Teaching | June 18, 2017 | Brian "Head" Welch

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but excited to be here rolled out of bed just started a tour in uh salt lake so i'm on tour schedule already so i basically just rolled out of bed and and came here and uh we're backstage i was like he's like let's get a picture i'm like wait i just rolled out of bed let me untie my hair and he's like how do you know if your hair's messed up if it's going if like if it's going upwards it's messed up if it's all down then it's not messed up so that's it that's that's the only thing but man yeah i felt good in here this morning though felt really good you guys uh you guys love god a lot you know a lot of love for god here i tell you if you take that and you do that at your home your personal life whether it's you alone with god that's really important or with your family because i know that we live with people and there's people around us all the time then you know this all will become so much more real to you so much more real this is not supposed to be where you meet god and leave him this is where you come and get filled up and and hang out with the family and yeah you get filled up and your faith increases but you're supposed to walk with god and be with him and he doesn't live here and stay here you don't come to visit him here he he lives in you you're everywhere where he is he you know and it's a lot of people still have that mindset you know and so can we be just as passionate at home in our in our lives and our cars on the way to work you know why can't you be worshiping on the way to work or just talking to him you know why not it's like he's everywhere that's what i did and my eyes started to open that's when heaven becomes real and you know that christ is in you and you are in him in the spiritual realm it's freaking awesome it's like i thought i was doing doing like you know finding the best high and all the you know just grab a hold of this give them your whole life and walk with them every day that's there's a high that you can't even compare it to nothing trust me i tried them all this is the best it's pure it's just love from god you know that's why he says it says in the bible says don't get don't get drunk on wine or whatever i don't know exact wording but um but be filled is saying don't get drunk on the worldly stuff be filled with with with the holy spirit because that's a substance it's like it's not fake this isn't fake so pretty cool pretty cool man yeah i'm honored to be here uh i met uh pastor allen and a lot of the gang last year and it was pretty wild but uh yeah just a wild ride i couldn't even make up my life if i tried it's you know it's it's just so crazy because uh i just remember at 10 years old my parents got me ac dc back in black and i put that thing on the big old record is like that big and this moment i heard bucky i was like i want to do that for a living i want to rock i want to bang my head i want and just i got into everything ozzy osbourne ac dc it was it was on man and nothing made me feel better than heavy metal i just loved it and so i got a guitar um i got an acoustic guitar and i was like i want an electric she's like learn something then so i learned down down down down down down down i said and now now what and so i got an electric once i plugged that thing in it was on man i just loved it i loved it and i met the guys in corn in school we started these cheesy little bands and next thing you know or like you know early 20s in la los angeles trying to make it and we formed corn you know when we started corn it started out to be it was crazy because you know we grew up loving all these all this metal music and then the music started to shift and nirvana came out and pearl jam and and the music started to shift from like cheesy like hair metal bands that look like ladies women like poison in them and and you know i like some of that stuff but but when metallica metallica took over and it was just like more of a like real like real things were coming out you know and uh so when we formed our our singer came and he started writing lyrics about abuse when he was growing up from family um relationships heartbreak anger with people wanting to just rip people's heads off um and also like getting bullied and it was cool because it was it was it was from a place of pain and it was like he was he was using this thing that he had this gift that he had too it was actually for himself it was like how he dealt with it was like therapy for him you know it was like you know sometimes you go to therapy and you know they'll put you through like to get the stuff out of you like and you and they'll have you scream and and and just let it out you know and so he kind of was doing that and so it was cool to just to see his lyrics how real they were from his heart and then when we started touring the crazy thing was like all these people all these fans were coming up to us and you know sometimes they were crying and we were like at first we were like oh we're like the beatles you know but but they started telling us no your music helped me not kill myself and i'm not alone oh my gosh i went through that you know whether sexual abuse or or uh physical abuse being bullied um just being uh you know having a bad relationship with with the earthly father you know a lot of people a lot of us all of us in corn had either non-existent or not the best relationship with our dads you know and so there we were just angry dudes just you know going off and singing about pain in life and so just that connection with our fans was really special in the beginning and and it was really cool that we felt like corn was more the music and so that cult following it was just you know and and we had a cool sound too because we mixed like metallica whatever what the influences were nirvana 9-inch nails some hip-hop like everything was mixed together so we had a cool sound that was kind of you either hated it or loved it actually radio when we put our our music to radio and said play us you know we gave it to them play us and they're like what is this this isn't music they didn't like it at all but we started to get a little bit better and we started writing better songs so yeah it started to grow so around our third record when we were like we're on mtv every day and just the fame that came it was like it kind of we kind of lost