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welcome to the final episode of vlog city season three i want to see 30 000 likes on this episode in the first day if you guys want season four to come out next week anyways in this episode reyes jr finally gets swimming lessons i don't want to spoil too much now so i hope you guys all enjoy [Music] ashley where the heck is the popcorn the final episode of block city is about to start and you know i can't enjoy the finale without some popcorn where the heck salty chips spicy you know what we don't have much time what the hell oh my god what okay you know what you know what i'm just i'm just gonna have to settle with some salty chips amber oh ever you want to enjoy some black city with with papa oh okay okay here's some salty chips by the way don't eat too much now too much salt is bad oh too much salt is bad for you okay amber amber enjoy your chips okay let me grab the remotes let's enjoy the final episode of season three of block city all right amber i really hope you enjoy what at ice ashley what are you doing come on come on sit down today is the final episode of vlog city wait wait where's the popcorn ashley where's the popcorn you got to tell me where the popcorn is amber you know where the popcorn no no rage reese junior is drought what this this better be a prank oh no no okay i need i need to put my tv remote back oh my gosh what this better be a prank what no raise junior oh my god raise junior race junior get out get out get out oh my god oh my gosh no no no no no this isn't the first time you almost drowned get out get out grace junior what happened phew what happened rey jr you almost died ashley thank you daddy ashley what happened why was he out here all alone weren't you out here with him my goodness now now all my clothes is wet what were you thinking you know you can't swim i love you that oh ray junior oh oh he almost died just now man i know he's been spoiled and everything lately but like he's been a brat lately but like oh i'm so sorry reyes jr what happened ashley i thought you were out mean oh i'm sorry here let me pet your head man now i'm all soaked oh no now all my clothes are soaked how am i gonna enjoy block city finale like this where is amber oh i wasn't here i just got home and i saw i thought you were here all along oh my god well i'm glad you're okay race junior go go go change right now go change right now ashley um um no i told you about oh yeah you've been uh you've been really addicted and very big about yoga lately range junior just closed the door and ashley ashley sit down oh i think she's mad at her ashley let's watch vlog city finale today is the last episode of block city block city season three ashley come on sit down with us oh race junior he just dang he changed pretty quick you know what soggy clothes screw it let's sit down can i watch yeah ray junior come on sit down right beside daddy and i'm so glad you're live all right well ashley sit down we need to watch vlog city let me turn it on again amber you're gonna love this here's some salty chips take some salty chips rage junior take some salty chips i'm worried about rey's junior safety i i am too he almost died we almost had to perform cpr on him here take some salty chips right junior we need to do something like what like watch block city season finale right yes actually these are really salty oh hey then don't eat them give them back to daddy no listen i swear she's always holding me back for watching my city ashley you listen to me i heard that ashley listen to me today is the ow no stop stop hitting me today you don't understand today is the last episode of block city season three oh why is amber oh amber's like don't hurt each other i don't care what oh okay okay well then we need to do something fine fine fine here here here uh let me let me let me just get the uh get the tv to record the the episode so we can watch when we get back okay let me let me set that up real quickly okay perfect all right let's get our son into swimming lessons yep that's exactly the idea i had except i don't want to teach him in the backyard like i used to be a swimmer and everything oh no i don't want no no no no it's okay it's okay rage junior i'll i'll get you i'll get you a happy meal okay i'll get you a happy meal if you go swimming lessons with us yeah okay okay i guess he changed his mind really quickly so actually i used to be a swimmer and everything too bad you learn how to swim yes you do ray junior um so i do want to teach him how to swim and i used to swim a lot back in the day but i think it would be better if we went to like a community pool or something like that with a lifeguard so it's safer what do you think swimming scare i i know rage junior i know what do you think ashley do you think um he needs professional lessons not us no i can teach him but as long as we have yes i can teach him i prom i promise you okay just trust me on this but we just need a lifeguard around that's all everyone let's go let's go oh wait wait wait rage junior come with me i bought you uh i bought you some swim