STORIES: Lynn Wilder (Former BYU professor) - Testimony of a Former Mormon

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many of you who have family that have gone into Mormonism or they are currently there and you worry and you worry and you're worried I can tell you that first of all prayer works and second of all God is a miracle worker and you must trust in him and continue to pray about a year ago Mike and I received an invitation from this little church well it was kind of a mega church in Indianapolis to speak and I had no idea that my Christian parents once went to that church right so this pastor had bought maybe 300 books had his whole congregation read the book unveiling grace and then went through it chapter by chapter week by week this is an Indianapolis Indiana when there aren't a whole lot of Mormons but that is where Mike and I joined Mormonism and took the entire congregation through this book they were well informed and then he had Mike and myself come speak and afterwards I'm standing at the book table and they're probably 30 women in line and each of them comes up and says I was in your mother's Bible study and I prayed for you for nearly 30 years I never knew my mom died before I came to Jesus can you imagine she prayed all those years and she never saw my salvation but my father did and all of these people had loved me you know my son-in-law now had Christian grandparents and their kids went into Mormonism and that Christian grandma prayed for her grandchildren for years and years and Jo got saved at about age 21 and he said I called her up and I said crab I guess what happened to me and she said I've been praying for you all your life prayer works it does yeah I feel like I always need to say this right at the beginning that we do not do this because we don't like Mormons we do this because we love Mormons and we were Mormon for thirty years you know our third son got saved on his Mormon mission I'll tell you about that but I remember when he challenged us to read the Bible and when I finally realized that Mormonism didn't line up with the Bible and must be a false faith right I remember just having this horrible sense of oh my lord I've wasted my life I've raised my kids all these years and something is it true I just had these waves of regret wash over me and I remember apologizing to Micah one time I'm so sorry you know we raised you like this and he said mama don't you realize God created the story from the beginning if he hadn't taken you and dad in to Mormonism for 30 years if you hadn't been so active if people hadn't known who you were then when you came out you wouldn't have known the people you wouldn't have loved the people you wouldn't have had a ministry back to those people and that was a big aha moment that God can take even those things that might not be good and turn them to good for his own purposes he's an amazing God Mike and I were really active oh my goodness we were just active we worked in the Chicago temple for 10 years he was a high priest I was tenured at BYU well I was Relief Society president all this kind of stuff we taught seminary just really active Mike and I both grew up Christian he grew up in a Hellfire damnation Baptist Church in Indiana and I grew up Presbyterian but neither of us knew our word and I don't think I could have articulated to you how a Christian gets saved I had no idea don't you love those pants we'd been married about three years than we were looking for a church and the Mormon missionaries knocked on our door and you know what anybody know who Hal Lindsey is I was kind of interested in how Lindsey's last days stuff you know he'd just written that book late great planet Earth and Here Come these more and missionaries with the badges that say Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints they went oh we know all about the last days we're like the expert I bought it hook line and sinker so there's our baptisms October 28th that used to be the most important date in my life God has redeemed that date by giving us a granddaughter born on that exact date is not awesome that's how God is I love this God Mike and I were sealed in the Washington DC temple and in 1999 we came to Utah now why did we come to Utah this is kind of an interesting story when I was LDS I didn't know that God could speak to you I'd never had those kind of experiences I kind of wasn't used to answered prayer I felt like maybe if I were about to die you know God might hear my prayer but it was not a normal occurrence for me and so in the middle of the night in 1990 I'm Relief Society president everything's going well in my life you know I'm very LDS I feel like God calls my name about 2:00 a.m. I hear this Lin and I sit bolt upright couldn't go back to sleep the whole rest of the night had no idea what that was about next night 2 a.m. Lin next night next night next night this one on for 14 nights couldn't go back to sleep I was horrendously exhausted and as a Mormon you're supposed to be really nice to God right you're not supposed to yell at him for anything but I was a little irritated at the end of 14 nights honestly I did not know the story of Samuel and Eli and the Old Testament or Samuel keeps calling well Samuel hears this voice thinks it's Eli calling him and