Every Time Taylor Swift Appeared on The Ellen Show In Order (Part 1) (MEGA-COMPILATION)

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our next guest has had the number one album on the country charts for a record 10 weeks in a row and she's nominated for the best new artist Grammy Award please welcome Taylor Swift this is incredible and you're 18 and you're so popular and tell it tell everybody how this all happened I started seeing when I was um a baby but I decided that this was it when I was like 10. um and started dragging my parents to festivals and fairs and karaoke contests like every single weekend and uh then when I was 11 I was like Mom we have to go to Nashville that's where they all go that's where Faith Hill went and the Dixie Chicks and they all went to Nashville so I made up this demo CD of me singing karaoke music and went to Nashville with my mom and she would like park outside record labels and I would run in and be like hey I'm Taylor I'm 11. I want a record deal call me you know um and that didn't work obviously but um it did teach me that I needed to be different you know and that they saw that kind of thing every day and so I went home and I started playing guitar for like four hours a day until my fingers were bleeding and I started writing songs you know and that was really the reason why you know I guess I got noticed I moved to Nashville when I was 13. my family like up and moved across the country to Nashville and I got a job as a songwriter for Sony ATV publishing when I was 14. wow that's amazing that's where the money is writing your own songs that's yeah that's smart yeah uh and my mom would like pick me up from school I was in eighth grade and my mom would pick me up from school and drive me downtown and I would go write songs with these great songwriters in Nashville and then I'd go home and do my homework and wow that's amazing so have you had time to enjoy the success at all because you're huge and yet you're still you've been working so much yeah I mean I've it's really enjoyable it's really awesome I mean I never expected that a song that I wrote in like ninth grade for my ninth grade talent show would end up being number one for six weeks wow you know that's amazing this is your first Grammy Awards right yeah I've never been before it's very exciting yes yeah for such a big show I'm not really that calm so what you what did you do all day long all day long I got up this morning oh yeah good yeah which which is always really good to do yeah um and then I came here and got ready in the trailer you didn't do anything all day long well you oh you slept late then you're saying yeah because you went to that Clyde Davis party oh my gosh I got to take pictures of all these famous people and that's David Spade that's David because he was sitting next to me at the table I got a really star-studded table who else were you Ashley Simpson and Pete Wentz and Joe Simpson Ashley's dad and um David Spade uh-huh and at the table next to me was oh look what I was doing this whole time uh-huh look it's an e yes I see it that was great see you know there was this whole great party Jimmy Kimmel was at the party it's Clive Davis throws the most amazing party every year I didn't go because I wanted to be refreshed for today and uh I'm older than you so I I have to get my sleep but they don't even start sometimes until like 9 30 goes on today like how late did they go last night I don't know I mean I left um who's that that's what I look like in the morning like I took a picture just so you would see the before shot and that's really me that's I'm like a ball of fur when I wake up in the morning you're like a little pet thank you yeah with animals with music we're talking about that earlier right you're my favorite thing then thank you all right so who are you dying to meet here today who do you want to run into oh at the Grammys I've never met Justin Timberlake before [Music] so he's a good one to meet yeah you know I've always liked his music and stuff but he became number one on my list of people I want to meet after I saw him on your show actually and he called you and he made all these weird voices like and you're thinking like who's this psycho that called right that's what I always think when he calls me yeah yeah but he was making all these weird voices and you couldn't tell who it was and and then he got on the phone with you and he was so nice yeah and he was like hilarious and nice and so that seemed like a good combination he's he is a hilarious nice guy he has a very very sweet down to earth I adore him he's a great guy so I hope you run into him and if not I'll have you on the show at the same time I have him on next time that would be awesome yeah all right so uh now you are you interested he's got a girlfriend you're not interested no no no who would have a crush on Justin Timberlake nobody nobody no one no no no I'm scared to hook you up with anybody even if I meet somebody great because I hear something that you do that kind of frightens me a little bit let's I'm going to give you a chance to clear it up when you have spare time you drive past your ex-boyfriend's houses why I don't do that yes you do well you know I mean I put that on my MySpace my MySpace is not like the typical Taylor Swift is blah blah blah so I wrote this bio on MySpace and it's actually it's very honest about who I am as a person I'm like in my free time I like to drive past my ex-boyfriend's houses I'm not like throwing eggs it's right I'm just checking up on that checking up checking up on what the front of their house looks like or I mean really like an act of Public Service you know just seeing if they're are you so you have unresolved business you still have crushes on your no no no no no no so what are you doing I don't know everybody does that it's just nobody admits to it [Music] but listen I I believe that you're a fantastic girl and I really hope you win tonight you're so talented and if you don't you're 18 years old and you have plenty of time and you are you're just a bundle of talent and you're beautiful and you're funny and smart and that's all that you don't need an award you've got all that stuff going for you thank you fantastic hi thank you so congratulations on uh the release of fearless it's very exciting I've been waiting for the CD to come out for two years so I'm so excited that it's finally out and this is sort of the release date right now here this is the party right yeah rock on um all right so some of the songs on here uh all of the songs on here are about boys and love yes anyone in particular there are a couple people that uh they're about actually like maybe um somebody like you know that guy there's one that's about that guy that that guy's not in my life anymore unfortunately I know that's not uh I'm sorry that's ouch that's an ouch yeah wow now I know the ouch things with you because I've you've told me you drive by their houses a lot [Laughter] you told me you do that to ex-boyfriends is that gonna happen he's got a lot of security guards they're big so probably not all right but