trunks the other day what'd you say okay i trust you for now okay okay okay at least she's not like super stubborn like last time race junior come over here i got us some swim trunks here you go all right take the swim trunks there you go all right i got myself red a red pair of swim trunks race junior got himself blue swim trunks it's gonna be so so cool to see us like matching kind of with like some swim trunks all right everyone hop in the car ashley amber let's go let's go let's go let's go come on come on kids all right everyone in the car dang i'm almost out of gas compared to how much gas we started with all right everyone let's go on a little family trip wait us was the road this far out before hold on hold on just a second everyone what is this everyone get out of the car what's that i don't know but it looks like a brand new house they just built new people i don't know i don't know rage junior it says for sale there's a brand new house for sale here munich i don't know it could be possible we're getting new neighbors i hope they're good people right ashley we wouldn't want a bothersome neighborhood because you know the other neighbor over there she tried killing me when i was trying to pick up brades jr awesome hopefully they're nice let me buy ray junior one day you'll be able to buy us a house you'll buy you'll buy mommy and daddy a house in the future yeah if you if you get a good job not me no no me not you what you're too young so selfish he's so selfish i swear guys everyone everyone hop in the car we need to go and look for a pool amber in the car race junior in the car all right let's go ahead and do a little turn inside the house all rights and let's go look for a pool hopefully we can find a pool around this uh city because i don't think we've ever seen a pool around here obviously there's no yeah i hate this house i'm never going back screw this house amber get back in the car um yeah so in this neighborhood i don't think there's a pool is there a pool inside the school because usually schools have like pools in them oh wait ashley what do you think about this pool right here you think this would be good for can you not drive on the oh i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry ashley what do you think about this what do you think about this uh this pool right here we can teach wait over there wait over where oh is is that a pool wait okay hop back in hop back in is that a mcdonald's wait a sec is that a that's a mcdonald's i've never never in my life have i seen a mcdonald's pool what in the world okay everyone okay mickey d's race junior loves his happy meal okay well then uh let's let's see if this pool allows for like random people like regular brain junior not mcdonald's we're going to the pool i'll get you happy meals after amber you want some mcdonald's after two yeah oh she looks so cute guys dang this pool is actually really nice we've got robert over here bob wait perfect and this pool has a lifeguard oh uh excuse me excuse me mr lifeguard chad um i was just wondering if you allow random people to come in here and swim if anyone can just come in here and swim they have lexie and nancy out here okay okay um yeah sure oh what about swimming lessons like i brought my son ray junior get down get down rage junior yeah sure um can i teach my son how to swim at this pool is that okay as long as you're supervising right because i don't want to like break any rules i would never do anything like that um is that okay with you chad because i i don't want to break any rules you know i don't want to step on your toes yeah it's okay i will guard your son oh ready all right raise junior you know what to do they said we can swim here ashley amber uh you guys can sit right here i think i'm only going to teach uh uh race junior on the shallow end of course so every uh rager come on we've got the boys changing room all right let's change real quickly you have your swimsuit right you have your swimsuit if you have your swimsuit can i be up what you're you're one years old you're my son where all right let's change real quickly raise junior you look so cute in a swim trunks all right and look at me ah man we got the we got the red swim trunks and you got the blue and you look get out get out i'm really about to push this kid in here he can he can drown he can drown at this point i'm just i'm just kidding i'm just kidding all right race junior are you ready for your uh yeah he didn't hear that he didn't hear that uh race junior you you ready to swim oh wow you guys look alike we look like twins he said no wait you're not you're not ready to swim oh um come on jump in jump in raise junior i scared i mean it makes sense he almost drowned and died just today i'm gonna die okay no you're not gonna die rage junior okay okay you you move over there bob bob stay away from my son go over there go over there bob okay over here over here over here race junior daddy will catch you when you jump okay all right don't be scared don't be scared okay all right on three i'll catch you one two three jump jump jump yay okay okay okay daddy