I Ruined Forts With Too Many Nukes..

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what if everything in forts was nuclear and i'm not just talking about these giant reactors which power your base but also are the targets that you have to hit in the enemy warships and fortresses in order to win like and i'm talking about everything nuclear-powered mines nuclear-powered reactors nuclear-powered technology science lab things nuclear-powered mortars rockets missiles cannons even lasers yes what if everything in forts was nuclear well let's find out so all we gotta do then is hope that we build the dirty bombs before the enemy does so my thought is first we get some decent air defenses up because we need to have weapon labs and everything needs to be a pretty solid fortress i'm actually thinking this one back here could be used as a missile base so we're gonna make the missile silos right here the enemy is already shooting at us how rude the cold war has gone hot now we're also gonna want to put a few machine guns on our little gunboats out here at least till we can weaponize them but step one is getting the requisite technology now there's no nuclear powered bombs that can be dropped via the planes at least not yet if you are a fort's modder get a hold of me on twitter we could uh do some cool stuff so what's the enemy up to they're putting out some smoke stacks on their ships and they are expanding out their fortress now they actually built out even further not sure what we'll put on it but you know what if the enemy's doing it we might want to consider it oh they are weaponizing oh the ship is tipping a little bit forward does that mean this one will too you know what let's try it out now we're waiting on these two buildings to be done our munitions plant and factory let's fire across their bow excuse me please surrender oh god uh they've got oh that's bad that's that's bad that is what you call a thing that is not good incoming oh my goodness the front of the ship almost sank that's the one we wanted to put our nuclear lab in all right now is it a good idea to put the physics nuclear physics lab right here i don't know but we're doing it now we're gonna eventually want missiles right we'll put radioactive bracing so it doesn't affect the other radioactive nuclear core i don't know oh they're trying to snipe us we're doing a much better job at protecting ourselves until i shot my own unit whoops that's what you call a mistake and it's done that means we have full reign to every weapon type there is wait a minute oh we need a fusion reactor of course oh yeah this thing is radioactive okay all right we've got radiation protective bracing and background bracing and we're going to make this armored plating so it can survive cannon blasts who would have thought nuclear engineering was so typical should probably armor that's better protected than the nuclear core of this base now we can place it this is a very key piece like look at that it's operational and that's just a terrifying sight i guess you could see if the enemy was building them because their base would be glowing green and maybe people would get like third arms third eyes that kind of thing but yeah this thing's water cooled like look at it this guy's even got like a little scuba suit on i'm under the water he's doing he's doing good research down there all right so first things first what do we want to design adam swarm okay so we actually need atom swarms 3200 metal we don't even have the storage for that all right there now we should be able to do this once we get the materials atomic missiles are going to be the first things i want to build whoa this thing's big okay this is like eight times bigger than i would have well three times two to four times bigger than i thought now as far as other nuclear weapons what do you think is the coolest one a dirty bomb would be fun even the mortar is very very expensive and it probably gets shot down uh actually they don't have too many machine guns so we need to do is get a sniper to help target here's where we're gonna put the sniper and i'm actually thinking we could use this for another nuclear-powered weapon like the depleted uranium rockets maybe yes these are ready to fire but they require 18 000 energy okay all right we're about to get the energy now let's target i gotta destroy this machine gunner first all right there we go the machine gunner is down target the first battleship this should be a nuclear swarm wait a minute oh i was like where'd they go oh god please don't hit my own stuff okay they're exploding radiation is going everywhere okay that was pretty massive that was immensely powerful and that was just one nuclear-powered weapon at our disposal it's time to upgrade him wait you can upgrade your hydrogen swarm it doesn't upgrade to the missile you actually have to destroy this and get the missile in ow they they just took out my spotter it was a surgical strike seal team six out there all right we have the atomic warhead available this thing should be epic but it's a matter of can we hit the targets we want to hit it's possible just not likely that this missile hits oh i love the air