Declassified - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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[Music] well i was in ephesians last week and uh you all seem to really enjoy the bible class i enjoyed teaching it i was teaching out of ephesians chapter two i'm gonna backtrack a little bit and go to ephesians chapter one and continue where i left off and give you a moment to turn and get ready and let's get into the word of god it would be smart to have a notepad even if it's in your phone or if it's a physical pad with a pencil old-fashioned way it would be great to have that it's nice to tweet it's nice to post but it's better to learn so if you learn and you want to share with somebody else that's great but make sure that you're not giving away the bread before you get some yourself because we're going to open up the scriptures together and we are going to be blessed i want to talk from the subject declassified declassified and as i go down through the word of god you're going to see more clearly what what what i mean when i say declassified uh there are some things that have been hidden from the foundations of the world that have been declassified for the saints and made available to us for us to understand for for god to unveil to us and expose to us and it's going to be good we're going to have a good time in the word of god in ephesians chapter 1 paul is writing back to the church at ephesus the church said he has labored to birth with many tears and prayers and preaching and teaching he had continued in ephesus for about three years according to the book of acts and now he's writing back to them and it is a powerful epistle that is written by the apostle himself written to the church at ephesus to the believers at ephesus who are surrounded by all types of ideologies who are surrounded by all types of corruptions who are surrounded by a remnant that are still worshiping diana who are surrounded by agnosticism who are surrounded by various ideologies that contradict the theology that paul is teaching surrounded by orthodox judaism and in the midst of all of that paul is yet proceeding and there's a message in that all by itself that everything doesn't have to be conducive or in agreement to you for you to do what god has called you to do you can still do it and you can still go for it and you can still be blessed so let's get into this and go into the word of god i got my bible i'm using my bible again i don't know i'm going through something uh ain't nothing against using the ipad and other things but uh i've been just drawn back to my bible again it's all marked up it's all marked up it's all tattered the pages are torn uh but it's still my bible and uh and it's real good i'm gonna start at verse three blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ who have blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in christ according as he has chosen us in him before the foundations of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by jesus christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will to the praise of the glory of his grace wherein he have made us accepted in the blood in whom we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace wherein he had abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence having made known unto us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure which he had purposed in himself that in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in christ both which are in heaven and which are on the earth even in him in whom also we have obtained an inheritance being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will i'll stop there that's a lot that's a lot now even in the greeting when paul first greets the church at ephesus even in the greeting there is revelation blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ and he says he says to us that our god is blessed that our god is blessed he's not in want he's not in need he lacks nothing he is complete within himself god has never asked a question he couldn't answer had a need he couldn't supply had a desire he couldn't fulfill he is complete within himself lacking nothing blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ that alone is amazing that that we had nothing and we can take nothing away that he is just the ancient of days the sovereign one the mighty one complete within himself that he is full that he is as far to the east as he is to the west to the north as he is to the south david said from everlasting to everlasting thou art god the all-sufficient one el shaddai the all-sufficient one he's complete he's sufficient he lacks nothing you can add nothing to him you can take nothing away from him he is the all-sufficient one blessed be god a lot of people don't see god as being blessed they see god through the eyes of their pain or their circumstances or their situations or their teachings and they don't understand that god is so blessed that the streets in heaven are paid with gold god is so blessed that he designed the jewels that would be on the breastplate of the high priest chest god is so blessed that there are jewels all over heaven god is so blessed and really really really when we talk about all of that that's really nothing it's just crinkles it's just little or nothing whatever god wanted he could say let there be and it would become whatever he wanted to be god is blessed not because of things but because all things are made by him and without him was not anything made that was made i'm in the gospel of saint john all things are made by him and without him was not anything made that was made so the blesser is always more blessed than the blessing okay the blesser is always more blessed than the blessing all things were made by him so whether it's gold silver onyx healing deliverance wisdom peace however you define bless god already has that he already has obtained all that blessed be god and the father of our lord jesus christ now he was blessed all by himself if he didn't share it if he didn't give it if he didn't commend it if he didn't allocate it if he didn't release it he's still blessed he's blessed but then here comes the killer who have blessed us now that's that's the transfer if somebody comes to you and they say i'm gonna give you uh let me see i'm gonna give you 30 million dollars and you say oh hooray they put out a checkbook get suspicious because really large wealth is seldom transferred to a check it's always done to a wire and a wire is something you cannot see it just arrives in your account in that same spirit of the unseen transfer of the holy spirit when god who is already blessed hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings this isn't a tangible transfer this is a spiritual transfer who have blessed us who have put in our account all spiritual blessings and things that pertain unto life and godliness in christ jesus he has given us the root from which all things consist have been transferred to us you know you don't hear me the root of which all things consist have been transferred to us he has allocated it he has released it he has wired it he has transferred it not the thing but the thing that creates the thing not the car but the thing that