but you get to write a song that's the thing about being here yes I got a last minute recording session like right when it was like like that really yeah like that oh yeah and so well I mean that's a good thing though because it's kind of like you know my label let me record that song right before the album had to be done that's on here now yeah it's completely on there what's the name of the song that's about that it's called Forever and Always um yeah is that sarcasm forever and always definitely definitely now and and but that must be really hard because you as opposed to someone who's just in a relationship you can avoid seeing them but like he's on like you see him everywhere sharpeners and t-shirts yes yeah I did not realize pencil sharpeners but he's there's also a doll uh-huh yeah yeah oh I bet you have that with some pins or something probably um but now seriously that must be really hard to to can you be friendly is it okay we haven't talked since actually so it's like yeah but you know what Someday I'm gonna find somebody really really great who's right for me yes you are and you're how old is he yeah you're you're 18 years old you're you of course you're gonna find you're gonna find about 40 people that are right for you what about Nick we'll go for another brother I mean why don't you that'll get him back if you go for one of the brothers oh wow yeah well Kevin I mean there's two other brothers to go to oh my gosh yeah that's not right right probably not okay but you're actually thinking of it you're considering it aren't you I can see that in your face but no you will find somebody because you are a fantastic person you have a great personality you're just adorable you're talented you've got you've got so much going for you thank you and I know it still hurts no matter what and uh but I'm sorry to hear that because I thought that y'all were still together but oh it's okay okay it's all right I'm cool you know what it's like it's like when I find that person that that is is right for me and is he'll be wonderful and when I look at that person I'm not even going to be able to remember the boy who broke up with me over the phone in 25 seconds when I was 18. foreign [Applause] yeah it was like a record I think for how quick it was like it was like I looked at the call log it was like 27 seconds oh no that's got to be a record oh boy I am sorry to hear that and okay so are the millions and millions of other people that just heard that are going to be so mad at him right now all right we have to take a break and uh we're going to talk more uh with Taylor we'll be right back all right so uh now um how do you feel about being 18 years old being this successful and knowing that there are young girls out there that you're influencing does that give you pressure do you think about that I think that when you put out one song or you're in one movie what you don't realize is that no matter what you're a role model whether you choose to embrace it or whether you choose to ignore it and I just choose to embrace it because I feel like it's the biggest honor in the world when a mom comes up to me and says my eight-year-old daughter listens to your music and I think that it's so great that she looks up to you know that's not just a compliment on my music or or a show that I did that's a compliment of my character and that's really really sweet to get that that's a wonderful thing well you'd be a good role model I think there are a lot of people out there that you if I had a kid I'd be scared to death that they're watching and trying to emulate so I think you're you're a healthy one oh man my cheek is like I was on the phone earlier today do I have chyrus do I oh my gosh what that's a that's a like ninth grade inside joke between my best friend and I how did you know that that is so weird you say Charis also [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I mean okay this is your friend you've been friends since what eighth grade yeah where do you live Abigail well I'm from Nashville Tennessee but now I live in Kansas uh University I go to I go to KU uh-huh yeah you've got to be so proud of her I mean watching her go through all this it's amazing you know just to be able to be on the sidelines and experience something like that it's awesome yeah it really really is well we wanted to surprise you because this is a party you said it's awesome police party and so she's a surprise and we have one more surprise oh my god when we come back all right we're back with Taylor Swift her friend Abigail uh we flew her into surprise her because it's a record release party it's very important it's a big deal and you know so all right I can't get over I mean we're talking during the break it's it's just having a broken heart no matter what age you are it just it it hurts you know and you're going to find somebody else who are you telling me the last time you were here I forgot you told me your your favorite musical your musical crush somebody in the business oh Justin Timberlake Justin Timberlake is your favorite really yeah so we've been hiding you the whole show you didn't see it you're hiding him we've been hiding you so you didn't know that he was here she didn't see any of the shows she didn't see the tape piece she didn't see anything so she had no idea that Justin was here this makes it all better yes I uh we've all been there Taylor yeah yeah so how's it going it's going your album is out yes apparently I don't remember it though that's awesome wow it's really good to meet you it's nice to meet you I think I want to say that we met briefly before we did it for four seconds it was like that yeah that's a she didn't hear me that's it doesn't she have a great voice she does beautiful voice and she's going to meet somebody great why are men such jerks Justin go ahead and tell her well uh why are men though where do I start yeah well uh you know women are women women you guys you ladies are um you're just smarter than us good answer Justin I've accepted that I've accepted that I'm much more comfortable in my stupidity I just roll with it you know so that makes me less of a drink I'm like yeah that's that's ever this is the best day ever yeah that's great after this we'll be back okay hi adorable you just get cuter and the first time I met you I just remember thinking your personality was just you just shine you just have something so special about you and and I just love that you have just blossomed every time I I'm just so happy for you thank you you're really really special and talented and and uh the world's a better place because of you you're a kind person and what a year you've had you're welcome I mean I have seriously I have to be some of what responsible some part of it has to be mainly mostly me most of it yeah most of it what tell tell me what's been going on this last year are you touring right now or no I actually just wrapped up the first leg of my first headlining tour which I'm so excited you know I wanted to thank you for something that had to do with music and okay funny that you should talk about how you had everything