T.D. Jakes: How to Overcome Crushing Pain | FULL EPISODE | Praise on TBN

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i told god i said i know that you were for me i know that you were for me and if you  allowed this to happen to me in some   kind of way it's going to make me better  and i don't like it and i can't control it and it hurts like something i cannot believe but i trust you we are in dallas texas the  bishop is in the house and we are talking about   wine for some reason i'm not sure why the  bishop showed up wanting to talk about wine but so we're talking uh about a subject get us  started what are we going to unpack for an   hour we're going to talk about something that has  been uncomfortable for the church to talk about we   talk about victory on the seat of abraham success  abundance life prosperity victory over this and   that now that we don't talk about crushing and the  book is called crushing because the emblem of our   faith is an execution chamber the cross was an  execution chamber it was years before it became a   place of adoration it was a place of reprehensible  judgment on felons and criminals and our christ   died in the most hideous way on a cross naked  in front of all of his disciples crushed as far   as his image was concerned and his affluence and  influence shattered as he bled to death breathing   on a cross and yet we say nothing about suffering  so when people suffer as saints they do it in   silence because we feel obligated to tell each  other that we're not going through anything and i   wrote the book crushing because i believe crushing  is just a step to conquering and once you have   gone through your crushings you become a conqueror  wise and strong because of what you went through i   don't know that it says this i read a lot of this  book i don't know that this says this exactly but   i feel like the the big subject that we're talking  about is why do bad things happen to good people   right you know i mean and so what you're really  undoing and what we're really unpacking is this   unique dichotomy of of of victory or victor  you know uh i mean victim or victory and and   and you're you know we're sitting here saying that  we pray from a position of victory the the cross   is done my dad used to say it this way god's done  all he's ever going to do about the devil right   right it's called the cross it was 2 000 years  ago and so then we've got this victory position   he you know jesus said i have all power and he  lives in us and all this and and we have this   position of victor right and then crushing happens  yes we don't know how to so that's why you're in   the house right to start kind of explaining  the age-old question listen this is so funny   to me every time uh on cnn larry king would  have any person of faith rick warren td jakes   whoever he would have somehow he would always  get around and want an answer to that question   why do bad things happen to good people that's  right he never got that satisfied i believe he's   you know i i believe he never got that  answer no he never got it to suit him   billy graham nobody let me say this to you  something you don't know about me trivia   i was born june 9 1957 i am my  mother's youngest living child   she had a child after me that died and a child  before me that died i was born between two dead   children i was the only one that lived out of  those three i have two older siblings and i grew   up in a house with a father who had kidney failure  who got sick when i was 10 and died when i was 16. those atrocious sad challenging circumstances  have so much to do with who i am as a person   you know if i had not she wouldn't have raised me  the way she raised me if she wasn't grieving as   she raised me if she wasn't clinging to me as she  raised me i wouldn't be a caretaker if i hadn't   grown up in a house with a kidney machine i could  run a kidney machine and couldn't ride a bike   so this whole notion of taking care of hurting  people is in my dna yeah it goes all the way   back to my childhood climbing up on a hospital  bed to shave my father when he was sick or clean   him up or dress him or whatever and so as i sit  here today with the ministry to hurting people   it's only fitting that i would write a book  called crushing because i have been crushed you   know life is crushing periodically it's necessary  christ was crushed grapes are crushed in order to   become wine and the goal is the wine the goal  is what do you have left not what did you lose   and uh learning how to look to what is  before you the bible said he despised   the shame of the cross but for the joy that was  set before him he endured the crushing because   he knew the question was going somewhere and i  wrote that book to people who have been crushed   who are being crushed not just physically not  just death not just kovid 19 though that is   a horrible thing we should talk about but crushed  in their heart you know if if if i cut my leg   i can get some medication for it and i can  take some pain medicine for it if if i if i   if i stump my toe i can get something and band-aid  it up and put some painkiller on and i'd be fine   if i break my heart there's nothing to take  forward and so many americans