caught you daddy caught you oh my god oh my god no no stop driving i caught you you're in my hands you're in my arms right now it's okay right cold i know i know i know it's very cold right now but your body will warm up don't worry okay so the first thing i'm going to teach you is how to float okay so you want to push off you want to push off jump in the water okay try jumping in the water race junior jump jump jump jump jump okay okay keep jumping and then start kicking your feet start kicking your feet ow no ouch he just kicked me no don't kick so hard small kicks small kicks see see see now you're floating okay that is step number one you're learning you're learning race junior very good very good very good okay okay do you like swimming now do you like samina me did it okay okay so far you know i think i think i can trick him into liking swimming at least he doesn't oh what did mommy say good job son oh see how cute he is ashley amber's just sitting there just chilling i don't even know what she's doing at this point she's i feel like she's gonna fall asleep soon she'll have to get taught how to swim because she's a little too young right now raise junior all right oh ashley's just sitting by the pool now she wants a better view all right race junior next step i'm gonna teach you oh amber's singing hey amber don't get don't get too close to the edge now ashley can you watch her please i don't want her to drown okay all right junior next step i'm gonna teach you how to swim freestyle all right but except except i can't have you swimming over here because i don't want you to drown and stuff die no no no ray junior rager back up back up or else you will die no no uh i'm just um i'm just making sure you're a good teacher yep i'm a good teacher i promise you but make sure you watch amber oh okay okay by the end of today i promise you you'll be swimming in the deep end okay this is boring no no no no no okay i'm gonna teach you how to swim freestyle now we're gonna swim this way this way okay so what you want to do is kick your feet off the off the wall okay and then try to go as far as you can and swing your arms alright swing your arms and make sure you breathe side to side and make sure you're kicking too hey no no get up get up let me let me pick you up okay okay ready everything i taught you you're supposed to use it let me show you first okay let me show you first what you want to do is kick off the wall oh okay okay okay that's how you do it rage junior that's how you do it all right i want to see you do it okay daddy will catch you if you need me all right ready three okay okay let's do it two okay okay one and let's go race junior go go go go go kick off the wall kick off the wall okay don't drown now come on okay okay whoa whoa oh my gosh what he did it so well raised junior you did so good race junior see i smart all right all right all right hey hey i just didn't have any faith in you because you almost died today i don't know how that happened maybe water went up your nose or something and that that was deep end wow you're doing really good mommy is so proud of you son um ashley is it is it okay if i let him in the deep end or no no okay okay no deep end rage junior no deep end okay okay she said no but me big boy no rach jr maybe later maybe later okay um not not on the first day okay can you watch uh can you watch race junior swim on the this side real quick i want to go i'm going to go jump off the diving party all right hey lifeguard how's it going man ready three two one hey race junior watch daddy jump off the diving board three two one oh let's go let's go be careful don't worry i'm a professional no no you said me next no no next time okay next time you come here next time you come here you can do that well you did a good job today you did a good job today race junior keep swimming keep uh keep doing the um you know keep keep swimming from left no no not towards the deep end dang he's getting actually really quick wow maybe next time no defend yet son i wonder when the pool is gonna close it is uh we have been here for quite some time but you know yeah i guess we can swim for a little longer okay mommy yeah make sure you listen to mom okay make sure you listen to mommy keep swimming keep swimming it's getting a little late i wonder when they close yeah when do they close i wonder when they close hmm hey chad how's it going man ray junior's just having so much fun excuse me uh-oh am i in trouble oh the pool is about to close in about a minute oh uh all right all right don't worry don't worry we're we're just about leaving all right thank you chad for being such a good lifeguard rage junior you know what to do ah this was actually fun though oh see you guys i'm a good teacher all right get out get out raise junior get out rage junior you know what to do hop in the changing room we need to change and you know you know what you know what race junior after i'll get you some happy meal okay okay junior yay okay okay all right let's change real quick our race junior it's time to get you some happy meal get out get out let's go