Joyce Meyer: Stop Pretending to be Something You're Not | FULL TEACHING | Praise on TBN

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receiving jesus doesn't mean you're never going to have another problem matter of fact for a while you could have more because the devil's going to be going to be coming after you but your your worst day with jesus will still be better than your best day ever was without him because when you have him you're never alone start us off before i start picking on you joyce yeah that's just for you what are we talking about get us started the way you want to start us well were you wanting to say something i was going to ask you why did you write this book well frankly i'm tired of the phoniness i just think that especially christians get this idea that people are not going to think well of them unless they're always okay and everything's always wonderful and if you if you really start thinking about it almost every person you ask them how they are oh i'm fine praise the lord i'm fine or i'm good and you know i'd say better than 50 of the time that's just not true they're going through something they're hurting they've got a headache or whatever and i understand we don't want to spill our guts to everybody you know that comes along and in a way we are fine if we're fighting spiritually but i just think that there's not a lot of real close honest relationships anymore and i think if we want to have better relationships lori says to me how are you joyce i mean i should be able to say to her you know i went through a real rough time last week blah blah blah with this and that and but i know that god's going to take care of it i've been doing a work on a devotional on psalms and it's really came clear to me in reading the psalms david was so brutally honest with god about how he felt i mean he did not hold back how he felt but he always ended the psalm always ends with but i know you'll take care of me i i know you love me but i think we need i just think we need to be more honest with one another i mean do we really think that jonah was fine when he was in the whale's belly or that job was fine when he had all those boils and so i just think i think we need to start being more honest okay um authentic and uniquely you authentically uniquely use the name of the book but talking about the subject of authenticity before we started talking my angle on this was when are you too authentic because you even alluded to just now you said you know you don't want to just spill your guts to everyone every time but there should be a new awareness of authenticity it seems like it's sweeping through it's feels like a very timely fresh subject and fresh book so 100 percent we need to break this down but you can go too far where you just dread to even ask a person how are you doing because you know you're going to get a big uh regurgitation of bad well there's the other side of that where people just do nothing but complain and murmur about everything and that's another that's a whole different set of problems than what we're talking about here and the other reason why people are not honest with each other and authentic is because and i hate to say it this way but there's just not a lot of people that you can trust anymore right with your secrets and so if i say to you you know one of my kids is going through something right now it's really been hard for me you know i don't want to say that to you unless i'm pretty sure that you're not going to get on facebook or twitter or on the phone and oh man you should hear what what joyce is going through so i think we have a double problem if we're going to be more authentic with each other obviously you have to pick who you feel like you can trust to do that with feels like what you're doing is you're wanting to if we use the old analogy of a road one ditch is basically being a gossip right and the other ditch is being so scared to tell anybody anything that you're going through that you're cloistered in the ivory tower and you never get any help or anything going on so you've got this you know the two ditches we need to stay on the road of authenticity so what is authenticity you've just written a book about it what kind of give us the the truth about what the what what we're really if i'm an authentic person okay i'm going to be the same in the grocery store in the bank in the supermarket as i am sitting right here on this platform okay i'm not i'm not going to say one thing when people are watching and then do another when i think nobody's watching because god is always watching and jesus had a lot of scathing words for the phonies he did not like phoniness and that was what he told the real religious scribes and pharisees you tell everybody else what to do but you don't do it yourself and [Music] i think we have i you know i'm a pretty real person anyway so this is kind of not real hard for me if i could be accused of being you know too real sometimes but um i have a real hard time with people that are always fine and always okay and they never have a problem and i think those are the kind of people that can really make other people think i must really be messed up you know because i've got i've got some problems but everybody i talk to is always perfectly fine and i don't think the reason why i put those two subjects together is you can't be authentic until you accept your own uniqueness okay see they go together it's like i have to accept myself and be okay with it i'm not like i'm not like lori i'm not like you you know i'm not this or that and if you don't accept that then you become not authentic in that you're always pretending to be something that you're not and boy how much of that do we have you know it's like yeah you know there's there's nothing more refreshing than being around someone that you know is going through something really hard