Chefs Review 'EXPENSIVE' Easter Eggs

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(upbeat music) - We are Sorted, a group of mates from London exploring the newest and best in the world of food whilst trying to have a few laughs along the way. (laughing) We've got chefs, we've got normal, (bleep) and a whole world of stuff for you to explore, but everything we do starts with you. (upbeat music) Hello, I'm Jamie and this is Ben. - You know, you're never too old to enjoy Easter eggs. Some would argue we are too old to keep dressing up. (bright music) I like chocolate. - There's something else that we know that you like as well, and we thought we can't let you have all of the fun all at the same time so we've got a little something for you. - Excellent. (laughing) - He's on it today, isn't he? - He's on form. - I'm just gonna keep cracking 'em. - James, it's Easter, will you cheer up? - [Mike] Close your eyes. - And it's big. (laughing) - [Jamie] He can barely reach the desk! (laughing) - I think this one is a little too big for me to have laid. - [Jamie] Alright, lookin' at the size of it, I'm not really sure. (upbeat music) (laughing) - [Jamie] Oh, what we've seen there is the transition from child-- - Yep. - --to chef. - [Mike] Yeah. (laughing) - Smash it, smash it, smash it. - [Both] Oh, what notes am I getting here? (laughing) - This is the most bizarre episode, I'm just gonna sit here and eat chocolate, right? (laughing) - Yeah. - It's quite basic, quite plain, you know? Like it doesn't have any things inside it or any additional elements, which I don't mind at all because, you know, it can be about the chocolate. - I like it. That reminds me of a classic Easter egg, from my childhood. Kind of like milk chocolate, very moreish, very sweet. - The chocolate is okay. I don't think it's the best chocolate. - [Jamie] So yeah, this is from an actual chocolate shop, it's a chain of chocolate shops in the UK. It's their Marvelous Magnificent Easter Egg. If you had to hazard a guess how much this cost, where would you put it? - 20 pounds. - 32 pounds. - That egg is 20 pounds. (ding) - Do you think it's an excellent purchase, or-- - A rotten waste of money? - Yup. - I think it's an excellent purchase. (upbeat jazz music) - Ah, instantly, two things I like. - I like that they've taken Tesco egg boxes and reused them by putting a Fortnum & Mason sleeve over the top. - [Jamie] These are the Fortnum & Mason Six Golden Milk Chocolate Praline Eggs. - Real egg shells. - [Jamie] What in the?! - I want a cross section, and I'm gonna judge this, you see? - [Mike] How you meant to eat it but on, James? - Ooh, that's naughty. - It's naughty? - Ooh, naughty? Naughty. - It's almost truffle-y, and it's obviously got a lot of hazelnut in it. - Ah, jeez, I'm a bit disappointed. I was kind of hoping for a hard shell and then a slightly softer praline. - But it's very, very good, very rich. I don't think you could eat a whole one. - Obviously, the shell's well-designed because it's a part of nature. (laughing) - So, if you were to take a punt at the price-- - An Easter egg punt? - An Easter egg punt, what would you go for? - I might stick, you know? - I'm gonna say 32 pounds. - Yeah, I might say 20 quid. - 25 quid. (ding) (groaning) - It's an occasion. - Are they an excellent choice or a rotten waste of money? - I think that is more of an excellent choice than the last one. - I'm gonna say this is a rotten waste of money. (bright music) - [Ben] So, off, off you go, come on. - Oh. - Ooh! - [Jamie] This is Hotel Chocolat Rocky Road Caramel. - I quite like it. Nice. - Ah, so the two halves have not been put together, but inside of each half there are half a dozen beautiful chocolates. - Nobody uses a knife when eating an Easter Egg. - Easter is a time for family and sharing. I'm not just gonna chomp on it. - You're family, you can share with your mouth! What did you think of the chocolate? - It's a good egg. - I like the fact that the egg is about five times thicker than the first one. Good snap, and I like it even more with the Rice Krispies in it, but, for me, the best part here are the individual chocolates. - If you had to put a price on the Hotel Chocolat Caramel to Rocky Road Egg, how much do you reckon? - 32 pounds. - 32 pounds! - This is 27 pounds. (ding) - That is a bargain! Well, it's not. - One of them's gonna be 32 pounds. - Excellent purchase or rotten waste of money? - This is the egg that I would most like to receive so far. - So, therefore, it's a? - An excellent purchase. - For me, the caramel half is too sweet, but I love the rest of it, and it's still excellent. (bright music) - [Ben] Venchi, a perfect balance of sweet and salty. (upbeat music) - Ah, oh! That was not the easiest of unboxing. - So difficult, there we go, great. Now what? Ooh, quite cracked, ooh, ooh. - What is that? - [Mike] It's like a Kinder Surprise, isn't it?. - Yeah, is it? It's a mini radio - What Easter egg needs a USB? - That's so crazy. I thought this was gonna be a really high end... - White chocolate, pistachios, almonds and hazelnuts, salty. - A bit salty. This is not a good egg. - The chocolate, like, quality of the chocolate-wise? - I can't taste the chocolate 'cause of the salt. - It's incredibly sweet. Yet again, ingredient number one is sugar. - The egg with the USB adaptor included, how much do you reckon? - 22 pounds! (laughter) - 34 pounds. - [Mike] Sit tight, 'cause this is 52 pounds 99. (ding) - Goodness me! - That's really annoying. - You know the question