it's God calling him at the end of 14 nights I went to my knees and I said God if you have something to tell me just tell me I'm sure I probably said heavenly there back then because I can't stay up a night another night and I for the first time in my life heard a voice that said I need for you to go back to school now I'm a Mormon mom I'm taking care of ill in-laws I've already got a part-time job I'm Relief Society president I already have a master's degree now what I'm supposed to go back and get a doctorate the Mormon prophet had just said women come home from your typewriters you're not supposed to work you're supposed to be home having millions of kids right that's what I thought was my job and yet here was this spirit or something telling me the exact opposite of the Mormon prophet that was quite a conundrum for me I honestly didn't know if it was God I went and took one doctoral class I hated it and I didn't go back a couple years later I ended up in the middle of a really bad automobile accident got laid up for about a year and a half and while I'm lying on that therapy table in a lot of pain God would speak to me and remind me I asked you to go back to school so can you see how God created the whole story from the beginning I hadn't no intention to be a BYU professor but then when I get hired at BYU it's like Oh God must have needed me a BYU right 2000 faculty only like 40 female faculty epiy you and you've got 50 50 guys and girls right so he need all these good female mentors there so I'm thinking what God needed me at BYU boy was that not the truth here we are a no one that's mount Timpanogos in the background our oldest son did a two-year mission to Russia and Belarus Josh he actually converted a world war ii general Russian general to Mormonism Matt went to Denmark for two years he's pianist if you've seen Adams Road he's the pianist and got to do his music there mica ends up with a call to Mexico City and you do recognize that envelope do you know that in Utah that's the envelope that comes from the Prophet with your mission call on it and do you know that in Utah where we lived I got a call like 5 o'clock in the morning from the post office and they said your letter from the prophets here you can come pick it up you don't have to wait for the posts old guy to deliver it so we went to the post office really early in the morning to see where Micah was headed on his mission well as God would have it by buying by no reason that anybody could figure out his lung collapses Wally's in the Missionary Training Center Micah ends up in the hospital in Provo and look what spin to his hospital gown that's how zealous that boy was for the gospel he ended up because of the medical problems in the middle of the Bible Belt in Orlando Florida this is I believe our condition at the time the Wilder's felt like we loved the Lord we thought we knew the Lord we had a zeal for God but not according to knowledge for being ignorant of the righteousness of God and seeking to establish our own righteousness we did not submit to God's righteousness of course that's so there's Micah in Florida oh four oh six now just real briefly Micah's story is that he tries to convert a Baptist pastor that pastor ends up telling him the gospel of grace for the first time in his life challenging him to read the word as a child promising him his life would change if he does his life does change it gives his life to the biblical Jesus three weeks before the end of his Mormon mission Wally's a leader in his Mormon mission ends up standing in front of sixty other missionaries that's at the end of your Mormon mission you're supposed to bear testimony of what you've learned over the last two years yeah that's God right Micah all he done was read the New Testament a dozen times on his mission he'd never talked to a Christian besides that one pastor he'd never heard a sermon the Holy Spirit just got ahold of his life but this is what happened his mission leader called him in and told him he had the spirit of the devil in him called him an antichrist knee [ __ ] from Alma one and The Book of Mormon and put him on a plane and sent him home just gracefully well that said you know all these events in our family Michael was only home 48 hours the Mormon Church tried to excommunicate him we could not figure out why he was in so much trouble we thought Christians and Mormons had the same God and if he professes the God of grace why is he in so much trouble right so we end up getting him out of Utah and he challenges us then to read the Bible as a child just like he'd been challenged with no preconceived notions of course Mike and I didn't trust the Bible that's kind of the first hurdle you have to get over with Mormons right I'd like you to see this clip of this video this is part of his testimony words cannot describe the feeling of finally knowing the Lord Jesus Christ in a way that you've always wanted to because I you know I had always wanted to know him and you know that was kind of the whole focus of my life up to my mission was was having a personal relationship with him but never feeling like I could really get there but reading his word for the very first time and and you know being washed clean by that word and understanding what his gospel really was that's