but their attitude is is still upbeat they still have the joy of the lord and you know that they're going through some tough stuff that's what i think is so amazing to be around people that are full of the holy spirit that still have that peace they have that calm and are the same and i think that's really you said in a nutshell what god wants us to show to the world he he wants us to show them that yes we have problems just like you do but there is a different way to handle those problems the apostle paul never one time told the believers that he would pray for their problems to go away never you can't find a place where he said he would pray for their problems to go away he he said he prayed for them that they would bear their trouble with good temper that they would maintain a good attitude so we're not helping anybody say who doesn't know jesus who's already got an attitude that christians are you know goody two-shoes and really fakes and phonies we're not helping them by acting like oh you know if if you serve god then everything in life is gonna come up roses and you're never ever ever gonna have a problem i tell people when i do altar calls that receiving jesus doesn't mean you're never gonna have another problem right matter of fact for a while you could have more because the devil's gonna be gonna be coming after you but your your worst day with jesus will still be better than your best day ever was without him because when you have him you're never alone i'm i'm wanting to um define our conversation a little bit from a male perspective if you are not being truly authentic then you would that you'd fall into the ditch of being a phony on one side and fall into the ditch of being just a chronic complainer on the other side okay so if those are the two ditches and we're down the road and we're trying to get to this authentic unique me we we gotta stay on the road and so earlier um before we were actually uh started this broadcast we were kind of you were kind of picking on me and then you thought i was picking on you and then and then we got to the point of me saying something like um if if if somebody uh is dressed up for dinner and you okay i know but i didn't want to use you as the example but you're wanting permission to be because you have a paint brush in your hand that you might stick me in the neck with so if she comes out and we're ready to go to dinner and i don't particularly like what she's wearing it's not appropriate to say hey i don't like what you're wearing that doesn't seem kind it doesn't seem all sorts of stuff and then you started correcting me by saying well listen if you're being truly authentic it means what there there's there's ways to be tempered and stay out of the two ditches of just complaining all the time well hey you look terrible in that that's kind of brutal yeah we're not talking about brutality right but there's a there's a way there's a way to say things in wisdom most of the time and i don't know if you do this story but i'll ask dave do you like this yes does this look good on me yes well if you're asking for an opinion then you should be ready yes to take the truth okay and so i don't i may really like something but i don't really want to be wearing something around all evening if i'm going to be with dave if he doesn't like it right i mean i want to look good for him and there are many times when i will go and change my clothes because he doesn't particularly like something that i have on even though i love it and don't understand why he doesn't like it that i think that's just that's just being honest you know i don't know if that's authentic so much as it is honest okay even at your age you care still oh yeah okay yeah david i've been married 54 years but i still care i want him to like the way i look and think i'm pretty and you know and by the way you look amazing yeah i was gonna i'm trying to be authentic you look fantastic right now and i mean just well done and you know you seem to be getting younger so uh good job on whatever vitamins and exercise you're doing coming up on praise why because if you really want to do the right thing you can't do it so god what's the problem here and he said well you don't love yourself we can't make use of the uniqueness that god has given us if we keep trying to be like somebody else and that goes for men as much as for women men just won't admit it he loves me so i can give love to others but i can't do that if i don't love myself well we live in an age where so many women believe their value comes from how they look or how many likes they get on social media in my new book i want to help you break free from the need to impress others and discover your worth and value in christ god didn't create you to imitate someone else he created you to be authentically uniquely you authentically uniquely you now available wherever books are sold you started bringing up a subject i think earlier too about as you get a little older you get into the retirement phase-ish of your life you start feeling like you've earned the right to be a little more opinionated uh talk about that for a minute inside the context of uh authentically unique well i heard this statement i really like it you're never truly free until you no longer have a need to impress anyone i say i love that i love that and at my stage of life 45 years in ministry at this point very successful ministry i don't need to try to impress anybody i am what i am and you're either going to like me or you're not and you know i believe that god gives me favor but there's always going to be somebody that's not going to like you right and so um it's because they don't know you yeah i just think there's so much problem with people comparing themselves with other people trying to be something that they're not and it makes them miserable i mean i tell all my stories about when god was