that's coming, mate, is it an excellent purchase or is it a rotten waste of money? I think I know the answer. - That is a rotten joke yolk waste of money. - It's rotten. (bright music) - [Jamie] Go for it, have a look. - Maybe I'm a traditionalist, but I quite like a little bunny. Whee! - [Jamie] Are you happy that we've classed this as an Easter egg? - Oh, good point, it's not egg-shaped. It hadn't even dawned on me. No, symbol of Easter. - Ah, I can't believe it. (Jamie laughing) - Look here! (thud) Right. - [Jamie] Violent, all that sugar's got him violent. - You ripped his head off! (laughing) - Okay, fun, 10 out of 10. - Exactly what I expected. Delicious, like as it melts it coats your mouth. I really like Lindt chocolate and I like kind of what they've done with the whole Lindt bunny, it's classic, and the Swiss make good chocolate. - [Mike] And trains, and watches. - And cuckoo clocks, yep, but mostly chocolate. - Okay? Yes, you've had Lindt chocolate before, but its just, should we just cut to the chase, should we? - [Jamie] How much do you think that sells for? - 62 pounds. - 59.99 - You'll be happy to know it is 55 pounds 89. (ding) - Bargain - It's a kilo of quality chocolate and I feel like it stands for more than it is. - Would you hop to the shops to buy it? - Or is it roadkill? (giggling) - This one makes me sad 'cause I like bunnies and I really like Lindt chocolate. I just don't think I'm in a place in my life where I'd spend that much money on it. - It's roadkill. - Roadkill. (bright music) (beep) (laughing) - This is Montezuma. Founded by a couple from Brighton. It's also handmade. - So James, this is a milk, white, and dark chocolate egg. Beautifully marbled and studded with honeycomb pieces. I wonder how big the soldiers would have to be. (laughing) - Again, good thickness. - Its very sweet, and very nice. - I like the crunch of the honeycomb. I also like the fact that it gives it almost that caramel note. - What I am getting is the honeycomb through it. - And the texture, big fan. - So much more going on, it's not like plain chocolate. It's better flavor, it's a bit more melted, and more caramely. - We've also got one of these from the same company-- - Oh! - [Mike] --if you'd like to try. - [James] It's an environmentally friendly Easter egg. - Mm, mm, very rich! - It's nice dark chocolate. I like really fruity dark chocolate. - I'm all for cuttin' back on plastic and that's a good thing so it should be more a standard. But the fact they also do that one suggests they're only doing it for a thing? Eco-egg, 12 quid? - A tenner. - 8.99. (ding) - Turns out I just overprice a lot of eggs. - And how much for the enormous egg? - 90 quid? - I'm going to go for a safe number, 32 pounds. - 49.99. (ding) - Oh, that is quite a lot. - I like it, because you're paying for the chocolate, not the branding. - This is helping make someone's dream. - [Both] Aww. - I will say it's an excellent purchase. - We picked a load of eggs at a load of different prices. I just find it really interesting that we had to go to a real artisanal person to get the best quality chocolate. - It's real struggle to still find chocolate because I don't know that much about chocolate. Chocolate is like wine or coffee when you're tasting it. You can pick up tasting notes, you can tell bad quality chocolate versus good quality chocolate. - Is it like fast food? Are we just being numbed to food that serves a purpose? It's egg-shaped, it's made of chocolate, it's packaged in a way that will get to you without breaking, good enough for an Easter egg. Whereas that I think goes above and beyond. That adds something. - Would you buy any of those Easter eggs with your hard-earned money? Comment down below and let us know. - Now what you just watched sparked the latest topic of our Feast your Ears Podcast. This week it was, are mass-produced products ruining our taste standards? - If you wanna get that podcast and a brand new one every week sign up to the club in the link downstairs. - Go on J, give us a joke. - Wait, I'm just tryna think of which one I was gonna, which one I was gonna-- - Is this gonna be better than last week's? (chuckling) - Don't count on it! I had a friend around earlier this week I gave him a bowl of peanuts And he started eating them. About five minutes later he went, J, I thought you didn't like peanuts? I said I don't, I just like to suck the chocolate off 'em. (laughing) - Have a great week, buh-bye! As we mentioned, we don't just make top quality YouTube videos, we've built the Sorted club, where we use the best things we've learned to create stuff that's hopefully interesting and useful to other food lovers. Check it out if you're interested. Thank you for watching, and we'll see you in a few days. (upbeat electronic music) (beep) - Oh, oh! Nearly fell off my seat. (laughing)
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 875,689
Rating: 4.9603901 out of 5
Keywords: easter eggs, easter, egg, chocolate egg, chocolate easter egg, taste testing chocolate, taste testing easter eggs, chefs review easter eggs, best easter eggs, expensive easter egg, fortnum and mason, thorntons, thorntons easter egg, thorntons chocolate, pistachio and chocolate, easter bunny, lindt chocolate, lindt bunny, golden chocolate bunny, white chocolate, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, rocky road, hotel chocolat, honeycomb, montezuma
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2019
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