creates the car not the healing but the healing the healer is all transferred in the spirit so your blessings come out they don't come in they come out they come out of what god has put in the bank account of your soul and in your spirit and down in the depths of your spirit blessed be god and the father of our lord jesus christ who have blessed us with all spiritual blessings this is why we ought not see churches just church we have not just seen worship it's just worship a routine a ritual or something that we go through it's when we get in the spirit it's when we get in the worship it's when we get lost in the presence of god that we become ineligible to receive a transfer you can't receive a transfer from god in carnality this is why moses veiled his face when he came down after experiencing the glory of god he veiled his face because moses had beheld the glory and the glory that he beheld he became he didn't hear that the glory he beheld he became the glory he beheld he became so the blessed be god said i'm gonna cause my goodness to pass by you and when the goodness passed by god put his hand over the place in the rock removed his hand and exposed moses to that glory and all of a sudden moses face started becoming what he was seeing oh my god can you imagine to see glory until glory gets in the pores of your skin and you become a lantern illuminated with the glory of god the bible said the brightness of the glory shone in the face of moses because he started becoming what he was looking at when moses comes down off the mountain his face is lit with the glory of god it is lit with the glory of god however the children of israel are dancing naked around the calf and moses veils his face because god will not share that kind of glory with somebody who is not elevated in that high place seeking him calling on him and so we don't just seek him to seek him call on him to call on him worship him because that's our church routine no no no we're trying to get to the mountain where the glory is passing by and there in the high places we become what we behold we become what we behold the bible says as he is so are we in this world so as we behold the wonder of his glory we become the wonder of his glory we start to change we start to go through a transfer and god has transferred without moses even asking for it just looking at it the transfer began to download into his skin until he started looking like what he had been looking at and people always looked like what they have been looking at eventually they start to pick up have you ever been around somebody and they have an expression uh like the old folks used to say something this milk ain't clean and i used to laugh at it and now as i get older i'll be looking to say something this milk ain't clean you become what you behold little little little idiosyncrasies you pick up from be whatever you look at you become that's why you got to be careful what you look at blessed be god who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings and things that pertain unto life and godliness in christ jesus he had blessed us tight right now i am blessed without looking at your checkbook without pulling out your wallet without calling your account without looking at your bank account uh without checking with anybody else just just write i am blessed why because if you are in the presence of god there's a constant transfer going on a peace of power of anointing of glory of wisdom it's just constantly you're becoming what you behold if you come down off the mountain and you're dancing naked around the calf in carnality you you you are exposed to it but you can't become it because god veils it and the transfer is closed my prayer for you tonight is that god would make a transfer that he would download a piece that passes all understanding that your joy would be full my prayer for you tonight is that you would see him as he is my prayer for you tonight is that you would know him in the fellowship of his suffering and the power of his resurrection because he wants to make a transfer into your life this is a message this is the way he greets the church at ephesus i mean he comes in teaching hello and he opens up the door and he immediately starts teaching them about what they have in christ jesus this you get from bible class you don't get this from wednesday night this you get from bible class and when i started talking about don't drop the mic i'm talking about this level of teaching passing on not just the transfers of cliches and slogans and things that come easily because you don't want to study and you just saw something on instagram you snatched it and you preached on it and you didn't really get the revelation out of it because it didn't lay in your womb and it wasn't birthed in your spirit you're just repeating uh classified information but it hasn't been revealed unto you you're just repeating classified information you're just leaking confidential information you don't even know what it means but you're just leaking information but when there's a transfer it it is attached to you did you know that the bible said the engrafted word of god is able to save your soul the word of god that sticks to you that becomes you that's engrafted engrafted in grafted is able to save your soul your emotions your mind your memory your attitude just by allowing the word of god to become engrafted that alone will lift you that alone will raise you that alone will fortify you that alone will strengthen you that alone will cause a deposit to come into you there's no way you can start reading god's word and read it continually and not become wiser and not become stronger and not become more resolute and not become more stable and not become better just better not perfect not perfect just better this is good it's good i want you to get this i want you to get this tonight and i want you to get it in your spirit who have blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in christ jesus in heavenly places in christ jesus so you got to come up to the mountain you got to come up to the higher place lord lift us up where we belong you want to come up to the high place you want to be where the transfer is being made it's not being made down low eagles don't make love in chicken coops they make love in the air it's in the hot places in the heavenly places where the transfer is made you have to get high enough that's why the enemy wants to keep you depressed and discouraged and confused and forlorn because he wants to keep you in the chicken coop where you can't get the transfer but if you spread your wings they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up on wings like eagles if you spread your wings and go up into the high places that's where the transfer is being made according as he have chosen us in him before the foundations of the world wait a minute he chose me before the foundations of the world the bible said according as he have chosen us in him before the foundations of the world before your mother met your your father before your grandmother met your grandfather god had already chosen you that we should be holy so he chose me before and then afterwards that we should be holy and without blame before him in love holy and without blame