TBC Classic - TK Guide - How to kill Kael'thas - In depth with timestamps

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all right guys what's up what's up what's up guys i wasn't going to do a kt guide if i'm being honest with you guys i know that i'm behind and i did not even want to do a solarium or a void river guide and then i looked at the logs to see how easy void river and solarian are and nobody's struggling with them but then i saw the huge disparity in people not being able to kill kt and i honestly didn't think k2 is that hard but at the same time i feel a little bit different and also i guess we didn't get that bug you guys were talking about supposedly there's a couple bugs on this fight that we're going to talk about and i'm going to i'm going to show you guys what my guild is going to be doing uh tomorrow tonight tomorrow or something like that whatever the next raid is uh to handle these so yeah good okay starting off with how long this fight is this is a [ __ ] very long fight this is five phases this is a hectic fight and i'd fight an aoe fight a super dope fight my favorite of all time i think literally currently bugged on live should be fixed tomorrow to the next lockout hopefully we i mean i don't know why blizzard would uh let it go through but at the same time there's a lot of bug reports of this already so i'm shocked that this even went through right now anyway yeah so good luck all right phase one let's go over the phases real quick obviously phase one fight the advisors one out of time he's got four advisors you gotta fight each of them papa easy phase two is a weapon phase you're fighting some weapons it's a big aoe phase pretty much phase three you are fighting all the advisors again but at the same time that's when it gets sick that's the hectic phase three guys is literally the hardest part of the fight phase three going into phase four i would say three and four combined but phase three transition and phase four it's just cancer phase four by the way is keltas himself that's when you finally fight him and phase five begins at fifty percent when killed is that fifty percent and you're gonna fight him again except for he's super buffed up and put hands on people and he's super saiyan let's start with the first phase which is the advisors you're gonna find one of these why are you gonna fight all four of these but you're gonna fight them one at a time you're gonna fight that dread first and then you're gonna fight sanguinar and then you're gonna fight capernaum and they're gonna fight taylor communists telecon yeah that guy anyway you're gonna fight each of them have their own abilities they kind of act like a mage a warrior they're even wearing the tear right so they act like what they are and then you fight them as is it's pretty easy they're not hard to handle alone they're harder to handle by themselves i mean they're harder to handle when they're all grouped up but not whoa i got you trust okay the first one nostalgia had the darkener he fixed it what he does is he just literally fixates on one person for like nine inch seconds and then he goes to another person and he goes another person and he goes another person and that's it and but if he hits if he catches up to you this dude will [ __ ] mega slam you with a psychic blow [ __ ] if he hits you it does like half more than half you're like 60 of your damage and then throws you across the entire [ __ ] room you could be in the beginning of the room and he catches you and he hits you and that [ __ ] will fly you to the back of the room it's crazy it's actually insane and while you're thinking oh well just kitem is very easy yes it is very easy to kite him but you never know when he turns if he if he if you're right next to him and if he's chasing me and also and you're right next to him and also and he's like oh i don't want to chase cricks anymore i want to chase devante and i'm going to go i don't know who where devonta came from it's the first name that came in my mouth but uh you'll look at devonte and just one-shot him so you guys are make this is something where we we don't even have the melee fight him at all we just had the melee get the [ __ ] away from him uh one he sciences that doesn't help the melee out much but it doesn't hurt the melee much that more like hurts the casters and [ __ ] but this is not an issue because you're supposed to be at range second ball is not an issue because you're supposed to kite anyway oh and i have a kiting i'll have a cutting path for you when we get to it don't worry lord sanguinar this guy's really easy as well he's actually i mean this is the first advisor is the hardest advisor i would say the second advisor this guy is just annoying he just fears that's it like he just he just fears like you grab him right you they start up here you can't see you'll see it when we go into it he starts up here you were [ __ ] grabbing here and you that's it you can get losing if you want but that's kind of i'm not going to run him all the way down here to los angeles every day because the fight's not nearly as hard as it used to be you can put trimmer totems down fear words yadda yadda it's just yeah nothing nothing really talk about her now the annoying one is grand oh i mean i wouldn't say annoying but the different one is grand astromancer capernaum now what she does is an arcane explosion or otherwise known as arcane burst which does a lot of damage and also knocks everybody back and then slows their movement by a [ __ ] ton for eight seconds meaning if a tank is up there out front taking her he will get knocked back and in slow which means you don't use the tank you actually use a warlock tank very easy a warlock can be any speck as long as he takes off wrestling with salvation he gets misdirected which helps a plot with threat and pop your cooldowns and spam steering pain