I Put a V8 Engine On My PaddleBoard

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this video is sponsored by War Thunder paddle boarding offers a serene escape from the chaos of Modern Life as you slowly glide on the calm Waters peace and serenity Prevail and that's why I hate it paddle boards are slow and I just want to go fast speedboats are fast and that's because they have V8 engines so if I want to make my paddle board go fast I need a V8 engine too so my plan is to take a V8 engine and put it on my paddle board boom there we go see science is fun stay in school kids so here's the V8 engine we put it on there and took it to the lake for a test run it actually worked okay but it was a bit too heavy and the board ended up taking waves over the bow so I needed a lighter V8 I searched far and wide and this is what I found it weighs only 10 lb that's 97% lighter than the other V8 so it should work great but does it have enough power to make my paddle board go fast and in this video we're going to find out for some reason us humans are drawn to things that are impractical because they're cute like pugs for example they're more closely related to a football than a wolf and yet we just can't get enough of their wrinkly little faces same concept applies with miniature engines they're just so cute oh this thing is adorable it has the little belts and the little spark plugs and the little exhaust it's a real working V8 just miniaturized a cheap weed whacker engine would probably outperform this thing in every way but that doesn't matter because it's a V8 and it's it's tiny it's tiny but it's actually not that tiny it has 78 cc's of displacement which is bigger than a lot of moped engines this V8 isn't exactly ready to run out of the box you have to wire up the ignition give it an oil change and get gas and coolant lines all set up but before long I was ready to start it up for the first time but then this happened oh God why I wasn't about to let some poorly designed starter system stop me so I 3D printed an attachment for my power drill that would interface with the the flywheel so I can start it that way now for a word about the sponsor of this video War Thunder if you like my videos then you must be a fan of planes tanks drones boats and all sorts of other cool stuff in that case you're going to love War Thunder it's a free-to-play military action game with land sea and air vehicles from the World War II era all the way up to present the game is available on PC Playstation Xbox and Mac each battle in War Thunder involves dozens of Epic vehicles of of all types the latest update called sons of atila added an entire family of unique Hungarian ground vehicles and aerial battles that have become even more realistic due to the new voice Warning Systems like those in modern Fighters their new graphic engine brings improved visual effects that adapts to different lighting conditions this helps capture the scale and intensity of battles with stunning detail in the Landscapes and vehicles War Thunder lets you level up your game with upgradable vehicle modules these include smoke grenades active Protection Systems Dynamic armor and many other they integrate Technologies used in the 21th century including Recon and strike drones as well as nuclear strikes that completely destroy the map download War Thunder for free by using the link in the description all new players and returning players who haven't played War Thunder for a half year or more will receive special bonuses like the P40 aircraft and M4 tank for a week along with free unique skins for them they'll also get a special decorator called Eagle of Valor 100,000 silver Lions three premium vehicles for free a week of premium account and even more gifts act now because the American vehicle bonus season will end soon now back to the video that worked holy [ __ ] oh it's so good after the first run I gave it another oil ch change there's definitely some metal bits in there and then built a super robust stand for it to make future oil changes easier this thing is like one of the cool things about these engines is that they can run on normal gasoline so you don't have to try and find Nitro fuel or methanol from somewhere and it's a fourstroke so you don't need to mix oil in the fuel the coolant pump doesn't always Prime itself so sometimes it needs a little help wow that's how you choke it you just shove your fingers in the intake ready yeah here we go this engine could be pretty finicky it would only really ever start on the first try if it was already warmed up that's how you kill it you just pinch the fuel in wow how neat is that wow it gets hot quick yeah dude and the coolant warm already wow this thing is the real deal man sick there must have been some [ __ ] in the engine because there's some little chunks floating in the antifreeze another day another oil change huh looks a little cleaner this time this thing also has a little tiny oil filter that you have to clean out every now and then they sent me a new starter motor so I got that installed and they also sent me this little tiny 4mm output shaft which seems humorously small for a 78 cc engine but whatever I'll try it out shoving your fingers into the carburetors to choke the engine worked great but doesn't seem