The Power to Stop - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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foreign [Music] go to Joshua chapter 5 verse 1 through 15. that's a little bit more reading than I normally do but I'm going to read verses 1 through 15 out of the Book of Joshua chapter number five when you have it say Amen now when all the Amorite Kings west of the Jordan and all the Canaanite Kings along the coast heard how the Lord had dried up the Jordan before the Israelites until they were had crossed over their hearts melted in fear and they no longer had the courage to face the Israelite stop right there I want to go back and do that again now when the Amorite Kings look at how everything is put in perspective based on the Jordan in itself now when all the Amorite Kings west of the Jordan and all the Canaanite Kings along the coast heard how the Lord had dried up the Jordan before the Israelites until they had crossed over their hearts melted in fear and they no longer had the courage to face the Israelites because of what God did at the Jordan come on at that time the Lord said to Joshua Joshua make flint knives and circumcise the Israelites again so Joshua made Flint knives ooh it hurts to read this and and circumcised the Israelites said Kabir hareloff now this is why he did so all those who came out of Egypt are the men of military age died in the wilderness on the way after leaving Egypt all the people that came out had been circumcised but all the people born in the wilderness during the journey from Egypt had not the Israelites had moved about in the wilderness 40 years until all the men who were of military age when they left Egypt had died since they had not obeyed the Lord for the Lord had sworn to them that they would not see the land he had solemnly promised their ancestors to give us a land flowing with milk and honey so he raised up their sons oh my God the thing that he had for the fathers he gave to the sons because of their Disobedience he passed up that generation and dropped it to the next Generation oh my God so he raised up their sons in their place and these were the ones Joshua circumcised they were bleeding but they were blessed oh my God from dying they were still uncircumcised because they had not been circumcised on the way they were moving uncircumcised they were progressing uncircumcised but there comes you can only go so far before God has to correct what has been uncorrected they moved along the way uncircumcised a lot of us move along the way and we get a lot of things done but that doesn't mean that God is totally pleased just because you have progress doesn't mean that God has pleasure because you are moving but you're moving in an uncircumcised fashion and sooner or later it's going to catch up to you and God says I gotta fix this before you cross over into your ultimate sacrifice I gotta get some of your flesh cut out of the way oh I don't know who I'm talking to and after the whole nation had been circumcised they remained where they were in Camp until they were healed isn't it funny how God will stop everything for you to get healed [Applause] how God doesn't want you to serve bleeding serve wounded that God wants you to be healed and to recover so that he can get the fullness out of your life then the Lord said to Joshua today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you the reproach the residue the curse of Egypt has been rolled away even though you weren't born in it you have reproached from it these were born along the way and yet the residue of the experience of their fathers had affected the sons and he said this day I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you so the place has been called gilgal to this day I want you I want you to hear what I just said they weren't in Egypt they weren't from Egypt they were born after Egypt but the reproach of Egypt was still on them can you say Amen same man for the first lady I see all y'all looking at her I can't preach to you say something go ahead again let's get that out [Applause] so the place has been called gilgal to this day okay on the evening of the 14th day of the month while camped at gilgal on the plains of Jericho the Israelites celebrated the Passover now they've went they've gone from bleeding to Celebration the day after the Passover that very day they ate some of the produce of the land 11 bread and roasted grain the Manna stopped the day after what did it do it stopped the day after they ate this food from the land there was no longer any Manna for the Israelites but that year they ate the produce of Canaan just because God stops doing what you're used to doesn't mean he's not with you to who he while he's trying to show you who he is and you feel punished because the man has stopped the man has stopped because it's no longer necessary sometimes God removes things out of your life because you don't need them like you used to need them and yet you're crying out for what was at the expense of what is oh help me Jesus now when Joshua was near Jericho he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with this with a drawn sword in his hand and and this this is not a natural man this is a theophonic manifestation of God himself an Angelic a host of Heaven I believe a theophany within itself Joshua went up to him and asked are you for us or for our enemies that's one thing about it Joshua kind of like Peter he would take you home he said what's up and the angel spoke neither he replied but as the commander of the army of the Lord I am the commander of the army of the Lord I have now come I didn't come for your enemy I didn't come for you came for God's purpose then Joshua fell face down on the ground in reverence and asked him what message does my Lord have for his servant the commander of the Lord's army replied take off your shoes for the place where on you are standing is Holy it's holy somebody shot holy and Joshua did so can you say Amen take me back to the first verse for just a moment I'll take my thought out of there now when all the Amorite Kings west of the Jordan and all the Canaanite Kings along the coast heard how the Lord had dried up the