Tasty's '4 Cheesecakes in 1 Pan' | Barry tries #10

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- Let me build it up first. Oh, no. (Dramatic music) Welcome! I hope you're well guys. I am excited today. I am way more excited than I should be on a Monday Morning. I haven't had coffee. Please tell me I'm not the only person in the world that likes to have a coffee, even if I've left it and it's gone cold, I genuinely like that. It's kinda like a budget iced coffee, isn't it? Shall we start? You might remember recently I did a video, Eight desserts in one pan. Oh! Today we've returned, and we're gonna try and do four cheesecakes in one pan. This is quite topical, because over the weekend I had a Tweet basically saying to me, Barry what is your favourite type of cheesecake? Do you like baked, do you know no-baked? I prefer a no-bake cheesecake, simply 'cause they are a little bit easier to make, but you need to make sure you give them the proper setting time. That's what we're gonna do. This is a no-bake cheesecake in four different flavours completely different contrast. If we can nail this, this is how it should look at the end, we'll put it right there. Full credit goes to Tasty Buzzfeed, I am just the plonker that's gonna try and make this work. Let's see if we can make it work, let's do this. So this is what we're trying to do. Look at the colours, it's like a colour wheel. The contrast looks insane! Ferrero Rochers, lemons, raspberries, all that stuff going on, surrounded by a boarder, a wall of Graham Cracker. Now, I can't really get them here very easily in the UK. You have to order these online, and luckily I had some of these leftover, but if you can't get them and you really wanna make this, in the UK you can get Digestive biscuits, they're circular but with a little craft knife you can probably make it work. In a bowl we're gonna get the Graham Crackers, sugar and melted butter to form it to make our buttery biscuit base. The recipe actually calls for 20 Graham Crackers, right, and I thought, yeah that's loads, but actually, when you open one of these, I think that is what a cracker is classed as, because later in the steps, it talks about snapping it in half, like this, so you get the squares for the boarders. So that's what I've gone with, and it basically means we've got a lot in there, way more than I thought we'd need, but it's gonna be a decent crust, Mm! Zippy-zippy. (upbeat music) Just bash the crumbs. Oh, crumbs! There we go. So it doesn't matter if they're still some that are a little bit chunky, they'll all bond together anyway. Now the recipe does say to add sugar right now. I'm not doing that. It's got enough sugar in this, okay? It doesn't need it. This is a no-bake base, butter and biscuit is fine. So, butter. (butter sizzling in pan) Uh! You see that, I'm actually melting butter in my saucepan today because over the weekend, one of the kids put some foil in the microwave. Bzzz, it broke. This is like, our third microwave we need to replace, we're gonna get a different model I think. Oh, yeah! Woh! There's something quite kinky about not using microwave, using a pan. So, we're just gonna mix the butter through and make sure that it coats every single crumb. And it kind of tans it, it tans the biscuits. It kinda goes a little bit more orangey, like it's had two weeks on the beach or something. And with that you'll know that it will start to bond together, the butter works as one of the best glues in the world. And if you're not completely happy, you can find out once you put it in the tin, like this, (crash) (laughing) If you add it and you're like no, no, no, it's not working, you can still pour in melted butter but by using the back of your spoon and compressing it down, we're going to get ourselves a lovely base. Base, base! (upbeat, whimsical music) The important thing now, if you can, is to try and get it even. (tapping) So by really flattening it down like that with something, you know, like a bottom (murmurs) and it compresses it down, okay, it's really like, d-d-d-d-duh, you really make sure there's no air gaps. Alright, so here's where it gets interesting, we've got some more Graham Crackers there, carefully break them in half so that you have eight squares, push the Graham Crackers into the crust with the split, basically making an X shape to create four separate quarters for our cheesecake housing. (wrapping crinkling) Uh! Cause' I've compacted it, Uh, sorry, I shouldn't have compacted it as much, need to give it some support now, whoops! There we go that's better. Alright so we have one, kind of free-standing cracker in there. Oh no! This isn't looking good. For some reason, look, there's a bit, I'm using the same size tin that it says and like, apparently you should have four easy that go along there. Ah okay it's got to go like this. That might buy us enough room. Oh yes! That actually does fit! Awesome! Right, let me finish this off, and we might put a little, ah (growling), Yeah, I was going to say put some more protection round the edges, but, let me build it up first. Oh no (laughing) Little update, this is driving me insane, but, I think I've got them lined up. We'll get some more butter biscuits things, and you'll see. Alright so you can hopefully see, I've got my wall formed there, Uh like some, I guess little foundations for it, just to dig into. Oops! What