Top 10 Most-Viewed Kid Guests of ALL TIME on The Ellen Show

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is this your first time in Los Angeles yes do you like it yeah yeah what do you like about it I like seeing you and I understand you want a little brother a little sister because I like little people you like little people can you read no not here but I'm sounding off roads yeah um now this is your first time uh on TV do you feel like it how does it feel it really really does okay all righty I think that was an answer all right you're incredibly smart and what is your favorite thing to learn about right now because being space how is that possible but you're like it does it just is it just goes on forever and ever I don't even understand it myself yeah yeah neither yeah so you like all kinds of science do you like biology yes I love biology but a much smaller amount a smaller amount than astronomy yes um I like to go outside and collect leaves and go back invite and identify them oh you do that's a really clever thing because all the leaves and all the trees are different right yes yes okay and uh you like chemistry yes yes what is your favorite element my favorite element is Xenon because it starts with an X like my name is Xander yes well I can see why you'd like that and and what kind of element is that a method noble gas a noble gas are there other kinds of gases that are not Noble um there are other types of gases but not cold gases I see okay I don't know what that means okay why would I do a follow-up question um okay I'm gonna quiz you okay how many moons does Mercury have none because it's too close to the sun the sun will just suck it up with a gravitational force yes um how many galaxies can you name well I can name Lots but really in real life there's about 100 I mean 120 mil I mean billion there's 120 billion galaxies isn't that incredible yes to here if you the Milky Way is my favorite because have like only one place on to have life Earth yeah the one that we live on yeah the one we live on yes I know that one and also um it has the oldest star known what is that um it's called Methuselah star oh this is what I'm like at parties and then I just get a drink I'll be right back how many moons does Jupiter have Jupiter has 79 moons here are a few of their names so there is um Ganymede Callisto I use Europa and Messiah Himalayas kill like magenta like and some others like leather gazoon type um how old are you five yes okay um what's the life cycle of the star okay if you look like a little star is first a gas cloud then it starts rotating then the core gets hot then this runs into a producer a producer doesn't have much size or math to create nuclear fusion so then it's a yellow dwarf yellow dwarf does have enough math to create a nuclear fusion then a sub Giant a sub giant is like a mixture between a yellow dwarf and a red giant red Giant's next date and then it turns into a red giant a red giant so if you place the red giant um in our social system that ever thought well our son will and like a billion years or so are fun well and it will suck up all the planets to Mars on the inner planets we might have lived on Jupiter and also um a red giant is very very big and they'll probably suck up some of the it would suck up I'm like probably a thousand asteroids from the aspirin belt twitch you gotta hear this start over okay I'm listening go ahead so first is [Applause] yeah and then it starts to rotate [Applause] a producer doesn't have enough mass or even thoughts and then we're yellow boards a yellow door right is um well a yellow door then it turned into a um sub Giant giant it's like it's in a red giant and a yellow dwarf so then Xander hold on hold on one second yeah twitch I'm gonna call you back okay okay here's what I here's what I want to do because it sounds like they live a long time right there's a long life span and we don't even have time for all that or else because you know the news is coming up you look fantastic so uh you live in Houston how long have you lived there I was born in India and when I was three I came here okay so four years I'm not the genius um so this is your first time on TV are you nervous I'm not nervous no that's good I'm glad okay um did you tell anybody that you were going to be on TV yes I told my teacher and my teacher said to take a lot of pictures oh good good good we're taking some pictures right now while we're uh well we're here um so you are super smart you know that though you're smart enough to know you're smart I don't have to tell you that um you know five of the longest words in the English language what is the longest word okay how many letters is that it has 45 letters 45 and what does it mean it is a lung disease caused by breathing dust from a volcano right it's a long word for someone especially if it's a breathing it seems like that would be hard so he says what's wrong with you well I have oh see you so good like you know um can you spell it yes okay let's hear it p-n-e-u-m-o-n-o-u-r-t-r-a-m-i-c-r-o-s-c-o-p-i-c-s-i-l-i-c-o-v-o-l-c-a-n-o-c-o-n-i-o-s-i-s [Music] [Music] I don't even know if that's right I was just looking at