ourselves and what the special thing about corn was i think we still we still stayed the same you know as far as like writing about you know pain in life and everything but it was a thing where the true people that we were inside was starting to fly away and we were these kids that were given you know all kinds of money on tv every day and so we couldn't handle it and so it was a downward spiral from then on and drug addiction everybody drug addiction it's crazy because around the time that we got we started getting famous we got married and within two years being on mtv every day and sold out arenas all over the country that's when we got divorced like two years after we got married like all of us maybe three and so you know that's pretty much a failure you know and so all this big dream that we have being a rock star it was like we weren't happy none of us were happy you know we had some happy moments you know we were partying you know doing all that stuff and uh but waking up sick you know and you call it fun and then you do it again the next night and just kind of get in this this whole thing you know and it's like you know be careful what you wish for type of thing you know and so you know i tried everything to get sober i had i had a wife and when she left me she left me in the worst way she would just be beat me up when she got mad she just punched me in the face she bloody my nose she did all these things so i started hitting her back we had just a a bad relationship and um we played lollapalooza 99 um and uh just 200 000 people there plus millions watching a pay-per-view it was just so crazy best show of our career and after that me and my ex-wife we we flew home we had a private jet it was so crazy because we grew up like listen to you know all this metal but we also like hip-hop so it was like all these bands were with us it was from from the limp biscuit guys and then we had like ice cube and his and his uh his entourage on there and just and so they were like the rappers were playing dice on this private jet and it was just surreal you know and and next thing you know we get home like the best weekend ever we get home and um my wife is still just tanked we were doing drugs and drinking and she she attacks me and you know the baby's in the next room sleeping and my wife attacks me she grabs a knife and everything and it was and i ended up just hitting her and her nose just like exploded and blood went everywhere and she just passed out on the floor screaming at me i hey yeah i hate you and it just happened and you know it was just a crazy crazy time and i just remember like thinking to myself what what is this life about you know i have everything and i'm miserable and look at my wife right now you know and i just was so lost it's crazy to be so lost having everything you know what i'm saying it's crazy to have millions of dollars and being on tv every day and be so lost with nothing i mean talk about wanting to kill yourself because all the things i got was like it wasn't gonna save me you know and then i look around at all my friends and all the other bands too we're all a mess so it's like everybody looks at us like we have the answers and they want to be us and then meanwhile like we're killing ourselves you know and so what's i'm just i'm all twisted and then i got my daughter at home and she's looking at me like daddy you know what am i supposed to teach her go for your dreams when you achieve them you'll be you know what what am i going to tell her you know and so i started wanting to kill myself and so i didn't have thank god i didn't have the uh just the strength to do it myself and so um i started doing it slowly you know i was just meth methamphetamines coke like it in anything and everything everything that i could put in my system and yeah so i got to the end and um i remember when i was 12 uh during those heavy metal years these kids they were my friends i hung out with them all like all the time but when we went through puberty like you know kids get a little crazy they started like picking on me my good friends i would hang out with all the time so two of them like would group up and like just belittle me and just tell me how ugly i was and or whatever not all the time but like those times you remember right the stuff the wounds the and so they like hold me down pink belly me till i cried and stuff like that and and it was just it was brutal but there was one kid down the street from my house i met him and he said hey come over hang out at my house he was so cool and i hung out with his family and they were always together my family was kind of my dad was a drinker my mom and dad worked a lot they were great parents and uh but he had he had issues right he had anger issues he was like jekyll and hyde he could be nice and then one thing like spills his drink and he's like and so when i was at my friend's house you know it was just peaceful and they told me about jesus one day the mom did and my friend kevin did too and so without telling them they just told me how to do it they said jesus savior of the world you know he asked him in your heart and you know he'll save you and i was like oh wow that's cool how do you know you know but anyway i went home and i was like hey if he's a savior you know jesus if you're real you know come into my heart and and live and that was it and i didn't tell them i did it i didn't go to church with them they didn't even go to church actually they just they had jesus in their in their lives and uh and i don't know why they didn't go to church but but it was just a thing where it was real to them you know relationship and so when i was messed up years later when i was messed up on drugs i i remembered that i remember the the family telling me about christ and i was like man is that what i'm missing you know and so some friends of mine i was like the biggest like successful method you can ever you would ever like i was doing meth but still doing like business deals and stuff and and so i don't know how i was a functioning drug addict alcoholic and the people that i was doing business with were christians and so i was i was actually thinking how can i exit this music business because it's totally not what people think and i'm wanting to kill myself and i'm a drug addict how can i get out of this so the in my head i'm like these people i can do business like i can i can do