Tech Support Scammer Left Speechless (Reverse Scam)

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[Music] okay listen I got my son got home from school he said he wanted to watch some kind of movie have like a daddy date or something like watch a movie and get some popcorn and I told him we could he said one of his friends was outside of school or whatever like shooting bball I was out of school and he said that they used to watch movies on the Internet and so we gave it a shot would try to look it up there online and then I got some kind of it's like one of those newfangled highfalutin tootin uh messages from the window what my son is actually upstairs trying to fix it right now I didn't want him to know I was calling you because you know he's trying really hard and everything he's got like the toolbox out he's got like a like a like a ratchet sitting in a bunch of my son's twelve by the way so he doesn't really know a lot about computers dang it Bobby I've told you what I told you dad sit on that toilet like a rocking horse I'm through you know honey that boy Ryan I swear he's sitting he sits on the toilet like it's a little like a little like backwards like facing the wall he thinks he's like some kind of roadie like a like a he puts his cowboy boots on and everything all right so sir can you tell me what have you typed here it's a it's a fast ASU pee-pee all right after you can you spell it out for me what you have typed here so that you wouldn't make any mistake how far did he actually get through I typed the whole thing I have never you w w naught if ast s you after you you need to type P as in Peter RS and Romeo okay yeah RS and Romeo right right right right you see it easier they before I got that or is it - ours is you PPO or not no no that's a single are okay so three hours now or just one or they're just a single are just a one are okay one or I got you I got you around all right out there are you need to type yet and Tiger dot-com T is in tiger as in Tiger yeah okay so fast support as in tiger calm her fast supporters and Tiger not compatible yeah it should be a fat support calm you said fast sapore teaism tiger sure it should be support I just say Tiger that so that you will understand the first later t he is an Tiger okay in any type tiger okay I think I got it it's it there's an ice cream that now there's some kind of missing yet here it on my computer are you talk okay go ahead I'm sorry I think we're talking yeah yeah good good sorry sir you go first I think we're I think we're talking over how each other I'm saying you go ahead hello yes hello Oh oh yeah okay yeah now what do you need me to do next there's some kind of box on the screen yeah something about removing all of you to join me support I'm going to check the services over here so now can you see all the services all the software which has been installed in your computer application experience cohesion layers getaway application identity so these are all important which has been installed in your computer what is the Union be the middle one which one what what is it what does an application identity sir these are all important software which has been installed in your computer these are the software which is functioning on your computer and with analysis software your computer is working so this application experience application layers gateway these are all software which has been installed on the computer when you buy this computer disorder software which has been installed and with the hell of this rocker with the halibut services your computer is working and you can see the middle one the manufacture which is manufactured by the Microsoft Corporation and you can see the status I can see over here some are running and some are stop can you see that and let me go and check the status so that you can see all the running so they had her say and they should be running all the time yeah the topper need to be run ok and who turned them off do you think my son did that but that's the reason I'm taking for you right so I think that why it has been stopped so I'm explaining to you first why did heart stop running oh his phone call randomly dropped I don't think that was on purpose he didn't mean to let me call him back crap what was his I need to start writing down names you guys usually remember mark oh hi mark ok thank you for calling Microsoft my name is Alex how can I help you today Alex sorry your phone was just a little out there is Marc available just give me a minute to let me transfer your quality of okay this week either this is the technician did you even train did you even hand the phone to someone else or are you just trying to pretend you're your max no no the technician has transferred the call to me you were speaking with Marc okay yeah you were you were just about to tell me when you stopped wetting the bed I'm sorry you were just telling me a story about how you were like really old when he when he stopped bit in the bed how old was it I was 19 oh my god oh man I was like I was like seven but 19 is pretty bad okay okay so can you see my computer right now then max yes I did see a computer I have the access of your computer okay and what are we gonna do here if you can't tell okay but you're talking on my notepad right now you correct yeah your touch you just said sir I can't hear you wait can you not hear me I can hear you I can't hear you it's on the notepad but you're topping it right now computer sir why would I do that there's an