Guts and Glory: The Most Unforgettable Wrecks of the 2023 PBR Teams Season

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oh wow wow you don't see that every day in bull riding early touch kicks straight to the top of the shoots and uh right over the top goes Batista I think that's worth watching One More Time guys I don't know if he ever wants to see this again watch this Landing we talk about how big and strong this bull is and just catapults Batista into a not so sensitive landing area but at least he was out of Harm's Way off the dirt man Batista didn't get the qualified ride but him and his teammates of Carolina Cowboys they take the first win of this PBR team season he's aboard smooth steel a bull though that is not easy only giv up one ride in his career at this [Applause] level oh keeping collides with smooth steel got it looked great for the first five but what a hit he took he comes down early here and that gives Oklahoma the win and this is what I love and hate about ball riding this guy put out an effort on a ball that was bucking as hard as he can and given this is two Champions fighting it out and everything was going great until it wasn't and that there deserves a massive score but that is the way that bull Ryden goes but he should pick his head up and he should be proud of him cuz I know that he got it it out bull score 45 and A4 points we're going north of 90 if he gets that one done that was a highest bull score we've seen so far in this [Music] [Applause] game wow [Music] no the slams the hits they keep on coming Luke highlighted the injuries the attrition that Olen has is faced in his career and now takes not one two but three and more hits we have talked since day one about the toughness of this Texas Rattlers team from top to bottom and you saw Brady Olen kind of shake off Sports Medicine team and trying to get directly back to the rest of his team you can see the look in the faces of this crowd it looks but again just trying to get back to his team after what you're about to see the hip surgery the groin and that is not going to help anything take a look at the bull fighters Dusty Tuton is doing a great job of just throwing Olsen out of the way and taking a shot himself again I will say this every day they are the toughest athletes in [Music] sports [Music] yes oh no fosa does find the whistle but scary moments as he gets hung up so good to see him on his feet and now Carolina can take a deep breath and cheer because they are back on the board that was a that was a great bull ride right there that bull wasn't the easiest one to get by cuz he had some good he had some good jumps there then he had some uh out of timing jumps yeah but here's where it gets scary here I mean you talk about when this bull changes directions and what a cool vantage point from right down there on the dirt next to the bull fighters but that gets scary and the end of that ride looks like the inside of my brain most times just all over the place our bull fighters jumping in there trying to take care of him great job by them and most importantly the fact that he walked out of this Arena and is back with his teammates right now that's the big thing gotten Austin two weeks ago in his leg do it do it do it get out of there there you go there you go there [Applause] go you okay you all right you just heard bran quino highlighting that he's riding with stitches and his leg comes right back out takes a couple shots but had all the effort in the world buckoff time here 7 and 46 the injury update we got earlier this week was court mcfaden was questionable and after seeing this questionable if he'd ever want to do this again I mean but look at the fight he knows his team needs him right now and the young teenager giving it everything he's gotten right there just takes a shot ooh and that's the first one that one kind of rocks him and sets him on his heels and then that bull just lifts him up that could have been a lot worse all things could not much on this B at this level only showing one career [Applause] [Music] out oh hung up is the usport patrol protection team goes into work and takes a shot there as well did you see how quick he just got up I was going to say we don't like anything about anything that happened in that from the way the buck off happened in the hang up but him getting up quickly is the only good to come from that we we've made a lot of references to other sports already here today but there is not an athlete alive outside of the sport of bull riding that could have bounced up the way Paulo just did after all of that okay right there underw just looking for the official Buck off time stop right there a slap at 558 official time 558 yeah and you know that that's an afterthought for me right now because watching the way he got hung up and the bull fighters just trying to find an opportunity again you talk about doors trying to find just a window just a tiny crack of opportunity to get in there look at that spur that spur in the left leg gets caught in that bull rope it's just one of those freak accidents and there is nothing he can do at this point he's just at the mercy right there just hoping it comes out in the in the best position possible so that doesn't happen great job by Lucas Theodor you saw him reaching up to grab that foot and that bull was moving so fast that his horns kind of pushed him back took his opportunity away a second [Applause] time oh out the bull fighers doing doing everything they can and in true Brady Randol fashion nothing comes easy Brady Randolf has proven over the last two seasons to be one of the absolute toughest men in this league and he just shows it again 83 and2 points but the celebration ensues because he just got the win for the Rattlers here he did and as we watch this ride back Not only was this a a good ride because all the pressure was on the line to give him the win what I like the most about it is right here when his hand hangs in the Rope he does such a good job of staying on his feet as a bull rider you don't just want to lay down and give up you want to fight for everything you're worth stay on your feet give them bull fighters an opportunity and then you keep yourself out of danger if you just lay down you're going to get stepped on he did a great job and comes out of this virtually unscathed where this could have been a bad wreck what a incredible job by those bull fighters all three of those guys working in unison and nothing else you can say there's nothing else you can say about this man I think guys like Alex are really going to benefit from having that experience [Applause] wow what moves from chak Bingo and then the aftermath is the US border patrol Protection Team comes in you mentioned the injuries already piling up for Oklahoma now you're seeing another one Lim to the side take a look at this when you watch it back this Las Vegas cam going to give you a chance to see the athleticism of these