Teachers, How Easy Is It To Tell a Student's Crush? (r/AskReddit)

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teachers have read it how easy is it to tell if a student has a crush on another and what is the funniest / saddest moment between the two you can share depends on the age but the signs are obvious as hell lots of staring and not so obvious but very obvious attempts at being near them visible disappointment when they aren't put in the same group for group work jealousy in all forms I've seen a kid hater classmate for weeks because that classmate sat next to the kids crush for morning meeting super obvious when a girl says stop ah while laughing at a guy who is teasing her or a guy goes out of his way to make fun of her / steal something from her so she'll have to pursue him to get it back it makes me 100% certain shout-out to my high school econ teacher for noticing that me and a girl were into each other constantly putting us in the same group straight up asking the girl if she had a boyfriend while I was in the room mrs. Anderson is the best wingman of all time in middle school they just start trying to get on each other's nerves more and are usually overly smiley the main problem comes when only one of them is smiley I once had a teacher tell me that my crush and I work together well and used him and die as an example for something we ended up together and she said ah I so predicted it seeing the reaction on her face was priceless and I'll never forget it so apparently we were very obvious everything with students is obvious I know who you have a crush on I know when you and your friend got in a fight and aren't the same today I know when you are having a bad week I know when you've lost motivation I know when you're looking for attention and I know when you want to be left alone some teachers use this information to make informed decisions like sitting eunuchs - your crush cutting you slack that day asking if everything is alright etc but I've seen some use it to be unfair to students high school teacher depending on the kids personalities they either get louder or quieter when their crushes are present the loud ones are freakin annoying the quiet ones are the ones I would purposefully sit next to their crushes ha ha teenagers are not subtle by nature but they are amazingly oblivious when it comes to matters of the heart they are really perceptive with other things though the boys almost never recognized if a girl likes them and the girls never realized guys showing interest it's funny to watch it happen it's so blatantly obvious as an outsider but I remember being just as oblivious as a student it's called crushing self-doubt I had a girl literally asked me out and I slept on it and convinced myself she was just ducking with me in an attempt to embarrass me my son who is 5 has a crush on a six-year-old at his school she says she loves him too and she is around him all the time he told me just yesterday that he wants to build a three-bedroom house with a room for him a room for her and a room for the baby they are going to have I asked if he did not want to share a bedroom with her and he said a boy needs his space form a sixth grade teacher here I was there to witness one of my kids take his first big leap at lunch he asked the girl he had a crush on will you go on a date with me she smiled and said yes immediately the boy on the other side of her said don't go out with this sucker go out with me she smiled and said ok middle school is tough man this is one of my most treasured memories as a teacher I was a student teacher so I was not prepared for this I asked my students to write and share their own poetry we focused on sensory imagery and I had the presentation staged at the local university for a bit more gravitas some were funny some were surprisingly beautiful but most webinar and the exercise was mostly boring this one girl got up in front of the class visibly shaking she was near tears for her entire poem I wanted to help her but I had no idea what to do so I just watched like everyone else as she poured her heart out to a boy in the class who did not reciprocate when she finished there was a silence in the room and after a few seconds which seemed to stretch out forever one of her friends stood up and ushered her out of class as the tears began to flow nobody made fun of her but the boil so didn't show that he felt the same it was just out there with no commentary it is to this day one of the bravest acts I have ever witnessed that girl has taken one of the biggest emotional steps one can take I hope she's a stronger person now because of it I can definitely tell and I always said the awkward shy ones with their crushes some would call me a guardian angel and others namely the awkward shy ones would call you Satan I teach preschool they tend to lack any sort of filter so they'll just say it outright sometimes to me sometimes to their crush Matthew is my boyfriend or let's get married Julia they will also occasionally try to kiss their crush today one of my students Gavin kissed my hand and proposed he's four it was adorable I almost wish out out men whereas up front although I think I'd be a bit freaked out with a proposal little kids no shame all game I have this one teacher that will totally just say anything that's on her mind one day she just flat out said do you guys like each other or what - these two kids in my class within three days they were dating and still are that could have easily resulted in them being super embarrassed and avoiding each other forever it is painfully obvious most of the time here are some of the things I saw continuous glances at the same person body language that positions a person closer to the other person interjecting into a conversation that the person was not engaged in to begin with being helpful more so for a person and for anyone else in class flirting obviously boastful storytelling a lot of times it is outlandish and very obviously and true hanging around the other person and invited and checking out the other person while oblivious to their surroundings what is funny is that most people think they are being sneaky or inconspicuous from my vantage point in the front of the classroom these things seemed so obvious as to be genuinely painful to observe it was especially painful when the feelings were intentionally unreciprocated I taught college for a bit oh man the longing stares across the room the almost creepy wistful what-ifs you can just see in their eyes when I was in middle school that was me I'm a bartender and this sounds like every guy in the bar after 1:30 a.m. I'm a substitute teacher and my favorite student with a blatant crush experience was with a second grade class I picked the kids up from the yard after recess and a boy came to me very upset because one of the girls had been chasing him the entire recess once we got back to class I talked with the girl asking for her side of the story conversation went something like this me Jose was pretty upset about something that happened this recess do you want to tell me what happened go we were playing me he said you were chasing him is that true go slight blush you know me do you think he wanted you to be chasing him go no me if you knew he didn't want to be chased why were you chasing him go huge blush guilty smile and hunched shoulders he makes me laugh computer science / computational physics university lecturer here men tend to help number women tend to 1 in my lecture groups this has resulted in some odd scenarios my favorite being four of my students simultaneously being exceedingly into the same exceedingly pretty woman