking for the next 18 months you're thinking for the next 22 months so if you're thinking long term what what are the areas that you would actually think about obviously using technology is um is probably a i of your life right now using the right kind of technology which doesn't uh which doesn't use up your uh your your screen time or your time limit which doesn't use up your cost which doesn't use up your budget which also helps you to create a better employment branding is the one that you're looking for if i'm not wrong and i'm sure uh with the kind of uh with the kind of hiring that you have gone through since the last 18 months you have a better view to what exactly works for you when you suddenly have to hire somebody who um who had gone to his hometown and probably wasn't hired again so obviously uh if if uh i mean god forbid if if it was through a consultant the consultant would show a job a gap in the job and you reject it but this kind of profiling shows you even in those duration when uh he did not have a job and he was in the hometown how many ways was he preparing for the role that you're looking for how many uh i mean how what is the kind of scores that he has visible to the people who may not have a job gap but is not actually interested in your uh role joining your role right now so think about it it's a cost saving in many ways it's a it's a value creation in many ways it's actually the building future in more than one way using technology through people through communities and uh sorry so pretty am i about is it about time it's about time okay thank you so uh with that i would i would leave you with a call for an action you're building the future you're going to run the con com company whichever company wherever be it you have a you have a product you have a design for a service in mind yes this is uh this is the kind of this is the kind of step that you wanted to take what else do you want i really want to hear from you what else have worked for you in last 18 months which is why you're planning your uh your next 22 months on the or running the company in the future i am looking forward to hear hear from you this is a call for an action to all those leaders who had who had great success with every um every arenas uh using every arenas for hiring and to everyone who has used this kind of a future i mean future proof of a product which is based for future which is built for future i'm i wait to hear from you so i'll be there in the networking zone thank you so much have a nice day thank you all right now uh it's time to move ahead with the next segment technique has been a pioneer in helping corporates not only hire the best tech talent but also build a great brand value in the market and we've helped the biggest tech giants like cognizant your uipath assistant many more on both techies at the world's biggest scoring competition code gladiators with raging participation of more than three lakh and solutions to the real world problems a gig is adding both the candidates and the corporates the best exposure possible ladies and gentlemen i am delighted and honored to have manoj madhusudan head of dunami india with me for an exclusive fireside chat today welcome to the conclave manoj so happy to have you here thank you supreme feels very nice to be here and thank you for inviting me lovely so uh you know i would quickly go ahead with the you know things that i would want to know from you uh to begin with i would want to know that how has your experience been in partnership with techie girl together so we have been partnering don hamby has been partnering with tech kick for i think this is the third year in the running it's been a fantastic experience from the word go uh we were i would i would be very honest we were very nervous in 2019 when we experimented with the whole model of conducting hackathons and you know using it for a variety of reasons for branding brand building for hiring we were nervous because we never ventured out into and i personally had not done myself in any of my previous organizations also in fact that was the year i joined dunham 2019 so we were a bit nervous i must admit but uh the whole uh experience was so fantastic you know when we launched we got i think the more than 10 000 submissions came in the first go uh which is uh which is uh which revved up the engine really well and this was pre-pandemic so we could create the funnel shortlist people and then have the 30 finalists come to dunham office on a saturday and do the final event and and meeting people from across the country you know flying to gurgaon and doing the finals right that was again a very nice experience uh for us so from there it kick started and then you have been partnering on a variety of areas including the geek goddess contest that was that happened recently um so very happy with the outcome and the and the assistance it provided for the brand to expand and reach the engineering and you know data science community thank you i'm so happy to hear that since you know we spoke about uh competitions uh manoj i would want to know that you know of being an expert here what are the advantages you see of the coding contest and hackathons all together for the corporates here there are multiple advantages and and it depends on from which vantage point you want to look at right the priority will vary for us the number one priority was uh we want more in the in the tech community to know about dunham so we do some great work lots of innovation and uh has a reputation of being really reputed data science company but beyond that we also have a strong engineering and product development capabilities that we are building in india so so doing this kodathon uh you know has really helped us build that brand yes we because once you do something like this it's not just that you're reaching out to people and they're just submitting their entries by looking at what they