bulls that Bull's moving forward and then immediately Ducks back to the left and then all of a sudden he's gone and cir is looking for it yeah I mean when them Bulls jump out of there like that and they go and when they're going forward it makes it really hard when they can really cover a lot of ground away from you and then duck away from your ring hand or into your riding hand it makes it very difficult and like you said Kate that's that's not a very good thing to see at the start of the season for Oklahoma they keep moving things around they're going to try to start up big here today Mighty Mike the go wow gets down inside takes a few shots he's on his feet and if I'm sitting at home right now playing ride or wreck on the app I'm betting ride on that one 10 out of 10 times I did not see that one coming Jerome Davis didn't see that one coming other either Matt you know we've had the discussion when you put a good guy first and get kind of that sure thing and I know nothing's a sure thing that's what Jerome Davis was thinking right there didn't get it and when you're going against a guy in the leadoff spot that was the MVP a week ago and Jo cardava for the Rattlers let's go they were banking on that one but that's what captains do it didn't go his way he'll be on the back of the shoots making sure it does go the way for the rest of the team and I love that it's almost like a built-in assistant coach when it comes to Cooper Davis Go Get It Go Get It Go Get [Applause] It all right gets spun off and slung again and how tough is do Santos right back up to his feet the fact that he just walked out of this arena is incredible after what he sustained last night and you can just see he's not hurt he he's frustrated he's looking back at the big screen watch this we're going to take it straight into the business not once twice and there's nothing those bull fighters can do at this point right here you want to talk about the toughest athletes on the planet that can handle this right there and get up and walk out cannot wait to see him all do it simultaneously keep [Music] [Applause] keep gets for takes a shot the helmet goes flying but Randolph talking back to that bull wanting another shot aboard American you that is the look of pure anger we talked about how tough this sport is watch this Las Vegas replay here takes a shot helmet goes flying he gets flung to the side and then watch this Scott 90% of the people in this world that would take that shot would be laying there sucking their thumb and he stands up mad because he knows he can ride that bull that's what he's thinking right now is I can ride that bull if they run that bull back in right now he rides it tends to be in that 88 Point range here he's aboard Electric Avenue Great [Music] point oh stayed with him gets hung up and takes a shot remember Roberts was sidelined last season beginning of this season with injury and yet another member of the freedom taking a hit he just kind of got back to getting that ball roll in and they're really looking forward to the return of Chase Outlaw coming up soon slow to get up but I like I like that as a coach I like the frustration that the young 21-year-old is showing right now he's a college national champ we've seen him as Kate mentioned put up some big numbers including some 90s and again the slightest mistake can cost you a lot and it's it's amazing in bull riding how quick things change because honestly I was like this bull is not bucking and we run into that scenario where maybe he bucks just soft enough that they get the rde and still have an opportunity and then just at the blink of an eye small mistake turns into a zero and not only that could an injury Tolo snacky mat next to go turn back Jack it's the rde [Applause] wow a sling shot to the front makes contact thumbs up yeah he's okay after just hitting 18800 lb what yeah you just saw him look at his team he he knew his team was going to be worried about him so he flashed that little thumbs up but he's still out in the middle of the Arena making sure that he's safe to get away from him but you you want to talk about the fierceness of this sport watch this replay because he takes one straight to the face mask and pops up watch this and that that nice bll that Paulo kber coach Paulo crimber told us about was not the same ball that we watched right there that bll right was was a handful and and put him in a really bad position right out of the gate he's not gotten by yet until today this time it goes dh's way and there is a lot of celebration going on over there in the Arizona Ridge Riders Matt we'll come to you in a minute one thing I want to say where seeing a very different Chase doy in the last couple of weeks he has got himself out of that slump that he was in and now he's allowing that Arizona Ridge Rod his team to be able to celebrate the way they deserves his willingness to commit has been the change in Chase dh's performance committing to whatever it takes the mindset shift is what has led his team to continue to celebrate moments like this with Chase dhy and they're going to continue celebrating why 91 and 34s the aftermath not the way he wanted to go hung up on ivy league for a couple jumps but gets free on his feet as the US border patrol protection team goes to work and now dhy getting helped by Sports Med his first 90 this season of his PBR team's career and you hate to see that but this is a sport that with high risk equals High reward how can I help the team not how can I help myself he's been on this B twice and twice this B's bucked him off [Applause] oh and Bob Mitchell comes crashing back into the Bucking shoots and you saw JW hardt immediately pulling him back up to the back of the Bucking shoots there's a good look at gery Mar but they're going back to take another look at it clock stopped at 2.9 but what do you take away from a positive aspect here for Bob Mitchell the try that that's everything in Bull rid going to say it and I say it 100 times over because there's no better way he tried so hard he's not going to get a score here but as a coach I look at that and go he wants to play this game that is the third time he has bucked off that bull but that one getting closer to Going the Distance and now we look at a much different scenario for the number one team in the league and we talk about these two powerhouses but take a look at what's happened so far yeah absolutely you know anytime started off with a bang like this the boys just get rolling and it's awesome good ride tonight out there Grayson Cole hung up gets loose from booman as US border patrol Protection Team gets to work Buck off time 4 seconds here and he's he's walking a little gingerly back to the back of the Bucking shoots that that hurt there's no way around it everything about that hurt found his first qualified ride of his career the PBR Camp world team series just 24 hours ago and now gets slammed one day later and that's why