Taste Testing the Latest Food Trend Products Ft. Donal Skehan Vol. 2

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- [Narrator] We are Sorted, a group of mates from London exploring the newest and best in the world of food whilst trying to have a few laughs along the way. (laughter) We've got chefs, we've got normals, and a whole world of stuff for you to explore. But everything we do starts with you. (upbeat music) - Welcome to our fridge. This is Jamie, and I'm Ben. - And in today's video we travel all the way to L.A. to meet up with our favorite Irishman. (upbeat music) - You know we love looking at new food trends and innovations, so whilst here in L.A., I walked around the supermarket and picked up a few things that caught my eye based on a few topics that you could consider perhaps are trendy and topical around food, and we're going to put them to the test. We're here hanging out with Donal, so we're going to put them to the test through Donal and James and see what the pair of them think about it. Nice new cloche for you. - I love it. - I'm feeling nervous. (music) - [Ben] Lift away. - Where do I lift from? - Oh. Okay. - Shall I try it? May I eat Ben? - [Ben] Have a taste. See what you think. See if you can identify anything and then give us your opinions. - I'm seeing little corn puffs. Right? Some sort of fancy flapjack that you probably paid about ten dollars for. (laughs) - Something puffed or popped or something. I don't know. - Brown rice puffs. - No. - Nice. Good texture. Holds itself together. Very aromatic. Something I feel like I would use in Asian cookery. - Like lemongrass? - Lemongrass. That's what it was. - The reason I picked out is because it looked like a really interesting, healthy snack, and it wasn't for all of wonderful ingredients we have named, but it was for what isn't in there. It's gluten free, soy free, dairy free, corn free, GMO free, but also because of the packaging. LivBar. - [James] Compostable wrapper. - [Ben] So not only is it free of all those ingredients, it is also plastic free. - Yeah. That's not bad. I've never seen these before, but this is a huge market over here. - It's a little bit dry, but I'm nailing it. - Not bad. I feel like you need you need to try some Ben. - That's really good. - I don't know, if um, I'd buy it for the compostable wrapper. - [Ben] No. - But it's always nice. - So as a snack it ticks a lot of boxes. It comes in at $2.99. - Okay, not bad. - That's expensive - I feel like my version of what's like cheap and what's not cheap has been completely skewed by spending far too much time in L.A. Where I would, you know, consider five dollars for something like this kind of already reasonable. Eh, so I wouldn't say two dollars isn't half bad. - So the question is, live with it, or live without it? - I would live with it. - So I'm not opposed to them. I just tend to make them myself, so I could probably live without. But, as pre-made snacks like this go, this is definitely one that you should try. It's good. - [Ben] Sticking with the snacking theme, number two. - Oh. Chips, or crisps, but not potato. - Definitely chips, given we're in L.A., but I know what you mean by crisps. - Okay I want to say banana or plantain or something like that. - Banana or plantain? - It is banana. You're right and since they're not particularly sweet cause they're green bananas. It is the hom thong banana. It's a type of banana that we're less use to, and because of it, it has uh, a kind of a sweet creamy consistency, but you can cut it much thinner and make better chips from it than regular plantain or banana chips. - They're genuinely delicious. - But the thing that caught my eye was the fact that it's the first symbiotic chip on the market. I.e. it is full of probiotics and prebiotics. One serving, that bag, will give you one billion friendly bacteria. - It's, they're, they're good. They're nice. Um, I like the slight sweetness as well as the saltiness. And they're nourished. They're good. - It's probably much easier, it's people who are not necessarily going to slip kefir, or probiotic yogurt or aren't a fan of kimchi or sauerkraut. I feel like it's another way of being friendly to your gut. - Non-GMO, vegan, dairy free, gluten free, nuts free, how much? - $2.99 - I like it. Yeah. - Is it trendy bite, or get it out of sight? - Nah I think its, this is a trendy bite. - It's a trendy bite. You could have done like a banana pan or something though. I feel like that was a lazy rhyme. - This has been fascinating Ben. I feel like I've got a dose of prebiotics, probiotics. - [Ben] We bring you gut friendly bacteria. - Who knew? Who knew it'd come in the form of a banana. (bouncy music) - [Ben] So the last one was for your gut. This is more of a holistic wellness. Number three. - Um. - [Ben] I've given you a few crackers, but really it's the thing on the spoon we are interested in. - This looks really suspect. This is like a brown, aerated, foamy, mess. Oh my god, what is that smell? (laughter) It smells like clay. - [Ben] So a little bit. Treat it like a spread. - This is the weirdest thing I've tasted. It's got like sweetness, but it has this like very, kind of bland sweetness. So I'm assuming lots of natural sweetness. - Buttery, um, fatty. - I think it would be unfair to get you to try and name some