something else besides music i can do real estate with these guys so in my head i'm thinking okay if i get this like going and i could get money coming in that way then i don't have to worry about a career you know i could do a career like that and so but the god will set me up see i was chasing money money was my thing and so they invited me to come to church with them and i was like well i can't get off the drugs i tried to go to the rehab outpatient rehab place that didn't work and so they invited me to go to church and i was like i bet you they don't do meth in church they probably don't party in church so i went to church with them i was no in my mind i was like i just want to hang out with sober people they're probably sober at church right i didn't know anything except those weird-looking gold chairs and stuff on tv that you see about christians like i didn't know nothing like they didn't show the cool churches on tv ever back then it was all the weird stuff but i went to this church and and and i got there in the and when i got there i was on meth all night because i was a meth head then and uh it was 2004 and um was it 2004. no it's 2005. 2005 january 9th it's my spiritual birthday remember but uh yeah thank you um changed everything man uh so i went in there and i saw these people the music was playing just like this awesome worship earlier good job guys and there's these people like there's dudes and tattoos and stuff like um a lot a lot of hispanics at the church it was awesome because that's the neighborhood i grew up in but by that time i lived on the other side but tattoos all the and i was like man who are these people it looks scarier here than that corn concert didn't look like that church on tv and so they're like oh man all these guys god changed their lives and and i'm like god like you guys really i'm thinking in my head you guys really believe in this god i thought you just gathered together to try to be good people you know i thought the bible was try to and so they start telling you about some god that you don't see and i'm just like you know and part of me is like thinking about when i was a kid but even then i was like how do you know it's real you know you just said jesus come to my heart and hope that it's real you know and so but as a pastor got up and he started talking about just the spirit and how he comes in and he resides in you and he lives in you and that you start to become one with god and it's like and he'll change everything and so i took that to me and like i come into church and i invite god in and he said like be yourself he goes you don't gotta get you don't gotta throw all all your stuff away you invite god in and then he starts cleaning up inside he starts cleaning up your life and if you stay with them the stuff in your life can't stay that's harming you and so i was like i thought i was going to burn up in church you know because they didn't know i was on meth but i was on meth i was like man you know if there is a god like i'm dead i'm i'm on meth in church right now and so when i heard that i was like whoa but i was could this it sounded too good to be true right fairy tale stuff and so but i was like i need to get off drugs if this jesus is real then i'm going to go for it because that rehab didn't work and so i went home and i received christ at the church but i went home that's what i was saying earlier like we worship here and everything but the real thing happens when god's eyes are on you not that you come to church and that's awesome keep coming but it's like when you leave here are you doing it for for for people you know to in front of people's eyes and to make yourself feel good but he wants to watch what we do when we go home and walk with him because he's everywhere and so that's what i did i went home and i was like that dude just said be real the pastor said be real with god you know just you don't got to clean yourself up so i went in i had my meth closet you know it was my my master bedroom and i put all my meth in a first aid kit i don't know why but i had so i got home and i and there was there was rocks and everything and i chopped it up and i and i was like and i was i was depressed you know i was chopping up but i was depressed that i was doing it i just got home from church and i was like god i don't want to do this stuff and i'm going to die if i keep doing it and my daughter does not have a good father and please just take this stuff away from me i don't know how to stop i can't i'm addicted you know i just was real he said poor you're out the pastor said pour your heart out to god and i poured my heart out and you know and afterwards you know i did the line i did a line and i was just like gosh how do i stop doing this and then a little bit after that my phone rang it was my friend doug and i had done meth with him the first time i tried it like years ago and he was like brian this is doug you came to my church this morning dude god is so good we got to connect and i'm like i just asked for help from getting off meth and this guy that i did meth with years ago he's calling me and i'm like it was like i tried it and it worked you know i tried prayer and it worked i was like this lady gives me a card it says matthew 11 28 come to me jesus says come to me all who are weary and burdened and i will give you rest and then a broker that i'm doing real estate with he says brian i've never done this before in my life he sends me email he's like i hope you don't think i'm weird but i was i got up early i was going to work out and i was stumbling through my bible in the scripture matthew 11 28 jesus has come to me all who are weary and burdened i will give you rest i hope it's not weird and i'm like okay i go to church the next time matthew 11 28 on the freaking screens and i'm like i've been making fun of christians my whole life oh my gosh this stuff's real and so god was calling me right he was calling me and i'm like oh my gosh and so i started feeling and i remembered all these signs were happening i was like god am i going crazy am i like am i getting brainwashed and maybe they're just coincidences you know and i remember the pastor would always say there's no coincidences in god you know and so i'd be like gosh how do you answer my thoughts pastor you know you know so it's god working it's just crazy how it how real it is and so what happened was i was you know