bull riding is such a unique sport right there is it doesn't matter what happens whether you make the whistle you get bucked off those situations can happen every time and then you have to learn how to manage your team through all these injuries we were talking about this Scott because it's so unique from other sports there is no first down down few yard gain it's you're in the end zone or nothing you are perfect or you lost you're expected every time to step up to the plate and hit the fast ball over the fence every single time and and it doesn't work all the time but when it does it's electric put him on one that you've just got a track and let him find his way [Applause] [Music] [Applause] through oh hung up and underneath [Applause] good to see White Horse get away from thunderstuck but does not leave unscathed comes up just a second short and feeling the effects of that one and guys that's going to happen purely because of the effort that kesan white horse put out he knew how important this moment was for his team and you've got to commend the guy for the effort and the heart that he just displayed you're exactly right Matt he's just making a really good ride and gets in trouble here but as you can see he never ever let go he was putting forth the effort every time and one thing I'll say all the time is the more try and determination you have it'll pay dividends versus just sheer Talent with no try or effort so with that buck off here's the implications and [Applause] unravel and not only the defeat but an absolute brutal beating compliments of Mike's magic little insult to injury here as we highlight this bull and Watch What Happens here this Bull's horn makes contact there with the the helmet and then folds his head back over that that is scary no matter how many times you've been around this sport it's scary but what it is is it's a testament to how athletic and how tough these bull riders are because he's getting a little help up but he got up walked out of the arena in any other aspect of life most people would still be laying there some of the big moments he's had in his career trying to get another one aboard Legend and unfortunately Ezekiel Mitchell will end up on a highlight reel for that bull Legend giving him the business and bringing Mitchell down in less than 2 and 1/2 seconds take another look at it this is the second time he's been on this board and getting you dirt level showing you exactly how Wild it is on the arena Flor Legend doesn't leave any room for mistakes if you're going to ride that bull everything has to be perfect and in most cases one little mistake from a bull rider he makes the pay Mitchell will replay that one in his mine until they meet again and now I like the the plan moving in here and try to get two big scores right out of the [Applause] gate Mass was making the moves early on seemed it had all the necessary markings to be a huge ride but that clock is going to stop in 6 and 42 yeah and all the way through this ride he was having to fight to get to the inside back to the middle of this ball and you'll see he makes a big move gets to the inside that ball moves away and keeps him in there so he went from being a little behind to too far in front and that's bull riding but there's one thing about this guy you can never ever doubt that he's going to give it 100% every time he nods his head and that's why coach that's why his coaches are so in love with the way that he does things because he is a [Applause] champion oh he stayed Center into his hand for seven and change but a last minute move he makes contact at 7 and 29 is that a case of a guy getting too comfortable where he's at in the middle of that bull well this looked very easy for him Matt and I think so but this bull you know was spinning pretty fast that the end he starts drifting out there that makes it a little more difficult and you see his feet start bouncing towards the end and that allows him to get up over the front of him and there's no weight on his feet and that's why he come down and I think I mean as much as they want to challenge that but I think and that's disappointing because again I've said it before in some of the other games but that is one that got away world title Talent oh looked to be a spinner into his hand switch directions that change ultimately getting Oliver down and don't like seeing laying on the dirt as long as he did yeah and I'm a little bit surprised that we're not seeing any Flags getting thrown right here this ball did hit his head pretty hard on the Bucking shoots and I'm surprised that the coaches are not see you see right there it changed the direction of the ball but but not the momentum and I think they might have made after seeing that replay but man game of inches I'm glad to see him get away from this because that was very close oh that's so scary I mean this is not a sport for the faint of heart and look at Kyler Oliver I mean he he has the same demeanor that he had in the hotel room this morning I mean it's just cool calm Collective this kid's got the goods it's only a matter of time before we see it displayed here where would his fate lead him to oh odd moves though hooping skip coming from manh hater as he goes up and over the top and now limping a bit to the sidelines we kind of talked a little bit about this last season when Briggs emerged on the tour this is a guy that a few years ago as a kid had a terrible accident and they told him he would probably never even walk again and he would definitely never do things like this that look at that bull you cannot kick any higher or any harder than what that bull did there that is degree of difficulty at its highest and did manter just perhaps trademark a double kick that I saw in that first jump look I think that bull just stopped in midair to flex a little bit and show just how muscular how incredibly athletic that bull was that that's a scary farm animal right there trying to get them Instagram pictures trying to get the screen time and and he's going to get it when he does things like that probably going to make it number three right here oo seemed to hit the steel before Sunny be even crossed the plane flag right and you're already seeing flags on the dirt yeah yeah and that is definitely not you know a disappointment you can see when this ball leaves the shoot if we can get a look at that replay you can see that ball hits the front of the shoot really hard and uh from experience that that's not easy to do you see right here whack and and you see his head get knocked back I mean that that just not only takes you concentration away but it gives the ball the full advantage you see he's behind see there is no other sport that that will happen when you get to stop to compete guys a little uh reite update you know Texas still they technically ritten a bull so Creek young going to get on Brady olsson's rde Joel Ricardo via going to get on Cody Jesus's ride talk about go