Gordon Ramsay's Chocolate Wellington | Barry tries #14

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- [Barry] Bear with me because this might look a little bit weird. (fanfare) Hello everybody, it's Barry here. Hope you're well! I've got a bit of sore throat today, don't worry about that, just gonna sound a little bit more husky than normal. Not like a dog, but just (barks) a bit rustic, you know? You might remember there's a playlist I'm doin' at the moment called Barry Tries. One of the popular ones, and one of my most favourite ones, actually as well, was when I tried Gordon Ramsay's beef Wellington. So, the other day, bizarrely, on Twitter, I see Gordon Ramsay put this up. We've had beef. We'd have vegan. Now we're introducing the chocolate Wellington. Look, look, look what happens. Watch what happens, look. He slices into the Wellington and out pours chocolate. I'm like what the heck is this sorcery. Even Mrs. Barry was like (gasps). I actually put a tweet, how the heck was this done, tryin' to work out if that is a molton lava cake instead of puff pastry. Andy said, "This is stonking." I mean, I agree with you Andy. That doesn't help me, but it is stonking. Someone suggested a chocolate salami round in there. Again, not too bad, but you won't get that molten finish. And someone else said that I'm not sure, but why don't you just put a gummy bear inside a gummy bear. No. The Better Yuri said it's a chocolate ganache inside puff pastry, texture and taste equals golden, and that is exactly what it is. And I'm scrambling around going how the heck can I make this thing and then David Smith, you are a legend. And in fact I actually retweeted and said that. It turns out he discovered on the actual Gordon Ramsay restaurant website, they list how to make some of their recipes, including this chocolate Wellington, which also has a balsamic strawberry salad alongside. Hell yeah we're gonna make that. So, we can try and do it. I haven't gotta wing it and come up with my own concept. Turns out, not only is it wrapped in pastry, this chocolate ganache, it's first wrapped in a crepe, like a pancake, so I couldn't see that in the video. It just looks awesome. Should we get going? Sorry, I know that was a little bit of a buildup but I love it when you guys get stuck in and help me like that because I woulda been like, "Uh, dunno what to do." We also need the wrapmaster 3000 massively today, but let's crack on and get the ganache done. So the ingredients here are for one Wellington, which is supposed to serve two people. Now, you and I both know, that is not gonna happen. It's gonna serve one, but anyway, enough of my greediness, I'm gonna double the ingredients to give myself at least two attempts or just make a slightly fatter one, because user error, yeah? They're very specific about certain things, like they use 65% chocolate, now I've got 70% so I hope this gonna be okay. I mean, that extra 5% is it gonna kill it? I've just got all my other ingredients ready for the ganache. And as you can tell, this chocolate is really expensive because look at the ridges on it. It's almost like architecture on the side of a skyscraper or something like that. Why can't it just be flush? Why's it gotta be like that? I'm just breaking it up. Ganache in a pan. I can't tell you how excited I am about this. Making ganache is one of my favourite things in the world. So, in goes the sugar, milk, in fact, I've never used milk on a ganache before. This is different, normally it's all cream. Maybe the milk will help more with the oozing, you know, the gooeyness? I'm not sure. And I'm not sure. Literally, that's an honest statement. So, this will not take very long at all but we're just gonna bring it up to a boil because the heat will help melt our chocolate, our posh chocolate, which is sat over there. And there's also an egg and my phone over there. All right, so you can see that's boiling away now. And then turn it onto a low heat and I've actually used the packagin' that the chocolate came in to create a sort of chute like a water slide. Except, not a fun one for that because it's probably quite hot in there for it. And just whisk this together. Look at that. Oh my gosh, I absolutely love that so much. Oompa Loompas would be proud. I literally just wanna go. No, apparently, I've never done this before either, you stick an egg in the ganache, so maybe that's what helps give it a little bit of setting. So in goes the whole egg. I think I was supposed to beat it first but I don't think that's gonna matter too much. Just whisk it through. Amazing. So, to me, I've doubled the recipe, that still doesn't feel like that much ganache but I'm gonna leave that there for a minute and I'm gonna wrap a little bit of lining on something. Excuse me. So, yesterday I went shopping because on the actual recipe, it says to get some 10 centimetre by three centimetre silicone moulds and I couldn't find them anywhere. In fact, it was so specific, quite tricky to find online, so I thought, it doesn't matter. We're gonna bodge it anyway. So, I've got these tins, these are very small loaf tins, so effectively what we're gonna do, the ganache, once it cools and chills, which we'll do, we'll mould into a sausage shape. So, really, this is just to get it set and then we play around with it and wrap it in the Wrapmaster 3000 clingfilm. So, what I'm gonna