T.D. Jakes: Your Wilderness Season Will Reveal Your Purpose | FULL TEACHING | Praise on TBN

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and i sense through the holy spirit that somebody who outwardly looks just fine inwardly is a wreck you're ashamed to admit it you can't tell anybody no you get no comfort uh and yet on the inside that you're not in trouble you're not in trouble you are in trauma and it's still a wilderness and god still loves you and god will still provide for you if you will humble yourself and admit i'm in a wilderness you're really talking about wilderness experiences is there any time in our lifetime that could be considered more of a wilderness experience in 2020 2021 and 2022. okay but i i i you know i want to say this uh what i got out of your book is wilderness experiences are going to are either going to kill you or they're going to make you better right okay let me just say something you look sharp today amazing so if you had to go through this pandemic and come out looking sharp i look you took advantage of whatever situation was you were dealt and really that's what we're talking about you can go into a wilderness and die or you can go to a wilderness and meet god okay so i feel like that's what i took away from your book and i want to hear what you want us to know about it too i want to dig a little bit deeper because there are a lot of people that look sharp that don't feel sharp oh hey it is much easier to go out and look sharp than it is to be sharp to feel sharp to have emotional well-being to be uh intellectually sound especially in the kind of wilderness that we are in right now this is not a geographical wilderness where we know the linear footage of how far it is before we get out of it it is the uncertainty and living with the ambiguity of an end that leads us into a wilderness whether you are living in a mansion or living in a trailer on top of a hill we are all experiencing the same trauma the same way what i want people to understand is that when you cannot draw strength peace uh well-being from around you you must draw it from within you and so as opposed to the water in the rock you have to have the water in your soul woman if you believe on me as the scriptures have said out of your belly not your house not your job not your country not your newspaper not your community but out of your own essence shall flow rivers of living water so in essence the human soul becomes the rock in the wilderness and the rock there was nothing special about the rock it was the god who is living water flowed through the rock and there's nothing special about me but the god who is living water flows through me if i allow him to if not i allow my circumstances around me to penetrate what's within me until the dryness around me becomes the dryness within me you know i i love you i know i love these inter i love this time i love you all holy beautiful moment every time that we sit down with you but that reminds me of when and today liz i was listening to this this morning and you were talking about when when the flood came well i've read that so many times but you said that that it wasn't only the water coming down the rain coming down but it came out of the ground yes yes that reminds me of what of what happened in noah's day it came up out of the ground out of his belly yes you know you know what i love about that is that when god told noah it was going to rain he didn't tell him the whole plan he didn't tell him that he had water up under the earth that he was going to break up the cisterns of the deep and i think it's important for us as believers to know that god has resources in unexpected places and when he gets ready to flood you it's not just the flood that you anticipate coming down from above he can break up the cisterns of the deep yeah and in order to submerge the earth beneath the water there were hidden hidden wells of water that he tapped into and that's still true anybody who dug a well knows their water underground for god to break up the water under the ground uh is a very important thing i was in africa and we dig wells uh for indigenous people uh who have no water i've done it for years and years and years and years and it's amazing how many people die with water under their feet never being able to tap into it and if you take the horrific atrocity of what it is like for a human soul to die in the wilderness with the parched mouth and dry lips and eyes roll back in their head and give up the ghosts for the lack of something that is buried right up under their feet god has blessings and provisions in places that we never anticipated and i think the whole concept of god's provision is that it comes from the unexpected yeah what a woman what is in the house ah nothing i got a pot of oil he says go borrow a bunch of vessels your nothing is something empty then yeah yeah yeah bring your emptiness bring your emptiness and and i'm going to fill it up with what you've been calling nothing because i'm going to cause something to come out of your nothing and and that's the majesty of the of god himself that he can take the ordinary that which we have passed over and bring something substantive out of it so god's provision is not always about a rich uncle dying or about somebody knocking on your door and and you're the lucky winner of whatever it is rethinking what you've been walking past wow and understand that that pot of war could be more than what you thought it was if you would bring god into it okay um do you agree with the statement that you're an esoteric thinker yes pretty much okay uh i had to look that word up earlier today to make sure that i was yeah and i i consider myself more of a linear thinker okay and so when