Drift Trike vs Wall of Death!!

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in 2007 I built a homemade Wall of Death and rode it on a moped in what was the first proper build project on this channel this Coliseum of pallets and scrapwood sounded like it was falling apart on the first ride and of course I had a crash then it all clicked and I was [Music] off but after 10 years are standing out in a field the elements had took its toll the entry ramp had half collapsed and climbing it wasn't much safer once on top you could really see how much disrepair the wall was in even though it was full of nettles and weeds I had one last job for it drift trikes I have made lots of these amazing machines I've made a petrol one awesome I've made an electric one fantastic I've even made ones with spherical wheels that you can slide across grass on but I've never ridden one on a Wall of Death despite the sketchy terrain I give it my best shot but with the drift trike having no suspension it was just too bumpy the more I tried the more the wall fell apart beneath me so with the Wall of Death too old and too dilapidated I never did get to ride a drift drke on a Wall of Death and now nearly another 10 years later I've still got my drift Dres just need a Wall of Death [Music] so then Colin what's the plan so I'm going to construct a new Wall of Death inside the bar now it can't be as tly as the original due to the ceiling height but I think we've got enough space to fit the 30ft diameter Beast inside the roof so we can spin round and do exactly what we need to however other than the height and the width it needs to be smooth which is ex exactly what the old one wasn't so we're going to make a big steel cylindrical skeleton and then clad it with plywood and hopefully that will be smooth enough so I can get the drift d on it right we're going to make a big steel round skeleton we're going to have to bend some metal we're going to need a bender so I've got this Bender from Amo but the like manual capacity to This is 40 mil so I've made some extra spaces so it does 50 mil but does it do 50 mil disappoint we not put a bend on it's actually been successful he has done it it growls a bit but I think we're there now this is in the full length of Steel so to do a full length of Steel rather than it going bending and going up into the sky it's better if we lay this flat so it comes out and goes across like that now when this machine was new it did used to be had to tilt the head over so you could do exactly the process what we want now but when it was back at home it was too heavy and cumbersome so I chopped it down and put wheels on it and some reason I got rid of that hinge so rather than tilting the head we're going to have to tilt the whole thing 90° pulling this out the bloming camera shot excellent camera shot Colin yeah like back in the day the [Music] you okay really happy with how that's been I've chopped it in half laid the two sides on top of each other and they are dead exactly the same now big picture basically one length of Steel wants to make one panel of frame and essentially the two sides which will stick up the end I cut off the end before I did this so we got them two bits chopped off the 7 and 1/2 M length which left this bit which we've bent and now I've chopped in half to make the two top bits so with my steel cut to length and bent it's now time to set up the fabrication table turn myself into a wall of death section [Music] factory fabrication tables segman you be with the fabrication table set up it was time to cut up more steel to create more sections to make more just more Colin [Music] hey now as you can see this is extremely tiring work which means you need a good night's sleep brings me very kindly onto our sponsor do you ever get so hot at night that you can't sleep then you need and ate sleep this great piece of tech goes over your mattress like a sheet and brings temperature regulation and control to your sleep and once you've used it you'll never look back now for the most part living in the UK controlling bed temperature is probably about warming it up but even for throughout the winter I am someone who getss hot at night so I kind of thought with the release of the new pod 4 I would take my eight sleep mattress topper to somewhere more extreme and properly test it so here I am just a stone throw away from the equator and it is hot it is really hot so set up on the bed it's test time okay so it's like 35° here at the moment but it's not just 35° in the day it is 35° at night now I've checked the bed temperature without the eight sleep on it and it is about 27° so now let's switch it on cuz this new pod 4 can go even cooler than the previous one and as you can see from the thermal imaging camera this is looking nice I've got to get in and test this that is like the cold side of a pillow but everywhere now this is not just about making your bed hot or cold this is about temperature regulation and taking this thing to the tropics really proved how amazing it is I was there a few nights and I tried various dist scenarios with the air conditioning on with it off with doors open doors closed and with the eight sleep on and the eight sleep off and every time it proved to be an absolute benefit in a comfortable night sleep now as well as the new pod 4 having a much denser thermal Grid it's also got this little feature on the side where there's a little raised bit which you can feel through your bed sheet if you double tap it it makes it cool and if you triple tap it it brings the temperature up and it saves having to get your phone out and go into the app if you want to make a small adjustment in the night so visit 8sleep.com to get $350 off the Pod for Ultra and revolutionize your sleep all right then back to this wall of deck no okie dokie right that's six sections done there's 22 in total but before we go making the rest of them let's see if these are