you listening to you and you could be but it seems like you're right they said you're right what's the second longest word hippopotamusophobia what is that word it's the fear of long words who comes up with a long word for the fear of long words shouldn't it just be like that like just something short no all right and you know you're good at math too right yes numbers okay so what's the highest that that well what's the highest that anyone can count what's the highest that you can count I can count until a hundred zeros a hundred zeros um the number that has a hundred zeros is Google Google yeah okay so could someone be a Google an air Google Air like like a billionaire is there a glugal error I yeah so where would you start like if you started at a trillion how high is it past a trillion like it will take like one minute to get for you to count yes okay you started a trillion let's hear you count trillion quadrillion quintillion sextillion septillion octillion non-illion decillion on decillion due decillion tradersillion quarter decillion Quinn decillion sucks decillion sub 10 decillion octo decillion November decillion vigintillion unveigantilian diovigintillion travagantilian quarter vigintillion Quinn vigintillion sax vigintillion Satan vigintillion October quintillion non-vegintillion trigentillion [Music] you could say hi Sammy hi how you doing hi I love your outfit you look adorable so I saw you flipping bottles how long have you been doing that [Music] um how long you've been flipping bottles baby I mean you're two years old it can't be that long had you done it before that night that when the when they recorded you doing it yeah oh you had for how long yes but her brother's actually had just taught her do you want something you want some water you okay here you go is that good anything else all right so so you record this and I don't know how many I mean it has so many views how many views does it have already uh it was unbelievable we uh 30 million views 30 million views I just you know my dad he's 72 years old and we just got him on Facebook so we're like excited that's also what good thing it's water isn't it yeah yeah well I was going to say we posted the video just to kind of like share with my dad and friends and family and uh you know I actually tagged my dad who's 72 and he we woke up the next day to 30 million people knowing because I was just supposed to go to your dad yeah she's just gonna walk around now do you want to flip some bottles [Applause] all right here you go you go show Ellen how to flip your bottle use your left and then you're gonna dab as soon as you do it yeah you can do that one come on one more higher you can do it here we go this is it you you have one oh yeah from here for you you want are you trying to challenge me [Applause] you want some more or do you want me to do it you do it and then I'll do it hear it this is it this is the one I can feel it show Ellen hey show Ellen do your slow dab smoke oh that was so good that was really impressive foreign what's up oh nothing unusual nothing unusual how's your day going pretty good yeah okay listen Jerry your full name is Jerry Roy Morrison right the third what does the third stand for it stands for three generations of cherries first of all my grandpa second my dad and third me so now you now I didn't know before now I know thank you for telling me so you are a big brother yeah you like it yeah yeah what you got a little sister a little brother tell me I got a little sister what's her name Layla are you nice to Layla yes are you a gentleman yes okay high five [Applause] [Music] yeah well listen as long as you're nice to her that's what matters right is she nice to you yep even better great you are in kindergarten yes you sure you're not in college no are you positive yes you got a girlfriend yes of course you do okay how long have you been dating we've been dating for 80 days do you want to say hi to her what's her name uh Brianna do you wanna say hi to Brianna yep okay go for it go say it right right there she is not here oh here okay Colton okay let's uh let's talk about your favorite planet what's your favorite planet Uranus [Music] [Applause] mine too mine too um okay why is uh why I'm afraid to ask why is your answer because tell me you know it spins on each side right I didn't I actually know nothing so this is you you can teach me these things and the second thing why I like it is because um me and my dad same to share the color of Uranus because it's kind of like a blue Whispering so I share the green and my dad shares the blue he is out there right now where in the audience hi Dad hi has he always been into space yes he's always like this yes what a cool kid that's awesome I've been learning I've been liking it since I was two years old and you're so old now so it's been like how many years like 40 yeah yeah yeah got it listen I got some questions if I do some pictures will you tell me what the planets are yes okay the good news is I won't know if you're telling me the truth or not are you ready yes go check it out okay tell me something about it it is the fifth planet from the sun okay it's orbitalier it's 12 