Jordan before the Israelites until they had crossed over Hearts melted in fear and fear no longer had the courage to face the Israelites my subject this evening the power to stop the power top think about that the power to stop fill in the blank oh what do you need the power to stop type it on the line the power to stop put it in the text the power to stop the power the power the power the power to stop Spirit out the Living God fall fresh on us tonight [Applause] intoxicate us with your glory inundate us with your presence endow us with your word open up the Oracles of Eternity and release truth to us in our innermost parts I thank you in advance for what you're going to do I thank you because you're God all by yourself I thank you because you can do anything but fail I think you because you have summoned us here tonight to hear what the spirit of the Lord will say to the church we will give the utmost heathens to your word as you speak tonight we will heed it and Obey it in Jesus name we pray at the top of your lungs shout amen you may be seated in the presence of God how y'all doing we are in the Book of Joshua we are in the Book of Joshua we are in the Book of Joshua we are in the book of yahshua there is a parallel between Joshua and yahshua yahshua is Joshua's pronunciation Jesus reveals himself in the New Testament Yeshua in the Old Testament his shadow is Joshua we are in the Book of Joshua this is not for the faint of heart this is not for the weak this is not for people who are fragile and sensitive this is the book for people who are going to take what the enemy stole from them this is not for those who cannot stand discomfort or Draw back at turbulence because this is a book of transition this is a book that comes right after the death of Moses it is at the end of grieving it is a benediction to that which was and the birthing of that which shall be as I was with Moses so shall I be with you I will be with you as I was but you will not be him so this is a time of transition this is a time of Discovery so that I might discover how to wear the glory of Moses in the authenticity of who I am I cannot imitate him I must be authentically yahshua but his anointing has come to rest upon me if I am sure of my own identity as I was God says as I was with Moses so shall I be with you so don't be him because I'm going to be the same but you're going to be you with my presence on you Yeshua Joshua you're going to possess the Gate of the enemy I am going to use you to roll back the reproach of the Egyptians on a people who never met the Egyptians oh my God are people who have not met the Egyptians but are affected generationally by their predecessors the trauma of Egypt has fallen on the children of the wilderness and I am going to pull the trauma off of them even though their trauma does not match their memories you do know you can inherit trauma without going through the things that your grandparents went through they can pass on their phobias their fears their traumas their anxieties and all of a sudden you're acting in a way that you don't understand and you don't know that it's not even coming from your birthday forward it's coming before your birthday here it happened way back to your grandparents or parents in Egypt and they left you in the wheel Their Fear their trauma their perversion their Brokenness their pain and God says to Joshua I've anointed you to roll back the reproach of Egypt from a people who had never been I wonder what's on you that you never earned that was passed down to you that you became the beneficiary for something for which you did not labor and yet it's all over you affects what you're afraid of affects how you react affects your temperament affects your moods affects your disposition affects what you can't stand what you can't take and you don't know why you can't stand it because you've never been to Egypt but Egypt has been to you are you hearing what I'm saying to you so this there are with Joshua having this responsibility not only cleansing their heart from the grief of Moses but cleansing their heart from the residual effect of the ancestral curse that has passed from generation to generation he has to do it with a sharp stone at gilgal and it's a Bloody Business sometimes getting free is a Bloody Business and deliverance that we used to see in the church because we don't like we don't like how messy Deliverance is yeah yeah and in the old church we would roll the floor but now we're too cute to be rolling on the floor because because real Deliverance real breakthrough where you really turn into somebody new not somebody who has a church glaze over a sinner's heart real Deliverance requires some Bloodshed and some pain and some swelling and some suffering and a time of Silence while you heal real Deliverance is painful it doesn't accommodate your nervous system it's not designed to make you feel good about yourself and we live in a generation where everybody wants to make you feel good and if they don't make you feel good you leave and go to another church and if they don't make you believe feel good you'll even go to another church and then if this husband don't make you feel good you'll get you another one and if that one don't make you feel good you'll get to another one because you keep feeling good but you never get better because sometimes in order to get better you got to hurt and bleed and swell up and scam up and heal up and go through Deliverance to get to the place where you get the Breakthrough that you really need but everybody's so busy being soft in their parenting and soft in their pasturing and soft in their preaching that we're producing soft leaders and soft men and soft women and everybody's so soft that you understand Sherman on your head because you tell science to be a leader [Applause] oh you hear what I'm saying too you got to take people's temperature before you tell them the truth they can't handle the truth and so Joshua has this do be as complicated task of leading them through this this critical situation surrounded by the king of the Canaanites surrounded by enemies who are on both sides of the Jordan let me spend some time with the Jordan