to a good Bullpen there uh we talked about Carolina that's pretty good talent to draw to for a couple reides it was 89 and a quarter a week ago here he's getting set aboard Black Gold comes down early gets hung up and takes a shot clock's going to stop at 4-02 but just good to see Campos on feet yeah and I think this like I said this was a very important start for the Missouri Thunder if he got this bull Road that's going to make make the momentum for everybody else and this is a plenty ridable ball first ball we're seeing out of the shoots tonight just turns back to the right into his ring hand I think that was just a lack of concentration because that is a ball at this level you're supposed to ride every time it's tiing away quickly too yeah get out of there here he gets to the inside comes down takes a hook is the US border patrol Protection Team creates that triangle of protection and gets him out of the way but yet another member of the freedom that can't find a way against this bll there's got to be some tricks in there yeah you got to see here on the Can-Am cam the replay he that bull kind of jumped a little bit in the buck and shoot ran out there he did hit himself on the shoe but it wasn't enough to change his momentum and he just ends up down on the inside but I feel like the biggest thing here that I'm I hoed on over and over again is if you're taking a long time in the bucking shoot and they are putting you on the clock you are putting your team and yourself in Jeopardy of getting a no score and it makes you rush things so why not get things done get in and out of there it's just something to me that just doesn't make sense because you can change that into [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] heartbeat [Applause] go5 seconds but are you guys going to you that that's coach that you're hearing on the back of the shoots why I need to know if there's going to be are you reviewing it for are you reviewing it for time or when you ride no it was six something when he Buck the ho but you got to re hey's your Rider you you want to do a casy b go AI again ai ai hey you good for again Eli again Eli again same guy and just like that you'll see the veteran getting back on so Oklahoma still has all five of their outs yeah well we missing all of that confusion as Eli walked back up to the front of the bucket shoot and was yelling at his coaches telling them he wanted that rde himself and you heard Court mcoy talking about ultimately it goes vastbinder way he said I was going to give him Monday off instead of working out as a team I was going to give him Monday off and he said they started calling me they wanted to put more time and more effort in let's see what happens wow bankroll gets Mass down quickly here thankfully jumped away from Mass and both get away clean what a surprise that went much quicker than either sideline expected yeah and this is exactly exact L how bull riding goes one week you can be at the top of the podium and the next week you're in the dirt and you know just got both his feet behind him and ends up on the ground but o it's a game of inches that that front leg came right down the side of Marcus's face and I would never tell a guy what to do but he has a giant scar all the way down his jaw you can see it right there on the screen from what was nearly a fatal wreck less than two two months ago let's go let's go come on [Applause] man you started to hear the frustration and now another one comes down early 3 and 62 well we we talked about this before several times all that Justin McBride expects from his guys is to try as hard as they can he does doesn't want him sitting around in the bucket Sho you can't win the ball R and sitting in the bucket shoot it's ball like big strong around to the right and just jumps forward and jerks him down I mean this game is for real but one of the best in the business ever to do it is you're coach and when he you're making him mad and you're W he's wanting you to get out of the shoot you've got to start paying attention to one of the best in the business because it's coming from the emotions coming from him wanting you to win and they need to feed off that I think it's exact words were he's standing like a statue and he was he was not wrong the hurry down to 4 seconds go okay looks right goes left but Matson oh my goodness never liked it from the beginning it does not end just because the ride is over as you're seeing the US border patrol Protection Team going to work there and taking some shots to keep Matson safe yeah that worry about this ride it didn't quite go the way they wanted but them three guys out there just saved yeah Cade from Serious injury putting themselves in a position look at this there is not a normal human out there would do this but this is taking a shot from a big black monster Austin Ashley there that is a great young man Austin Ashley who took a shot you can see uh just going to rub some dirt on it Lucas theodoro talking to him Kate Matson just could not get up to his feet and no matter which direction he turned that bull had him in his sight you see Dusty tuckness there they're going to have a good laugh about it but it's all part of the job watch this when we go back here to this replay when he hits the dirt watch this bull's back legs because finds himself in a pretty compromising situation and Kate I thought you were right I thought this was going to be four in a row but watch this bull's back legs right there and there as well and I think that's the one that really kind of stuck him down in there and you can see alz just so slow to get to his feet those bull fighters US border patrol safety team taken that Bull's attention away and letting syano get out of there pressure to win or not still got to show up and do your job up SP up SP up up up got it run away now he gets forward and quickly and a vulnerable position helmet gets knocked off good to see him on the sidelines wow that us SP Patrol protection team has been busy yeah you could hear Cody loo in the background saying sit up sit up he's trying to get him to sit back a little bit stick his chest out and man but that that just goes to show how dangerous this sport can be he was in a good position right out of here ball turns back into his hand but this is where seeka starts getting out over the front just a little more each jump and ends up out over to the front this is where it starts getting dangerous that bull has his way with him his nose just knocks that helmet straight great off his head dangerous position to be underneath 10 [Applause] seconds PBR J get off let us introduce you to Julio Cesar Marquez he has landed for the outlaw well it turns out 10 days is enough to work out how to ride this caliber of bulls and that guy right there I can promise you one thing if gy Mai had his eye on him he knew that he was more than capable of being able to step up to the plate when you take their number one man