TBC Classic - TK Guide - How to kill Al'ar - In depth with timestamps!

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all right guys welcome to alar okay i know i'm a little bit slow on the the guides that's because i was preparing for t5 myself but now i'm here and i'm back okay so olar um well i was i'm actually going to say that lr is not that easy of a fight i will say that it should be easy but you know how i say everything is easy i'm actually watching a lot of guilds right now this is after p2 has been out a lot of girls are struggling on this i hope this guy will help a little bit okay so basically this is a two-phase fight he has an upper and a lower you can't see it because it's blurry i'll open up a little bit later to it but up here is the upper floor phase one you are just fighting him up here and in phase two you're gonna find him down here okay you got a little bit of ads that come out occasionally which we'll talk about a little bit so you're gonna run with four tanks you have one tank preferably a paladin tank to handle the adds that come up that occasionally come up and you'll have three tanks up on this upper floor which we'll talk about a little bit alar is also a meter fire so uh fire dish relax fire mages wash your flame shock stuff like that's not gonna work and lastly he's tauntable which is always helpful to know if you pull aggro in phase one or two you can go ahead and do it all right next up let's talk about phase one because that's the first thing we're gonna go over okay so phase one which i will show you the screen in a minute he starts at one of these bulbs right here you can kind of see them right here one of these little what's up guys you want to uh do me a favor and go ahead and uh subscribe huh make that red butt turn gray for me please thank you spots here here and then here and then one right here and but you'll see a better view in a minute but the point is he flies phase one he just goes platform to platform right he starts with one platform he either goes left either goes right or he goes across he does not he cannot go this to here to here he can only literally go left right or across okay so just know that's this pattern range dps do not worry about threat melee you do need to worry about threat the range don't worry about it because you guys are all down here fighting you'll see you know a little bit and if you go whenever he goes across like i said he'll spawn ads which we'll talk about and a prop will pick up those ads and bring them down to the main floor take them away from everybody else and that's pretty much what you do in phase one he goes from platform to platform sometimes in the air and then you guys you just nuke them until phase one's over with all right some some of the face one stuff you gotta worry about the mechanic is flame buff this just makes sure someone is always by alarm right so what happens is say he starts right here and he goes over here you need to make sure or over here wherever whatever platform he goes to you need to make sure that somebody is by him if nobody's by him he does flame buff it which is a good amount of damage um i don't know how much it would take to kill the raid but you're you're definitely free to take one two sometimes even three flame buffets um but is it buffett or buffet whatever i don't care anyway yeah so if he goes over here you just need to get over there real quick obviously you guys bears and warriors can go here and charge you can use shadow fiends to get it real quick but yeah just get someone over there quick flame coils is when so he can go to these platforms like i said but he can also go in the air right here and then hover in the air whenever he does that he does flame kills which does a lot of fire damage to everybody on the upper floor that's simple just have all the melee jump off when you see him go in the air jump off easy and lastly his ember ember's blast when he dies he will you know blow up for a lot of damage and knock everybody back just make sure no one's buying when he dives that's it for phase one all right guys so this is the tank position from the front i just want to show you this real quick i have a better view it's from the side uh i i don't want to show this one i just showing this so if you could imagine walking in okay and now i'm gonna shift it over to the right so you can see it okay now i much prefer this one we walk into here this tank right here simply for the ads that spawn when only when a large goes across platforms you have one tank up here to kind of soak one and two if he's over there you have one tank over here to soak three and four and you have one sec tank tank two soak five and six and it's as simple as if if a large right here number one and he goes to six we see it this tank goes over there if he's at one and he goes across three knows the i mean this tank needs to knows to go to four if he's at one he goes over here this tank knows to go you know pick it up simple enough more importantly is the positioning on pull okay so this is what it's going to look like on pull no matter what no matter what scrolls alar obviously no matter what skull i mean a lara will always start at this position right here no matter every single time that clock work and like i said he can only go left or left sorry right or across right once again he can only go one side next to him or across when he goes across his sponsor ads so when it starts right here you have the range writer right here you can have him cheat and go a little bit over here but that's kind of predicting because he's gonna go here so just have your reign sitting right in the middle of every single time they're max range and they're pumping the melee are sitting here they're pumping and the tanks right here this tank's waiting to see if no matter what he's gonna either go here or here right so you know that this tank no matter he can already be here and waiting he cannot go over here the lark can't go over here so his position is over here which obviously this tank would then just follow him and pick it up or he can go across which you know this tank will go