The Most Overpowered Zonai Device Build In Tears Of The Kingdom - TOTK Fun Zonai Builds

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today we're going to be going over how to make one of the most overpowered zonai devices in the game you can use this to defeat pretty much anything in the game without really having to try very hard at all it's great for killing Lionel glioc and everything else I'm going to be showing you exactly how to build this where you can find all the items and the best ways to use it for combat this whole plan came into existence because I realized that lionels can actually completely destroy zonai devices and I was determined to defeat this and boy oh boy did I figure it out now to build this you're gonna need 16 beam emitters if you go to the Upland zorana Skyview Tower and launch up into the air you can actually get beam emitters from this spot right here you can also get fans wings and carts we're also going to need two construction heads to get these you can launch of the tight flow ruins Skyview Tower and you're gonna fly south to the spot right here which is bravery Island you can get construction heads and batteries here then you need one hover Stone which if you launch of the Upland zorana Skyview Tower you can land on this island where you got the device dispenser for the beam emitter and you can fly all the way up to this area up here which is the Wellspring Island it's really high up in the sky but this is where you can get hover stones and then last but not least you're going to need one rocket you can also use a cart or you can go to any location that has a stone if you don't want to use morezanite devices if you go to the rossboro Past Skyview Tower launch up into the sky you can head to this location right here which has rockets for the dispenser also if you haven't unlocked Auto build yet I definitely recommend doing that before you build this check out my video I'll leave a card in the top right corner and I'll leave a link in the description Auto build is your best friend when you're trying to build devices like this because you can rebuild them anywhere pretty much instantly to get this build to work right we have to put it together in a very specific way so pay attention closely we're gonna take our hoverstone and put it in a flat spot and then we're gonna grab one of our construction heads we want to face this so the eye is facing up and then we're going to rotate this so that it's on a 45 degree angle we're gonna try and get this as centered as we can and on the edge of the hover Stone so just like that and you should have something that is really close to Center and looks just like this then we're going to grab our other construction head and we're going to do pretty much the same thing we want to put it at a 45 degree angle we want to get it as centered as possible and on the edge of this hoverstone in exactly the same spot if we can they should be just as lined up as you can get them now we can start attaching our beam emitters you're going to attach them to the side of the construction head and each construction head is going to have a total of eight beam emitters and we want to make sure to evenly distribute the load you're going to want to make sure that you're attaching your beam emitters at a 45 degree angle along with the construction head and the most important part for this is that everything is perfectly even and you're going to want to do this on both sides once you've got both sides complete you should have something that looks exactly like this what's great about this is it doubles as not only our weapons but also the legs for our device so what we can do is we can actually run under this and Ascend up on top of our device if we want to it comes in super handy for escaping combat if you need to now to continue with this build make sure to flip it around just like we have it right now so that the whole build is standing on the weapons and there's two different ways we can attach our rocket if we attach it perfectly vertically this is going to shoot straight up in the air and this comes in super handy and for fighting something that you want to fight directly below you your other option is to attach it at a 45 degree angle that way it'll launch towards an enemy you see in front of you while also getting above it we'll demonstrate exactly how these both work in just a little bit now you can fight most things with this as it is right now but if you want to be able to fight Lionel you're going to need to actually take off one of these lasers I recommend taking out a middle one so that way you don't really misbalance it at all and they're gonna take a cart these carts are really lightweight so they're really good for this although it does require another Zona device you're going to want to attach your wall directly to the front edge of this you don't want to attach it to this spot right here you want to attach it to the top Edge also if you use wood for this there's a solid chance depending on what's going on their arrows could catch fire which means your roof will catch on fire so do not use wood for this and stone is a little bit too heavy so carts really are your best choice and then we're going to take another car and put it down at a 45 degree angle and attach it to the other wall that way you should have something that looks just like this and we can still Ascend up into our device this is going to make it so that no liner will be able to hit you from arrows above above and your building can't burn to the ground if one accidentally gets caught on fire once you've got the device built go to auto build then go to history and make sure to save this to your favorites so now let's test our new device on our friendly neighborhood Lionel if you go to auto build then go to your favorites you're going to see that this device costs 63 Xanax to use that's kind of expensive but there's a trick we can do to use lessonite if we go to our zonai devices we could take out all of the items that we use to build it so one rocket 15 beam emitters if you use the roof two construction heads two carts and a hover Stone and then we can go back to Auto build and you'll realize that it's gonna pick up all the devices that we laid on the ground so that way you don't have to use any zonite so depending on what resources you have you can either choose to build