to do with it and it was all your fault so I wanted to bring you this is last year you threw that amazing album release party for me right that's why all the people bought the album right exactly that's what I'm saying so thank you that's for you thank you and and um did you make money off of this that was a big laugh um supposed to be that funny thank you that's very sweet that's but that's a that's huge right Platinum that's a big deal yeah that's five times five times Platinum yeah well then that has to be I'll slip you a little all right yeah and then we sent you out to dinner when you were here last time and something special happened at dinner something so special happened at dinner you guys were wonderful you booked this incredibly fancy beautiful wonderful dinner for my best friend Abigail and I at Mr Chow right I'd never been there before it's a fancy celebrity place it's fancy [Music] um and so we went out and we sit down and my best friend looks over and absolutely her face like went white and she was like Stevie Wonder is sitting right behind you and with that a couple minutes later they dimmed the lights in the restaurant and this was the night that President Obama was elected and so everyone had just gotten the news and there was this energy about the place and with that Stevie Wonder stands up and one of the waiters says Mr Wonder would like to make a speech and so everyone in the restaurant wow is staring and my heart was racing and I just remember thinking remember everything that you hear in this moment and he stood up and he said this is for all the people who fought for this country and died so that we could vote and this is for all of the people who live their lives with love this is for all the people who live their lives in hatred because they're only trying to be loved this is for all of the Believers and for the non-believers and for our future Generations who will get to vote because of the people who have fought for this country and most of all this is for all the people here tonight whose main goal in life is to make this world and this country far better than it has ever been and you did remember it that's beautiful it was I'll never forget it ever yeah that's beautiful that you were there to witness that and that you did take it all in you remembered all of it yeah that's huge um and no it is I mean to remember all that um and I was I was just saying you just did a movie right yes I did and and when is that coming out that comes out um in February around Valentine's Day because the movie's called Valentine's Day uh-huh oh yeah and that's the year what a coincidence so it makes sense yes they thought it out it's a huge coincidence um and uh and you're in it and uh who else is in it a bunch of people right yes a lot of people um Bradley Cooper Jamie Foxx um Queen Latifah um who else Julia Roberts um any big names Anne Hathaway Topher Grace lots of people and who were your scenes with uh Taylor Lautner hmm the guy from Twilight yeah oh yeah he's cute yeah he's cute oh is that from the movie yes oh that's cute yeah because of the crowns yeah yeah [Applause] what's happening there foreign yeah yeah it was really yeah what is that part of the movie when you all go to a some kind of a game together some kind of a basketball game that's part of the movie too I really like hockey a lot and it turns out so does he wow so you saw each other there you just ran into each other all right um it's con it's confusing though his name's Taylor and your name's Taylor I know that's weird like somebody goes Taylor and you both turn around yes that's what see that was confusing when we were um shooting the movie and so halfway through the day because it was like Taylor to makeup not you the other one you over there Taylor hey you on your mark not you the tan one Taylor you know it's it's like and so everybody was so confused and and so halfway through the day I was like how about this how about this you call him Taylor and call me Swifty problem solved for the rest of the day and I will call you swiftly right now cool flippy yeah all right um so um is he a good kisser what so koi all right we're back with uh the brilliant brilliantly talented Taylor Swift and one thing about Taylor is most of her songs you write all your songs right yes and your songs are written mostly like under 30 minutes is that what I heard you just write a song usually it kind of happens fast okay well I thought well if it's that easy you and I I mean I'm creative you're creative we should be able to write a song together right absolutely so and I'd get a little piece of it so let's uh [Applause] guitar I have some other instruments um I'll see what works all right that's not right um okay I know how to start up one two three and then okay and then we'll and then we'll ride it do you wanna you wanna do that then um well we have to have some lyrics okay so um and it should be about love all right because that's a good one you know you're in love I'm in love people are in love um what's the tune I don't know we could do something simple like that's good I like it [Music] [Applause] have a face [Music] but that's good but what is this that's good what if it's true what if it's more romantic not a straight staircase but like a I saw your face [Music] foreign [Applause] number one CD they expect to sell a million copies of this thing like lower more that's the first week and then what are you so many though that's a lot for the first week that's amazing and you wrote the entire thing by yourself yes every song that's something that uh that makes me really proud of this album because I mean it took two years to make this album and uh I at some point in the process I made the conscious decision to keep on writing it by myself um you know at first it was really circumstantial like I'd get an idea at 3am and I'd be like ah there's no co-writer here in Montana on the tour bus at 3am so I'll just go ahead and write this by myself and then uh like a little more than halfway through I was like you know what I could do this by myself really maybe you were telling me you're telling me at rehearsal that you were so scared that because you poured so much of yourself into this and there's so much personal information here you were actually really worried about how people would receive it yeah I have been all over the map as far as emotion-wise going like with this album it's been such an emotional process like um writing it uh for those two years the last six months of that like the six months of finishing up the record I would have nightmares in the middle of the night where I'd wake up and I'd be like have a nightmare that Rolling Stone hated it like and you know I mean I'd wake up and I'd be like in the nightmare they gave me like half a star I'm like is that even possible to even do that yeah um but I was you know I was really nervous about it because I mean taking this on and writing every single line of every verse pre-chorus Bridge everything uh you're taking a lot of um ownership of of whether people like it or don't right right so you're very proud that