that's all the world like the tanks need to do and that's it the only thing i want to do with this guy is make sure the warlock tank i like i'm the warlock tank you'll see in this footage i'm like 30 yards i'm like 29 30 yards 31 yards everyone else in the entire raid is over 30 yards behind beast behind me obviously and then you're gonna have the warlock tanker who considered 30 and you're gonna have a soaker and a soaker we use a tank either of our tanks so other tanks sit about 15 yards away from the boss and they're just soaking this can flag um if the conflag goes to me if i'm the warlock tank and i'm the only one 30 yards i will get conflagged if i get conflagged that means it's for 10 seconds she stops she does a lot of damage to me in 10 seconds my health pretty much stuns me for 10 seconds and then also starts taking off on whoever else because it drops threat so to counteract that we have a tank usually our main main tank one of the tanks just sit there you know 10 15 yards in he soaks all the con flags i'm tanking and we just nuke it down all right the next one is the master engineer tolonicus great it's an engineer because guess what he has little toys he [ __ ] throws at you and it's annoying because it periodically stuns you for four seconds and it lasts 60 seconds and the thing is it can go back to back i've been stunned two or three times in a row like shit's crazy now you can counteract this by literally just bringing a fap bring a fap obviously it won't counteract the whole 60 seconds you just wait until like you know 15 seconds into the toy and then use the fap that's what i do just use a fap what happens is what you pop your popcorn in the beginning right that second time they come up i do not pop it my second time i'll put my cooldowns but i don't pop my potion a second time just in case i need to fap otherwise i mean that's up to you if you want to do that like i'm like i'm kept i'm taking capernaian so i like to use my potion for like a mana potion that i need to keep the thread up but if i'm not doing that then i'm definitely gonna use a fat because it gets 60 seconds to four seconds done and just to just let you know like you're getting ready to go into a very important phase right after he dies right literally the second he dies you're going into the aoe phase so you don't have the stun on you this sucks especially if you're a warlock if you're in pump or mage if you're any of those aoe classes just fap it i know it sucks to use the fat but would you rather use a fap and get out of what is the fat 30 seconds get out of this quicker and not worry about it or would you rather use a destro pot in between having this and also in this [ __ ] you know hits and then you're out of your cooldowns you see what i mean you can see why it's bad and the second thing he does is a bomb so what he does he throws a bomb at the tank or whoever he's you know he's whoever has a threat so let's say i have the threat the tank i'm tanking i'm a bear tank and i'm taking and i'm taking a beast what he does is he throws the bomb at my current location right and then i can just move out of it and so what happens is when i see the bomb go and it casts and you throw it i'm moving right i'm moving [ __ ] two feet over two two yards over right and as long as i move two yards over that bomb will not land where i'm at it'll land where i was so that guy the tank just kind of has him and bomb gets thrown moves over here bomb gets stone moves over here you know so on and so forth you just kite it's so easy it's so stupid easy to dodge i'm surprised people even getting hit by these bombs all right anyway got some information for you here today boys okay the weapon phase now as you can see this is the weapon face weapons respawn you know i actually lore wise don't know where the [ __ ] these weapons come from are they like the advisor's weapons i'm not sure either way you got to fight these weapons okay and just to make this super simple don't pull threat save all your cooldowns for this phase unless you're using a potion for the fap like i just i said and you're gonna aoe every single one of these down you're gonna gather all of these up and you're going to aoe them down now two things that i would like to say a couple guides will tell you something different and that's fine you can do it their way if you want to play safe you have an axe right here where the [ __ ] the axe is guides will tell you to tie them out pull them out you do not need to do that you do not need to pull them out what i suggest you do is you'll see us in the vlog do it if all you stack up all the ads here all the ads and then whatever tank is pulling the axe have him pull it to the side but still in aoe range right you want to still have it in aoe range the problem is it whirlwinds and if it whirlwinds you're melee's trying to aoe you do damage it's gonna hit your melee right so you want to make sure that he when he you want him out of world range of the melee so he won't melee the whirlwind but still everybody be able to you know does that make sense getting cleave range you guys know what i mean and also i would say i forgot to say this all these weapons nuke nuked the staff i like the new stuff we need to staff right away staff comes up we i mean i'm dumping i'm dumping well into the staff i'm putting like 50 some guilds choose to do the healing one because the healing can do an eight holy nova they heal the weapons some do the staff some don't so i'm i i am assuming my giggle's not gonna do any of that we're gonna nuke him down so yeah just make sure that you guys do that correctly and also this ad over here the bow you heat you're gonna you're gonna aoe as well but you're gonna have a hunter you don't have to use a hunter please hunter have a hunter kind of go he's over here the raid is right here right the ray's right here aoe everybody in