strumming through my bible i i tried to quit drugs on my own and you know i was still going to church because he said basically they're saying come high just come to church just come you know and so and i would pray at home but i would go to church and then i remember just one day one night actually i was at home and i'm and uh stumbling through my bible and every scripture was like talking like to me every time i because the pastor oh i don't do this i don't recommend this but sometimes he would be like god i need to hear from you i need to open his bible and point but i i was doing that and everything i'm pointing to was like talking to me and so that i don't recommend that because i've seen people get crazy with it and make bad decisions so don't do that but back then it was really i think god was using it for me you know but um so i remember just i was like how do i know know that it's real and i'm telling you like eternity like poured into the room in my house right then i felt the peace from another dimension i felt like this life is not the real world i felt like happy father's day god he is he is our our father our dad our papa god and we honor you today lord and i felt the spirit of a perfect father eternal father heavenly father come into the room and all i could do is look up and just say father that's all i was just like you're here right now i can't see a form but i knew he was in that room and i'm just i was done the next day i threw away all my drugs i was like i'm addicted to you whatever that was i'm addicted to it i want it oh my gosh how do i find that because it lifted and i was like that feeling lifted because it was like it comes and i was like no come back and i was like oh i got to get off this drugs i won't be able to feel that i want to feel it more and so it was it was just like done i was a it was like a paw saw the paw conversion i was done stopped drinking stop doing i even stopped mike don't do this i stopped my antidepressants i was just like you but i was so like i was so high on the holy spirit like i was filled with and he just came in and so it was good for like a year like i was on this baby christian high i was like and he was just like showering me with how real he was and uh it was really awesome but he opened the the real world to me you know this world is not the real world it's uh you know you're sitting here but you're not really sitting here you're like you're walking the earth and you're breathing here but it's not really your home it's not our home we're from a different place and uh it's just crazy to know that the most controversial man in the history of existence came then he and he got me i'm so grateful man i'm so grateful i am so grateful i just stumbled upon it i'm just minding my own business doing evil things and just you know being a prideful idiot depending on money and and uh you know but i was depressed i was i was i was hurting and thank god like he just oh it's unconditional love right thank god for that but i just love it because he opened to that that new world to me it's like you know i love ephesians where it says it says that uh ephesians 1 says i also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of god's power for us who believe him this is the same mighty power that raised christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at god's right hand in the heavenly realms and then in ephesians 2 it says god is so rich in mercy and he loved us so much that even though we were dead because of our sins he gave us life when he raised christ from the dead and this is like written 2000 years ago so he's talking about humanity you know that christ came to cleanse humanity and it's and it's just like we're just waking up to that fact you know what i'm saying it's like god so loved the world that he gave his son you know and so he's waking us up and and it's so much bigger than than what we think you know and god's just gonna he's gonna keep doing just mighty things crazy things and but it says he raised us from the dead along with christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united with christ how is this possible what do you mean he raised us up we're sitting here in our chairs right this place is temporary man it's so it might it just seemed like yesterday that corn got signed and we were doing all my life fly doesn't it fly by it's like crazy you're seated in these chairs but you're actually seated in the heavenly realms in christ it's so crazy because i love when paul like paul paul's so awesome like he had all this revelation and then he's just getting frustrated i think he goes he starts these churches and then these people are sleeping with these people and this is that this is going on and and he's like these people i think these guys are getting prostitutes or something corinthians six first corinthians six and he's like i think i wrote it down let me see i love the iphone thank you jesus for the iphone that apple sign it's like reminds me of the tree of life it's so good but uh but he's telling these guys they're like trying to be like the world like act like rock stars behave on the road maybe and in church or whatever and he says don't you realize that your bodies are actually parts of christ should should a man take his body which is part of christ and join it to a prostitute never he's like that but when he's he's yelling at these dudes and then the holy spirit shows me in the bible you're actually a part of christ and just just sit on that for a minute you know what i'm saying it's like this is what the bible is the holy it's the word but the holy spirit speaks truth to you as you read it and it's so amazing how one we are you know and he says that if you join if you join if a man joins himself to prostitute prostitute he comes one body with her the two are united into one the scriptures say but the person who is joined to the lord is one spirit with him it's just so crazy man the hunger you get the more this stuff becomes real it's like i remember one time i was at my house and you know i was two years i was two years walking with the lord you know and and so the first year was awesome i start i stopped taking my antidepressants and and then second year came and the trials came and it was like whew i got shaken you know um all the money i had made with corn i i got with these christian friends started some businesses i started a