everybody likes it because everybody does like it to be number one thank you and now you so you continue to uh to write about ex-boyfriends you would think that people would be scared to even be near you because you they have to know right that you're gonna because that's what you you write about your experience it seems to be the pattern yeah and uh there's a a new one that people are speculating that it was about John Mayer and because it's Dear John and it could just be a Dear John song it could just could just be that yeah that song kind of is what it is okay great we know the answer now it's about him so now uh well you didn't dispute it so obviously the thing is like okay with with my career and I've been fortunate enough to have success like I've had a few main goals and priorities if I was lucky enough to continue to get to do this and have it go like this um and those two goals were to In Spite of success remain the same person and in spite of success remain the same songwriter uh when I was 12 years old and I started writing songs I was writing songs about my life um and just because more people are now kind of more interested in the subject material of those songs rather a little more than when I was 12. right now uh I'm still going to continue to write about my life and I guess people are going to continue to speculate about it and I'm going to continue to never tell them who the song's about right but it's about him okay so now have you always been you said you started when you were 12 even at 12 I mean when you're writing songs have you always just been this honest when since you were a little girl you just just said what's on your mind with music uh that's where I can say whatever I mean I remember like when I was in school the whole reason I started writing songs was because I was alone a lot of the time and uh you know I'd sit there in school and I'd be hearing people like oh my God this party we're going to it's gonna be so awesome on Friday everyone's invited except for her over there you know like and I just wouldn't be invited to stuff and I would sit there and I'd be like it's okay because I can write a song about this later and uh here I am at uh at 20 and I'm still saying that when I go through a tough times so it's like you know that it's worth it it's a creative way to get your feelings out and it's a and it's a very successful way to get your feelings out thank you I appreciate it we have to take a break we'll be back and she'll tell us all about her new new boyfriend and uh we'll be back with Taylor Swift now Taylor if you were to write a song right now about love how would that go what like if you would just write a song is it or do you are you optimistic about love are you how do you feel about love right now I'm always optimistic about love what's down there what do you keep looking at down there that's my hands and my dress going like that yeah so uh you're always optimistic about love yes always sometimes [Music] but right now you are well why wouldn't anyone be well especially if your boyfriend is Jake Gyllenhaal because he's very handsome y'all are just hanging out though right you have a picture of us on the screen don't you right but it's just y'all hanging out this doesn't prove anything it's just I'm just saying he's adorable and and I like him very much and so if that is the case that that's your boyfriend I think that's fantastic wouldn't he be nervous about if anything goes wrong there's another song you know I was just thinking about all the good times you and I have had together on this episode we really have and remember we scared me when I was in the bathroom remember when I scared you I'm scared you jumped out and I screamed I scared you today too she was walking down the hall for rehearsal and I crawled out of my uh door and uh you you scare so easily yeah it's really uncanny it's like the legs just buckle you you do so I've I've scared many people when they go into the dressing room I'm hiding waiting for them in their in their bathroom and uh it's just a little fun thing that I like to do and when I did it with you it turned into a YouTube sensation I was in a studio that week and they're all like check out this girl they said oh and close the laptop right I wish it just goes down man she just fell it was like she almost hit her head on that thing on the wall yeah yeah I was I was nervous about that you fell again today you just you just go right to the ground let's show people what happened when I scared you the last time you're here thank you oh covered from that I the fault there were there were bruises there were many reminders thank you we didn't really get you as good as when I got you earlier today I the fault that there were bruises there were many reminders so you moved out you're living uh on your own now you moved out from Mama I am yeah yes yeah and and how is that being away from your mom oh you know what it's it's been wonderful my family they become well you know how do I say this goes both my mom and my dad are around somewhere um you know it's been amazing because I they really it becomes a privilege to hang out with my parents because I don't see them all the time right um so you know we go to breakfast we hang out it's great the one thing that I thought would change that didn't though is um my mom worst case scenario Andrea she jumps to a worst case scenario she's done that since I was little and I saw it you know it's with health problems like exact like um when I was little I would be like I'd be blowing my nose if I had a cold or something she'd be like stop blowing your nose so hard I'd be like why I should be like you'll get a brain infection wow so now like I was I was calling her the other day and I was like she's like what are you about to do I was oh I'm about to go running and she's like be careful I'm running on a treadmill she's like have you ever YouTube treadmill accidents people can die on treadmill accidents wow and it's it's kind of adorable it's kind of like at this point I can like call it out and be like Mom back when I was eight and you told me I would get a brain infection if I blow my nose too hard that wasn't true was it because I Googled that yeah it's like but you know we're so close and um my family I love them so much my brother's off at Notre Dame um and it's just it's really cool well I'm glad that you're uh it really feels like and and someone said this we have had you on the show for three years now right we I feel like we've just watched you grow up and I'm I'm just watching you just get to be a bigger and bigger and bigger star and and I mean we knew you were talented when you were first on but you just keep growing as an artist and and you're still just a a very regular normal person which I really appreciate because that's hard to hold on to that and be grounded you really are so thank you so much I'm happy that you're that person one of Taylor Swift's biggest fans is in the audience today and I would like to meet her where's Amber Schneider where are you Amber how are you yeah here take this I know we said we were going