before him in love he chose me before he didn't chose me choose me because i was good or because i studied hard or he didn't choose me uh because my mother was good he chose me before the foundations of the world did you do you know you're chosen that you didn't just choose him but that he has chosen chosen you he says it later i think it's in john chapter 8 you have not chosen me i have chosen you god has chosen you before the foundations of the world so it couldn't have been through any goodness of your own something that you did some talent that you have some degree that you attain some accomplishment that you master oh that's good it's good i'm not against it but that's not why he chose you he chose you in him before the foundations of the world that might be why he blessed you with that gift and that information so that you could do what he chose you to do but he did not choose you because you were gifted he did not choose you because you were handsome he did not show you choose you because you were pretty he chose you before the foundation of the world and listen he equipped you with everything you need to do what he created you to do if you would have needed to be taller he would have made you taller if you would have needed to be more handsome he would have made you more hands he gave you everything you need to do what he chose you to do before the foundations of the world transfer glory to god transfer now this is good this is good let's get into this because i want to get into this with you that we should be holy and without blame before him in love now wait a minute in our flesh we're neither one we're neither holy or without blame before him in love in our flesh having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by jesus christ to himself do you know that jesus came to adopt us into the royal family that we would have no right to be an heir of the promise that we are heirs of the prophets as isaac was we are heirs of the promise of god jesus came to adopt us into the royal family to to bring us into you have come into something that's so much bigger than the people in your church and who likes you and who doesn't like it who thought your dress was too short and and who said something that hurt your feeling that's not what i'm talking about that's not what i'm talking about he brought you into the royal family the the ancient of days the royal family had said which is and was and is to come he brought you into something that is so much bigger than the things that you're complaining about being adopted now now now when you're born you you get what you got you get what you got you know some people have a baby and you look over in the crib and you say oh that's all you can say because whatever you had that's what you got but when you adopt you choose paul is way weighing heavy on this thing that you have been selected he picked you out and said i want that one and i want her and i want him and they should be mine before the foundations of the world having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by jesus christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will it he not this is hard to get he did not adopt you because of your need he adopted you according to his good pleasure it pleased him to do it it please do you see oh you don't see you don't see it pleased him to bring you in it pleased him to snatch you from the gates of hell it pleased him to pull you away from the trap that the enemy had for you it pleased him to give you a second chance it pleases god it pleases god i know it pleases you too it pleases me it pleases me it gives me joy we dance we shout about it we clap about it but he did it according to his good pleasure which he had purpose in himself that's why he did it he did it according to his good pleasure of his according to the good pleasure of his will of his will of his will of his will to the praise of the glory of his grace wherein he had made us accepted in the beloved i love that right there i love that right there can i read that again i want to read that again i i love that uh because i think uh that it is powerful and and i think it is important to the praise of the glory of his grace to the pray that we should be so happy about his grace that that's all we talk about wherein he have made us accept it in the beloved so many people are busy running around doing things trying to be accepted they change their hair to be accepted they change their clothes trying to be accepted they changed the way they talked trying to be accepted they changed the way they dressed trying to be accepted they changed churches trying to be accepted they changed cities trying to be accepted do you not know you're already accepted in the beloved so whoever rejected you don't spend time focus on who rejected you spend time rejoicing over the who accepted you you are accepted in the beloved you are accepted in the blood i don't know why we spend time trying to talk god out of loving us oh lord you know you oh i'm not worthy and oh god i'm not here the bible says he's already accepted you in the beloved come into agreement with the fact that you belong right here you belong with him that you are accepted in the beloved oh preacher not me yes you accepted in the blood if you're a born again believer you are accepted in the blood i'm not perfect yet you are accepted in the blood it means something to be accepted to be accepted to be just to be accepted in the beloved to know that you are accepted there's nothing like going into a house where you're not welcome you can feel it the moment you come into the door come on in have a seat and you know they said have a seat but they don't really mean it it's totally different when you walk into a house where they open up the door and say oh you're here i couldn't wait for you to get here you know you're accepted you come right in there's a whole different atmosphere that comes just from knowing that you are accepted in the beloved i may not be accepted in the clique i may not be accepted in the club i may not be accepted in the choir i may not be accepted by my friends i may not be accepted by the saints but i am accepted in the beloved and if you're going to be around jesus you got to deal with me because i am accepted where in wow oh i am accepted in the beloved this speaks to my uh my state and not my standing this speaks to my position and not my condition this speaks to my location and not my frustration this says that i am in the beloved i am accepted in the beloved i'm not standing at the door knocking i'm in the house i am accepted in the beloved oh that's shouting stuff right there but better than just shouting of it for you to know that you're accepted in the beloved changes the way you come boldly to the throne of grace that you may obtain mercy and find grace to help in the time of need how come you come in boldly because you're accepted you're accepted in the beloved and i want you to type right now i am accepted i'm not trying to be accepted i'm not waiting to be accepted i'm not hoping to be accepted i'm not giving to be accepted i'm not living to be accepted i'm not praying to be accepted i as a believer have accepted in the blood if you're not a believer don't you know that the