get it or he can go right here and this tank is here so this tank is already here because he knows it can go here this tank is already here because he knows it can go here and this tank's going to chase him if he goes this way not a big deal melee is just following him around real quick obviously and the rains are just nuking and then this tank is just kind of hanging out doing whatever until you can go do melee damage you can do whatever until the ads come up he's not really waiting down here he is up here right so then if he goes across uh adds spawn he can pick up the ads and bring him down next next next there you go now alarm move to the right we're pretending i moved the right this is how you shift everything okay alar went from here to here all you do is he went over here this tank came over and picked them up melee went over with him this tank went back into this position even though he doesn't need to because he can just go right here i think that i set this up before i got confirmation that it was left right or across i always thought it was but i needed to wait till live and now it's confirmed with live so if i could go back in time i would have just put this here so this guy doesn't mean we can just stay here so now this guy knows okay i have action at catching this spot right here this is a spot so that can go across so he's already shifting over here he's shifted over there you guys are pumping and do the same thing now we're gonna pretend that he goes across now okay a large is going across he's about to go across now he's moving across we pause it real quick we know the melee is already down on the floor running over here this tank's going to his spot this tank's already here and he's moving over here right and then the range is over here in position and now we're here and we're pumping pause it we're here pumping now what happened what happened here he went across which means what ad spun now ad spawned right here this tank now knows i need to get these so he's gonna go pick these up and he's going to bring him back down here he will he's already there anyway but whatever he picks up the ads and he just tanks them right here you guys are completely ignore the ads like i said they do do two percent of the boss damage do not worry about them um i can't see in any situation where you would nuke these uh i can see in between phases or in between down times of the fight when you can't hit a lar like when you die when you know in between phase one and two or maybe when he's doing dive bomb you can put some dots up you can do whatever you want warlocks i like to put dots up agony by the way because i'm if your affliction obviously it's a little bit different if your reflection it's good to put corruptions up if i just like to put a little instant cast up while i'm running around say he's going from here to here and i'm shadowing but then he gets out of range over here while i'm running over here i'll go put some dots up whatever you know get in position yeah so that's what you do from phase one for both of these positions all right once he dies guys he's gonna die at this top one like i said is something called ember blast is gonna happen make sure that melee and the tanks get down because it'll do a good amount of damage to you and fly you over the air and just know that you can fly like this and die so watch out no you won't really die but you get it so he did rebirth which is just simply a lot of damage and he knocks back everybody in this area he's in a rebirth he always always always reapers in the middle right here so here's the thing boom he rebirth he does a good amount of damage and knocks back anybody right here so make sure after phase one while you guys are waiting you guys are out here okay don't be up here obviously and then don't be in because of that just be kind of right here so his mechanics are a little changed a little bit the the so some dangerous is charged charge is like the scariest thing of his face he will charge a random person and melee them and then one shot him pretty much it's not always a one shot i looked at i looked at vaude i mean i looked at some of the logs from pete from ptr and phase two and he does anywhere from 8k to 11k health and he melees about the end of it so he can do a charge and then a melee and like one shots you so this and it happens too fast for you really to catch it you get a split second of doing it and seeing it and be able to do it but i mean that could be quick enough to pop a nightmare seed or you know you're saving hellstones uh i don't i you could probably snap a taunt really quick if you're the tank's really fast at it just really be careful for this for this reason try to make sure everybody has some stamina uh t5 guys is one of those things where your casters should have some stamina like at least 10k 11k sitting nice obviously but don't stress for 11k warlocks will reach 11k pretty easy but if you're a mage if you're something like that on this fight just kind of make sure you have 10k because if this hits you for a 9k you're gonna be upset you know what i mean next thing is flame patch this is obviously exactly what it sounds like he puts a patch of flame on the ground get out of it uh and then melt armor is the tanking uh mechanic the only one you gotta worry about is only in phase two he melts the targets are reducing by 80 percent for one minute so if it's on one tank sees that tank swap make sure the tank tank team doesn't have this and last but not least with this face is the dye bomb it's the most important thing probably other space he does he periodically will disappear go into the air and then slam down a dive bomb on everybody just gather your whole raid up on one spot you'll see in the video in a little bit and let them come down it'll split the damage i think it's like 60k split i'm not sure on that it splits the damage and it leaves a little charge effect on the ground move on out and he's also going to come back to life we're not coming back to life he's going to phase back in at the exact same spot and do a ton of damage and also blast you guys back kind of like an