meat business i started a a food store business like uh there's a meat plant don't ask me how like how did i get into food but and then i started um i went into business in a studio in burbank it was a film editing studio plus uh a recording studio and it was all this stuff but this guy ended up a little bit crazy and so he was actually i found out he was a gangster in new york and his whole family was like tied to the mob and but he was he was on blow one day because he moved to phoenix by that time that's where all this took place he was driving by and him and his him and his son was like seven years old his dad said look what does that say dad and on the on the church it said the church building they were pointing at it and it said what's missing in church and it was lit up but the you was missing and the guy was on coke and he said what's missing in church and and he saw the you that was not lit up and he started crying when he went to church it was like god was like you're missing in church come so that was their evangelistic thing they they took the light out of the u it worked for that guy but he he had a lot of issues and so when we started like when things business-wise weren't doing too well you know so well he he went back to his old ways and started like defrauding people and stuff and and so i lost everything i lost everything i went through emotional things and and it was like god was healing me you know it was a thing where where he has to he's a great physician it says in the bible that one of the names for god is a great physician so he has to take that junk out of us if we're going to give him our lives he wants to fill us he wants to form christ in us so you know and he wants us to he burns all of this unbelief out of us so that we really walk with him and we really know where we are because we are with him in the heavenly realms in the spiritual world in the real world you know and so every trial that comes shapes us it makes us stronger to that lord um to that just that relationship with the lord you know what i'm saying and and it says in uh i love where it says and do you know this is what faith is all about things only go wrong so they teach us that they can't stay that way you know what i'm saying it's like where is your real location where is your real world where is your source where is your life where's your address your real address is with god all those bills that come to your house they're coming to your real place you think god doesn't see him we freak out over bills and all that stuff man that stuff is so minimal you know what when i when i was going through all the trials all the testings i would get so worried i would be like you know all this money is disappearing god god and so once i got to this place where like he created this faith in me that i started seeing him turn things around for good you know and it seems like when the worry got taken out of me and i stopped worrying that's when the that's when the things stopped happening you know and trials would come in different ways but we just it's crazy how we just walk through this life and sometimes we never learn you know it's like nothing can can nothing is gonna take us down and drag us down god commands resurrection life in every area of your life finances relationships emotional you know everything and it's so amazing and it it just keeps getting better and better so i was outside of corn you know doing my thing and you know trying to start my my solo career and all that and and uh i'd sometimes play shows and i'd come out and like the lights would be out and i'd walk on stage and be like what's happening there's 30 people right there i'm like yeah two guys are playing pool in the back like pride crushed you know what i'm saying like play to thousands of people and just i'm like nobody likes me anymore lord what am i doing this for i just want to apply a walmart the grave graveyard shift seems so peaceful honestly people in the rock world they joke about that it's like man wouldn't it be cool just to put headphones on to stock shelves and not have to travel and just just not worry about nothing you know i swear so yeah so um so i was doing that for a while and you know i was on a solo tour with my daughter my daughter was six years old when i came to the lord and i raised her by myself all those years uh you know she's almost 19 next month so it's like wow i'm 47 tomorrow [Applause] so yeah she uh i raised her you know and when she turned 14 one of the horns grew out then than the other no but she started getting the rock music and everything and she's like dad take me to her favorite was blink182 she loved the 90s music but and she like she started liking other bands like evanescence and and stained and some of you guys know these bands and so we're on tour with pod this chris the christian rock band uh they don't call themselves that but they're just christians and a rock band anyway they let us come with them because they're playing a festival my band couldn't play that's how far i fell from rockstardom i couldn't even play the show they were playing with my solo band because we weren't big enough so i just tagged along with them and went and corn happened to be headlining and so i took my daughter there and i started watching these bands during the day and you know all the corn guys were sleeping because they played like late at night and so i remember watching like this band five finger death punch and uh and i was watching the crowd and you know this the music just and so while i'm watching them from the stage looking at all the people during this music i feel emotional i'm like i feel love for all the people and i knew that was god because the music was you know you don't get emotional at these concerts and i felt like god was like saying these are my people you see all my people i want them i want them and i was like wow is that this has got to be oh because sometimes you're like is is god saying something to me or is it my my head i knew that was god right then and so yeah later that night the corn guys got up and one guy my guitar twin monkey james monkey schaefer i never reconciled with him um and by that time he had gotten sober you'd been sober like two or three years and i went into his bus and i just said hey man uh and he goes whoa he stopped me and he looked at me and my daughter and he goes i just see peace on you guys