Season 4 ULTIMATE Gearing Guide - Get Item Level 304+

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hey folks this is kalani with the start of season 4 the gearing grind starts once again we have massive item level bumps almost across the board with gear dropping at item level 304 and higher this season is a bit weird because it is a bit lopsided not everyone has new updated gear sources or even higher item levels to chase after and some ways of gearing up are going to be much easier when compared to others or even when just compared to previous seasons so we're going to break down every gearing option how far you can get what's worth your time investment and which sort of gear are the easiest to chase after so here's our season for ultimate gearing guide and how you can get item level 304 and beyond before we jump in be sure to hit up that like button and subscribe so you never miss another video one of the fastest and easiest ways to gear up in season 4 is going to be through the fated raid system they reward some of the highest item level gear available they have several new gearing up pass and options and they're actually easier than when these raids first came out it's almost free gear at this point which is great if your goal is to get your item level as high as possible before the dragonflight expansion comes out fated raids are more or less the same as the old shadowlands raids except the bosses scale up to deal more damage and have more health they drop better item level gear and each boss also has a special affix that makes the boss harder and kind of easier at the same time mostly easier if i'm being honest now not every shadow lands raid is fated at the same time it's only one per week to start with so for this first week we have the castle nathria raid next week is going to be the center of domination raid and then after that it's the sepulcher of the first ones and it will keep rotating throughout the season so one raid each week until they shake things up later on down the line in season four all four difficulties of raids and every boss are available right from the get-go so we don't have to wait for lfr wings to open there's no waiting for mythic to start it's all available right now so you can full clear the raid in lfr right away or you can start pushing mythic bosses it's completely up to you the higher difficulty you go the better rewards you're going to get for lfr mode early bosses will drop item level 265 loot and the later bosses will drop 272 item level gear for normal mode you're looking at item level 278 gear and 285 from the later bosses on heroic bosses will drop 291 gear with the last bosses dropping 298 item level loot and then on mythic you can get all the way up to 304 loot from the early bosses with the last bosses dropping a whopping item level of 311. so even if you just go for lfr during this season you can get better gear than anything available to solo or casual players in previous seasons if you bump it up to normal or heroic you have some massive gear upgrades to chase after and of course the mythic raiders out there will be geared to the teeth as per usual it's worth noting that while the sepulcher the first ones is the active fated raid you can get straight tier gear drops at these higher item levels but castle nathria and the sanctuary domination do not drop tier gear directly and everybody is gonna win their four set again at higher item levels because let's be honest the four sets are probably the most powerful pieces of gear we can equip even if the item levels are a little bit low so obtaining your 4 set or keeping your force out if you already have it is going to be a massive power spike and then you're just really looking for some big item level upgrades to upgrade your tier gear further thankfully all raid gear in season 4 can be tossed into the creation catalyst to change it into tier gear or to change its stats if it's not a tier slot all you need is some catalyst charges which accumulate over time and carried over from season three for example i have about 36 charges left so that's not really a concern if you haven't used the creation catalyst much and then you also need cosmic flux cosmic flux drops from rain bosses in season 4 from every single raid in fact so again you shouldn't run into many issues with that currency as with every other season killing more raid bosses will also help fill up your weekly vault the vault is going to be just as important when it comes to gearing up it's an extra chance at free loot every week kill as many parts as you can on the highest difficulty you can and hopefully you'll get something good when the weekly reset comes around remember that you always have a chance at tier gear from the weekly vault 2 and any item you get from the vault can be turned into tier gear at the creation catalyst so even if a piece of gear isn't necessarily that good even if it's just an item level upgrade it can be used in the creation catalyst for a huge advantage season 4 also introduces something we haven't seen in a long time raid loot vendors when you first enter a fated raid you'll get a quest to kill 30 raid bosses the reward for that quest is a puzzling cartel dinar you can complete this quest a total of three times and each time requires fewer boss kills so you can eventually collect three dinars total you can take this new currency to some new vendors in orobos they should be next to the weekly vault but they might only show up after you collect your first dinar these vendors can sell any and every weapon and trinket that drops from all three shadowlands raids so you can buy your best and slot weapon or trinket if they haven't dropped by the time you get your dinars giving you even more access to loot if you do a bit of raiding this season you can actually complete these quests on lfr mode by the way so you can buy items from these vendors even if you just do lfr for all of season 4. there's also a new way to upgrade your raid gear from one difficulty to the next or even higher depending on how you want to progress for each boss you kill on heroic or mythic you will get a confounding cipher these are different for heroic or mythic so you need to collect them separately when you get 20 ciphers so after 20 boss kills on heroic or mythic you can combine them into an upgrade item you can then use that upgrade item on any piece of gear to instantly upgrade it to heroic or mythic item level you can even use these items on lfr gear and you can skip over difficulties so