Tanks, Helicopters, and Bull Riding at Fall Fest 2023 - Day in the Life Ep 02

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so we're on our way to uh our farm where I have 600 of our closest friends our employees their families coming to celebrate tonight call it Fall Fest so what it is is basically like a Down Home Country rodo Barbecue where all of us City Slickers go out there and pretend to be country for a night but it's good time and everybody loves it we're going to go do it cuz I want to be a cowboy baby riding at night my sleep all day Cowboy Baby I can SM a from a away that [Music] awesome let's get you guys run the show don't you I just opened these guys right out the box where got cookie [Music] on I want to go in the Landscaping I don't know why I never go in the [Music] grass [ __ ] what he trying to sideway little [ __ ] like that I want to drive 918 with the [ __ ] key F batter is dead on the charger won't come unplugged from the thing if it's [ __ ] locked so I have to unlock it and the key fob battery and fob is dead you see what I'm saying there's no you can't there's no hard key in there no it's you know [ __ ] technology yeah that's right I get it get it [ __ ] stupid all right well we'll have to settle for the law Ferrari right only took me 25 years to have these problems hey man they're good problems to have [Music] [Applause] yeah typically he just like he takes off leaves me I can't keep up so we're do this this is good this a good start so big day today uh excited to show you guys we have Fall Fest that's one of our big events here at first form It's actually an employee only uh Gathering that we have out at my farm and then right now we're getting ready to show the new building building number two so we're going to show the building to some of the people who haven't seen it yet who are in from out of town uh that over there is building number three that opens in March we're going to workout in we're going to probably have some alcoholic beverages maybe well not me but everybody else not me either yeah all right Silver brothers does that go along with weener Brothers yeah absolutely that's part two Sil [Music] Brothers this is the ultimate stack right here all right other guys they're going to tell you that it's about project one you know our full formulation pre-workout they don't know what the [ __ ] they're talking about Dakota agrees don't you right otherwise you're fired probably right yeah so he has to agree currency [ __ ] bro flavor combination was grape and pineapple coconut you like that grape huh you like grape our next flavor coming out just for DJ it's called candy cor I'm sure a lot of the sick [ __ ] will buy it I'm one of them I haven't told him what you got at the at the farm yet I said you'll you'll know it when you see it pretty cool pretty cool I did make the lacrosse also you playing you playing attack or Midfield or yeah I think cross you you think you can run me over yeah for sure you're going to have to get up some speed tell him yeah just say hell [ __ ] got what you call that work on me too man I'm not hating I just know what it work the inner fat guy the cheeseburger works man understands that this man is a trained dancer I I did not real call Twinkle Toes around here nobody call here tle [Laughter] to hiop hey hey ho hey ho you do picture on my morning but you couldn't make my day I'm rocking in your y but you never look my way I'm licking down your darling in every single way you funny for Wasing in the green C on the way got to do with shampoo or watch your head and shoulder brother old the enough to F you yo I told you ra afraid of what I made and play day 229 of 365 let's [ __ ] go do [Music] it how you been feeling pretty good beat up a little bit I mean you know it's not like uh my body doesn't recover the same way it did when I was young but feel pretty good it's it's phases man you go through a couple days where you feel great you go through a couple days where it's real hard and then you'll feel great again and then it gets real hard again and if you know the waves are coming you know usually after a hard wave a good wave comes and usually after a good wave a hard wave comes and it's just the way it [ __ ] goes got to switch sides in case we got to shoot someone in the face oh no he's a he want a wave he didn't want to get shot what do they do when they want to get shot don't wave you better [ __ ] wave dude this is a nice ass day bro we got lucky this is going to be great for Fall Fest it'd be cool if I went and rode a bull the rodeo but then I thought about it and I'm like why not bro because if you get [ __ ] hurt I won't get hurt we're done for the next two years yeah I well that's what stopped me from wanting to really do it cuz I'm like [ __ ] I just worked through this injury finally starting to barely get through it if you want entainment I'll ride the bull for you no I wouldn't ride a bull though I want to do it would you we'll rent one of those like mechanical ones no bro that's not that's not I'm riding a real bull at some point in time I should probably do it sooner than later so I don't break a [ __ ] HP they can put me on one of the little [Music] Bulls I'm out there mutton busting it called riding the Sheep mut chop mut mutton busting mutton busting yeah oh look at that snake [ __ ] that nope don't touch that thing man no venomous [ __ ] that oh you see that reaction oh look at that snake it's automatic athletic [ __ ] did you hear that [ __ ] snake now you all know what