4 x 3 Ingredient recipes 2 try 1 time in your life! Part 3

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- Back to the Future. Indiana Jones. Star Wars. Crocodile Dundee. All those films have had trilogies. (upbeat instrumental music) Today we are doing our trilogy of the very popular four, three, two, one series. Three ingredient recipes, to try one time in your life but now you can try them three times. And you guys are loving this. And I think I know how you feel. Because when I first started this whole cooking journey, I used to actually go real simple recipes, three ingredients. And that used to just, there's something about it, three is the magic number. That's not to say I won't keep doing the series if you guys really want me to. And boy, are we gonna have some fun today. And there's been a little bit of interesting feedback on this playlist. Many of you have been going, "Yeah, but you should use water. "You should use salt and pepper." But that is not my job, it is yours. I want yours to be better than mine. I'm just giving you the tools. Just like before, a drink, a starter, a main, and a dessert, with 12 ingredients in total. The only 13th ingredient is you. Does that make sense? And actually we'll start off with something controversial. This comment right here, it was kind of interesting because it's similar to some other ones I had where it was like, "This isn't actually three ingredients." And like I say, I'm just trying to inspire. And I think a lot of you have been enjoying this. But there was a comment in there about, "I could make a Beef Wellington "out of this, this, and this," and I'm like, "Yeah, you could." So I replied. And we're doing that. We're gonna do a three ingredient Beef Wellington. And I just went to the supermarket and bought a beef fillet, which is most expensive thing ever. It was more expensive than the 12 ingredients I've used on the other two videos. But hopefully, hopefully, it should be worth it. The cool thing about going to the butchers was I've got this, sort of, very helpful butcher chap to trim off the excess fat for me, which is not the easiest thing to do and he was very, very good at it, to be fair. And here it is. In this bag, from the butchers, one kilo of beef fillet. We're gonna do this with two other ingredients, which you'll see as we go through. Let's crack on. So, we're gonna get ourself a pan. Normally, with Beef Wellington we would rub it in oil and flavourings and that's what I want you to do. But I'm just gonna shove the meat in there. And there it is. It's a big old piece. The chap, the butcher did tell me to warm it up, the tail cooking quick. So we're gonna have to keep it moving. But we're just gonna sear it all over for about three or four minutes, that's it. And suddenly you enter. ♪ Spinning around ♪ ♪ Get out of my pan ♪ All right, so we've seared that all over and because it's slightly small at one end the actual butcher gave me a tip to put the smaller end, tuck it under like that. So that when we roll it it will kind of be a bit more even. So I'm gonna let this rest, just like we did when we did the beef roast playlist thing. Oh, it does smell good. All right, who can forget the last gadget video I did with the pastry rolling thing? This thing was amazing. We need to roll out pastry, cha ching. Ingredient number two. Yes, yes, I hope this works. Because I'm not using flour. I should, many of you guys were like, "Why didn't you use water as the ingredient." I'm like, there's always someone that will say, "No, that was four ingredients." So, come on. But in all seriousness, you should definitely use flour. (upbeat music) (he laughs) (upbeat music) Getting tired. (upbeat music) It's starting to stick, goodness sake. Baking parchment. (upbeat music) There we go. So, a nonstick rolling pin. (upbeat music) So, Beef Wellington. We've got the pastry. We've got the beef, right there. The other thing that really goes in there, of course, herbs, flavourings, all that stuff, is bruksels, Brussels, the muscles from Brussels. Jean Claude Van Damme, he did a lot of trilogies, didn't he? Was there ever a third Universal Soldier? Was he in the second? Anyhow, that Jean Claude Van Damme paste will go on the pastry. And also, you normally would wrap some good quality ham around the beef too, but we can't do that. Luckily, I found a solution. This is mushroom and bacon pate. And I don't know if this is gonna work but I hope it does. This actually smells really good. I used to kind of have a fear of pate. I think it was just the word liver put me off a bit, you know? I'm not gonna go all the way to the edge. Gonna go quite close but we want it even, almost like you're making a pizza. (Italian music) See, I'm folding up the edge there. We'll sit the beef in there, oh my gosh. Bring up the sides. Oh, please don't rip, please don't rip. Alright, so that's gonna stick to that, good, good. We will make it fit. We're like one of the ugly sisters with a slipper in Cinderella. Join the party, join, yes. I'm just pinching it for now. (he laughs) Oh, look, yes. And this is just completely optional. I found this little stamper with hearts on it. So, I've done a proper Beef Wellington on the channel before and I'm kinda botching this. So I like the idea of just putting some hearts on it, I don't know why. I'm just gonna do some light scoring marks into the pastry as well. And that is it done. Well, we don't know if it's gonna work yet, do we. And my back up is three ingredient toast, bread, butter, and marmite. Actually, I don't like marmite, two ingredient toast. The Wellington sat over there. Because the