to bring you here and you were going to be in the Riff Raff room and then we said we all of a sudden had a seat and so we brought you in here and it's very exciting you're a huge fan of Taylor's how come well just a minute let me okay yeah try to call me sorry yeah um I just I really believe in her because she she's like one of the the best artists out there she doesn't do anything bad she keeps her composure um she remains I'm getting so emotional that's well because also you played her song at your wedding and your husband then uh how long ago did he leave for Afghanistan he we got married August 7th and I'm sorry that's okay um and he left a month afterwards okay and he's so he's been gone you this August yeah since September 6th okay all right and you played what song did you play at the wedding love story that was when I walked down the aisle to oh she um she left we were trying to get her to stay so that you could meet her because I know that that would mean so much to you but she she left a little while ago but um are you sure she left are we sure all right um well let's act like she didn't leave um so uh she didn't leave [Applause] I can't even speak oh my gosh yeah I figured you should just come out and meet her because she's not able to talk and we have no that's totally fine I don't blame you for being excited I mean she's pretty amazing and we were backstage in the dressing room watching you and and uh it's just so inspiring what you guys are going through for love and I just I wanted to say that about you and that it's just it's it's beautiful and it's inspiring and I I admire you a lot oh I oh you both admire each other no I'm kidding so do you play guitar by any chance um I tried to learn but my fingers don't do what they're supposed to they don't reach you have to just keep practicing enough Andy bring out the right kind of guitar for her maybe if there was an autographed guitar I put a little better on this one I should have like I started drawing earlier and all of a sudden they were good and stars I didn't I don't know I like clouds and stars yeah one more thing we want to do for you um is we want you to go to the Country Music Awards uh which are in November and uh you would probably run into this lady here [Applause] in Nashville they're airing live at ABC on ABC at eight o'clock um well while you're both sitting here maybe send a message into that camera for Matt and just say something to Matt because like he's right there Matt I just wanted to say thank you so much for everything that you're doing and uh you know Amber's amazing and you guys are just so awesome for being so supportive of me and and you also just I I've never done anything so brave as what you did volunteering for your country um also uh my girl Amber is going to go to the CMA Awards so um we're taking care of her back here you wanna say hi to her um I miss you and I can't wait for you to come home thank you Taylor thanks to all of you for being here I'll see you tomorrow be kind to one another everybody bye it really is great I highly recommend that you all become cover girls if you can because it's really really fun it's easy I can actually teach you how I've taught other people let me introduce you to one of my former students please welcome my fellow Covergirl Taylor Swift um obviously hi Taylor hi so here's what's going to happen you're going to help me teach people how to become a Covergirl like I taught you oh yeah I I owe everything to you right okay so tell people what you were doing before I showed you how to become a Cover Girl getting drunk with strangers at a bus station that's right exactly and now look at you you look amazing thank you foreign it's my nature Luxe silk Foundation that's the first rule of being a good cover girl always sell your product not that you need to people love the smooth silky feel of nature looks yes that's right Ellen women are raving about it because it's made with real diamonds and Magic that's right that's right okay the next thing you need to know is how to look like a cover girl so Taylor I'm gonna have you demonstrate some of the things that I taught you in order to be a cover girl okay okay first of all you have to squint so squint okay squint more like you're looking right into the sun the sun is blinding you're squinting right right and now pouch your little lips here and proof your lips out like that your lips like you're trying to get a straw and someone's moving it away from you squint squint while doing it squinting looking into the Sun bright Sun squint try to get the strong get the straw and squint good all right and covergirls never walk they don't walk they Trot they Trot like horses trying to avoid puddles so squint and try to get the straw squint and try to get and don't get in the puddle truck truck but not in the puddle and you're angry you're angry you're so angry that you're pretty you're pretty and you're angry about it squint look at this look at this get out of the puddle you're in a puddle right ahead and squint and isn't she amazing it's not just about being easy it's also about being breezy so put put the fan on come on you're easy and you're breathing easy nothing okay got what Breezy easy easy and Breezy okay beautiful Cover Girl okay Trot the Trot squint try to get the straw get the straw you're in a puddle get out of it Trot out of the puddle yeah the straw is getting away from you beautiful oh that's beautiful we have had so much fun we have and now we can have more fun because I heard that you moved to LA a tiny bit not full time but you bought something here just a little bit just a little bit of something yeah it's it's like um I got a house out here because I was staying in hotels out here so much and um so I decided like why not get a place out here and have it feel a little more like home when I do stay out here but Nashville's always going to be home for me um and let's talk about how well you're this is a million copies in one in the first week a million copies I hope you're celebrating I I'm still celebrating and that came out October 25th I mean I'm just like I am so blown away because the thing about an album is you can make an album and put out an album and only the fans determine what the number is next to that first week um I have nothing to do with what that number is and the fact that my fans did that for me I spend like every day thinking of how I can pay them back for that because it's just unbelievable that they did that for me this year Well you pay him back by being completely adorable and talented and singing and and they they feel like they know who you are and you're being real and and I think that's how you pay them back by keeping it real oh that's all you can do is stay true to yourself so you really have I mean since I first met you you're you're the same girl I mean you keep you you know you you come back and you you get older and some people get jaded and some people let this business you know shift them in a bad Direction and they get full of themselves and you're still very humble and you're still you're still the same girl and I