trying to teach me how to be me and i had a lady that lived next door to me that was miss arts and crafts and she made her family's clothes and had a garden and all these things and i mean i dave had to sew his own buttons on his shirts i just wasn't good at all that stuff oh i tried first i tried to be like her i got a sewing machine i took lessons and so here i'm sitting and doing something i hate i hated every minute of it just to prove that i was a normal woman and i was normal i was just my version of normal yeah you know we don't have to all be like somebody else to be okay and i think that one of the biggest problems that people have is they just don't like who they are wow they just do not like themselves and you can't you know i was when i first started really hearing the word i kept hearing all these messages about loving people loving people loving people loving people and i really wanted to but i just had a hard time doing it and i couldn't figure out why because if you really want to do the right thing you can't do it so god what's the problem here and he said well you don't love yourself you can't give away what you don't have so god loves us first and then loving yourself in a balanced way it really just means accepting god's love you're just you're accepting what he's giving you as a gift and there's so much that god tries to give us that we don't accept right standing with him through christ is another one how many people spend most of their life feeling guilty when guilt is really just our useless way of trying to pay for our sins when jesus has already paid for them and so whatever god gives us it basically does us no good if we won't receive it so when you receive it that's when it starts to really work in your life and become real and we should have the right to be real with each other i don't have to feel bad because i can't do what you do or i don't look what the way you look or you know whatever the case might be if somebody's a little bit weighs a little more than this person you know we don't have to be jealous of each other we don't have to dislike somebody because we think they've got something better than us we don't have to try to be like them and even in the church setting you know i mean i know we had a woman come to our church and she was an intercessor and she got up every morning at four and prayed for five hours and so i said that's it man that's the key i'm gonna do that i'm gonna get up and well i got up five minutes later i was asleep on the floor but i'm not gonna go tell anybody that see you just can't do what somebody else is doing you can only do what god anoints you for right and so i i think the whole point of this book is for us to have better relationships but also to be free from all this comparison and trying to be what you're not and then then it gets into people pleasing and how often do we do things that we absolutely do not want to do and don't even feel like we're supposed to do just to keep somebody else happy with us i see uh in your book you write it this way which is kind of what you've been talking about over the last few minutes what others think of you isn't nearly as important as what you think of yourself right okay and um and that's just knowing that you're loved by god and that he's created me this way well okay let me just ask you a question do you like yourself most times well i mean yes but see there's a difference i'm not asking if you like everything you do right okay i'm asking you if you like yourself yeah and see i don't like everything i do but i do like myself and that's for some reason that sounds funny to people when you say that it's like it's this old religious thinking well i'm this terrible person and i'm a worm and i'm no good and i don't know why people love that but they don't like it if you like yourself i was in pennsylvania one time and i was preaching along these lines and i said i like myself well i spent a lot of years hating myself and i was miserable but i like myself because god created me with his own hand in my mother's womb yes amplified by what says carefully and intricately so what an insult to our creator to not like ourselves yeah if he took that kind of time in creating each one of us uniquely then the least we can do is show him the respect of liking what he created but in my sermon i said i like myself the next day it came out in the paper meyer says she likes herself well it was like obviously they didn't like it that i said that and made it sound like i was full of myself and that's that's not the case at all i mean god doesn't want us to hate ourselves he doesn't want us to be against ourselves we cannot give away what we don't have and god expects everything that he gives us i always say to you and through you he gives me forgiveness so i will give forgiveness to other people he gives me mercy so i can be merciful to others he loves me so i can give love to others but i can't do that if i don't love myself yeah so take that through the back door if i hated myself right hate everything about me i can't love everyone through that oh and and i did for years i hated myself i hated my voice i hated this i hated that and the whole thing with my voice is funny because now god blessed it all over the the universe and it is different it is unique but because of that it kind of grabs people's attention yeah i'll be out in the mall and somebody will say that voice i rec i know that you're joyce meyer you i can't hide because of my voice once i open my mouth it's all done and over with and so i hated my voice and yet god did god knows exactly what he's doing and he does things on purpose but we can't make use of the uniqueness that god has given us if we keep trying to be like somebody else and that goes for men as much as it goes for women men just won't admit it talk about that yeah well not you you don't have