let's go let's go to mcdonald's let's go to mcdonald's i know he's so now all right junior i know you love being in the pool i don't know why these guys aren't leaving yet there's the pool's about to the pool is about to close in a minute so all right everyone let's head on over to mcdonald's come on guys come on everyone amber you want happy meal too right yeah dude look at look how happy she was all right everyone let's get on in i wonder if anyone's working at mcdonald's what who there you are raise your ear come over here come come to dad come to dad there you are uh what ashley ashley remember what i told you i've been looking for you ashley remember what i told you amber amber stay close to dad stay close to dad i've been looking die die die everyone up in the car everyone up in ah everyone hop in the car quick quick quick quick quick oh my god no no no no no wait wait that's his car did he just hop in oh my oh my gosh he just hopped in his own car okay okay i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going what the heck wait no he's not chasing that go dad oh oh he's actually chasing us what the heck oh my gosh we're gonna die we're gonna die i told you guys he's a killer he's a cold-blooded killer what the heck what the heck what the heck omg bad i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry wait wait where is he where is he is everything okay is everything okay oh [Music] it's even wait he's not is he not there anymore wait huh wait everyone in the car everyone back in the car everyone back in the car maybe we should just go home or something should we just go home i swear i just heard like a crashing noise ashley said no ashley i think i heard like a crashing noise i don't want to be a witness or anything we need to make sure he's okay what what you want to make sure a killer is okay he tried to kill us what if he's hop in the car actually hop in the car i'll go back i'll go back okay fine fine i'll go back who cares he's still human you're right ashley you're right you're right he's no no no you're not right he's no human he's not a human being he's a all right wait wait wait a second wait do you guys see that mark is on the floor wait wait ashley should i run him over should i run him over ashley what do you what do you think ashley he crashed into the tree run over and raised junior said run over all right okay okay maybe i shouldn't maybe i shouldn't run over oh wow everyone out of the car there's so much hey ray junior don't touch that knife don't touch that what there's so much blood splatter all around no raise junior kids kids kids stay in the car or something ketchup no that is not ketchup rage junior oh my gosh i got some blood in my oh my gosh no one touched anything i accidentally touched the blood hey don't get too close kids kids get back in the car right now is did mark actually die uh i think we don't want him to look like we killed him okay okay maybe we should go maybe we should go i think we should go i think we should go because if we call the police i think if amber get out of the driver's seat i feel like if we call the police and stuff they might think we did it let's get out of yeah we are getting out of here i told you ashley we should have gotten out of here in the first place that was fun i don't think that last part was fun rage junior but okay i'm sorry well everyone everyone let's pretend like nothing happened oh my goodness i discard amber i think this is the first time amber has seen a dead body i know ray jr is used to this by now because he's caused the dead body but everyone in the house we never talk about this again oh amber's so scarred oh no oh everyone in wait wait what'd she say what did ashley say he did what you know what he did you know exactly what he did you were there ah ashley i don't know where the uh popcorn is but i can finally finally i can finally where's the where's the chips you know what i'm gonna enjoy a box of donuts there's no popcorn oh are you okay amber ah all right to cheer everyone up come over here come over here everyone i'm gonna put the box of donuts right here just for myself all right everyone sit down on no hey ray julia stop taking my amber oh my you know what they're my kids enjoy your donuts enjoy your donuts everyone sit down everyone sit down on the couch we're gonna enjoy the last episode of season three of block city in minecraft let's get started [Music]
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 1,930,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixer, RageElixir Minecraft, RageElixir Intro 2020, RageElixir Intro, RageElixir Outro, Minecraft Block City, RageElixir Block City, RageElixir Roleplay, RageElixir Minecraft Java, Java Minecraft, Block City Roleplay, Block City Minecraft, Teaching My Baby How to Swim in Minecraft, How to Swim in Minecraft, Baby in Minecraft, I Had a Baby in Minecraft, We Had a Baby in Minecraft, Minecraft Family Block City, Ashley and RageElixir, RageElixir Family Minecraft
Id: Cs6I65vzsXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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