you know that's what changed my life and and I finally for the first time in my life had this incredible personal relationship with Jesus Christ you know there was no barrier there's no man between me and him you know I I felt like you know I was with him and he was with me and he loved me and his arms are around me and it was just you know indescribable and so you know for the church to say that that you know my salvation was at stake it didn't mean anything because I I was so secure in Jesus Christ I had this relationship with him that I was so sure that that he had saved me you know from my sin by the work that he did on the cross that that you know i was i was at complete and total peace and i would want to read this scripture to you in philippians chapter 3 verse 7 paul says whatever gain i had i counted as loss for the sake of christ indeed I count everything is lost because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord for his sake I've suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish in order that I may gain Christ so this is Paul saying that he lost everything so he could gain Christ and he and he count all those things that he had in his life that he used to count his gain he counts them as rubbish as garbage compared to knowing Jesus Christ and I just want to tell you that that Jesus is so much more rewarding than anything you you think you treasure now so I just encourage you to to that step out because there is life after the Mormon Church and it's so much better because it's free in Jesus Christ and in his love oh yeah it's worth it because this world means nothing all it he no matters it's the Lord Jesus Christ and we have him we have everything forever it's worth it it's absolutely worth it if you read the Bible as a child would seek for answers I can promise you you know without a doubt that you will see what the true gospel of Jesus Christ really is it just will open up your your eyes nothing can contend with the Word of God you know God's Word in the Bible is so pure and perfect that I can't substitute it with anything you can contend with the Word of God for you're sharper than a two-edged sword we want all people to have an opportunity to come to Christ these are letter days you are right about that Mormons and things are fast happening and we're given one lifetime to make these decisions and so we all have to make the most of it because we could be gone in an instant read the true gospel of Jesus Christ from the mouth of the Savior and from the mouth of his apostles and and and you know watch your life completely change and just let go of all these other things you know that that holds you captive and all these things that I believe that I had to do in order to prove myself to God they just fell away or I said I can't prove myself to God but it doesn't matter he loves me because I've accepted you know the sacrifice of Jesus Christ I have faith in Him I believe in him and it I'll never be the same yeah so that last young man is the missionary that God saved on his mission the second one was a missionary companion of Micah's actually Micah was his own leader most of his mission who came to know Jesus the third one is Mike and that missionary is now my son-in-law and the other one on there was Micah's older brother who had served his mission in Denmark this is the ministry that Micah started literally when he got saved and he got sent home from his mission he's talking to his parents about a ministry how he's gonna have a band and how he's gonna have a ministry I have no idea what went on between he and God and I had no idea what a ministry was I kept saying I don't know what you're talking about what is the ministry and from the day that he stepped away from his mission he started Adams Road and they've been out there about 10 years now so the tall ones our second son Matt that's Micah on the end our son-in-law on the left and then in the yellow this is a miracle God brought this young woman out of fundamentalist polygamy the LeBaron group in Mexico and she's been with the ministry about a year and that has just opened up a whole new world for us she alone has 23 brothers and sisters unsaved that have never heard the gospel how amazing is our God huh well Micah challenged us to read the Bible but do you know one of the major hurdles you have to get over with Mormons is that they don't trust the Bible they've been taught not to trust the Bible this was an issue for us they have you know four standard works of Scripture the first three I believed were perfect came directly from Jesus to Joseph Smith and then the Bible I did not think was always reliable I didn't know whether I could trust it or not and this was the eighth article of faith that I was supposed to believe the Bible as far as it was translated correctly but this is what Joseph Smith said I believe the Bible isn't red when it came from the pen of the original writers but it weren't translators careless transcribers are designing and corrupt priests have committed many errors not only Mormons will teach that but atheists teach that so anyone who professes to believe in Jesus and have the word as their authority and their standard has to be able to deal with these kind of challenges right and this one I have to laugh at kind of now