i read uh this book god's provision you know i i'm wondering if the word wilderness should have been in the title okay just just for just for me simplistic linear thinkers kind of want to know because god's provision for your every need okay is is almost like a hidden uh title because what you're talking about is where the provision is the provision is sometimes in the place that you're cursing and wanting to get out of okay so if you want td jakes to walk you through the problem that you're facing or the problem you think you're facing or the reality of the problem you're facing um go to the number and get the book this is this is profound in a lot of ways and the idea that um you're te you're telling me in this book okay i'm just telling you what i got out of it i got out of this you're in a test you're in a wilderness experience we're using that as an analogy right and and god will meet you there to kill the things that you need killed in your life provide for you the things that you need in your life or you will really basically uh give up wither i think you said something to the effect of it separates the fakers from the something i don't remember exactly how you say in the book but but some people give up in the wilderness in the place where god is trying to provide provision is that roughly what we're discussing yes the let's go back to this rewind all the way back to why i didn't put wilderness on the cover it's it's it's the same reason that tylenol doesn't put a headache as this logo okay you never put the problem on the cover because nobody's gonna jump by it good point i like you even more now you're gonna put cancer on the cover instead of chemo you know give me five bottles of cancer you know so who's going to go to the store and say give me a lot of wilderness we do not ask for our wilderness oh our wilderness asks for us we do not get to choose the kinds of wilderness that we face whether we're a single mother they're going through a divorce or whether we've lost a job or house or whether we find ourselves with some sort of disease we do not get to pick the wilderness that we confront that is the mystery of life we do not know it until we're in it what we do know is that god will be in it with us and so when you start talking about god's promises and god's answers in our wilderness that is sustainable known fact and it is the commodity that you would reach for in the store we don't reach for trouble but trouble reaches for us [Music] i i love where when jesus comes out of his anonymous years you know we hear about him at two when he's born and then at 12. and where does he go you know and i love that he comes out he gets baptized and then the holy spirit takes him into the wilderness and what i love about that is that jesus you know so we wonder what he was doing all those years yes yes he fought he wanted to go where the spirit led him so he was so willing to go into the wilderness because the holy spirit was there with him yes and i love that about it because we shouldn't be afraid we shouldn't be afraid of it oh you just gave me i could i could really take that to town we should not be afraid of it we should not be afraid of the wilderness because thyroid and our staff they comforted me though i walked through the valley of the shadow of death i shall fear no evil for the art with me that's absolutely the truth but i want to talk about the obscurity of the 18 years and and because we have a lot of people today who are afraid of obscurity we have 18 years of nothingness that we know nothing about jesus at all and people are so afraid of not being known not being seen not being heard not being acknowledged not being realized and they are in a wilderness of obscurity but jesus embraces his 18 years of obscurity and almost savors it it seems and takes no effort to let us in on this this wilderness of obscurity until john the baptist points him out and he's in the crowd then he's not standing out he's in the crowd imagine an audience of people and jesus is on the back row he's jesus in the balcony you know jesus is in the balcony john the baptist is on the stage and all of a sudden john the baptist points up into the balcony and says behold the lamb of god boom just like that god snaps him from obscurity to notoriety just like that god can move you from from nowhere to somewhere with such rapid speed that you need not be troubled by the years of being ignored because once god moves you to the forefront you will never be ignored again so you should savor that time and allow that town uh to prepare you because once once you are famous you can never be anonymous again you can be infamous but you can never be anonymous what it costs you to walk out into the light of god's presence or into the light of jazz or into the light of politics or into the light of entertainment you never can go back again you will always be recognizable and contrary to popular belief that's not as good as it sounds right okay that is a wilderness all to itself so we're looking at a wilderness of obscurity we're looking at a will a physical wilderness that he went out to be tempted in but we're also looking at a wilderness of notoriety because notoriety is its own wilderness too yeah regardless of which wilderness you're in right now i'm talking to you whether you're in the wilderness where nobody sees you you may be in a wilderness where even your own husband or wife doesn't see you you may be in a wilderness where you're young and wondering will anybody ever pay you any attention or whether you're in the wilderness of being literally surrounded by a dry place an uncertain place and you're exposed and the holy spirit has put you in a place that has compromised your faith and