have to submit the kind of problems they they need to address uh to get ahead in the competition uh you're also giving them an opportunity to uh you know see look this is the kind of stuff that you might be doing in real life right so it's a bit of a slice of the real life problem that you are presenting when you are on to these uh code-a-thon events which again it's so it's not just about okay everyone knows about don humpty but also okay this must be a place where there's a lot of innovative work happening if this is the curtain racer or preview that we are getting from the company with this kind of an event so so brand building is number one this is a big advantage second is hiring itself uh you know and that happens in two ways one is if you have this whole funneling and then you know there are finalists and you could uh take their cvs if they are interested and then interview so far we are still optimizing we have i must admit we had limited success for the direct hiring because um you know we are also trying to figure because sometimes it will be like okay i don't want to relocate to gurgaon even if i am entering the courthouse or my experience level is not same as what you are looking for so there are those mismatches that happen but what i've seen is and i'm pretty sure that 10 000 people if they are from across the country applying for this there would be many people who would have registered the name done humbly maybe three months six months one year later they would just apply separately so so can you measure all of that in a quantifiable way not possible but i am pretty sure we have been able to overall uh you know higher even during the pandemic close to 250 people in dunham india office in the last 18 months and in fact more than 250 people and we have significant hiring targets for next year as well so all of that we have been able to achieve because the world is spreading the whole branch and that is helping the engineering talent to uh just proactively apply to namibia and i'm sure this has played a significant role third is innovation right so if you if you if you look at uh these coding competitions and hackathons and code-a-thons uh this also gives a a significant opportunity to spur innovation come up with ideas involve the community and uh and and even uh it can lead to some new products so again we haven't really gone that far but uh i'm pretty sure over the next two or three years we would be gaining a lot more on the innovation front as well from these events that we conduct thank you uh let's go ahead and i would want to know about uh you know the brand building part here that how is this entire process that help you bring your brand you know you you know reach out to a mass altogether in the market so one part is what i already said right the engineering talent is uh getting to know of us and word of mouth but even beyond that uh we had press releases uh we have you know from dunham's uh you know own uh handle as well as my own handle we did uh social media posts which again garnered a lot of attention that we're doing this uh and you know all of those kind of things uh add up so so when you look at the the brand building uh the key question is first question that we want to answer is uh do people really know about dunham right so uh in fact a few years back when i joined there were people who were asking why are you part of dun and brad street right so i don't hear that question anymore because i think we have become a little more of uh somewhat of a household name in the engineering and data science community uh in the past few years so so we wanted to be known to more people and uh conducting the event and then publicizing popularizing this spreading this on social media all of this adds up i wish i had a you know brand measurement tool which uh you know says that okay it was 3.5 and it's gone to 4.3 out of 5. but unfortunately we haven't been able to measure that accuracy but uh from all the wipes i'm getting the messages the reactions on social media these events have helped us build our employer brand significantly in the country so i think you know your happiness quotient and your satisfaction quotient is something that i can actually uh be that there's a qualifier for me i should say that uh you know just really helped me you know create that name that stirred in the market as a brand altogether so uh thank you for those uh things that you've shared with us uh would you recommend uh you know the gig as as a peer you know to your peers in the market and why would you do that if in case if you would you know any uh recommendation isn't there so i would recommend but i don't think uh tech will need my recommendation because the tech community the developers and the data scientists and this whole community if you look at right it's kind of leading platform and uh people people go there very often so it has a great reputation with that community right so uh so in fact uh by being on the platform i must say this uh you know uh we we gain the benefits of all the people who are fans of tech gig and and then attract them to uh contests that we do through dunham right so uh so so it's both ways so uh i would absolutely be very happy to recommend uh this platform um it's it's pretty easy intuitive the whole process uh sugary working with the entire technique team has been a very pleasant experience right so you know it has been a happy experience so far and we hope that it stays that way you've made our day thank you so much that that actually means a lot coming from you thank you so much absolute delight to hear all those experiences you had with us thank you for being here thank you thank you for inviting me this is uh this is a good chat quick short sweet one absolutely thank you so much thanks a lot now ladies and gentlemen i will present you another guest that i have with me today uh for this exclusive chat maria pan vp of