How To Get Clients For Your AI Automation Agency

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finding your first client for your AI automation agency should be the easiest thing to do now some of you that may sound very strange because it seems to be the hardest thing for you to do right now a lot of you are focusing on Outreach you're sending out emails you're on LinkedIn sending DMS you're trying to connect to people inside of Instagram channels but what if I was to tell you that there is a much easier way of doing this and it is right in front of you and you just don't realize it behind the scenes in the Inner Circle which is my mentorship program we work with a number of agency owners now what I'm seeing is a lot of these agency owners are actually booking their first calls and booking their first meetings within the first few days of even putting their structure together some of these guys are even getting on calls with clients before they even have a structure or even know what they want to sell so in this video today we're going to be going over that and I'm just going to give you the exact blueprint that you need to follow in order to make it work we're in a busy market right now there's a lot of people that are interested in this type of agency model there's a lot of people that have questions there's a lot of people that are getting started there's a lot of people that are coming in in that have been in social media marketing before and now they're just rolling this out to their current clients we're in that situation right now where there's a lot of people getting involved so what do you need to do in order to separate yourselves from everyone else and make sure that you're the person who's going to stand that best opportunity of actually breaking through this noise and Landing clients well the simple thing is you have to put in the work now yes if you have no current clients that you can sew into you could be going out on emails you could be sending DMS you could be messaging people on LinkedIn but why don't you take a step back and why don't you actually look at the people that are around you so here's what you should be doing rather than thinking how much money can I make in the next two three months and how do I get to 10K per month why don't you think how can I access networks within the next two to three months let me tell you this when it comes to a service based business having a solid network of business owners and clients is the best and easiest way to scale that business inside of our own Agency on Orthodox we have a very very deep Network we're constantly meeting with contacts of our Network and individual clients that we're currently working with discussing different opportunities that they could be rolling into their companies and different ways that we could help them now a lot of these times these conversations don't go anywhere and they actually don't want any of these services but what it does is it starts to put your name out into the world so that when they have a conversation with someone else because guess what these guys have networks too it ends up funneling back to you because you are that AI guy now I'm going to give you an example here one of my parents owns an accountancy firm now this account is new firm although I don't work there and I don't have any connection to it monetarily I understand the level of work that goes into running that company you know they have like 15 employees and I used to hear the pain points that my stepmom would tell my dad when she would come home from work and come home from you know a day of running her business so what that did to me is that instilled a deep understanding of how accountants were usually running their businesses the key points of things that were happening on a day-to-day basis what their clients needed what their clients would come to them and ask them questions with and also just in general how the business is run as a whole so that gave me a really good insight to that now this to me wasn't something that I originally thought would actually be beneficial but it turns out over the years that has kind of given me a Reflection Point into how these other businesses are being run as well now I can guarantee you right now if you really really think about who is in your family what family friends do you have who do you know that runs a business in your local area and you actually just went out to those people and you said hey this is what I do we build chat Bots or we help you with automations or we help you land more business and I'm willing to do it completely for free for you I just want to show you what we can do or maybe you just reach out to them and start a conversation and just ask about how their business is going that is the greatest way for you to start Landing your first clients now when I say clients I don't mean paying clients this is potentially the best way for you to start offering pre-workout and that free work eventually leads to paid work when you start upselling and you start showing your value up front but the key thing here is not looking at how to get new business online but actually looking at how you can get business in your network if you don't start telling every man and his dog about what you're doing at your agency in your day-to-day life you're going to struggle to actually get started you're actually really going to struggle to land that first client like I said I'm speaking to a lot of guys in the Inner Circle right now and these guys are reaching out to people that they work with before they are reaching out to family friends and they are offering these services for free and they're getting on a lot of calls if you're going to someone saying hey I'm willing to do this for free for you chances are as long as your offer is good enough they're going to say yes so this is key do not think that you have to go out and do 500 emails every single day to land some business of course that is ideal and that is something that you can automate at a later date but it is much better to start things slower and actually look at who's around you and start going to them guys provide value up front and that will pay off I can guarantee that but I'm sure some of you are going to be like well I don't know anyone how is that going to work for me or I'm 16 I don't know who I could Target or Focus that sounds like a you problem and you need to go and figure that out for yourself if you're going to be running a business I can promise you now there's going to be way harder challenges that you're going to come into than trying to find somebody that you can give free services to really really think about that this is going to separate the men from the boys or the girls from the women this is when you need to