of these ingredients given there's so many, but you're pretty close on butter. In the sense that it's pasteurized, and grass fed ghee. This is royal ghee. That's then mixed with raw, and unprocessed wildflower honey, and a whole ton of other ingredients. This is the jar. - Oh okay. - [Ben] So think about that. - Which kind of look like face cream. - Wow. What fantastic branding. It's bloody delicious. I'd really love to see how it goes, um, in buttercream. I think that'd be really good. It's already got really good flavor. It taste sweet, from the honey I guess. It's got really interesting flavor, and I feel like it could work in buttercream. - The size of this jar, for I can only imagine, at least ten dollars for something like this. - [Ben] Is that your guess? Ten dollars for something like that. - Like between five and ten dollars. - [Ben] How about 30. - 30 dollars? And I'm out. (laughter) And we're done. - No. It's such a great product, but its so expensive. - All these things are beneficial, but 30 quid is ridiculous. - So that is the question. Let's go back to some ancient wisdom. To ghee, or not to ghee? (laughter) - I would, I would ghee. - You would ghee? - I would ghee. If I had the money. - For 30 quid, I'm done. Sorry. - [Ben] Trend to far. - Trend to far. (groovy music) - [Ben] Our last one is very different. - Interesting. It's a plate of sugar. - Oh. If it's salt, I'm going to be really upset with you. Whoa. Whoa! It dissolves really quickly in your mouth. Kind of covers your pallet a lot. - [Ben] What do you think it might be? - Some kind of sugar alternative. - I feel like I know what it is straight off the bat. - [Ben] Interesting. - Can I go for a wild guess? - [Ben] Without even tasting? - Without even tasting, and if I get it right, you can, and other wise I'll taste it. Monkfruit. - [Ben] Correct. - Ah ha! Ha ha! - Nailed it. Never heard of this. It caught my eye. To be used as a substitute for sugar. Literally one to one. Use it the same way you would sugar, except its zero calories, zero carbs, 100 to 250 times sweeter than sugar. It's also thought to have antioxidant properties. They are yet to prove that with reliable research, and they claim that themselves. However, unlike most fruits, the natural sugars in monk fruit aren't responsible for it's sweetness. Instead it gets its intense sweetness from unique anitoxidants, and it's those that are extracted from the fruit juice and used. So it's not actually fructose or glucose which is why it's zero calories and non-glycemic. The sweetness comes from the antioxidant. - Um, what's a monk fruit? - So a monk fruit is a really interesting ingredient, and I've been doing a lot of experimenting with recipes that add, are sugar free essentially. So looking to something like monk fruit is a fantastic alternative sweetener. I was actually using it to add to, to trial a um, a sugar-free lemonade, and it works extremely well, because it like, it actually works even better than sugar cause it has that like rounded fruity sweetness. So it's a really great ingredient. - Do I like it? I mean sure. Why not? - As far as I know, it hasn't got European approval, and its, it is FDA approved in America. So that's possibly is why you haven't seen it in Europe. - Would I use it? No. I don't feel the need to use it, because if I'm having a cake I'm having a cake, you know? - It's a really good replacement sweetener. - That bag there is $7.99. So it's evidently a lot more expensive than sugar. Trendy or offendy? - I'm going to say trendy, - [Ben] Because it's not offendy? - Because it doesn't offend me. I'd like to take it home because it was so expensive. I just feel like I have to, um, but I'd also like to try it. I'd like to actually see what it does. - I actually think it's quite trendy, and if they can prove that it's all it's cracked up to be, I think it's a really great addition to any panty. - Comment down below, let us know, which one of those, if any, interest you, and why. - Go give them some love, and in return for making him post comment on some of the food trends we bought. He insists that we cook him dinner. So we did that. - If you're new here, or you haven't already subscribed. Click the subscribe button, ring the bell to get notified every time we upload a video. - When's that Jaime? - Every Wednesday, every Sunday, 4:00 PM - We'll see you then. - Bye. - [Ben] As we mentioned, we don't just make top quality YouTube videos. We've got built the Sorted club. Where we use the best things we've learned to create stuff that's hopefully interesting and useful to other food lovers. Check it out if you're interested. Thank you for watching, and we'll see you in a few days. (beep) - Chips I have a fondness for but, um, - Especially potatoes. - especially potatoes. Oh okay, racist. Um. (laughter)
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 528,941
Rating: 4.9015336 out of 5
Keywords: food trends, tasting food products, la food trends, donal skehan, taste testing, sortedfood food trends, taste test, los angeles, food challenge, donal skeehan, weird food, taste testing food, donald skehan, food trends 2019, home cooking, sorted food food trends, food trends 2020
Id: 6p1KdCgTV9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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