engineering titanium inc [Music] thank you secretly for introducing me my name is karthik i am vp of engineering and a co-founder at titanium we are a startup based in silicon valley california and we have been using tech gig pro for for the last three months try to ramp up our hiring and so far my experience with the gitpro has been very pleasant in the sense that i am able to get the results that i want i have used other sources of candidates and it has been always a challenge with tech geek pro it's been really clear the candidates know what what we are trying to accomplish and they expect and they are prepared whereas some of the other channels it's been a real challenge for us sometimes they even feel surprised that people are even contacting them for hiring and interview purposes and it has helped minimize in fact in some of the cases we have gone from the first touch to actually getting an offer space in literally a week's time and that's been amazing for us and we could actually really focus our time in in the most efficient way in hiring so that we can you know focus on other parts of the company building and the product building as well so it's been really pleasant and uh i would certainly recommend take it pro to others if you are looking to hire it's a great resource and you can certainly find what you want working with the folks at the git pro thank you sukhothi for giving me an opportunity to talk about my experience and good luck to you all thank you so much kathy again lovely to hear those things uh from you let's move uh to the next segment which is uh gonna actually check your observations and listening power audience our product lead from the technic team is going to present a demo you need to listen to this demo and you know be very observant carefully listen to everything that he's going to present because our upcoming section where we have the trivia quiz we'll have some questions uh from the demo right so ensure that you cautiously listen to this so that you can win amazon vouchers worth rupees 12 000. over to you jagar thank you sukhrithi thank you sukhrithi so it was a pleasure listening to all the panelists and navamita and karthik yen so a lot of insights there before i get into the presentation i would like to set some context on why we built uh peggy pro so we were already in a sense working on some of the problems that the it recruitment industry was facing uh but there was a fundamental thought that the thought was can we do better some of the problems which the i.t the tech recruitment industry was facing was of time speed of higher can we get to the right talent quickly it was of discovery can we disc can we figure out from a candidate's profile whether he's the right fit for my organization and during the pandemic we figured out that there was another problem uh which companies were facing which was shortest of uh shortage of people taking the interviews so the line managers also double up as uh interviewers for getting in tech talent so there was a crunch there which was leading to higher lead times in terms of hiring so the fundamental question was that can we can we eliminate line manager interviews out of the process was there a method to do it so these were the thoughts with which we started and we were looking for a solution uh there were couple of solutions that that would already there uh from taking one one is the assessment product that we have which helps you to build your tailor tailor-made assessment as per your hiring requirement in a matter of minutes and it helps you assess people on skills that matter it's not just a cv based profiling that you do which is as many of the panelists highlighted inefficient because of the keyword match mechanism that most people use we also have a contest and hackathon platform as many of the panelists said the contest acronym platforms helps you identify not just people who can build solutions for some of the problems that you give it also helps you observe people in a real work environment and understand team team dynamics so when we give our contest and hackathon solution we are not just giving you the power of the assessment platform but we also give you access to 70 of india's tech community these two things were something which were which were already there but the question was could we could we do better with that thought we worked on uh the data that we were sitting on which is literally a gold mine and then we built a product which would help you address many of these problems that i spoke about yeah the true cost of hiring when it comes to id recruitment is something which is overlooked and ignored what the line manager is usually concerned about is who are the top 10 people that have come to me but the entire funnel mechanism which works in the back end that is conveniently ignored what that leads to is a very high cost and a a huge lead time in terms of hiring which is usually overlooked so this is a typical funnel uh we have taken a hybrid approach in which you start with with a job listing and also you do an assessment at the end as part of your screening mechanisms as you can see on the screen it starts with the job listing which lets you post your job on a job board uh then uh then you get interests from candidates which is which is your sourcing process once you have sourced the candidates you put them through a pre-screening mechanism uh by putting the data into an ats or by having people look at the resumes manually or any other uh mechanisms to pre-screen candidates once you have pre-screened the candidates you want to put them through a technical basic technical round uh before uh passing them on to the line manager for a face-to-face interview if you look at the uh aggregated cost and time there uh for it so this is primary research that we had done as part of our [Music] research mechanisms for hiring about 20 for getting about 20 interview ready candidates