arms of the lord were stretched wide on calvary opening up his arms towards you that you could come and be accepted in the beloved he wants to accept you right now in him oh but i was on drugs and i was in jail i don't he knows all of that you can't tell god anything about you that he doesn't know you are accepted in the beloved and we're going to get into that a little bit more because i think there's something about it that you need to know and that you need to understand about your position is in christ not around him a lot of people are happy to be around the things of god but they're not in them they like to be around the people of god they like to be around the choir they can sing so they get in the choir and we just accept them but us accepting you in the choir does not mean you're accepted in the beloved only christ can accept you into the beloved only christ can adopt you into the royal family only christ can put the mark on you that seals you as one of his that's what the holy spirit does it seals you with the family crest the insignia that says to the world and to satan that this person belongs to god like a slave being branded you belong to god know ye now that your body belongs to god that your body is the temple of the holy ghost you have been sealed by the holy spirit unto the day of redemption to let every demon know that you're accepted in the blood take your hands off satan i belong to god i feel faith leaping up in somebody's heart right now i don't know who it is but i feel faith coming up in somebody's heart in whom we have redemption through his blood we're not trying to get redemption we're not hoping for redemption we're not waiting on redemption you know they got properties now that you can rent till you own them and you can rent to own and you don't really own it until you made the last payment if you made the last payment then the deed is transferred no god has transferred the deed before the payment is ever made you didn't hear that god has transferred the deed before the payment was ever made before you started bible class before you started fasting before you started praying before you you started doing whatever you started doing all those things are wonderful but that's not why he he did it you are his before your circumcised circumcision is the sign of the covenant it is not the covenant baptism is the sign of the covenant it is not the covenant the covenant is something that happens on the inside of you where you are accepted in the beloved this is good in whom we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace not according to the wretchedness of the sin or the type of sin it was but according to the riches of his grace the riches of his grace god blessed be god the riches of his grace is rich enough to afford to atone for the sins of man the hell hasn't made a chain that god couldn't break a habit that he couldn't deliver you from a sin that he couldn't set you free from you've been accepted into the blood into the blood for the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace this is good wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence wherein he had abounded toward us now because we are accepted in the blood because our sins have been remitted because he has opened up to us he has abounded toward us and all wisdom and prudence his providence his plan his purpose for your life he's abounded towards you if any man like wisdom let him ask of god who giveth liberally as he will and upbraid if not god will give you wisdom transferred into you and you think you're getting smarter it's not coming from you it's coming from him the wisdom is coming down from above the wisdom that said don't go out there tonight the wisdom to say go back in the house the wisdom that said hold your peace a lot of times that is god through the transfer giving you the wisdom how to navigate through situations in your life on your job with people when to be silent when to hold your peace when to speak up is this a good time lord the early church the early church as they moved particularly i'm thinking of david as he moved he didn't go to battle without asking god shall i go up he didn't go about because he was angry or because he was hurt shall i go up he prayed because he wanted permission to do because you can only conquer when he's given you permission to conquer shall i go up and when the lord said go up he attacked them good god of mercy wonder what would happen if we would really start consulting god before we went after things or after people or after friendship or after properties and we just started saying god i only want it if you want me to have it i don't want a friend you don't want me to have i don't want a job you don't want me to have i don't want a relationship you don't want me to have you pick my friends i've messed up enough lord knows i have i have messed up enough that at this stage in my life i want you to choose my company i want you to choose who i do business with i want you to choose where i laid my head i want you involved in everything i do anybody out there other than me is it just me or have you done enough dumb things that you're now ready for god to take over the navigational system of your life that he can prove his wisdom that he might grant unto you all wisdom and prudence that you might have a real understanding of who you are in christ jesus does that sound good to you duh that sounds good to me that sounds good to me that sounds good to me that sounds real good to me and if you begin to understand that's going to help you it's going to help you in your life and in your soul and in your spirit yes it will yes it will yes it will that's my favorite verse right here having made known unto us the mystery of his will having made known unto us now this is where it becomes declassified he chose me and him i don't remember but he chose me in him before the foundations of the world he picked me out that i should be holy and without playing before him in love he did all of that before i ever even got here but at some point in my living he taps me on the shoulder and having made known unto us the mystery of his will that is the declassification of classified information the point when god says i can trust you enough to tell you why you're here having made known unto us the mystery of his will is a mystery it's a novel it's a suspense thriller his will is a whodunit his wheel is such a mystery it's a draped painting it's a covered statue having made known as an apocalypse it is an unveiling of that which has been hidden and as god unveils it to you all of a sudden you get a sense of the mystery of his will why does that matter with that comes contentment with that comes the the need the lack of a need to compare yourself with other people because what he has will for me is not what he has will for you i'm amazed at people on social media telling me what i ought to preach and what i ought to say and what i ought to speak out about what i ought to do people are masterful and meddling at stuff that's none of their business they're masterful at telling you what you ought to do and they don't know what to do with what they got but they know what you ought to do with something that god didn't even give them i don't