Forts - Leading an Infinite Drone Siege vs Boss Level Fort!

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look at this massive aircraft carrier it almost even looks a bit like a container ship one of the new things is adding in the air force and you can see that these aircraft carriers are just duking it out right but i have a question just how many planes can you fit on an aircraft carrier specifically the stealth bombers so what i'm thinking here is we actually have to like increase the size of this aircraft carrier by maybe even four times so what we should first do is fire all available planes to suppress the enemy like so and then i think what we want to do is get a few flat guns at the front but you can see how adding stuff makes your ship sink down in the water a little bit more just like it would in real life you can hear the creaking on the ship already and we haven't even started to begin to put in all of our planes so what we're gonna do is test to see how many on our existing aircraft care before we upgraded to a massive aircraft carrier i don't know what these are but we have to sell them are they buoyancy i hope not am i gonna sink my ship oh i feel like that guy in the titanic but the ship can't sink and and then it does [Music] we're shooting down every plane that's coming our way i think i'm getting carpal tunnel just by doing this now this is obviously very expensive but that's why i went with the architect i mean look at this massive cost reductions to everything that i need to build in order to pull this off now i have instant build on as a mod and this is still how long it takes this is getting obscene i can fit one right back there perfect use every bit of space available to us i can't put it on that guy's head that makes sense normally you don't put planes on top of soldiers heads alright is that wait a minute i see a spot right there okay oh my gosh the front of the ship is just straight sinking now if this cord goes under water it blows up right wait a minute we'll put the carrier deck here but that means you guessed it more stealth bombers oh that's two there we go we can fit one right in there i'm genuinely curious what would happen if you could cause a chain reaction by shooting one of these would it cause just like massive chain detonations and just tear the ship into pieces the last three okay so how many is this 133 now we've done a hundred before since the ship is like sinking we have to do this weird bracing because there's it's sloping downwards it almost won't even let me do it look it's gonna fall it's too small and it's gone yep the things you never thought you would be encountering so here's the question will we force this nuclear reactor to go fully submerged and as a result caused a massive explosion it's possible actually probable the more we build yeah the ship was like buckling all right so here where we we're what like i guess 175 of our original space maybe and building is already getting weird for how badly we're breaking this game it doesn't even look like an aircraft carrier it does look like a container ship uh where are the core sitting actually pretty decently i guess we have some pretty good uh buoyancy properties to this ship and you know what time it is now more planes like if you think about this congress would have had to approve of this being funded and put into service in the senate from west virginia approves the 6 000 aircraft super carrier but he demands that it's coal powered didn't the japanese create like a super carrier based off of one of the uh yamato the biggest battleship ever one of its sister ship hulls oh we're getting to where like there's not enough uh ceiling clearance oh you know what we need to do get rid of these guys you're taking up valuable real estate i could fit planes in here ha that's two extras okay look at this thing now it's like double the size and they keep sending planes that futility get shot down the enemy is like you know what we're not going to upgrade our ship sir you are not keeping up with the joneses and i'm i'm the joneses where uh yeah but like the joneses make an aircraft carrier it's like an episode of always sunny in philadelphia man the gang builds an aircraft carrier honestly how are we still floating it doesn't make any sense oh no oh we sunk it wait repair repair the core so how many planes can you fit on aircraft care we answered the question no no catastrophic failure wait wait wait a minute stabilize stabilize the ship captain it's upside down it's fine it's fine and then the enemy sent one plane to blow us up i was building that for 15 minutes okay okay let's see that in an instant replay so we need to know where to stop all right he wait wait there it is okay so we've got how many decks one two three four five six seven i wish i could click on my plane to see how many aircraft we have because i guess oh is it this juncture this key point that cracks let's go to 1 8 speed they send a plane we start firing dude 1 8 speed is amazing slow motion now we're going to see what happens to the plane it just blows up okay yeah right around here is where things start to crack and it causes the ship to break in half oh it broke here oh look at these little spots that's so intriguing i wonder if i would have put one crossbeam right here here it is which one breaks first could it have been the reverberations from the guns firing they should start cracking as the wings fly by there it is yep right there and then the ship floats up because of all the weight has fallen and it starts a massive this is catastrophic failure in one quarter speed oh my gosh that was awesome look at that oh no all of those valuable stealth fighters that senator from west virginia is in big trouble now he approved this thing all right and then the front cord detaches from the rest of the ship and it sinks fast and then i'm like okay i'ma stabilize this thing we're gonna fight back and then the enemy's like you know what i am gonna hit you with some precision strikes oh man well that answers the question and i think the issue is if we do this properly and not have that weird little bit because we weighed down the front of the ship then it should be stronger i'm curious what happens if you put gunners like right near the water line whoever built the titanic it was me definitely more cross beams because we do want to stop this thing [Music] what's interesting is those crates aren't anywhere to be seen you hear the creaking now it's making me worry okay we need to strengthen the core because we do need to sink the enemy carrier wouldn't you know what i got congress congressional approval for another super carrier like did the guy who designed the titanic make more ships or did he go down with the ship i'm not going down with the ship i want to make more basically how i got reapproved was i told congress i went up in front of them and they're like can you explain what happened with our 68 trillion dollar investment i'm like guys i just said i'd make it i didn't say it wouldn't sink they're like oh okay let's let's give them approve for more money make another one i'm like wow this is how the government works one of the issues could be that i was using back bracing instead of the stronger wood it's like we're using twigs instead of like a strong oak tree because doesn't oak not get mildew isn't that why they use it in wine that's why they have it in stardu right all right here's what we're looking at i'm not seeing anything blinking however i do see a very weak spot as you see this guy he is uh not looking too happy so we'll strengthen everything with a little more core bracing there we go that's stronger right oh yeah that's a beautiful spot for more planes all right this does not look strong what am i doing this is not gonna turn out well i think i've seen this movie before guys i think we're reaching the limits of our engineering abilities um i'm cashing checks that the senator from west virginia can't i'm writing checks that he can't cash yeah that's what i mean this might have to be it so we'll just spill it in uh if it breaks it breaks this was about where we were getting in the last one when everything broke so if we put planes on like look at this it looks like a proper carrier deck sticking up off the ship world war ii style you know world war ii with like f-117 stealth fighters used as fighter bombers because reasons can i put one here nope can i put one under the water all right how many do we have oh it says five oh that's because we still have these guys please don't break please don't break looks pretty good and we're still able to defend ourselves 226. all right let's strike the front of this ship yes we're just gonna go down the line on this ship look at it just getting wrecked oh man the little containers i think are keeping it floating you know what there we go cause of massive collapse lose their superstructure another core erupted as it went underwater i just want to use all of these like we've almost destroyed them and we haven't even used 50 of our planes there we go i still think i had over 100 left on our super carrier look at that so anyway thank you for watching another episode of forts if you guys do want to see more pull the trigger on the like button let me know and i will see you in the next one thanks for watching
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 342,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, forts high seas, forts high seas new dlc, forts high seas dlc, max level weapons, forts new, new defense, forts force field, d-day, d day, force fields, d-day force field
Id: Co5v4rtI4Ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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