out and get replace with him you have to get results like that 85 and 3/4 aboard claymaker I don't know if you guys just heard coach J de Hart but he said one down that's only one step in this game and as it exciting as it is for a guy that's been here a little over a week and a half to come in get that first qualified ride get his team on the board I love the focus of their head [Applause] [Music] [Applause] coach some wild moves from Mr Excavator you saw the contact as his teammates move in US border patrol Protection Team it took everyone there on the dirt to make sure everyone exited safely and now sports medicine will quickly attend to frost as well well and the initial response is just seeing him get to his feet and start to walk out of this Arena that's a positive obviously in there with his team because he got absolutely rocked and had his helmet knocked off the fact that he's on his feet it it it's just a testament to to how true of athletes these guys are and how tough they are and how much they want it like that is his hard as you'll ever get hit when you've got a helmet on like that and it breaks it and takes it off that's a very serious hit right there we talk about his versatility and his riding ability but it all boils down to toughness and the way that this kid was brought up and raised I mean he's been a cowboy every single second of his life and you just saw about as Cowboy as it gets there but the Outlaws wasting no time as they go to 19-year-old Julio Cesar Marquez aboard Rockville come on Julio come on Julio come on Julio fight oh what effort gets in a vulnerable position because of it takes a shot you saw the clock stop at 3 and 14 but Marquez clearly holding on much longer than that and that's why I said at the beginning of the show he was the question mark for me not really proven as much as some of the other guys in this Kansas City lineup but he just proved a lot to his coach Justin McBride I mean his coach JW rather and the rest of his Squad that uh you know what he's willing to take a beating if it gives his team a chance to stay in the fight and that's what I think they need in these [Music] [Applause] moments Batista Bears Down Still action in the arena gets a safety and Carolina stays alive you nailed at Matt in putting the right guys in the right position right there it was a must ride they had to get a score on the board it's tough sledding with Jose coming up but they have to keep their hopes alive and he does it he answers it perfectly you can see he starting to get a little bit of strung out there having a little trouble with the whistle but refuses to let go yeah with these two guys at the bottom of the lineup they know Jose's on the other side but they can also compartmentalize and forget about that and focus on what they've got to do and that's what happened with Batista Batista though hanging off the side there for that last second that score 82 and 3/4 so it would take a 93 and a half he also knows that his team has their back against the wall keep rid keep R keep keep R ow ow man olison and team made the corrections gets back Center everyone was riding with him up here at the desk and then ultimately that effort made him vulnerable and he takes a shot for the first 4 seconds of this ride that's as good as you're ever going to see that bull he's in perfect position that Bull's doing everything look at this bull just kicking turning back spinning and then all of a sudden right here wo this bull makes a big move forward gets him raised up but the try the determination to try to get the whistle it gets rough at the end but as a coach I am super impressed right now we looked at each other at the same time because right on Q that bull turns out looks like he's going to have a good day 4 seconds and then the next two seconds there's so much happening and uh kudos to Brady there just for bearing down and fighting through it he's a board standoff bu gives up qualified rides about half the time keep R keep R standoff was showing off with the tricks today second Rider in a row we saw hung up by the spur like that and what work from our usuf sport of Patrol Protection Team yeah we talk about it week in and week out it doesn't matter what trio is out there they are so impressive Ryan you've been there this week we're taking a look at at Cody Webster Lucas theodoro Nathan harp how good are those three bull fighters we have the best bull fighters in the world and we know when something like this happens they're going to be there scary moments right there and there's nothing you can do you talk about a helpless feeling you got that spur cut rope and kind of just along for the ride it's a helpless feeling I've been there before it's a scary feeling and you you can't do nothing but just try to get away from it and have faith on those guys that are coming to get you but everybody wants to win every game and it starts right [Music] here we already see flags being thrown faita going straight for a parasito so parasito he does come down early that is the first time he's bucked off that ball but we saw some flags on the ground and Luke what are you hearing back there yeah they're talking like he got fouled there in the shoot and they're wanting to see if the back judge here is going to let him get a rde but way it's looking we're not too [Applause] sure luk as you work on Translating that we're going to go back and take one more look at it because just because a buck off happens the play is not over it's still dangerous on the field it still is there's a lot of stuff that happened here he come out backwards he he didn't look like he hit himself s and then fajita was a little hot chased him all the way down sizzling oh Nathan Hart grabbed that bull by the horn and that bull said no I'm not following you I've got my sight set on Eduardo and he just don't do it don't do it don't do it go do it that boy do it good done good done done yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah can you hear Castle first to not for the home team in the mood make sure he appreciates it but some scary moments now look at the job of those bull fighters another reason why we got the best bull fighters in the world they got his attention so do unbelievable and you see Ezekiel Mitchell who made his way into the arena there what an awesome bull ride though away from his hand I won't I don't think he's going to be that 90 points and I think that's part of the reason why he's a little slow to get out though as well because of the effort he put out during this 8 seconds watch this back making big moves with that right him big move he kep that free arm up in front of him he would always bring it back and he stayed good good control with it that was a great ride away from his hand yeah hey D Castle told me before he got on this bull they have a history he hauled this bull about 5 years ago and he was going to try to ride him until he stopped to prove a point and