thing that actually takes the longest today is something that you can make with just two ingredients, peanut butter and white chocolate. We're doing peanut butter fudge. We're basically left with a spare ingredient to put anything on we want. We could do marshmallow fluff. Alright, so I've gone for crunchy peanut butter because then it just gives us another chance to get another bit of texture in there. Smooth would obviously give you a smoother fudge. (he laughs) Come on, break the seal. We need 190 grammes or about 200. It's like a big, old mountain of, yeah. Alright, so get yourself a microwave safe mixing bowl. (upbeat music) That is 500 grammes of white chocolate chips. You could do it with milk chocolate as well if you want. In fact, we'll reverse what I'm doing. You'll see in a minute. Boom, there's no really attractive way of doing that. I'm just bugging the peanut butter in, right. Let's put this in the microwave. 30 second blasts, stirring it in between, very, very important. The peanut butter will merge with the chocolate. It doesn't look like anything's happening. The peanut butter's getting a little bit softer. Oh there we, oh look at that. Sort of a marbling effect, oh yes. But again, we gotta keep it moving, which is a song by Five. Oh, look at this. That was actually another 30 seconds of stirring it through. Now I just need to make sure yep, they are the peanuts and not the chunks of chocolate chips. All melted, that taste's amazing. So what we'll do is get ourselves a lined baking dish. And we're gonna just push that in, oh my gosh. I am getting it on my thumb, beautiful. That's optional. That's not a fourth ingredient, right? Beautiful, so it's not that high. It's actually very low. It's more like bark, isn't it? But it still counts as, let's put it in a smaller dish. Actually, we're gonna get this silicone box out, there we go. I think we can put it in little silicone moulds. We can make little shaped ones. Where am I going? I quite like the look of that. Doing it like a Rolo themed one. You might gonna hear the microwave in the background, I'm just melting up some milk chocolate. But what this is gonna do, it's gonna accelerate the setting time. Because it will need a good two to three hours in the fridge when it's in a dish like this. When they're smaller like this, it should take, I don't know, (he laughs) I actually don't know. There we go. Oh, my gosh. Oh, it's looking so good. I'm just gonna drizzle some in on the top, once it's set, like this. And then might make loads of cool swirls like this, might marble it. That looks good, doesn't it? But I've already done most of them so these next ones I'll marble it a bit. Like a sploge. In each one already. (upbeat music) Just get a bamboo skewer and mix them around. A little mix like that, okay. (upbeat music) So I'm actually gonna cheat. I'm gonna put these in the freezer to accelerate it. But if you do, do that and you forget about them, just put them in the fridge to bring them up to room temperature ish. So whilst that is setting we can go back to the Beef Wellington. And so we've got the oven preheating. But we're actually gonna cook the bottom of it as well, by warming up our hob. Also, Boston has got a nice stool for himself, huh. Again, like the roast in a playlist you can put baking trays on top of a hob. So we're just gonna get an even flame on those two like that and slide it on. So what that is gonna do is actually cook the underside slightly on our Beef Wellington. (Boston barks) I've got a package up now. Sorry about that. I might just give you this clip. This clip will probably be in both this video and the video that this is for. I believe this is my sombrero. I should really be looking at my Beef Wellington right now. (he laughs) Yes, there it is. Actually, I can check if this fits in my oven, ole. All right, the oven is actually nearly preheated, to like 190 C fan. Uh, my gosh, this is for the other video. We'll make it fit. We'll make it fit. Our Beef Wellington would have accelerated the bottom cooking process by just having that little bit of a session on it's bottom. That sounds wrong. (he laughs) Well that is going in. Boston, this next step is as easy as Juan, two, three. For our starter we're gonna do a mac and cheese. But is it the mac? Is it the mac daddy? The return of the mac? No, I'm not actually using mac. This, this is Fusilli. It's a bit fussy, green pasta. It's made from pea flour, right? It's flour made from peas. And it's extremely healthy. And I just thought, hey, rather than just using boring like macaroni stuff, which now doesn't make it mac, let's use this. I've never done it before. Bit of different colour variation. So we're using this, milk, to drive that flavour in for the third ingredient this is some Applewood Smoked Cheese, which I genuinely want this melted, I love. So we're gonna do, like, a smokey, green mac and cheese. Pasta and cheese. It's gonna be easy peasy. Look, it really is green pasta. And I know what you're thinking Boston. Why did I do that? For silly reasons. A saucepan. Remember all the ingredients and quantities are on my website, which is in the description. Alright, so as soon as that milk comes to a boil we're gonna cook our pasta to package instructions, which is about 10 minutes. So, generally, as you know when you cook pasta you normally use water but as we're using milk, just to show, I'm not sure you can see at the bottom there it's really important to keep the pan moving. We're stirring the milk regularly, both during heating and whilst we cook the pasta. So it is a little bit of a hands on job. It's not easy