Full Service | July 8, 2017 | Worship - Jason Upton | Sermon - Jack Taylor

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you [Music] alright folks let's come on in here and they just get ready where's my worship Posse front and center crew I used to have authority around here good evening Church let's stand together let's get ready so yeah help me out here help me out Jason any way you can [Music] [Music] [Music] okay you guys ready good for church [Music] thank you for being on time Jason Upton and his friends are here y'all have a name as a group y'all have a name as a group was it do you have a name for you for the team no nothing in the fellas I like that they're minimalist right they remind me of Grand Funk okay guys let's let's do this tonight is a night that we proclaim on earth and in heaven that we have dedicated our lives to the Lord Jesus Christ and that as one we will serve Him as he has brought us to a new community the dedication we have tonight is really to serve this community to make friends of our neighbors to reach out to the businesses that are around us to pray for blessing on entrepreneurs that strike out it and go for it to be good neighbors to our next-door neighbors to love one another and to pray thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven let's worship Him Church let's worship Jesus [Music] we're sinners together you the keys their passes manners you can live [Music] searing you enjoy 9 turn [Music] years soon they're women [Music] you the new [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you find me with the only love with grace and ease humors surprises me it heals man it helps me [Music] well [Music] more than you [Music] cool [Music] Oh [Music] jeez [Music] you never fear [Music] long Oh [Music] the [Music] [Music] we [Music] listen [Music] [Applause] [Music] spear you are you are you please [Music] [Applause] [Music] the longer and more weird [Music] in your the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you the voice that I call the song [Music] [Music] Jesus when you speak [Music] what is Jesus when you speak to me [Music] Jesus we speak I hope on this [Music] see what is full [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] are you the stranger of the trend [Music] and what do you whisper in my room in my [Music] words [Music] [Applause] [Music] you never [Music] and what you whisper in my did it family mound and I could guard and let your words begin to grow but my faith is prone to fear when my face is from the sphere [Music] give him [Applause] [Music] remain remain remind me remind remind Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bill Mauser stone [Music] you mousey [Applause] your master stones really build [Music] [Music] crossers [Music] [Music] to [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] stories crazy but it's true [Music] started stranger [Music] in the same [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know me you know [Music] daughters of a living God [Music] [Music] with the sons and daughters of living God who knows is bad [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so this man named Wendell Barry who tells the story about how in the early 1900's one third of our nation's population in America were farmers and they lived on the land they farmed and they ate the produce from that land and in 1950 by the 1950s probably for good reason I'm sure men got together and they came up with this plan that sunshine and rain are mercy gifts and mercy laws predictable mercies always unpredictable so they realized that you can't depend on it to have enough sunshine and rain for good farming and good produce so what we need to do is we need to create machinery that will make our food he wrote this book in 1990 by 1990 over a 40 year period of time they eradicated the farmers from our land at a rate at a rate of half a million to a million farmers per year by 1990 less than 1% less than 2% of our nation's population were farmers and less than 1% of that farming population lived on the land they farmed an eight to produce from that land which just simply put is I mean would you want to eat food from a farmer who says here eat it I'm not gonna eat it you know and he said eventually the American consumer will revolt they'll realize that their need for certainty is poisoning them which we actually prophesied that we're seeing it happen and they'll begin to long for farmers again and this is where this is telling I think for the church and prophetic for the churches see farmers teach us that we aren't a people of buying and selling we're people of sowing and reaping farmers real farmers they they care more for the soil than they do for the product he said they'll realize that they need farmers again this is where the church is that I believe right now they'll begin to raise their children because you see you can't you can't make a farmer in a two-week two-year program farmers have to be raised to the trade he actually said this like like musicians and poets and preachers prophets farmers have to be raised to the trade you know why because are you gonna raise up a poet one of these young people's are gonna be a poet if you tell them that they have to be understood all the time you have to raise them that poetry matters go to your local Barnes & Noble and walk by the giant self-help section and good luck finding the poetry section right we need farmers again we need a lot of other things too like anybody can get grass to grow we're gonna hear from a tree tonight like in the church we need to be watering our trees not watering our grass lots of things like that okay I probably can't even technically prophesy that because I'm 43 now so I'm getting older saying I'm doing that for [Music] and wake me lo open my still you beauty I'm wake me Lord open my to you brace wake me open the man to your mercy merciful [Music] merciful sing it again whooping my to you grace awake [Music] I'm gonna [Music] and lord have mercy [Music] [Applause] [Music] numbers we made the devil state go dampers [Music] [Music] give [Music] in the woods a time not long ago when the Sun did shine and the so were sold in the reindeer rain in the grass [Music] a 10-4 certainty but I'm the light was a time before the farm when we dressed in hearts in hee [Music] it was a child [Music] we trusted nobody wanna test you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you Jesus that you're trustworthy [Applause] so we started this last night a little Eddie Husum [Music] [Music] so we don't want to miss [Music] Eddie he listens life is routine routine his resistance to wonder of gumbo bingo black shoes and launching my pocket I walk the same road everyday the lifetime can Basford and if we don't watch his soul it is to say right every day down read everyday and everyday down that every day sing with me write everyday [Music] some days some days some days give me [Music] now this next line I want us to hear this when I wrote this thank God from Matthew remember that the Bible's holy cuz it tells the whole story it tells us that Matthew was a tax collector and an apostle but it doesn't