need him to tell you i need him to make it known unto me having made known unto us the mystery of his will there is a mystery there is a mystery to his will there is a mystery that sometimes at the moment you don't understand it you don't understand why the job closed you don't understand why you lost the house you don't understand why the baby died you don't understand why your best friend broke your heart it's a mystery but eventually god will make known unto you the mystery of his will i'm going to take a moment and just stop for a moment and pray for people who are in a state of confusion in a state of confusion so many people talking to you speaking into your life you don't know what to do stop all the noise in your life and be still and know that god is god and god wants to make known unto you the mystery of his will and all you got to do is when he makes it known under you is agree with oh no god i can't oh no i'm too young oh no i don't want to be bothered with him i don't know they they're going to talk about me oh no they never like me god doesn't want to hear all of those excuses i can't talk lord i stutter when i speak lord i get god don't want to hear your excuses he wants you to line up with the mystery of his will his will is a mystery who god chooses is a mystery how he uses us is a mystery doors he opens is a mystery but god said i will not leave you in the dark about it i will let you know the mystery of his will i will declassify the information somebody right now needs to be to have declassification i break the bondage i break the bondage i break the confusion i break the depression i break the fear i break the feeling of being lost i break through the feelings of depression and all of the garbage that satan has tried to pull down on top of you to drown you so that you could not see up and you could not see out and you could not see the mystery of his will god is about to open your eyes that you can see the mystery of his will for your life so you'll be happy to be you satisfied to be you satisfied with your gifting satisfied with your congregation satisfied with who you married satisfied with your children satisfied with your life the only way you can do that is not because they're so good it's not because you don't want other things the only way you can become satisfied is to understand this is a part of the mystery of his will the mystery of his will doesn't mean that you get to design your life if we got to design our lives and explain the garden of gethsemane when christ goes into the garden and he says if it be i will pass this bitter cup from me he didn't want to go to the cross then he says not my will but thine be done he surrenders to the mystery of his wheel doesn't always bring you into green pastures sometimes it brings you into three nails and a tree but if it brings you into three nails in a tree it will also bring you to an empty tomb the mystery of his will says i won't get you anything that i won't get you out of having made known unto us having made known unto us having made known unto us having made known unto us i call it declassified declassified declassified declassified let me in on the secret the bible said the secret of the lord is with them that love him and he will show them his covenant god wants to expose you to the mystery of his will wow i'm gonna let that sink in god wants to declassify you know how sometimes in the government that have classified information classified information the press can't get it the world can't get it it's classified and then sometimes after many many years they will declassify the information and make it known god said they're from the foundations of the world i had classified information on the role you were to play of the accomplishments you were to have of the peaks you were to reach of the places you were able to climb and at a certain point if you praise me for my grace and for my glory i will whisper in your ear and make known the mystery of his will i will whisper in your ear and say elijah what doest thou hear you don't have a business in this cave you're not to die in this cave jezebel is not going to kill you get your oil and start anointing elisha to be a prophet in my stead haziel and jayu to be king over syria and israel i'm not through using you just because somebody doesn't like you just because you're feeling terrified or just because you're lonely or just because your heart is broken or just because you're going through a bad time you will not die in this cave come out of this cave i want to whisper in you i want to whisper to you having made known unto you unto us the mystery of his will is one of the most precious things you could ever have in your life is knowing it's great to be a believer it's wonderful wonderful to be a believer i'm so glad i'm a believer and there are certain things i just embrace my faith i can't see it i don't know how i don't know when i don't know where but i embrace it by faith but this is not about believing this is about knowing god says i will take you from believing to knowing having made known unto us having made known this is the role you are to play this is why you were created this is a child that only you can raise this is the church that you can pastor this is a book that you are the right having made known unto us the mystery of his will and all of a sudden once you've had that encounter with god your whole attitude changes because you go from thinking to believing to knowing i think so i believe so i know so which one sounds stronger to you i think so believe so i know so this is not something that you can provoke now let's let's be honest you can't make him tell you declassify what he has decided to keep classified he decides what you are ready to know and at the point you are ready to know he will tell you for jeremiah he was 17 years old when the lord said before i formed thee in the belly i knew thee i ordained me i sanctified thee to be a prophet unto the nations you know what that is that's god telling him why he's here god wants to declassify the information to bring you into an understanding of why you are here and why you are gifted and why you are created and why why you think the way you do why you enjoy being around people or why you don't enjoy being around people or why you have a voice to say or why you have an ability to speak and articulate he wants to make known unto you the mystery of his will some of the mystery is hidden in the gifts that he gave you i want you to sit down and write five gifts that he's given you and it's gonna be hard for some of you it's gonna be easy you can rate 50 gifts but for some of you it's going to be hard not because you don't have five gifts you're not used to acknowledging what you have you're used to acknowledging what everybody else has you have been trained to acknowledge what you don't have but we're going to reverse it oh that's stiff we're going to reverse that vibe we're going to turn that rusty mouth to get you to acknowledge what you have been blessed with five things that you have been blessed with it could be a work ethic it could be a good writer it could be a good thinker it could be a good discerner of people it could be a gift of giving it could be a gift of compassion