years none of these are on here I believe you but I don't know okay I'm with you let's move on to the next one it is the biggest planet okay it has a big red spot and the big red spy is bigger than Earth what are you sure yes and and can I take you home you're so cute let's move on to the next one let's see what else you know ready this is a tricky one are you sure wow that's it okay tell me about this planet it is the Blue Planet because it has more blue than landing on like the snow and clouds and stuff yep yep that's yup has seven continents that's right that's on this correct and what else you got it is Venus twin sister I have a feisty little [Applause] moving on to the next one Venus that's your feisty little sister right there yeah it is you have all these ladies be feisty all right tell me about Venus it is the hottest planet and um you know what I don't know if this is true one second it's not on my list guys I really I can't it is do we know these things though I trust the six-year-old go ahead a six-year-old knows everything I think you and my kids are related okay okay it's the hottest boy on it tell me it rains acid and Venus yep that's that's good enough for me and yeah it is so hot do you know why I called it my spicy little sister tell me because it is so hot that it is like an explosion [Applause] amazing this is your first time in the United States yep got that one all right so what are you excited to see um uh she wants to she's gonna figure that one out um go ahead okay she wants to see American people with their blue eyes the blonde hair and their tall noses ah we have tall noses I didn't know that and the blonde hair goes like that all right um and you call yourself little mushroom why little mushroom um because mushrooms are really pretty and the more poisonous the mushroom is the prettier oh I did not know that yes I did not know that what is your real name Lee what is this happening what's happening you're writing it out leave the tea see [Music] you [Applause] all right I'm gonna call you a little mushroom all right [Applause] wow so your mom said you had zero chance of getting on the elements no chance at all but I had a little bit of Hope and it's it happens that's all you need you look fantastic oh thank you I love what you're wearing you're you're fantastic thank you so much I really like dressing up because I don't get to because I'm like I'm scared and so if I don't get to dress up in really nice clothes when I go skiing because otherwise the Fab would go and that would look good and I'd probably trip over it and yeah yeah so you get to dress up now so you you got into this competition and how many people were in the competition 100 people of all ages right of all I pins and how did you do I go 25th 25th that even if I would have lost I still have got 250 dollars but because I didn't lose I got 500 so twice as much but I wanted to spend it all on Donuts yeah but because my favorite donut place donut time actually gave us them for free and so I scored 500 left and I gave 100 to my sister 100 to my brother and one handed to my other sister so I've got 200 left to spend and okay I bring my money here and I found this big hersley kiss it's as big as my head so I'm gonna spend it on that I found you this candy store and it's just sugar for your sugar and I want this American pair of socks just to always remind me of my time I had here you're 11 years old yeah we're so special okay so how how did you get into surfing and how old were you well I was five and there was this movie I always loved it these fairies were taken to the beach by this magical boat and there was this fairy called bubbles who pushed him onto a wave and taught them how to surf and ever since I watched their movies I've always wanted to Surf like the fairies wow and you do surf like the fairies I mean you're amazing I saw some pictures of you look at that's reason that's amazing I mean you're really really good are you spinning around like that yeah how often do you surf as much as I can but I have to do chores to do competitions but if I'm my dad's a swimmer he's an Olympic bronze medalist for swimming and if I want to be a swimmer I don't have to do any jobs but if I want to be a surfer I've got to do this gnarly list a job it's like clean the toilet they give me this gnarly big list if I want to do competitions for surfing and it's just the right really long as well and they think oh and save is never going to get it done but I just set my mind to it and I always end up getting it done wow sounds like they're trying to discourage you from surfing I don't know why they're doing that because you're a good Surfer I don't know like that one's maybe a swim off because but I hate swimming well then don't play sucks well it doesn't does really it's just really boring you just watch a line it's like it's not fun yeah it's like it doesn't seem like your your father has impressed you much um but it's not boring but what you're doing is more it's it's really difficult what you're doing it's really very impressive so you're here and this is your first time in the United States and I know there's some place you really