Taylor Swift- Interview - Ellen Degeneres Show (11/01/10)

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bathroom we are thrilled our first guest is here to celebrate the release of her number one CD speak now please welcome four-time Grammy Award winner Taylor Swift hi Taylor number-one CD they expect to sell a million copies of this thing that's the first week and then what would is so many though that's a lot for the first week that's amazing and you wrote the entire thing by yourself yes every song it makes me really proud of this album because I mean it took two years to make this album and at some point in the process I made the conscious decision to keep on writing it by myself you know at first it was really circumstantial like I get an idea at 3 a.m. and I feel like there's no co-writer here in Montana on the tour bus at 3 a.m. so I'll just go ahead and write this by myself and then like a little more than halfway through I was like you know what I could do this by myself freely maybe you're telling me at rehearsal that you were so scared that because you poured so much of yourself into this and there's so much personal information here you were actually really worried about how people would receive it yeah I have been all over the map as far as emotion-wise going like with this album it's been such an emotional process like writing it for those two years the last six months of that like the six months of finishing up the record I would have nightmares in the middle of the night where I'd wake up and I feel like have a nightmare that Rolling Stone hated it like and you know I mean I'd wake up and I'd be like in the nightmare they gave me like half a star I'm like is that even possible that even do that but I was you know I was really nervous about it because I mean taking this on and writing every single line of every verse pre-chorus bridge everything you're taking a lot of ownership of of whether people like it or don't right right so you're very proud that everybody likes it because everybody does like it to be number one and now ask you so you continue to to write about ex-boyfriends you would think that people would be scared to even be near you because you they have to know right that you're gonna because that's what you you write about your experience it seems to be the pattern yeah mm-hmm and there's a new one that people are speculating that it was about John Mayer and cuz it's Dear John and it could just be a Dear John song it could just could just be that that's one kind of is what it is okay great we know the answer now it's about him so now well you didn't dispute it so obviously the thing is like okay with with my career and I've been fortunate enough to have success like I've had a few main goals and priorities if I was lucky enough to continue to get to do this and have it go like this and those two goals were to in spite of success remain the same person and in spite of success remain the same songwriter when I was 12 years old and I started writing songs I was writing songs about my life and just because more people are now kind of we're interested in the subject material of those songs rather a little more than when I was 12 right now I'm still gonna continue to write about my life and I guess people are gonna continue to speculate about it and I'm gonna continue to never tell them who the songs about right but it's about him okay so now have you always been you said you started when you were 12 even at 12 I mean when you're writing songs we have you always just been this honest when since you were a little girl you just just said what's on your mind with music that's where I can say whatever I mean I remember like when I was in school look the whole reason I started writing songs was because I was alone a lot of the time and you know I'd sit there in school and I'd be hearing people like oh my god this party we're going to it's gonna be so awesome on Friday everyone's invited except for over there you know like and I just wouldn't be invited to stuff and I would sit there and I'd be like it's okay because I can write a song about this later and Here I am at at 20 and I'm still saying that when I go through a tough time so it's like you know that it's words out it's a creative way to get your feelings out and it's and it's a very successful way to get your feelings out thank you if you take a break we'll be back and she'll tell us all about her new book new boyfriend and we'll be back with Taylor Swift you played her song at your wedding we got married August 7th and it's pretty scary that's okay let me buff them up afterward okay now Taylor if you were to write a song right now about love how would that know what like if you would just write a song is it it are do you are you optimistic about love are you how do you feel about love right now I'm always optimistic about love mm-hmm what's down there what do you keep looking at down there that's my hands in my dress uh-huh go like that yeah so you're always optimistic about love yes always sometimes is it the right nail you are well why wouldn't anyone be especially if your boyfriend is Jake Gyllenhaal because he's very handsome y'all working out though right you have a picture of us on the screen don't you right but it's just y'all hang out this doesn't prove anything it's just I'm just saying he's adorable and and I like him very much and so if that is the case that that's your boyfriend I think that's fantastic wouldn't he be nervous about if anything goes wrong there's another song you know I was just thinking about all the good times you and I have had together yeah we scared you when I was in the bathroom if I scared you he's scared you jumped out a screen I scared you today - she was walking down the hall travursel and I crawled out of my door and you scare so easily yeah it's really uncanny it's like the legs just buckle you do it so I've scared many people when they go into the dressing room I'm hiding waiting for them and they're in their bathroom and it's just a little fun thing that I like to do and when I did it with you it turned into a YouTube sensation I was in a studio that week and they're all like checking out of this group which just goes down Reza just fell yeah like it was you almost at her head on that thing on the wall yeah yeah I was that was nervous about that you fell again today you just you just go right at the breast let's show people what happened when I scared you the last time you're here Oh I there were bruises there were many reminders we didn't get just goodness when I got you earlier today bruises there were many reminders so you moved out you're living on your own now you moved out from mama I am yeah yeah and and how is that being away from your mom oh you know what it's been wonderful my family they become well you know how do I say this goes both my mom with my dad or around some yeah you know it's been amazing because I they really becomes a privilege to hang out with my parents because I don't see them all the time right so you know we've got a breakfast we hang out it's great the one thing that I thought would change that didn't though is my mom worst-case scenario Andrea she jumps to a worst-case scenario she's done that since I was little and I thought you know it's with health problems like exactly like when I was little I would be like I'd be blowing my nose if I had a cold or something should be like stop blowing your nose so hard I'd be like why I just be like you'll get a brain infection so now like I was I was calling her the other day and I was like she's like what do you best do I was oh I'm about to go running and shake be careful I was like I'm running on a treadmill just like have you ever YouTube's treadmill accident people can die on treadmill accident Wow and it's it's kind of adorable it's kind of like at this point I can like call it out and be like mom back when I was eight and you told me I would get a brain infection if I blowed my nose too hard that wasn't true was it because I could go back yeah that's right but you know we're so close and my family I love them so much my brother's off at Notre Dame and it's just it's really cool well I'm glad that you're uh it really feels like and someone said this we have had you on the show for three years now right we feel like we have just watched you grow up and I'm just watching you just get to be a bigger and bigger and bigger star and and I mean we knew you were talented when you were first on but you just keep growing as an artist and and you're still just a very regular a normal person which I really appreciate because that's hard to hold on to that and be ground and you really are so thank you son happy that you're that person how would you get Tony's engineer
Channel: tswiftfan13
Views: 1,423,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Taylor, Swift, Ellen, Interview
Id: f4kEl3f-ySc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 01 2010
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