like the most elegant solution so I wanted to design something better I drew up some little flaps that would cover up the intake holes and 3D printed them on my form 3 plus you can see how they work here I cut some foam to filter the air before it goes into the engine and then put the intake box back together with some little levers on the top of the choke flaps to actuate them I was unable to get the engine to start with this choke system because the flaps were not blocking enough air flow from the intake my next idea was to use the rubber plungers from syringes to cover the holes since the rubber would form a better seal once again I resin printed some some parts and assembled these little plunger mechanisms those got bolted onto the top of the airbox and they seem to work really well after another oil change it was time to start on the fun part which is the drivetrain a while back I designed a 3D principal outboard for my Boston wher which had bevel gears inside the lower unit and a shaft running up through the mass section this way the electric motor could be mounted above water my plan was to use it for salt water and that would allow me to save my submerged efoil motors for freshwat I never ended up doing that but the design is perfect to repurpose for this project so that's what I did as usual I used on shape for all the cad design which is free for hobbyists and cloud-based so all you have to do to access the models is click on the link in the description and create a free account the Mast is just fdm printed out of PLA and the lower unit is SLA printed out of Grey Pro resin on the form 3 plus it just barely fits in the build volume I got lucky the gray Pro resin is really interesting stuff it's flexible enough to be super durable but not flexible enough for the thicker parts to really be flexible at all so after cleaning up the printed parts I ground some Flats in the shafts this was so that the set screws would have a stronger grip on the shaft while securing the steel bevel gears I'm using a Thrust bearing to support the thrust that the propeller makes probably way Overkill but whatever here's what it looks like all put together before putting all the parts together for good I squirt Marine grease everywhere and then after that used Marine sealant to glue the two halves together those got clamps together while the sealant cured to cover up the gears I cut some acrylic windows on the CNC router and both glued and screwed those into the lower unit before putting the window on the opposite side I packed the cavity with as much grease as possible and then that side got closed up as well next I used a gorilla glue to attach the Mast to the lower unit this yellow part here is the other side of the hinge that will allow this whole Stern Drive Unit to Pivot on the back of the paddle board for steering so the bevel gears in the lower unit are steel but we also need some bevel gears on top since the engine's output shaft doesn't come out of the bottom of it for this I'm going to use 3D printed gears just to see if they can handle the power I found a few spiral bevel gear designs online but most of them didn't really seem to properly mesh together finally I found this design that seemed legit so it's what I'll be using they have a 3:1 reduction ratio I'm going to be printing the final version out of this formlabs durable resin which they say is ideal for Gears to attach the larger gear to the shaft I'm using this clamp-on Hub with four threaded holes in it and that goes on the top of the outboard Mast for the smaller gear I used the same Hub but with some pins that stick out into the back of the gear I needed a platform to mount all this stuff on that would sit on top of the paddle board and I found this old trashy plank laying out in the yard the only issue was was it was a bit too heavy for my liking so then I used my CNC router to make it an aerospace grade trashy plank that reduced The Weight by 55% oh it's so light then I drilled some holes for mounting screws and sealed the wood to prevent it from soaking up water what a beautiful Aerospace grade waste of time if we're going to connect this motor to a propeller we need to find a way to disconnect it from the propeller when we're starting the motor so for that reason we need a clutch and I'm going to try and make one from scratch because well it'll be fun here's what I came up with it's just two plates that get get pushed together by a spring and then the blue lever pulls them apart pretty simple I cut the plates out of carbon fiber and wood on my CNC router the carbon fiber plate is actually just a backer the wood plates are what handle the friction the whole thing will fit inside this red yolk so how it works is there's a Thrust bearing behind this collar and that thrust bearing will basically get pulled into the input clutch plate by a compression spring this is all super hard to wrap your head around unless you can just see it working so let's skip most of the build but I ended up putting solder flux on the wood clutch plates to make them more sticky that actually worked pretty well here you can get a better idea of how the clutch operates back to the rear section I'm using a little U joint to transfer power through the shaft when the whole thing turns so that