okay I've made four legs let's get them all bolted up have a look see what it's like and if there is any issues obviously we can change it and then of course we can look at how I'm going to do the transition bit at the bottom once I know all that I can order all the rest of the steel to get it all done and then we can just get on and make it so one of my first problems is where do I start building this thing cuz it's going to take up the whole of The Barn at some point so it is definitely going to be in the way I don't BL it though then just like the original the walls started to take shape [Music] okay people I'm happy with this I think this is going to be a complete circle there's a couple of little of issues the holes don't always line up clearly I'm not very good at marking is what I thought I was so I've been getting a long drill bit and trying to drill it all through which does work but there is a better option HMT make these little tapered rers which go in Impact Guns just put one of them in sorts all the problems out the other issue it we'll have is if we build it all as a frame first then we go to put the ply on the bottom row will be fine cuz we can get a clamp top and bottom bottom but we can't do that on the top one because the bottom one will be plied and then you can't get the bottom clamp round if he doesn't understand that don't worry about it it's an issue I've been thinking about it so what I'm think we'll take this down we'll get it all painted we'll make all the other bands and then we'll put it all together I'm going for it so with more sections made and looking good this time I made myself a little jig to drill the holes so hopefully they line up a little bit better this time then Charlotte painted the sections in preparation to be barded next up is the find out the best way of holding the ply in position while fixing it to the frame so first off it's up to the laser cutter to make a jig for drilling the holes in the plywood then place a plywood on the floor place The Jig on top and drill the holes Mount the frame up against the post put the ply up against the frame and slide up against the end stop then a bit of pull up and clampy and push up and pinny and tightly twisty which pushes the board up to the end stop and pushes it into the curve and takes up all the gaps then pilot drill tap a thread and fix it in place and repeat 22 [Music] times you see all that that was a lot of work that was took a long time right let's bolt it up and see if it forms a circle now in true first style I'd stacked everything where I needed to be working so I got that shifted but that was going to be the least of my problems even though it did start to look quite good now to lift the top ones on I made a winch and this didn't play ball immediately oh no no no I don't want that now what you're witnessing in this shot is a real life puzzle conundrum no no no no no no no no I know this is looking good people but we've got a whole list of issues which I just can't go on without sorting out anymore basically this is too complicated there's too many separate bits they're too heavy they're too hard to get into position the top ones yes I've made a wonderful winch thing and you pull it up but you can't push the top sections in from the front they have to come in the back and then the bits of wood are in the way so you have to cut them off that's not ideal cuz then you got bits of wood missing no so what I've done you get the two sections you lay them on the floor you get two thinner legs you bolt them in so the whole thing is one panel which of course you can't lift as a human being which means I've made an adapter for the JCB so it can slide up underneath it pick it up mount it twist it put it where you want I'd say that my little booies is a win so now I need to do that 11 times which means I got to pull this to bits oh this was a much better system which led me to ask questions can I lift two sections at [Music] once put that down as a can do I had a smile on my face he was going so well and then I knocked it over okay that's not quite what I wanted to happen is it punched a hole in it with a light so after creating this small mistake we were back on it and very quickly the circle became a full circleone how think I should beting but I don't remember asking I don't [Music] make situation isable I wish I could save the world my but I have a hard enough time maintaining what I [Music] got oh we've got a circle that was way easier to put together now it's very good but at the moment we've essentially got this we've got like a little weak cylinder cuz if you give it a good shake you can see the whole thing wobbling around so what we need to do need to do a bit of ribbon people yes by that I mean we need to put like a bit of a lip around the top of it give it an angle stiffen it all up and this will also double up as a guard so if anything goes wrong I can't shoot at off the top right Rim in [Music] [Music] so it turns out after a successful bit of things have stiffened up right transition next okay original wall of deaths have a 45° Bank made out of planks and I tried this doesn't look too bad there's a couple of complications the planks have to be bigger at the top than what they are at the bottom cuz as well as going down at 45° you're also getting closer to the middle of the circle so it all has to get a little bit smaller but there's an issue if I'm on the wall and I slide off and hit this that's a bit of a you know like a a shelf that's going to flick me off so I'm thinking we want something a little bit more gradual bit like a skate park Bowl so after 2 days of messing around we've got this it's not perfect but I think it will do the job it's a nice gradual curve up to the wall and a nice gradual curve Off the Wall perfect for a trike now the thing that's took me all the messing around here the brackets getting the cones the right shape and length I've messed