cut out the tax collector part once he becomes the Apostle Moses was a murderer and a deliverer Adam and Eve right the listening and for you and I we say think of Matthew and thank God for Moses and say God [Music] Oh God gives the courage [Music] every day [Music] to the finder [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] most [Music] [Applause] [Music] I've got Marino black shoes and orange in my pocket and I walk the same road everyday maybe you drive it and you see that big mountain you just drive right by it and you're looking for the glory of God and there it is you know laugh time can pass bad and if we don't miss Oh [Applause] what what don't I know you just sad but it's time to hug each other's neck why don't you and make room for the people who haven't found seats yet so let's do that hug somebody make room for somebody that doesn't have a seat [Music] it's working demons no idea what it is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] go ahead and try to find your place and [Music] once everybody's seen [Music] yes praise the Lord okay [Music] alright guys I do consider the greeting to be one of the literally one of the most precious times that we have together but all good things so yeah and frankly if the reserved seats are empty or Philemon go ahead go ahead if the people who have reserved seats haven't filled them fill them come fill them I don't like that fill them come on to the front just get a good seat that's fine but there's only four of them [Music] all right the band is staying up here with me because when we do the offering they're gonna sing over us one more time okay [Music] we haven't we have a new anointing in this new building which isn't ignore the pastor even more so right that's right I can take raised kids I can handle that you should have given me the mic because you never ignore your mother actually I there's nothing I like more than just seeing how much everybody wants to visit with one another we need more times like that I want to just announce a couple of things about that our upcoming you got your bulletin so you can see but I want you to know that Christine Coker who is our children's minister has worked as she and Rachel have worked so hard on Vacation Bible School which starts on Monday morning so yes let's say a huge thank you and guess what it's Monday at 8:45 to 12:30 and there are eight spots left so if you have a child who is going into kindergarten or finishing 5th grade they are still able is that right fifth grader fourth grade they're going into fifth grade going into kindergarten or going into fifth grade they are eligible to come to Vacation Bible School so go online to new life city org and register those last eight children so that we have a full house do it yeah I'd do it now instead of no no not instead of listening to the message I'm just teasing Alan and I one of the highlights that we enjoy is having new people up to our home so on July 30th we'll be having a newcomers meal you can also sign up online at new life city or for that that's going to be on Sunday July 30th and then I want to point out for some of you that may be new watching the the artists over here is one it's just such a joy watching what they do and I wish that those of you who are new if you had if you could see the progressive ability that God has put in these amazing people and this is how it starts the prophetic art workshop July the 14th through 15th you can go on our website and get more details but if you were you know some of you may be sitting out there saying I wish I could do that but that's not I could never do that don't ever say that because God can do all things in your life and it's all about being in his presence I had a wonderful time seeing my first cousin I hadn't seen her in about eight or nine years and she was in town and she's an artist and I was explaining to her about what our artists do and under the anointing of the Holy Spirit it's all about what they have received in what's released and there's grace over these paintings and we're so privileged I it feels more like home because the art is hanging in the halls and in the auditorium so thank you prophetic art and please join them if you are so inclined yes Gayle and I want to thank you for the sewing that you did and have done to bring this new venture to pass you have sown generously and we will devote ourselves with you to continuing to so am I so er I was good it was interesting that they started talking about the sewing I am a sower I've been sewing in Albuquerque for over 25 years now [Applause] and and this is what we do in our lives we so every person here is sewing you're sewing your heart and your words your love I watched this pastoral staff so into this labor of love and work themselves a very very hard very hard it's a beautiful thing to have people that are devoted to one another and devoted to a labor this weekend we have a special guest sewing with us where's Caleb Caleb Brundage Caleb I love this man our old our old church member and my oh my longtime friend Mike Spencer and I went down to a Patricia King conference many years ago it was the first time I saw you came first time and I was smitten I never dreamed that you would come to be a brother and a friend like you have and you prioritized coming to be with us on this weekend we love you we bless you we believe in you you have an inheritance in Albuquerque New Mexico thank you thank you so much on this front row are the overseers of church I've never had my overseers sitting together in church everyone so want somebody who get mad at me and they'll ask me for y'all's address here they are it really does happen and these men and women are dear friends of ours Steve Williams I've never had a better friend in the years I've been in this city than you sir and when I came into the life and the spirit you were you were one of my first friends to welcome me and I came to church with you and Barbara you guys have prophesied over us I don't know how many times you are a part of everything we do the partnership that was prophesied over what we do it's it's always been fest it's being manifest right now your legacy and you've been sowing into this city as long as I have a little bit longer I think and our children's children will be blessed and another generation yet and I thank God for you pastor buck Iker is here and Sandy weave these people have been friends of ours since 1977 known him that long but he was afraid of me then not much has changed except that I'm now also afraid of him in different ways and for different reasons if ever I have known a man who carries and touches and goes after the presence and glory of God this is the man and this is my friend Ducky's by the way retiring this year into a new yeah he's retiring from pastoring this church into the next venture retiring is not a bad where it's good word because when you retire you get refined and Papa Jack's been retired for a hundred years so so it's not bad and go ahead and draw on these these men and women and love on them Papa jack and freed had come just about every time we call we call they come and