issue you know we need to update the securities that you need to restart from your end okay were you were you hoping to steal that guy's Commission or something I mean what can I talk to the real Marc you are speaking with real marketer okay you said your name was max and you have no idea you don't see my computer right now so that's very unkind of you yeah so please shut it down sir from the power button are you are you kidding me yeah you're really gonna try to steal this you're gonna try to steal this from another scammer you're just gonna try to take the Commission like that did you pay no sir I was trying to give the money to mark but you you seem to be somebody else so that's okay okay well it's a different mark it was a different mark obviously you don't know anything about the situation because you're not in my computer that's fine that's fine I'll call I'll call back mark please consider getting another day no I mean seriously okay the mark who is working on your computer server just or don't let me transfer the coil to him well the other guy gave me a phone number and then it accidentally he moved the mouse to the top left and it crashed so if you guys aren't following the other guys trying to call me so like he's typing on the computer pick up my call I'm using a spoofed phone number that he can't call back it doesn't even have you doing Oh mark hey I'm Glenn I'm glad I got the good I'm speaking with you again all right sir so I was just walking on your computer and we got this connect and I really appreciate you just call me back okay oh my god okay man what a hoot that was before you were telling me about your granddaughter's birthday party how old how old is your granddaughter now I will tell you first of all just restart your computer I can it's fine how old your granddaughter sir Ivan how do you force please restart your computer I mean I'm restarting it right now are you are you serious man come on but why don't you just tell me like right now that you're you you weren't on my computer before your name's not mark he hung up sorry the other guy's about to call me I gave him one of my callback number so press one on the chanter for Navis it's like a billion won you argue all you are trying to say that you have a problem on your system right yes and then my phone call got disconnected in Mark said to call this number with his extension okay no problem sort of the mark is busy with other customer and he's literally tied you he's on my notepad right now telling me to call this number okay so just a moment please be on the line let me find the market can't be on the line I think I'm gonna give up this guy and just try calling I don't even know what mark yeah me mark yeah okay I don't know what I don't know what happened before I guess the phone call got disconnected all right not a problem I called you back but it's not reachable all right now in front of the computer all right so just give me a moment okay okay so this can may take at least 5 to 10 minutes so you can see this scanning will be run under your username no Mike you're not hopping all that are you I hear you top and you're not tapping this dais target I'm sorry are you topping this dear god mark are you like some kind of half human half robot or something IP address not recognized IP is not recognized as an internal or external command Lampe all right clamp I it's a clamp et la MPI yeah do you have any idea what is mean by IP address not responding no sir can you show can you show me what nappy address like what my IP is or whatever can you explain that IP it an unique ID number okay somebody we made a fake netstat and i want him to run next and i be thin for your internet protocol your Internet Protocol address is not responding someone is trying to meet you your IP data region if it's IP is not what do you mean the misuses that they can hack into your IP that's the reason they compromised to your IP that's the reason it takes IP it's not saying are you are you are you saying there's pay on my computer right now can you show me your luck is there is there a way to get them off no no no I can't do that well you want me to show the people who are on your computer can you do like another one of those scans you just did and knock again I'll get them off my computer or something do you see him right now you said there's people on my computer I can't I can't see him sir these are the hacking activities they hack into your IP that's the reason it's on over your IP address not responding okay yeah I don't get it all right not a problem let me make you understand over here okay it's not even over here and you can be over here to continue please insert the following floppy disk and okay what is that right Network what is that yeah so let me go ahead and let me explain to you each and everything already active connection and you can see a local address right okay so this local address means any kind of Internet activities which you do on your computer that's our local address which has been used by you only and why are you receiving added foreign address this foreign address means which is apart from your state or apart from a country so really a message on your IP data region you receive a foreign address and the state and they you can see that what is network access protection is enabled main I think my son's password it other region only scoop are you seeing this yeah what are all those all right let me tell you over here you can be let me highlight it for you would