Opening Ceremony 7th ASIA International Conference 2021 (AIC-2021)

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen salaam alaikum and good morning good afternoon good evening wherever you are in the world my name is dr abdullah mohammed nawiy and i'm the assistant dean for the faculty of social sciences and humanities the utm university technology technology malaysia and the president of the april malaysia the opera is the association of professional researchers and academicians and i am your host for today for the asia international conference 2021 and we're broadcasting from the connecting asia office main office in beautiful sunny malaysia now ladies and gentlemen these past two years have been a great challenge to everyone around the world thousands of lives lost livelihoods ruined relationships strained and we academicians have not been spared in the past couple of years it has been essential to pivot to change and to embrace the new norm to go forth into an uncertain future and go forth we did ladies and gentlemen this is the second aic that we have held totally online and the fourth conference that connecting asia has done completely online rest assured that whether the future of conferences is online offline face-to-face hybrid whatever the case may be at connecting asia we will be there for you as long as god wills ladies and gentlemen for today's opening ceremony for aic 2021 we will have three speeches from three dignitaries from three different countries and they are dr aliyu isa from connecting asia nigeria from yobe state university dhammaturu nigeria next we have dr sobia iran connecting asia bahrain from the university of bahrain and last but not least we have dr muhammad imran kureshi founding director of connecting asia and conference chair of aic 2021 ladies and gentlemen to deliver his welcoming speech please welcome from connecting asia nigeria yobe state university da maturu nigeria my friend dr aliyu issa chikaji thank you very much to our emcee our forever uncle of aic in person of dr abdullah muhammad nawi the founding director dr muhammad imran kureshi who is the engine of connecting asia dr solberg from bahrain university our keynote speakers ladies and gentlemen dr abdullah muhammad navy permit me to respectfully stand on the already established protocol please thank you assalamu alaikum very good morning from nigeria this is to welcome the entire participants and indeed everyone that is watching and listening to this year's asia international conference 2021 aic 2021 i hope you are all keeping safe and healthy wherever you are on this globe aihc 2021 is here like every december of the year december 2021 is not an exception it is usually the month when the signature event of the connecting academia society industry alliance network brings forward aic [Music] this great this grand event which started in the year 2014 has never ceased to hold even when the global pandemic coveted 19 stroke at the time when many conferences and important events worldwide were busy counseling as innovative as always connecting asia was quick to come up with a robust platform for virtual or online conference which today is not only been used but it's been copied and subscribed by many the management of connecting asia announced that aic will hold as planned we had it that is aic2020 and we recorded huge and unprecedented success as i speak today kovit is still here and we still cannot meet physically unfortunately but with the robust platform we have you all have the opportunity to make presentations get a repute and feedback on your work and subsequently get published aic has always been an educating and exciting experience and nothing has changed except the physical meeting and this is to keep yourself and others safe aic has created and given the opportunity of not only promoting academic activities but establishing strong network amongst people from all parts of the world today we only see each other on the screens but soon enough we will be able to meet again and have even greater experiences and benefits connecting asia network has never relented and will not a couple of projects are in the pipeline and will be ruled out in due time for all members to benefit ladies and gentlemen to borrow the words of the founding director dr iran muhammad creation from strengths to strengths we move ladies and gentlemen the theme of this year's conference which is a post-covet pathway to resilience digitalization and sustainability is a well thought out theme and it has attracted a lot of submissions i look forward to seeing you online throughout the days of this conference at the same time hoping to meet in greets shake hands exchange ideas and prison trees soon as we get over this pandemic once again welcome to asia international conference 2021 aic 2021 and please go get vaccinated and stay safe tough time never last but tough people do thank you very much and best wishes to all thank you very much dr aliyu isati it has been too long my friend and what with this covid it has really been too long thank you very much for your speech ladies and gentlemen next all the way from connecting asia bahrain from the university of bahrain please welcome dr sobia ironical and welcome to all of you eic 2021 i am dr subhiram from university of bahrain and i am honored that i have been affiliated with connecting asia since 2015. as connecting asia is not a new name for you therefore i would just like to share with you few statistics regarding this year's conference this year as always we have received an overwhelming response from your side the scientific committee after their evaluations they accepted only 300 abstracts out of those 300 100 abstracts were meant for five five minutes five slides competition 125 abstracts were meant for uh normal online presentations and 75 abstracts were meant for poster presentations all these 300 research papers will be presented during aic 2021 i am glad that again you have shown your confidence on connecting asia i wish you a happy and fabulous conference experience thank you for joining aic2021 thank you very much dr sobia we hope that you're doing well over there it's been too long indeed ladies and gentlemen all conferences indeed all projects must have a backbone that keeps everything together and for aic whether it's 2021 2020 2019 2018 every single aic has had the same backbone and that that batman is the conference chair ladies and gentlemen please help me welcome the founding director of connecting asia and my good friend dr imran kureshi let's do that one again thank you dr abdullah thank you very much hello to all my connecting asia family members it is always a pleasure to have you all with us and this is a very important event because this is opening ceremony of 7th asia international conference 2021 this event is unique in many ways because we are doing fully digital conference and that allow us to connect our family members in a very efficient way and wherever they are we can see them and we can work together and we can discuss different research topics and different important extension in the body of knowledge with our all connecting asia family member the research network now as we know that we are experiencing this digital revolution and this digital revolution allowed us to communicate more efficiently