challenged your principles and made you wrestle to survive or maybe you're in the wilderness of the spotlight because being in the spotlight creates its own kind of loneliness for whichever wilderness you're in god is there i love that so there's really nothing um better than sitting and discussing the goodness of god true we're sitting here we're discussing in essence the way god would meet us the way he would provide for us the way he loves us constantly and we think sometimes that the wilderness is because of past sin because of he has overlooked you you're and and you're trying you're trying to redefine in essence where and how god operates in our life because i i remember some one of the old-timers saying it this way how do you how do you know you have faith unless it's called upon great and what is the currency of heaven it's agape love how do you get agape love testing trial you know so let me jump him right there the same wilderness that jesus was tempted in on the other side of the jordan it's the same wilderness that the chariot of fire came and picked up [Music] in the same spot i was over in jerusalem and i went over into jordan and the first thing i came to realize is right across from mount nebo is the wilderness where jesus was tempted but it is also the same spot where the chariot of fire descended and took away elijah isn't it amazing the oxymoron that at one moment it is a place of great test and trial and the next moment it is a place of great triumph and victory and let us not think that god won't intermix sometimes we run from a place and they say that was my wilderness but it also might be in that same place where your chariot of fire comes wow and and you have to understand that it is only a wilderness for the purpose of god and when it suits his purpose he can send a chariot of fire in the same place where your mouth was dry and perched and desperately in need of water and food that same god he does it in egypt the same place that is a place of provision for israel also later becomes a place of slavery for israel so that we don't fall in love with locations we fall in love with god i remember uh td um i'm sitting here you realize paul and jan used to be sitting here yes in the 80s yes uh you know you would fly out to southern california yes and you'd sit with paul and jan crouch and you'd talk about the goodness of god you've been doing this a long time a long time 45 years and i remember um my dad was very involved with an with an old-timer who would be a hunt over 100 if he was still alive paul bilheimer he wrote a book called destined for the throne billy graham wrote the forward my dad wrote the introduction for this book and and and it's been kind of one of the let's say founding principles the the thought though that aligns with what we're talking about right now is paul bilheimer called life on the job training for eternity and sometimes our wilderness and what we mean by wilderness bad spot sickness uh can't pay the bills that's what we're talking about a wilderness experience a pandemic okay loss of a job being called uh what what was the term that was used for for for workers uh essential unessential what if you were just called unessential for uh you know okay and so this on-the-job training and sometimes our problems don't make any sense on earth unless you zoom out and include eternity absolutely so really isn't a test isn't a wilderness supposed to be for your betterment now and forever in eternity you know i'm so glad you said that because a lot of christians think it's their job to change the environment when many many times it's the environment's job to change you hello and if you as soon as you understand that i went to west virginia i thought god sent me there to build a church i later realized that god sent the church to build me oh okay so i wasn't supposed to build a potter's house in west virginia the temple of faith which was the name of my church was supposed to build me so that i could come here and build the potter's house and so a wilderness builds you whatever wilderness you may be in and i love the word you use unessential because it transcends culture socioeconomic levels of life there's not a person in this world who has not dealt with feeling unessential whether it's in your marriage whether it's a child that disrespects you whether it's a job that disrespects you whether it's losing a job or whether you're a midnight waiter at a coffee shop at a truck stop there are moments that we all question our value because we need the affirmation of others to dignify us with the title and acknowledgement and eventually we must be weaned from the breast milk of human affirmation so that we can eat the manna that falls from heaven and know who we are because that's who god says we are wow td jakes have you ever at any time in your life ever struggled to pay a bill i would pass struggle they cut it off okay so so you you know uh you you know what that is a lot about it okay so when did you get to the point and how and what wilderness did you go through that you said that isn't going to happen anymore and it stopped when did you get rid of that nonsense in your life when it got through teaching me what god was trying to teach me there was it wasn't a lack of his provision there was a hole in the bucket so no matter how much water he poured into it i would always lose it because i hadn't learned the discipline of how to handle finances and once i finished the course and i finally came to the point that i did not need a miracle for god to provide more it more wasn't going to fix it i needed a miracle for god to teach me to put priorities in the right places to live within my means and then to work my way up once he fixed the bucket