you like Tom expired termination sequence activated what does that mean so what is on your IP what is terminating right now can you see your IP number over here I guess so what what is this good or bad is it good or bad there is reason for an address that you need to remove and you need to block them now you're gone I never knew I could learn this much about computers in one night thank you for doing all this to me I don't know you have any idea what it do you have any idea what is mean by Limpy do you have any idea what it mean by clamping you're talking about the shrimp clamping yes I've hey I've had it I've had it at both Olive Garden and Red Lobster it's the shrimp clampy all right D what it exactly mean yeah let's see what it exactly mean by that okay it's just ignoring me we're gonna make a windows windows a nine I don't know that they don't make windows 9 because well Microsoft Office the one yeah Microsoft is the one who is manufacturing the operating system right so you need to ask to the Microsoft today and directly to Microsoft you don't think it's because seven ate nine do you right now I need to go ahead and take what is the exact problem and I need to attend this dynastic report to the level 7 network technician they are the one who will be working on the computer to remove all this problem okay but before before you send the report can you just show me how you remove these no no no they are the one who will be working on the computer really can't delete like this see there is no delete option oh so you don't know how to do it either you're saying someone else has to do it for you yeah the levels levels of a network technician they are the one who is going to work on the computer because this is not a virus problem and this is not a problem these are the hacking activities so they are the one who will be removing the hackers and they are the one who will block the hacking activities for you and he's just flying over here all the while without running on though I hope he goes over here or new or at least catching like all this most of the stuff he's saying is just a lie Event Viewer that stuff are bad viruses that he has to pass to a level network 7 technician I'll just I just need to know like where are we going with this he'll think because right now it's been an hour ten minutes I still don't really know what's wrong with my computer other than a whole bunch of stuff I mean right it looks like there's a ton of problems it's not computer you know what should I just throw it out do you think I should just get a new computer at this point it's up to you only if you want to buy a new computer you can buy it but if you don't fix all this problem disorder I told you these are the IP issues in return remove all this problem if you buy a new computer in future you will face the same problem on your new devices so do you want me to assign the level 7 technicians so that they can fix and they can work on this computer you don't need to stay online they are the one who will be working on a computer once the work is done they will give you a call or they will leave a method on the notepad so that you can restart a computer and you can use it I'd rather just watch to be honest I'm kind of curious how y'all you know remove those Event Viewer things have you ever seen how they do it military not they're heavy can can you be honest with me right now have you ever actually seen these people fix these problems no sir I haven't see that do you know if they can actually do it yeah they will fix you it and everything you don't need to worry for that ok but how do you how do you know if you've never seen them do it before how do you know they're gonna fix it do you feel win I can hear the wind and I'm not gonna see the effects of a wind of the wind yeah so I will kill you you can't see the wind right but you can feel it right of course starting now chorus aim at that because right now I'm a technician and they are the levels of an anvil painting and they are the one who is going to do anything and they are the one who is removing all this problem because they don't want to share anything how they walk or whatever I don't know sorry are you saying the block you can't see the level 7 technicians but you can forgive me no no no no no no I'm just giving you that an example how you ask me the question can you try another analogy something out like a boot and a radiator or like a farmer thing you try all that but you know yeah like if you were to relate the level 7 technicians to a breakfast food what kind of breakfast food would they be I just don't get it you you said that you've never seen these guys fix a computer before so your boss see them you're your boss told you that you're supposed to tell people that there's all these problems on their computer right and then you tell them to transfer them over to the level 7 technician after they pay their money but you don't even know if they fix it doesn't that make you a little bit concerned III can give you guarantee that the computer will be safe and secure and you can see the feedback of the computer after they work on the computer and you will see the difference as you are using before and after they fix a money-back guarantee yes of course I guarantee it out how about this how about this mark if you believe in your country or your company this much will you pay for me will you put the money up front and then after it's fixed I'll pay you back I can do that for you but that is not a holiday