are suffering from   broken hearts from family issues from parental  issues from domestic issues from family issues   and we have to paint a happy face on because we're  christians and we and this is the way we look   we're christians you know with our crosses around  our neck never knowing that our crosses are in our   lives jesus made the toughest altar call that's  ever been made we make all the calls today got   to turn your life around i don't care how low you  are he'll pick you up he'll get you together again   if you come to jesus right now he'll heal  your marriage he'll bring you through   that's not the altar called jesus man jesus made  this altar call pick up your cross and follow me   what who wants to pick up an instrument of  death and cruelty and follow you to a cross   and yet thousands of people followed  him what did jesus know about crushing   that made thousands of people almost  faint in the desert without food   to hear him deliver a message about take up your  cross and follow me this this to me is the epitome   of the christian marriage that that he  takes two fish and five loaves of bread   and we know we have an accountant's record of what  it is until he crushes it the more he crushes it   the more it multiplies and all of a sudden what  was accountable is two fish and five loaves of   bread and we have absolute metrics on what it  was in the bag the more he crushed it it fed   thousands and thousands of people and bath  twelve baskets full left that's what crushing   does in our lives it it multiplies us it  increases us it builds us up and it makes   us more than we would be had we had sat in the  lap of luxury and had everything go well okay   let me see if i understand so far so bad is good  yeah it was good for me that i had been afflicted   the more they afflicted them the more they grew  you're you're only strong because of the weight   that's been put on you right you wouldn't be the  man that you are today if you hadn't suffered   and endured and agonized and put up with stuff and  rationed went home and beat the wall and cried in   a pillow to stand up to be who you are people see  you on stage and they think oh you're matt crouch   you know you're paul's son you've always had it  good nobody has it good i don't care where you   live or what you drive nobody makes it through  this life without pain that the the call to take   up the cross doesn't stop with the zip code right  it's it's it's a it's a universal call from a god   who was able to stop the cross but allowed it to  continue because redemption came through it okay   we're only a few minutes into this show and we're  already kind of getting getting the preaches just   setting in here just for you yeah you're ready to  go here i wrote the book i like it i'm the hero   so um crushing god turns pressure into power  all right we're talking about a unique thing   i'm seeing a an image that god simply wears a  mask sometimes so that you don't know it's him   and he's still asking you the question who do  you say that i am absolutely okay is that what   we're talking about here absolutely absolutely you  know we've we've said in the church so often that   if we see people going through stuff it's like  oh they must be not doing something right you   know something's wrong in their life you know  they just can't but yeah that's not true at all   i mean uh job was picked out because he  was a righteous man right you know christ   there was no gal found in his mouth he went  through the judicial system and was crucified   you have to realize uh paul craves oh that i  may know him in the fellowship of his suffering   what a strange request to make you know  i've never met anybody that i thought oh   i want to suffer like you you know paul says his  prayers all that i may know him and the fellowship   of his suffering and the power of his  resurrection you can't have a resurrection   without a crucifixion there must have been some  knowledge this guy speaks five different languages   he's traveled all over the world he's trained at  the feet of camille he's very experienced he is a   spiritual father in zion he's responsible for  most of the epistles in the new testament and   the one thing he asked for is to know him and  the fellowship of his suffering and the power   of his resurrection it really they sound like  contradictions but the suffering and the power   of his resurrection are the same thing because you  can't know him in the power of his resurrection   if you haven't had crucifixion there's  something that comes out of surviving   that gives us a tenacity and fight and it  has nothing to do with your temperament or   how you lash back at people in fact some  of the people who have the sharpest tongue   have the weakest mind to really be strong is  to be left standing when the storm is over   crying maybe a wind swept hair all over  your head clothes tattered and torn   but still here and and i think that we need  especially in this hour that god has allowed   this tsunami of disease to attack the world  and made everybody rich and poor from every   tongue and country go to their room and time out  proven that that none of our technology supersedes   his ability to control and i don't i'm not  