Taylor Swift Reacts to Embarrassing Footage of Herself After Laser Eye Surgery

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-Can you see me by the way? Uh, yeah. -Okay, good. 'Cause I just was wondering, 'cause I under-- Didn't you just get Lasik surgery? -I did. How do you know that? [ Laughter ] -You got Lasik surgery, which is a major surgery. -It i-- Yeah, but, um... [ Laughter ] I did, but I don't -- I don't even tell people that. -But you can see me perfect? I just want to make sure, yeah. -No, it was great. I really can see very well. -Do you take painkillers or anything when you do that stuff? [ Laughter ] Well, I mean, do they give you like laughing gas or something? -They definitely give you some pretty hard-core pills after you... -Yeah. -...have a laser in your eye. What is going on? [ Laughter ] -So you're saying -- So, post-surgery, you're a little loopy? You know? You have things on your eyes? And -- -What's happening right now? [ Laughter ] [ Drumroll ] -Your mom may or may not have videotaped you after surgery. [ Audience "Oohs," applause ] [ Laughter ] And she gave us the video. [ Laughter and applause ] -For the television? -Wait. This is a world premiere. You got to check this out. [ Drumroll ] [ Cheers ] This is Taylor Swift, post-surgery. You were, like, freaking out over a banana. [ Laughter ] Anyway, here's Taylor at home after her Lasik surgery. Video taken by her mom. Take a look at this. This is real. -Okay, so, she found -- she found a snack. -That wasn't the one I wanted. [ Laughter ] -Stop, you can't cry. That's not supposed to be what you're doing. -I tried to get this one. -Okay, I'm gonna get the other one for you. Okay. -I wanted this one, but what do we do with this now? -I'll eat it. I'll eat it. It's mine. -But it doesn't have a head. -Honey, it's fine. I don't need a head. -Okay. I'm crying. I'm fine. -Don't -- You don't want to cry. That's not what you want to do. -Sometimes it doesn't go your way. [ Laughter ] -Don't fall asleep eating a banana, okay? -I'm not asleep. My mind is alive. -Okay. [ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪ -Don't be mad. Don't be mad. Don't be mad at me. Don't be mad at me. I made some calls. -Oh, my God! -I may have made some calls. -That's on television. -Me and your mom -- [ Laughter ] You goes, "This one doesn't have a head. What are we gonna do with it?" [ Laughter ] Me and your mom stayed in touch. -Wait. She was kind enough to drive me there but cruel enough to film it and give it to you? [ Laughter ] -Yes, that's what -- That's what a good mom does. -Ugh! -I love you, Mom! That's what a good mom does. -I was -- You notice the -- I had these goggles on, which are really high fashion. But then they had to tape it to my head. -Yeah, and you're not allowed to cry. And just -- Oh. The whole thing was so funny. -But I was crying, I think, over a banana. [ Laughter ] -Oh, my gosh. -Oh, my God. -Anyways, tell your mom thanks again for that. -Oh. -She's the best. -You know what? I'm gonna tell her something. [ Laughter ] -Let's talk "Saturday Night Live." You're on "SNL." You're great on "Saturday Night Live." And you're good at live. Last time I saw you was at the "Time 100" -- -I'm sorry. I can't think about anything else. [ Laughter ] I had like -- -Dude, it's my favorite. We watched it in the office like 20 times today. I'm like, "Oh, my God." [ Laughter ] "This is not real. I can't believe we have this footage." You're like, going like, "But this is the wrong one. I wanted the other one." You're like, "What do we do with this banana?" And she's like, "We'll take care of it." You go, "But this doesn't have a --" -"But its head is gone!" [ Laughter ] -"It doesn't have a head." Oh, my gosh. It just was so cute. It made me laugh. -Well, okay. So, I was at a party, like, a couple months ago, and I had like 2 1/2 mojitos. And then the next day, drunk -- #DrunkTaylor was like number-one trending on Twitter. -Yeah, I saw that. [ Cheers and applause ] -Because, you know, I go, like, from zero to legitimately thinking I'm a wizard within like two drinks. [ Laughter ] -"I'm a wizard." Yeah. -Like, really thinking like -- -You were fun, though. You were dancing around doing -- you're dancing -- -Yeah, but thinking about the fact that that went as far as it did, and then we've got this happening... [ Laughter ] -This would be -- This is Lasik. -...that you've done this now. -This is Lasik lover. #LasikLover. [ Laughter ] #LasikLover. Um, "SNL" -- -I can't even be mad. I'm just impressed that you infiltrated my family. [ Laughter ] I don't even know how you did that. Nobody has my mom's number. Like, how did -- -Yeah, I asked for your mom's number. But, yeah, we've been friends for years. -Oh, well, you know, news to me. This is great. [ Laughter ] -What -- What songs are you doing on "SNL"? Can you say? Have you said? -Yeah, I'm fine with saying. -You can? -I mean, I'll tell -- Well, you know, we gotta be a little cryptic, just 'cause it's fun. But I'll probably do "Lover." -Want to point at them? Ooh. -I'll do "Lover," but in a way that I haven't performed it before, which -- [ Cheers and applause ] And then I'm gonna do a song that I have never performed before at all, live. -Wow. -So... -That's a scoop! I'll take that scoop. Taylor Swift, everybody.
Channel: The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Views: 22,559,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon, Taylor Swift, Reacts, Embarrassing Footage, Herself, Laser Eye Surgery, TSJF Interview, NBC, NBC TV, Television, Funny, Talk Show, comedic, humor, snl, tonight, show, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, comedy sketches, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, Taylor Swift on Fallon, Taylor Swift interview, SNL, Saturday Night Live, SNL 45, Taylor Swift SNL, Lover, Taylor Swift Lover, You Need to Calm Down, The Man, Cruel Summer, ME, lasik
Id: IZ_SFbaysHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 18sec (318 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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