you can go from lfr or normal straight to a mythic item level item if you have the appropriate upgrade item this is actually going to be a great way to gear up long term because you don't have to rely on items dropping multiple times you can just upgrade it instead so if you get your best in-slot weapon from normal you actually don't need to get that again on mythic all you have to do is kill 20 mythic bosses and you can instantly upgrade that weapon and boom best in slot mythic weapon i would usually talk about world bosses in a different section kind of for all players or casual players but they're very closely tied to raiding in season 4 so i hope this makes sense world bosses can also drop significantly higher item level loot during season 4 but it's only one world boss at a time and it's directly linked to the current fated raid while castle nathria is the fated raid the original four shadowlands world bosses drop better loot and they will also be fated but only one of these bosses is active at any one time so for this week that's nergash over in revandrath so you have to check which raid is fated and then check which world boss is up it's a little easier when sanctum of domination is fated because it's just more geth the tormentor that will be fated and dropped better loot and then when the sepal crib the first ones is fated and trots over inserts mortise will drop better loot 2. if you ever need to check which raid is fated just open up your dungeon journal the default keybind for that is shift j i believe and go to the shadowlands raid section the fated raid will have a special symbol so it's always easy to check if you look closely at the world boss world quest on your map it actually has the same icon when it's faded so that's when it can drop the higher item level loot a fated world boss can drop item level 285 gear which is a huge upgrade for anyone who doesn't want to delve into ranks or other end game content it's also quite interesting that with all six world bosses available throughout the season world bosses can actually cover almost your entire gear set there are very few slots that are not covered with their loot tables combined so be sure you're killing the world boss every week you never know you might just get lucky moving on let's talk about gearing up through dungeons and what's changed for season four all of the item level rewards have been significantly increased so even the easier difficulties will be more rewarding normal dungeons will reward item level 236 gear heroic dungeons are bumped up to 249 gear and mythic dungeons will give you 262 gear that's actually pretty decent for getting alts caught up to gear up fresh max level characters or for getting some item level bumps as a more casual focused player lower end dungeons haven't been that relevant recently but with very few updates for the open world or casual content in season 4 they're actually going to be useful this time around if you're looking for the higher gear upgrades from dungeons you'll need to take part in the mythic plus keystone system this season is a bit weird because these shanalan's dungeons are not going to be in our mythic plus dungeon pool instead we'll have the two tazovesh mega dungeon wings the two mechagon mega dungeon wings the two caras and mega dungeon wings as well as the iron docks in the grim rail depot from the warlords of drowner expansion so we're taking it back to some older dungeons some of which actually hold up decently well i'm kind of surprised as a quick note there are portals in orobos right next to the flight master to help you get to these dungeon locations so you don't have to track all over the world as per usual the higher keystone level you complete the better loot you can expect to receive for this season we started item level 262 gear for running plus two keys and it caps out at item level 288 from running plus 15 keys you can run keys higher than 15 but the item level will not increase any further as with raiding the more dungeons you run the more slots you will fill up in the weekly vault you will need to run one dungeon four dungeons or eight dungeons to fill up the first second and third slot respectively so the more you run the higher chance of getting something you need or want in the weekly vault when the reset comes around the dungeon weekly vault has always been very lucrative when it comes to gear rewards because the reward you get is significantly higher when compared to the difficulty of the dungeon you need to run it doesn't really take too much effort to get higher item levels if you make sure you have at least one reward waiting for you in the weekly vault thanks to those inflated rewards for season four completing a plus two key will give you an item level 278 reward in the vault that's kind of crazy and that's the lowest reward on offer that steadily increases up to item level 304 if you complete a plus 15 key sometime during the week and honestly some of these dungeons are actually really easy this time around so getting those plus 15 keys done might be easier when compared to previous seasons so that's your big goal if you want to get your hands on some of that shiny item level 304 gear and remember that this dungeon roll can also reward you with tier gear and any of the items you get from your vault can be used in the creation catalyst too so it's going to be a great source of higher item level tier gear on top of everything else season 4 is still going to use the same mythic plus rating system which will become very important if you want to upgrade your dungeon gear you earn score for each dungeon you run and the higher key you do and the faster you complete them the higher score you will get tyrannical and fortified keys are scored separately so you'll need to run each dungeon twice one with each affix to maximize your score there are various rewards like titles and mounts if your score gets high enough but the main advantage here is that you unlock upgrades for your dungeon gear higher rating as well as you can see from the chart on screen you start as low as item level 262 which is level one from ethic plus gear right now and you can upgrade it all the way to level 12 which is item level 298 so if you get to 2000 rating you can upgrade any and all dungeon gear to item level 298 which is huge for just running dungeons as you climb through the rating brackets you unlock more and more gear upgrade potential until you hit that max of 298 so there's a lot to progress through as well to upgrade