to say anything and i'm not picking on you at all because you're great male ego i mean we all know that it's there and i think god puts that in men just because of the position that they're supposed to have they don't want to ever look weak or needy but men you know i mean my husband is a golfer and he would never say this and i hope he doesn't watch this program you know you can't you can't tell me that if dave is playing with a bunch of really good golfers and he plays really bad that day that it doesn't bother him at all yeah because i know that it it does but he would not come home and say it really embarrassed me or you know where as women we might say that it would be hard for a man to say that but i think men have a lot of the same problems that women do it's just that they're less likely to ask for the help to fix it so when i golf and and i completely miss the ball and throw the club in the lake right that's more typical for me in regards to golfing the takeaway so far joyce is joyce meyer likes herself okay i like it that's the takeaway so far and we all know people because it's a common joke who we say amongst ourselves maybe to our spouses that person loves themselves when do you step over and fall into the ditch from liking yourself and that being appropriate to falling into the ditch and you love yourself what was that i didn't say to be in love with yourself i said to love yourself as god's creation yes i don't love what i do i may not like everything about you know the way i look or you know my hair is real baby fine i would love to have thicker hair so i could do little different things with my hair but hey this is what i got so you gotta make the best out of it but i'm not talking about being selfish and self-centered and being in love with yourself and expecting the whole world to revolve around you i'm talking about a healthy i'm really just talking about receiving the love of god and when i say i like myself i hope and pray that there's a few million people watching that decide well yeah maybe i can maybe i could do that too beautiful you know it's not god's will for people to god is for you he doesn't want you to be against you the devil's against you so when you're always just finding fault with yourself and feeling bad about yourself all the time the devil loves that he makes him and hell all of hell happy break down the in a little deeper the idea of liking yourself even loving yourself in the appropriate way and not liking or not loving what you do how do you separate that in your mind a long time ago god gave me this phrase your who is different than you're do okay hang on let me let me absorb that your who is different than you got it okay take your own kids i don't always like everything my kids do but i always love my kids yes well god's the same way he doesn't like everything we do but we're no surprise to god he knew everything that we were going to do before he ever invited us into relationship with him so he kind of just waiting for what he knows is already going to happen and he's already decided he's going to forgive us if we're willing to repent and so if you want to really want to use your faith for something use it to be free from guilt and condemnation i suffered so unbearably with with guilt because of the way i grew up and i'll even though my father was sexually abusing me somehow the enemy made me think it was my fault my goodness and there was something wrong with me so i had this little record playing in my head most of my life what's wrong with me what's wrong with me what's wrong with me so for me to come to the point i mean for me to come to the point where i can say i like myself and i know that i have faults and i but i also know that i love god and that i want to change and that i'm not where i need to be but thank god i'm not where i used to be and you you have to be able to see yourself in christ right you know like right now i'm studying holiness i've been on that kick for two or three weeks and because we don't hear enough about that yeah the bible says pursue holiness without which no man will see the lord so you know we've got a lot of excuse me sloppy christianity today where people tend to think that you know because of the grace of god they can get by with whatever and it's okay i mean like talked to somebody recently in the middle of getting a divorce living living with his girlfriend and he says to this other friend why don't we fast one day a week for the fruit of the spirit i'm like give me a break you know you're living with your girlfriend you're in the middle of getting a divorce but but you think fasting for the fruit of the spirit is going to help you why don't you go back and get the living with the girlfriend thing straightened down before you try to do some spiritual exercise that you think is going to help you so i've been studying holiness and looking at a book this morning and see the bible says we are holy that we are sanctified that's positionally that's the position that we have with god through christ we are the righteousness of god in christ but that's positionally so we're working it's like we're working out something that we already have so god puts all these it's kind of like when you're born again he downloads a little bit of everything that he is into your spirit and then the bible says in philippians 2 now work out your own salvation with fear and trembling not in your own strength but with god helping you so the holy spirit comes into our life to help us then take these little seeds that's in our spirit water them with the word and little by little begin to manifest what the bible says you already have so when i say i am the righteousness of god in christ i truly really am but that doesn't mean i do everything right so you got to know the difference in your who and your do we're uh about halfway through so i want to ask you