I've got here, is some newly melted butter, with some more crumbs and I've just pressed it in there you see? So if I do that this side, (whoosh) Look! That is something you don't see everyday! I've melted some more butter here, I just want to add a bit of strength, so. I probably should be doing this, concentrating, but I just want to add a bit of strength with the butter to the borders. (upbeat, snappy music) Uh, in the freezer, for 10 minutes. So this is four tablespoons of water and two tablespoons of powdered gelatin. We're going to push this in like so, this is going to give us the set, now if there's any Lord of the Rings fans amongst us, we're actually blooming the gelatin, but you have my permission to call it Orlando blooming the g- No you don't. So I'm just going to use my little spoon, just for it to dissolve, and there we go, we'll just leave that, Orlando, Uh, to do his thing, and that's going to help to really firm up our filling. Alright, this is where it's going to start to get pretty crazy, we've got four different filling to make, out of one big base mix. Into this bowl, first of all goes some cream cheese. This is uh, some caster sugar. Whisk that in. This is 700 ml of it, double heavy cream. So we're just going to beat this til' it's light and fluffy. (whisking loudly) It's getting a, you probably can't tell right now but I'm feeling the consistency changing, I'm actually seeing it a little bit, as it's thickening up, okay, so let's keep going. (upbeat music) Bingo, see that? Oh! Nice peaks, and I only made a little bit of a splatter mess! (laughing) Alright, uh, so Orlando's uh purpose right now is to be warmed up. Uh in the microwave, ideally, so it becomes fluid and obviously then it'll set again and really help to bond our filling. So we haven't got the microwave, pan. Let's put it on a low heat, Donk! (laughing) It looks a little bit like a nut, doesn't it? Half a nut anyway, from a giant purple one. The moisture is starting to form already, it's going to break down and become a little bit of fluid that we can pour into our creamy mixture. This would be way easier in the microwave but we're doing it Mrs. Beating style, baby. Alright, so, it's a little hot! I'm not going to lie it's a little hot, there! (bang) Alright, so we're going to fold the gelatin into this whole mixture, We don't want to completely over spill it, we just want to try and get it all contact, with that filling, and sort of bond it in there and that should really help it set. (upbeat music) alright, now, four bowls. (choir music) I don't really know how to calculate this so I'm just going to do, sort of, scoop at a time. I'm actually pretty darn happy with that. Why am I doing that with my eyebrows? (duh duh duhh) Sorry. (whoosh) Okay, one of those bowls should have, Op, that's better, Uh, just extra whipping cream and vanilla extract going in, now, in the ingredients it says 720ml, A.K.A. 3 cups of whipping cream, and in the method, that whole amount was used to make this filling. So I don't have any more left. So that can just be vanilla. (tapping) Yeah, it can just be vanilla. So that's vanilla extract, I'm just gently stirring that through. Bowl number two. Oh! 100g of lemon curd. Love this stuff. Do you want to see a recipe on homemade lemon curd? Maybe we should do that. (whisking) Bowl number three. (scraping) Uh! This is some, uh, warmed caramel spread, I think you call it, yeah, what's it called? Dulce de Leche. It's the good stuff. You'll be alright with a jar of caramel or something like that though. You need to save some of that for the end to garnish it I believe, so just going to spin this through, Oh! Get it changing the colour! (whoosh) Last but not least. Uh! You might recognise this, uh, spread. (laughing) and it should, also, make a massive difference to this cream once stirred through. (whisking) (sighing) Yes! Oh my gosh, that was a workout! Nutella, baby. So Nutella, uh, caramel, the lemon curd, and the vanilla one. Let's do this. So this is the moment, I'm like ah, big building up to this. Will all the walls collapse once we put it in? Oh my gosh, it's in the freezer. (sliding) Ha, ha! That's solid as a rock, now! Oh my gosh! This is a spring loaded tin, by the way, Otherwise that probably wouldn't come out, ever again. Alright. (calm, upbeat music) The good thing is, the tin is so cold and the base, that it will start pulling this mixture down, almost immediately. Uh, might have a bit left over, by the looks of this! Lemon curd. Uh ho ho! Caramel. And, the Nutella. There we go, guys! Confidence is now good! Not high, just good. Because this, ain't moving. That is not something you see every day, is it? And now comes the moment, where we actually get to decorate this. For a moment now I forgot which one was the lemon and the raspberry, but that one is the lemon, I had a little cheeky little taste, any excuse. So this is the raspberry jam, this is the side that we just did the vanilla in. So a couple of dollops of this, and we're just going to sort of swirl it into it. I feel like I want some stronger bits on the top. Yeah, like this! Get some raspberries, and sit them around the edge. (popping) (laughing) I love that! Wow! Right, this next one needed quite a lot of willpower just then, I just had to unwrap, uh, some Ferrero Rochers. Many of you asking me, Barry, you should do a