from the teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith there are many things in the Bible which do not as they now stand accord with the revelations of the Holy Ghost to me in other words what the Holy Ghost was telling Joseph Smith wasn't lining up with the Bible so he went by his Holy Ghost instead of the Bible this is what the Book of Mormon says about the Bible after the Bible had gone forth through the hands of the great and abominable church that would be the Catholic Church that there are many plain and precious things taken away from the Bible and because of these things which are taken out of the gospel of the Lamb an exceedingly great many do stumble yay in so much that Satan has great power over them that's what I believed about Christians this is the enzyme magazine and Mormons get one of these every month and they get messages from their prophets well this was in the ensign a few years back that the Book of Mormon is the key stone in our witness of Christ who is himself the cornerstone of everything we do unlike the Bible which passed through generations of copyists translators and corrupt religionists who tampered with the text do you know if that's true can you defend that well when Micah challenged me to read the Bible I started coming upon something like 2,800 passages right where the Bible itself specified what's reliable having an earth will pass away but my words will never pass away and I kept thinking really God's big enough to like figure out what words go in there and keep it not only that but it has power he sends it out it has power it's living and active you know those were all new ideas to me so we certainly suggest that Christians know that there are at least 5,800 Greek manuscripts of the Bible that means there might be 800 copies of one passage so if one of those is mistranslated or words out of place it's easy to figure that out if you've got 800 copies of them right yeah these are things we need to know 300 prophecies fulfilled when Jesus came do you know what some of those are so you could help other folks know 25,000 archaeological digs with the people cities names weapons do you know that the Book of Mormon has nothing nobody knows where any of those cities are at the end of the Book of Mormon there's this huge battle where 230,000 people die nobody's been able to find any bones or Spears or anything evidence no evidence that's one pretty compelling thing so I'm we took this picture in Israel this is me reading the Bible all of a sudden it's like whoa I'm starting to pay attention so almost immediately God start showing me that this was not the gospel of Mormonism so one of the verses I hit that blew me away was acts 17:24 God does not live in temples made by human hands I went but I worked the Chicago temple ten years I did 20 years of Jani ology to save my dead is that true or is that not true and then this whole idea consider it pure joy when you face trials are you kidding me that's not what the Book of Mormon says do you know what the Book of Mormon says those who are righteous are blessed both temporally and spiritually it's kind of a prosperity gospel so if cancer comes into your life or trials come into your life you must have done something wrong that's a horrible burden to carry those folks need to be free from that and this verse I've had to read over and over and scratch my head in the beginning one is award okay I think that's Jesus and the Word was with God and the Word was God wait a minute Jesus wasn't God from the beginning he worked his way to godhood right he earned his way to godhood so I'm going okay so I go to my LDS Bible and I look in the footnotes and the footnotes take me to the Joseph Smith translations of jst anybody know what the jst is a few of you Joseph Smith fixed all the things that were wrong in the Bible before he died he did his own version of the Bible it's called a Joseph Smith translation of the Bible Mormons don't use it today but in their scriptures in the footnotes if that verse seems kind of silly it will take you to the jst to clarify it so I look to John 1:1 and there was a footnote to the jst and let's this is what Joseph Smith translation the Bible says that's what it looks like this is what Joseph Smith did with John 1:1 there's the original John 1:1 this is what Joseph Smith changed it to in the beginning was the gospel preached through the son and the gospel was the word and the Word was with the son and the son was with God and the son was of God that's not the same thing he just changed the nature of God and then I realized the Joseph Smith translation changes all of John 1:1 which is the nature of God whoa I think we have a different God now the thing I struggled with was this whole idea the church of course Mormonism teaches that when the Twelve Apostles died the original Church went into a great apostasy right and his original church did not come back until 1820 when Joseph Smith brought it back right so the Catholic Church is an apostate Church you guys are an apostate Church that's what I believed and book Mormon says there are save to churches only ones the Church of the Lamb of God the others the Church of the devil so if you don't belong to the Mormon Church then you belong to that great church which is a mother of