around with a that we've had rubbish flimsy ones we've now got these ridiculously complicated things that have to go on the fabrication table but it doesn't matter it's not your problem I'll deal with that let's just get on with it so using a template to Mark the sections I jigsa out the p i then set the fabrication table up as a small leg Factory and then press break to all the foot plates but with this many things plasma cut out small ideas can save you a lot of time I've kind of made a budget super finishing machine so basically when you plasma cut bits you end up with these little snotty bits on the edge I mean they come off easy you can knock them off with a file or you can just grind them off but when you've got this many bits to do that is a lot of work so all I've done is build a cement mixer with a load of gravel and these bits chucked them in after about half an hour of tumbling around it's all gone they're super smooth so with my system then kind of sorted it's then just repeat 11 times and then we should have a Wall of [Music] Death okay this thing is big as you can see it takes up the whole bar how cool is this now I apologize if the sound is a little weird I'm stood dead in the center and I can hear my own voice bouncing off the walls around me okay scary bit now got to test it now if you're wondering how you get in here there is a little doorway or a wedge of cheese which you just pull out the way and you pull back in and then somebody on the other side will put a little bolt down to stop it from obviously sliding out while I'm going around it right let's have a crack this was the bit of the idea I didn't think about when I come up with this is I do actually have to ride this yes my drift trike of choice is my electric one it's lighter has near instant torque and of course we're inside so we're not going to fill the place up with petrol fumes okay Charlotte's outside she's got the horn if anything starts to move or the structure looks like it's going to be compromised right let's have a little uh tickle around and try and uh Flex the Wall of Death skills muscles which I had Al those 17 years ago whatever it was so I set off to relearn a skill from a past and it became quite obvious quite quickly that this was going to be a different experience and a different ride to the moped well drifting is not going to be a problem it's not drifting that's going to be the problem back at it with the tri sliding and fish tailing all over the place if only lack of traction was my only problem oh there's that dizziness you need to look at the right place ahead of you too close you get dizzy too far away you get dizzy right I think gently build up speed and just gently higher and higher that seems way faster than I ever did the other one although this extra speed was allowing me to go slightly higher up the wall it was too fast for my mind to cope and it was still flipping so I sat there with my head in my hands thinking have I built all of this for nothing is this the wrong vehicle for this but then I thought well if I haven't got any grip why don't we take the drift sleeves off all together but then I was quickly reminded of past tests of this if you got no drift sleeves and no differential you got no steering but then I thought of another idea okay this is my thinking I've took one drift sleeve off with two drift sleeves not enough grip I'm having to try and go too fast that's no good so I've took the lower one off which is I think is the one that's going to give us most grip to get us up on the wall and and then we'll see after that okay now although steering was still tricky things were starting to feel a bit better I could go slightly slower which was helping me process what was happening and I wasn't sliding down as much now see that that's the face of somebody who might be starting to think this is working come on I was up only briefly the whole trike was on the vertical that felt more like it before I was going way too quick information overload all I can see is plywood plywood plywood plywood plywood slowly I started to get the feel back for it going a little bit higher or staying on the wall for a little bit longer but then every now and again it bite you time for a teab break now I was starting to feel really dizzy and quite sick but I thought I want to have one more go before I pack it in today okay this is a project where you have to do a bit stop process it think about what's happened look at the footage and then decide what's going right what's going wrong and one of the things that I'm kind of struggling with with the trike is where to lean if I lean too far forward the back end starts to get a bit light and then it slides around even more if I lean too far back then the steering gets really light and then that doesn't feel very good feeling like I'd finally cracked what speed I needed to go there was just something wrong about this run the steering just didn't feel right it was erratic and then on looking back at the footage I could see why my drift sleeve kept sliding on and off so we've actually got two problems here not only have the sleeves been sliding off but they're actually split and cracked so i' about to swap that over and then also the wall is taken a bit of a bash in we've got splits appearing all over the place I've made some brackets and gone around all the joints and strengthened them up so everything's fixed we got a new sleeve on we've got brackets and braces round the wall it was smooth and oh it started to come to me and then disaster my remaining drift sleeve blew apart mid ride but this wasn't my main problem in a haste to slow down as quickly as possible I took my foot off the peg but this resulted in it bouncing onto the wall and getting dragged into the back wheel ouch that's broke another drift sleeve and my uh my foot time for another tea break oh dear Colin no I'm joking I don't need although we do have a limb now it