Teachers Reveal The Darkest Things Students Ever Did (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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teachers what's the darkest thing you've seen from the students our school had a selectively mute kids that graduated last year kids were calling him fish boy it turns out he was buying fish and killing them in various ways on Instagram based on people's requests in the comments in elementary school we had a kid with a severe peanut allergy and a teacher caught some kids rubbing peanut butter on the opening of his water bottle we also had a kid who could describe in detail about how to prepare heroin for some reason the peanut but his story bother me more than the little heroin chemist intentional harm knowing it would seriously harm kill the kid versus a kid who possibly had too much time on their hands and free roam access to Google hit it I was trying to give benefit of the doubt for the drg kid because it was a possibility and I truly hope that was how they learned it and not from their home life it's terrible reading all of these replies and seeing just how many people learned these things as a kid I've seen some bad crap and learned stuff to just suck seen how prominent Aurelius close bracket kids seemed down and I asked him to please tell me what was wrong not today but when you're ready there was his last class of the day and he promised he would end of the year comes and he told me his brother killed himself he said he thought about the same many times but always remembered that he had made me a promise I made him promise to call me if he ever thought he might again and he promised me again he's doing amazingly well and is about to graduate from college I taught welding and metal sculpture at the high school level for a year one morning one of my students acquired awkward but really nice young man came into class and asked me for a band-aid I asked him what for and he replied that it was for a burn class hadn't started yet for the day he showed me and it was a fresh second-degree burn that was already blistering it was in the shape of an A some kids if I'm going to be honest they were bottom performers and troublemakers from a different class of mine had swiped a small metal letter a from one of my supply bins heated it with a lighter and then branded this kid on the morning school bus he had let the kids do it because he really wanted to fit in he didn't have many friends and these kids had seemed cool because they were always acting out as a mandatory reporter I reported it the police got involved other than that I have no idea what else happened there was kid in my wife's class that squeezed the classroom hamster to death he just wanted to tend the rabbits girl was going through a lot unprompted told me that her older brother died in Iraq recently and that that was why she was having such a rough time I tell all her teachers so they know it's thing to be aware of I'm super nice with her unsupportive eventually I told the counselor and he calls home to ask if the family needs anything turns out she has never had a brother edit for your information she was 11 years old my sister did that too around the same age tailed kids at school our dad was not a real dad but there's a real father died in Vietnam I don't think my dad ever got over that one it was just a precursor of more lies to come I had a kid who really wanted his parents to come to his graduation ceremony but they were both s ex-offenders and couldn't be on campus he just wanted someone there to support him I had a third grader tell me in excruciating detail about every time that he's been removed from a home starting with how he was taken from his mother at two because they found DRGs in his crib in his crib imagine the toughest baddest little dude you can and multiply the attitude by 100 he wrote me a note at the end of the year saying that I was a great teacher because he knew I loved him even when he was bad it has been and will always be the best note I ever get from a student in that same class I had a little boy try to cut his wrists with scissors saying that he didn't want to be here anymore cops came to interview him and said they were just kids scissors so it wasn't a big thankfully mom took it seriously and got him the help he needed a list simply entitled the list with a few students names and my co-teachers name on it was a student with some serious behavioral disabilities on it who admitted it was a kill list it it our IP my inbox lots of people on here who experienced something similar no this was not recent the student received appropriate supports after this incident well hey at least this means you were the fun teacher I've got to I had a student casually tell me about how he pulled the eyes out of his rabbits head he explained how there was blood everywhere this was my first day working as a supply teacher at that school and my first conversation with the student I later brought it up to support staff and they were shocked he mentioned this to me apparently he killed his rabbit because his mum loved it more than she loved him the boy was now in foster care as his mother was a TRG addict he shared a lot of really dark stuff with me that day another one more sad than dark was at a different school students had to write their address for an assignment but this fourth grade girl didn't know hers another student asked me do you know where the so-and-so motel is she lives there really broke my heart as this girl was so young and innocent and didn't really understand how unfortunate her living situation was she proudly googled the motel and found her address really low-income part of town I teach an algebra class and I was explaining how in our city at least your address tells you how far you are from the central streets like a Cartesian coordinates system a girl who happens to be my daughter's friend volunteered to let me graph her address three months later a boy got expelled for threatening to shoot up the school he had her address in written threats to kidnap her from her house he got the address from that class answering questions