it could be a good bedside manner for taking care of people that are healed it could be a good organizer it could be a good leader it could be a good motivator it could be a good supporter of somebody i don't like to be upfront but i'm good at supporting who's up front i want you to write five things that god has given you as a talent this five who is that comfortable for some of you isn't it to acknowledge what you have because you have been trained to acknowledge what you don't have and acknowledge what other people have but when it comes to seeing the value of being you you got butterflies in your stomach don't you five five things and god wants to take those five things that you wrote from i think when you get me i think you get one two three four five later when you get me i believe you get one two three four five still more mature when you get me i know you will get one two three four five i think i believe i know do you know what you have been given having made known unto us the mystery the mystery of his will sometimes the hardest thing in the world for me to see it's me if you were in the room right now i could see you i can see the room i can see the lights i can see my computer i can see everything around me the thing i have the trouble seeing is me because eyes don't float backwards they float forward so i can see you easier than i can see me but this time we're gonna flip the eyes around close your eyes and we're going to see you you spend way too much time seeing other people and what they got and way too much time spent spending your life seeing what you didn't get i don't want you to waste another parcel of energy on what you didn't get and what you don't have i'm asking you to have the courage to flip your eyes around and see what you have been given because as as i see what has been given to me i get some sense of what i am supposed to do if i if i go in the kitchen and and and and i see flour and i see butter and and i see ice water and and i see and uh but i don't see any eggs and i don't see any milk so i know i'm not supposed to be making a cake because there's no eggs and there's no milk i haven't been given that but what could i take with the flour and the ice water and the butter i could i could let me see i could make pack grass i could do that how do you know you could make a pie crust because i know what's in it and i have i think i have let me go look because i believe i believe i do then i go look i say i know i can do that going through what you have been given gives you clues to the mystery of this i'm almost finished i'm almost finished i hope you're getting something out of this let's let's rehearse it let's see let's rehearse it i think i believe i know in between believe and know is declassification i know how do you know he made known he made known unto me the mystery of his will come on we're gonna do a couple more verses that in the dispensations of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in christ both which are in heaven and which are on earth even in him who god thinks be i thought he was trying to connect me to my church or to the choir or to the willing the fried chicken committee or the cake bacon society no no he's trying to connect me to the whole thing the whole thing of things in heaven and in earth i am a part of something so much bigger than me bigger than my error bigger than my times bigger than my language bigger than my ethnicity bigger than my country bigger than my denomination bigger than my affiliations he has brought me into this large things of that which is and was and is to come that which is eternal that which is physical he has brought me into the realm of something that is humongous have you ever praised god till you felt like you weren't alone have you ever started worshiping god till you felt like you were worshiping in the presence of angels when you get in the spirit you come into the presence of something bigger than yourself and god ties you in to things in earth and things in heaven he ties you in he connects you he connects you he brings you in to something so much bigger to the spirits of just man made perfect he brought you into something baby you don't know you think you're just watching youtube you think you're just watching facebook you think you're just going to wednesday night bible you have no idea he has brought you into something that is bigger than your clock that's bigger than your birthdays it's bigger than time itself he has brought you into an eternal strategy a role you are to play a role that only you can play he has brought you into it and it doesn't matter whether people think it's great or not it could be as small as the woman that was making beds at neyman's house and all of a sudden while she was making beds a little maid turned and told him i would to god that she would go to israel there he is a prophet in israel and because of that woman telling him that naaman's leprosy was cleansed god used a maid go to the next village and there you will find a cult tied to a post god used a code he knew where the cult was he used a maid he used two fish and five loaves of bread he used with samson the jawbone of an ass with the children of israel he used a rock that moses smoked and water came out don't you tell me god can't use you don't you tell me that god doesn't have a plan if he playing the rock and he playing the jawbone of an ass and it would be right there that it would dive right there that it would dry up right there so that when samson came by and he was fighting the philistines he said i need the job on to be right there because i'm gonna use that to bring out every little thing about you ties into something bigger than you that's right when the devil messes with you he don't know what he's messing with he's messing with the plans and the purpose of god messing with the plans and the purpose of god that's why he can't win there's no way you can win because i'm in the will he can't win because i'm in the will i'm in the wheel did you read it while ago i'm in the will i'm in the will i'm in the wheel i'm in the strategy of god i'm in the mind of god i'm in the thoughts of god i'm in the purpose of god according as he had purpose i'm in the purpose of god he purposed me he willed me he graced me he sanctified me he declared me righteous that we should be holy and without blame before him in love he had to give it to me i couldn't give it to myself he had to do all of it salvation is of the lord deliverances of the lord peace is of the lord power is of the lord direction is of the lord some of you need direction right now direction comes from the lord acknowledge him in all thy ways and he shall direct thy path you need direction desperately but you don't acknowledge him i acknowledge him in all our ways you don't acknowledge him with your lips with your life with your living with your giving when you acknowledge god in all your ways the bible said he will direct my path and you need direction right now only god can give it oh i love this book of ephesians because this book is not for everybody this is not for the faithless this is for the faithful this is not for the people who are going to wander in the wilderness and die this is for people who are going to