I'm reminiscing tonight as I look around and see my friend Sam Sam and I and John Brown Steve Carlson and some others drove up to bagosa Springs one night after another after another to hear you preach the year my father died he became a new father to me and I am NOT fatherless in this world or the next because of this man and I want you to honor Jack taters not time for him to come yet [Applause] these are your these are your easier grandkids these are your children Papa frita these are your kids [Applause] I've seen this man when he didn't I saw him in the lion's den I don't have time to describe it but I saw him in the Lions bin and he stood like Daniel it was a marvelous thing to see in front of thousands and he spoke from the heart and he spoke with convention it's conviction and he NE quelled a fomenting storm for a season anyway I love this man more than I could ever say and I owe him more than I can ever repay so I just wanted to give a few things we're gonna take an offering in just a minute and you'll continue sewing we'll sew into the guests that have come this weekend will sew into the work that they've done I want to acknowledge also for for I'm done my friends Barry and Linda Manson have come to be with us again it's wicked tomorrow among the things that will happen tomorrow he's he's no prophesy over this church because he's carrying a word for us and we'll want it he's prophesied the partnership for the generations and we had it I look around here this is this is a church with every generation in it I love that I love that I love these young people by the way some of the folks that worked really hard to help us with all this is the Billman brothers they're here and I have to think of them because they're here for the summer to be interns with us I think of him because Jason there's nobody that reminds me more of you than their father Nick when he comes he carries that thoughtful contemplative annointed he sings to the sings men he sings to the deep things and always does and he doesn't sing and this is what you do you're not a panderer sir you're a prophet and a poet and I said last night a friend and I've seen even we've missed you it's been a long time you're a dear friend you speak words of life they're not only here but in every conversation this man has you go get works of life and he has brought with us his friends so in a minute he'll sing one more song over us and then before tomorrow but we do love you and we do thank God for you [Applause] Gail what about this book Jack and Frieda brought a few of their books and I had the joy of reading Frida's book from Hitler's Germany to the cross of Christ and beyond it is it's a story about her life but much more than that and honestly I read and I wept and it for me it's an amazing testimony of God's grace and mercy over a woman's life and how from the moment she was born there may have been an enemy that was after her but God protected her and has used her mightily I'm sure that when Frieda was a little girl she never dreamed that she would be where she is today doing what she does and oh my goodness spend five minutes with her and you'll find out she is living her passion she's living her her dream please I I told somebody last night I bought five of these books and I sent them to every one of my sisters my mother-in-law my sister-in-law I made sure everyone had this book because it's that valuable so if if you have find fine to fifteen dollars and purchase this book and then pass it to somebody let's encourage one another with the story of God's grace because what we believe is when the testimony is released we're saying God do it again God do it again God do it again and then finally would you stand together because we're gonna take the offering us or would she come Papa Jack's book cosmic initiative oh my this is the book that all of his sons Papa write a book write a book write a book write a book write a book about what you're telling us write a book about what you see write a book about what's in you and we pulled and pulled and it was born and Papa jack has written this book cause to make it initiative and this is the first time he's been here that he's had copies I think and it's available for you as well as this wonderful music from Jason okay I sure I'm a real Sam guys and I feel real sappy tonight because I just love you and I know this is a beginning this is not the end of anything this is a new beginning of new things and tonight you're sowing again with your gifts and I'll ask you I will ask you to sow a love offering into what this event and then we're gonna get on with this and do wonderful wonderful things we're well aware that we got some bug's to work out and we'll figure out the toilet paper and the traffic we will we're gonna figure it out and and you're gonna help us because we're gonna we're gonna do it loving one another but let's pray and they must receive the offering then Papa jack will come holy holy holy is the Lord God the Almighty heaven and earth are full of your glory to you belongs all praise father to you belongs all loyalty son of God to you belongs our body Holy Spirit we are yours great is the Lord and greatly to be praised let everything that has breath praise the name of the Lord praise you Lord and everyone said amen god bless your church [Music] [Music] forgive me sorry miss forget [Music] then we just can't forget stronger than it's not easy but I know [Music] we're all a part of family [Music] [Applause] [Music] you beggar with hope and choose to trust again [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it was easy [Music] [Music] oh you make it all little faith can move mountains [Music] faith unity world keep [Music] [Applause] strong [Applause] [Music] so we say forgive them for they do we say [Music] No [Music] [Applause] [Music] we say [Music] is our healing medicine forgiveness when we just can't forgive it sharper than any soul stronger than any war it's not easy but we know it's a gift [Applause] it's good to be here knowledge it's good to be anywhere I'm a mess I really am I was gonna open and tell you our astonished I am not at all astonished I want to cry if I could lead you and weeping and if I could get every one of your weeping I'd I'd just be pleased as punch I don't know what that means about almost 15 years I guess this gang walked in Pagosa Springs called him a mountain man from then on he's about two-thirds of the man he was last year [Applause] I I don't I don't know why I'm in a weeping mood I really am and that's hard to mix with preaching it's almost impossible to breach and ball at the same time but it looks like I may have to do it I've never been prouder of a couple Church that I remember in my life I was overwhelmed when we came by Wednesday and looked over the place it wasn't like a dream come true I never dreamed this big it's a miracle of many sorts I know it took a lot of work and ingenuity on the team part of the team all of you you're a part of a of an unusual and remarkable miracle you ought to know that if you don't y'all to wake up I've never seen anything arrangement like this and I do want to talk