abominations which is the [ __ ] of all the earth all right and the Doctrine and Covenants says that the LDS Church is the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth which with which I the Lord and well-pleased but I got to readin in the Bible and that wasn't quite what it said I hid this verse I tell you if you ever talk to Mormon missionaries and they're telling you about the great apostasy this verse refutes the great apostasy Jesus himself talking on this rock I'll build my church and the gates of Hell won't prevail against it and I read that went if Jesus himself said the gates of hell aren't gonna prevail against his church how could there have been a great apostasy so a couple months ago on the campus where I teach now in Florida there are two sister missionaries and they were teaching one of the students about the great apostasy and I got invited to come along and after after they did all this teaching I said you're really confusing me because of something I the Bible so I pull out Matthew 16:18 I hand it to the sister missionary said do you mind reading this out loud for all of us and then help explain this to us right with Mormons you cannot be direct it needs to be very loving and you need to plant seeds right so I hand this to her she starts reading it out loud and you can just see the red creeping you could just see the conviction as she understands what this verse says she's probably never seen it before and she doesn't know what to do with it because she's just said that was a great apostasy and that just said there probably wasn't a great apostasy right it is the word that you need to use with people and then I started running across some really scary verses like there might be another Jesus who brings a different spirit and a whole nother gospel you know this is serious stuff and I can tell you a lot of a lot of Christians know nothing about these false Christ's false gospel false apostle scriptures you need to know this I knew nothing about this and I marched right into a false face and I was raised Christian do you know that 85% of converts that go into Mormonism come right out of biblical Christianity that's who they target when they come to the door with the Book of Mormon in the Bible you know just enough about the Bible to be dangerous oh yeah I've heard a prophet oh yeah I think God would love me enough that he would give me a latter-day prophet right you need to know these scriptures do you know that the book of Galatians was written 19 years after Jesus died why did Paul have to ride it because 19 years after Christ had died already the gospel was so corrupt he had to get them back on track with what was a very simple message right and it's all over the New Testament these kind of false Christ's scriptures of course this is a Fame is one with Mormonism's but that angel of light didn't just bring another gospel to Mormonism it brought another gospel to Islam right the angel Gabriel comes to Muhammad in a cave brings another gospel starts with the Bible but all of a sudden the Bible becomes corrupt extra biblical scriptures replace it now you've got a workspace system polygamy in heaven lots and lots of similarities do you know that Joseph Smith himself called himself to second Muhammad he was aware of a lot of those similarities and and if you profess Islam one of the seven pillars is you're supposed to go to Mecca sometime in your lifetime and do the Hajj right well the Hajj is like a white building and and Muslims wear like white clothes and they make like covenants it's very similar to the temple I was surprised to know this we recently have had a Muslim convert who read the book unveiling grace and got saved and he's been to Hajj about 11 or 12 times and so he's helped me put a lot of this stuff together yeah false Christ's scriptures are really important to know is this the same Jesus is this the same Godhead I went through and I kind of looked at the Jesus of Mormonism he's a spirit child of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother he's not a God yet he's the brother of Lucifer a lot of the Mormon prophets had originally taught that Heavenly Father himself came down and impregnated Mary in the usual way is what one of the prophets said he atoned in the Garden of Gethsemane when he sweat as if great drops of blood in the garden not on the cross and those are big differences right that atonement didn't cover all sins because there were some unforgivable sins it says in the Doctrine and Covenants it's salvation by works and then grace might kick in and he worked his way to godhood so then I'm looking at this Jesus of the Bible and that's not the same it's not the same story it's not the same this Jesus was God from the beginning created all things do you know in Mormonism there is no ex nihilo creation the Mormon God's can't create something from nothing they organize matter that already existed to be something else than what it was earlier and I got to thinking wow that seems like a smaller God to me born of a virgin you know you're aware of all these things another issue I had to struggle with coming out of Mormonism let me check my time for you I don't want to was how do we tell if something's true and I think a lot of Christians get this one confused as well in Mormonism