has to be perfectly aligned with the pivot axis for the first test I'm going to use one of these big resin printed BS series propellers that you may remember from my previous video this same exact prop pushed me 130 mi in my solar powerered Boston Whaler then I attached the engine and clutch to the board and took it outside for the first test upon letting out the clutch the output started spinning so it worked but the propeller is just in air so there's hardly any resistance it'll be a whole another story once it's in water the clutch plates got up to 65° C so they were probably slipping quite a bit because of that I decided to get some real fibrous clutch material surprisingly I was able to cut it on my CNC machine fairly easily so I installed the two new clutch plates still using one of the wood discs as of backing and set it up for another test upon releasing the clutch the propeller actually started spinning on under water I was amazed but when I would revved the engine the prop didn't really spin any faster so the clutch was likely still slipping yeah let's go even just idling the clutch plates got up to 100 C anel was filming on the freefly Ember to get these sweet slow-mo shots here you can see a clutch drop it starts open and then as I let it out the lever and the gear plates engage although even when the lever is fully engaged you can still tell that the input is spinning faster than the output so there's still some slipping going on on as for the engine itself it sure was jiggling almost looks like it's mounted on rubber but it's not what do you think it's terrible next up I added a little steering wheel that pulled on some cord to Pivot the whole Stern Drive Unit and I also added some suction cups to attach the whole thing to the paddle board I had previously been having to Prime the coolant pump with my mouth so I added two little 12volt water pumps here and with that we were ready to head to the lake and test it out with the boys oh she comes what Incarnation oh yeah okay Sebastian what do you think of my motor that is this gasoline like in the gas station try to turn the steering wheel see what happens oh yeah there it goes oh yeah look at that how fast does it go I don't know we're going to find out up we got a V8 put it on here what put it on a paddle boardd bu this here Y what so you're going to stand on it right uh on here yeah yeah it's tight all custom you got the steering wheel right here turns it like that you got your clutch over here hold on that hey man you must be an engineer or something huh you guys cool with being on YouTube I ain't tripping I'm just do this sh you got your allen wrench holders too in case you need it out there what kind of Fu you got in there gasoline 95 so I'm just going to be right here golden perfect Sebastian also brought his powered paddle board so that we could race you've got a solar panel I get 80 WTS at noon okay under here pretty simple we've got mppt controller we got a battery Hobby King EFC from 10 years ago and a Servo controller go go go go go there we go there we go there we go this is so excellent what do you think amazingly this little clutch did transfer enough power to propel the paddle board at a decent pace but when I would rev the engine you could sometimes see the clutch smoking a bit so it was clearly the limiting factor that was preventing me from going any faster yeah oh got to do an emergency turn oh oh damn you're [Music] hauling when Sebastian and I lined up to race I slowly pulled ahead but he did win the practicality wward so swaggy so casual no maintenance powered by the sun you like the quiet better yeah a little practical too well maybe but this gets the ladies sebastians doesn't get the ladies this gets the ladies I have not seen a single lady you guys ever seen anything like this even after tightening up the clutch spring as much as possible my speed at idle didn't really seem any faster than my speed while revving the engine so the paddle board was unable to reach its potential maximum speed V8 power or we would have V8 power if the clutch wasn't slipping so much so after the maiden voyage it was back to the drawing board to design a new clutch the old one might have worked with an even stiffer spring or larger diameter plates but then I would have had to redesign most of the parts anyways so I decided to take a different approach instead of having clutch plates that can slip I'm just going to do dog gears that get shoved together I 3D printed the parts for my new design out of the form laabs durable resin typically dog gears in a manual transmission are shaped like little triangles so that they will more easily align themselves as they slide together but these are only designed to mesh when the clutch disengages the engine from the output and they have a synchronizer ring to help I wanted to jam my dog ears together while the power is being transferred so I made the teeth this weird lobe shape instead of triangles my thinking here is that at first the lobes will skip off each other and just vibrate a bunch but the friction will at least get a little bit of power transfer started then as they're pushed together even harder the output will accelerate until the speed is matched and then they will fully lock together I assembled the