peasy. In goes the pasta. And that'll take about 10 minutes to cook. Alright, I tried ripping up my cheese but it just feels so, I hate cheese like that. But it's for the good of this recipe, so it's gonna melt through, it will break down. But if you can be bothered, do slice it up. So after a couple more minutes of stirring, melting that cheese through, look how gooey and cheesy our non mac and peasy, (he laughs) I feel like a rapper, is. Look, I'm just gonna keep that warm. Oh no, look at my Beef Wellington. I've got about, still 20 minutes to go but it's starting to pull away at the top. I have some more pastry. So we'll do it again. I don't want it to break open like that. See that chair? I was literally, sat watching it like a hawk. Yeah, I mean it looks good, actually, but it's just split open. So I'm gonna do it again. And normally I'd do it seal down. I don't know why I didn't do it that way. But alright, let's do it a little quickly, and we'll jump to it. And that means the beef, Mrs. Barry will be happy, it will be nice and cooked through now. She likes it well done. We'll lift it up the other way, there we go. Oh, the fudge. Ah, they feel solid as a rock. Hopefully, they'll just pop out. Ah, ha, ha, yes! Alright, I think the silicone works really well for this. There we go then. So you've got the 1/2 marbling there. That looks amazing. I'm gonna keep these cool in the fridge until the end. But that's it. It works really well. Alright, for our drink we're gonna go for a mocktail. It's gonna have some orange. It's gonna have some lemon-lime, and a bit of fizz. Start with some orange juice. We're gonna go into this glass about halfway up. Oh, jeez, oh. This is a drink called 8Up. It's lemon and lime flavoured fizzy drink. It's 8Up, okay? Because they're not paying me to say that. Last but not least this is grenadine that you find in the alcohol aisle in the supermarket. But it's not alcohol, it's kind of like a fruity syrup. So, hopefully, if a trickle a little bit in, because it's slightly heavy, it should go to the bottom. (upbeat music) Oh, you see that? That looks cool. That's it, it's gonna taste amazing. Gonna keep it chilled. Anyhow, I'm gonna go back to my chair. Look at that. Absolute beast. There's juices coming out. And I just hope that all the pate hasn't disintegrated. I've just warmed up that mac and cheese and I nearly dropped it on my fudge thing, brilliant. What a shift that was, hey mate? Yes, so there we go. Cheesy mac and peas. We've got the fudge. We've got the drink. And that Wellington, awesome. Right down the middle, oh my gosh. Ah, I will take that. (he laughs) The most important thing is the base isn't too wet, either. Because that's a nightmare with Beef Wellingtons. I'm happy with that. The pate is still kind of there. Alright, let's eat. Ah, it's still hot. Ow, ow, I'm burning myself. This is the mac and peas, cheese thing. Oh, it's so warm and gooey, oh my gosh. The smokiness of that cheese. It tastes and it's the texture of pasta, of course, but it does feel like there's peas in there as well. So we've kind of rammed a fourth ingredient in it as an excuse. That is delicious, and warming, and comfort food, wow. Just getting a little bit of this Beef Wellington. I've got the beef, I've got the pate on it, and the pastry. Oh, oh, that meat is so good. The pastry is crisp and golden. The pate just works. It's ramming in that flavour. The mushroom and the bacon, I can taste that in there. You can definitely put your own spin on this. Tweak it to your liking. I've done a more advanced Beef Wellington before and they are so good. Let's wash it down with our drink. And last but not least, a peanut butter truffle. Wow, that's like velvet. That is phenomenal. And you know what? I actually think that putting the crunchy peanut butter in there adds to it. You've got a little bit of texture in there. It's not just completely smooth. You get these little lumps and you're like, "What is that?" And then it's that peanut kick. There we go then. So I wasn't really planning on doing anymore of these after the first four, three, two, one videos. So if you have missed those first two do check them out. And if you do wanna see more, do let me know and I'll count on doing a couple more I think. Don't forget I have a Barrython. Check out the other 1,500 videos here on the channel. Subscribe for regular videos and if you try any recipes don't forget to send me a picture on social media. I love seeing them and I re-Tweet them and all that other stuff. It's really cool. So, cheers guys. I think I've got some food to eat, bye. ♪ Check your level player ♪ ♪ No matter what you're style ♪ ♪ The kitchen's for me ♪ ♪ Cyprus, moustache, goatee ♪ ♪ Maybe all three ♪ (electronic music) Oh just to show you this is the stuff that I just had spare that I was gonna do originally in but anyhow it sort of snaps off like this. (he laughs) But it's thin. It's like bark. Like fudge bark. But, it works.
Channel: Barry Lewis
Views: 178,901
Rating: 4.9255848 out of 5
Keywords: 4 x 3 Ingredient recipes 2 try 1 time in your life!, barry lewis, virgin kitchen, 3 ingredient recipes, 3-ingredient recipes, 3 ingredient meals, 2 ingredient recipes, easy beef wellington, 3 ingredient fudge, 3 ingredients, mac n cheese, chocolate, peanut butter fudge, buzzfeed tasty, my virgin kitchen, easy recipes, basic cooking, recipe, learn to cook, cooking show, food hacks, how to cook, food challenge, how to make, macaroni cheese, fudge, how to, budget recipe, food
Id: gBWq7n8A-ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2019
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