then he started pouring in the blessing god is a businessman he's not going to invest in in a company that's bankrupt one of the strangest scriptures in the bible is is where jesus says to him that have not will take away that which he seems to have i thought oh god that's brutal i don't want to preach that i don't want to tell people that if you have not you're going to take away what they seem to have and he says to him that have will i add to that which he has i said that sounds so unfair but it's not unfair at all god cannot pour great blessings into broken vessels wow it's like trying to love somebody who refuses to be loved no matter how many times i say i love you you're still going to walk away and say yeah but do you love me and it's not that i didn't say it right it's that you can't hold it on the inside you have to go to therapy prayer class get on your knees and don't yourself with or whatever you got to do until you fix that hole in you because my i am tired of saying the same thing 50 times a day you can't hold it uh and what we have to understand in order to reach that point of inflection where you say i'm ready to change you have to also reach that point of correction so that when you make the change you can stay changed because more money is not going to fix bad habits okay that's just the truth people don't want to talk about it they don't want to admit it but that's true changing husbands is not going to fix you if you're a bad wife okay changing wives is not gonna fix you if you're a bad husband and so by the time you get to your seventh wife you start to get a clue maybe there's something wrong with me all of them can't be wrong there's got to be something wrong with me okay uh and and we have people who accuse everybody else for their failure when they don't realize that they are not able to hold within their own heart love they're not safe to love they're not safe to lead and they're not safe to increase because they have not fixed the system by which they handle that which is deposited inside we're really talking about meeting people where they are right now this is the aspirin tablet uh to the wilderness that you're in okay i have a couple of messianic uh uh believer friends and one of them one time was uh on tbn teaching and i was watching and walked through the kitchen and the tv was on i saw him and he said um something interesting about the wilderness that the hebrew word for wilderness is midbar and that it's an interesting thing that when you and i talk about a wilderness it's an allegory for bad a wilderness experience means you're thirsty and you're hungry and you're lost and you're hot and you're panicky and whatever your wilderness is is causing panic and hyperventilation and all of that kind of stuff that is what we think about when the word hey you're in a wilderness experience well that stinks okay but the hebrew word uh doesn't have any kind of a negative connotation none zero it means the place where you would meet god see they were out in the wilderness that's where god was okay now it was terrifying i guess to the to because the smoke coming off the mountain and the earthquake and the fire and moses face was you know glowing and it scared them and okay so uh god's presence is something that will get your attention not in a way that makes you jump around and wave a flag and be goofy it makes you get down on your face and not want to be burned up is certainly what i feel like the presence of the lord so the wilderness experience though to the hebrew world is a place where god is okay how do we get that experience that somebody's living in right now how do we get them to think wait a second td jakes is trying to explain something this might be an opportunity for me how do we how do we get somebody thinking in the right direction on this thing i think our first natural normal inclination is get me out of this yeah get me out of this i don't like this get me out of this when we find out that god does not succumb to our whining and we settle down then we develop to the second stage what do you want me to learn from this and when we start getting to that place now we're getting to the place where i'm open to receive this as as a as a rabbi that the wilderness is my rabbi coming to teach me some some aspect of god that i have never seen before and and i i like to think of the wilderness this way i think that god dated israel in the wilderness that they they had not seen him for 400 years and they called on a god that they had not known served worshiped offered up sacrifice to for 400 years and he said let my people go that they might worship me and out there in the wilderness he dated them and he showed them his power again he showed them what he could do and he showed them how he could heal and he showed them all of his things so that by the time they got to the promised land they were familiar with him and finally once the date is over he circumcised him and now they're entering into covenant they couldn't enter into covenant because they had not they have been estranged for 400 years that's 10 generations they needed to get to know him again and he proved himself in the wilderness he proved himself at the bitter waters of mithra he proved himself at the brazen serpent that healed their diseases so that when they got to the point of of taking the ring of circumcision that pronounced the wedding they had come to a point in their understanding that they knew who he was and i i'm afraid today that we know more about church than we do about god we know more about our political parties than we do about god we know more about what we are not going to stand and we're not going to take it we're not going to do that we do about god we've gotten