than ever before but at the same time this digitalization caused a few threats on our existence for example it is a very well connected world and whatever happened to a small region in the world can affect the whole world a few examples are already in front of you for example a war uh for example afghan war and all other uh small geographical 19 is one of the biggest example in front of us that it was started from a small region of china but it empered and it can be felt all over the world and also if we see the climate changes it is happening in arctic eyes the ice is melting but the consequences are devastating and all world can experience these consequences this led us to the thinking how we can mitigate the effects of these type of the events and how we can prevent from the more damage or the catastrophic events so we are looking for the options we are looking for the methods and the ways through which we can mitigate the impact of these types of the event which can be experienced all over the globe this is where aic 2021 theme is becoming very important because we are talking about the resilience the social resilience business resilience and the community and the group resilience how they can prevent themselves for these types of the incidents and also improves in terms of digitalization while staying sustainable so these all are the objectives of aic 2021 and this is what we are going to cover in this conference and i hope so this is a very important development in the body of knowledge where we can learn different methods and different techniques of resilience digitalization and sustainability not only in terms of the business but all uh aspect of human life now three important objectives whenever we are having any conference we we focus on three main objectives the first thing is we are talking about the networking so this event will allow us to network discuss our opinions and these opinions need to be published because that is very important this publication will allow us to document all the development in this theme of the conference and finally we shall make this conference more visible so more and more people can learn and get benefit from the research which our uh our network is is doing so the conference mainly focusing on our post-coverage pathway to resilience digitalization and sustainability as we know the most important part of our conferences are always is publication and networking so we are providing opportunities for the participants to publish their work but there is one more thing which is very much important or i must say more important than the publication nowadays it is research visibility because without visibility there is no benefit of your research so we always want to share our findings to the larger audience so they can get benefit and society can improve in many ways so that is how we uh previously measure the quality of scholarly output so previously we were working on the citations and impact factors so this was the output of scholarly work and that is where we always try to help our participants uh to publish our work and also to get index in different indexing and then to improve the citation also but the way the word is changing the similar is the changing in the academic world the research word the research word before this was basically focusing on citations and impact factor only now the world meter the social world meters are also an important aspect of uh the research visibility and the publication output now that that's why we need to understand it is not just citations which are being counted in the future but also uh it could be counted as how many social blogs are discussing your research how many pages are having your name mentioned so all these are becoming very very important fault meters for any uh researcher research work or scholarly work so that is where we need to think and connecting asia taking this advantage and thinking ahead and then we developed an other important upgrades in our systems and that allow our participants to make their work more visible and maybe we can expand our citation network to many many many countries this is the current citation network of connecting asia uh research network so uh i am i'm planning to extend this network and we are working for that software since 2018 but now we are in the beta right now so this conference would be unique because in this conference we are going to experience an another advantage of having our database connected with the different other databases for example google scholar and other js and maybe in the future we'll try to link it with the scoopers and isi web of science at the time process but this is our beta software so we are trying to upgrade it as soon as possible based on the inputs we receive from the participants so what is going to happen is you can you can make your work citable and shareable so that is why we are having this update in our system and i will share another video in future with you what are the options you can use and how researchers and especially the participants they can get benefit from this new feature and they can expand their work or share their work to larger bodies in the world so that is unique in this aic 2021 and i believe everybody would be getting benefit from that and i will share this details in a video very soon how you can get benefit from these new options in the uh connecting asia conference management system but i'm happy to announce we have already into the new world and digital world and we have added this feature to our conference management system and this can be uh this can be upgraded in the future also but this will allow you to share your work in a very efficient way now for these types of events especially the events of this scale where we are having participants from more than 20 countries so we we are very much thankful for our collaborations because collaborators because uh without their collaboration it was never possible so i'm really thankful to all our collaborators for their efforts and for their consideration and for their support for our conferences thank you very much and without further ado i would request you to see this video because this is our glimpse from the past and you can watch this video and enjoy the connecting asia journey and i'm really thankful to you for being part of connecting asia coming offers thank you very much and have a very wonderful conference [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you very much to the three professors for those wonderful keynotes and as with every keynote that these professors deliver there are always things to learn thank you for the learning opportunities and so ladies and gentlemen this concludes the opening ceremony and keynotes for today we hope that you will all have a great conference ahead ladies and gentlemen this is dr abdullah mohamed nawi signing off stay safe stay positive stay awesome bye-bye the key note speeches for aic 2021 will be premiered immediately after the opening ceremony on connecting asia facebook page and connecting asia youtube channel so stay tuned
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Id: xkmgjfDFX1Y
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Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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