giant Ferrero Rocher, they seen one in the shop the size of a potato. That has been done before. (wrapping paper crinkling) So exciting! And it was massive (laughing). Alright, fit on there, yes! Come on, oh no, I made it move, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, okay, no we'll spread this out a bit more, that's better. Yes. (laughing) Alright, yes, that is my microwave, yes, it is working still. (laughing) I don't know what Mrs. Barry was on about! Um, I'm warming up some lemon curd. (beep) So warmed lemon curd. Tell you what, you guys know, I'm not the most artistic person, but this is coming together like a dream! It's going to sound really strange, but, I want to know what your favourite side would be. The lemon curd, despite this, and this, and this, would be my favourite. Now the supermarket I was in, it normally has candied lemon peel, but, with it being Christmas I think everyone's sort of stocking up with it, so they didn't have any, but I figured hey, that's cool, we'll get some uh, citrus vibe going with some orange peel. There we go. Oh my gosh! This is so cool! Last one. You can probably hear my now-fixed microwave in the background, just going away, it's just warming up the uh, caramel for us. Although I can smell a burning smell. We won't think about that right now. Uh, or maybe we will. (singing) I think I burnt my Dulce de Leche stuff, caramel! Okay so it's okay! It's okay. There we go, just sort of spread it in again. And there we have it! Oh, my gosh! Check that out! I'm so happy with that! Alright, guys! Come on, let's do this! That has been four, Oh my gosh how do I get up (laughing), four hours, it's had three hours in the freezer, one hour in the fridge. Um, so it should be firm, it might be an ice lolly! I have a fear, uh, now that I know the microwave does still work, the gelatin should have gone in there, it would have been much smoother, I think half of it is still in the pan, which I think I've ruined, uh, I don't know if it's going to really cling it. I don't know! Whilst that was all setting, I just put up the giant purple one video, literally just put it up now, I didn't get a chance to watch it, and I was watching it again, ah, I'm not that bad, it's quite entertaining actually and Linton has done an amazing job on the edit so massive thank you, uh, please show Linton your love in the comments down below I think he's done an amazing job, anyhow let's get this out the fridge. Come on. Let's do this. Oh it feels good! It does feel good! But what I'm saying is I'm going to get this just onto a board, and then put it back in the fridge for like 10 minutes. Or maybe in the freezer. Oh, come on! Let's just do this! (dramatic music) (click) (breathes in sharply) Woo! Oh, I don't know, you know? Come on. Boston! This is like tension and you're like scratching your bum, mate! Stop doing that, mate! This is pressure! (whoosh) (choir music) (wheezing) Hey we are on a roll at the moment. We've nailed it. We have, what the heck was that, stop trying to be cool, you're not. Yes! Come on! - This is my favourite - - [Barry] You know the show this one was? - Woa, that is, oh my goodness. - [Barry] Over the shoulder cam. - Oh my god oh my god! - [Barry] No nuh no don't you dare! (upbeat music) - Would it be alright if I take the wall? - [Barry] Yeah take the wall, take it! Oh! Yes! Oh! The lemon one was a good choice! - Yeah. - The crust is quite savoury actually. What I now remember is because Graham Crackers taste different than Digestive Biscuits, that's why the sugar was needed, but, hopefully you'll agree, there's quite a lot of sugar in this anyway. - No one's even touched the Nutella one. I'm quite surprised. - That, for my family particularly, is a bit odd, or, I've got tennis tonight. - It's mine! (laughing) - I'm going to come back and Mrs. Barry's going to be like a Ferrero Rocher Nutella coma, ugh! So, there we go. But, we've, it's worked! Massive thanks to Tasty, this recipe has worked an absolute charm, if you try it out obviously tag them, it is their recipe, I just wanted to see if we can make it work, and it does, so uh, give it a go. Any recipes from anywhere you want me to try, uh, big chefs, websites, whatever, keep em coming because I love doing this playlist, as much (Barry's daughters giggling), as hopefully you guys love watching it, and these guys like tasting it. See you next time, goodbye. (rapping) The microwave still works? - Are you sure? - [Barry] Yeah, and then you come home for lunch, just to have a nice chill, - And you stick a camera in my face. (Barry laughing) Thanks! - [Barry] The microwave works though, okay? - Okay. Well, I'm not using it.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 266,931
Rating: 4.9321141 out of 5
Keywords: 4 cheesecakes in 1 pan, one pan 4 cheesecakes, 4 cheesecakes, tasty 4 flavor cheesecake, barry tries, MVK tries, mvk tries, making a 4-flavor cheesecake behind tasty, recipe, lemon curd, my virgin kitchen, buzzfeed tasty, cheesecake, testing recipes, cooking show, Barry, raspberry, myvirginkitchen, recipe testing, learn to cook, baking, dulce de leche, tries, barry lewis, ferrero rocher, one pan, review, desserts, graham cracker, virgin kitchen, nutella cheesecake, how to
Id: KfeACqt8FKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 15 2018
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