possess the promised land this is to the new testament what joshua was to the old testament this is not for wimps this is for people who are going to possess the things of god who are going to say that's mine god's given it to me who are going to march around walls until they crumble who know that god that blessed be god who have blessed us with all spiritual blood this is for people who are going to claim their inheritance this is for people who are going to have good success this is the new testament book of joshua this is for the people who are going to drive out the hittites and the jebusites and the ammonites and all the other heights that are standing in the way of you possessing what god has predestined for you to have good god of my predestined i have done what i've done because he predestined me to do it i have whatever i have because he predestined me to do it i married who i married because he predestined me to do it pretty that's fine we're gonna get into it let me let me take you just a little bit further just a little bit just a little bit don't get tired of me don't get tired don't get tired don't get tired that in the dispensation of the fullness of time he might gather together in one all things in christ both which are in heaven and which are on the earth even in him in whom we have obtained an inheritance good god of mine i felt that i'm sorry i felt that in my soul in whom we have obtained an inheritance in it just by being in in whom we have obtained an inheritance i told you it was going to be a transfer i told you god's transferring into your life blessings are being transferred into your life throw your hands up right now and and receive your inheritance receive it in your life receive it in your spirit receive it in your wisdom receive it in your walk i think i believe no i know i want you to hear that again because that's too good in whom we have obtained an inheritance an inheritance in air attempts you're in the air you're an air where inside in air attempts inheritance inheritance healing inheritance prosperity inheritance wholeness inheritance confidence inheritance if you're an heir of it it's it's in there it's in there it's in there receive it right now lift your hands and open your mouth i want everything to open your mouth and start praising god right now open your mouth as you receive your inheritance receive your inheritance receive it possess your land possess your peace possess your body possess your power possess your healing possess your delivery possess your strength possess your integrity possess it receive it it's yours my god i felt somebody slain in the holy spirit let him use you you just caught something you just caught your inheritance oh god in whom also we have obtained an inheritance you have obtained an inheritance you didn't work for it you didn't earn it you didn't labor for it you didn't tarry for it you just obtained and it's wired he wired it he wired it to you you received it in a wire it was revealed in a whisper we are coming into a time of declassification that the tale will be the head of the last shall be first and things are about to switch up because we are coming into a declassification of that which was hidden from the foundations of the world god has now revealed and made manifest to us in these last days you have obtained an inheritance somebody's going to walk into a blessing right after somebody go walk right into it and receive it right now in the name of jesus by the power who goes i don't know who i'm talking to but i'm talking to somebody and you know i'm talking to you you feel it in your spirit your spirit is leaping up and down you've received an inheritance you know it on the inside you might not see it in your house yet you may not see it on your job you might not be in your checkbook but it's in your spirit let me read this again in whom also we have obtained an inheritance being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the council of his own will pre-destiny that's that i was uh doing an interview earlier today and i was doing an interview with some of the cast uh from from my movie seven deadly scenes it's coming out on lifetime and and we were doing an interview for the press and and and one of the actresses said see i asked each one what was her favorite scene she said my favorite scene is the last scene to play in the movie but in actuality i shot it first [Laughter] ah i was jumped out of my skin i was jumped out of my skin it didn't come till last but she actually shot it first pre destined the end was determined from the beginning they shot the last scene first and then they put it in sequence and what the viewer sees last the actress played first god has pre which means before destined which means ending and that means that god has fixed the ending before obtain your inheritance i hope you can ingest this information but not not now wait wait wait i want to go just a little bit who worketh all things somebody say working jesus is working working jesus working working jesus working work at jesus working work at jesus working work at jesus working he worketh all things good things bad things painful things hurtful things depressing things positive thing he worketh all things after the counsel of his own will hallelujah of his own will he's working at all things after the council of his own will not according to your demands and your frustrations and your temper tantrums and your pity party he worketh all things he worketh all things all things according to the council of his will something broke tonight i felt it something got released tonight i sensed it i think i believe new i know if annoying has come into your spirit i want you to lift your hands and just worship him just for a moment just for 60 seconds for 60 seconds i want nothing but worship hands raised or typing praise or emojis just for 60 seconds remember pray 50 seconds nothing but praise 30 seconds 30 seconds come on come on 25 seconds none but pray number praise number praise 15 seconds numbered praise 10 suckers none but pray praise praise just praising praising for what you receive and inherited five seconds nothing but praise four three two one shout unto god a transfer has been made and he is going to work all things as he has purposed in himself after that let me get it just exactly the way he said it in whom we have obtained an inheritance being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the council of his own will well i want to read let me read can i read just one more just one more drop down in verse 18 just for a minute that the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling and what is the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints that the eyes of your understanding not outlighting might be enlightened turn your eyes around look in how much god is placed down inside of you because that's what he's going to work with where could jesus work at jesus work at jesus that's what he's gonna work here that's how it's gonna work work at jesus now you're gonna have peace tonight you're going to have an assurance tonight because there is a declassification where god is unveiling he is unveiling that which has been hidden that which has been hidden is now being declassified