A Day In The Life Of 1st Phorm President Sal Frisella

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hey what's up guys sorry gotta be a little quiet kids are still sleeping get up and out it's 5:30 a.m. we're in a rock and roll this morning he's gonna walk through a day in the life of a dad with three kids who tries to run a great business but I honestly try to get it all in in one day so I'll walk you through a day we're gonna have a great day let's go have some fun here it is welcome to my home gyms it's my hot wife Raquel you can say hi say hi today I'll be like a pull day so we'll just basically every minute on the minute so you do an exercise and rotate through so minutes 0 to 1 right here 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 4 to 5 5 to 6 rotate four rounds trust me by the time we get through this we'll be sweating pretty good oh it takes 24 minutes that's a good 24 minutes out most people think you gotta walking around the gym for 45 minutes and do another cardio for another 45 minutes it's just not the case you know like again my goal is not to step on stage or be a power lifter my goal is to be a leader my goal is to be a good father and I'd be damn shamed or damn sure that I'm not one of those those dads who sits in his car and watches practice because he's too fat to get out of the car go run around his kids gonna be an active dad and when I can look my kids in the face and tell them push harder and be right next to him pushing on that's my goal were you doing can you say hi can you say hi to the camera who is this is Alex yeah can I have a kiss hey you gonna guess right now you give me good come on let's go see you don't wanna see sissies okay well here let's do this let's change your diaper oh let's change your diaper oh hey you high five yeah man you went got a little upp big last night huh bro [Music] yeah is this your jam yeah people believe the Beavers believes and there you [Music] [Music] yeah hey you like that song yes I love you I seen a little bit okay my little girl I love you bye miss Erin hey hey you be good for Miss Erin okay alright I love you see you guys oh man it's I mean it's been in the last literally the last eight years of my life it's my brother and Chris you know it had first form going and I think at the time it had he had six total products that we sold and they sold them through their retail chains supplement superstore and when we started we are at the time I was working for Johnson & Johnson and I had I had a really good job and they were doing really well in the stores and and you know I said hey I they wanted to take this thing national and wanted to know if I'd come over and help him out and do it and you know at the time everybody said I was crazy and you know you guys are stupid or you know why would you do that and there's there's things in life you know that you're drawn to or things in life that they might scare the out of you but for some reason you want to go down that hole and that was that was one of those decisions and you know scary the first couple years okay we didn't sell man it's uh you know a lot of people see what's going on now and you know we're just getting started in our brain so I'm gonna go grab coffee for us and you I stopped here every single day I believe in weekly meetings I believe in staying staying together I believe in working as a unit and whether that's the sales team the marketing team the customer service team or the media team keeping everybody rowing in the right direction keeps our team tight it keeps our mission close and and it keeps us moving in the right direction so I hope you have a great taste of my day here and and I don't know a little insight to the south side of life at first form now today I have a vlog follow me we're gonna do a day in a life series of the South for selim that's what I want you to do Aaron especially I want you to serve me drinks and water all day [Laughter] [Music] somebody come in here act like I'm [Laughter] you better be careful I'll kick your ass again in peloton on a serious note guys we're doing good okay yeah that's not fun yeah I said this earlier the best thing I single best thing on planet Earth is for the company to succeed and me to pay you guys I love that no no I agree but I mean if we start looking at October that's a realistic timeline we're getting into more general health like right now our business is sports oriented sports oriented but we're moving into like the foundation series and so we're looking like just standard overall gut health style products and liposomal products and different new technology products but as we get older you know we were younger it was cool like we wanted to make products that like make you Jack and have tons of energy and as we get older it's more about foundational health and so we're actually coming out with foundation series that is designed around more generalized health versus sports nutrition specific so that call was kind of laying out you know the final steps on you know landing dates and times and we're gonna be able to release the the product line to the public but it's a process coming out with with 1012 new SKUs it's not something you snap your fingers and make happen but especially with new technology so just you know making sure part of my day is managing timelines you know I order from raw good protein to natural ingredients to pills powder really everything making sure we're managing growth properly and so a good portion of my day is spent on the phone honestly just logistically moving products from A to B and making sure we have labels on time and working with Ryan every day you know making sure we have shrink wraps and labels and we have enough raw goods for the products and the schedules are on time I mean it's it can be cumbersome in time especially as you start adding you know we had tends to keep ten SKUs it wasn't a problem but when you start getting you know 50 60 70 80 SKUs and you have flavors mixed in and different raw ingredients and understanding FDA compliance is cGMP and certification processes and what that takes and buying bulk for all of 2019 it just just doesn't happen in the in the in the snap of a finger it looks easy at the finished product on the shelf but however there's a process sometimes a very strenuous tedious process that goes and that goes into play for that in those days a little bit different than most I mean it's this stays pretty active but on Mondays you know I try to get a team stroking in the right direction try to get everything