saying he said kovy at 19 but i'm saying   nothing escapes him he had to allow it right and  and yet we are still here and it begs the question why are we still here what does god have for us  that that he allowed us to survive the crushing   to this point uh what am i supposed to learn  from this not run from it not lie about it not   succumb to propaganda about it and everybody  keeps trying to save what's going to happen   and the disease seems to be running things   who how you come in the store now is control  how you go shopping now is control and   we get down into you know these are my rights but  but none of us want a right to die we want to have   rights but i want to be alive and i want to have  the economy but not at the expense of losing me   i just think wait a minute first things first god  so loved the world he gave his life for people and   uh to everyone who's suffering from anything  and and their families calling saying you know i   didn't get to hold my mother's hand i never got to  say goodbye they wouldn't let me in the hospital   uh screaming and crying on the phone feeling  guilt and a shame maybe you're one of those people   or related to one of those people near one of  those people or maybe you're one of those people   who died because you couldn't get in the hospital  because the hospitals were filled up with them   and you lost a loved one to some other disease  or maybe you're going through a divorce   or maybe you've got a child that you poured your  heart into and they turned around and broke your   heart there's a lot of ways to be crushed  maybe you're one of the people who built the   business and got it going and it all fell apart  or you were working on a job and doing good and   now you're back to square one again and you're  trying to figure out where you're going to stay   you don't have to be poor to be crushed  you don't have to be republican or democrat   or baptist or black or white or pentecostal  crushing comes to everyone's life but it never stays and i think that when we start to talk about  this crushing there there is a dignity even in   suffering uh the kind of dignity that was on the  face of coretta scott king holding bernice in   her lap and her husband's body up front the  kind of dignity that was on jackie onassis   blood all over her dress but her head  was still in there there's a dignity   that comes up in your spirit that  you say to life you won't break me and if you're suffering right now and you're on  some sort of cross it's because when this is over   you'll be changed in some way no longer grapes no  longer temporary grapes are one of the few fruits   that are raised to be crushed and  christ was raised to be crucified   but he told the voice don't give up on me three  days i'll be back and that that i'll be back   it's why i wrote crushing not to  tell you how to squirm on the cross   but to show you how to roll the  stone away and get back up again   that's what i want you to know it's not over it's  not gonna stop here so wipe your face i cry too   pull your hair out of your face messed up your  makeup it's okay it's not over god turns pressure into power he makes wisdom  out of the mistakes we made   wisdom is made from the elixir from every  stupid thing i ever did before i got there   and if i hadn't been allowed to go  wrong i'd never be able to get right   so forgive yourself i want to talk to you i  want to be something on your nightstand or   in your bathroom not something you just read  through on a vacation but something you just   eat in small doses and think about it and let it  minister to you and speak to the pain in your life   because sometimes we have a pain a trauma  and a place that even the therapist is not   reaching but the holy spirit will get  down into the crevices of your soul and heal you there um you're doing it again you're you're you're  changing the atmosphere in this studio um and   you know what i was sitting there thinking while  you were just um talking think of how much god   loves his people that you'd be sitting in a green  room at lakewood church in houston texas yes   and god would start speaking to you the  tenets of what this book has become yeah   you told me you start writing on a yellow legal  pad as fast as you could knew that you were   not getting a download to speak at lakewood for  that particular service but that it would become   this book so god had it downloaded to you you  respond obviously correctly this book and it   takes a minute to get these things done yeah it  does it goes through a process so god had to speak   it when he did so that it would be here for one  of the most crushing things in our lifetime yes   this is a a a weird situation with all of our  technology we are really a hurting crushed   people right now and this book was here  prophetically on time yeah unbelievably on time   uh td jakes just happens to be a kid that was  told by his teachers he wasn't a very good writer   some 20 books on the new york times bestseller  including number one new york times bestsellers   later that teacher uh apparently doesn't know uh  much about teaching so the the big picture here is   why do bad things happen to good people we know  that god wants us to be who we are