want to go I would die to go to Las Vegas I give you my left arm because I do research about this place and there must be a buffet in every single Hotel make donuts for breakfast and lava cake for breakfast and crab legs for breakfast [Applause] and I'm rich I'm gonna go there to celebrate and I'm gonna eat whatever I want congratulations sounds like you're very you're very tiny you're very petite but it sounds like you eat a lot it sounds like I've did this record for pizza and it's two large pizzas and one slice from Pizza Hut it was so good like I vomited afterwards uh you ain't your mother your mother's here with you today right I'm gonna send right now like as soon as you walk away you're getting on a plane we're sending you to Las Vegas yes yes yes you're gonna say a Planet Hollywood and you're gonna also get five hundred dollars you can go eat all the books hey Tavares how are you good like I said you're a man a man a few words you want to move to LA I understand is my Ella house you're Ellen house what is your Ellen house oh too the hotel you call this you know it's not my house I don't own that hotel but call it the Ellen house tell them to send me some money um hey you got recognized at the airport do you know you're a celebrity do you feel like you are yes you do so you feel different since you've been on the show before you were on the show you weren't a celebrity now you're a celebrity yes how do you feel different um okay I'm impossible yes you are we gave you a bouncy house last time you were here you're using it yes how often are they that's a lot all day long and you just turned five you had a party what did you do at the party my mama smashed cake in my face was that fun no no did you smash it back in her face too no no maybe you can next year well you're asking for it teaching him how to do that all right so what did you get for your birthday what presents um candy toys and some decorations you got decorations like Halloween or Christmas or what kind of decorations Paw Patrol decorations oh Paw Patrol I see and I understand you want a little brother a little sister because I like little people you like little people are you working on a little person for him no but he wants to leave it so and you're the captain of your class what does that mean I got in trouble I didn't do nothing okay you didn't you just got in trouble but you didn't do nothing yes what did you get in trouble for doing nothing about what we doing nothing of cause I'll just standing there just standing there it's a good good excuse all right so you've been dancing for a long time why do you like dancing so much because I'm in charge well well that's true you are in charge when you dance you're an amazing Dancer too that was a baby that was a bit you started dancing when you were a little tiny baby yeah you started dancing early hi your your son is adorable [Applause] thank you yes so this is your first time in America do you like America I really like America okay and how long have you been dancing what's he looking for he's looking forward the door over there oh oh when he dances he just can't wait to dance okay all right you're gonna dance in just a second who okay hi I think you're aging come on stop waving who's your friend here who's this dishes Little Leopard a little leopard and that's your friend yes oh wonderful okay so how long have you been dancing two minutes oh okay [Applause] and well you're very good for dancing two minutes very very good and what's your favorite kind of dance to do what this is he likes dancing the one two three go dance we booked the wrong guy all right what do you love about dancing yes I like dancing the slide dance okay again we found the wrong guy do you know how many people have watched you dance 60 million people do you know how many that is oh sorry [Applause] what are you doing here thank you foreign I can show you a candy magic trick I love doing magic okay let me see the candy magic trick all right okay okay is there one in here I don't know no no nope nope there's not one there either [Music] where's the coin which hand is it in I'm gonna say this one yes [Applause] one two three open [Applause] you got it right that's a wonderful magic trick thank you thank you all right okay so you know some English words don't you I know you say yes what do you know in English [Music] I'm from China I'm sorry I'm a boss thank you and then you also know the English alphabet es oh he stands up for him [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] you're a big boy Andy yeah okay so you're three years old and you know the whole periodic how did you learn when did you start learning all that uh how old were you three years old you're three years old now when did she start getting interested in this we actually got flashcards for her in April it's been in April yeah it's been about six months or so and yeah we hardly ever spend time doing it she can learn just so quickly can you read no not here but I'm sounding off road yeah me too so what are your favorite elements talene what is that chlorine oh chlorine why do you like chlorine because I love to smell it in swimming pools you like the