all of this gear you're going to need vala the vala currency is very straightforward just run more mythic plus dungeons for each dungeon you complete you will earn 135 valor minimum so save up your valor and upgrade whatever items you want season 4 is also very special in that there is no valor cap this time around so you can farm valor all day long and upgrade your gear as much as you want to without any strict limitations something that many players may have forgotten about are covenant callings they still exist believe it or not and you can still get one of them per day they reward a small amount of valor points when completed so if you want some extra valor without running any more dungeons these could be an option to keep in mind and then the last main end game activity you can do for some good gear rewards is pvp pvp gear works a bit differently because it's less powerful outside of pvp but more powerful inside of pvp content so if you really just want to pvp and you don't care about the rest pvp gearing will be a great fit for you in season 4 the unrated pvp gear that you can buy with honor from one of the pvp vendors in orobo starts at item level 229 and can be upgraded all the way to item level 268. you can see that every piece of gear at every item level is significantly stronger in pvp content as well so you can get up to item level 285 in pvp content just from unrated pvp you can also jump straight into rated pvp to start the conquest grind once again conquest can be spent on rated pvp gear at one of the other vendors in orobos this time rated gear starts at item level 275 which is 288 in pvp combat and that goes all the way up to item level 301 which is 311 in pvp combat the chart on screen shows you the progression and how much rating you need to obtain to upgrade your gear you will still need on a point to upgrade rated gear as well so pvp gearing hasn't really changed that much in season 4 you just have higher item level rewards to chase after there is one new thing you can poke around with though the solo q shuffle if you haven't really tried rated pvp because you need a team for everything you can jump into solo queue all by yourself and go through a few rounds of arena you get some conquest and honor and it might be the introduction to higher end pvp that you need to get started on rated pvp for real as with every other type of content pvp also helps to fill up your weekly vault more weekly vault rewards means a higher chance of a gear upgrade and the pvp rewards can also be tier gear so that would help save up a charge on your creation catalyst speaking of the creation catalyst let's talk a bit more about this in detail because it's going to be incredibly important and some of you folks who didn't play in season 3 might not have any idea what i'm talking about over in xerath mortis you can find the creation catalyst it's in the southern area of the zone you can interact with the catalyst and put eligible gear in here to turn it into sepulchre gear including tier sets the main use is for tier sets but you can also use it for transmog purposes too so if you put in a head shoulder chest hands or leg piece from season 4 it can be from almost anywhere from the fainted raids from mythic plus dungeons from pvp from any of your weekly box gear or it can be a handful of other sources you can slot it into the catalyst and use some cosmic flux to turn it into tier gear getting your four set bonus as quickly as possible at those higher item levels will give you the largest power spike so you should prioritize that so even if you don't raid everyone has access to your tier set thanks to the creation catalyst so be sure to make good use of it another special type of gear that usually makes its way into these gearing guides is legendary gear now for season 4 legendary gear has no changes whatsoever no higher ranks no new currency no upgrades at all so if you have your double legendaries at item level 291 right now that's all you can do it can't go higher so you're already done with legendary gear for the rest of the expansion now if you don't have that here's a very quick rundown on how we can obtain it for your first legendary you'll need a rank seven base item your legendary effect two stat missives as well as solash soul cinders and cosmic flux the easiest way to get the currencies is to farm cosmic flux in the xerath multi zone rares quests treasures and pretty much everything else in the zone reward cosmic flux as well as dungeon runs some pvp activities and killing raid bosses you can purchase a bag of explored souls from the enlightened broker rap vendor in xerath mortars that provides you with all of the soul ash and soul cinders you need for one legendary upgrade that costs 3 000 cosmic flux that's the easiest way but not necessarily the most cost effective way to get soul ash and soul cinders the old-fashioned way you need to run tour gas layers you can run these endlessly for the rewards so just keep going until you have enough now the rank 7 base item that's going to give you the max item level for your legendary gear can be crafted or bought on the auction house i would probably just buy them at this point it's going to be much cheaper and getting caught up with crafting would be very involved and probably very expensive the two stat missives that you need can also be bought on the auction house it's just missive of critical strike or missive of mastery and whatever else you want to pick your best two stats to put on your legendary gear and then you need a legendary effect our dual check your class discord or a website like wow head to make sure you're getting a good one and those sites should also tell you where to get it bear in mind that certain legendary effects can only be applied to certain gear slots so pick your legendary effect first then buy the appropriate rank 7 gear slot item take all of that to the roon carver and he will make you a shiny new legendary for the second legendary you do the exact same thing except for the legendary effect part that has to be a unity effect and that comes from the reputation vendor in xerath mortis the unity effect is the only one you can equip as a second legendary so it's kind of required that should get you all caught up with legendary gear if you weren't already now conduits are another system with no meaningful updates in season 4. conduits still cap out at item level 278 they don't go higher and that item level is actually dropped in normal fated raids so they're very easy to obtain