based upon what   we're going through and let me tell you something  you know every person watching this broadcast and   every person talking right now including me have  been crushed absolutely okay it happens help us   understand that unique dichotomy of  what god's doing with this crushing what   it's it's it's it's a real tough thing to explain  and i want to hear you first of all i learned is   never try to make sense of it while you're  in it okay you have to focus on surviving it   not understanding it uh because the crushing  is so intense and so personal and so deep   that you only understand in retrospect when  you look back at it you say it was good for me   it's over now it was good well not  while you're in it but after you're   through with it was good for me that i've been  afflicted uh the idea of crushing the grape   in its original state it would only it would  only last one season it would rot on the vine   but if you crush it and let it ferment it  would last for hundreds of years my goodness   and there's something that happens to us when we  when we are crushed that gives us resilience and   tenacity that we wouldn't have i was writing on  that legal pad and and the lord showed me a vision   of people uh stomping on grapes and then took  me to the text that the seed of the woman   would bruise the head of the serpent and  the serpent would bruise his heel and when   i saw christ's bruised teal they looked like the  heels of somebody who'd been stomping on grapes   and i started to realize that on the cross  he stomped on everything that was against me   he moved every obstacle that was contrary to  me and that even though i go through things now   that he has borne the grief and carried the  sorrows of it he went before me to lighten the   load of it and still suffered me to go through  it and i'll tell you why what we don't realize   is that it is exactly the pain we had that made  us who we are my goodness it is exactly the   neglect or the absence or or i am so grateful  for the teacher that said i couldn't write   because that's why i could uh it is the thing that  opposes you in the weight room that causes you to   build muscles you know the resistance training  you know i don't need the weights to cooperate i   need them to resist me so when life resists you  you get stronger and you get wiser and and you   turn into something that can be kept and that will  will last and and i think it's so important when   when you talk about the suffering church  in the book of revelations at smyrna   and he says talks about frankincense and myrrh the  incense was roots that were crushed and the aroma   only escaped as the roots were being crushed and  there is an aroma that escapes your heart when you   crush people who have not been crushed cannot  access their emotions well wow they cannot uh   verbalize or enunciate feelings well and sometimes  it's dangerous to give power to people who have   no empathy what we need is somebody who can be  touched that's why christ came so that he could   be touched by the feeling of our infirmity look  at jesus coming to the tomb to the graveside of   lazarus why i mean he comes in there and cries  about somebody he knows he's going to raise   he felt it he knows how the story is going in why  are you crying jesus mary's crying because she   thinks her brother's god martha's crying because  you were not there you come in the room with these   people that are crying and you sit with them and  you cry with them oh that i may know him in the   fellowship of his suffering there's a fellowship  of a a a corner near a camaraderie that happens   when you walk in the room with people that  are weeping and you dare to weep with them we   we have fellowship we we we  drink from the same cup together   when we have fellowship in the suffering  and we know that we are not alone   and i wrote this book because in my pocket i think  my cell phone's in my pocket i've got four million   people following me on instagram alone i've never  had 40 million people following me around that's   not even to mention facebook and twitter four  million and not to mention any of them i can   take a picture of us and four million people see  it right now right now never had that in my life   that doesn't stop loneliness at all so  we have all of these things that suggest   intimacy but deny intimacy and it seems like the  more people we bring in the more we're left out   and the worst part about crushing is to be alone  you know and and i wrote about crushing because   people are worried people are going off the  edge i got a call the other night from uh   a young man who told me that his granddaughter  hung herself in her boyfriend's front yard   on a tree jesus you think that all of this fear  and isolation and bad news didn't play into   that on top of personal problems in  life overwhelmed and i think that   crushing was meant to be a guide through  the wilderness of where we are right now crushing happens to everyone is that true  is that a true statement absolutely okay   let's take a subject like divorce yes that  is a crushing yes um some people can move on   find somebody new and live happily with this new  person another person can be bitter angry ugly and   