the race right here besides the tank [ __ ] with this axe we're aiming everything down right after we handle whatever you want to nuke and the hunters over here the reason why is the bow will do a multi shot the multi shot will [ __ ] hit at your rate and kill everybody so don't do that just let it multi-shot the hunter facing destruction okay let's go over the weapons now you know what yeah come on guys if you click this video you know goddamn right that i was not gonna be a short one okay let's talk about the weapons okay now the weapon phase are these are the weapons that you guys are going to destroy right these are what you're doing you are simply going to nuke them down now after you guys nuke them down you can then pick them up and equip them and his [ __ ] bonkers look at this staff i'm a caster look at this 325 spell damage 75 crit rating that's like that's insane dude look at this [ __ ] look at the healing 30 mp5 600 bh that's insane that's literally insane this is important the tank one's important i got the other three shown on the other side but the tank's important because he can use this later to save his life 40 death rating and say it's crazy right so anyway each each roll gets a different one the heels will get the cosmic infuser the cash for at staff melee we get the warp slicer the hunters get the bow and the blade it's situational because you need to use the bow for damage but you use the blade to get people out of mind control we'll talk about that later and tanks use a face shift bulwark and you pretty much guys as soon as you guys kill these ads pick them up right you're going to pick up the weapon and you're going to put it on and then you're going to equip it it has on use all of them have it on you so you're going to use all of them but most of them are on you so you're going to use it on you like this this hunter one has a bow an insane bow the anya summons a bundle near the spikes you see what i mean each one has not each one but a lot of them have on uses anyway cosmic infuser reduces damage taken that's the healing one staff of disintegration is the uh the caster one it protects from sciences and stuns which is a big deal for can flags conflagrate from the third ad right or precisely applies a heavy dot longbow debuffs the target with physical damage as i said infinity blow dispels mind control the most important weapon and phase bulwark actually i played that and the staff are both very important facebook is 100k damage absorb which you'll use to survive a fight this is the other attacks this is the melee axe you know infinity blade yadda yadda carry on my brothers don't forget the macro just make this easy okay put this down make a macro put on your bars one two three four five whatever bar you want it on right and then press the button all right insert your weapon name whatever weapon you're using right that's it that that this just makes it so you automatically get it equipped and on and when you press it again it uses it just super easy rather than going oh [ __ ] where's it at opening your bags and fumbling and trying to find my [ __ ] legendary item in the movie okay so anyway before we talk about the next phase well actually we are gonna talk about phase three but what i wanna show you is where this guy dies this is the first guy you kill the guy you kite right from the beginning i just want to show you where to put him before we go into her because it's very important where you put these guys each of them die this guy specifically but um yeah you want tldr you want to die down here right so what we do is we literally like okay so this is the raid obviously imagine this being screwed up a little bit because he's over here so as soon as he comes active this is the ray the raid's job we want him to be dead down here now obviously it's not as easy as oh he's charging me and i go down here right because it takes a little bit of time it takes for us two people to be exact three people i think so the first person goes here so on pull the fight starts he's targeting cricks i'm running over here i'm [ __ ] dipping i'm way over here by the time i get over here he's gonna stop it's nine seconds it doesn't take the long to get there he's gonna stop and start chasing somebody else so oh [ __ ] fight starts i'm out of here i'm [ __ ] running over here i'm running over here i'm running and i stop okay the raids are working their way to be here that's what this is this is just the raid working their way down after i get here he's now going to change to somebody else what that somebody else is going to do is going to finish this member we want him down here right he's gonna finish the combo by leaving the raid say it's it's jason who's getting fixated leaves the raid and just immediately goes here to get him to finish his route right now we're trying to get him to finish it up now his route's finished right now the route's finished his r-rate is here jason is now here right kind of getting away from him now whoever who this is so easy whoever gets fixated simply run here and then he's gonna chase you over here and then next next fixate over here you see what i mean over here over here over here over here it's back and forth back and forth it's so easy now remember i said it takes two to get there so you're gonna go one and then two you can't go straight across also if you're kiting him make sure never to have the raid between you you don't want him running through the raid he might fix it one silence two he might switch fixates randomly and [ __ ] bop somebody just don't do that so as soon as you see fix you want to make sure that you're running out away from the raid away from everybody your raid members are [ __ ] doing damage and moving on so down here slowly to post up here hey bring the rest of the guys here now he's dead here your warlock ad is going to die exactly where