because the Jordan is very very important to the texts if not the star of the text the Jordan is the impetus to which the heathens now respect the Israelites because of what God did through the Jordan let us Begin by understanding that the texts does not tell us the Topography of the join and if you don't understand the Topography of the Jordan then the text loses its power number one I have been to Jerusalem and I've been to Jordan and I've been in the Jordan River and I've seen it and I saw the Sea of Galilee which is above it which flows down into it and I understand that it goes all the way back to Mount Hebron you remember when the Bible said uh uh behold how good and pleasant it is for Brethren to dwell together in unity and it's like the oil that fell upon the head of Aaron onto his spirits and onto his courage it is like the Dew that fell on Mount Hermon the Dew that fell on Mount Hermon was famous many theologians think that Mount Hermon and mount the amount of transfiguration were the same mountains at the bottom of the mountains the flowers were a result of Dew and the condensation that created a waterfall that contributed to the Jordan river that flowed through the Sea of Galilee the Jordan River has many uh contributing forces that causes it to flow it is fresh water now notice I started on the mountain I started on the mountain but it's it slides down from the mountain to the Sea of Galilee when I went to the Sea of Galilee it was after I had gone down the road to Jericho and it was a winding road down a certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho see anytime you're Jerusalem you had a high place that's why the Bible called it a city set up on the hill that could not be here Jerusalem is a high place but on your way down to Jericho you're coming down like the water is coming down it's coming down it's coming down and they're the Sea of Galilee was down at the bottom and it was beautiful and it was wonderful and it's fresh water fresh fresh water drinkable water replenishing water that's why the cities are built around water because water sustains life and in the early days most cities were built around water so that they would have the sustenance that was necessary to support life watch me I'm headed somewhere now we're going down somebody say we're going down as the Jordan begins to collect all of its contributing factors and continues to flow it flows with such power and such Grace until as it continues to go down it goes lower and lower until it goes below sea level and eventually if you study it out the Jordan flows into what is called the Dead Sea and there is nothing that can flow there's nothing that can survive in the Dead Sea because the Dead Sea is so salty that you could literally stand up and walk across it how did something start so fresh [Music] how could it be up on the mountain and be so fresh and keep going down and down and down until the fresh water has turned to salt water are you following what I'm saying now the Jordan River in the in the early days in the historical days was about 1.3 billion cubic meters per year 1.3 billion is a lot of cubic meters just 20 to 30 million cubic cubic meters per year now but originally the Jordan was a force to be reckoned with it was forceful it was full and during certain Seasons it would overflood the banks and it was powerful and when Joshua crosses the Jordan it is at the peak of a season where the banks are overflowing but don't let it be lost on you that the Jordan is coming down in fact some Scholars teach us that the Jordan's little literal translation for the word Jordan means to come down to come down the text doesn't give us the topography you have to do your own research to get the topography but the text is coming down so if the text is coming down the the water is coming down and the water is coming down I was having a conversation with the girl who's a scientist and I asked her what she thought about the rainforest in Brazil and she said before we talk about the rainforest in Brazil she said we have to deal with the sub-Saharan uh desert in Africa because it is a dust storm and the sub-Saharan areas of Africa that creates the clouds that blow over to Brazil that causes the rain cause and effect if there were no Mount Hebron there wouldn't be a Jordan if there wasn't a Sea of Galilee there wouldn't be a Jordan it starts up here if it wasn't fresh water there would be salt water but as it goes down that's when it starts to get salty it gets salty when it goes down it gets salted because it goes below sea level and when fresh water gets contaminated below sea level it becomes a dumping place for salt you remember that Lot's wife would have escaped Sodom and Gomorrah but she had to look back one more time and her judgment was to become a pillar of salt and they went forward but she went down yes Jordan to go down I want to spend some time on the Jordan River because the Jordan River is very important it's very important for a whole lot of reasons it is it is the Jordan River that is the deciding the fault line between Jerusalem and what is now called Jordan it is the Jordan River that Jesus is to be baptized in he is to be baptized in and when he comes up out of the water a voice speaks from heaven and says this is my beloved Son in whom I'm well pleased why is it important that Jesus is baptized in the Jordan yahshua yahshua has to be baptized in the Jordan because he brings us into the promise just like Joshua had to go through the Jordan to bring us into a land that flows with milk and honey the Jordan is the fault line I and when I saw it I was amazed because everything on this side of the Jordan is dry and parched and lifeless and Sandy and desert and everything on that side of the Jordan is plush and green and alive and vibrant and flamboyant with all types of Life a land that flows with milk and honey and a Wilderness that's dry and parched is only separated by the Jordan I'm still in the first verse it's only separated from the Jordan and what was water you could fish in like the Sea of Galilee has now ended up so salty because it kept going down the reason that you're dealing with people that are salty