die alone right what did the one do right and  how can you be crushed and end up not turning   into wine oh that's a good question that's such  a good question i hope my answer will match it   what we must realize when we go  through divorce is that we are   not grieving over the person we're  grieving over what we had in mind yeah out of 8 billion people in the world there's  nobody that could leave you that would leave you   so strung up that you'd spend eight years in pain  it's not the person you can't get over it's what   you had in mind that you can't get out oh come  on with it my goodness and if we can let go of   what we had in mind we can discover what god  had in mind for us and the difference between   the person who can't move forward and the person  they can is how quickly we adapt to letting go   of what we had in mind my goodness my goodness  well they say that the number one cause of divorce   is unmet expectation yeah as a man thanks so is he  as a man thinks in his heart so i thought it was   you know what's funny about that is we have  expectations of people that they never agreed to   a lot of times we grow up  planning a wedding without a groom   and we're just looking for somebody to play a role  in a script that we already wrote my goodness all   right and a lot of times we say the same things  but we mean different things by them i love you   you say i love you back that doesn't mean  we meant the same thing but i love you   my wife and i talk about going on vacation  and we broke it excited we're packing the   bags we're going on vacation we're getting  out of here we feel like people on the   runway we're laughing in the car we're going on  vacation we're actually leaving we're leaving   you know we're so excited the plane's going up  in there where are way where away but when we get   on vacation i discovered that what i had in mind  and what she had in mind was two different things evidently you can relate to this  evidently you can relate to this   mind of what i packed for and what i expected  and what i was up for when we got on vacation   was totally different for her her idea of a great  vacation is not wearing makeup you know i don't   have to get up at any particular time i can sleep  late you know so there she is in the bed and there   i am sitting at the bed rolling my eyes at her  thinking i thought this was going to be a vacation   okay this is not a vacation we you could have  stayed in the man at the house okay and i'm   totally frustrated even though we used the same  words we expected two different things and so   when you start talking about disappointment  disappointment begins with the expectation   that wasn't communicated and you brought me in to  play a role that i never got to read the script   and uh if i didn't sign off on the script you  have to forgive me if i don't play the role well   it takes you years to figure out what you meant  by i love you and what i meant by i want you to   be my wife uh what what wife means to me has  something to do with what my mother showed me   what i do or do not like about that uh what wife  means to me has a lot to do with what they were   showing on tv during the time uh it has changed  in the last 20 years what it means to be a wife   so words don't ensure results  because words require images   and i wish we could see pictures rather than words  because the pictures are true to the vision you   have in mind and the word always falls short of  the vision does that make sense yeah have you ever   produced a movie at all have you ever done that  you've done a little bit of that so um you just   fixed that one thing the question was let's  use example as a divorce you know you can do   it right you do it wrong how do you do it right  you do it right by letting go of the fact you   got to separate the person that left you with  the preconceived idea that you had in your mind   and as soon as you can separate those two you  can move on someone that's stuck in bitterness   let's do a hard one the loss of a child you've got  somebody stuck and they're just bitter and angry   at everyone and everything what do you say to them  first of all i've never lost a child i won't say   that i have i grieve with you i cannot imagine the  inextricable pain that you must be going through   i respect that pain i love my children  i cannot imagine one moment breathing   i would be so disappointed if i outlived  him and and my condolences to you   but i also want you to manage that with the  reality that somebody never had a child at all   never got to put a diaper on them never got  to burp them never got to hear them say mama   never got to take a picture of their first step  and even though you didn't get to have them as   long as what you had in mind or see all the great  moments in front of them that you never got to see   at least you got to touch them and to smell them  and to hold them and to have them and to know them   and for those brief moments that they were in  the world you made their world the world it was   and if you're a christian you'll see them again until then may the  memories and the moments and the loving   and the touching and the laughing and the  stumbling and the toys left in the floor   be the