he dang near De right there so I'm take a shot there on the side of the helmet and obviously stunned him as you take a look at Cody Webster Lucas teodoro Nathan harp and again three of the absolute greatest that hurts I know we got best in the helmets but that ground still hurts you got first qualified ride came in Anaheim then it was a rde in Nashville on spice can he make it the third City in a row [Applause] oh man what moves what hits what Bine power we're seeing here in game number four wow we knew this was going to be a very intriguing game but not for the reasons it has been I mean watch this C heo putting out a great effort trying to stay away from that B doing exactly what he just did you can see him really kind of trying to lean back there but he gets exposed and watch this bll just bring him down over the front end and meet him halfway that horn right up underneath the helmet we he was putting out so much effort there and he did get back off his rope and that's what happens when you get back off of it you need to stay up on your legs and R them jump for jump tells him this B belongs wow absolutely slammed on the steel up go you want to talk about a bull with what we call a hair trigger them Bulls get so been bucked so many times and know what's happening and alls they heard was the shoot gate crack right there and then bull just fire the Gat notot out of their way and that happens and he's very lucky that didn't turn into worse than it could have been it sounded like Ross was already calling on Felipe for the rde before even saying hey you okay that's my question who's got more of a hair trigger the bull or Ross Coleman because right there he's going hey you you got your bull rope ready let's go are you ready to get back on I mean it didn't take him long for anybody that knows Ross did you really have to ask that question storman Norman the B get out of ride get out of ride let go let's go and it all comes together hung up good to see Luke get free but slow to get back up all season long Ross Coleman has been touting this young man as being a star in the making and every week I say you're sticking with him what's the deal and every week he tells me he's a star just watch he finally gets what uh I believe is going to be his first qualified ride of the year I don't know but either way think it has been a brutal weekend and now Missouri feeling the effects here whistle now they're getting [Music] re we got a reard you see the head coach flag Ln they need this score by watching this replay I would say he's getting a score [Music] sc8 and you can see Sports Medicine team there in the top leftand Corner they got one more Rider over there and for Missouri that's good news score got the qualified ride on the board yep 83 will take the lead you think he got it [Applause] [Music] absolutely the highs and lows all at once you saw so Ross so excited that finally Luke finds a whistle at the same time he comes down 752 Scott you and the judges different pages tonight well on that defense I going to say I misunderstood you on the whistle if he made the whistle not the 83 not the 83 they did they got that right I don't know if I'd have been that low but he shouldn't be winning first he should be winning second so let's talk about why you saw the score now it came off the board next here Sho Bubby the [Applause] bull get out of there get out of there right comes down at six and change and then the US border patrol protection team goes to work great job Lucas teodoro and you can see the guys having a good laugh right now because they know he got out of there unscathed he kind of got in his own little way there a little bit Sandro ba to coming down that's not going to be the highlight of of this replay big tall guy big tall guy and just just breaking at the waist and when you break at the waist what happens is all your weight goes forward and when your weight goes forward your feet want to come back and then they come back and just drops him in there and then right here what other human beings on the face of the earth stand in front of them get run over bumped around and then they stand up and laugh about it unbelievable the guys are absolutely best of the best you see Lucas teodoro there on the screen Cody Webster laughing at him having a little fun Nathan harp in there as well they intimidating oh comes down early lands on his back and takes a shot right on the chest good to see him up but perhaps stung a bit 4 seconds that buck off time keep Ryan cartright has a full down a base that is just an astronomical list of potential bull riders that they could pick up and McBride went looking for a left-handed guy that was kind of a veteran that could step in here and give him an opportunity that is not the opportunity Wellington was looking for right there you saw that bull's back foot and where it landed not what he was looking for talking with our Sports Medicine team now should fit him again [Applause] stylistically oh looks left goes Ryden in zerada who's already battling back from a broken leg get stepped on Square in the back yeah and in this scenario that broken leg is the least of his worries I I really thought this is one that he would enjoy getting on but watch this there's nothing fun about this Landing and more importantly where these feet land right there and thankfully we talk about these protective vest they're not there to to keep the bull from making contact but it is there to spread the impact and you can see it kind of make that force that into a glancing blow and thankfully for Alex kind of had a little smile on his face a minute [Applause] [Music] ago that led to Manny being part of the Missouri Thunder a hop and a Skip and wow gets him down takes a [Applause] shot some tough hitch you're seeing Sports Medicine run out to the dirt right now as the helmet comes off already moving his arm so hopefully that's a that's a good sign Matt you and I know that definitely a good sign good to hear he is conscious that he is talking with the sports medicine team the crowd responding Taylor can he finally ride this bll here we go oh out my goodness is it is it a full moon out there my wow Mason Taylor if he if you didn't get enough first time there it is the second and then wow make a splash in that league right out of the [Applause] gate too far inside made some huge moves and the moves continue to come Wall Street train bulldozing the bull fighters here good to see everyone up and on their feet these Bulls mean business here on Sunday I'm looking at Lucas Toro in the arena right now and he is not happy here's why Flavio is going to put out the effort he's going to get in trouble right out of the gate you can see him kind of get to the outside but take a look at this look at Lucas tries to push Flavio away so that he can look look at this push out of his way and grab that Bull's attention I I can't say it enough how incredibly important these guys are just a