you have a lead time of about 21 days and then they average cost of about 3.3 lakh rupees so that that is those are numbers that [Music] that that has come from our primary research this is something which has been validated by a lot of our clients just its own the only reason uh people don't come to know it because what happens before the line manager does the interview is usually overlooked so uh how does tech gig pro help you address that a tech gig pro gives you what is taking pro so tech gig pro is a pre-assessed profile it is also a pre-verified verified profile so when we say pre-verified it is a profile uh that has been verified by the tech gig team and it's someone who's looking for a job it is someone who is looking specifically interested in the job listing that you have pre-assessed means the user the profile has been validated in terms of his skill proficiency in the skills that you are looking at so those are two fundamental keywords uh which are there when it comes to the technique profile the advantage there is that it helps you screen faster so when you look at a typical resume borders it has it has work experience it has a basic uh profile of the candidate has the education that is a self-certification it is the candidate saying that this is something that i have done i'll show you at a tip typical tg through profile what does the tg pro profile has in contrast to a usual cv it has a history of the contest that you have done it has your performance in each of those contests that you have participated in and it also gives you a benchmark for the skill that you are looking at versus the entire industry so that in a sense is a more objective way of looking at a candidate for for a skill that you are looking to hire what are the advantages there uh every company so when we look at our data for every company we can know that what is the skill score for a particular skill for at which typica people typically would get hired so suppose there's a company a we can tell you exactly at what score for java a candidate is likely to get hired now how is that helpful it is helpful because the candidate knows that which are the companies where the probability of he getting hired is high and the company also knows that okay this is a candidate whose probability of getting hired into my company is high so that matchmaking process is quite efficient there since it is pre-assessed and it is pre-validated the conversion ratios are much higher since you also have the performance of an upskilling history of the candidate you can also evaluate the evaluate the profile in terms of learnability etc since you have a benchmark against the industry you know where the candidate stands in that particular skill with respect to the entire industry so when we compare tg pro with uh with the traditional uh hiring mechanisms that we have uh what we have seen that the conversion ratios are much higher and also uh the lead time is uh much lower so when you when when we look at a typical uh hiring uh process the lead time is anywhere between 21 days to more than 21 days it can go up to two months three months depending on the profile in the case of tg pro what we have seen is that the lead time can be as low as uh seven days as kartikan was pointing out few minutes back now the question is how do we do it we run about 400 to 600 recruitment related contests and hackathons in a year every time a candidate participates in any hackathon his tgf pro profile gets updated his tg pro profile gets updated on the basis of his performance in each of the contests that he has participated in we also do two large events one is techy geek goddess which we concluded uh two months back and we also do something called peggy code gladiators which shukriti has been highlighting throughout the session so these are two large funnels of assessing candidates and putting them into the tg pro uh dg pro database i'll briefly touch on code gladiators in the next slide because that's that's our key uh mechanism of adding tg pro profiles into the system so we add about uh quarter to half a million uh pre-assessed users annually into the tg pro database and this is across this is across across skills so we have tg pro database for more than 80 80 tech related skills uh in the database this has been the history of code gladiators why this slide is important is the shear scale at which we do this uh every user so when we look at uh when we look at last year we had about 3.16 lack users who registered for it every user who participated in taking code gladiators contributed became a part of the tg pro database so this adds about about 200 000 profiles to the tg pro database every year and is our biggest source of adding profiles to the pgpro dgpro database we also do internal skill assessments so these are ss skill assessments that candidates can come and they can take on the platform most of the contests and tests that we do are proctored so we we do audio video proctoring uh we do switch tab proctoring and we also prevent things like people going out of the window etc so that helps make the rtg pro profile more robust because the sanctity of the test that they have taken that is something which is ensured by the platform now what makes uh tg pro skill based resume better than a conventional resume this is something that i covered briefly earlier what a conventional resume tells you is what the candidate is willing to tell you on his profile what the dg pro resume tells you is how the candidate candidate has performed in the skills that you are looking to hire so and these tests are proctored they the sanctity the integrity of these tests are maintained so when you look at the profile you know okay this is someone who's at a one percentile when it comes to java so the guy has to be really good at java so the fundamental difference is the in the conventional resume it's a self-certification in the tg pro resume