she lays is my i as a warlock which you'll see in the footage i am at the top of these stairs and i'm spamming shadow burn or something steering pain all types of stuff just so i can get any damage on her right when she comes out and then i'm pumping right and she's gonna die right there he's dead down here the second guy dies right here you're gonna kite him and he's gonna do a little fear stuff remember trimmers totems all that stop mirror fear words tremors all that he's dead here taylana kiss is gonna get kited back and forth in this area so your tank is needed by bombs and he's gonna die here okay okay now we're in phase three okay now we're in phase three now where it gets interesting warlock i'm doing my [ __ ] you don't need to worry about threat being an issue here as a warlock because nothing's here put a doom on this guy start pumping shadow bolts right away incinerate whatever [ __ ] spec you are do your damage okay range dps your job is to kill this guy this is the hardest part of the fight in my opinion besides not i'm not gonna count that bug in phase four guys cause it's not gonna be here i'm not gonna count this being hard as a bug this is hard though it looks as simple as having your range and your healers here and your warlock here and your melee here and you have one tank for this guy one thing for this guy he's doing his temple kite [ __ ] we got tremors and fear you know the simple stuff we've already talked about you guys already know what you're doing here i don't need to go over it again the hard part is him yeah he can choose a range to kite yeah he can choose either kite what if he doesn't he chooses the tanks or the warlock tank or any of these melee that's what you have to do everybody in this raid needs to know the route now this is completely up to you you can go to look at a future of this of his pathing route where it doesn't matter he dies now where do you want him to go you can have him go chase somebody here okay switch up next person chases down here and then kind of sit down here back and forth right or you can go chase up here right now right away all right whoever he's chasing run up here boom right up here whoever's chasing next one up here and then right here and run up here the dangerous part of that is don't let your warlock in science don't go near war like you also don't want him i like to have him far away from over here i like this to be honest i just like going like this just stay out of the way bro just keep him down here a little bit until you kill him just run around till he's dead it's like i know it sucks but like if you're having an issue and you're chain wiping because he's always doing melee then [ __ ] have your melee over here too it's not hard for your maid to go or this tank the furthest away from him okay i'm fixating fartings right away i'm already over here bro i'm already coming down here or over here or anywhere right your raid's moving around so they're not in between them it's it's the hard part of the face guys but you can do it i'm not gonna i can't hold your hand walk you through it it's just that's just all your guild just fine what i can suggest is finding a path for him away from your warlock tank down here is what i suggest you can go up here you can go wherever just make a path and once you kill him the fight just drastically gets easier the whole [ __ ] face gets easier when he dies just simply have your melee go on this guy have the range kill capernaum helping me out here and then we all turn back on this guy and then this guy and that's it yeah just keep doing that right and that's the end of facebook okay so the thing about phase three that can be hard this is where i would say it's more like a kind of like a kind of like a dps check a little bit is because three minutes later face forward start when phase four starts i said three minutes it doesn't matter if you have all [ __ ] four adds up or you have zero up you are gonna have to kill them before you kill kel'thas i looked around some logs and some guilds and some guilds didn't have any app a lot of guilds have one up some guilds have two up two is fine two at full health is a little sus but one full health okay two at half fine easy you got two at full health a third one and kale thoughts coming out you're in a little bit of trouble here i think right so pretty much it's a dps check make sure like the cleanliness this is a hard phase right it's not a hard phase but it's the hardest it's like one of the hardest phase transitioning into phase four is hard and the thing about transitioning in phase four is you need those as dead otherwise you you're it just makes the fight exponentially harder because you have one or two adds you got kale that's doing kale that [ __ ] you got all his mechanics in phase four he's doing on top of the birds and the eggs it's like a lot of [ __ ] to worry about so do your best to get as many as you can if you have one or two up that's fine just push those two fast let's pretend those eyes are dead this is phase four this is what i want to put this is what i want you to do is try to get in this position it doesn't need to be way up here it can be over here it can be wherever you want it to be but somewhere like this right you have the tank here you have the melee doing melee poke poke stab stab over here you have the tank over here this tank is a prop paladin you do not need a propeller but it is better with a prop powder because he phoenixes are going to spawn one at a time he's going to pick up this phoenix and [ __ ] kite it back here and then over here and just just get it away from everybody get it away from everybody but no everybody ignore this it kills itself with hellfire it has hellfire so five percent of its health goes away every time and eventually it'll kill itself right so 20 ticks is that it goes away it kills itself make sure