where do you want to get into what what parts of the book do you want to jump into i have my finger in a place but if you're ready to go you go i've got my finger on there you go you win i think we need to talk about people pleasing okay because we are supposed to be led and guided by the holy spirit okay he shows us what to do and if we follow that boy life is going to really be good but so often we'll choose pleasing people over doing what we know god wants us to do or if you will even over doing what we want to do you know it's like how many people do things and then behind the scenes complain the whole time they're doing it my goodness so if you're doing things and you're complaining about it all the time then guess what you're not doing it you're not being authentic you're not being you're not being honest with yourself you're not you're not doing what you're doing for the right reason for the right motive and in corinthians it says that when jesus comes we're all going to pass before him and give an account of our lives and the works that we've done that were pure works will be rewarded but all the works that were not pure will be burned up in the fire though you yourself will be saved so we're not saved by our works our salvation is a settled done deal but there are rewards in heaven are the loss of rewards wow and i don't want to lose mine you know i don't want to still be in kindergarten when i get there i want to have the best of everything that god has so it's really important to me that i do things because i really believe that god wants me to because i believe it's the right thing to do not just to keep you from getting mad at me because i'm so afraid of rejection that i let everybody control me just to feel like that i'm being accepted can you give me a story in your life where you people pleased and now you recognized it and you don't do that anymore well when i first my first opportunity that i had in public ministry i worked at a church and the man that i worked for was 10 years younger than me and we both had our own set of problems and we're still friends and he would say the same thing but he he remind his personality reminded me a lot of my dad in that he was very strong and you just kind of felt like you better do what he wants or you know he might be out of here well i so wanted to minister didn't want to lose my job so i did a lot of things that you know for example sometimes just being at church too much when i should have said i really need to be home with my family you know there's all kinds of things that if we would just follow our heart how good life would be but when you when you have the fear of man the fear of rejection the fear of being talked about the fear of what they're going to think you end up and we do it sometimes so fast we don't even realize we do it or we've done it so long we don't even realize we do it we we please people to get what we think we want another example dave and i were still in the we were lutherans we were still in the lutheran church and they had a board of elders and why i wanted my husband to be an elder because those were the important people in the church and they were in the know they knew everything well you had to be in with this certain group if you were ever going to get asked to do that so i man i worked and manipulated and pretended to get into this certain group of people and you know however you get your friends that's the way you're gonna have to keep them oh dear so if you buy them by doing everything they want then you'll never be free to follow the leadership of the holy spirit you'll always end up having to do what they want well as soon as i was filled with the spirit back in the 70s and god called me to teach they were the first ones to say we're out of here they they weren't really my friends they didn't want me to follow god they wanted me to follow them and so and let me just say this the longer that you let somebody control you the harder it is to break that control so as you listen today if you're letting someone control you and i hate that because my father controlled me and and i absolutely hated it but then i became a controller it's like the only way that i could live without having fears if i could control you and if i couldn't control you and you were stronger than me then i'd let you control me that's not the way god wants us to be i don't know if you figured it out matt but we're pretty messed up until god i think to even come to the point where i can understand all that now yeah you know because when you're in it you don't understand it you're just reacting and you're doing these things and you're miserable but you don't know why yeah joyce you were doing a lot of that stuff though out of a kind of potentially at least a good space you weren't doing it i mean you did say you did use the word manipulation but at least you thought that having status at church and this and so you were people pleasing but it felt like you were at least out of a good motive or a potentially good motive right god doesn't care anything about status yeah i mean even if if i was doing it for status i was still doing it for the wrong reason yeah another thing i should have done is prayed you know god if you want my husband to be an elder in the church then you make it happen i shouldn't have been manipulating and pretending and you know being phony trying to make it happen by playing up to all these people that i didn't even like and i don't even think we begin to realize how much of that there is in the business world how much is there of pretending and doing all these things you don't don't want to do just to get the promotion that you want or even for believers how many people will compromise their morals in order to get the promotion that they want okay can i ask you one hard question no i suppose you will yeah let me just ask you one