it looks like when I see a snake little baby everybody's going to make fun of me I don't give a [ __ ] man oh bro that's a [ __ ] that was a venomous copper head snakes are bad I saved your life that's a thumbnail the videographed by and Andy is Dylan from a 20 foot anacon bro there's very few things I don't [ __ ] like snakes is at the top of that list lock up you know it's illegal to touch little kids penises bro that's a felony we got it on the internet we got it we got it you're going to jail actually nowadays you probably get off probably get an award for it I what you say it you about say I'm just saying you look like the black Brokeback Mountain bro hey what you doing relax man just trying to grab some nuts you're [ __ ] J bro [ __ ] I'm this is the Canadian tuxedo he's doing yeah he's hold on this is undefeated I'm big spoon bro this is this is undefeated it's pill country outfit it's p okay look denim on denim bringing it back Canadian tuxedo is what it's called I like it yeah I feel like should be called the com is in t now yeah what you doing [Music] [ __ ] need me one of those first form energies orange not Cherry Lime Cherry lime's for peasants I think that's [ __ ] dude I like Cherry that's like my favorite one is it really for real that makes sense all right all right I remember that hey man orange is a good second place orange is good I I actually don't hate Cherry Lime I just like to hate it cuz people like that when I hate it so so it's it's okay what about the new flavor I think the new flavors are awesome dude which one you like better I think the screaming freedom is the is the winner but I don't know man they're both good uh the liquid gold is that what we call it Liquid Gold what we call it we had like 20 drop lightning Tropic lightning yeah we had we had like 25 names for that I can't remember which one we picked the yellow get yourself some of that yellow I have some of the um some of the yellow and don't get cheap on me you know it's interesting because the morning we opened up our second building in the office Park and we got to give a tour to a lot of the people who really go hard to make the growth of this company happen and it was just cool to walk through and see their faces and see you know the direction of the company we had a good talk about what we're going to do and where we're going and what we're trying to do and also where we came from you know this this company uh didn't come out of thin air it's been 24 and A2 years and January 1st be 25 years bu building what we got going on here so there's a lot of people who have a lot of time in it there's a lot of people who give a lot of their life to it and it was just cool to be able to have them all there in the new building to talk about you know the next 5 years the next 10 years and what we have planned so this is actually my favorite event that we do at first form it's very grateful that it's like today so I'm really excited about seeing everybody really excited about uh hanging out and uh I'm most excited about taking everybody for tank rides so that's going to be crazy big bad ass up the gold that I stole along with some cash even the M's da that K but she was with it so I brought here often are you playing the part now black rope Back Mountain it's all right I'll be your co-star that's pretty neat Dave what do you think of my Canadian tuxedo here bro yeah dude it's perfect this this is the [ __ ] right here for me not for me but he he can do it they [ __ ] picked it out for me look at that you don't know about Lion's Choice if you're not from Missouri specifically St Louis I think best roast beef ever I've never had it really really yeah for real that's how secret it is you got to know you got to really know you've never had it I've never had okay you got to get it with extra seasoning though extra seasoning yes roast beef extra seasoning s'mores I can't have that I want 75 oh that sucks it's a nice cowboy hat you like it where's your where's yours at this is Canadian tuxedo bro Canadians you know how I feel about Canadians Den you got there Bush light Bush latte yeah dude's going to beat somebody's ass we're going a fight tonight dude we are yeah we are we're going to ride around check some [ __ ] out you guys should come this is some Boss Hog [ __ ] right here bro look at us let just book at to Canada bro no look just me and you this is either Boss Hog or Brokeback Mountain I can't tell but either way it's all good this is a [ __ ] Brokeback Mountain Express baby yeah it is you guys want to in Canadian bro he knows come on now you know I know yeah I do know you know see I've said it seven times in in the show recording so far and Dylan's looked at me weird every time until see I wasn't making it up it's a real thing true style that's right I'm have to get one so what what what what what tuxedo are you wearing well this is not a Canadian tuxedo Salt Lake City tuxedo something like that something that's the Aspen tuxedo all right hey you ready you ready to drive the tank yeah all right soon I'll come back everybody wants to drive tank there's scooter scooter what's up dude good job oh dude look at that dude dude they got out the nice tractors look at that that is my [ __ ] pride and joy right there 1456 International that's from my childhood our family farm my dad and his family had a farm we had Internationals on the farm so like I grew up around Internationals but you know basically what happened was I got [ __ ] up and I saw this on the [ __ ] internet and I