rock and rolling like I was saying earlier it's meeting after meeting after meeting but they're all productive meetings just so we're all on the same page it's kind of they're always like kind of a continuation meeting except our all group meeting or our entire office meeting that you're getting get ready to go into it's I always try to paint perspective where we where we're coming from where we're going where we're at currently and the guys roles that they play along that journey I try to a lot of young people that work for us and so let them understand that you know don't be a product of today's society in the sense of like you know just because you've been here for ten years doesn't mean that you're gonna be successful in this program I am a play to win type person best player plays and I'm we're gonna always continue to be that way and the only way as a young adult that you can continue to get better is to add or sharpen your tools sharpen your toolbox and if you're gonna move up here you better understand the fundamentals you better understand social media you better understand the process and perfect the process of where you're at you better invest in education nobody's gonna do that for you nobody nobody can pick a book up and make you read it nobody can make you go out on Instagram and help people nobody can make you get here early nobody can make you stay late nobody can make you go to the gym nobody can make you make that post so in one person that can do it at you you're either doing it or you're not doing it there is no inground there's no I kinda did it you either did or did not Andrea and break it down here we go let's have a good day come on go get some here we go here we go there's my old man come here old man hey what's up hair hey here these are my dogs that's Harry and Gus this is my you better suck it in more this is my dad we call him Big Jim we're vlogging you know a vlogging is that but when do you think it how long how long have you worked for me at what point in time do you think you'll stop questioning me never because like you see these gray hairs over here these are yours yeah I attribute all all of this is yours the strong side this is the very these are all deserves when I trim him up I'm think I'm cutting off Serbs head you had those long before you got yeah you did you wouldn't have stress if you just did your goddamn job every week we have a an apparel meeting where we discuss well where we discuss basically the next release current stock items and you know if we're goal is to compete with the Nikes and Under Armour's of the Lululemon's of the world and so to get into that space you know we've learned that you know most companies in our industry specifically are really most companies on Instagram they're buying a t-shirt they're tearing the tag out you know printing in a new tag or they're just you know buying somebody else's apparel and basically re tagging as their own and we've done that over that over the years excuse me but we're really looking to start innovating some some fitness pieces we're really starting to get into some different areas of of what we do we're building our own shirts we're building our own women's apparel and so we understand if we were going to compete in that world we got to start working not 30 days in advance but you know six seven eight months in advance designing finding manufacturers and really putting in you know putting in some effort on building some some great a product so we meet once a week I mean I got to say you're getting a little better I don't get to do this very often and this wasn't really for the camera it just happened to work out at Enzo's off school for the next two weeks so I got to go to the business dinner tonight I won't get to see the kids tonight so I try to run home see the kids I'm gonna take Enzo to lunch hey hi sissies what are you doing did you guys have fun II transformed yeah you had fun hey let's go eat let's go eat you want to go to sailors bread company all right let's go how about this how about before soup can I get a kiss thanks buddy do you want grilled cheese all right you want cheese you want grilled cheese oh you want macaroni and cheese Wow are you gonna eat all that for lunch wow it's a lot of calories dude you're gonna end up like your daddy you'd be a little fat hey I see the month which muffin do you want do you want cranberry or blueberry you want red or blue thank you yeah it's Ryu so sweet look at this it's cold you know is it it gives you a brain freeze could you drink too much too fast that's right hey listen while we do this have a couple more bites for Dad take this take a bite oh is that is that good though carbs you yeah you don't want to buy my finger it would hurt me give me your finger it's like having a second life it it it gives you a new lens it's not a second life because it gives it a lot of purpose to life one you know your your main life where you know when you start getting into your 30s you it's you know success success success success like how do you get better and better and better and when you have kids it really opens up the spectrum to like the meaning of life you know being able to spend time with them teach them you know because you know when you look at you have to leave the world a better place than when you got it the only way to do that is by generating great kids and so you know I that piece of it to me it just brings a whole different set of parameters to what what life is all right guys guys gotta go back to work to Mary Lou I guess you do all right guys that's work we need to be proactive about getting out in front of it not reactive and try to fix it on the back end meaning you and I going in and saying hey listen this we're at cool everything else good so I try to structure most of my days literally on Mondays it's from 8:30 until 5:30 I try to keep it very structured however that's not how business works and so the good part of the day is people coming in and out and helping out where I can or we're answering questions and and really just doing my best to assist them either make their lives easier help teach them how to be a better asset to the organization because they all want that lean toned sexy look protein plays a role in that conversation so we have to understand that we got to teach them about protein there really are no stupid questions because you know understanding social media marketing and understanding like how to brand yourself and social media is is newer to some people than others and so you know how how