this is a this is a unique one uh we're talking about authenticity and being uniquely you but if you it you have achieved a certain level um by first of all grinding it out doing a lot of things for the wrong reason but let's just let's just say here you are and we're sitting here in 2021 uh hoping for 2022 to come soon and and we're talking about joyce a a global ministry i could i could blow people's mind with just how many languages your broadcast is on just in india right okay so you know and and the the number of translations and your books being translated in 135 different languages and all these different accolades new york times number one best selling so there's a lot of people that want to be you okay so unfortunately i'm putting the emphasis on you because you're old enough to handle it you'll give us good issues on this but i can you know spend 15 minutes on facebook or youtube and see about a thousand joyce meyer wannabes who think that they're called into these things and they think that you know they're okay how do you differentiate between your manipulation of trying to be the next joyce meyer you know people whether you realize it or not there is a term who is the next joyce meyer just like there might have been who is the next billy graham or who is there okay because because you've achieved something that uh very few have um i'm gonna say maybe you're unique in the world to have achieved uh in in our sphere maybe the number one status in in in the history of the church okay in in a whole bunch of different categories so how do you how do you talk to us about being uniquely somebody else when there's a whole bunch of you know air being sucked out of the vacuum and who is the next joyce meyer okay it all comes down to motive and boy if you want to hear a room get quiet you just start talking about motives oh man because to be honest we just do we just we do what will make you happy and we do well to get a success and we do what everybody will like and but most the time we don't ever stop long enough to ask ourselves why am i doing this all right god called me into ministry there's no doubt about that but for a number of years my motives for doing what i was doing were anything but pure i wanted to be popular i wanted to be successful i wanted to be well known i mean when i was out in public and somebody would recognize me oh it would just feel so wonderful you know and so god just let me do little things while he was working all that out of me and i can honestly tell you now that just does nothing for me i mean i i know that i know that i know that i'm doing what i'm doing now because it's god's assignment and i want to please him and live for him whenever he wants me i'm ready to go but i'm happy to do what i'm doing as long as he leaves me here and so these people the joyce meyer wannabes or whoever a lot of that's out of insecurity they they see something that they think they want but would they want to do what i did to get it probably not and that that's where our mistake comes in at we see the final end result and i'll just be honest with you and i don't want to use bad language on your program oh go ahead ratings will just improve i mean to be honest i went through absolute hell to get from where i was to where i am right now i mean i had so many problems in my soul i mean everything from jealousy to unforgiveness to bitterness to resentment to hatred to controlling manipulation i mean i anger i can just go on and on and on and i can sit here and tell you that god through his grace and mercy and his word has worked every one of those things out of me now do i ever have a flare-up yes i can still get angry i can still be impatient but i as far as i know i can say with all honesty that i believe right now that everything i that what i do i do it only because i believe it's what god wants me to do i want to please him or because i want to bless somebody you know i mean say that i want to give somebody something i don't have to have a three-day prayer meeting over whether or not i should i mean god told me a long time ago i won't ever get mad at you if you bless somebody and so you know i mean love is the key it's the message of the bible we don't hear nearly enough about it jesus said one new commandment i give unto you that you love one another and you lay down your own life and you love people and we should do what we do out of right motives and i don't think that very many people even stop long enough to ask themselves why am i doing this like you take every person that's watching that would tell you that they feel like they're about to go crazy because they're so busy you know i'm too busy i don't how could anybody be expected to keep up this schedule god told me one time well you made your schedule if you don't like it change it you know what's the truth you know we we say yes to all these things a lot of times for a totally wrong reason and then obviously there's no anointing there to do them so we struggle struggle struggle and then we murmur and complain about our schedule but we're the ones that said yes to all the stuff i mean if everybody who thinks they're too busy if you would take 30 minutes and make a list of everything you're doing and ask yourself why am i doing this why am i doing this why am i doing this you could get rid of three-fourths of that list if you would commit to only doing what you believe god really wants you to do if somebody actually read this book then there would be no need for the next joyce meyer because it would be that they would be the next they you know they need to be who they are and but i love the point that you made of going through hell to get there and i think that's where people want to cop out they want to hang on to that thing that becomes so familiar so easy that habit that attitude because that's just the way i am i was born like this