bought it but it was one of the it was one of the purchases that I'm very proud of you reget it's [ __ ] perfect look at that and if we want to see another one of my [ __ ] up internet purchases you're going to look to your left here on the tour okay now we see another one all right uh this is same night this is a no this is these are see this is shows how this is a habit because they were years apart all right okay but this is an fv432 armor personnel carrier and it's badass you better be be careful riding up there DJ you ride in the in the manhole I be nervous this thing with no BR how many times have you driven this uh [Music] once up no stop drop shut them down open up shock oh no that's how go roll that's probably the coolest I ever felt in my whole life bro that's I'm looking down at you you like smoking cigars the table I mean and look at you that's how it's done I mean dude this is like this is Legend [ __ ] we're Legends we brother that's right weener Brothers I've reached the Pinnacle everything is downhill from here Joe why do I feel like you're never going to get out of that thing you're just going to stay in it I look right in he's going to say go get me a liance choice tell me it doesn't look [Music] right [Music] I stole the flashlight from you pretty sure you say a flashlight I bet it [Music] h pack it up pack it in let me begin I came to Wi battle me that's a sin I won't ever slack up hky better back up try and play the role and you're the whole crew will act up get stand up your hands up if you got the Feeling jump up P the ceiling a someone [ __ ] jum I bu them in the eye and then I'll think the punks out feeling ding amps in the chunk and I got more RS and this cops got a Dunkey donut sh show up I got from the kids on that was [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] awesome take us out hey did you survive that bro check this out know I looked down and I was like he's going to get hit bro he got way too close on that one that was awesome ladies and gentlemen I have one question for you tonight who is proud to live in the United States of America I'm proud to be americ atast I know I'm freey good to see you you say hi toy to see you brother I expect to see you come through on [Music] it be something 12871 that's right [ __ ] it's a fake idea I used for like 10 years right there that's how I drank since I was 16 it was awesome it was awesome what' you do was it something cool I got in a car accident it's not that cool really cool I was hoping it be like skateboarding or something she was wrestling an alligator but I fell off right away I saw you and she please don't Sho my wait was that a real gun that sh no yeah they killed the Sheep we'll catch up on one% all right bro thank you nice to meet you it's a pretzel I'm starving dude's good dude H little roast PE Sandwich Man legendary Lion's Choice St Louis tradition right here it's as good as it gets when it comes to roast beef bro that's not like an rbe right oh come on that's what someone told me it was that's what I think right here yeah well those are same people say don't like candy corn [ __ ] candy corn this is the chair that ends your night all right I might not get out of it like this these chairs here have ended more nights than anything else bro they have knocked more people out than Mike [ __ ] Tyson guaranteed that's a company guys oh bro don't hit hit it man yeah you're done if you hit Recine you're Fu you're done oh yeah there's no coming back but like when you're out here alone there's nobody around just [ __ ] throw some music on smoke a cigar bro it's [ __ ] perfect make sure I see in here all right I got a light I'm good dude no I'm good what you got going on here oh this is YouTube as well oh gotcha got so we got you I bet my YouTube guy could whoop your YouTube guy's ass okay just a thought I bet I bet on myself yeah like probably you got security though you be careful what you saying oh shitz our our YouTube people got security hey we did ask we wondered if you guys had a taser Brandon was like just go tackle Andy and see what happens I'm like I don't think that's a good idea we don't tase people there's no Second Chances what here okay abort Mission we're not going to tackle Andy we'll move on okay that was 8 second that's what I said 8 seconds is my sweet spot so you got our front waves was that the proper way to do it [ __ ] I don't know bro I went backwards I don't it's probably smarter to go backwards it didn't feel right it felt wrong I mean it made it look good I don't know about that it felt it felt real awkward did it yeah it did but smooth I'm hey man it looked a little little I might be faking it a little bit it is what it is if your confidence is high when you get [ __ ] it doesn't matter bro I listen fall off that [ __ ] my [ __ ] up looks my fuckups look good I do whatever the [ __ ] I [Music] want
Channel: Andy Frisella
Views: 389,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: success, entrepreneur, motivational, entrepreneurship, mfceo, mfceoproject, andy frisella, 1st phorm, motivation, inspiration, millionaire, billionaire, goals, motivational speaker, real af, realaf, andy frisella day in the life, ceo day in the life, who is andy frisella, andy frisella farm, andy frisellas tank, 1st phorm ceo, 1st phorm event, andy frisella motivation, 1st phorm fall fest, successful businessman story, millionaire lifestyle
Id: xAw_gRJ_kQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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