fantastic job there by Lucas he's going to have to reshape that hat up a little bit but uh Cody Webster Austin Ashley they're not going to let him get too serious they're going to keep it lighthearted and fun so good those guys able to plug in and out of that lineup at any given [Applause] point so much of that was so good for Sandro the direct Direction Change gets out of position in 7 Seconds that buck off time yeah and putting these you know new new guys so to speak or or or new team members in here change things up a little bit of course we we talked about Sandro being in there in the past I mean and started a really good ride here and I I think I still think it's a good decision to be able to put these guys in I really do it's just not working out I mean these Bulls are not making it easy for them today on the clock now looking for another ride in his march to [Music] 500 he's at 496 so 8 seconds away from 497 and yet another 7even second Buck off Alves hung up for moments what work we've seen all night from this US border patrol Protection Team yeah in dangerous position there he spur hung in his rope and was up underneath this ball and it was you know inches just jumping all around him never did make contact with Sano but you'll be able to see at the end of this R what I love about this the second and third efforts this is the stuff we've seen for so many years as Sano and and the contribution he's been doing to this team but you watch right here up underneath him and he spur so caught in that flank rope can't get away and Steeps everywhere lays down just scraped his back but barely even touched him and that's why this game is a game of inches and he's got to try and turn things around going in for next week for his team whoa hey get out of there hung on the side good to see him on his feet does not look like any flags on the ground though so with that the Ridge Riders shut out for the fourth time this season how quickly the tides turn yeah I mean you would never have thought after seeing him the last two nights that something this result would be the way that it is everyone expected them to continue their winning ways but you know just one night ago they got up this morning and things have completely changed around for him but their weekend is not over yet gets a couple rides down finds another one in ridgell can he back that up aboard buster and he can Oliver finds the whistle and he does it quickly Kansas City gets on the board but he takes a shot you know Kate that is the ideal bull for Kyler Oliver he cannot escape a ride without getting some sort of Step Up but we saw him step up last week in in Ridgedale Missouri Great bull ride today taking uh getting stepped on here at the end of the ride try to get you to report win knocked out of him it looks like 87 points awarded for the effort and it was a huge one and very much worth looking back at the plant kind of touched on it I mean this guy has just been uncapable of getting away healthy for the last several years it seems like when they drafted him he was hurt he's been hurt along the way and then right here he comes down takes couple of shots right there hips are going to be sore in the morning legs are going to be sore in the morning but if anybody can handle that Kyler Oliver has proven he has the toughness just trying to put myself in the coach's position on on why they keep keep putting them on and I understand injuries play into this but it it's just I'm struggling to figure it out took a slamming there and then it seemed those feet came right down on him as well well you're not the only one struggling to figure out what's going on here you know we talk about the awkward calm in the arena it's like neither one of these teams can get any momentum and energy and then something like that happens and it's takes the air out of the room watch this I hate to say this but cover the kid's eyes this is not fun to watch and he gets folded up and then right smack dab down with those back feet man and again it's a reminder of how incredibly dangerous this sport is but take a look at [Applause] that he's aboard happy [Applause] hour come on Colton heo oh Kansas City first on the board but it does not come without a heavy hit on the [Music] [Applause] end scary scary moments there for Colton hway who's going to walk out of this Arena and still question where he is a great look at our Sports Medicine team taking him back to uh assess the damage and that is unfortunately exactly what it is he makes a great ride let's not over overlook this 87 and 3/4 Point performance by Colton heo but watch this at the end because he's going to come down hard and immediately he was out absolutely and that's in Bull Ren I I don't know how else to explain it but when the whistle the play does not stop and in that scenario the bull doesn't even touch him but when you come with that much force and that much impact to that ground it doesn't matter how tough you are every ounce air in your body is going to leave and it's really hard to find it again for a minute or two or automatic disqualification he's not letting that happen oh Picture Perfect moves from Oliver and Carlos danger but gets exposed and takes a shot at the 7se second mark this is what I'm talking about though I mean Kyler Oliver never could get in a comfortable position inside the bucket shoot and I feel like he's at the advantage when he just has a nod and tell him to open the gate I've just got to react unfortunately he he falls short here today it doesn't and it only gets worse the longer you spend in that in that bucking shoot but the thing that impressed me about this is they were 3/4 of a from getting an extremely great score this bull had all everything you can ask he's bucking and he's kicking and this bull just Plum just Plum wins the fight right at the whistle just got by those back feet there of Carlos Danger is it more frustrating it seems he got past all the most difficult stuff he was throwing his way and then to get bucked off once you get past that is it even harder to swallow it's way more frustrating it's uh it's not as hard to swallow it's frustrating because now it giv give you that you know you can do it cowboys looking to get on the board quickly with Cooper [Music] Davis Davis hung up but out of there on his feet Tiffany getting a great shot with that iPad well welcome back Cooper Davis he gets it going in a big way for the Cowboys he does and this is what I wanted to see is is Cooper has been getting on bulls riding lots of bulls but not really huge scores for Cooper Davis but this bull right here gives the big scores and he makes a great ride for an 88 points this is how they need to start it out great move to lead it off with Cooper Davis you mentioned the 88 by Cooper Davis that will get his Carolina Cowboys the momentum and as it shifts over to the blue and black of Carolina you can see Cooper is fired up and a fired up Cooper Davis is dangerous