i don't he goes i would just looking in your eyes i totally it makes sense why you had to leave to see you guys right now and it he was just like and i said the same thing to him i was like man you look so good last time i saw him he was the angriest drunk he's like i'll fight yeah you try to fight anybody he couldn't even fight but when he was drunk like he would try to fight everybody and so but he was when i grew up with him he was the sweetest dude you know everybody all the dudes would want to call him their best friend you know because he was just so cool and uh and so yeah when i and then they asked me to jam the the corn song blind with them and so i jammed with corn for the first time 2012. the singer broke down in tears the the people on the side of the stage some people were in tears the crowd and i felt god's just came on the my dad hit me up after he's like i just saw you online oh my gosh i'm in tears because my dad grew up with these i mean we grew up together so my dad knew these kids since with you know monkey filidy all these we got nick crazy nicknames but uh he knew all these guys you know and so he saw the reconciliation and i and i i thought i was like wow this is crazy because i was a little religious you know because there's some crazy language in heavy metal and so and god was just showing me that he's uh he loves people you know he wants to go after them they're not all going to walk in those doors you know we got to get out there and i know this church is all about going out there which i love so they asked me to join and um you know after some i got advice and i and i kept praying about it and i actually had a 30-day it felt like this encounter with god at my house my daughter wasn't with grandparents and i was just am i i didn't leave my house i was like i felt god's like glory in my house and i was just like a caveman in there and i didn't want to leave it was like it was better than hawaii it was just when you feel god like real oh my gosh it's like you could be in a flipping hut with no ac and uh but it god's there with you you know and so he was just showing me like he is so in this and so yeah i ended up joining corn back and then when i was when i i was touring and i was i would like sneak some prayers backstage with fans or whatever there'd be fans outside the bus and i'd see a broken leg and say hey come here bro and you know and do stuff like that but i i felt like i wanted to do more but at the same time i didn't want to be that that preachy guy that came back right away so i waited and i was like lord you know give me a strategy you know and i would get with my friends back home and i'd say you know i feel like i should be doing more and so they'd pray for me and then next thing you know i went to visit bethel in reading california and uh yeah and i got there and this girl i was after a service this girl she had blonde hair and i was walking out and she goes she came up to me she goes hi uh are you brian and i said yeah and she goes you're in that you're from that band huh can i pray for you and she goes i actually have something i feel like god wants me to tell you and so she gave me this 10 minute long thing and the first like minute she was like i see you i don't know if you know who todd white is but i see you connecting with a guy named todd white and god's going to do some things with you guys so that was i was done with that and like a month later my friend luke from uh the billman's the billman sons are here right too i was with i actually uh was talking to luke uncle luke yeah and uh and he was you know they were filming for one of darren wilson's movies uh was that holy ghost reborn or oh maybe not i don't know i'm getting my times mixed up just let's just go back to luke so luke connected me with darren wilson darren wilson ends up calling me and he says hey i heard you're a fan of my movie let's get on the phone and talk and so he calls me and he says hey i'm doing a new movie called holy ghost and what would you think you know who todd white is and i'm like yeah he's like what do you think about if we got some cameras and we brought todd white and you guys just go out into the crowd and see what god does and i'm like i'm totally uncomfortable with that yes let's do it because when i'm uncomfortable then god's gonna show up yes every time i fear man i press through towards it you know not every time but a lot of times i do and so yeah we took the cameras out there and i don't know anybody see holy ghost the movie holy ghost you can see it on netflix it's free go watch it i'm telling you it's crazy this dude's leg gets healed this guy he came at us and he was like we just went into the crowd and todd todd white he's just like who needs healing in their bodies and i'm like oh my gosh shouldn't we like say hey you guys gather around like he just went for it i'm like oh and this guy comes up drunk and he's like he's like yeah what about this and he starts challenging everything and todd looks at him and goes he goes do you have something wrong with your back he's like yeah and then his friends go we call him brokeback joe [Applause] and todd goes dude i used to sell drugs i used to do drug all this stuff and i got shot at and and and i'm here and god is so real he loves you man can i pray for your back and he's like all right you know at first he was mocking so he sets him down and you know long story short on on the movie you can see on netflix his his leg his left leg grows out it's like this it's like this and it grows out even and he gets up smiling and man and i called him broke fixed joe after that and uh you know after the concert we went out people in tears it was just like you know i asked god for a strategy he gave it to me right then and so ever since then yeah that's how i connected with pastor allen and all the guys here robbie dawkins you guys know that is what a huge he is like master connector man i've connected with people all over the world with him and then there's another ministry called steiger international um i've connected with them to south america all over europe so everywhere i go not every single night but most of the nights i you know what we do we used to get these passes and we send our bodyguards out in the 90s and they would go out looking for girls to bring a backstage you know and we had nothing but disrespect for women back then and it's just great