it's his performance it's his historical performance it is it is his interest area that is uh uh that he likes to consume content on or learn about that you can look at and figure out that whether the candidate is the right fit for your company or not uh this is the process for uh tg pro so the way it works is you share a job description with us what we will do is we look into our database uh we will then give you a list of candidates who fit exactly to your jd and when you when you get the resumes you can then match them with the jd and then you can take your interviews so we have we have a team working in the back end to ensure that the profiles that we gave you are the best profiles uh when it comes to a match with your with your job description so uh nabomita had uh briefly covered about the tg pro uh resume so i'll show you an actual resume i'll show you the platform uh i'll show you how the tg pro resume is digital profile is generated and then i'll also briefly show you a comparison between two tg pro profiles for two different skills for the same candidate so that will give a sense of how one particular candidate can be a good fit for a certain skill but will not be a good fit for another skill yeah so this is this is how the platform uh looks like we have about uh once again yeah we have about uh two million pre-assessed users on the platform which is the highest database of pss profiles which exists anywhere in the world these are the different skills for which we have the pre-assessed pre-assessed resumes what we'll do is we'll look at one of the skills let's take machine learning as an example so we have about 41 543 pre-assessed users on the platform in machine learning uh yeah so the user in this search we get users by their score so when we look at the first user here's someone with an m tech from iit kharagpur there are different filters which are available we can filter users by location we can filter users by skills on their profile we can filter users by company we can filter users by what college they have studied in and we can filter them by gender we can also filter users by the experience bucket that they will fall in if we would want to have profiles uh in multiple skills we can do an and or or search on the platform what i'll do is i'll just go ahead and pull out the first profile and show you how that looks like so all you have to do is click here and it will download the profile once downloaded this is how the profile is going to look like oh so this is someone who has 17 years of experience and is very active on the platform so the green so the green the green ones are green uh bubbles are the ones for which there's a profile score which is generated the blue and the orange ones are the ones for if there's no profile score generated so if we scroll down so when we look at this profile we know this is someone who's very active on the platform has taken all kind of tests on the platform uh if you click on if you click on yeah if you click on download here it uh it gives you a choice of what skills that you want to choose so i chose artificial intelligence machine learning and data science and downloaded the profile it will give you the score and it will give you the skills com score and comparative analysis of all the skills but the contest listings will be only for the tests uh for the skills that you have chosen so when we look at this particular profile he is at a one top one percent when it comes to big data top one person when it comes to machine learning or one person when it comes to data science top one percent when it comes to sql top one percent when it comes to c and a whole lot of other technologies a top one percent for cloud computing top one percent for artificial intelligence and it also tells you what topics has he been assessed in so when we look at big data the candidate has been assessed in hadoop high fake so we would have questions around these topics in the tests that this user has taken and and he's at 100 percentile for all the all the skills so when when we scroll down further yeah when we scroll down further it will give a listing of the different contests related to artificial intelligence data science and machine learning the three skills that we chose when we generated the resume so we can see that the candidate has been participating in a lot of ai and data science related contests and he's been in the top 20 30 percentile for some most of the contest and he's been in the top three percentile for uh some of the contest the contest complexity is also given so [Music] it gives you a sense of whether he's been performing well in difficult contests or he has been performing well in easy contest it also tells you what skills the contests were in and if you further scroll down yeah if you further scroll down it will have a listing of the different webinars and learning sessions he has attended and it will also give you a basic profile so when we look at this profile this profile is more actionable this profile gives insights about the users interested it gives you insights about the users tech proficiency in the different skills that you are hiring for what we will do now is i'll show you one profile which gives you a sense of com comparison for one candidate for two different skills so this is a this this was a requirement which had come in from a client and uh they wanted to hire women candidates in devops and azure so we had one candidate who fit into both the profiles but when we look at her devops profiles she's in the top 95 percent there's a 95 percent match he's in the top two percent in the dev in devops top nine percent when it comes to cloud computing etc so c is in the top percentile bucket when it comes to devops and cloud computing for devops she's a perfect match 95 percent but the same candidate when we uh pulled out her profile for azure she was at a 75 match so the same candidates he's been