when it dies it is in so when it dies it turns into an egg right and everybody needs to nuke that egg if you do not nuke the egg you already figured out by now that the bird comes back to life and then when another one spawns you have two birds and then three and four so on so forth so make sure when he dies when he's about to die then he's like 10 50 moving back in there close the range in range of range and you're screaming [ __ ] kill the egg kill the egg right that's all you do so phase four normally wouldn't be that hard the issue is this bug you guys are talking about i haven't seen it myself but it sounds like there's a bug right now where he just drops a tank out girl and i i would like to tell you guys that i have some secret full-blown plug of how to fix that i don't because we didn't have that problem but what i will say what we plan on doing this week because it is a problem if it's not reset by tomorrow i mean fixed by tomorrow's reset is just simply having another tank or two and making sure all of your dps are behind said one two or three tanks that's what i that's what we're gonna do i've heard of guild's dealing with three tanks to be safe now the bad part about this is that's it sucks you got dps having to watch your dps so they can stay behind the boss which argue which i don't think is that hard to do coming from a warlock perspective and i'm pretty threat heavy right so just stay behind both bosses that's the only thing i can think of that can help with this face out but you know what if you guys know anything in the comments or say in the comments rather if you guys have figured some other [ __ ] out easier way to do this this is the easiest way that i think remember i'm not some big brain dude as much as you guys think i am i'm not and this is just what uh we're gonna do for our guild bring it on into phase five so you guys are sitting here doing phase four phase four is getting clapped out you're doing the best job that you can possibly do in the whole world now what's the phase four mechanics here's a couple of them the main thing i think in yeah the main thing in facebook that's going to cause the most wipes is mind control what mind control is it increases damage done by 100 movement speed by 50 and healing done by a thousand percent and also makes them big as [ __ ] and you can tell evidently easily that they are mind controlled how many get mine controlled i want to shoot off the top of my brain and say three could be wrong could be four i'm not sure it doesn't matter there's three i think it's three but anyway why put flamestrike here is because that's another ability does not only that but every time he fling it looks exactly what you think it is it's a flame strike like move out of it you see it coming way ahead of time move out of it and it also leaves a patch on the ground so don't stand back and it does a lot of damage anyway more importantly every single time like clockwork after flamestrike he will mind control just know that he does it now when people get mind controlled then we have this fancy infinity blade this is when i said all those abilities that helps so much with all the [ __ ] things right infinity blade chance on hitting increased american damage taken by and dispels prince kael'thas mind control when a melee ability lands i've spoken to my melee guys and my hunters and what they like to do is they will use like people get mind controlled right then they will get they'll go run up in a wing clip or they'll run up and do whatever they [ __ ] need to do to get it out of it and it just it procs it for him some other mechanics in this fight which is actually kind of annoying and more honestly another dps check is the shock barrier so the shock barrier you need it absorbs 80 000 damage i'm not sure if that number is correct right and then he's immune to interrupt effects right and then afterwards he does a pyroblast that will one shot your tank unless you interrupt it pretty much now you have to do as much damage to kill the shock barrier in order to interrupt the pyroblast now the shield the bulwark shield that a tank uses can absorb one of these hits but not two of them he never just does one he does a couple of them so you can use the shield to soak one the reason and you can think in your head oh it might be kind of easy all you gotta do is do this but the thing about that is you have a you have mechanics you gotta worry about you got phoenix's remember ignore them they kill themself and then nuke the egg when it spawns you have 15 seconds to do this egg or it responds and the eggs are so primal and to be honest they're not always in range you can make sure they are in range of the boss obviously but sometimes it just guys sometimes it gets hectic you guys are if you're watching this fight right now you either didn't kill the boss or you're trying to or something right now right or you did but barely like you guys know this is a [ __ ] it can get hectic just back into this fight it's why i'm making a long ass video about it i don't know if it's helping at all but you know anyway destroy the barrier interrupt the pirate blast make sure the shield's using make sure the tank's using one of the shields for power blast ignore the phoenix nuke the eggs it sounds i would like to say that it's just it's that easy but you know it can't be hectic he's gonna take a few times get it right but you'll be able to get it lastly he also fireballs which is well a fireball which you can interrupt as well just make sure you should interrupt it just make sure you have interrupts for the goddamn pyroblast and also and lastly is arcane disruption which causes an arcane explosion and doors disorients all targets you also do that randomly too all right that's a phrase four let's go over phase five real quick and phase five he will move to the middle of the room and he will get [ __ ] huge some things about this face he no longer emcees thank god now what he does here is something called gravity lapse where first he will summon every [ __ ] person in the raid to him and your gravity laps which throws everybody up in the air super super super high right harmless except for when you know gravity laps ends in 30 seconds or whatever and you fall to your death so make sure that you are one not super high in the air two not standing by anything that has a cloud because the another clouds reduce your maximum health by 10 if you touched him stacks up the nine times and then of course another beam chains so you wanna get in the air go down to the ground okay so you don't want to go too low to the ground because it just throws you back in the air you don't go too high in the air because you'll die when you land so you want to get the [ __ ] nice little middle ground right and also avoid clouds don't stand by each other face five i think it's actually one of the easiest phases to be honest but yeah just do that if you're just doing this like grab your abs literally spread out don't touch the clouds get low off the ground so you don't die from fall damage and pump the boss at this at phase five we ignore all phoenix's as well i should have put that on here so you can see it so i'll say it louder uh phase five we ignore all phoenix's anyway well guys that's it so now your favorite part the footage okay so starting off you're gonna see exactly right here as soon as he pulls as soon as we pull him we're getting ready to hop in that direction watch exactly what the raid does right here this is on prog kill where to pull give it a couple seconds put the vip we put the viper traps down so if you guys don't notice that i forgot to say it but we also put viper traps down because he will target a viper he can target one of the vipers as well so we have the hundreds put the piper traps down his rivals he's chasing atari agar is already running out adigar's already far away right now adago's already out there i think oh he's right there he's running there's atagar that's who he's chasing okay now he's going to switch his gaze in a couple seconds notice he only made it to here because of the viper strings nice to switch his gaze rouse is now has it rouse is what's mark the skull he's already running over here he's waiting to see him look boom he's in there remember our goal is to try to angle him down to the over here more right okay watch him we're trying to get we're trying to get here the raid's moving in the middle right here now the raids and the raid wants to get in their spot right here now he's gonna switch targets so you switch targets to a pet which is fine nice on me perfect i'm gonna run down beautiful beautiful you want to make sure the raid ray doesn't get in the middle he's chasing me he's on a pet now he's no longer on me no he's back to me now there you see it you get it and now he's down here and you want him to die down here you're just gonna keep going back and forth right back and forth until uh he dies down here and then this guy dies in the perfect spot so anyway keep on pushing the next one okay now he's coming out lord sanguinar where he would like to put him over here and that's it we camped him right here watch what we do it's pretty easy there's literally nothing to worry about fear uh the varkings is taking him right now he is fear-warded we have fear wards on rotation for him we have trimmers down for every group and we just didn't pump this guy until he's dead that's it all right pretty simple so the next guy you're gonna do the same oh the next guy's me all right next up is me i'm gonna get on top of the stairs right now i'm misdirected you saw me click off blessing of salvation and i'm going to spam steering pain i'm gonna spam staying pain like i've never spammed it before now spam my trinket trinkets pop i'm blasting steering paint just make sure yeah i mean you can cycle back and forth from shadow bolts and stuff or if you're fire dash show you can incinerate the whole time but if you're shadow retro just watch your threat just make sure you're above threat then weave in some shadow bolts for some more damage right you know not a hurry to kill it's pretty easy notice the tank's standing right here freaking flag these guys are both they're all tanks so they're both here for con flags i'm here just everyone's behind me besides the flag soakers you know nothing nothing too crazy here man lastly the advisors the telenoconus telemachus telonicus telonicus oh that's right that's right that's right colonicus i forgot so yeah look out now watch out the tanks hide him he throws a bomb look bomb he moved that's it he's casting a bomb the tank moves and it's going in his previous spot this is the tank nerf me look how much damage he's taking he's literally taking no damage you can see targeted target too he's literally taking no damage from these bombs no damage from these bombs it's a no you shouldn't be taken eat nobody should be taking damage from these bombs if those at the location that you were winning through it so as long as you were not in that location you win all right he's enough that's for the weapon phase make sure at this point you gave your warlock tank salve all right we mark up skull because we like the nuke scroll like i said we kind of do some damage in the skull before we end up nuking everything else down we have our hunter you see over here hunter is tank tanking the ad over here right here so he's not multi-shotting anybody he's only multi-shotting the hunter and we're gonna nuke down skull right as you see me nuking scroll down and then we're going to spam seed of corruption i was trying to see if i could get the soul shard from those guys but i can't and you're just familiar with the rest of us down nothing too crazy here after you aoe pick up your weapon