airaid siren yes nuclear missile will be fired in five seconds [Music] oh my god it's now can it survive multiple bullets it's doing well so far they are really yeah yes i just deleted everything there's not even much rubble okay that thing is terrifying oh something's on fire we cannot have things on fire when everything is nuclear power that is like the worst thing to hear other than the enemy hearing that giant air raid siren or i guess it's more of like hey you're about to get nuked siren now there's also a radiation rocket and a dirty bomb i'm gonna i want to get a dirty bomb up and running we'll delete these guys and put two dirty mortars in the back they are expensive as far as mortars go like these things cost 2500 minerals regular mortar 450 fire the clusters one more time these have not been effective they're very easily shot down oh i love the sound of the bullets hitting the water that was beautiful as they overshot my dirty mortars but fusion plasma and neutron beams are kind of crazy okay they fire three mortars each oh oh no oh no oh that's terrible oh that's terrible we please we can't suffer this ship loss i accidentally hit part of my own base uh and we lost a lot so they are very destructive radiating drilling cannon uh what color me curious six thousand oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh god delete the rocket no my god we just lost our missile base what just happened i mean i i know what just happened but what uh guys we have a serious problem man i need massive storage for everything and i i guess the best thing we can do is to try to this is not gonna work is it oh wait it's working okay this is an absolute frankenstein of a base but now we have access to our nuclear rocket again that was a good idea thanks me you're welcome me all right we need the sniper here we need to make sure that never happens again so i'm going to create a multi-tiered firing platform here and this is going to be storage there we go triple flac quad flak supported by machine guns dang i can't believe we lost all that firing lots of mortars hoping one of them hits instead we just made fireworks wait oh one hit right above the space i think it was hit by machine gun fire but it's still causing radioactive fallout okay we needed device storage this is just a powder keg waiting to blow up this is so it's just a terribly engineered base but it doesn't matter i gotta see if we can't afford the big daddy cannon the drilling cannon 80 millimeter cannon high penetration ignite structures produce fragments extremely penetrating causing constant radiation damage okay that just sounds like exactly what we want there we go now we'll definitely shoot those things down fire the motors i should fire them oh wait oh okay that actually might set this area off wait wait wait something's on fire over here oh god that was scary okay this base is looking worse for the wear all right mortar one wait for them to fire machine guns mortar two i think they're more likely to hit oh gosh yeah this base is actually gone and this one there we go now we can basically build with impunity to build the radiating drilling cannon stuff is still erupting over there due to radiation and there it is how big is it okay not too big we just got to put it in a spot where it's kind of safe to turn this into a blast door and this one too now we just need this thing to build this is so exciting all right what's the enemy up to here over here barely able to survive essentially lead door can be open and shut past projectiles soft penetration and explosion proof that's incredible and then you have a nuclear shield there it is it's done okay oh man i like i wish oh man i wish i knew the firing arc on this thing wait that wasn't oh that was decent okay just a little bit higher lando and we gotta wait for the reload i love how it's got these like little punisher skulls on the side of the barrel and then the nuclear reactor sign danger look at this stupid looking base i love it gentlemen ladies prepare to fire all right so luckily it shows me where i fired last it was a little bit low blast doors are open shell is on its way can we hit the target just under it i think we'll get rid of some armor plating i don't think we'll blow the core up look at that a direct hit would be catastrophic alright this one is for all the marbles all we gotta do third time's the charm is not overshoot it please don't overshoot it oh that was a perfect hit yeah that went right through you could see it passed through the core and blow up right here that was amazing forts if everything is nuclear powered well it's completely destructive thanks for watching let me know if you guys do want to see more forts
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 175,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, forts, forts new, baron forts, upgrading forts, forts game, forts horizontal laser, forts sweeping cannon, forts max level, forts vs, forts siege, forts attack, forts defense, forts nukes, nukes, nuke, fort nuke power, forts nuke mod
Id: YObhzM-LlJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2022
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