who was in the realms of shy but unremittingly kind she also happened to be a lesbian I knew this they did not of course only two people could sit next to her in a lecture theatre and an actual friend of hers usually took one of those spots so the four of them were try to play as she sat down then desperately try to get as close as possible without giving the game away like a single round of musical chairs where only one person can win but there's definitely never going to be a prize any of the players want it's important to also be aware that these were nerds of the highest order so at a certain point they were just running and shoving one another charging down the aisle like the adults they apparently were I was eventually forced to intervene and end the game when one of them honest to god halted a row of seats and nearly landed on another student they deliberately avoided her after I pulled them aside which was probably great for her but terrible for me I found their fruitless game a never-ending source of comedy Miguel asked me the AP chem teacher if he could write a message on the board for Mariela Miguel was a former ap student and at that time a senior Mariela was a current ap student and at the time a junior Miguel using elements from the periodic table asked Mariela to go to the senior banquet the biggest to do at our school and then Miguel asked if I would record it on my phone while he asks her I said sure thing and I was glad to help both were great people and good students Miguel during class goes into this big long show asking Mariela after he's done Mariela stands up looks straight at the phone and says no she then sat back down before this started I thought there was no way Miguel would enjoy a public humiliation unless he knew for sure Mariela would say yes as soon as she said no there was nothing but silence Miguel literally dropped his head and slinked out of the room Mariela didn't flinch I die laughing every time I watch that video greatest moment of my teaching career there's a boy in my class whose voice hasn't changed yet but every time he is talking to another girl from a different class he is noticeably lowering his voice to sound deeper obvious signs are obvious what's even more obvious is when one has a crush and the other isn't interested I'm speaking strictly from the demographic from my own school I taught at so I hope it's clear I'm not generalizing all teenagers here but I've noticed when a girl is crushing in the guy isn't he is more likely but not always to be more forward about telling her so to the point in one or two cases of sometimes being openly cruel to her the girls in the reverse situation act annoyed and will sometimes make their dissent rest clear but more often than not they grin and bear it and try to pretend the crush doesn't exist that's all I've got I was there for months I remember one time during an 8th grade field day hearing a bit of an altercation between a few kids when I went over there I saw that this one very nerdy kid was chasing another boy around the football field while a few other boys laughed and a girl was telling them to stop turns out what happened was that one of those boys was teasing the girl like that kind of stupid teasing 8th grade boys do to girls they like and that the nerdy kid who also seemed to have a crush on this girl stood up to the boy to defend her honor and wanted to fight him so instead of fighting the boy ran in circles while the nerdy K chased him furious and red in the face it was very cringy I got the vibe that the girl didn't mind the teasing from that boy and that the nerdy kids crush was probably not reciprocated I broke up the fight partly because I wanted to save the nerdy kid from his eighth-grade self I think most of us have been in a situation as a teenager where we try to impress someone who doesn't feel the same way I didn't want him to look back years later and be even more embarrassed by it had it gone on longer I teach 10th graders when I was student teaching at age 21 I was really well-liked and the students told me a lot of personal stuff probably because my age made me more approachable to 15 16 year-olds one girl si would spent a study hall in my classroom during my planning period along with about five other students who just wanted to get out of study hall she told me that she liked a boy s who also hung out my classroom at that time from then on I used to group them together in class on purpose to get her to talk to him and give them an opportunity to spend some time together I would always encourage her to ask him to hang out or tell her about things he was interested in so she could start conversations with him about it she loved him I think he saw her as a friend but was generally clueless about her feelings the saddest moment between the two of them was during my planning period their study hall some of the other kids that hung out in my room during that time were off running errands for me so it was just si s and I in the classroom Si was a pretty overweight girl and she was sitting on the desk part of those dumb classroom desks and the desk completely gave out breaking and sending her falling to the ground I immediately shoot ass out of the room sending him to get the maintance guy to get the desk out when s was gone si started bawling and was absolutely mortified I knew she would be which is why I sent s away quickly I talked her through her embarrassment and by the time s got back she was cool as a duck in cucumber and totally brushed it off we went back to normal conversation and I'm sure s forgot about it within minutes my student teaching ended about a month later so I'm not sure if anything became of C&S but I definitely still think about them sometimes I wasn't a teacher I was a teaching helper I mean it was only sixth grade but it was extremely easy looking at everyone facing you you start to realize what people are focusing on I know when kids are texting because they look straight at me and every two minutes look down for two seconds and have their hands under the table for a crush it is the long stairs at the back of their crushes head whilst fiddling with an object like a pencil their hair then the quick look away when the crush looks at them it's easy sorry for question mark at first I'm German and didn't know how to teaching helper correctly to say it if anyone knows please comment or message me teacher of high school freshman here it's very easy saddest story two houses both alike sorry it was a couple years ago girl was quite charming and very bright boy was disruptive but the good kind of disruptive the pleasure to have in class disruptive very funny it became very clear to me that she was crushing on him something fierce I for what it was worth blessed this potential Union this went on for several months then one day she storms into my room in a half declaring her anger at him as I'm going around the room later that day I catch him writing a lengthy letter to her at a glance it explained how he thought she was a really nice girl and all but it would be perhaps best if they remained only friends I assumed she had made a move it didn't pay off over the next few days I saw more mournful and longing looks than I ever wanted each one broke my heart by the end of the year they had patched it up yet I still caught the occasional twinge of sadness in her eye she may still hope to this day and I I still hope to
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Id: yKNbIvqOrGs
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Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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