is because they keep going down oh god oh throw your hands up say stop me from going down now you you've asked God to break the gravitational pull that is a part of the centrifugal force of a revolving Earth because it is the movement of the earth that creates gravity that creates a downward motion and you're asking God to break a law but to stop me from going down say it again stop me from going down yeah I didn't come this far to go down I didn't go through all the tests I've gone through to go down I didn't survive all of these years to go down I didn't endure all the pain I've been through to go down I didn't go through this circumcision to go down I didn't bleed like this to go down I didn't swell like this to go down I didn't scav up like this to go down whatever you've got to do stop me Lord from going down uh Hallelujah to God I feel something in this place because you wouldn't be on a Wednesday night at bible class if you weren't serious about this thing and you want the power to stop somebody say give me the power to stop the gradation of the mountain is against me this centrifugal force of the earth is against me the gravitational pull of the planet is against me but you have the power to stop oh y'all don't hear me yet y'all don't hear me that which pulls me cannot have me because if God gets ready to stop it he can stop it even though nature is pulling it even though gravity is pulling it even though circumstances pulling in if God stops it he will break a law to create a dry place for me to cross over for me to Cross for me to cross over let me show you let me show you let me prove it let me prove it since some of you haven't been there let me prove it by the scripture the Bible says that Jesus was baptized in the Jordan by John the Baptist and straightway the spirit sent him into the Wilderness it's because the Wilderness is on this side of the Jordan and Jerusalem is on that side so it wasn't hard for him to go into the Wilderness because the fault line between the two places is the Jordan itself are you with me this is Bible class come on come on let me know it's Bible class [Applause] so what does it mean to be on a gradiation where the current is is pulled by gravity to a place so low Jesus is baptizing the Jordan let me finish that Jesus is baptized in the Jordan to typify my sins being washed into the sea of forgetfulness not to be remembered in this world or the world to come Jesus is bypassing the Jordan to typify to me through shadows and types that my old man is As Dead As the Dead Sea Jesus is baptized in the Jordan River to let me know that everything every curse every reproach of Egypt everything that was on me every hate every spell every Wicked device every enemy thing has been thrown into the Dead Sea and that's why he doesn't want me talking about my past because he can't see it anymore it's gone into the Dead Sea where nothing can grow nothing can grow his turn just yeah me yeah and nothing can grow are you with me are you with me the thing that cost the Canaanites to become terrified is that God was so with the Hebrews the Israelites that he broke the flow he broke the flow somebody said break the flow I monitor on a trickery that doesn't look good I'm on a path that doesn't feel good I'm in a situation that doesn't feel good but you have the power tonight to break the flow I'm in the third stage of cancer but you have the power to break the flow I'm a diabetic and I'm taking medication twice a day but you have the power to break the flow I've been diagnosed with paranoids schizophrenic but you have the power to break the flow do you hear what I'm saying to you there's some things that the enemy has set in place before you ever even got here and the odds are against you and the environment is against you and the terrain is against you and it looks like you're headed for a dead place but God is getting ready to break the flow somebody holla stop it that's how they knew that God was with the Israelites because God stopped it that's how they knew that God had anointed them because God stopped it that's how I know I'm saying because I was headed for hell and God stopped it that's how I know that the Lord is with me because my enemies have not prospered over me because God stopped it somebody else stop that there are some things that shouldn't kill you that sometimes you should have lost your mind then sometimes you should have thrown in the towel and just when the enemy was coming in for the kill God stopped [Applause] I don't know who I'm talking to today but God said he's getting ready to stop some things I don't know who I'm ministering to today but God he's getting ready to stop some things some things that the devil meant for evil but God's gonna stop it type it on the line God's gonna stop it somebody praising this 30 seconds because God's gonna break the flow he's going to break the current he's going to break the curse he's going to break the generational curse he's going to stop it he's going to stop it it's pulling but he's going to stop it he's shaking but he's gonna stop it come on you got 10 seconds 10 10 10 10 9999 hey hey hey hey hey hey seven seven seven seven seven seven six six six six six six six and five five five five five five five four four four four four four four four four three three three three three three two two one one one one somebody shot stop it [Applause] all right foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I want to talk about the mo the Mana and the method the moat the Mana and the method the moat the Mana and the method I I bring the moat to light because you must understand for Jericho for the city of Jericho the Jordan River is a bit of a moat yeah you know what a mode is a motive is when men would dig out a Waterway as an extra layer of Defense less enemies would be able to cross over easily they had to get through the moat in in the biblical days cities were built around geographical terrain so that they would have strategic advantage in the times of War that's where the high places comes from that's where the concepts come from about David climbing of the waterways the the idea is to position the city so that you can be