would say the same thing about you well thank you well well that's why we're Cover Girls so so there's gonna be when we come back uh you're gonna sing you're going to Premiere your new song and uh and it seems like the songs we get to follow your relationships in your in your songs it's like we get to and but that's a creative yeah but but it's good it's a creative Outlet because things happen and then you get to write about it oh yeah so you're you're how old are you 21 yeah 21. so but imagine going through relationships when you're that age and and what that's like much less in the public eye and everybody gets to see pictures because everyone gets pictures of you know Paparazzi catches you with somebody and we get to see all these things happen but there's also feelings and heartbreak and all kinds of weird stuff that happens that you're feeling and and you're living it out in front of us which has got to be hard um I think it's it's a it's just obnoxious if I complain about anything you know as far as like I hear people talk about like oh and the intrusions of my privacy it's like there are a million other jobs you could have had and for me I've just come to an acceptance of the fact that this is my life and if somebody uh you know wants to hide a relationship or has privacy issues then we don't have the same Viewpoint um because for me it's just like live your life if people happen to take pictures then you know you laugh about it in the car afterwards it's whatever so it's hard for then you've got to be on with somebody with who's on the same page thinking that way as far as celebrity like not trying to hide so much from the pictures I think it's just all about like what your idea of normalcy is and for me it's living my life and going to the same coffee shops that I went to four years ago and like I just think it's fun to like live a life and also have a career but not be too consumed in either one I think it's just all about a balance it is it's all about a balance and I don't want to I don't want to miss talking about this before we go to break you're doing something that's amazing that you're helping the victims of the tornadoes in the South tell people what you're doing well you know we had some really scary days back a few weeks ago in Nashville we had tornado warnings and even scarier as we were at rehearsals and all my dancers in band are getting texts from their relatives a lot of them lived in Alabama and lived there and pictures of cyclones in their backyards you know and it was just terrifying and so I was just thinking about what we could do to help with all the victims of the devastation down there and um I we were at rehearsal so I was like could we just open up the rehearsal to the public and sell tickets and give it all to Alabama victims like the tornado victims in the South we could do that right and I and it turns out we can't so that's what we're going to do so you're doing that so people get to go watch you rehearse that didn't get tickets for the actual concert and then all the money goes to the victims yeah we might have to start some songs over again or do some like things might go wrong but it's like I don't care it's worth it oh I think people love seasons okay all right we'll be back well we had a contest on our website to find the biggest Taylor Swift fan and there were thousands and thousands of entries and someone in this audience is the winner where is Madeline Traver how are you really really good all right so here's the deal well first of all um Taylor ran off to a benefit and she sends her love but she left gifts so I'm giving you a lot of gifts and love from Taylor all right and where you live where are you from um northern California Northern California and What Makes You the biggest Taylor fan I there's no one on this Earth that just adores her genuinely adores her more than I do like she's an incredible person you said it yourself yeah she is she has totally changed my life I think she's amazing she is amazing all right so um I got some stuff for you okay so here's uh a whole bunch of stuff a basket there's an autograph stairs all kinds of things and she also wanted to give you some food no no no no no you're gonna go see her oh my God [Applause] yeah the tickets to the LA show you have floor seats you have the autographed hat you have the nature Luxe products and the only thing it would be it's a shame that Taylor's not here and that's the only problem oh no way there you go you're hoping you can have the IP classes you are so sweet here we go oh my God so now you can go backstage and hang out with Taylor when you're at the show yeah because this is real life oh my God I feel like God damn it she's so nice all right well congratulations thank you so much you're amazing thank you you're sweet well you're I'm glad that you got to meet Taylor and you're gonna go see her and and I think you should wear that whatever day every day listen to yours too yeah thank you all right oh my God we'll be back well I recently got to visit one of my favorite performers on tour the very talented Taylor Swift [Applause] I love her Taylor and I have a lot in common we're both blonde we're both cover girls and uh of course we both used to date Taylor Lautner anyway here's what happened Taylor Taylor hi Taylor how are you good to see you come on I'm coming in okay this is the dressing room oh this is great it's a little chilly in here because for your throat that's not good how about if we warm up okay [Music] good you're you're a great teacher thank you thank you very much ah what do you have in your Rider there's water when I was on tour doing stand up yeah I my rider at first started like that just just water that's all I needed then it developed into a hammock wow you just suspend that well you have people do it Kayla oh you don't do it you know or you can have two really strong guys just hold it and rock you gently like a baby also this is an ice sculpture of a swan that yeah you know just because if you don't have some kind of demand that people are going to talk about You're Nobody what do you do with it we just and then it melts and then you go to your next venue the next night you just forget about it what about for the cold it wouldn't be good for my throat well you don't lick it what are you thinking about right I don't know what your thoughts were just now but let's not we're going to edit that out guys okay let's not let anybody see that part of her hello everyone America's sweetheart is coming through and Taylor Swift is with me Sue Taylor I feel like we have so much fun together all the time right we have so many laughs and oh I mean I can just start laughing right now thinking of some of the laughs I just thought of one but we have so much fun but I thought why don't we actually sit down and have like a serious interview and like let's just you know let people get to know Taylor okay all right great [Music] hi okay well look at you [Music] [Music] finish the statement I am Taylor blank is this trick question or is it just Swift just fill in the blank however you what how do you feel your