away from god we love his music but but stripped from the music do you know him i'm i'm about to get happy i got to be careful cause you know i'm still old school i'm a cross between your generation your mother and father's generation so i felt that i felt that yeah do you know him and there's nothing like a wilderness to prove it the thing that i keep sensing and i don't know why but somebody is watching me right now and they're listening at you talking and say i don't need the book i don't have i'm not broke all my needs are met i'm doing good i'm doing fine i'm doing wonderful the truth of the matter is you don't have to be broke or without water or have your electricity cut off to be in a wilderness you can be a ceo and be in a wilderness in your heart emotionally traumatically maritally you can be in a way it's the worst wilderness because there are provisions for poor folks there are things you can go do and you can go get there are no provisions for wealthy wilderness wow you have to be in a secret wilderness that's why there's so much suicide and i sense through the holy spirit that somebody who outwardly looks just fine inwardly is a wreck you're ashamed to admit it you can't tell anybody no you get no comfort uh and yet on the inside that you're not in trouble you're not in trouble you are in trauma and it's still a wilderness and god still loves you and god will still provide for you if you will humble yourself and admit i'm in a wilderness i'm in a penthouse suite but i'm in a wilderness i'm driving a bentley but i'm in a wilderness and if you can open that up before god and say lord i'm in this marriage i got grandkids i got kids i'm in a wilderness he will come into your wilderness jehovah shama come on now the lord is present in your wilderness and he will be there for you and i i uncovered that because we always think of poor people as the only ones who have pain but i have learned that powerful people successful people rich people of influential people have their own kind of hell and no salve to go upon it but i tell you and i promise you that god sees through all of your artifacts which incidentally you will all leave here on the earth you won't take any of it with you and god knows that you're in the wilderness and he loves you and he'll come where you are pray for the folks while we're just in this season right here in this in this moment where we have the the commonality of humanity all the barriers have been turned down there are no republican wilderness and democratic wilderness and right-wing winners left-wing wilderness baptist wilderness move all of that to the side i don't care how well your stocks are doing or whether you just had your water cut off the one thing we all have in common is pain and we have our wilderness i want to pray for you that you would see god in your wilderness father in the name of jesus jehovah sharma the one who is present in the wilderness the one who walks in fiery furnaces the one who stands in between daniel and the lions the one the one the one who cares enough to deal with the trauma that people don't see while people count the trinkets god you know the trauma and i pray right now in the name of jesus that you would show up and reveal yourself in the middle of their moment of wilderness and that you would provide whatever they need whether it's the little boy in them needing healing or whether it's to be understood or whether it's to open up and release themselves or whether it is to make a decision that would change the trajectory of their lives we don't want to make another decision without you i pray for the person who has habits as well as the lack of opportunity you have habits that even if you got the opportunity the habits are baked into you the dna of how you process finances resources jobs and opportunities and even if you get a job you lose it if you get up money you spend it i pray that god would patch the hole in your body thank you lord so that he can fill you till you overflow right now this moment this second the spirit of god invades your darkness and touches you with his grace in the name of the lord we pray amen and amen jesus so good bishop god's provision for your every need i would have called it something about the wilderness but td jakes knows more about that you you have like 75 new york time number one best sellers and i'm telling you advice about it i've never written a book but i earlier this morning i was just kind of sitting by myself and i thought you know if i was going to name this book i would have named something like in the wilderness where withering waiting and wanting is but you're but it's there you'll find rescue renewal and reward or like wilder blessed be wilder bless so no making it worse no don't do that that's a little too much like will the beast i think yeah just stick to television you're doing great wilder blessed wouldn't have been a good title bless it don't no no no no we'll bless those like some of you put on your hair but uh i love you though i really do what i love about the book is it's not so big they're busy people don't have time to read it i love it yeah you know it's it's small enough that you can get through it and you can use it as a devotional or you can read it while you're on the plane or you can read it uh during a break at work and you can you can handle it sometimes the book is so big you've gone through a decade by the time you get to the end of it it's short it's powerful it's potent it's a capsule it's medicine it's life in your wilderness my goodness you talk you talk about finding your plan finding god's plan yeah in the middle of your how do we do that because most of the time i mean a lot of people just want to lay down and die yeah