we do it over here why not mark how about this I'll make you a different deal I'll try to do I'll try to do this differently if you can get the hackers off my computer right now I will give you I'll give you a thousand dollars right now I'll pay you PayPal I'll do what everyone what do you want like 10 million GP I'll take you out to level 50 wilderness I don't care just you show me that you're a real technician right here right now you delete these messages you turn these services on I'll give you I'll give you as much money as you want but there I tell you they are the one who will be working on the computer and they are the one who will remove all this problem that's fun get one of them on the phone you know we'll do a conference call and have one of them start one of the services if they can start a service I will pay them anything they want Gold boolean I got war bonds and don't matter so you get someone on the phone one of these elite technicians you keep talking about and you have them start up one of these services for me so if you need to go and fix all if you want to fix all this problem then they are the one who will be working on the computer so you don't need to worry for that they will remove that for you before I pay the I told you sir before we can't assign to the 7 level 7 technician until you go for the warranty with years you need to activate the topper and they will start working on the computer that did the thing you know where this is going you are you are ping me that fix the problem first and you will be paying no I don't even want you to fix the problem I just want you now I just want you to start one single sedan that you gave me that you want to make the top one running right this one like this running then you will be paying right and if they can remove this error and warning right yeah if you can make I'll tell you what if you can make my fax missing service start running then I would believe that you're a real technician what if I told you if you paid me a million dollars I'd give you a magic Beanstalk that makes a tree that grows money in your backyard would you believe me how much I need to pay a thousand dollars yeah you have the money then I'll transfer the money to you the first but you would want to say you would want to see the tree wouldn't you want to go wouldn't you want to go in my backyard and see the money tree and pluck a dollar bill that would be proof maybe that there's a real money tree and then of course you would pay me a thousand dollars maybe you'd pay me a million dollars right for a money tree but I'm asking you for just one single iota like a little bit of proof just you show me something even even just the slightest bit that you can actually fix this computer all these fake problem I mean all these problems you made up because right now they seem super fake to me can you get one of your technicians on here and show me that this is real but thirsty I can transfer rain now because I did they make that rule that someone had to pay first it's not a volley rule but which we follow on this organization we follow that so like there is many I'm not the I'm not the one who is organizing this because there is higher authority on top there is a higher authority so they are the one who is making this rule so I need to follow that right okay hey Mark how about this here's another way you could prove it to me mmm-hmm why don't you do this for me right now I press the window key and our button on your computer yeah okay now top in MS config mm-hmm and press enter all right I can see exactly oh yeah yeah okay do you see general boot services startup and tools like some tabs yeah okay click on click on the services tab okay okay now click do you see service it says service manufacturer status you see those little tabs click on status for me does it say running at the top yeah click on it again click status again what does it say now what does it say now mark give me a month mati why do you need a moment mark but that sound is cuz he meted it by the way does mark seriously not know like has he never done that before maybe it's like the manager just took over the call right now they're being all like crazy like now a manager is looking all over the computer and now he can't talk on the phone or something yeah that's not gonna hear you all right you can tell me what you want me to do you want me to Italian or not mark did it you never told me what you saw what did you see when you when he looked at the services on your computer well there is a chance that he can't really talk to me because his managers listening or any number of reasons but yeah he just hung up the call I don't know I think I could be wrong guys but I feel like the way he reacted at that moment felt pretty genuine to me HEIs legit I don't know if he's ever seen that he had stop services before I wanted I really wanted him to let me connect to his computer like I really badly was gonna happen so then I started doing it that way I hope I hope [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kitboga
Views: 1,003,676
Rating: 4.919383 out of 5
Keywords: scambait, zeus virus, koobface, microsoft, apple, itunes support, tech support, fake virus popup, fraud, prank call, scammer, scam, 268d3, owned, hacker, coding, technology, education
Id: xkhGgLUC7xo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 58sec (1558 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 07 2018
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