protected as much as possible to put your City on this side of the Jordan was a layer of Defense because if they were going to get through the Jordan especially at the swelling of the Jordan they had to come through the waters which was difficult and what caused them to be terrified is that God stopped it it's one thing to stop a level flow of water but when the water is coming gailing down off the mountainsides is coming with an intense amount of pressure and still got stopped .com y'all can't hear what I'm talking about y'all can hear that you too busy worrying about how much is coming down off the mountain that you can't understand that I don't care how much force it's got behind it if God gets ready to stop it he can still stop it glory to God that's somebody's word from the Lord I don't care how much the impending danger is threatening to you God still has the power [Applause] he stopped it he stopped this is different from the Red Sea April it's not the same as the Red Sea because the Red Sea was a level seabed and I'm not saying it's any less Miracle but his it is more amazing because the terrain did not lend itself to stopping what was pouring down off of the mountains but gods adopted and and on both sides of the Jordan the kings were afraid because they knew their hands were not big enough to break the flow yeah when God gets ready to break the flow no man's hands are big enough to stop the flow of what God is going to break in your life I can't hardly get away from that Hallelujah to God by the same token when God's got something for you I don't care how much water they got around it I don't care how thick the mode is I don't care how strong the obstacle is I don't care what age you are I don't care what you feel like in your body when God says I have given you the land I have given you the land and the Bible said [Applause] no somebody said God stopped it not only did he stop it but he dried it up he dried it up so that they could go across on dry land notice the specificity of the text says not only does God stop the water but he dries up the mud he stops the water he dries up the mud he stops the water he dries up the mud he stops the water he dries up the mud God said when you walk through this you're not gonna have no sign you're not going to look like you've been through what you've been through you're not gonna have no residue on your life I didn't clean you up a reproach for you to have a residue on your life people not gonna believe your testimony so you might well shut up about it because they're not gonna believe it because I don't intend for no mud to be left on your sandals when you come across you're gonna walk across on dry ground and nobody no [Applause] so the Jordan the Jordan has sectioned off the Wilderness from The Promised Land but God said I'm going to give you access write that down God said I'm going to give you divine access I'm going to give you access to something that you didn't have access to before I'm going to give you such access that not only am I going to stop the flow I'm going to drive the ground I'm going to stop the flow I'm going to drive the ground I'm going to stop the flow I'm going to drive the ground I'm going to stop the flow I'm going to drive the ground and all of this is done so that you can have unbridled access to what other people have enjoyed for years and you've never been able to get and you always thought your destiny was to live in where you were born in because you were born in the desert you thought you'd die in the desert but the devil is alive God said it is possible to be born in a desert and die in the promised land God said I'm getting ready to give you access who am I talking to I don't know who I'm talking to I'm talking to somebody I'm talking to some somebody I'm talking to somebody who am I talking to I'm talking to somebody there's somebody online is it somebody in central time zone is it somebody in Eastern time is it somebody in Pacific whatever time you're in if I'm talking to you holla at your boy Make Some Noise blow a whistle make a sound put up an emoji let me know God God [Applause] let me go deeper now they have been eating they they have passed the moat they have been they have terrified the enemy and God has changed their diet [Applause] what you ate in the wilderness you will not need in the Promised Land I fed you for where you were there is an association between the manner you ate and your clothes not wearing out and your shoes not wearing out I sustained you in the wilderness but now I'm getting ready to deliver you out of the Wilderness so you won't have to eat what you used to have to eat because now I'm going to give you such an abundance that you're not going to have to look up you're going to have to look out to receive what I'm about to give next in your life you you've been looking up everything you got if God didn't send it you didn't get it but God said I'm going to bring you into a place of abundance which was where I created you in the first place in the Garden of Eden where everything you needed was growing all around you and God said I'm going to stop you from looking up you're not gonna have to pray for your car payment you're not gonna have to pray for your house payment you're not going to have to pray for you can pay your babysitter God said I'm gonna put you in a place where everything you need is within arms reaches all around you it's everywhere who am I talking to who am I talking to talking to somebody I feel like I'm prophesying to somebody I feel like I'm prophesying to somebody and God said [Music] [Applause] once you taste of the food of what's yours the Manna will cease [Music] the Manna will cease the ceasing of the man of Sears There's No Going Back to who you were let me tell y'all because they didn't hear it the ceasing of the Manna is God's way of letting you know that the enemies you see today you will see them no more there is no going back to who you used to be let me try y'all God says I'm going to give you such a stopping place in your life that all the things that sustain you while you were waiting on a stop you're not gonna need them anymore because I'm gonna completely Mesmerize