how the lord pours his life into a soul and a spirit and now we get these wristbands and i send these guys like the guys from the church and and they go out and they say god who do you want to touch tonight show us you could see it in people's eyes man you could see who god is who god is calling you know and so we gather them and then god moves last time i was here these guys they came and it was just amazing i mean you should share some stuff um but uh but afterwards they like they their heart was for me you know and they gathered me and they prophesied stuff they said oh man something's getting ready to come and it's going to be a ramp up and god is going to move this is just the beginning i forget everything they said but i was like i just yes i believe that and then a week later all this stuff happens robbie's brother-in-law um john i don't know if you know john but he came out with a guy named chad and man it was just like all these the miracles were happening and happening and this this one lady just one really special thing this this lady she was like wanting to her husband to meet corn because about four years before their five-year-old son four or five-year-old son had his tonsils taken out and he passed away it was the it like through just a malfunction in the procedure i don't know what happened but she was like corn helps him through his pain and anger at god and all this stuff and so she was just crying my husband needs to meet corn and my friend john robbie's robbie's brother-in-law is sitting there eating a corn dog at the at the you know at the vending booth or whatever he's just jumping away at a corn dog and the security guard goes to the crying lady go talk to that guy and and he's eating the corn dog and she comes over crying he goes do you believe in miracles because and he took right when he told her that like he said that what we're doing we're praying for people after the show and she was just like oh my gosh so we prayed for them and to get to get pregnant they've been trying they had two miscarriages since their son passed away and we prayed for them and they're pregnant the following week they gave birth to the baby about six months ago and it was just amazing you know so god's doing all kinds of crazy stuff it's so fun it's never boring walking with god it's never boring and he's so real like i said earlier man if a lot of you guys are walking with them close i know um there's a lot of meat teachings here a bit but uh there's always more man don't settle there's always more where's your hunger level level at you know how how he poured his life out so he can put his life inside of us you won't just live in this world and enjoy the stuff and not enjoy him all we have to do is just give a little bit more actually just ask him give me more because i am lazy lord and i don't have it give me grace it's all his grace it's his power that comes in and lives through us so help me father lord on this father's day father god i ask you to fill me and everybody else in this room with more grace to give jesus what he deserves which is more of our time more of our love more of our thoughts more of everything in our lives lord that we would dedicate everything to jesus father give us that grace because we can't do it on ourselves there's two traps lord traps in the world there's a huge trap that we could fall in the world and then the other trap is religion and so don't let us fall in that trap of religion lord on this father's day lord pour out your glory on everybody here the ones that know you the ones that don't know you the ones that are lazy the ones that just are hitting a wall and they feel like they can't go further lord the ones that are worrying about things like bills or or even worrying about people in our family that are going the wrong way lord you are god your god you god you hold us all in your hands lord help us trust you this is real but help us put smiles on our faces lord because this is the greatest thing that you gave us is your joy and the fruits of the spirit says love joy this is not supposed to be all serious all the time lord this is fun so lord pour out your spirit on this place and lord i pray for everybody tonight grab the ones that we're supposed to to to bless tonight lord and the ones that you just want to put a smile on their face jesus and do miracles confirm your word that we speak tonight with signs and wonders and miracles lord so that they would know how real you are we thank you jesus amen i want to i want to bring up pastor alan and uh do you remember anything from the last concert we did that you want to share oh you did okay oh there's new people there's lots of new people um is robin here i mean you got a story from that time from when he was here come on come on look real quick come on dan come on robin and then listen here's the question before the house really the question is is for the people that are that are here that you're saying i i think it's great that he did this in his life i want him to do it in mine that's why we're here this morning so um and you were part of this allen we were we i'm sorry brian but we actually did leave our seats and go to the concession stands because we wanted to minister to people and pastor allen had found a woman somewhere in her 30s and i don't know how you started the conversation praying for her he calls me over she long story short she had stage four ovarian cancer and she chose not to have chemo or any kind of therapy and we prayed for her and i asked her how are you doing what are you feeling she said i don't know what happened but i feel really hot in in my belly my my abdomen feels really really hot and so we just pray for her i'm actually praying that we would see her tonight maybe at the concert because that would be cool but um if daniel is here i know he has a story about a man that um is daniel schmierer here tell your story about the man with the cane so this guy has been on a cane for a long time hurt his leg doing something and he hadn't walked without the cane for many many many many years and we prayed for him and said all right let the cane go and so he put the can aside and i basically held his hands and he just started walking back with it he was like oh my gosh oh my gosh this is amazing my therapist is going to be so shocked that i can do this and so uh we shared him that was the power of jesus and it was really