from thread I do not blame myself for the actions of crazy people he could have found info several other ways too I put my address up first and my daughter's friend wanted to use her so that they could know the distance between their houses was the point of the exercise three KITT has zero zero percent chance of kidnapping her I know her family well a former student of mine was always the quiet one in class taught them for four years and I spent a large amount of time trying to get them to open up and contribute to class as their rhythm work was exceptional seven years after graduation they emailed to apologize for being quiet and that they didn't want me to think they were stuck-up they were being frequently are paid by a family member the whole time and were too afraid to speak out absolutely broke me I'm not a teacher but I did see this one kid sitting right at the front of the class beating his meat of the teacher while she was explaining something to us she eventually saw it screamed with shock and ran out of the class same thing happened in a class that I was in when I was in high school I was in study hall what I called nat class I was fast asleep when I was awoken by a rapping as if someone were fapping fapping under a desk I looked up to see WTF was going on at the kid diagonal to me one desk forward and one desk to the right had his binder up with a nude magazine in it and he was hammering away at his meat I went back to sleep only to be awakened by a chorus of you it was then I knew that our hero had been compromised not a teacher but I did do a lot of volunteer work with little kids one of the fifth-grade boys was caught grabbing random girls and trying to pull them into the supply closet and try to kiss them he was even caught trying to grab their butts or without his hand on their seat as they started to sit down when we finally got to talk to his parents turned out his grandpa was teaching him these things the weirdest part was when we questioned the ground PI about it his response was who cares they're just little girls my first year teaching was like everyone says the worst year the first day of school I'm getting to know the kids by asking them random questions and I ask this one boy what he wants to be when he grows up and he replies with doesn't matter I'm going to end up in prison like my parents would okay from there things got progressively worse he was hearing voices and always threatening to hurt other staff or students he was hitting his head on walls or windows when frustrated he came back from Spring Break and told me the voices told him to kill at County found by the end of the year he was a surly assaulting girls at school saw a couple of kids walking down the hallway and ends up behind another for no reason at all punches him in the head as hard as he can I immediately call him over and asked why the crap he did it he immediately acts like he has no idea what I'm talking about if I hadn't seen him do it I'd probably have believed it he was so convincing I remind him there are cameras and then he admits he did it just because he wanted to no remorse no reason no regret I had multiple other incidents like that with him through the year I worked in a low income high needs school then and tried my best not to judge my students but it was weird to honestly believe this fourteen-year-old was going to seriously injure or kill someone one day darkest thing I was an intervention specialist had a student who was a mysterious pooper for a while he would poop on the floor in the bathroom and no one knew who was doing it are yes the mad pooper as we called our versions of him every school and generation has there's a timeless classic a student of mine was the constant troublemaker and wannabe thug during a football game he broke his arm and had it placed in a plaster cast a few days later he got into an argument with another student at the end of the day wannabe thug jumped the other kid and started pummeling his face with the cast wannabe was arrested and the other kid was hospitalized for almost a week with massive facial injuries two black eyes a broken nose multiple lost teeth and multiple cuts to his face from the beating edit update most comments are staying the obvious he doesn't sound like a wannabe thug based in this account rest assured until he went beast mode he was a wannabe his status obviously improved after this and after his time in juvie but once his arm healed and his weapon was removed his status quickly diminished as his buddies realized he was a one-hit wonder not my student he's from the class next door when I was student teaching this child had a confusing home life apparently he was adopted by a family member but it's unclear what happened to his biological parents anyway he goes through these intense mood swings multiple times throughout the year he would pull the fire alarm and made a break for the school's parking lot at one moment and then deeply apologetic another moment as if he wasn't in control of himself just an hour ago during his outbursts he would occasionally attempt to enter a room and when he found that he couldn't he would bang the door and scream at the top of his lungs as if it's his Amba movie and yes this is all while instruction is happening he would literally escape the classroom in the middle of a lesson he has caused lock downs as it turns out this child is suicidal and his actions might or might not be self harming in a sense since he knows these behaviors would earn him a punishment apparently at home he's been reported to jump out of a moving car later in the year he also told his teacher and Perry that he wants to die his class was awesome though his teacher had the whole class write a note to the kid and they all wrote such sweet encouraging notes the teacher than made a collage Jung gave it to him as a gift after his outburst episodes when he comes back apologizing the whole class would give him a group hug at one point all his teachers talk to him after one of his episodes basically saying how they have such high expectations for him how far he has come and how much further he will go my mentor