you and turn everything completely around in your life your diet your appetite your disposition your personality the way you walk the way you dress the way you think what you eat what time you get up what time you go to bed everything is getting ready to shift everything is about to change in your life God said I'm bringing you to a stopping place I'm bringing you into a shift I don't know who I'm talking to but whoever I'm talking to you better get this word this word tonight is not For Your Entertainment it is for your deliverance it is for your breakthrough God said I am going to give you the power to stop slap somebody and say I got the power to stop you can't threaten me anymore I got the power to stop you can't abuse me anymore I got the power to stop you can't control me anymore I got the power to stop sin you can't have power over me I got the power to stop profanity you can't control me I got the power to stop needing you to come back in my life I got the power to stop so you got no more negotiating power in my life because you can I have the power to stop somebody hell I got the power to stop tell them drugs I got the power to stop tell cocaine I got the power to stop oh tell amphetamines I got the power to stop tell white people I got the power to stop my daddy did it my granddaddy did it but I got the power to stop I can't have this much Holy Ghost and not have the power to stop I feel a mighty rushing wind about to hit this place right now because somebody in this room just recognized you've been waiting on the power and you got the power right now you got the power to stop Hallelujah to God type it on the line type it by faith I don't care if they'll feel it in your body and I tell them I got the power to stop I'm not gonna keep calling you cause I got the power to stop I'm not gonna keep chasing you because I got the power to stop I'm Not Gonna Keep begging you to come back cause I got the power to stop you don't need me I don't need you I can go on by myself I got the power to stop you can't use the same trick you used to use on me cause now I got the power what happened slap three people and say I got the power to stop yeah yeah I got the power to stop demons tremble when you talk like that hell gets nervous when you talk like that hexes are broken when you talk like that Roots don't work when you talk like that burning sage is not needed when you talk like that I got the power to stop I got the power to stop no man takes my life I lay it down if I let down I'll pick it back up again because I got power coming back in my life I got the power to stop I got the power to walk right I got the power to talk right I got the power to think right I got the power to move I got the power to be or I got the power to climb I got the power to go forward I got the power to prosper I got the power to endure I got the power to survive you left me thought I was gonna grow crazy you wrong I got the power to survive glory to God God will feed me God will bless me God will move in my behalf shout yes somebody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so that I'm just talking a little bit I'm almost finished this is Bible class so I'm like you know [Applause] I don't know what's been barreling down at you saying you can't control it but God said you got the power to stop you got the power you got the power to stop you should know the truth and the truth shall set you free you got the power to stop you got the power you got the power you got the power your neighbor don't have the power your boyfriend don't have the power your sugar daddy don't have the power sweet mama don't have the power you got the power to stop for where God is getting ready to take you there's some stuff that gotta cease there's some things that's got to cease in your life you cried Your Last Tear yesterday God is a little oh I got it quit because I'm about to start something if I start something in this place and I'm gonna mess up the whole Bible class because I feel the anointing of the Holy Ghost about to break forth in this room I got the power to stop give me my power back give me my testimony back give me my righteousness back give me my voice back give him give me my glory give me my story give me my children as for me and my house [Music] foreign [Applause] watch this watch this are y'all getting anything out of this Bible place tonight what what drove me to the text is the continuity between the moat and the manna the moat and the manna both stopped the moat and the manna stop final verse Joshua runs up on a man and he says are you on my side or the enemy side now this is the profundity of this moment because what is on trial is Joshua's method all my life I had to fight I had to fight my brothers I had to fight all my life his old job was built around Warfare so he runs up on the guy who wanted to know you want to fight are you whose side are you on because he's still thinking like who he was and God said if you keep thinking like who you were you're not going to be prepared for who you are this battle is not going to require your talent your method has got to change I don't need your swords I don't need your shield in fact I'm gonna send the captain of the host of the angels to come down to work this out in your life and all you got to do is walk around the wall and the wall is gonna come tumbling down and God said he's going to give you a victory that does not require your own methods so if you were conniving you don't have to be conniving if you were nervous you don't have to be nervous if you had to fight you don't have to fight God's about to change your method he's going to give you the victory without sweat he's going to give you the victory without labor see see I I need a handheld because when I get when I get something in my hand like this I keep messing up Hallelujah God your whole method has to change Joshua Joshua you are not who you were you are not a general in the Army up under Moses Moses is dead your methods have got to change you can't think like you're under Moses Moses is dead you gotta think like the leader you are and if you running around here with shorts and stuff you don't understand the role