immediate response I think just like birth certificate Wise It's Swift like I am Ellen blank I am Ellen DeGeneres I am Ellen Degeneres and I am married to Portia de Rossi I am Taylor Swift I am dating blank nobody that's that's true though I think you're looking at me like it's not I am Taylor Swift I would like to be dating blank nobody I'm Taylor Swift and my publicist told me to say blank my publicist told me not to answer any personal questions but now we're getting somewhere foreign color is blank purple no mine I didn't say tailors yes the last person I kissed was blank okay eight-year-old kid in the audience that is gross you are disgusting it was on the cheek it wasn't like I edit that out too because we're not gonna make her look bad this is there's too many things now the whole reel of outtakes um okay um I'm Taylor Swift and I wash my hair every blank one and a half days so in the half it would be in the afternoon no it's just not like it's not fully two it's not one because sometimes it's different so just as far as like mathematically putting together an average that would be the average let's talk about your time in prison um I didn't go to prison no no I'm sorry I'm thinking my questions for T.I Okay so I'm gonna be working my head okay sorry I just want you to know that it's really open communication it's just that's how close I feel to you that I can ask you this so you can ask me anything you want ask me anything what's your favorite fish how dare you I am out of here I was thinking because like you were in Finding Nemo and that might be it it's an easy question this is great I love seeing you this often too it's fun to hang out isn't it I know yeah how come I haven't gotten another call since we hung out remember we just had such Magic on stage and everything and we were on stage and I like was jamming with you and stuff like that yeah it was so great I thought maybe you'd be calling me going hey join me in Houston or something like that you killed it you did I just I know I mean and then I didn't hear from you I'm sorry I just I forgot I didn't know that that was like an option to have you come come out on stage more than before you fans would love it anything I would do anything for you Taylor you just call and I will be there for you all right there was this moment at the end where you like walked out down the middle ramp and you're just like taking it in right they screamed for like 30 minutes right I wanted to stay longer because I but I thought I hope she sees it I'm kidding because I really was I was milking it for so long and I was like this is her concert I'm not gonna like do this one stopped like you could have just stayed there for three hours and they would have just kept the energy in that room was so amazing I mean I I always talk about how the energy in this room when I when I do this show every single day but to do stadiums and to to have that many people showering that much love on you it was an incredible feel it really was I was kind of playing it first with the you know triangle and then I was really looking around at however you know 40 000 people or whatever it was and I was like man this is incredible she does this every night it must feel so good it's unbelievable getting to be on tour and um you know we just keep extending the tour I know it's finally ending next month but it's been like a 98 City Tour and and the crowds everywhere they're amazing and they know every word to every song and I look out and I'm like that sign must have taken so long to make like y'all made your t-shirts you guys all dressed up and you look so cute and there's like all these stories packed into this gigantic room and it's it's really amazing gigantic room you just uh sold out 55 000 seats in Dallas in the stadium right 55 000 seats that was that was a big room that's a that's I mean that's really that what does that feel like do you think about that that you've sold out 55 000 seats yeah that's one just one city and you're selling out on all of these stadiums you're selling out it's been amazing like I just for for a big portion of the show I do stand there and just stare at the audience like that's a that's like a lot of the time that I'm playing on stage I'm just like yeah like it's just you just look around and you're like I can't believe you guys are all here this is your Saturday night you could be doing doing anything with your Saturday night and you decided to come and like jump up and down with 55 000 other people like this is amazing that's amazing and really and to think that I discovered you is incredible because I mean do you think about me on stage a lot as being the reason for all of it yes absolutely what do you think about are you really in the moment do you ever like and and this is not to dis any any because you've got a once in a while drift off and go oh I wonder if this is going on do you ever leave that moment and go someplace in your head um you know what sometimes yes because you know and I catch myself because I'm like focus focus because if I like like there are a million different times during that show where I could like fall into a hole and break my leg because there are like all these different cues and you have to remember them but sometimes I'll be like oh my gosh like cats are so cute I'd love a cat like maybe I should get a cat can they travel on planes cannot do they allow cats in hotel rooms but they're so cute some cats like to swim that's cool and then I'm like I'm on stage right now like I'm sorry I was thinking about my dry cleaning what will you say um talking about all the things that can go wrong there really are because I was there on stage with you and you come shooting out of that thing into the air and there's all kinds of wind machines and stuff tell people this incident that happened to you that was a big mistake okay this okay this is something that happened I wear this like purple chiffon dress and the thing about chiffon is that if wind hits it it will blow up so I don't wear it and that's and that's why we don't have the wind machines on during a particular song where I wear this particular chiffon dress it's every night the wind machines are not on during that song but this one night they were and so I'm just walking and I'm walking over to this side of the stage and I'm singing and then my dress is up over my head like like literally over your head we're not going to show the video but we'll show that oh my God okay let me remind you those are shorts okay and everybody's like oh my God we saw your underpants and I'm like that's shorts you got oh my you guys are awesome like you saw me wearing tan shorts you guys must feel so cool that's I mean that's shorts come on that's enough take that off that's rude um it's not it's a big deal it's not but if that happens again okay it's great all right this is nice this may not be your size [Laughter] this may be like a bed spread for a child's bed but all right we have to take a break we'll be back with uh more of Taylor Swift we're back it would be wonderful the lovely the very down to earth which is why I