emerald blast every single time he comes past and it's the same thing as well with these ads there's also ads here still right so every time he does do the diet bomb he does it he's stack and then you move he slams to the ground wait you guys stack he slams the ground you guys move charred earth is there you got a little bit you got that huge ember blasting so make sure no one's there and then two adds will spawn these two phoenixes get picked up by your pop powder and he's just gonna he's just gonna go oh guys i'm just gonna go sit over here and mind my own business and no one's gonna miss me he's just kind of around b the whole way okay that's pretty much it for that face i have i think i have one more slide right here we'll go over positioning for it yes perfect okay so in a perfect world this is what it looks like all right now i know that i know it's not a perfect world i know that it's not going to be like this but this is a good general thing phase two you're just going to fight him in the middle or maybe if he's over here that's fine you don't have the tank in the middle just pull him over here fight him over here move your raid with it i'm just giving you a diagram where you should stand okay probably is doing prop type things he still has the ads from the first phase he's their them will still be alive unless you guys killed some of them just you know just to do it because if they get really level of health like five percent health just have the melee already not i guess not mainly because they blow up you can have a rogue over melee and invasion or something but have the range just kind of finish when i'm off the tanks can survive the hit um anyway so you guys are sitting here pumping you got the tank doing the tank stuff you got the healer spread out you're doing healing stuff you got the range gfs pew pewing you got the melee dps trying to do some kind of damage even though they're garbage okay now you guys pump that's it dive bomb goes away you guys all will stack up right here in the middle right or wherever your tank is you put a marker on somebody so it makes it easier right now why you guys are stacked up i would suggest going hey all right after dive bomb we're moving east ping the map a bunch of times so everybody sees where to go he dives down swoops on in you guys crash down split the damage and then run by spilling damage this means your prop powder also needs to run in there you will get one shot if you don't come in here okay so let's make sure everybody run in there during the face when he's in the air damage some put some dots up do some damage to the birds if you want you might as well there's nothing to do you can attack the bird while you're going to attack alar when he's in the air for a little bit but guys there's really nothing to do so just nuke some birds down if you want to just to get you know it's two percent health is two percent health i see in no way uh a situation where you should nuke all these birds now i will also say that you you get to a point we have nine ten birds that's kind of like a lot of health and you got low i mean you could just spam seeds on them if you want to i'm not going to tell you to you guys figure out your own way but i mean just know that it's two percent per boss i mean per bird so it's kind of cool so yeah anyway that's in that's phase two uh just kind of try to do rough obviously sometimes your range can be over you don't need to do this exact thing you get the picture melee standing on melee range standing on range you guys are in your groups for totems your tank's tanking everyone's pumping your healers are healing like that's in an ideal situation that's the whole fight right uh the rest of this physically footage from the fight that i'll nerd narrate like this um what else is there anything else i can think of not really yeah just make sure you guys crowd up for what am i missing i feel like i'm missing something am i missing guys no nothing yeah just make sure you guys uh you know stack up for a meteor i mean dive bomb spread out don't die from the ads do not every time he die bomb he will hurt people that's the biggest thing i keep people getting up on and that's about it guys i'm trying to think of some more stuff i can't really think of much else but uh yeah easy fight guys go to the footage real quick i said real quick these are never real quick you guys know me man come on okay i'm gonna give you tsw's perspective first because this is a beaut of the whole fight should be here this is entire fight phase one don't worry about the range dps bro we just sitting down here range dps are sitting here the whole time like i said this is not that interesting to watch okay now we're on lr he's tanking alar melee's doing many things the only reason this perspective is here because i want to see you want to see what he's doing you get to see a whole lot of him taking a couple charging howie his path this is what all tanks should be doing okay so we're gonna watch this for a little bit there's nothing really even narrated on all right guys we're at max platform like now so now you're gonna see we're looking right now the first thing you want to see is where the bird's going okay it looks like he's gonna go over here now you see it right here he's going here i'm running i'm the tank over here i'm mobbing now this is the time you'll see it right here right here let's see wait a little bit longer okay wait wait wait wait wait wait boom right there now right here people are on fire they're getting into flame buffet right but also you see how we pop shadow fiends shadow fiends will stop the flame quills every flame buffet it's perfect because it gives your tank time to get there okay so now we have two shadow fins pop one shadow fin pop here's the second one i'm charging in and now i'm on him that's all you do that's all the tanks need to do okay the hardest part of this phase is the tank going next door to platform to platform instead of a cross the crosses of one of the easiest ones or going to the left to a new tank the hardest thing a tank can do is this right here is go right next to each other