he's standing by with Luke Cooper we see you all throughout the lineup but tonight leading it off with a huge ride getting your team started off on the right foot yeah I mean that's the biggest thing for me we can start off hot then maybe we'll finish it hot and uh we got some good guys just got to get them motivated good ride tonight thanks buddy keeping things hot in the desert that is the way that Cooper Davis is looking to do it here tonight as you take a look at some of the hottest guys in the game our PBR US border patrol Protection Team Nathan harp Lucas teodoro and Austin Ashley great young Trio there Lucas obviously the uh constant presence here on this tour to ride these rank Bulls can you get it to translate here wow ghes flying in his very first attempt what a welcome Nighthawk just gave him welcome to the big leagues wow with a fast ball straight to the teeth but by no means was coach Gaffney and Company setting him up for an easy welcome NW 55 and one we've seen some coaches bring a guy to this level and set him up with a spinner get used to the feel here they threw him to the Wolves they did kind of throw him to the Wolves but with that being said this is a guy that's had a lot of success in Brazil and to win beros that is one of the biggest events in Brazil with great buck and Bulls he should be able to deal with this pressure just new place new facility a little different outcome CIO Diaz making a [Applause] statement was so close to picking up perhaps his 690 of the season but the ride the potential 9 0 it will all have to wait this one ended up being a closer game than you expected it to about halfway through yeah and it ends with something that I'm going to say it like this I don't care that he bucks off I am so impressed with Casio Diaz his ability to continue to fight for his team to fight for something that he loves you heard Bob Mitchell talk about the faith this team has and that is the number one component of being on the Outlaws roster faith in the sport taking care of your team look out for Kansas City when we get to Las Vegas oh quickly forward and down less than two and at least there's any kind of flags happening which and it's not a yellow challenge it's a red that means it's a rde yeah right on Q Kate that red flag came flying in just as you started talking about it and the officials watching this one closely and they're going to give Oklahoma rde opportunity topper point out the left he both ways yeah we don't have anybody else it's either you or nobody it's all you same guy C Point answers that question that was the discussion M have another guy it's either Rosco or n c McCoy and I just had that discussion he said his next guy to rewrite is Cody lro and he really doesn't want to have to put him in but what happens here is Arizona going to be noding first and Oklahoma knows exactly what they have to do or are they going to reset and have the freedom go if you're Arizona do you care if you're the last to go on your home dirt I just realized something that mustache answers so many questions because Rosco jaro said I'll get on him I don't care you got a mustache looks like that you don't care you absolutely don't have a care on the world run any bow you've got in that buck and shoot I tell you what every Kansas City member is here watching him [Applause] R Diaz is dialed in goes for a spin but now let the celebration begin we've talked the last few weeks about how much that groin has been bothering him and then he steps up and does this week after week after week looks like he's feeling pretty good guys 86 and 3/4 awarded for the effort not only does that put Arizona in a must rde situation but for Diaz he is trailing Joseph vtor limi by just two qualified rides coming into Fort Worth now he is 83 and 1 12 points behind limi in that MVP race on the season and that's what I was going to say this isn't the biggest score we've seen him get but the thing I want to say about this is this bull wasn't as easy as he made him look we asked Brandon too Brandon youve seen how he sliding forward in that and I was talking about bulls that actually move forward this Bull's pushing back and wanting to pull him over his head yeah and thatt was talking about having some issues with his groins that one there was really going to test that but like I said that was a no-brain CIO Diaz probably you know nine times out of 10 could close his eyes and ride that one but great job the whole what I like to point out the whole entire coaching staff every Rider the fitness trainer both coaches everyone was up on the shoots pulling for him and this team right here if you look at team that really wants it the Kansas City Outlaws are really showing that here [Applause] [Music] tonight [Applause] oh quickly Sports Med will make their way to limie you saw the contact you could hear it here inside Dicky's Arena Ena and the Cheers start as Sports Medicine takes slimy off on a backboard we will do the very best we can to keep you updated every single weekend is a three-day stand and the opportunity to come back and still win the event is very much there for Oklahoma you often talk about how the steel is the most dangerous place for a rider we just saw why it is it it it it's absolutely the most dangerous because them steel bars they do not give it doesn't matter what protection you have on how thick your helmet is anything when you hit it you know it let's take a look back at this Bunch getting set aboard Sunny be shoot procedure moves quickly as Riders try and tie their hand into the Rope but wow that steel does not move and guys those feet going straight up in the air a like that I mean he was completely out of control right here and and that's a little bit scarier because of his Landing a week ago in Glendale Arizona he actually landed on top of his head [Applause] so [Applause] oh Moody gets forward quickly and after finding the whistle here on Friday it's two buck offs in a row he's had some big moments in his day season but the backto back rides are would have become very tough not just for him but rookies at this level unless you're Cass or Diaz it has it he's really been struggling this is a kid with all the ability in the world but stringing it together and that's what separates the absolutely best from the guys that are just average and it usually has nothing to do with their actual riding ability it's all on their mental toughness and being able to deal with the ups and downs and stringing the consistency together really
Channel: PBR
Views: 7,735,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PBR, PBR Bull Riding, Bull Riding, Cowboy, Rodeo, Professional Bull Riding, Professional Bull Riders, Sports, Western Sports, Western Athletes, Western Lifestyle, 2023, Bull
Id: jK84ahheyaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 56sec (4076 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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