whole thing together and mounted it on the plank then it was time for another test on the porch Ah that's not going to work at all on that first try I think the engine just wasn't warmed up yeah there we go on the second try it worked great uh apart from being horrendously noisy and violent I was pleasantly surprised at how it actually kind of gradually applied power over the course of 2 seconds or so I'm calling it The bumpity bump clutch obviously a real clutch with a stack of multiple plates would be much smoother but the bumpy bump clutch is super simple and easy to make so that's what I'm going with going to go fast now it doesn't look like it's wearing down at all yeah looks fine fine yeah it works it's not going to wear out this is like this is really cool plastic it's like delin it's kind of like self-lubricating after that I gave it yet another oil change and then tried to do some tuning with the clutch disengaged it would rev really high without a problem when the clutch was engaged even with the prop Out of Water it would bog down at higher throttle levels so I thought tuning the carbs or spark timing might help with that but I couldn't really seem to get any Improvement now it's back to the lake for a speedrun I love that let's see how fast we can go we're cruising holy sh look at that woo woo oh this is excellent thing moves the whole engine is smoking with too much throttle you can hear it bog down but at Mid throttle levels it worked great the bumpity bump clutch worked great out on the water too another reason why I think this bumpy bump clutch ended up working is because the drive shafts are so long and thin that they probably act a bit like torsion springs and give it some give if you know what I mean so this test went really well its top speed exceeded my expectations but that's probably because my expectations were set pretty low this was my first time ever using one of these toy scale model engines and before this I had never really seen them used for anything practical a couple of people out there have put them in 1th scale RC cars but it seems like most of them just get fiddled around with on the bench it's too good look at the steam it's so hot ow that's like actually burning how is it running now ah it's running better yeah I put a new clutch on it looks nice sounded nice since the engine was bogging down at higher throttle levels I thought it would be interesting to print some smaller props to test out maybe they would allow me to rev higher and get more power out of the engine this time the prop was small enough to print Allin one piece on the form 3 plus whereas the larger props had to be printed in three pieces both of these blade designs came from the online B series prop generator I also thought it would be fun to try out a thidal design this is the same design that I tested out on Lake Roosevelt but much smaller and with less of a positive pitch angle in the middle of the loop this one has around 3 and it's roughly the same diameter as the small B series prop I'm testing back to the lake to measure my speed I was using the GPS's in my phone and the GoPro so this data probably isn't very accurate anyhow with the Big B series prop I got up to 5 mph although I don't really think I was revving quite as high as I could have probably could have gone a bit faster next I switched over to the small B series prop and it was clearly much slower I only got up to 4 mph after that I switched over to the toal prop and was super surprised so I got right back up to 5 mph the reason this was so surprising is because this is the first time I've ever had a toal propeller outperform a normal propeller but then again I was just revving the engine by hand so it's entirely possible that each prop was getting different amounts of throttle command we can get much better consistency if we measure the speed during idle and here's the results the Big B series prop was the fastest but the toal prop still outperformed the small B series prop I couldn't believe it I'll do more testing with this thidal propeller in a future video since testing it on this super inconsistent V8 is highly unscientific today Sebastian and I are attempts to circumnavigate Lake Union with our powered paddle boards mine being petrochemical powered and Sebastian's being solar powered last time when we raced I had the bigger propeller on here and I was faster than Sebastian so I went down to this toroidal propeller so hopefully we will'll be the same speed now loog those off you ready yeah wa let me get it here we go putting it in gear we're engaged are you at Full Throttle I'm on Full Throttle yeah uh hope hopefully Sebastian can keep up with me come on let's go I might be slightly faster I'll have to put on my brakes I'm trying to slow down what's your throttle at right now what's the throttle at you can't hear anything throttle what's your throttle at oh jeez what what's your throttle at it's at idle maybe I should just maybe I should just tow you come on yeah there's nothing I can do to slow it down okay yeah I'll push watch out for the little boat here oh yeah uhoh we got a inbound Collision we got to try and turn I don't know about this wo yeah this kind of works right we got a long ways to go yeah we do uh that battery you gave me is that