I was taught that it's all about my feelings if if it feels good it's the Holy Spirit witnessing to me that it's true burning in the bosom right is what it's called well that's not what the Bible says the Bible actually says to be careful of the heart to be careful of feelings that the human heart is the most wicked of all things and desperately who really knows how bad it is it's deceitful and then I found this in Matthew that Jesus said out of the heart come evil thoughts something like a false testimony I went whoa all those years I cried being sure that I thought that I thought that I thought because I was feeling it right that that can actually be a false testimony how do you test something according to the word you're supposed to test the spirits to see whether they're from God well that tells you some of those spirits aren't from God and I think a lot of kind of spiritual experiences I had Mormonism were not from God now but I look through the book unveiling grace and kind of go through some of those experiences and talk about you're supposed to use your brain reason and you're supposed to examine everything with the Scriptures so if it doesn't line up with the word of God and now it's your authority it's not true okay it's that simple so I started running across verses like this this I felt like God was talking right to me these are the very scriptures that testify of me that you refuse to come to me to have life it's what it's the end of that scripture after 10 months of just obsessively reading the word and going I don't think this is Mormonism I think this is a much bigger God I'm done with my old life I literally lay face down on the carpet put my arms out in the shape of a cross and I didn't know anything to say except I'm Yours save me you know seven years later I learned those very words are in psalm 119 that's the God we know right that's the God we know here whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me can have eternal life I don't have to work for it I don't have to earn it I can know and will not be judged but it's crossed over from death to life you know Mormons look forward to being at the white throne judgment to be judged for their works you're a Christian do you know about the white throne judgment do you want to be there if you're judged for your works you're not gonna make it you're not gonna make it so I surrendered I surrendered my life to the Jesus of the Bible one of the first things I did was take off my temple garments that I'd worn for 30 years and I put on this cross and if you've read the book there's this awesome story about how I I'm not allowed to have the cross on BYU's campus and I was underground for a while kind of wearing it under my clothes and I lost it on campus one day and I literally had to go over to the lost and found with my faculty ID and give it to this nice little girl who smiles a lot and has blonde hair and is very sweet right and ask her to go in the back and look for this cross and I described it and she just went oh we went to have two crosses here and she comes out with four huge almost Catholic looking crosses you know she was a little surprised I was like I'm just laughing thinking well apparently I was thinking with a cross then none of them were mine and you'll have to read the book to see what happened with that cross now the other really major difference in Mormonism is how you get saved Christians need to be able to articulate who their God is who their Jesus is and how you get saved that's kind of the basics right well in Mormonism the way you get saved is by obedience to the laws and the ordinances of the Mormon gospel so the Prophet said things like you know things will work out for you if you live if you live the commandments to know is not enough one has to do you have to fulfil the requirements and then I started reading in the Bible that the exact opposite was true there wasn't one thing I could do to add to what Jesus had already done on the cross I simply had to accept his grace by faith in Jesus that was it and that's a very different gospel otherwise Jesus died for nothing and I started realizing that my works were dead and then I found this first isn't this a cool burst how much more will the blood of Christ who through the Eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God purify our conscience from dead works to serve the Living God amen amen amen yeah so it was very clear in the Bible that eternal life is a free gift but in Mormonism this is actually from the missionaries preach my gospel is the manual that missionaries used to teach people the definition of eternal life in that book is to live forever as families in God's presence well that requires all this work to make yourself temple worthy and then you have to be able to go to the temple and then you have to be able to keep going to the temple these are just a few of the laws of the LDS gospel that they that I had to live by and these are just a few of the ordinances of the LDS gospel that I had to live by in order to earn eternal life yeah now here's the other little catch with Mormonism this is dnc 132 you if you want to get to the very highest of the highest heaven you have to be married to a worthy Mormon so our ministry now often finds people that God has saved out