really step in mature your game up and start putting your business brain on now I've got a clip from an AMA masterclass that we did with Brett lewinowski this week inside of the Discord this should give you an understanding of the level that some people will be going to to land their first client and if you aren't matching this then you stand no chance at all now listen to this I call it enlightening my community I got a psychopathic levels to try to actually close these clients because if you hook one of these fish you 100 200 even a million dollars for one client and so with that you still have to understand the level of like investment it takes to get in front of those people so I have a lot of subscribers on YouTube and you think that's why I got these big clients but these corporate people these Fortune 500 companies or these companies making millions of dollars a month they're not watching my YouTube videos they're running multi-billion dollar companies they are Advanced and so you have to go where they exist and where they live and get in front of them so for this big the biggest client we've ever got how I went about it I was extremely intentional I saw that he was in this Mastermind group in California and there was a meeting coming up for this Mastermind group and I knew that he was interested in a service that we were really good at offering and I knew we were good at it and so I paid thirty thousand dollars to go to this Mastermind group to spend a weekend with this group of 50 people and just all learn with the intention to specifically meet this one person to introduce myself and get them to know who I am not once did I mention that I wanted to excel in my services not much that mentioned anything I just strategically like sat at his lunch table one day and when people started asking each other what they did I actually initiated the conversation I asked another person what they did and then they knew to ask me that back and then I answered oh we offered the best xyzd services and I knew that person was looking for those services and his ears perked up and that's how we introduced ourselves and so I was very psychopathically intentional trying to engage in the conversation with this person but I knew if I just walked up straight to him that it would come off really annoying because he's in such high demand he's a president of a Fortune 500 company he's not just gonna entertain my thoughts and so from there he obviously knew that I was a quality person so I got into this Mastermind that was expensive we had a good conversation we exchanged numbers that was it no more conversation a month later I saw that he was speaking at an event in California you were actually at Liam yep and I saw that he was speaking there and so I reached out to the team and asked hey if I can can I speak at your event as well since I'm an expert on this topic as well and I said absolutely they were stoked about it so I literally reached out and got a speaking event so this guy would see me on the stage with him and he'd be like hey I've seen that kid before and then from there invited me over we got lunch in like Beverly Hills like another month later so I flew back out to LA just to get lunch with him so it's three specific touch points just to get to the point where I could get in a serious conversation about working with this person genius level not good I expect you're new if getting your first client is always the hardest but once we do work for him and we do really a good job he will start referring us to all of his friends that are also about Echelon so he kind of gave us the cosine in that world because like the Fortune 500 world yes I have 300 000 subscribers they don't value that they don't respect that how does that benefit them it doesn't but now if they've seen that I've worked with this person and if them working with me because I don't know make them look good to him and help them work together it kind of starts like fostering growth in and of itself like that so that's kind of how I would think about it at a very deep level but I've been running an agency for six years so see what I mean this guy went to a crazy level to land a client because he understands that that is what is needed to grow his business now there are tons of examples of people that do this and we even do it ourselves we are not focused on Outreach and sending out a million emails every single day that is what you do at the beginning once you start getting clients your main goal now is to nurture those relationships we spread as stoves across the network of our clients and before we know it we're on calls with their clients and we're on calls with people that they know that they've introduced us to and our only job is to ensure that we continue providing values for our clients whilst also working with certain clients on a referral scheme so think about what sort of companies could that be maybe you go for marketing agencies maybe you're trying to get into advertising agencies whatever it is see if you can open up your network to people that have a deeper Network this was a very raw quick video I just wanted to get this out for you guys because I know it's going to help a lot of you closing your first client reach out to the people that you already know reach out to people that are in your area start putting yourself out there into the world offering these services for free start building out your network this is the best and the easiest way to scale your business I can promise you that it might not seem to be the easiest but once you actually get the confidence and you start moving it will be I promise you that if you're interested in joining the Inner Circle link is down below you can find out more info there and you can schedule call with one of the team you should all be joining the free Telegram and the free Discord down below as well we're pumping out weekly amas and Mastercards is there for completely free and you get an insight into the day of the life of running an agency guys thanks for watching this video hope to see you in the next one catch you soon bye-bye
Channel: Liam Evans
Views: 15,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai automation, ai automation agency, automation agency, best ai business ideas, how to make money with chatgpt, how to make money with ai, how to start an ai business, how to start an ai automation agency, ai agency, ai zapier automation, ai business automation, how to automate businesses with ai, liam evans, liam ottley, aaa agency, aioa agency, ai optimization agency, ai tools for business, digital marketing, marketing automation, ai tools for business 2023
Id: V50AdflQC-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 17 2023
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