wasn't a crash as such but I have hurt my foot I take my shoe off so as you can see it's a bit swollen and it's probably going to bruise a lot more over the next few days but in between this getting better what do we need to look at well on a pair of shoes down me is a bust but it's all right I'm good for them now I've been looking at the footage cuz I kind of like want to know why the M drift sleeves keep exploding and splitting because this really shouldn't put that much stress on them and then I saw it in the footage basically it blew up when I hit one of the joins in the panels and if I slow down some of the other bits of footage we across the panels you can see that they're moving BAS basically the weight of me going round it's a little bit like a brick in a washing machine it's kind of pushing the panels out and then I'm making tiny little Ledges so we need to fix them together in the middle rather than just top and bottom so get rid of that Flex get rid of that little step and hopefully we won't break anymore so while my foot heals I'm laying on the floor bending up brackets and then fixing them in place I then climb a ladder one footed to put up some Fairground lights which look very nice coming down the ladder is just as hard I then add the compulsory wool sign and because this is a wall and I am a Game of Thrones fan I've added lots of quotes from the TV series and its own three-eyed Raven poking through the Gap made by the light and last of all we got the new fur Customs logo to celebrate two new limited edition te's on the Colin fur shop with my foot back in action it's time to defeat the wall and what do we say to the god of death not today black then after a few nervous attempts which saw me go high than a never been before I even ran over the three-eyed Raven why' you think I come all this way all that was left to do was to fine tune my weight distribution cuz at times the steering was so light it just felt like it was bouncing along the wall this is not a nice feeling but then it all just click [Music] then all of a sudden with my weight distribution in the perfect place that little natural urge to go back down the wall had disappeared and I was just there sticking to it it all just seems so much smoother without going up and down all the the time everything just seemed to go straight it even felt like I wasn't going as [Music] fast this was a huge relief yes I haven't built this thing for nothing I was very happy yeah d he's on the ready wall yes I can still do it oh that feels good this this is what this channel is about like building stuff which takes you way out your comfort zone whether that be bling jet bikes digging under your house foundations or riding this Beast but I know what you're thinking and I'm thinking it too can I drift On The Wall of Death okay I've had a few very small drifts already we've kind of caught them as I've been learning to do this where basically the back end's gone a bit light and it's dropped down and then quickly picked itself back up again now they're tiny ones but I think really we want it to be a little bit more severe than that and of course I've got to make it do it rather than and it do it by accident H so I set off trying to work out in my head how I was going to get this to happen initially I tried tugging on the handle bars and sort of pushing on the seat to try and get it to induce the drift I then went a bit higher and tried to steer it into it then everything briefly Hit The Sweet Spot and I felt the back end drop down and me counter steer into the drift although only short I felt this was possible not not that's so what I'm actually doing here is trying to get as close to crashing as possible but not crashing for a first attempted I think I got a little bit of one in then right come on come on this is it no messing about now and using a slight Bounce from sending the trike from the transition to the flat I got it into a [Music] drift and it turns out the secret you got to pull a funny face you booty so with M drift face engage time for one more go [Music] I there I was proper drifting around a wall of death and then I nearly crashed I'm going to look at the footage but I might take that as done Colin I think you can take that as done and there we are a drift rke on a Wall of Death now this feels so much different to the original one it is a separate project it's why I've not sprayed stand for Cowboys on the side of it it's not it's why I've not used the original Wall of Death Song they do feel like completely different projects now if you want to know what happened to the original one actually ended up getting burnt in the end because it was so dilapidated and fall into bits if anybody just stumbled across it climbed up it fell in it got stuck in it you name it so it had to go now of course this has took me ages to make I do apologize this video should have gone out over a month ago so thank you at sleep the sponsor of this video for actually being very patient with me you are interested in improving your sleep go and click on the link they have been absolute Saints in waiting for me to get this finished cuz where should I be Colin you should be digging an underground garage yes that is what I'm going to get straight back onto as soon as this video goes out and if this isn't worth a subscription I don't know what is building a Wall of Death whacking a drift Dr on it sums up the Colin first channel a [Music] treat when you can't talk if you can't dance you got to get got to get get get get try to get the feel I want to get on to get on that get try to get by the feel right I want to get on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: colinfurze
Views: 2,381,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RXQOpChgksI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 1sec (1681 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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