of Mormonism but if they're married to a very strong Mormon sometimes there's a divorce why because if one person leaves Mormonism the other one has to go find another worthy spouse in order to get to the highest of the highest heaven so when it's all about families sometimes it's not all about families you know if you can't get to the highest heaven so you actually have to be sealed to a worthy spouse and I don't know if you know in the Mormon temple they taught us that you're not resurrected by Jesus you're wrecked a woman is resurrected by her by her spouse so see I would have to be married to where the spouse or I'd be afraid I might not get resurrected and then of course if we do all these good things then the husband's only the man can become gods and then the women can become like priests and priestesses to their husbands that's what it says now this one blue me away this is right out of Mormon scripture Abraham received concubines it's talking in this scripture about his wives and his concubines and it was accounted unto him for righteousness anybody know in Hebrews 11 what was accounted unto Abraham for righteousness it's all about faith yeah it's not his concubines I wasn't letting my husband go there and then I started running into these scriptures about things should not be secret like I think it was somebody asked Jesus right before the resurrection what did you teach and he said don't ask me yes then I taught nothing in secret right there's not nothing supposed to be secret and so I started thinking whoa I think we might have a problem and then here's some more false Christ's death the antidote to all of this is the Word of God you need to be in the Word of God every day you need to read the Word of God you need to trust the Word of God and you need to be able to defend the Word of God in a gentle and kind and loving way to others who would refute it right do you know the people are leaving Mormonism in droves right now tens of thousands a year we've talked to hundreds thousands I can't tell you how many see how God creates a ministry for such a time as this this is crazy that God is this intricate and loves those Mormon people so much they need to know because they're taught that you're lesser than they are you have a little the truth they have you know the fullness of the truth when they leave Mormonism they never think to come to Christianity for the answers because they're taught that you don't have them right that your Bibles corrupt and so it's real important that you help folks have that message I would say pray with people who are not believers pray for things that are important to them and then plant plant the word this is the theme of our conference this weekend at Eagle Christian Friday night and Saturday morning one greater than the temple is here jesus said that himself and when I read that I knew I probably had the wrong faith of course the cross is a whole other thing Mormons don't do the cross the atonement happened in the garden I'm gonna just flip through this really quickly about three or four years ago I woke up one morning and I felt like God was asking me to write this story down through a series of amazing supernatural events God opened doors and the largest christian publisher picked this book up and it's become a bus seller for them folks are getting saved from this book just because of the story because of the scriptures the whole idea of going from works to grace like I said we've even had Muslim converts now we've had folks out of Catholicism people from all kinds of legalistic places or no place at all it is God's work it was named one of the top 10 testimonies of 2014 Christianity today right next to Nabeel Qureshi do you know who Nabil is do you know Nabil has cancer right now nabeel's with Ravi Zacharias this ministry good friends of ours Ravi Zacharias actually uses this focuses go to book now on Mormonism praise God these are our kids now this is our oldest he's in Salt Lake this is our pianist he's in the ministry this is Micah he's in the ministry and our baby daughter married Micah's old missionary companion when he came to Jesus his parents are divorced remarried 21 siblings between the two families he's pretty much been outcast but by the grace of God God puts together families this is my husband's and ministry now unveiling Mormonism dot-com ex-mormon Christians United for Jesus we work with our own kids quite a bit please find me on Facebook spread that book around and that's how to find me on Facebook we have tonight unveiling grace and Mike and I always give them free to folks finding their way out so if you know someone or whatever we're more than happy just get a hold of us we'll send and everything's free this is our first book we did with John Ankerberg and Sandra Tanner and this is a very new thing that's out to help you know how to keep the missionaries coming back and teach them the gospel of grace it's just been out about a month or so thank you very very much for your attention this god is good
Channel: Calvary Boise
Views: 531,980
Rating: 4.7687211 out of 5
Id: dQh-H3h4i9A
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Length: 46min 23sec (2783 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2016
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