and it's still that easy so right now i think the next platform is this one to the right oh we changed a little bit it's okay so just keep doing the same thing you're doing we got the max four plank coming up right now range is pumping melee's pumping i believe he goes right here to the right which is nice and then that bear tank on the other side is just going to get rid of he's going over tank's jumping down going back to his spot and then he's look the bear's chugging all in we're gonna take some flame patches it's okay he's not doing too much damage he's gonna charge in and now he's back on top and that's it that's all it is okay that's all it is for this face all right tsw starts to go back okay we see that he's going in the air this is a flame quill alert flame crawler he's in the air flame cools means everybody jump down see how he jumped down phage died up there the bear tank died up there you know why he died up there because he didn't jump down it does a lot of damage so make sure you you know you jump down but after that just get ready to go back to the spot you know the face is almost over so it's one of those things where it's not that bad at the tank diet which is cool so we're going to keep pumping i'm going to speed back up to the end of this face guys all right and then you see tsw get hit with the inverse the ember blast that's what it does to you make sure you don't get hit by but he's a tank he has a lot of health it's not a big deal so i'm going to switch to my perspective and i'm actually going to change the footage from this one because this is an old ptr kill to our actual per kill on a lot of the other night because it's faster and the strat is the same strat that i would prefer that you guys use a lot of these videos i made in the past with the ssc was not my guild i couldn't use my guild strats so they were these like farm strats um and now i can show you the guild strats because now it's out all right guys so here we are right here right now pause you see the this is like you see we just have the them dotted up these are continuing from phase one this is he now lars spawned he or she by the way maybe the comments let me know i don't know anyway he or she spawns here and then he does damage notice none of us are here our tank big big daddy barking's just getting ready to charge in here now he has to add you're gonna avoid this flame patch like the hot ass it is it's garbage it's easy to avoid hey give it extra yard because it's like i'll probably take right here it cuts off always give visuals guys a little bit more anyway and you guys stay here and you guys are just going to pump this out this is it that's it i will talk this out for a little bit after that i'll just fast forward it because this is all this is all the phase 2 is right now um you keep going until he goes through his diet bomb die bombs gonna happen in about eight seconds it looks like and you'll see us all run up and stack on the tank you see our tanks nerf me which is the bare druid and barking sweat taunting back and forth when each one gets a melt armor stack okay there's a flame patch we move out of it not only that but now here's the first dive bomb he's getting ready to go in the air right now for a dive bomb now we all hurry up and stack up as much as we can stack on the tank stack on the tank stack on the tank okay now meteor's gonna come right now i said it's a good time where you guys can be dpsing these ads careful of this ad though don't be the guy because if if i go hey i'm gonna get one bolt up or one thing off on this guy you might not be the only ones think that next you know this guy dies blows up there's a ton of damage and everybody knocks it and knocks them back so make sure you don't kill these ads like that remember they blow up too but what i would suggest is taking a couple shots at these guys get them called kind of lower it's fine if they're low just coordinate that with obviously okay first off let me start by saying if you're ready to say don't touch them don't touch them but i'm just letting you guys know we do like like it's cool and not just we like the pad too not just padding wise but it does help to kill these don't enter don't ignore the boss and fight these but like during this phase where there's nothing to do put some up on this guy anyway stack up dive bombs don't happen so we're running out we're running out already runs the same direction i'm dotting up these guys to go now you see him slam down do a lot of damage two ads spawn the tank comes and picks him up you can get a misdirection if you need and i'm moving out of the fire patch and then we're pumping back into the boss that's the fight that's the rest of face do nothing new nothing changes it's that rinse and repeat that and that's the end of it guys i'm gonna speed this up for the rest of this and then that'll be end tomorrow i'll do void reaver and solarian and then i'll get kt done the next day and then all the tk guys will be done i'll be more quick on the t6 ones ahead of time too and make sure you guys get them before launch i hope you guys enjoyed the out of this i hope you guys enjoyed the out of t5 and tk and ssc i love all the love you guys are giving me from these guides man it makes me want to do it makes me want to do more videos so i really appreciate you guys and uh yeah i'ma stop being a little and let you guys watch the rest of this piece you
Channel: Crix
Views: 37,693
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WoW, WorldOfWarcraft, TheBurningCrusade, TBC, Raid Guide, Raiding, Warlock, Guide, Warlock Tanking, Burning Crusade, The Burning Crusade, BiS, Pre-BiS, Guides, Crix, CrixGaming, Crix Gaming, PvP, Arena, Walkthrough, Classes, Class, Deep Dive, WOW, World of Warcraft, BC, Classic, Help, PvE, Shadow, Changes, Classic WoW, Tanking, Heal, DPS, Damage, Meta, Min/max, Affliction, Destruction, Demonology, Demo, Felguard, FG, Fire, Fire Destruction, SSC, Serpentshrine, Serpentshrine Cavern, FLK, Fathom Lord, boss, boss guide
Id: jsVmTdm1mx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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