give up give up and you know in your wilderness there's a lot of self-sacrifice right right right there's a lot of stuff that a lot of people don't want to feel in a wilderness you you know i'm so glad you asked me okay because that opens up a whole nother server yeah okay this is one of the reasons we worship because worship wakes you up to the presence of god he inhabits the praises of israel we think we worship to make the service good we think we worship because god is insecure and he needs us to tell us how great he is god was god before there was a mouth to tell him he was god we worship to wake ourselves up to that we are not just all bodied but we are also soul and spirit and if god is going to reveal himself and his purpose it's going to do it because you are increasingly aware of spiritual nudges how do i get increasingly aware of spiritual nudges bishop i do it through worship because with my hands lifted up and my mouth filled with praise i become aware of something outside of the tangible when we do that we have then touched the gps through which god guides us from glory to glory and from faith to faith and that is the purpose of we're not worshiping because we're emotional we're not worshiping because we're pentecostal we're not worshiping because we're black all of those reasons that you have ridden off worship because you say that doesn't apply to me i'm just not that kind of person i'm just not listen listen the jews worship for a reason yeah god came down into the middle of their worship and they became familiar with him he can't guide a stranger and you are a stranger as long as you walk in the flesh you will of the flesh reap corruption if you walk in the spirit you will love the spirit reap life everlasting so i want to challenge you to start your worship life whether you feel it or not it has a purpose it's how god's going to guide you out of the wilderness [Music] you remember my daddy would would start his behind-the-scenes program i will bless the lord at all times his praise will continually be in my mouth you start one of your chapters with that same scripture yes so i will bless the lord at all times so all means all all means all all means all the more when you're in trouble all all the more because that's when the soul cries out for equilibrium if if i lose my equilibrium the first thing i'm going to try to do is grab something solid and if your life has become crazy you want to grab something that's not shaking every the bible says everything that can be shaken will be shaken so that that which cannot be shaken will remain that's god and so all the more reason to reach out to him is when everything is shaking around you he is that's on christ the solid rock i stand he is that solid place some people have that completely backwards absolutely you know this wilderness thing is god's torturing he doesn't like me he's mad at me he doesn't want me anymore and that's really just kind of almost 180 degrees wrong it's absolutely wrong it's not hard for me i'm the baby in my family so that part was easy for me to embrace when you're the baby of the family and you come up in a healthy family everybody loved me so when i got saved everybody loved me everybody loved me so but i got to say they told me that god did too i said go cool come on in come on in to accept the favor of god becomes challenging when you've never had the favor of men when you've never been celebrated and you've never been appreciated it's kind of foreign to you to accept the fact that god likes me he might not like everything i do but he loves me let's bring it closer let's start with he likes me he loves me he has loved me with an everlasting love if you're having trouble receiving that right now there's something blocking it you're not used to opening up to the idea of being preferred favor is to be preferred god prefers you and you didn't earn it and you don't deserve it you didn't work for it and that's why it's hard for you to accept it because you know every little silly stupid thing you ever did in your life but it's not meritorious it is his graciousness which is made perfect in our weakness let's start with the fact he's in love with me have you ever had somebody in love with you and you couldn't figure out in the world why and and they were just in love with you and when you're in love with somebody you get on the phone with them run out of words and just breathe you're just on the phone breathing nobody's thinking nothing to say just running up the phone bill i'll call my wife jesus long distance we'd just be breathing breathing up the rent money just breathing what are you thinking about i don't know what do you think about all that stupid stuff you know this is just crazy but but his love is crazy he he just chooses to love us and that is the glorious gospel that god so loved the world come on now that he gave his only begotten son not god so loved the church we don't want to hear this part it wasn't it wasn't the gospel of the church he said god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth on him who so not just the people that church people like whosoever believeth on him not just the people that your mama like not just people that your daddy like who so is all of us whosoever believeth on him shall not perish but have everlasting life do you believe on him then believe he loves you if you believe on him believe i uh i i was uh at a church and and i listened at a singer sing uh a song and she started singing about i i know that you are for me that's the name of the song and i started crying i started crying i couldn't hold back the tears i came back i told our music ministry you got to learn this song you got to learn the song because i have always known