and get in your bus get into your positions for phase three all right looks like we finished that phase now's phase the good phase in your position i'm going to put your warlock tank right here where i'm standing exactly right now so he can easily be able to pick him up my new staff is on you see everybody picking up not only is my new staff on i have it down here at the macro like i said right here and now i have the buff on this is the buff that protects me personally from getting conflagged okay on my party as well but anybody might think very important for me not as important for everybody else i hope i turn the camera around soon you're surviving everybody we get a little buggy here so this is where this is the bug that we've noticed like right now i should have aggro immediately right now i don't know why i don't i didn't get misdirected by him i don't know why he has aggro he's super ranged he is so far ranged he's way over here look at this no idea so this is the bug that we this is another bug to worry about but obviously as long as whoever this is bugged out on right doesn't touch him you're fine like it's okay just keep spamming [ __ ] and hopefully you'll get it back in time he wasn't doing any damage to him he wasn't doing anything also he's a hunter he could have feigned it too yeah he painted it i should have and in that situation i could have been like hey faint def i guess he didn't know he had it but yeah i haven't checked it out back and forth i don't know what that was i think at this point um ah nobody's even attacking him bro look it's just a bug i don't know but this uh we've i pulled we have a [ __ ] that pulls on a ptr on our own ptr and the blizzard ptr and we were actually wiped a couple times on prog too and this is the only time i've seen this issue so hopefully it doesn't happen to you guys anyway establish aggro and start pumping um on this phase no one's attacking right now because you see how everybody is over here everyone's cutting this guy right away this is the hardest part of this face this is harder part of the whole thing is this guy right here now as long as he doesn't target me i'm good he's running this way you got to keep cutting him like i said just keep cutting him meanwhile warlock's just panic doing this he doesn't know about threat because no one's on him now this guy's dead have the range on him have the melee on the other guys to finish this up and afterwards your warlock tank and everybody else will switch to the other two and nuke them down as well like i said this is one of those things where this i like my cooldowns i like everything being blown here because we we have less pop right now this is a very serious face you need to get these ads down you do not want to go into phase four with two or three adds up two adds i guess oh right here you see me getting flagged but it's not doing anything because i had the buff you see that either but i'm getting clogged right now still it's not stunning it's still doing damage but it's not stunning or anything because i had that buff warlock make sure you're careful with life taps here if you're sitting kind of low i'm low but i'm too scared of life tap don't worry about it who cares you're on threat now everybody else switch to these two now once again you can still get toyed with this guy the guy still throws they have the exact same mechanics all right he's still throwing bombs the tank is still dodging the bombs he still is throwing more bombs detangling dodging bombs he's throwing toys people are handing the toys however they want to handle it this guy's still fearing we still have fear awards on the tank and trimmer totems everywhere for everybody done all right now you're gonna have kel thoughts coming out right now keltas came out with this ad almost dead which is fine send your main tank over there you guys finish this ad nothing you need to worry about as soon as this ad is dead move your tire raid right here and get ready to pump flame strike our first flame strike of the match get out of it literally if you get hit by a flame strike delete your character notice the ground i had the graphic settings kind of low but uh notice the ground i'll flame strike leaves a little thing too don't stand in it all right there's the first mind controls unfortunately i am not once someone who gets out of mind control but you will see someone this guy's mind control for 30 seconds 27 more seconds yes we can fear him yes you should see them right but or just walk up and stab them you see how you said mc on me free he immediately got stabbed now he's going over here to stab him dude got stabbed he's no longer mc'd that's all you do for mc face now like i said that happens after every flame strike all right you see the phoenix is right here getting kited tanked around we're all just standing here pumping the boss there's nothing to worry about boom i'm emceed now let's see if we can catch who comes up and unemcees me oh looks like manko is coming minko minko minko boom stab see what i mean he came up stabbed me i'm no longer mc that easy boys wing clip let me pull up while i'm recording i'm gonna pull up his thing one second one thing and see what he said he did he said uh just because i don't play this i asked him i said yo what do you guys do for the staff and he said anything that is an act an attack with an ability that is low to no damage hits like a disengage a wing clip a hamstring a shiv or whatever so anything that's kind of cheap not going to be mana efficient they're not going to manage efficient just go ahead and do it and that's it this that kind of is phase four right you're gonna see it coming up here's the first one there's a flame strike what's after flametrack immediately [ __ ] mc's baby mc's not only mc's but at the same time we got an egg and this is where i said it gets hectic the egg is around