this time around and then the vessel of profound possibilities had its requirements removed it now just costs 10 000 cosmic flux so you can pop by your covenant vendor and buy that to instantly learn all conduits at max item level if you have plenty of flux to spend so that's pretty much all of your high-end gearing options that's what we can do for higher item levels but what about catch-up stuff what if you just ding 60 or you have a fresh alt or you just want to tinker around with the class you haven't played in a long time how can you get caught up with item level to start some of this other end game gear grind there are still a few options though i will be honest casual play and catch up gear has kind of been left in the dust for this season you can still buy item level 226 boa tokens in xerath mortis for 500 anima each that's going to be your best fastest initial gearing up option if you are a fresh level 60. you can also throw down some gold instead of anime and buy up some crafty gear on the auction house crafted gear comes in at item level 233 across the board so it's a bit higher than the boa tokens but it can cost you a significant chunk of gold if you have more gold to throw down you can also equip one item level 262 piece of gear but that will probably be even more expensive another gold option you have is raid vois i guess with the fainting rates dropping huge item level bumps over anything else the bind on equipped gear that also drops from those raids will be a big item level boost for anyone who isn't jumping into rager mythic plus these boes will be even more expensive though so it really just depends on how much gold you have and how much you're willing to spend on some upgrades but that's kind of it as far as catching up quickly goes if you're a solo player or casual player you honestly don't have too much to sink your teeth into for this season it's definitely a bit haphazard kind of thrown together last minute kind of deal so only the big three end game content types get updates and even then it's not always that much of an update so things like the xerath mortise cipher gear that has no increase from what i understand so there's nothing extra to be gained on that front the sand worn relics were made bind on account so you can trade them around and you can still turn san juan relic gear into tier gear using the creation catalyst but i will be perfectly honest with you at item level 246 this stuff just isn't worth your time or effort anymore so what can you do well normal dungeons drop item level 236 and you can queue straight into those very easily the same goes for heroic dungeons and they drop item level 249 gear you only need to be item level 185 to enter heroic dungeons so you'll get massive upgrades in there so that's easy queueable content that you can get up to almost 250 item level from which is fantastic for alt new players or fresh level 60 characters in general that will also get you to the lfr requirements so you can jump into lfr after that if you go one step further and do the mythic dungeons you can bump that up to item level 262 which is almost at lfr level it's not a massive step up from there to do lower end mythic plus keystones which can start you off on your gearing adventure quite nicely i would also recommend you pop into looking for raid if you want some gear upgrades as a casual player lfrs dropping 265 and 272 this time around it's going to be incredibly easy for almost any group to blast through all bosses are available right from the start so you have more chances to get geared before the season ends and you can also complete the cartel dinar quest to buy some higher iso marvel loot from the vendors in orobos and the raids are actually fun with the fated affixes in play i would also recommend you do the fated world bosses every week if you get lucky you can see some massive gear upgrades there and as i said before with so many loot tables available they actually cover a lot of different gear slots but my main recommendation for this season would be trying to dip your toes into other forms of content if you want to anyway i think this is one of the best times to hop into raids for sure you get to experience all three shadowlands raids in the same season they're all going to be amazing as far as gear rewards go and here's the best part people are learning these fights over again with the affixes in play the fights are at least a little different for everyone so everyone is learning again in some capacity that will probably make groups more lenient towards players who don't know the fights inside and out but even better than that the raids are actually really easy way easier than when they first came out our guild full cleared castle nathria on heroic the first night in about two and a half hours and the only reason our progress was ever halted was due to bugs so when those bugs are ironed out the raids in this season should be a pushover for most groups who have otherwise struggled to progress on them in previous seasons i genuinely think this is a great time to dip your toes into raiding if you've been curious about it up until now but that should cover every gearing path available in the game right now for season four sadly this time not everyone gets an update but hopefully there is something in here for you to get excited about still how are you planning on gearing up in season four are you going to give the fated raids a try step back into some of those older dungeons for a new mythic plus experience or keep smashing skulls in pvp or are you gonna take this opportunity to get caught up with other areas of the game in anticipation of dragonfly or maybe just take a break leave all your thoughts in the comment section below a big thank you to all of our supporters over on patreon and everyone who subscribed on twitch you can see the names floating by on screen if you want to see more videos like this make sure to subscribe and ring that notification bell so you never miss another video thanks for watching folks good luck and have fun and as always i'll see you next time you
Channel: SignsOfKelani
Views: 156,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow gearing guide, shadowlands gearing guide, season 4 gearing guide, season 4, patch 9.2.5 gearing guide, gear, gearing, guide, patch 9.2.5, wow, shadowlands, how to gear up fast, wow gearing, how to get item level 304, ilvl, item level
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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