friends that comfort you because  you are an exceptional woman or man   to have had an experience that other women are  praying for and have never had a child at all there is a whole bunch of people let's  let's use um the issue at hand today's   season that we're in has to do with racial  reconciliation or hopefully getting to that point   that's a crushing the covid is a crushing  and there could be somebody that is thinking   all these politicians that are telling me what  to do and how to do and all this and they are   so angry and put off and how do we how do we get  out of that to become wine instead of just crushed   grapes you know uh i had back surgery several  years ago between l4 and l5 they did a laminectomy   cut into my spine four inches deep uh it was weeks  before i could walk and even then it was hard i never would have gone to the  mayor to ask him to do that surgery   i wouldn't have gone to my senator or even my  president and asked him to operate on my spine   if we let the people who are good at what they do  do what they do and respect them for what they do   without allowing other people  to get into a conversation who   are not qualified to have an opinion  everything would be so much simpler   when it comes to our health and our well-being we  don't go to our barber when our tooth is hurting   if we can get things in the right column and  stop allowing people to sell us beachfront   property in arizona and just go to the  people who do what they do and they're   not perfect and they're not always right  and they don't always have it together   but of what we got to work with if i'm going  to have a tooth pull i'd like for you to be a   dentist yeah as simple as a tooth and if i'm going  to get my hair cut i'd like for you to be a barber   so how much more in a pandemic do we want to  hear from the best of the best and then make the   decisions that we need to make to best protect  our loved ones and our family and i think that   that's the beginning in the absence of truth  you remember i don't know i can't remember what   you call them but in geometry class when we were  like in junior high school those little uh metal   things you put down and you draw a circle you  know what i'm talking about yeah that the whole   you could make the circle large or small the most  important thing wasn't the size of the circle   it was the steadiness of the point if the point  was right the circle would definitely be right   you didn't have to be talented to make a circle  if you got the point right that point is truth   truth holds us to a parameter that  creates a circle that's safe we have lost   that truth of what is true we don't  believe in anything we don't believe in   anybody we don't trust anyone and if anybody  says anything then there's somebody who comes   up and retaliates with some propaganda to create a  myth that moves the point and the circle is broken   we've got to get back to a few absolute truths  that have nothing to do with being democrat or   republican or millennial or boomer or black  or white or two plus two is four in africa   in saigon in italy in canada truth is absolute  that's why when when jesus came the bible said   we beheld the wonder of his glory the only  begotten of the father full of truth and grace   if you don't have a truth then you can't have a  grace and so i think what we really need today   is to get away from all the noise of all the  people who are campaigning for us to pick aside   and instead of siding with which one of them we're  going to go with we need to make them side with us   and get a truth that we dig down in the ground and  say this is true this is solid and everything else   that's going to go around it it's going to go  around this truth that i find to be an absolute   of my life crushing td jakes is a prophetic it is  a prophetically timed book it is in its season it   is in the right season and when you when you use  all the analogy of this kind of grapes and wine by   the way do you have a little glass of wine every  once in a while when i'm trying to go to sleep   that's all it does to me is make me sleepy  yeah yeah i remember you uh you and sarita   and lori and i had dinner one time with um colin  powell general colin powell way back in the day   and i was just making sure you know that you  didn't order wine and all that let's make   one well let's let's have a sparkling water with  a lime no one thinks how much blood it costs yeah   you know uh that phrase means a whole lot  to me because even in the cost of being you   no one thinks of how much blood  it costs your grandkids will grab   your legs your wife will hold your arms  and nobody will know what it costs you to be the hand they held nobody knows the blood  it costs to be who we are whether your mother   teresa or annie lee johnson it costs you something  to be there for anybody it costs you something   to be the woman you are and nobody knows what  it costs and so you'll always be judged and   undervalued and unappreciated by those trolls  who hit you up on instagram and twitter and   facebook and say the most ridiculous things out  of jealousy or envy and strife and they don't know   that they're writing from one sufferer to another  one it cost all of us