to buy the house or not by the house to move and not move to start the business and not start the business to open the church and not open the church to build or to plant to pluck up to plug down it's being declassified father in this moment as we bow our heads before you and the presence of god is absolutely here we can't work with what we do not know declassify for us your purpose in our lives your plan your way your will your word declassified so that we can come into divine alignment particularly right now we need divine alignment with what you have pre-destined to happen in our lives and every promise of god is yeah amen and we believe you for whatever it is so in jesus name amen just before i close tonight just before i close tonight just before close tonight i feel an anointing on a declassification of an on an unveiling on a release of truth and i'm gonna give you an opportunity everybody don't have to do it those of you that sense the presence of the holy spirit and this word was for you speak in the areas of your life where you need clarity and you need a declassification where it is revealed unto you that which has been hidden that which has been uh uh uh not shown before uh that which has been covered up that it's gonna be declassified i want you so i want you to say whatever the holy spirit said disobey him and let me obey him obey him obey him declassify i want to come into a place of peace where i understand that you are going to work it you're going to work it you're going to work that i have this child you're going to work it then i'm in this place you're going to work it that i'm in this city you're going to work it what i need to happen for me to move you're going to work it for me to get the promotion you're going to work all things after the council of your own will i want to be in alignment i may have to shut up where i've been talking too much i may have to speak up where i've been too quiet i want to be in it i want it revealed under me having made known under me the mystery of your will open it up and i want to go from i think so do i believe so to i know so declassification in this moment in this second the safest place for me is in your perfect will i don't want to be in your permissive wheel if there be such a thing i don't want to be in my wheel i'm tired of manipulating things i want to be in your perfect will and even as i sow tonight i pray god that you would give me confidence in those five things i wrote down tonight that i think so i i believe bring me into i know that you have given me this and out of this i can make that that that and the other i sow into what you have sown into me i i plant into what you have planted into me i give out of what you have given to me find something to give if you don't have nothing to give give us all give a noise give a shout give a pray find something to give in this moment because something has been given to you you have obtained an inheritance blessed be god and the father of our lord jesus christ who have blessed us you're blessed you're blessed now the givers are giving and the swords are sowing and there are some people who love to sow you don't have anything too so i just want you to type in the line i'm blessed as soon as you give just type i'm blessed i'm blessed i'm blessed i'm blessed i want you to say it till it becomes easier to say it's so much easier to say i'm lonely i'm tired i'm frustrated i'm in pain i'm hurt i'm forgotten i'm rejected i'm ugly i'm ostracized i'm too tall i'm too thin i'm too fat i'm too this i'm too that no no no none of that negative stuff i'm blessed i'm blessed i'm blessed i'm blessed to sing i'm blessed to sow i'm blessed to write i'm blessed to care i'm blessed to to share i'm blessed to be able to work by myself i'm blessed to be able to deal with different kinds of people whatever it is just start writing things that you're blessed with can we take just the last few minutes and just feel just fill up my comments with things you are blessed with that you know you are blessed with oh you are you ain't got the courage you ain't got the courage sound too much you don't want nobody think you're bragging this is not bragging this is boasting in the lord i know i can deal i know i can clean i know i can help i know i can lead i know i can teach i want you to declare it till all doubt moves i think so um that ain't gonna do it i believe so no that's not gonna do it i know so and i want you to sow a seed that you're gonna walk in the knowledge that god has declassified in your life there may be more that he's gonna declassify later to the degree that he has declassified in your life walk in that walk in what you know you can't walk in what you're waiting on walk in what you know god as we sow into you it is just to acknowledge that you have sown into us and that we have obtained an inheritance and whatever we're given tonight is just a receipt to acknowledge the fact that we have obtained we got it right now an inheritance bless it be god and the father our lord jesus christ who have blessed us with all spiritual blessings and things that pertain unto life and godliness in christ jesus god has blessed you and not only did he bless you he's made it known unto you it's been declassified you can't use what you don't know you now know you are accountable for what you know i call the message declassified because something can be there and be classified for years and nobody know it and then all of a sudden it be declassified and it is revealed thank you father for making known unto us the mystery of your will oh that's so good the praises are coming in the confessions are being tight the seeds are being sown and the harvest is coming to pass my god something has happened and it has been declassified i'm bishop tv jakes i know i am the senior pastor of the father's house i know i am the ceo of td jake's enterprises i know that i am an accomplished author i know i am called to be a great thinker a great carer giver for those who are hurting a great lover of the souls of men and women everywhere a great voice crying in the wilderness i know i am serena jake's husband i know i am the father of jermaine and jamar and corey and sarah and dexter jake's i know i know i am the child of mrs olive jakes and mr ernest jakes the baby boy mama's baby boy preaching daddy's gospel a living gospel to a dying world i know who i am now go tell the world who are you have a great night i enjoyed talking to you i hope you got some out of this i hope it stays when the class is over i hope it lingers i hope it stays with you i most of all i hope it fed you tonight i hope it fed the thing let's kicking down inside of you i hope you stirred your inheritance stirred up your gift and brought you from i think so i believe so that's right go ahead type it out and also god bless you have a great night [Music] peace you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 223,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, tdjakes, td jakes 2021, td jakes sermons 2021, wnbs, declassified, mystery of gods will
Id: B009kCiZwjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 37sec (4837 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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