a 12 volt or what yeah okay okay I should have brought you a four cell I was going to say if you gave me more maybe I could go faster yeah yeah that would have probably done the trick how hard do you have to the paddle to keep up not that hard I can do it that that might be the best option I don't know it's a miniature V8 my idea was that I was going to film a bunch of people's reactions to this thing but the problem is when they try and talk to me I can't hear them over the sound of the engine oh my God there's so many people up ahead Sebastian's falling behind come on all right all right it's a V8 this thing is just obnoxious oh Sebastian's catching up nice wa these guys have a floating lemonade stand I I don't have any cash though I couldn't stop to get lemonade cuz I'm afraid my engine won't start again if I stop it very crowded day on the [Music] water we need headsets I got you need a quieter engine we need radios man it's a good thing I'm using the little propeller otherwise I'd be a lot faster wa that's a fluffy dog holy cow whoa I'm in the shade I can't stay in the shade okay let me pedal it that's funny there it goes okay once this yacht passes us we'll we'll turn when we turning that's a big boy okay I'm going to start turning a little bit man it would be nice to be able to hear wow there's so many boats out here uhoh we got a collision inbound going to run into this party boat oh taking waves over the bow oh no my pliers oh that Flyers almost fell off come on Sebastian you can do it we've gone from one side of the lake to the other so we're making good progress hello hello well the engine's holding up pretty well I thought it would have melted by now honestly but it's still going the coolant is very hot how's it going it's going great how much longer do you think your battery is going to last um how long has it been it seems like it's been more than 2 km uh yeah well with the solar working I get more than that but oh that's right the solar's going yeah I mean I think I get 30 minutes without solar so with solar maybe an hour I added this extra little auxiliary tank here and they're in series so the little one should go MC first I think Rogue Wave oh oh look at how wide that pontoon boat is holy [ __ ] that thing is huge wowe that thing's a ship damn oh it's a V8 I would say we're probably about 2/3 done with the circumference of the lake and the little gas tank is only like like 2/3 empty so you go a lot further there's so much electromagnetic noise from the spark plug wires that my cell Checker is just going nuts yeah that one's going crazy too or maybe it just got wet I'm not sure oh oh is it breaking no something just broke can I still win this uhoh this coupler here just came out what the heck got to line that sucker back up push that back in so it just slipped out but it's it's okay I think starting the engine oh whoa something's whack what's whack start damn it oh that doesn't sound whoa something just smoked oh no smoke just came out of something oh yeah it's fried well that's a wrap on that now I can't start the engine guess what it's broken my starter motor burnt out for the third time what do you mean for the that's the third motor yeah you didn't bring us bear I mean it wasn't supposed to burn out now it burned out the previous times because the instructions said a 12s lipo but it's actually only rated for 4S what yeah the instructions are whack oh they meant 12 volts they might have meant 12 volts instead of 52 well what can you do fun while it lasted at least now I'll be able to hear guess we could go jump off the bridge that looks fun is that a little gas engine yeah it's a V8 it's pretty cool it was well it lasted the starter motor burnt out yeah I know I got a motor down there mine works I can turn it on you guys run a YouTube channel yeah what's it called RC test flight I [ __ ] knew it yeah okay I watched a lot of your videos then [Music] sweet all right Sebastian you won this time sas's going to tellw me home it's a 78cc V8 pretty cool yeah it used to be [Music] cool [Music] hi okay Sebastian you ready for our final stats what do we got we went 3.2 miles and it took us 2 hours so now let's have a look at how some of the questionable Parts held up the ujoint looked like it got a little worn down but still has plenty of life left in it the bumpy bump clutches look great there's some little tiny spots of wear on there but otherwise there's really no wear on the entire thing you can still see the print lines from each layer these gears look completely fine no problems with them somehow this little tiny 4mm shaft adapter didn't slip I couldn't believe it I was afraid that the starter motor had burnt out because the engine seized up so I ran it one more time to check if it was ruined or not and it worked yay in the next video I'm going to convert this St Drive Unit to Electric with ful drive so we can better test the tootal propeller so stay tuned thanks for watching bye
Channel: rctestflight
Views: 1,476,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: engine, paddle board, paddleboard, v8, kayak, motor
Id: u7_EDpmvZQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 33sec (1653 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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