teacher attended this talk he cried after I imagined I would too sometimes there is a comical side to this situation though one day as I was teaching science I saw the principal chasing this kid down the road through the window somehow wielding a long stick as if he's about to Shepherd him back to his pen and I had to just keep teaching and act like I didn't see anything it was a rough student teaching year I had stories in my room too but damn did I learn a lot I'm not a teacher but I had an off hour in high school and I usually would use it for going home or just hanging out I was asked by my film photography teacher if I could help with teaching by showing some of my examples and helping mostly ninth graders I was in 11th grade at the time I noticed one kid was really quiet and socially awkward but he had really good prints and after a couple days I noticed a lot of film was missing and so I asked my teacher he said that the choir kid paid for some extra film to take home and use I brushed it off for a while until it came to show some of the prints to the class the quiet kid was third up and I was over near his desk and I noticed some of the pictures he printed it was two people who turned out to be his mother and father on the floor with what I can assume a large quantity of DRGs and alcohol most of the photos were of his living situation it was one of the saddest things I've seen he was a bright and happy person I got in contact with him a couple months ago and he's living with his grandparents after his mom and dad got into a fight of money he now shoots a lot of nature photography one time when I was teaching a US history class in prison some students were asking how abortions were done before it was legal so I mentioned a few methods and finished with then there's the age-old method of accidentally falling down the stairs a student at the back piped up as serious as could be that one still works it saves 5 grand but costs 12 years high school teacher our first writing assignment of the year for seniors is a college admissions essay where they have to write about an obstacle they overcame to make it to where they're now one of my senior girls turned in an essay about being drugged and gang up editor party the previous summer said essay also included how therapy was helping her and how the bonds who are paid her were being prosecuted but that was rough to deal with parents were super nice and supportive but suggested she finds something a little less intense to write her admissions essays about not a teacher but when I was in high school my senior year a guy in my English class asked me out I wasn't into him but I didn't want to hurt his feelings so I said that I wasn't really looking to date anyone today for the rest of the semester he sat behind me in class and would describe in vivid detail the ways he was going to murder me one example of this was him cutting my legs off and dragging me behind his car someone told me that he waited for me to leave school one day but I always stayed several hours late to school for speech and debate practice and theater rehearsal I asked my students to write a narrative fairy tale using common literary archetypes which I had extensively taught I had a girl write a story about a young girl whose mother repeatedly sold her for demons to use mom needed magic potions but the demons would only take the young girl's secrets as payment for the potions eventually a hunting party found the young girl and rescued her after a long search they returned her to her king of a father and she became a princess later I learned that my young Wolfie had spent two years in foster care while they tried to find her father she left that part out of her fairy tale not a teacher but I once triggered an evacuation of my school by drawing a detailed plan of where to place bombs in my high school to most effectively seal off exits and kill the most people in an ensuing fire this was just barely pre Columbine so I didn't get in much trouble I honestly had no plans to do anything about it in my mind it was just a theoretical exercise of what was the worst thing that could happen and how it could happen I left the notebook paper not a laptop as I said pre-colombian on my desk during a fire drill and my English teacher saw it I got called into a meeting with a teacher my parents the principal the superintendent for the town and the police they grilled me for hours they knew I was kind of a weird kid with no access to anything required to carry out such a plan so they let it go in the end I don't even know why I drew up the plans I was fairly popular had a girlfriend and did well academically and musically just tea that goes on in your hind brain that made its way to the front in this case I guess when I was a student teacher I taught briefly at a school with very old school approach to teaching desks in rows nothing is shared no group collaboration students don't engage only listen a demographic that went to this school took their children's education very seriously and students had very strict parents on one of the first days meeting my class of grade three students I had the students wash their hands before doing an activity I was helping some students roll up their sleeves while they were washing I got to the last student and my mentor teacher tells me to stop which caught me by surprise she pulled me over and told me that particular student had cuts and bruises all the way up his arm from alleged domestic abuse the relevant government agencies were already involved in the case do you notice it when she realized he always flinched when she came near his arms the fact that he never gave high-fives or that he only ever wore long-sleeve shirts to school it was one of those sobering moments where you realize there is still evil in this world [Music]
Channel: Reddit Tales
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, toadfilms, tz reddit, reddit jar, storytime reddit, darkest things students ever did, students, teachers, school, darkest
Id: ijFENCqSbZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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