that he was for me yeah i have always known i didn't deserve it but i have always known that god was for me and if if you get nothing else out of my book if you can settle on the fact that god is for you even if he has to correct you my parents would chastise me to to the living in they'd have been in jail today but but i never doubted that they were not for me i never i never doubted that they were not for me and even though i've been chastened of the lord that does not mean that he doesn't love me because whom the lord loveth he chasteneth don't confuse the chastening with malice or hatred god loves you and if that can sink in the soil of your head right now healing is coming right now thank you lord restoration is coming right now renewal is coming right now that god isn't trying to make up his mind about you and if you pay your times he loves you and if you do this or that he loves you and if you if you fast three weeks he loves no you then you earned it he has chosen to love you because he is gracious when we are not graceful lead people to jesus may i take this opportunity to speak to you maybe you've never heard anybody talk like that in all your life and you didn't even know that you were eligible to this glorious thing called salvation [Music] your life is written with guilt and shame you've done some things you've seen some things horrific things immoral things you've been in wars and conflicts and seen dead bodies you've you've been through all kinds of stuff and they haunt you and you have night terrors and you drink a lot [Music] and you can't imagine that a holy god would love wretch like you i get it i'm a wretched but amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved the wretch like me accept him into your heart right now he's waiting he's anxious he's so anxious that even though your door is closed he's knocking on it behold i stand at the door knock if any man hear my voice i will come in and sub with him he'll come in right now you're watching in the house at a truck stop in your bedroom open that door open it he's at it right now right this minute right this minute jesus is knocking at the door he wants to be with you in the trailer in that mansion in that penthouse suite in that porsche on the bus in a cab he wants to be with you father right now i pray that hearts would open that minds would open and that the love of jesus would seep in like water falling on dry ground in the wilderness of sin god let your grace seep into that parched soil and bring life where there has been death and bring joy where there has been depression and bring peace where there has been confusion you've come to bring the gift of eternal life we accept you now as our personal savior just ask him we accept you now as our personal savior we invite you to come into our heart i'm throwing the door wide open my future is in your hand 2022 belongs to you thank you lord i accept you as lord of my life right now in the name of jesus we pray amen congratulations thank you lord a party just broke out in heaven the angels are dancing and they just turned up the music and they're gonna rock till they drop because another soul was added to the kingdom today and your name is written in the land's book of life out of your belly td jakes flows rivers of life giving water we thank you for what you do how you do it how you articulate it and we feel it we drink of the gift life giving water that comes from you and it's amazing we love you very much and i have to say you're looking very sharp today i was trying to be like you i should have worn yellow time i'm just saying it's a great i matched your book really well yeah you did match my book i was thinking about you yeah um for those um that are wanting that might have tuned in a little late that are wanting to know do a a couple of minutes of what you want us to know about this book and what you want to happen for us by engaging or why the wilderness yeah i want you when you read this book to understand that god has never made a wilderness for which he did not equally provide a provision he doesn't make the wilderness and then scratch his head and say how am i going to provide for this with the temptation god also makes a way of escape with the wilderness god also makes a way of provision and they come like twins so whatever kind of wilderness you're in financial emotional marital it doesn't matter what it is there is a provision in your wilderness and i want to walk you right to the provision and away from focusing on the problem you focus on the problem to the point that it's breaking you down now it's time to focus on the provision and i named it god's provision so you wouldn't focus on the problem do it now and be blessed hashtag wilderblast god bless all of y'all [Music] at tbn our mission is to use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing gospel of jesus christ thank you for helping make the gospel of grace go around the world without you we couldn't do it god bless you
Channel: TBN
Views: 111,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: t.d. jakes, t.d. jakes motivation, bishop t.d. jakes, t.d. jakes sermons, t.d. jakes short sermons, t.d. jakes faith, t.d. jakes god's provision, purpose, god's provision, wilderness season, purpose in pain, wildernessg, god where are you, destiny, your destiny, why do we suffer, know your destiny, overcome wilderness season, t.d. jakes 2022 tbn, trinity broadcasting network, trinity broadcasting network live, tbn live, matt crouch, t8b2n6, 8t2b6n, tbn826, 826tbn, pain, prayer, hope
Id: I7_k9HWXSp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 34sec (2974 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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