about it just a little bit because I wanted to get up here pretty early this morning and I always get up very early like I get up four or five times early and I stay up to pray just a little bit last time is generally three or four o'clock I get up my exercises but I want to get up here early and look at this phenomenon and I just want you to look to your left and you'll see eight signs or boards or scriptures all of them on the Covenant you've always had that I walked around them Bucky and I I came back in and walked again we read the scriptures aloud and then look to your right I left those are the ones on the kingdom don't don't let them go unread by you it'd be good to get a get a group of your home group or somebody and just walk around it and read those and I got to thinking about it the reason I wanted to do it this morning started I'm on a timer my own not doers its merciful toward you I envisioned this I don't know how true it is but I'm gonna imagine if I over imagine you forgive me this book is called the Word of God but every time it refers to the Word of God it refers not to a book but to a voice put in words it's a miracle book anyway you want to cut in a miracle in its origination we call it inspiration the word inspiration literally means God breathed open this book and you open the book two words that are actually the distillation of the breath of God if there's a higher view of inspiration higher view of inerrancy call it what you want - I'll buy yours but I'll have to settle for mine tonight there's the miracle of preservation this book has lasted all the infidels and agnostics and enemies of the Cross have sought to do it away it lasted the anvil still stands and the hammers lie around it broken there's the miracle of inspiration the miracle of preservation and the miracle I trust every time you gather you enjoy every time you open it you enjoy every time you hear it preached you enjoy that's the miracle of illumination the first is the work of the Spirit of God on the heart of men of God's set aside in which to breathe his word and write it down inspiration preservation is that influence of the Spirit of God on the texts themselves on the books and the parchments and across the hundreds of years that work of the Spirit of God upon the mind and the scribes their minds their pins and those parchments that guaranteed the arrival of the intended words of God still legible and understandable we call that preservation the miracle illumination is the work of the Spirit of God upon the Scriptures themselves and the people like you and me preservation inspiration preservation and illumination it's not a living book it's a dead book it's made of dead cows dead trees I guess since this is octopus juice dead octopi lifeless set of stethoscope in it and you won't hear anything but open its pages and God comes could you just let him do that now I feature this possible I really do not trying to be sensational what if those words you affirmed belief and in the atmosphere were breathing God could breathe in the meaning of the covenants that God made with creation Adam and Eve Abraham David covenants and as you end the covenants from back to front the new covenant in the body can you imagine a man the man Christ Jesus the man who is called the desire of nations are you aware that every nation at heart is looking for a man like him at heart shed his blood willfully he died as a man he did every miracle he did as a man he lived as a man a man in whom God lived in the Covenant issues into the kingdom a kingdom progress God God's original intention all the way to God's expression through his church I don't mind telling you that I'm fanatic without apology a fanatic on the kingdom I'd only intend to change I intend to back my stated legacy is leaving sons and daughters who have sons and daughters who have sons and daughters who have sons and daughters till time is no more who are discovering the kingdom and declaring the kingdom and demonstrating the kingdom and the reason I'm excited about this church is bring me a box are those it's just not gonna work I'm leaking just throw them up here it sorry sorry no I'm not dang I'm looking for gold several months ago God said buy gold you know what I'm looking at gold gold steady an increasing value gold praise team you're gold I disorder to touch this abandoned last year and I was taken by I blamed part of this on you I don't know what there is about what you do it makes me want to cry but I do I thought it was gonna get by without it till you mentioned farming and I went back to the farm I'm a farm boy I'm a man of the soil so I thought I'd tell him something I wanted to meet with him a minute we got back in the green room and I looked at him to start talking I'm so sorry totally embarrassed fifteen years it was Gayle who asked that the Italian restaurant what about us the girls heck I never thought about it oh my sons I said something weak like this well I guess if you're the wife of my son you're my daughter which is rather stupid well I'll tell you the truth about it and this is it and that's what drove me to it everybody who is led by the Spirit of God is a son of God so women say it I'm a son or they're nice-looking son so give in touch with your masculine side and while we're at it man get in touch with your feminine side you're the part of the Bride of Christ got it so we straightened that out just a little while after that she left that she left Allen went farther west came back a different woman not that she wasn't a good one to start with but she got better and better and better and hadn't stopped I don't have a son I'm really proud I'm tell you this I don't have a son I'm proud around an hour I say this in front of all my sons they all think but there's number one that's all right if I can't make them feel like that I ought to repent but I feel like maybe I understood what mother of John Wesley who had I think what good night chef 18 or 16 way too many in somebody said which is your favorite you remember what she said the one that's gone until they're home the one that's sick until their will well that's not quite true with me I have sons who pursue me and sons who run from have sons that are gone and sons that are home I don't have a son who pursues me with any more faithfulness we've settled that don't make me come back here gone through some things and I didn't call me but I love them and I love you my sons buy my books and so their churches buy my books so buy our books it just helps if you can't read just they couldn't they got good color so put them in the room that matches the color how did you do 40 some years ago took that long been saved 73 74 years and it's called a preach at 14 and I didn't I didn't know anything I didn't even suspicion anything donna country kid I am astonished at that I'm astonished that God would call Adam snotty-nosed towheaded dumb kid to preach didn't say much about Frieda I'm astonished that Frieda she astonishes me all the time with all my heart and I go away from places they love the heck out of her and tolerate me so that being said I'm gonna I'm gonna try to preach