love you so much Taylor Swift you're so good to your fans you're so you really are you're a good person and you have stayed you've remained very very true to yourself and I admire that about it thank you um congratulations it's true a lot of people change you know you have an enormous amount of Fame and uh attention and you really have stayed the same person that I met a long time ago thank you as have you well thank you um so congratulations winning billboard woman of the year you're the youngest female I mean that was definitely like a jumping up and down on the phone when you get that call kind of thing I'm I'm so excited about it you should be excited I mean to be the youngest female to ever receive that award that's that's you just keep topping yourself every everything you're doing is just you know bigger and bigger it's amazing and then when I when we did that tape piece when I went to go see you at the Staple Center I think you had just received your perfume right yeah I think it just and it's called Wonderstruck Wonderstruck Wonderstruck and why why is it called Wonderstruck well it's called it's called Wonderstruck because um because of a lyric in one of my songs and um the song's called Enchanted and it has this line in it that says I'm Wonderstruck blushing all the way home right and um and so I always thought to myself like and I have these moments usually during shows where I'm like if I ever had a perfume what would I call it you know and then um could I spray it on a kitty yeah [Applause] um yeah so so don't spray things on kitties um and then uh and and what how would you describe what it smells like to to people because you you created this whole thing right there's all kinds of stuff in there there's um it's it's like it's got vanilla and Amber and freesia also notes of Peach and also raspberry what happened to your voice just now and does does your boyfriend like the way it smells I don't have one just trying trying I just don't like it's not like if I didn't and I was like I don't know what boyfriend like it'd be like oh my God like you'd know I had a boyfriend I for real like don't have a boyfriend I sit by myself and I watch Law and Order like have a boyfriend I don't have like even kind of a boyfriend not even kind I don't have someone that I'm texting that's a guy that might someday be my boyfriend there's like nothing going on right now that's pathetic yeah just like you're busy yeah you're very very busy but you're okay with that right you have time you have plenty of you have to be okay with it because like if you're the girl that needs a boyfriend and then once she loses that boyfriend needs to replace it with a different boyfriend it's just this constant stream of boyfriends all the time and and I just I don't feel like I ever want to be that girl I want to be the girl who like when she falls in love it's like a big deal and it's a rare thing I guess good that's good that's a good thing to a good role model thing I do I think that's a good role model I think there are a lot of women that and young girls that look at you and and uh listen to you and I think that's that's good information good listen to her um take it for me you don't need boys you don't all right well everybody in the audience is gonna smell like whatever all those things is foreign so I have one more thing with Taylor Swift a little later in the show right now we have more things to talk about I can't imagine what but we'll be back with Taylor Swift we're back with the incredible Taylor Swift and you have fans everywhere all over the place uh and you have one where you have many right here in our audience but you know one one of your biggest fans one of your biggest fans uh talked to us and let's take a look at this hi I'm Ricky and I'm the biggest Taylor Swift fan Taylor Swift has just gotten me through so much and it's not just her music that I love it's how real she is and just how great of a person she is when I saw Taylor's Fearless concert this year I was so excited me and my friends were solving trying to walk we were stumbling we couldn't even contain our excitement our love for her and then all of a sudden the lights hit and she comes up through the bottom and it was like it was like I don't even know like an angel coming out from the floor even when I thought of meeting Taylor Swift even of her even saying my name just brought me to tears I don't even know how I would react if Taylor Swift went hey Mary Kate oh that just blows my mind that was like the cutest video ever say her name she wants you to say her name hi Mary Kate [Applause] that's okay it's very it's exciting you're meeting like you're uh oh my God you're so sweet isn't it isn't it exciting isn't she great she's so great what makes her what makes her so great everything about her right thank you so much for writing music oh my God thank you for saying that you're awesome and you have you have a little kitten you were holding she thinks about kittens on stage what's your kitten's name I'm fostering five kittens right now wow that's sweet of you you're so sweet thank you that's fantastic all right well I have a good Halloween costume for you because you're a huge fan and I thought well if you're a big big fan you want to help support her right yeah I do okay let's bring out the Halloween costume that Mary Kate's gonna wear oh my God you want to put it on yeah all right oh my God this is amazing man that's perfect oh my God how's that good yeah let me let me start you out [Laughter] [Applause] okay there you go all right and also you know she's nominated for four awards at the Country Music Awards right five five Awards and I think you should go to Nashville so we're going to give you two tickets you have tickets the 45th annual CMA is air on Wednesday November 9th at 8pm on ABC It's just sad that you're crying in this outfit because people tuning in going what did you do to her like we're making our cry Taylor's gonna be back later in the show and we're gonna improve once and for all we're like sisters separated at Birth all right we'll be right back I've come up with a commercial for Taylor's new perfume wonders truck and we're gonna do it live right before your very eyes [Applause] [Music] have you ever been struck by the way something smells but not in a gross way [Music] have you ever been struck by anything a good idea what about lightning Wonder stronger do you need a perfume that's just like you super awesome on the outside and even awesomer on the inside Wonder stronger [Music] how about a perfume that strikes you with wonder when you least expect it Wonderstruck [Music] [Applause] Wonderstruck by Taylor Swift available now [Applause]
Channel: TheEllenShow
Views: 369,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ellen, degeneres, ellen show, humor, comedy, funny, celebrity, television, music, interview, tv, ellen degeneres, the ellen show, daytime tv, talk show
Id: rPLRA256Rco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 28sec (4168 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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