something not just the   success for the downtrodden the person the single  mother who's got three kids and left it alone in   a two-bedroom apartment and you're working two  jobs making minimum wage nobody knows that you're   standing there smiling at a checkout counter and  your feet are hurting your back is aiding and   your kids are waiting on you when you get home and  you are tired and exhausted and at the end of your   road the person who goes and treats person after  person and walks up down the house in the hospital   medicaid not just the knights but the mean people  and the rude people and the obnoxious people and   that you're putting your life in danger for  somebody who doesn't even seem to appreciate   you nobody knows the blood that it costs for you  to be who you are and when i write to crushing   i write to every person who ever gave up some of  themselves for somebody else and nobody ever even   recognized no awards no trophies no grammys no  emmys no pulitzers no new york times to feature only god knows how much you were  crushed to make the wine you have become but when i smell it and when i taste it i  can know that it's been through something   and experience cannot be faked that's  the kind of thing that i'm talking about   it feels like there is a truth that  i'm seeing clearer because of of this   that god is looking for let's say it this way how  do you know you have faith until it's called upon   i'm laughing you're in my bible class you're in  my bible class you know what oh my god i'm going   crazy right now i'm going crazy right over here in  this chair in front of god and everybody because   i just taught a bible class about faith and fear  and how they work together and how christians take   the scripture god has not given us the spirit  of fear to mean that god has not given us fear   fear is a favor if you're in the jungle fear  is a favor if you're standing on the edge of   a cliff fear is a favor if you're about to dive  into the ocean if the fear warns you of what is   wise and not wise it's an emotion that  we need faith operates in spite of fear   people who have faith don't have faith because  they have no fear but the faith rises up and takes   the wheel of the car and says fear get in the back  seat we're going somewhere come on you know what   i'm saying that when you brought that up it was  such excuse me y'all i'm having a moment i'm here   because he just gave me such confirmation to my  bible class because what got me what got me was   uh through faith noah being warned of god  of things not yet seen moved with fear   through faith and yet moved with fear faith fear  faith fear and i started debating that in my head   come on and i just taught a bible class about  it people think your life is a straight line   it's not a straight line up it's not a straight  line down it's curves and twists and rocks and   ridges and and branches you swung across and  creaks you got ready and to get to where you are   it's never just a smooth ride without dents and  cracks and discrepancies and and dysfunctions   along the way i never will forget when i had  the final meeting with my doctors and my mother   was dying of alzheimer's and we had to make a  decision to disconnect her from life support and   i listened to all of that that they said and when  i finally made the decision my son looked at me   and he said oh daddy he said you're so strong and  i swear i have never felt so weak at all my life   what comes across to other people is strength  only looks like strength because they don't see   the bleeding that goes on in your soul and  i would bleed the next 20 years of my life   the next 20 years of my life at a moment  that he's looking up at me just thinking   i'm the hulk or somebody like that faith rises up  in spite of feelings and it does what it has to do   and it responds to life however life goes at it  and you don't get to pick what goes at you you   just have to respond the best way you can and make  it through this world i wrote crushing that we   might have fellowship my sister says christianity  is telling one beggar where another beggar found   the bread and i wrote crushing to every person  who's ever suffered anything anytime anywhere   in your life even if it wasn't physical even if  it was emotional even if it was psychological   even if it was attitudinal even if it was  ministerial i wrote crushing to say i feel you i   got you i understand that but there  is gonna be something beyond that   that that if you put your time in as old  folks said payday is coming after a while yeah i heard a definition of loving god with  all your heart is dwelling on his love for you   and us inside of a crushing is it does why  do shouldn't we just dwell on god's love   knowing he loves us he's really for us  yeah this crushing yeah okay talk to us   a little bit you hit it you hit it i was going  through one of the worst moments of my life   and i didn't know how it was going to turn out  and i didn't know if i was going to turn out   but the thing that brought me  through was something that you   just said i told god i said  i know that you were for me i know that you were for  me and if you allowed this   to happen to me in some kind of way it's  going