Teaching an Angle Grinder to Fly

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this video brought to you by morning Brew this is an angle grinder metal cable chain hot dogs and even bananas [Music] but did you know it can cut through the air here you go Toby there was a few days ago browsing the internet hopelessly wasting my time but then I saw these things involving angle grinders I was looking at all these really dumb mods like this one that's dumb No One's Gonna Make that oh my God this guy actually made that that guy went to the hospital and obviously we can't show that but I did see this one thing it looked like an angle grinder with a nut and some uh butter knife blades welded to the nut at an angle it looked like a propeller and I thought to myself propellers to make thrust but I couldn't find a video of that thing specifically working so I figured why don't I try that and why don't I just see if one of these things is capable of Life there is a dilemma here when it comes to attaching this propeller to this angle grinder this is a really big shaft this is a very small hole and we have to adapt this model airplane propeller to this angle grinder so I'm going to get my lathe and turn some things down because I need a way to attach this to this so we can produce some thrust so I made this silly little Gadget this is a model airplane propeller adapter spinner for big drones and this is the nut plate for the angle grinder so now we can put this on this and now we have our very own dangerous angle grinder attachment this thing can really mess your face up this is an angle grinder it's designed to turn a disc really fast and cut materials not spinning propeller but luckily this thing operates around four thousand to eight thousand RPM and well that's within the ballpark of a lot of model airplane propellers all right I'm gonna give it a quick test it's got a lot of thrust I'm gonna do some quick testing and figure out which propeller is going to be the optimal propeller because this too small propeller is going to turn really fast and not produce a lot of thrust and two big of a propeller will produce a lot of thrust but it might cause the drill to shut down because it might over ramp it and overheat things so I've made this crude thrust stand obviously if it can pick itself up it's producing a lot of thrust we're going to start with the lower propellers first because you know long flight time is great and the small propeller means less amp draw lower amp draw means less amp hours consumed from the battery which means longer flight times foreign [Music] the last propeller was an eight inch propeller this is a 14 inch propeller it's much bigger thrust it can almost fly let's try a little bit more propeller because I want to see what this thing can handle an 18 inch propeller might be too much the problem with that is that was too much amp draw was a lot more thrust but I have a feeling that this thing has a thermal shut off so after trying to fly with that it might shut off I mean we'll try it anyway [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] why did you make this airplane like this because I am not an aircraft engineer or a designer but this balance is centered right here and this looks pretty cool wait a second wait a second is that falling out or is that how it's supposed to be that's how it's supposed to be why is it offset like that because the Germans did it so clearly I took inspiration off of one weird aircraft that has an asymmetric design and it happened to be the brominevos bv141 and with some crew drawings and a lot of guests were this is what I came up with that is it doesn't sound too bad it just seems to hover around a set RPM now I should note that this is a very cheap tool off Amazon mainly because it is the fraction way of that tool which is a name brand tool which I will not be saying because they're not paying me for any of this foreign all right I think this will fly we gotta get to the field but first I can talk about our sponsor for this video morning Brew good morning fake Toby good morning real Toby every morning I wake up and mindlessly catch up on internet drama that's definitely not a good way to start the day but I do need to access the internet to see just how bad my retirement stocks are losing in value every single day rather than relying on Legacy horrible media there's morning Brew time to read some morning brew and catch up on my financials and things going on in the marketing in the market it's a free daily newsletter that takes about five minutes to read morning Brew gets you up to speed on the business side of things so you even have news on technology and finance I like to trade based on current events so morning Brew helps me plan my financials and I like to see whether my predictions make me lose more money or even more money morning Brew condenses all the stuff I want to read about Finance on the markets so I get back to mindlessly scrolling through social media drama keep saying some morning brief for sponsoring this video if you like check out the link below signing up is free it takes less than 15 seconds to subscribe to the newsletter to check out the links down below and sign up today hey Bitcoins of 3.78 today thanks a morning grew foreign [Music] it's very windy if you can hear it through the microphone but we are going to try to fly the world's first angle grinder airplane [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I know soybeans oh you're still gliding yeah [Music] well it does fly the batteries warm the motor's warm it's just like running a normal angle grinder I might try to make an angle grinder helicopter because this worked too well and I need to do something else [Music] it's a helicopter I didn't say what kind of helicopter since I've seen these things on the internet from another Creator called project air he made a single blade helicopter and I figured that would look really cool with an angle grinding so I've always wanted to build one and this is the one I've decided to build I have no idea this is going to work or not Mr fell off wasn't the propeller nut [Music] s this is gonna be a little hard I think it's gonna be I think you're a little off [Music] foreign [Music] I need to spend more time researching these single-bladed things that's just too much mass it was a dumb idea so yes it was a very dumb idea I give up I'm moving on foreign [Music] this is a like a trim tab it helps set the incidence of this main Wing one thing I noticed without that when this thing is spinning faster was actually just flattening out producing no lift but it's been a lot faster now it's actually forcing it into a position to produce lift but it's not turning fast enough now to create enough lift to fly hey Steve I got a job for you oh yeah come over here I'm gonna give you a long pole you're gonna hold this thing way above your head all right so just tell me if it starts getting lighter or not here we go I'm fighting it this isn't working so well in the shop I have a number of theories why mainly binding and the center of rotation is not where the center of gravity is so I'm just going to spin it and I'm just gonna have to shove it just try to get off the launch rod and then it can naturally spin where it wants to spin and hopefully fly [Music] uh maybe we'll take it to the field because it looks too responsible to do too much to it around here [Music] well now the plane's done you didn't cut through hot dog yes all right let's try it start it up oh wow that thing's really not very strong it took a while to cut through this hot dog I wonder why it's because it's rich in iron [Laughter] [Music] the first official reveal of the new fly products fly Obi power tools [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] okay well you've seen the angle grinder airplane but have you seen the angle grinder helicopter [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't want to rebuild it because this is awful so the victory of today's unofficial challenge is this this loser right here because he built a normal airplane and I had to do something weird if you guys like this we have more flying power tools I've done a power drill before in a more standard airplane configuration that you can check somewhere over here angle grinders definitely can fly they produce a lot of thrust and lend themselves to Great RC aircraft if you don't care about cutting your hand off and being part of the angle grinder danger statistic you know Hospital time let me know what other power tools you want to see fly below and maybe we'll get around to the next video next year or something like that all right ready control's good
Channel: PeterSripol
Views: 2,521,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: angle grinder airplane, angle grinder helicopter, angle grinder attachments, power tool airplane
Id: JUQRfxpGql4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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