do is line these loaf tins with cling film so it's easy to get out. If it was silicone, obviously it'd be much easier, and then mould it in a bit. So, what I'm thinkin' is, if I can just loosely line this and if I tuck it under, I might be able to then fold it over to use this with my other ones. Here's one I made earlier. Sorry. Okay, they look like two kayaks right now. Really doesn't feel like there's enough there. I might just make one big one. That's where I'm heading right now. I don't know. We'll make a call on it. Basically I'm mulling over in my head, do I make a massive fat one, or do I make two smaller ones 'cause the crepes still gotta go 'round it and the pastry, you know? All right, we're supposed to stick those in the fridge for an hour now. Now, we don't have that time because we're an internet cooking show, and just like all internet cooking shows and any cooking show in the world and you, we might use the freezer to speed it up. Might be 10 minutes. So what we're looking for right now is a change in the texture. You know how it was warm and manoeuvrable. Once it sets, it should be a little bit more like shapage. So we can make it into a cylinder or a sausage or something that looks like a (bleep). So whilst those are setting, and remember what I said earlier, it gets surrounded, encased, by a crepe, basically a thin pancake, so I don't think there's any need in me waiting for that to be done. I can now go ahead and make my crepes. I feel like it's a whisky worth taking. Sorry, that was a crepe joke. Now, Boston and I have just been havin' a little chat, haven't we, mate? And, like, a crepe, when it's cold, effective the consistency is like wet flannel. I just don't know what purpose it's gonna serve. Like, it's gonna sort of encase the ganache. Is it gonna insulate it and protect it in some way? I don't know. All right, pancakes, milk, egg. Whiskey, whiskey, whiskey. I didn't say to do this, but I always put a little bit of salt in there, so salt bae. And this is some plain flour. Boom, straight in. Didn't even seive it 'cause I am a rebel. Batter up, as I always say. Boom chicka wow wow. If only I had a pug inspired pancake pan. Oh look, I do. Now the only instructions it says here is to make sure there are no holes in the crepe so obviously it does have some sort of protective element. The other thing is it says it makes two crepes, although further down in the method, you're only wrappin' it in one, so maybe the other one is just to eat as you go for moral support. There we go, that will not take long. Gonna start to see it's cookin' so I'll flip it in a minute once that side's browned. The only thing with Gordon Ramsay recipes is it's like they're assumin' that you've got a certain skill level. So, it's literally just like make two crepes, that's it. Not like, this is how you make the crepe. Just make a crepe. Where's the lamb sauce? You notice I didn't put any oil in the pan. A good nonstick pan should, oh my gosh, allow me to flip it over like that. I'm gonna brown this side for like a minute and that'll be one crepe done. There we go. So I'm just gonna stick it down on me big ol' plate there, be very tempted not to eat it. Oh my gosh. But, there's no holes in it. It's gonna turn into a cold flannel but gotta go with it. I've got some more batter left over. I'll make that other. Boom. I'm gonna leave my pancakes to cool for the moment, so hopefully within that time that ganache would've got a good set in our fridge. Tell you what, it's got a skin on it, but it doesn't feel amazin'. But I can lift it out as one, that's good. Don't need this anymore but what we have to do is sort of roll. Oh my god. Is sort of roll it into a sausage shape. It's gonna go back in the freezer to firm up. I'm gonna do that to my other one as well. Genuinely not so sure about this recipe now but in the interest of fairness, we will plough on and if it works, it works, if it fails, it fails and yours is gonna look better than mine. It's been another half an hour in the freezer and now comes the potentially tricky, messy bit where it all goes wrong. I've trimmed off two edges on my pancake because we're now gonna roll the chocolate log in the pancake, seal it in cling film and get it back in there. This will hopefully help hold that cylinder shape. I've got a knife to hand just in case but bear with me because this might look a little bit weird. We've gotta get our sausage. Oh, look at that. Oh, this is very messy. Oh dear. Roll in the sides like this, kinda like a wrap, I guess, to help seal that, bring it over. Oh, like that, hey! And now I need to very quickly wrap this in clingfilm to kinda help it hold its shape so I'll keep it sat on the seam for the minute. I tell you what, I'm over the moon with that. I'm putting it back in the freezer and I'm gonna do it again. Just to show you, you probably did see, but look, when they're cooled down, the pancakes they really are like flannels. This is gonna be my one now. They're both gonna be mine. Now as much fun as that was, 20 minutes on in the freezer we now get to do it all over again except with a sheet of puff pastry. Okay, so this is one of those generic ready roll puff pastry sheets and I've let it stand at room temperature for 10 minutes so it's a bit more manoeuvrable. So, I don't need all of this, but it does say to give it a egg wash inside, like