How to Actually Defeat Lady Vashj

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Idk if this is already fixed or not, but we did everything this video talks about; phase 3 starts with 0 deaths. We have a tank for Vashj and offtank for MCed players. But Vashj just randomly oneshots people. And we lose 3-5 people just for this. Now add people dying from other stuff. Our best was 25% or something and half the raid died. We though to bring another tank to be #2 on the threat meter, but time was up. Not sure what we should do now after the hotfix.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Invominem 📅︎︎ Sep 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

Could have talked about netherweave nets that trivialize striders as seen in the video.
And to spend big cooldowns before P3 or at the very start. And well placed little lashers that you can loot from Dire Maul tubercules that sponge the sporebat poison pools.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/mozom 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2021 🗫︎ replies he just merc'd that poor priest

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LetsDOOT_THIS 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
lady vaj is the final boss in serpent shrine cabin and by far your biggest challenge to overcome in this raid she has three phases with both the second and third phase boasting tight dps checks as well as plenty of raid coordination this encounter really only needs one tank that means if you're running a pretty standard raid comp have your warrior be the main tank let you deal with gokad and make your pal and put healing gear on healing wise this fight isn't too intense it's more about keeping the raid topped at all times to avoid being one shot in phase 3. as for dps this fight along with many others of course is melee unfriendly due to the large amount of distance you have to cover in phase 2 as well as the mechanics of phase 3 melee loses a lot of up time on dps and is at a much larger risk of dying than ranged classes one thing to keep in mind for this encounter is that everybody in the raid wants to be above at least 8 000 health but you should go to around 8 500 to be safe i could also recommend armor scrolls for cloth classes since they do reduce some of the damage taken phase 1 is the easiest phase and you should not struggle too much here although there are some clever tactics you can use to make phase 3 easier which i will go through later in the first phase vash has 4 abilities you need to look out for the first one is multi shot she will target a random raid member and multi shot up to 5 players in the area for a large amount of physical damage this is why you want a good amount of hp before going into this fight to avoid being one shot her second ability is static charge it targets a random player and places a debuff on them this steve opposes aoe damage on other players around the target the third ability is entangled it targets players and puts down an aoe and tackling roots on everybody around the target if the tank gets hit she will run out of melee range and start shooting the tank with a bow instead her final ability is shock blast this is just a heavy hitting single target spell against her main target and it also stuns you should grounding tone on this ability every time you generally deal with phase one by making sure you are spread out to avoid damage from static charge as well as minimizing targets hit by multishot the tank can also be the target of all abilities so if they happen to get static charge just make sure the tank and the melee stand max range to avoid being hit at 70 percent vash would run back to the middle of her platform and apply a shield making her immune to all damage but since she applies the shield after she reaches the middle you can exploit this by dragging her away from it during phase one this way you get to do a few extra percent of damage which can be really really useful going into phase three phase two is where the fun begins elementals will start spawning all around the platform and slowly move their weight towards vash if they happen to reach her they will permanently buffer damage by 10 percent every 45 seconds a tenant elemental will spawn which have 15 seconds to kill before despawning if you kill it they drop a tainted core which roots you in place when you loot it your goal in this phase is to throw these tainted cores to other players eventually making its way to one of the pillars deactivating it once all four pillars have been deactivated the face ends now this is easier said than done on top of elementals you will have coil fang elite spawn every 45 seconds as well as coil fang striders every minute the coil fang elite needs to be picked up and tanked but aside from that all it does is a frontal cleave so be careful with moving it the strider pulls us an aoe fear every few seconds in melee range and because of this it needs to be range tanked and kited around the platform while it gets killed off to properly explain this face we'll go through each mob individually and how to deal with them the elite can spawn from anywhere in the room so it's crucial that the tank is ready to pick it up from the eventual healer that will get the initial threat drag it to the middle but don't move it too much you don't want people accidentally being cleaved the strider can also spawn anywhere and you need to kite it around the outer ring of our platform we used an elemental shaman to kite the strider because they can easily hold threat as well as slow with constantly frost shock but you could use a warlock as long as somebody else loves it note that you might need to put the shaman in the shadow priest group for mana to deal with the elementals you will assign one person each to four areas which should easily be able to handle them okay so with the mobs out of the way let's explain how to deal with the face first your four assigned elemental killers will go to the areas to go with them you should assign one healer each to help them out this is not only to keep them alive when they get targeted by abilities but also to help out bouncing the tainted core these are the only people on the stairs of the room since the outer ring of her platform should be