this with xanite or use your zonai devices or use any combination of the two now what's great about this is once you have picked up all your items you can still move your device around and then point it towards the enemy you want to defeat with it so we know we want to take out this white Lionel we want to make sure that our device isn't too far away from it once we feel like we're in a good spot we can start building it and then when you're building it just go ahead and send right up into it once you're inside go ahead and just give it a little slap a ruski to fly up into the air above your enemy and it should just begin attacking now for some strange reason you ended up too high what you can do is you can actually use a recall to rewind your device now what we can do is get this a little bit lower to a point where it's going to continuously attack our enemy and then from here it's just a matter of just sitting and waiting for our Lionel to be completely destroyed now this does take a lot of energy but I do recommend using like a larger Zone I charge and then that way you really just have to sit here just pay attention to your energy don't let anything happen the Lionel's not going to be able to hit you at all and you're too high for it to destroy your device with its Zone eye destroying ability and it can't hit you with the arrows because of your roof so it's really just a ridiculously good linal killing device as well as everything else in the game too now what's crazy is you can also use this to farm up the Coliseum but we're going to do one thing a little bit different remember how we mentioned the different position for the Rockets we're gonna actually use it on a vertical orientation this time and we're gonna grab our device and extend it out as far in front of us as we can what we're going to do is we're going to get this placed just where we actually activate the Coliseum I'm gonna drop it right there that we need to actually get it just a little bit farther we drop it right here that should be right where we start the cut scene so if we run up under this the coliseum's gonna activate and then what we need to do is immediately activate Ascend to hop up into this and then slap it to activate now we should launch straight up in the air this time and you're gonna notice that we're probably going to end up being a little bit too high at this point I'm going to use one of our large Zone eye charges and we're going to use recall on our device just to get it a little bit lower we're going to recall it to right about here which is going to be the perfect height to be able to take out all of these linals but it's also low enough because we might need to jump off our device to be able to get some of the other linals that spawn to aggro as so first Lionel down then the next Blue Lionel is going to spawn and then this one should run out far enough to be able to be hit there we go so that one's good this one might take a little bit longer because I think only one of the batches of lasers are going to actually hit it but from here what's nice is if you have a bow already you can also just shoot it up here while being protected and it cannot do anything to you so this is not only going to do damage to your lionels but also put you in a position for you to be able to attack them on your own as well while you're doing this just make sure to pay attention to how much energy is left and just slowly but surely take out all of the linals once the blue line is dead we're gonna spawn the white one we've already seen this in action and it's going to do the exact same thing as before we're just going to use our height to our advantage depending on how many large zonite charges you can do a couple different things if you wanted to and I'll show this in action we're gonna pop another large Zone I charge just just to be safe what we could do is we could jump off of this to get the Lionel to come closer to us and we can kind of just prep and Ascend and the Lionel's gonna start charging towards where you dropped then you can hop back into your device and then you have both lasers attacking that one's a little bit more dangerous if you're not good at fighting lionels so just keep that in mind and now we've got our white Lionel killed now for the silver liner this one's gonna spawn behind us I believe both laser beams shouldn't have a problem killing this one once again only one side of our laser beams are going to attack this so depending on how much energy you're using you can also just sit below it if you have the Hylian Shield and let it attack you while the laser beams do their work because the Hylian Shield is just so freaking good it really can't do anything to you during this next you're gonna have to deal with an armored silver liner this is why we needed a not wooden roof because what we need to do is use bomb arrows to take off its armor so from our elevated position we can just flare off these bomb arrows without taking any damage and depending on how risky you want to get you can actually take it down once you actually break its armor I do recommend jumping down you can activate your Ascent lure it over and that should get it to start running out towards you and then from here it's just another waiting game for your silver liner to be defeated and just like that you've got the ultimate Coliseum farming machine once you defeat the Coliseum for the first time you can collect your reward which is the Majora's Mask a pretty fantastic reward for defeating the Coliseum if I do say so myself now the way that we use this to take down the linals can be used to really defeat anything in the game I really do hope you all enjoyed this overpowered zonai device let me know what you think in the comments below and I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: TagBackTV
Views: 220,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tears of the kingdom, zonai, totk, totk zonai, totk zonai device, totk zonai device build, totk zonai armor, tears of the kingdom zonai, tears of the kingdom zonai device, tears of the kingdom zonai device build, totk overpowered, totk overpowered zonai device, totk fun zonai builds, zelda, zelda totk, zelda tears of the kingdom, zelda tears of the kingdom tips, totk tips
Id: 8tIanfhLCVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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