I put you in you're not going to win this battle with your hand you're going to win this battle with your head as a man thinketh in his head so is he get your head together the promotion of the Lord is disruptive because it disrupts how you see yourself and if you don't change your methods you look if if you're a dirty person and I move you in a nice house it won't be long before the nice house gets dirty because you got a new house but you got an old method if you're a mouthy person everybody comes in your life you're gonna run them off with your nasty mouth even the nice people are gonna get tired of your mouth because you're using your old method in fact you're talking to the man you got as if he was the man you had until he becomes what you call him because the power of life and death is in your tongue and until you learn how to treat what you prayed for You're Gonna Lose what God sends you because you got to develop a method that fits where you are not where you were so you gotta have enough Faith to drop your sword and drop your hand and fall down on your face and humble yourself before God because God said that number God said if you humble yourself before him he'll show you how to get the victory you're not going to get the victory using your own weapons and your old tools God said I'm gonna show you how to get the victory but you're gonna have to lay on your face before God to get the victory somebody throw your hands up and say victory God said I'm gonna break the curse off of your life I'ma break the struggle off of your life I'm gonna break the back of dead off of your life I'm gonna break depression off of your life I'm gonna break suicide off of your life I'm gonna break drug addictions off of your life I'm a break whoremongering off your life I'm gonna break it off of your life I'm gonna give you the power to stop but you can't get it standing on your feet you're gonna have to lay on your face before God how did I must said take off your shoes for the crime [Applause] y'all got to stop cause I got some rest and I'm ready to start some up in this way the crime you stand on the ground you're standing on right now it's not like the ground you was on before the ground you spend on is Holy Ground And when you get on Holy Ground you got to lay out on your face um [Applause] and Joshua said the only thing I want is to hear what God is saying to me and if I have to stop being who I was if I have to stop being who I was then I'm gonna take my shoes off and be barefoot I'd rather be barefoot and anointed then be covered and be blind this anointing I want it bad enough to come out of my shoes I want it bad enough to come wait wait wait I want it bad enough to come out of my shoes I want it bad enough to come out of my habits I want it bad enough to come out of my lust I want it bad enough to come out of my habits I want it bad enough to come out of my struggle I want it bad to come out and have my temper I want it better it's anybody in here that wants this anointing bad enough to cut out of your shoes for the crime you stand on it's holiday foreign [Applause] I'm coming out of my bag I'm coming out of my attitude I'm coming out of my habits I'm coming out of my stuff I'm coming out of my disposition because this joy that I have the world didn't give it to me and the world can't take it away and whatever I got to come out of tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight I don't mean next month I don't mean next week I don't mean next Sunday I don't mean the 4th of July God said you got to come out of it tonight come out with your hands up I got you surrounded I got you surrounded huh Holy Ghost is all around you and God said if you'll come out tonight I will deliver you somebody shout unto God [Applause] so he gave him the power to stop the moat the power to stop the manna but the most important power is to change the method [Applause] because once you get locked into a method I can move you into a new place but you'll still use an old method and your method will cancel out the newness if you don't change your method the heights into a close there's somebody in this room I don't know who you are God is talking directly to you there's somebody watching over this internet God is talking directly to you and you you got to come out some stuff you got to come out some stuff and you know it for what God is about to do in your life the Lord told me to tell you one thing you have the power to stop you have the power to stop I know it's been telling you you can't stop I know you've been telling yourself you can't stop I know you've been telling yourself you can't help it you can't change this is how you are your auntie was like this your Grandmama was like that the devil is alive God said you have the power to stop I'll put my hand in your Jordan I'll dry up the muddy places I'll stop the manner I [Music] place and I want to teach you a new method I want to teach you a method the crown you stand on it's Holy Ground now you got a choice tonight yahshua Joshua you didn't have my shoes [Applause] you have a choice tonight Joshua you can either stand there and look cute and have another Wednesday night service or you can come out your shoes for the ground you stand on is Holy Ground what makes a ground a holy Bishop whatever makes a ground a holy is wherever God is wherever the anointing of the Lord is it is Holy Ground and if you believe that the anointing of God is in this place then you are standing on a holy crown and I decree and declare right now in the name of Jesus that whatever was on you has got to break off if you're watching online whatever was on here has got to break off if you're streaming my video whatever was on you has got to break off if you're an e-member whatever was on you has got to break off there's somebody watching uh in the Caribbean whatever Sonia has got to break off there's somebody watching in London whatever his own he has got to break off this is your day of Deliverance this is your day of breakthrough this is your day of healing this is your day of complete difference over everything that God had on your life this is your day of breakthrough you better seize it right