to make me better and i don't like it and i can't control it and it hurts like something i cannot believe but i trust you that you are for me and you would never  let anything happen to me that if it   that it wasn't ultimately going to work  out for my good what you're talking about   is knowing god's ways better  than you know his acts   to know that he is for you gives you staying  power when you question what he did to you   it's like a parent who punishes a child  and then takes him out for ice cream   you you know what i'm saying to have the  blessed assurance oh thank you lord yeah to have the blessed assurance that he is for you  that that he that hath began a good work in you   shall performing until the  day of jesus christ that's   that's that kind of you know real  church doesn't happen at church i mean i'm i'm a pastor i believe in going to  church i love it it's wonderful i'd rather preach   than eat when i'm hungry but real real real  church plays out while you're washing dishes   or while you're washing the car driving down the  road or you're walking around in the backyard or   you're in the bathtub real faith is perfected in  private places where you and god and god alone   are left someplace like jacob wrestling to know  him better than you were before and wrestling   to know yourself and god tell you something about  yourself that you didn't know there is nothing as   precious as when god tells you you're not jacob  but you're israel you're not down but you're up   you're not stupid but you're why whenever  god tells you something about yourself that   helps you get through this world a little bit  better that's church that's treasure oh yes   seal this beautiful word on our audience as we  go out today the bible says that jesus saw the   two disciples on the road to emmaus and that he  walked a seven mile stretch with them and over the   period of a seven mile stretch he opened up all of  the old testament shadows and types of who he was   if you know anything about your bible at all there  are so many shadows and types in the old testament   that he could have walked 70 miles but  in seven miles jesus explained himself   through the major prophets and minor prophets  and books of poetry and books of history and then when they got to the house and they got  ready to go in the bible said he made as if he   would go further and they stopped him because when  god starts talking you don't want him to leave   and they invited him to come in the house  and as they sat around the table with him   the bible said he took bread and lifted up and  broken and suddenly what they did not see on   the road and what they did not see in the sermon  they saw in the order of the breaking of bread   there's something about the breakings in  our lives that causes us to see god in a way   that we would never never otherwise see him  there's as much difference between a person   who's praising god because the music is nice  and a person who's praising god because they've   been broken as night and day somehow when he  took that bread in his hand and he broke it   in the breaking in the breaking of the  bread the process of breaking they saw   god my prayer for you is that you would get a  revelation of god in the breaking of your life   and the cracking of places that you thought  would always be there for you that you would see   something about god that you never saw before   and that you would recognize that  you are not at the table alone   but he sits with and he manages the crushing  moments in your life he knows when you've had   enough and he knows how to stop the bleeding so  right where you are if you just just trust it and given the praise i've got a feeling  that everything is going to be all right   prophetically downloaded to td jakes for this  season this time this beautiful book crushing   god turns pressure into power it is in season it's  on time and it's available for you right now thank   you pastor for breaking this down my pleasure uh  what a what an amazing afternoon evening it's just we do this every time we do this  every time i can't figure it out   i love you i love you back it's crushing get  it friends thanks to you the message of hope   and grace found in jesus is beaming into millions  of homes around the world through tbn so for your   gift of support and any amount this month we'll  send you dr robert jeffress new book courageous 10   strategies for thriving in a hostile world so take  a moment to visit tbn.org courageous 10. thank you
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Keywords: td jakes, td jakes motivation, td jakes 2019, td jakes courage, td jakes 2020, td jakes live streaming, td jakes motivational speech, td jakes let it go, td jakes let them walk, td jakes steven furtick, td jakes sermoms, td jakes 2021 motivation, crushing, pain, overcoming pain, the grace of god, pain for purpose, hard times, loss, grief, overcoming, prayer, tbn, trinity broadcasting network, trinity broadcasting network live, tbn live, matt crouch, t8b2n6, 8t2b6n, tbn826, 826tbn, pray
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Length: 51min 56sec (3116 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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