just a little bit on a timer so I won't get caught up the kingdom of God in its largest definition is the rule of God over everything and everybody everywhere for all time and attorney that's the overarching definition of the kingdom I like the definition George Dana Boardman puts it in his great book of a hundred years ago just simply titled the kingdom he said it is the emerging order of Christ among men folks there is something happening inexorably thought should be impressed of that word in exile in what it means literally is honey it's gonna happen there's nothing you can do to keep from it happening it is inexorable I could give you 40 or 50 other words won't bother you with them the kingdom of God if it's anything and it's everything it is relational super naturally relational every system has an operation system every computer an operating system the operating system of the kingdom is the father-son paradigm the family life Hedlund was in our home as a guest and for one purpose that is to soak in everything I knew about the kingdom he did was he said Papa what is the church gonna look like when the kingdom gets hold of it when it buys into its inheritance the kingdom I said I don't know son but I think it's gonna look like a family I think they're gonna be fathers and sons and aunts and uncles and brothers and sisters greatest one of the great problems of the church's orphan ism we have whole churches that are orphanages CEOs who are orphans and orphans are helplessly manipulating and sometimes scheming and most of the time struggling and striving for identity and they need a father God's a good father his spirit in us cries father I don't have any privilege any higher than being a father and all my kids are Kingdom kids I love the wording wordage of Kingdom kids and the kingdom prefix I think the kingdom prefixes and the kingdom hyphenation I'm excited about that yeah I'm getting the tears down and the excitement up so watch me I'm kinda getting excited - 'he's a - is a grammatical construct the ties two words together generally a superior word and an inferior word but when they get together you forget which was which because both make the other look so good and I've been toying with it - ation friendship Kingdom friendship Wow marriage Kingdom marriage Church Kingdom church prayer Kingdom prayer education Kingdom education Kingdom Kingdom Kingdom wear it out the one thing you will not take too far is the kingdom of God go to seed on it and the seeds will sprout and Kingdom issues will spring forth I love the kingdom because it's the king personified it's the king in action it's the Trinity in cooperative love and work in labor it's where eternity immediacy meets the present and their blossoms meaning all over the place it gives meaning to anything nothing in the universe explains itself it is a value only as it is related to the whole wh-wh o alak-hul of everything the kingdom is the whole of which everything else is a part you will not understand yourself until you fit into your niche in the kingdom and there is a niche for you and when you are there you will realize that the wholeness of it you're a part of it you can look down no longer on anybody you can manipulate late against nobody when you find yourself as a son of the kingdom and will not in tonight until I have from you and from myself of fresh commitment to do what I'm gonna preach on if I ever get there and I've got 19 minutes 55 seconds left I just sort of like this somebody said how do you how do you how do you study for your preaching I am how do you do it when you get up there he said oh I just uh I just get up there and whatever comes to mind I say it and well what if something doesn't come to mind he said oh I just mess around til it does and so I guess I'm just messing around but I'm a-fixin to get there the kingdom demands a commitment you study it does you no good to observe it it's beyond observation it calls for a commitment not just little light I think I'll do it but on all out all in both feet in situation God never has an issue delight invitation we had the privilege of leading barbers excuse me Freitas I've been thinking about the other day your Barbara my first wife was Barbara for seminyak fusion she died to Barbara's already gotten together heaven will never be the same but Freda and I led her daughter and her fiance to Christ a couple of months ago in there they're bodybuilders bodybuilders he can't believe Lord body but both I'm already champion she's been at it three years won the over 50s and it's amazing got him got a married life Sunday on the beach and sit down before they left and talked about the kingdom a fixed start a business I said something I need to tell you and I didn't have time to tell you but I prayed that something would happen where I couldn't tell him and about that time they called and said could we stay another day I said thank you lord and when soon as they got in I've set him down and told him about the kingdom starting a business I'm gonna offer you something you don't have to take it but I'm telling you what you're doing they're gonna start a bodybuilding business and they're gonna do it and they gonna do it big if God gets in it I hope it has but I said listen I want to give you a scripture I'm gonna preach on it next week and we're gonna give you that tonight I want you to turn to your book or your phone or whichever I like this book I have it on my phone I have 48:11 translations I can't find most of them this is the book of God open it now to Matthew 6:33 I know I know you know where that is and I know where it is but I want to hear the rustle of leaves if not get you a map with the rustle of leaves Matthew 6:33 look at it we're going to look at it and then I'm holding off but seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you and His righteousness so I'm gonna ask you tonight to become absolutely intentional in the search for the rest of your life with a couple of guarantees you ought to have sense enough to know are good enough to throw your life into what are you seeking everybody here is seeking something everybody is always seeking something subliminal err intentionally or unconsciously everybody is seeking something but we're ordered here at the consummation of the Sermon on the Mount and the idea that the heathen or the Gentiles live like this they they want a place to live and a clothes to wear and the food to eat after these things the Gentiles seek nothing wrong with that but here's the deal God's offer to you every one of us and if you hear without Jesus it's an offer to you and when you get him you get the deal he's made with us it's really unfair I've been saved seventy four years and you get saved tonight and you get us saved as I've been saved for 74 years and you get the whole inheritance as well you are given you are given an equal inheritance no not an equal inheritance we all get the whole inheritance together we are co-heirs together of the grace of life we've been forgiven we do you know the word propitiation it is the satisfied the satisfaction of the violated holiness of God when he sees the blood of