now Hallelujah Joshua five and one is your word it is your word from God thus saith the Lord to you today the enemies that you see today you will see them no more Joshua 5 1 is your spirit child it's your word from the Lord your enemies are going to be terrified when they see what God stops in your life they're not even gonna understand you or your children are not even gonna know how to deal with you your wife is gonna understand you because what used to sit you in a rage it's not gonna work anymore you've got the power to stop her you've got the power to stop you've got the power Tonight Tonight Tonight Tonight whoever wants a breakthrough I'm not about somebody I gotta beg I mean whoever wants a breakthrough run up here like you wanted run up here like it's free cheese run up here like it's hot baloney run up here like you got to have it run up here like I refuse to get back in that car and go home with that same mood and that same attitude the devil is a liar the devil is a liar the devil is a liar the devil is a liar I can't hear you open your mouth like you want Deliverance thank you [Music] [Music] Joshua five and one God's Gonna shock your enemies gospel shock your haters you ain't got to tell them all for God's Gonna shut their mouth when God gets through making a way for you they're gonna have to turn you a loose when God gets to make it away for you they're gonna have to turn you a loser when God gets to make it a way for you they're gonna have to throw their hands up and walk away when God gets to make it away for you I don't know who I'm talking to but I feel it anointing in this place the spirit of the Lord is in this place you're standing on Holy Ground the spirit of the Lord God is upon you Hallelujah somebody give it 30 seconds of Crazy Praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] friends [Music] chain breaker chain breaker chain breaker chain breaker chain breaker chain breaker chain breaker chain breaker chain breaker chain breaker chain breaker Chain break now break some chains break them around this house break them around that couch break them in their living room bring it in that car speed of the Lord God in the name of Jesus I break every chain I break everything chain breaker break that Chain break that Chain break that Chain break that chain I said break it I said break it I said break it I said break it [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I decree and declare Joshua 5 and 1 over your life that God would so obviously stop it that your enemies would be terrified because God stopped it that the gravitational pull that keeps pulling you down God's going to stop it the centrifugal force says hail you back God's going to stop it the ancestral Indulgence that has trapped you God is going to stop it I decree and declare in the name of Jesus God is going to stop it somebody better grab my coattail because I feel the anointing of the Holy Ghost in This Place stop stop which shop stop witch stop stop curse stop stop suicide stop stop depression stop stop liar stop her stop gossip stop her stop curse Stop in the Name of Jesus I declare it will stop lay hands on your daughter I stop it on your daughter I stop it on your son I stop it on your children I stop it over your family I by the cree and declare that everything in your house is coming out with you I said it's coming out with you as for me in my house we will serve the Lord somebody help me Praise Him somebody help me jump he's jumping on the Holy Ground lay it on the Holy Ground I kneel it on a Holy Ground waving on a Holy Ground I sound on a Holy Ground speaking on tongues there on the Holy Ground the spirit of the Lord gives life the spirit of the Lord gives life the spirit of the Lord gives life the spirit of the Lord give life the spirit of the Lord the spirit of the Lord the spirit of the Lord the spirit of the Lord the spirit of the Lord [Applause] all right [Applause] [Applause] [Music] yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yeah yeah [Music] [Laughter] God said yes God said yes God said yes God said yes God said yes God said yes I gave you power I gave you the power I gave you the power somebody give him a Crazy Praise a power pack please of your breaking praise give me the praise right now [Music] you better praise them you better praise it with your cute self with your dignified self you better praise him you know you've been bound you you've been a lot now but the devil is a liar he who the son and set free it's free indeed son yeah [Applause] [Music] good [Music] [Applause] I can't hear you let hell hear you let demons hear you let your water heal you let's ochella hear you let your bombsmen hear you oh [Music] what is that what is that what is that what is that what is that the power to stop the power to stop the power to stop the pan is top the power to stop all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so listen to this this is your homework this is Bible class this is your homework I want you to play this message over at least one more time I want you to go on YouTube and play this message over at least one more time I really want you to play it till you can teach it I want you to play until you can talk about it over coffee I want you to play until you can teach it to your family and your children Joshua 5 1. is what I want you to read for the next three days I want you to read Joshua 5 1. and ask God what all is he going to stop in the presence of your enemies whatever you go stop whatever you're gonna stop whatever you're gonna stop whatever you'll stop put your hand in the way block it cut it off stop it in the name of Jesus shall yes somebody lift your hands and praise him like God is talking to you [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 655,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, wtal, woman thou are loosed, megafest, potters house, bishop jakes, pastors and leadership, pastors, leaders, instinctbishops, village, stop the curse, power over the past
Id: Kl4okICup5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 14sec (4514 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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