used for strider kiting and you need to keep that area clear next what we did to make the tainted cores as smooth as possible was to assign one warlock but it can be any ranged to one pillar each that way there would always be somebody ready to click the pillar once they get the core the rest of the raid will be spread around the inner platform but be wary of the elite's cleave the job of the dps healer assigned to the areas is not only to kill the elementals but also to be vocal about what spawns since all adds come from these areas calling out that a coil fang elite spawned in area 1 for example will help the tank pick it up without a healer getting smacked this goes for attained elemental as well when you call out tainted elemental area 3 it signals your healer and caster to get into position to receive the core you want to make sure that a person assigned to the area can clear all the elementals as well as having the mobility slash dps to kill the tainted elemental before d-spawns we usually had hunters deal with this since they can easily swap out to help out an elite and strider damage if they had downtime which brings us to another point the dps check to kill the striders and elites before the next set spawns is very tight this means you will need to optimize your damage as much as possible make sure to set up dots while the tanks build threat healers included as soon as you have any down time regardless if you're an elemental killer or healer you need to help out on the adds generally you want range to hard prior the strider because your melee will have a harder time helping out on them it's very easy to get overrun in this phase and this fight basically depends entirely on how cleanly you can get this face down so let's recap first your assigned dps plus healer will go to their areas next an elite and tainted elemental will spawn the assigned people will call out where they spawn and the tank will run over to pick up the elite then drag it to the middle try not to move too unpredictably so nobody gets cleaved the dps which has the tainted elemental will drop everything else to burst it down next they will go loot the elemental and throw it to the healer who is on top of the stairs the healer will then throw it to the assigned caster at the nearest pillar if nobody's close enough you will need to call out for assistance but make sure to never throw the cord to the person kiting the strider since we'll root them in place and most likely kill them next up is the strider which spawns 15 seconds later it is a lot easier to spot than the elite because of its height but it's still helpful to call out what response your assigned kiter will then proceed to pick it up and kite it around the outer platform the kiter needs to hold aggro to allow the dps to pump as hard as possible therefore using any misdirects or extra slows is useful early on now all you have to do is destroy the adds and repeat this cycle until you're about to click the fourth pillar then it's time to transition into phase three the timing of your transition is important as any leftover ads will be lost dps on vash going into phase 3 and you're going to need as much dps as possible your goal is to click the last pillar when there's about 5 to 10 seconds left before the next strider spawns to help with this you could consider popping bloodlust at around 20 seconds before the last strider just to help you clean up the ads faster as soon as phase 3 starts even if the ads are still alive you need to pop every cooldown you have and start blasting and your tank needs to be ready to pick up the boss since she has a tendency to just shoot a random player instantly your main priority is to finish off any remaining elite strider's elementals now phase 3 has the same four abilities for phase one but with two additional ones that make your life hell first new mechanic are the bats that spawn throughout the face these bats will drop acid puddles on the ground that deal an insane amount of damage and you will need to move out of them quickly the second ability is mind control which will emcee two random targets this ability has no downtime so there will always be two people mind control in this phase your off tank will need to pick these up because of these new mechanics being a melee is very scary not only are you an absolute demon when mind controlled but since their abilities for the most part targeted on my random player that splashes the effect on everybody around them the melee stack will be targeted a lot and if you happen to get the root at the same time as an acid bomb you're dead we found that the easiest way to deal with phase 3 is to have assigned positions where people spread this is to evenly distribute the raid plus healers without leaving it up to chance make sure you use the whole platform when spreading utilize your range you never want two people getting hit by bombs at the same time you could also consider using a druid as your main tank here as they nullify the entangled mechanic the tank still takes chalk blast here so to deal with this we moved two sheamus into the tank group to use crowning totem in case anybody died or got emceed keep in mind that the person picking up mind controls can't be in the same group or they will soak all the grounding totem procs mind control targets cannot be interrupted but a useful thing for the off-tank to keep in mind is that if you are melee range with someone they tend to melee you rather than casting spells and that's how you can drag people out of puddles etc this phase is all about outlasting bash as long as you can pick up mind control safely not have stupid deaths to multi-shot bombs or static charge you should be able to kill the boss how easy this phase becomes is almost entirely dependent on how clean your phase 2 is transition at a good point with no deaths and phase 3 should be manageable if you have an additional question just leave them down below and i will try to answer as many as i can and to give you extra good luck make sure you subscribe and like the video if it helped you out [Music] you
Channel: Jampanos
Views: 77,385
Rating: 4.9192662 out of 5
Id: WDxwCtYmd84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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