you know and they want to excuse excuses they want to excuse the bad behavior they don't want to self-sacrifice they don't want really to be free i think and your heart and i like having a painting with my hand to make a point i may need one your heart was towards god and you had to get you had to be free you had to set your heart on being delivered and free from the bad habits and the bad attitudes and not going back to that place and i'm sure that's a choice for you maybe every day when you wake up that i'm not going to choose to go back there because that's so easy and i think that's where people maybe today that's not preached that well yeah i don't mean that it's not preached i just think people are too selfish to give what you've done to be free well see i have to have your platform problems and i kept blaming them on people i was abused but i was abused if i just wouldn't have been abused and nobody should have been treated like me a dog shouldn't have been treated like me and the lord spoke to my heart and he said you're right you were treated bad you were treated wrong and it was it was not fair but you don't have to stay that way yeah you can be free and you can overcome it but i had to own it right i had to stop blaming it and say okay it wasn't my fault but this is the way i am now and so i can either keep blaming and stay this way or i could say this is wrong and i have a problem with it and god please show me how to get out of this and set me free let me let me see if you agree with this just just for a second um being who you were which was wrong motives for most everything you wanted that was hard and exhausting very okay what you're talking about is doing what you're doing for the right reasons and sometimes what you're saying is i went through hell or that must be hard too right yeah so choose your heart yeah right you can either do it the right way and that's hard sometimes or you can do it the wrong way and that's that's hard and exhausting too so choose your heart is what you read to me the other day which now is kind of like i'm going to get a t-shirt made with choose your stay married it's hard to get divorced it you know it's hard to choose your choose your heart you're exactly right i preach that it's like okay going forward with god may be hard but it's not as hard as staying where you're at exactly at least the going forward hard you're making some progress i've trademarked the term choose your hard but you can use it if you pay me a license i had it before oh sorry got it yeah i guess i read that from something you wrote 42 years ago we thought maybe you forgot were you just reading me from joyce meyer's book got it authentically and uniquely you is available now wherever books are sold there's this little tiny company called amazon that sells books that you might be able to get it from and joyce also the information on the screen order it now we want you to get it and uh lori is playing with paint brush because it's on the cover of the book let's talk about the words we speak because that is so such a big deal right now it always has been but right now it's such a hot thing i mean we've all said things that should not have been said we all but but just talk a little bit about that because i know you talk about that in your book because being authentic is using words and sometimes we can take that too far well words are very important and you know there's a couple of different ways you can say the same thing you know you can use some wisdom and how you say something like you said you look terrible in that outfit well that's not very smart no it's not you know but you can say that differently honey you always look beautiful uh you know and you look good in anything you put on but i don't think that that really does you justice i don't think that's be somewhere in the middle there yeah use some common sense yeah which by the way is not very common anymore it's like really i think that's what wisdom is yeah wisdom is just sanctified common sense it's just not being stupid you know not living stupid but living with some some wisdom and you know the bible has so much to say about our words i mean if you just take proverbs and underline everything it says about the mouth think before you speak don't be don't don't be hasty don't don't gossip don't backbite you know all these different things and social media has become such a nightmare because everybody can just throw their opinion on there and the the sad thing is is people believe everything they read yeah whether there's any truth to it or not and not do that you know words is one of the most important things in our life is saying what god says not what the enemy says or even what we want to say but god has a good plan for my life i may not feel like it's going anywhere right now but god says he has a good plan for my life so i believe god has a good plan for my life at tbn our mission is to use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing gospel of jesus christ thank you for helping make the gospel of grace go around the world without you we couldn't do it god bless you [Music]
Channel: TBN
Views: 126,720
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Keywords: joyce meyer, joyce meyer 2022, joyce meyer 2021, joyce meyer sermons, joyce meyer 2022 today, joyce meyer battlefield of the mind, joyce meyer talk it out podcast, joyce meyer enjoying everyday life, joyce meyer sermon for today, joyce meyer 2021 sermons, joyce meyer 2020, women of faith, purpose, unique, be you, being authentic, authentic, authenticity, tbn, trinity broadcasting network, trinity broadcasting network live, tbn live, matt crouch, t8b2n6, 8t2b6n, tbn826, 826tbn, prayer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 46sec (2986 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 07 2022
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