taking part in contests for board devops and cloud computing in devops it's a perfect match in the case of uh azure it's not not so much a perfect match so what the algorithm does in the back end is from the search it figures out how your performance has been in the skills that you are looking for it also looks at whether there's an experience or location based criteria which has been fed in uh your performance is the most important criteria if you have done well there then your math score will be high the next will be experience and location so we can see that what the engine does is it takes your requirement it looks at the candidate's performance with respect to your requirement it and then it generates a generates a profile and stack ranks people on the basis of their profile match so this candidate is most likely to be uh accepted for a devops role in this particular company and was a fit match for the company but not so much for an uh foreign is your profile that kind of clarity uh will be very difficult to get from the traditional cv when you look at two comparable series you would not know would be a better match for what profile what the tg pro profile helps you do is objectively look at a candidate's profile and stack crank them with 100 surety that this is a candidate who's better than the next one the next one is better than the third one so it helps you objectively do that which is why the conversion ratios are are high because the skill proficiency bit is uh taken care of there and we since the mechanism in the back end also does the validation that the candidate is interested in your company the conversion ratios are high there so that brings me to the end of my presentation but i would like to leave everyone with a thought so one of the problems which i had highlighted was bandwidth crunch that many companies are facing when it comes to uh interviewing candidates uh and getting them in so there's one proposition that we made to a lot of companies and which was kind of accepted by a lot of companies that why don't you look at a tg pro profile and then you can eliminate the line manager interview this is a candidate who has performed consistently and has been a top ranker in the skills that you are looking for can we do away with the line manager interview and just do a fitment interview and get him on board into the company so i think that's where the industry is shifting towards and since it's a teething problem that a lot of companies are facing a tg pro profile addresses that and it helps you bring down your time to higher bring down your cost of hiring and also helps you get better candidates in the smallest amount of time thank you so kriti [Music] thank you so much uh jagat i am sure you know our audience uh has made notes of for what you've just presented uh us uh audience for you we are gonna present the trivia quiz now the link will be displayed on the screen please go ahead and participate follow the instructions uh you know which will be uh given on this link and then you need to answer those questions your enthusiastic participation and observing observation power will earn you amazon vouchers worth rupees uh 12 000. uh the link is displayed on the screen right now in case you know you're not able to pick up the link from this screen you can also avail it from the lobby area near the help desk all you need to do is copy paste this link in the browser and then you will be able to navigate through the trivia quiz right a couple of things so that i would want to tell you here there are two attempts and 15 minutes of the quiz and the link will be live throughout the day today so go ahead you can participate you can win uh vouchers and uh interestingly you'll also come to know about our product uh the announcement the winner announcement will be made tomorrow on our linkedin page by the end of the day so you'll have to wait for the results just start up go participate and uh this is based you know some simple questions that jager has just presented the demo for go ahead participate uh we'll be you know for this section particularly we have uh you know five minutes that that's slotted here so apart from this in case if you're not able to uh complete the quiz within this time frame you can actually avail it later on also because it will be live on the platform by till the end of the day today so go ahead and participate also uh to talk about the leaderboard uh participation here as i you know mentioned earlier i called out the scores that you will be actually earning if you see the agenda you have five scores if you are visiting the auditorium you won five visiting the exhibition hall will on your ten a video chat with the boot staff 20 downloading the brochure 20 charting in the network lounge 40 filling in the query form 30 and particularly participating in this trivia quiz all together will give you 50. so go ahead participate this is uh you know gonna be a bonus for you in case if you participate uh and you can ascend in the leaderboard as well for leaderboard uh i would want to also mention that we'll be actually giving out uh vouchers to the top eight uh you know engagements that we'll be driving on the platform and uh all together there's rupees 8 000 amazon vouchers that we are allocating today to the leaderboard or winners so go ahead and participate i would uh you know like to call the course once again for your convenience the agenda you were on five visiting the auditorium five visiting the exhibition hall 10 video chat with the bootstrap 20 downloading the brochure 20 starting in the network's lounge 40 filling in the query form 30 and participation in the trivia quiz 15. so i hope you guys uh you know have stay tuned till we have completed uh this session uh so far and you've earned your points we will reveal the winners also very soon for this so you will have to stay tuned meanwhile uh for those of you who are participating