this. Also, you're gonna do it on the outside to give it that colour. So, I'm just gonna do like roughly that area for now and I kinda just gonna guess, do what I did before, but this time without the cling film, straight in and then back in the freezer. I'll stick that in there so I've got a little bit of a run up. Okay, now I've way too much here. Okay, bringing that bit over and that bit over. Okay, okay. Oh my gosh, look at that. That's worked an absolute charm and it's gonna seal itself there with the egg on it. Again, that goes back in the freezer, this time no cling film. We're doin' all right. So just while we give that its final chill in the fridge, we're gonna make the salad and in the video it had this awesome strawberry mint balsamic salad and I've never had strawberries and balsamic vinegar before. It's supposed to amazing combination. Mrs. Barry was actually raving about it last night so there's a bit of a chance that we're doin' it today. The only thing it does say, I was lookin' on my phone just then, chiffonade mint is what I'm supposed to get but I just went to the supermarket and bought like a little fresh bunch. I don't know what chiffonade is. It sounds like some sort of cream you put on your bum. There's a gadget for that when you wanna hull a strawberry quickly. Hullin' a strawberry, gettin' rid of it, and gettin' a few in the bowl really. And I'm just pickin' off some of this mint and just rippin' the leaves off. I mean, you can use as many as you want, but I'll leaf it up to you. Thank you very much. Icing sugar. And then of course, the vinegar. Okay? Mix it through. Let's just try one. Oh my gosh, bam! Zing with the sweetness of the sugar and that little like (grunts) of the mint. Seal it. So that is going in the fridge for probably over the 15 minutes allotted time. We have a vanilla ice cream at the end, but we ain't done yet. I'm gonna preheat my over. So, it actually goes pretty warm. That's 210 fan we're gonna take it to. I guess it's just hot and quick, kinda like when you're makin' a pizza, so that's 230 C, non-fan, all right. Wow, that's gonna be hot. I'm pretty nervous, the oven has just gone off, it's red hot now, it's ready, so let's do the final egg wash and maybe make some little incisions in it for prettiness. Okay, I might've put 'em in the fridge for too long. Okay, cool. Still got some of that egg wash left. This is what's gonna give it the, hopefully, golden colour. I think what I'll do is just some very light scorin'. I'd hate to got to all this effort and then split it. I think we should bake 'em. Oh my gosh. I'm gonna put middle shelf, 10 minutes, hopefully nothin' will spill out. I guess we'll find out in a minute. Well, in 10 minutes. Good luck! Fingers crossed for me, please. It's actually been 15 minutes, but, I've got golden colour on there and they've puffed up massively. Check that out, huh! Well, I am well happy with that, so apparently you leave it for a couple of minutes before carving, so I think it just means to let it cool down a little bit, I guess, it's all gonna spill out. Well, that's what we want. Look at the size of that. You can now see why that says serves two. I'm sure it didn't look that big in the video. I'm not angry about that though. All right, we're gonna take our fork, it's basically three desserts in one. A truffle, oh my gosh look at this! Oh, (laughs) look, is it comin' out? Yes, yes it is! It's a truffle, ganache, it's a pancake and a pastry. We did it baby. I cannot wait to taste this. Oh yes, I just hit the pancake. I'll try and show you there, you can see that sort of paler layer. It's still gonna be hot, but. That is sensational. Oh, 'cause it's still warm as well. I thought I was gonna burn my lip then. It's just right. I can't believe it's sort of held it all together, but with some of the ice cream as well and the strawberry salad. I need to put this out of sight now. Tada, just like that. It's all about portion control, right? So don't forget, there's a full Barry Tries playlist already with several videos already done. Gordon Ramsay, Esther Bloomingthal, Jamie Oliver, Tasty, just so many fun stuff to actually challenge myself but I would definitely recommend that you give this one a go. Remember full credit goes to Gordon Ramsay's restaurant website which will be in the description down below, so that is it, enjoy it. That is naughty. We did it, buh-bye. ♪ Check your level player ♪ ♪ No matter what your style ♪ ♪ The kitchen's for me ♪ ♪ Serving moustache, goatee, ♪ ♪ Maybe all three ♪ Ah, ah! That's still hot, ow! Buttocks. I've actually just burnt my mouth on that chocolate. That was hot but it still tasted good.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 294,551
Rating: 4.9036036 out of 5
Keywords: gordon ramsay chocolate wellington, chocolate wellington, barry tries, gordon ramsay beef wellington recipe, beef wellington, gordon, gordon ramsay, DIY, tutorial, cooking, lesson, easy, barry lewis, myvirginkitchen, my virgin kitchen, cooking show, puff pastry, learn to cook, easy cooking, novice, cook, chef ramsay, wellington, recipes, ramsay, recipe, recipes for dinner, how to, homemade, vs, chef vs cook, hardest dish, chocolate, pastry, dessert, baking, nailed it, crepe, pancake, man vs pin
Id: TsSdJwN3jT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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