where he's screaming out hey egg egg we're all [ __ ] turning around we're nuking the [ __ ] out of this egg right now meanwhile in the meantime we have a shock barrier that just went up boom shock bearers up new phoenix shock barriers up we have a flame strike happening soon and then another mc you can see how this detective shock barrier is up we are pumped we're trying there's power blast with the shock barrier okay we need to get rid of this shock barrier so when he pyroblast whoever which looks like it's going to be a rogue he's not nikki knight knighted okay you want to be able to interrupt that okay shark bear is down we do not get the interrupt off he blasted on somebody did absolutely no damage oh i think the tank absorbed it more mcs are out more mc's are getting poked phoenix is getting kind through the raid which is a bad idea but it's okay everybody move out of the way because of the hellfire you see it doing it loses five percent it's getting kited way out of the way now we're back onto the boss we're pumping the boss down all right now it's just this until phase five guys which is 50 health okay that's it blow all your cooldowns if you whenever they come back up and full pump into this boss kill nuke the shock barrier get the mcs out by pokey pokey they stab you stabbing them i mean interrupt the pyroblast you can interrupt the fireballs anything extra nuke these hey gay gay gay gay gang nuke it nuke this [ __ ] egg [ __ ] i mean i'll see you guys on facebook for those wondering we do not kill um we do not kill phoenixes um we kill the eggs we just let them kill themselves we don't worry about anything we don't everybody extra damage does or anything else we just completely ignore them right now we notice that 50 is coming up soon this is when you want to push them this is one we like to push we have one phoenix almost dead he's at 53 we got a pirate bus going off we're gonna kick that as soon as we kick that we're gonna [ __ ] finish him up right here finish him off as soon as he's finished off he's go to the middle like this see that finish this phoenix off finish whatever phoenix and eggs you have up because you have a little bit of rp right here nuke that egg down nuke these phoenix is down dude's getting taken up in the air and guys base five you made it out of the hard phase i mean yeah you made it the hard face and now actually we like to literally say when we're in this phase that it's a white it's a i mean it's a kill like the fight's over at this point but you know you still can't mess up bro so mc's are still happening for a little bit they're gonna stop happening when he does come down here though they're gonna happen right here periodically same with the flame patch they will stop happening when he touches or you know comes yeah right here thank you floats down comes down touches the ground whatever this big juicy super saiyan looking guide is doing okay so now it's the same thing as the previous phase minus the mind control notice flame strike no mind control afterwards gravity laps the first case of it guess what boom it's going to throw everybody up but they are hella high and the first thing you're going to see any of us do is i like to find the ground right away immediately stop what i doing i use my insta cast as i'm going down now notice that if there is an egg here from phoenix's to kill the egg we do stop and kill the egg now what i will say is you want to remember i said the nether uh nether beans and another clouds these are another clouds right here don't buy bee don't be buy them and in other beams just chains don't be by people you can see the beams if you look at the boss you can see the beams beaming people because they're too close just don't be too close do what we're doing we're not too close to the ground because you get thrown back up in the air your dps does not matter at this point just survive right just survive get to the ground to a nice little safe spot gravity ends in two seconds let me touch my precious feet on the ground and then we'll walk back out and we'll nuke the boss down guys that's that's the end of the fight phoenix comes we're completely ignoring the phoenix killed us at 30 something like that and we're just going to pop down kill those until the end of the fight i'm gonna speed this up guys and let you uh actually i'm not gonna speed it up it's already a long ass video so guess what enjoy the rest of the video my dudes and i guess for raid guys i'm not gonna do a solarian vr one but i guess you won't see any more raid guides until black temple and mount hydro ptr time for some more lock vids please actually you know what any kind of general if you made it this far in the video because there's no more explaining what to do any videos tbc that not not warlock related like you know tbc related stuff right stuff any kind of tvc related videos that you guys would like done give me some ideas i i'm down to do as many videos as you guys want just give me some ideas of what you guys want outside of warlock videos until the next time boys good luck out there peace you
Channel: Crix Guides
Views: 124,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WoW, WorldOfWarcraft, TheBurningCrusade, TBC, Raid Guide, Raiding, Warlock, Guide, Warlock Tanking, Burning Crusade, The Burning Crusade, BiS, Pre-BiS, Guides, Crix, CrixGaming, Crix Gaming, PvP, Arena, Walkthrough, Classes, Class, Deep Dive, WOW, World of Warcraft, BC, Classic, Help, PvE, Shadow, Changes, Classic WoW, Tanking, Heal, DPS, Damage, Meta, Min/max, Affliction, Destruction, Demonology, Demo, Felguard, FG, Fire, Fire Destruction, SSC, Serpentshrine, Serpentshrine Cavern, FLK, Fathom Lord, boss, boss guide
Id: 50rC95LSCZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 54sec (2274 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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