smell of it in swimming pools what else do you like to learn about I know all my States and Tapas all your states and capitals and I also no the Periodic Table of parents yes ads I know all my countries in Europe and Africa and also the presents you're making me feel bad about myself well and the presidents too who's your favorite President Barack Obama because and he was present when I was born he was president when you were born yes I have shoes that are older than you okay so here I'm going to show you some and you're going to tell us what this is what is that germanium geranium um what is this okay potassium K potassium you want to tell me some facts about that yes um bananas we found them in bananas and that's where your bananas are also helps our nose function that means what what Sans our brain information for muscles wow you must eat lots of bananas and this is Santa silicon and tell me about that and what does Silicon do it helps computers run it does help computers run it's amazing named after certain amen because it's something people that's right Silicon Valley is in California it's named after okay um and this is what is this what is that Mr uni not safe radioactive aim at this in your house it's used in smoke or arms wow I'm sorry well wow it's the only dangerous redirect development that you can have in your house who knew all right and this is iodine it's his bacteria yes it does kill bacteria and this is Terrain chlorine and this is and fireworks to make them win and also doing the doll paint what is strotium what is it swanseam sorry um what is this phosphorus phosphorus they all look alike to me I don't know what and what does phosphorus tell me about that it's up to mean it is a chameleon why is that and that means it could be different tires that's right yeah all right when this way it's it's five into eight and also bone underwater it burns under water isn't that crazy [Laughter] it is crazy it is crazy and this is a puppy of the Thunder and after and if you have now I'd show you I still wouldn't know what is how do you remember you're three years old how do you remember all this my new brain just remembers thank you [Music] your little brain just remembers I think it's a big brain I think it's a big brain remembered all kinds of things that's amazing hi Nate hi how's it going good good I'm glad I'm happy to meet you and uh thank you is this your first time in Los Angeles yes you like it yeah I do yeah what do you like about it um I like seeing you ah well that's really sweet and you're staying in a nice hotel I am yeah what do you know because uh we usually put people up at hotels you like the hotel great okay um so let's get to it how did you learn all these you know you memorized the entire Globe right do you have a favorite state in the in the United States yes what is it Missouri Oh Missouri why is that because it starts with the m so does Montana in Michigan in Massachusetts in Maryland in Maine and yeah but still you chose soda and yeah anything else Mississippi but so how come Missouri you just like it yeah okay I'm not going to question anymore um here's some maps that you drew tell me about the these uh these Maps right here okay first let's do this one okay which one first this one uh no no that was not a map that's not a map no that's a house yes that's really sweet that's Universal Studios oh look at that it's see look yeah it is smaller than I remember all right um tell me about this map first we'll start with Antarctica okay okay see this um you know black thing that's a penguin oh it's a penguin and this is an iceberg and it's melting and this is just a little ice cube oh wow so you put little things depending on what lives there what is this right here that's Russia and what is that on Russia really funny what is it Trump foreign why why is Trump on Russia because he likes Russia because he likes Russia okay all right and what else do we who where's this who's that that's Africa and who's there um this is the Pyramid of Egypt oh wow and then that looks like uh termites or bumblebees or something no what is it uh that's a tiger oh sorry I'm so sorry let's go over some of these let's look at Flags because you can identify every single flag right all right this is really impressive to me you're five years old yes and I I like what is this Canada that is right and this is Japan that's right and this is Denmark that's right and Chad sure um Estonia Estonia the Maldives that's right Kazakhstan Tonga yeah The Gambia portrayal it's really good and then more yeah there's more is this fun for you it is really fun it's really amazing this is Italy it sure is Mexico China the Seychelles Russia Djibouti Kazakhstan Guatemala Kuwait wow let's go let's go foreign
Channel: TheEllenShow
Views: 1,511,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ellen, degeneres, ellen show, humor, comedy, funny, celebrity, television, music, interview, tv, ellen degeneres, the ellen show, daytime tv, talk show
Id: CfClDhltu0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 0sec (2640 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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