do you create call-to-actions or how do you build a brand or how do you educate about a product these are all things that you know the cool part about our company is we've been around since the original kind of Instagram days you know so like we've seen the progression over time and we've under we understand really really well how to help each one of you build your own personal brands but what I will tell you is like it's kind of like dieting there's no magic pill there's no magic solution I can't I can't just hand you a piece of paper and say hey this is how you get to 10,000 followers in 30 days or less but what I can tell you is that if you meet us halfway we have a game plan for you that will help you build your personal brand to ultimately make you successful and I can tell you this with with the utmost confidence because this call that you're on this this technology of being on a zoom call whenever I made the very first Legionnaire call it's not something we had right it was like picking up the phone and it was you know calling Alison to be like hey my name's Sal I run this company called first form and we have an independent sales rep program would you be interested in being a part of it I don't have a clue what I'm doing and you have no reason to trust me however you want to trust me and so like you know we've come a long way in understanding how to help you guys achieve that success and really it can be tailored to what you want to do however it's gonna be required on you guys meeting us halfway and saying you know what call us says when Paula says hey you know can you get in or have access to my my two group calls a week the more effort you put in the more you're gonna get out of it the faster you want the brand to grow the faster you want to become successful inside the company it's it's a simply you get it you get out exactly what you put into the brand it's moments like these that are super humbling I can remember when there's just one of them ugly-ass little Jeeps that would come in the USPS and pick up all of our orders for today then when I'm ugly-ass brown UPS trucks it would pick up all our UPS for the day now they send the tractor trailers but honestly none of that would be possible without each and every one of you guys the reason I'm laughing is cuz I this up like seven times but my life it up right at the end they have the the shipping battle it was perfect until then but in all seriousness I love you guys thank you for what you do thank you for your support I love you guys and that's it do I really have time today to work out a second time no I don't have I mean again it's like one of those things we were talking about that's I'm taking time away from my kids to be with my guys and it's not it's what it's what I have to do it's what's right you know those guys and girls what I do for our company for a culture for our people and not only do I should I be there I want to be there those are my people man that's that's teammates we've got to get it in and if I don't if I stop grinding with those guys you know there was just two three four now we're growing Jack you wanting on this oh my god let them eat you kids no I still got it in the tank yeah sometimes it's stressful because it's inevitable you know like you see it today you know and it's 3:30 and you know I still had to do and you know your brother comes in times fun is laughing and I'm cracking jokes it's gotta be part of it too you know I'm hard on myself for that stuff cuz here's what happens I get home and I know I had two or three things that I should have done that I didn't do and I don't say it eats at me but it'll bother me you know and I need to get better at I'm just realizing that it'll be there tomorrow you know regardless and and my kids will only be this old for so long and I need to embrace it and I try I try my best okay Gary you look yeah it in there yeah touch it so pretty you're so pretty cap kiss I love you I'll see in the morning okay I see in the morning okay I'll see you in a little bit okay I love you I love you whoa get your butt crack with your butt crack butt crack whoa everybody likes your butt crack wash it's uh interesting if it wasn't you I'd hate it I couldn't imagine some random dude showing over your house like the Real Housewives of Orange County you know and some random dude shows up and he just sticks a camera in your face all day like I would hate that guy have a hard enough time with this and I really like you what's happening first foam Legion of boom that's a good good answer what's up mr. Frizzell oh whoever we're talking to we can edit it back out you know this game you know this game better than anybody like in total how many guys report to you yeah yeah but that's good though you know what I mean because you can manage for exactly when it's 34 yeah it's it's kind of it's good though right there you go back three years ago everyone reported to me yeah and that's where I was like we would just preach like hey we're regular dudes was what we believe in this is what we do this is how we do it and we sell supplements you know I mean and that's it and it started with 10 then it was 20 then it was 40 then it was a hundred you know and it just and we've kind of just morphed into that taking care of people around so I'd like to think when you're a good husband you order your wife that's a go meal from the restaurant because I think they probably deserve it you know dealing with dealing with the kids so it's not gourmet but I'll get some points out of it so there it is a day in the life not as glamorous as maybe thought to be but that's a pretty good insight to what I do on a day to day basis and so I saw you guys this morning at 5:30 it's 9:30 I'm shutting it down gonna bring my wife dinner and yeah go spend some time with her but I appreciate you guys along the journey I hope you found it interesting but you know there's nothing more I can ever say I love you guys I appreciate you guys thank you for watching my first vlog see if we can do it again and it's my boy Alex you don't have to go home but your ass can't stay here I'm out
Channel: 1st Phorm
Views: 57,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1st Phorm, 1st Phorm Supplements, A Day In The Life, A Day In The Life of 1st Phorm, A Day In The Life of Sal Frisella, Sal Frisella, 1st Phorm Sal Frisella
Id: HG9dBf_FZmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 16sec (1576 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 06 2018
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