we're looking forward to our uh top 12 winners for the trivia quiz today and uh the winners will be declared tomorrow by evening on our linkedin page you'll have to stay tuned for your names to you know be declared as a winner tomorrow so stay tuned okay we've already passed three minutes uh for the quiz so let's see uh how you know the entire process for you is going on uh the results will be out tomorrow as i mentioned two attempts of ten minutes altogether you'll be able to run through the quiz for 15 minutes and you just have two attempts okay but this is the uh the link will be live throughout the day today so in case if you're not able to make it up once uh in this section that we've opened it up for you can actually facilitate one more time after this conclave because the platform is already there for people who are not able to open the link in their browser you can go to the lobby area near the help desk you'll be able to find the link there as well you can actually copy paste it from there as well and uh start with your quiz also folks uh we are you know uh at the end of our conversation after this uh of the conclave altogether so uh you know i'm sure you're holding your excitement we we have uh actually well you know made sure that the engagement uh is is fine enough for you and we hold on to you and the trivia quiz that we have interestingly has vouchers and uh some interesting features that you would come to know about so you will have to just see and uh you know go on participate this will also actually uh tell us as a platform that how interesting the entire conclave was for you so please help us understand that we you have two more minutes actually audience it's 356. we will be uh you know ending the link on the screen the display will end at shop uh for i i could uh tell you so let's let's just get going with the quiz i hope the excitement is still there and we will see our top winners by tomorrow don't stop uh you know in terms of making your efforts there let's see it's 356 four more minutes to go and then four o'clock shop or we will end the link that's visible on the screen right now and we'll move to the next segment after this for those of you who've missed out the details uh in case if we're participating the winners will be announced tomorrow evening on our linkedin page so you'll have to stay tuned to our page of linkedin till tomorrow and wait for the results the top 12 uh winners will be declared there who would be winning vouchers so you know process you just have to click onto the link follow the simple instructions there and answer the questions so just go ahead i hope you guys are having a good time attempting the quiz we would not hold you for long after this two more minutes to go audience okay we are done with the quiz now uh you know as we are you know about to wrap up this entire conclave i would like to invite shivasani regional manager international states hyderabad in north india tagging for the word of thanks thanks so much sukriti i think it was a great session i spent a lot of time making my notes because it helps me to understand what is the shift in the industry so earlier you started with a shift from the educational skills to the genuine skills that somebody have professional skills that we have then priya highlighted a very nice point that this has always been in the existence and now how we are changing our industry is how do people show their skills is getting more important then we also highlighted a couple of points wherein we were talking about how the interviewer is unable to understand the skills of a candidate while they're interviewing in a short span of one hour and sometimes there's vice versa as well the candidates have a brilliant resume but their skills are not doing justice to their resumes so um of course the need of the hour is to have pre-assessed candidates those pre-assessed candidates could be found in both ways with tege uh if you want a little employer branding like manoj said so nambi has been doing a lot of engagements with us they primarily do it for employer branding and then finding out the correct candidate which could be done with the format of a hackathon or a coding contest and the second one is not doing any employer branding but just reaching out to candidates who already been pre-assessed on our platform so both those things can be incorporated depending on the kind of time somebody has for hiring and candidates of course come on take gig to learn compete and grow it's an engagement uh platform for technologists and become very easy for companies like the nambi itc to hire from us so of course i mean we are all here to help you guys out make sure you reach out to techgeek for any new uh engagements that you want in terms of hiring solutions and we'll be there to help you i would like to meet you at the networking lounge to make sure i could hire i could answer some of your questions and thank you supreme for calling me in thank you so much and uh you know i'm sure everybody had a great time that's a wrap ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for joining us hope you had a great time and some great learnings uh from our eminent panelists and speakers today before i sign off i would like to reiterate on the trivia quiz and at the leaderboard here which will be uh the trivia quiz really live till the end of the day today and we'll be declaring the results for both the review quiz as well as the leaderboard engagement my linkedin page tomorrow by tomorrow evening actually so stay tuned for the results everyone stay safe take care thank you so much for joining this is sukhruthi signing off you
Channel: TechGig
Views: 4,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x5FNi1C13P0
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Length: 127min 5sec (7625 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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