powerful moment for that for him and um his he had his boys there too and they were just like whoa daddy's walking so it was awesome yeah would you stand together you heard the message you heard the man who said he's had it all he's lost it all and jesus is better than all of it jesus is better than all [Applause] i'm 45 years in the lord this year same thing my life was a was a wreck and i just cried out to god just cried out to him did one of those if you're if you're real and if you want me here i am and you can have me and he did exactly what you're talking about he just came and took my life so the number one thing we hear this for this morning the number one thing is to say if you're if you feel like my life's a wreck and i want god to change my life if that's you this morning we want to pray for you because men he loves you he loves you long ago we walked away from the god is going to get you stuff too god wants you his heart is for you his love is upon you he is after you i watched this man minister the love of christ biggest thing i saw after the concert was i saw brian welch tell briefly tell his story and invite people who'd come to a concert to know the god of all creation we saw a number of people pray and say i want you to take jesus into my life so what i want to say this morning is if that's you would you just lift your hand if you're here and that's you there's a big crowd would you just lift your hand so i can see you is there anybody here that come and then would you come forward and let us pray for you if that's you would you just come forward and let us pray for you come on come on come on back in there come on all over this place all over this place there's others come on come on come on raise up the sh raise up the let encourage others come on if you want to come come on others jesus wants to change your life this morning come on don't be shy don't hesitate don't miss this moment while brian was talking your heart was on fire you felt your heart warm and alive and it's you he's after you he's calling you he's saying come to me come to me come to me if you're weary and heavy laden come to me brian won't you leave these guys in a prayer yeah lord um it's like the wind lord we could feel the wind so i asked for your spirit to come so that we could feel you god because you are spirit god you are spirit so come and blow on these people right here lord we just speak to the blindness and command the blindness to come off lord those who turn to the lord the veil is removed lord we ask you to remove that veil like you said you said the veil is removed so we just tell it to be removed lord they didn't see god before now they see god everywhere we say it to them in jesus name lord that's it so you guys just just if i could tell you anything just mean this just mean this don't don't let this be something in a moment right here mean this and walk this out as you leave this place your whole life will change and i'm telling you that things in your future that you can't even see are gonna come and if you stay with it god is the god of surprises he will drop surprises as you walk with him and don't leave him that you can't see coming i promise you it's the funnest thing ever you can be you you become young again your youth is renewed you know we we grow up when we become boring adults you know that's why he calls us children of god in the bible because as we grow older our inner we get younger inside and more childlike so just repeat these words after me you guys you say lord jesus i do not want dead religion i want you i want a relationship right now i give you my life i surrender my way of doing things and i'm gonna follow you teach me how to follow you forgive me of my sins wipe me clean wash me clean let me feel like i'm a brand new creation release angels into my life fill me with your holy spirit [Music] give me dreams and visions and open the eyes of my heart to see that you're real amen whoa [Applause] it says it says in the bible that one one that comes to god is like a party in heaven with the angels one two three four five six seven eight nine there is a shin dig going on in heaven yes so so let me have my ministers come and talk one-on-one with each of these people my ministry team come on talk one-on-one with them pray one-on-one with them and get their name and follow up with them we want to we want to we want to bless you i need another man come right down here i need i need a man right here and i need a woman right here yeah let's be sure one yeah right here tara that's where i want you right there hey now guys one more thing we want to this is a house of prayer we always pray for people we pray for many many things um how many of you are standing here there's a desperate need of prayer in your life all right i see a few hands if you will i want you to come forward and we're going to pray for you [Music] you're going to give them new believers bibles if you okay colleen take care of that is there if you want prayer come on come on put spread out across here spread out across here and then i'm gonna need some help let me get my ministry team church you know what to do ministry team there's folks coming up they've come up here for prayer come up here and look after these folks there's a man right here yeah pray for this man right here hey guys the one thing i'm going to tell you i'm not going to let you get the one-on-one with brian i promised him i would get him out of here he's got a big night tonight and we're going to minister again after the service but tell him thank you and happy birthday [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] okay there's lots of ministry to be done let me just bless you may the lord bless you keep you make his face shine on you be gracious unto you lift up his countenance on you and grant you peace the peace of christ is yours church in jesus name god bless you have a great day [Music] you
Channel: New Life City
Views: 171,208
Rating: 4.8824067 out of 5
Keywords: Grace and Truth, Alan Hawkins, Kingdom of God, God, Jesus, Father, Christ, Holy Spirit, Dance, Sermon, Love, King, Religion (TV Genre), New, City, Lord, Gospel, Gospel Music (Musical Genre), Gospel (album), Life (Quotation Subject)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 34sec (3574 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2017
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