Jesus propitiation forgiveness regeneration all of that justification sanctification all of that you get it tonight if I were you I'd do the smart thing and just hold off not wait on this preacher 13 more minutes but just say Lord I want to take it right now when you do that we'll pray the prayer with you would you just say Lord Jesus I need you I'm lost come into my life you don't need to understand much just that he wants you and you need him and when y'all get mixed up you won't know yourself you liable to die shout and so get it because we're going to talk about what God's kids get to do this is God's offer to every one of you if you have not consciously taken him up on it do that tonight and from this time until you die willfully daily as often as you're reminded and you're fixing to get a lesson on being reminded if you want to be reminded I've dealt with God about that he can wake me up in a second and I can be as wide awake sometimes he wakes me up halfway and we have a we have a little cushion of time maybe three or four or five minutes sometimes fifteen aware that God is playing with me God is speaking to my spirit and when we're through I'm ready for a wild wide-open wide-eyed Oh open mouth search of the deeper things of the kingdom of God and what it is to live with a God like him so I might give this to you listen to it these things the Gentiles seek where are you gonna live what's you gonna wear what you're gonna eat that's why you're working are you aware that aren't you excited about that that's why you drive a long time to work and wear yourself doing what you're doing bored to death what for clothes food house what's it gonna do next year clothes what you gonna do the next 40 years clothes food out get money pay the bill pay the taxes taxes make it so bad you can do them real simply how much did you make send it in real exciting this money thing image can I invite you to God's deal but now when you run into a word that starts as a verb it always has a you on it why oh you don't forget that this is God's word to you not somebody else and so it it inverts it and most I'm a done him using this translation of God what it is but seek you seek first let's deal with a word seek for just me to seek the word starts with a three-letter word see you won't seek anything until you see it you won't see anything until you look for it I challenge you to peel your eye tonight to be on open to Kingdom sightings but that's when you likely call it coincidence sir well in that strange or my goodness how could something like two things put together from so many disparate parts you say wow that was some that's a Kingdom sighting I pray for God for you to have a dozen before before noon tomorrow look for them look for them inside you look for them above you look for them in sight look for them in sound look for them in any manner God is wanting to reveal himself to you more than you are wanting him to reveal and when your wants get with his you're gonna find the kingdom rolling over you and Kingdom revelation I can't hardly go to sleep I have to almost backslide to go to sleep at night and and but when I do get it see if I'm dead asleep I'm asleep fast and God wakes me up with a kingdom thought and the extrapolation of it that thrills me and I wake up excited I invite you to that not just this is just it and I'll wind up on time not finished with on time see in order to see look just tell me right now I'm going to look until I see the kingdom and I'm starting right now good I hold you to it don't make me come down there see and then seek what you see it's worth seeking but my remembrance starts with you first now first can be first in chronology ER first in priority but it always beans first first when you're busy first when you meet a problem before you complain you seek first before you drive before you worry before you weep and regret before you get frustrated and angry and fussy seek first first first and you get up in the morning seek first it's very likely that if you'll make it the last thought you have in all likelihood it'll be the first thought you have the next morning seek first the kingdom of God what is that that's the government of God all around you God is controlling every atom I don't I think they've reduced it now to quarks or something like that millions of those little whatever they are they now think that the whole makeup of matter is his sound a sound bite kind of figures he created it with noise he created with a sound of his voice why not every every issue of reality bearing its trademark it's from God created in the heart of God you'll find you will find the kingdom in the stars you'll find the kingdom in the clouds you'll find the kingdom in the rain you'll find the kingdom in the weeds you'll find the kingdom in the problems you'll find it everywhere if you start looking seek first the kingdom of God the government of God memorized some scriptures that reminds you that God rules whatever it looks like whatever the vote was however bad the government is going whatever is happening in your generation however things are falling apart in your life find a verse like this one right in the middle of your Bible the Lord has established his throne in the heavens and his kingdom rules over all always has always will ten million billion years from right now God will still be ruling and you will still be praising and you will still be ruling with him um about to get excited seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness or sin oh dear bad word I can't do it you don't have to do it if you try to do it a taint his righteousness is his behavior his capacity to always do right be right sound right right right it's the privilege of being right all the time because the righteousness of his son our Savior shed his blood in order to save you to make you a fit place to live to walk into you and to reproduce his life through you that's righteousness you ever seen somebody trying to be holy I see some of you on the words there you're working on it somewhere between a migraine headache and I said indigestion you get the Kingdom on your face I'm agin it feel like I can talk about astonishment I'm astonished I'm astonished you can sit there and listen to this and sit still not break into something I don't know I'm astonished that we have a God like we have I've looked at him I've studied him I've looked at his traits I've repeated his attributes and he's eternal he's mighty he's powerful he's loving I started the other day about 50 words about God I'm astounded that we have a God like he is astounded I'm astonished at God and that astonishment breaks into worship and breaks into giving and everything I've tried to do and fail that everything I've wanted to do and broke him down in the middle of God gets in and it succeeds and he doesn't depend on my weak my restrained flesh and he in my weakness perfect his strength can you get it this is Kingdom his righteousness three minutes and all these things tell me what all these things beans oh all what things these things I dare you to name one thing that he's outside the house here all these things what am I going to do about this what am I gonna do about what am I gonna do about my debts why don't I'm gonna do about this week personality what I'm gonna do about my ideas about myself that are so wretched why about my inevitable inevitable tendency to be loud about criticizing everybody else and get myself upset over the slightest critical of mine what is there that makes me want to defend myself all these things will be added balance in time of imbalance perfection out of flawed living what makes me want to be dishonest what makes me want to do run down somebody else how can I tolerate myself when I live wrongly and I know it's wrong all these things will be added to you he'll put righteousness in the place of your flawed life he'll put meaning in the midst of meaningless this is my god I didn't mean to preach I thought I'd be quiet like I listened to Bill Johnson I love it doesn't seem to be in a hurry I can't preaching I think I'm drink water like him just thinking it'd be nice just to be able to talk with you in those little statements that just slam dunk and all these things will be added added added you don't have to worry about you what you think your wife owes you you don't have to worry about the doubts you have about your husband meeting your needs you don't have to worry about your employer because God does the adding when we turn our business toward him seek first the eternal business of God the enterprise that will never find that it goes again the enterprise that will never fail all these things added by the way is a sweet thing about that addition he always adds them in order at the right time he may not add it the day you want him to but it'll come it'll come always count what do you want well take that won't to him very likely if you thought about it a little you you thought about something your and they needed and God said it's coming you said good if it's coming matter I'll be here hallelujah and you live in expectation so much expectations sometimes y'all most disappointing when it really gets here because you got to think up something else that you have to wait on happily what are you looking for her sermon few months ago Paul Manwaring did you get what you come for let me ask a question are you going to get what you came for tonight I'll tell you how to do it tell you how to do it and I'm through timekeeper retired the iPad seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things what's thing comes to mind talk to ladies last night what did husbands there's a lot of people on husbands other husbands want wives God's interested in getting them together so I made a call out there hey your husband's you might be lost as a goose but she won't get saved and you go marry one of these girls by always looking for tell me a little trick it's not a little trick it's a Bible axiom when your love for Jesus lets him be to you all he wants to be he can then trust you for everything else you're believing him for so would you do something that's really worthwhile in the process would you just start loving him and treasuring him and tell him you're really all I need I've got some other wants but I don't have anyone that measures up to you and I really think I want you in your own writer to do that tonight I don't care how you do it I'm not one for some strange reason to create great moments but I'd like to create one for you I'd like for you just to get ready I'm not talking to her I'm talking to you I'm not talking to him I'm talking to you I'm talking to y-o-u singular what you're seeking if you're seeking can it be real tender now if you're not seeking the kingdom you're not seeking the best thing and the worst thing that would happen to you is for you to find what you're looking for and what you're looking for wasn't what you really wanted and you'll live a disappointed life appointments gone wrong act like he's all you need and he's got bonuses galore when he's first he has the strange desire to be your everything and he's everything wanting everything headed with him to you he said I don't want to talk about well just do it don't try to understand it just do it just say to him lord I don't know what he's talking about but I won't do that sounds good don't care how you do it might just say oh we said last time here I'm in kept me in Lord I I want to be made a seeker and I really don't know how to seek let me tell you if you're not seeking what he said to seek you are seeking something else and that something else has all the flavor all the contents of an idol and anything you have to check with before you say a an ultimate yes to God becomes an idol would you do it would you Oh preacher you don't know I'm accomplished I'm I'm on the staff here I've helped this all of this happen don't care oh I think it's nice but I want you to be one of those who say intentionally beginning at 10:05 to Florida time I don't know how to change the watch I'm in yes one by one or 10 by 10 wants you to do it until we're shouting to God make us seekers of your kingdom make this church a kingdom church would you do that what are you sitting for then don't you stand up and not mean it hallelujah I'm in I'm in Lord I free you up to wake me up and keep me seeking your kingdom from this moment on I feel like the poet who said I wish there were some wonderful place called the land of beginning again where all our mistakes and all our heartaches all of our selfish griefs could be cast like a shabby hole coat at the door and never be put on again welcome to this moment the land of beginning again that's pray just bow to pray lift your hand to the Lord say Lord I mean I want it all I give myself to your processes I'll do anything go anywhere I want to be what you want me to be Lord Lock us in Father in Jesus name I pray for that wind of the word from left to right the Covenant the Covenant of God sweep across the crowd the kingdom of God let the wind blow but our hearts feel it let the light shine let the grace come we want to see your face feel your presence see the light in your eyes as you view us we want to smell the fragrance that comes with your blessed presence never the same again do it Lord as we Holy Spirit Jesus and father give to you crazy let's go I have been laid out of yourself [Music] those words it's just called in each grain of sand [Music] holy spirit spirit Jesus spirit ji [Music] God of all mercy father blood father [Music] give to you presents to give of your presence I have been a little out of your son the light of your son dude awaken mass [Music] we can pass [Music] we see brothers and sisters I see syrustey as I understand [Music] listed our fears [Music] three missed you eet's greater sale [Music] in my no way we're mass [Music] [Applause] [Music] to worship to worse when we listen to the heart of the father and walking in the where the son moved by the power of the speed I'm gonna feel the fire we're gonna feel the fire [Music] fail [Music] in [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] good awaken my soul nor awake my soul awake my soul before we Kingdom it's walking in your way very breath [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we were [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so long live the journey [Music] and long live the children we've raised long live the journey and long live the children we raise in long long live the memories like leaves the years carried away like a tree that slowly grows the higher the deeper we go [Music] because we are living for something that will be here when new and we're headed for something [Music] redwoods and daisies never look worried to me but take what's been given if as if that's all they'll ever need and if that's all they'll ever need maybe that's all we really need cuz we live in for something that'll be here when we roll and we're headed for someplace a little further down some people's reason for living is to get all they can and move on we find more grace and what's given because it leads us to where we do elders are people who whole law and grace in their hands where death is a doorway and fallens just learning to stand unless is more than we really need an empties a space for us to receive we're living for something that'll be here when were old and we're headed for someplace a little further [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the way [Music] [Music] [Music] if it is not [Music] if it [Music] yeah [Music] fear [Music] praise Jesus [Laughter] [Music] it was strange to his store never stories me too bad [Music] zero children all injured [Music] Jesus Oh me yes sir [Music] wait [Music] the bridge straight [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] we will king [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] be away [Music] break the bread for the way ours come you're far away favor today in your presence in your presence Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you'll go get your children will continue I thought I was fitting to sing this song being that you have a new home and all but as father Jack's been preaching I feel less ashamed to talk about it but I just F yeah I've written so many songs through the years about the father heart of God but there's so much in the scriptures about the mother heart of God [Music] and yeah yeah it matters doesn't it [Music] and the more I watch my children with their mother the more watch my children with their mother I keeping my little boy Oliver he runs around everywhere going crazy but the moment his mother moves even an inch he knows exactly that she's moved what mom go and so I wrote this song like an unborn baby in a mother's womb before my nerves could breathe I was 11 before mass we're before my turn could speak before the bond was broken between you and me you were [Music] you are won't me you are patient and kind you are peace please to me I never feel you [Music] you are who you are please you won't live [Music] but these pictures take you there [Music] back on voice itself knock the ground [Music] [Music] you are Mason [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow you [Music] we [Music] the song the way Jesus [Music] Oh [Music] we [Applause] [Music] [Music] the way Jesus leaders Manuel it's your way or Jesus leaders man [Music] you are home to me you have a surname [Music] you are pious pleased to me never you are never face [Music] let's sing this out with all of our hearts tonight you will peace that passes understanding [Music] even though their colors [Music] you'll enjoy [Music] Hey [Music] secret [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] seekers [Music] furs [Music] wretches [Music] everything [Music] a king tonight you just want us to first of all what keeps us from seeing we already dealt with his unforgiveness we don't forgive people so that because they deserve it we forgive so we can see again and I'm just thinking about that in the new context tonight after what father Jack's focus I will seek first your kingdom I remember just a little thought I had as he was speaking I remember the first time I ever went carp fishing in Minnesota with bow and arrow and they took us out there my son and I and we all stood up and I remember I I pulled back the bow and this guy got in the water and he and his brothers have been carp fishing since they were little boys and he said all right here one comes all these boys in the boat they all saw every carp they never missed one I never saw one car I just let go of the arrow and it went right through one of the carps it was a total luck shot you know what would I realized is that those boys had trained their eyes from the time they were little to see those come out and I hadn't been trained that's the way it is with the kingdom for the time I was young my eyes have been being trained to see see and so we make this declaration tonight there's so many things that are trying to cap capture your eyes bitterness frustration there's almost all sorts of other things things try to take your vision and train your eyes to see so Lord just even for the young ones we pray and declare the already of sight and vision in a world that tries to get our eyes off the kingdom reality take away imagination we speak to imagination and we say have life again in Jesus name and we declare this tonight I will seek first so i will seek first the kingdom that would seek first [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] King [Music] [Applause] [Music] we say because you would I really want your breath Africa and father every breath of God you've given it to me yeah you will give it to me you would I really wanna you I really [Music] I've got [Music] [Music] [Music] I will see your kingdoms I will see first and I will see first registers your urges needs everything and me you will remember me my heart is to see you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] first law of pastoring when you don't know what to do don't do something all right I'm sort of glad I didn't do something what do you doing the church doesn't leave [Applause] I'm so glad that you like to be in this place but guess what you are the reason that you like to be in this place because you're together and you like to be together so you've tasted and seen that when we're together stuff happens stuff just happens you're gonna go home healed forgiven restored filled with hope with laughter you'll be unpacking what God's doing in your life in the days to come let me bless you cuz that's what I like to do may the Lord bless you and keep you make his face shine on you and be gracious unto you lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace and may you walk in that peace and may it never leave you Shalom Shalom God bless your church good night [Applause] you
Channel: New Life City
Views: 11,568
Rating: 4.8248177 out of 5
Keywords: Grace and Truth, Alan Hawkins, Kingdom of God, God, Jesus, Father, Christ, Holy Spirit, Dance, Sermon, Love, King, Religion (TV Genre), New, City, Lord, Gospel, Gospel Music (Musical Genre), Gospel (album), Life (Quotation Subject), jason upton, jack taylor, revival, worship
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 45sec (10185 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2017
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