Andy Frisella Stop Whining Motivational Speech

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I want to get into something real quick that is brought to my attention daily and that irritates me daily from the younger generation okay I get this question all the time I get this question on email I get it on Instagram I get it on uh here on Periscope uh and it's always the same reference it's uh it goes like this Andy I want to be an entrepreneur I want to start a business but uh it's hard uh you know my parents don't support me I don't have any money I don't have any investors I don't have any uh support I don't have a bank loan I didn't win the lottery on and on and on and on and on and the thing is is that when these people email me I automatically assume and I could be wrong but I automatically go into the mode of like dude I'm not even going to answer your question cuz you don't have what it [ __ ] takes to make it because here's the reality entrepreneurial mindset is a problem solver if you listen to the podcast today you know what I'm talking about all right entrepreneurs are people who look at things and they say I can do this not look at things and find the excuses as to why they can't we live in the greatest [ __ ] time in the history of Earth to be successful okay and if you're a young man a young woman between the ages of 16 15 and 25 you are at the the biggest advantage in the history of Earth okay and I'm going to explain why in a second we have [ __ ] air travel we have [ __ ] internet we are able to speak like this through technology instantly dude people that were in business 20 years ago if they wanted to do business they had to get a [ __ ] letter and they had to write it out and they had to send it to somebody that letter had to take 2 days to get there and then they had to blah blah blah and and communicate back and forth or they had to call other during business hours uh or at home and they T to be like tied to the wall like yeah hey man you know I'm sitting here at the office like dude now we're accessible 24 hours a day we have social media we have ways to contact hundreds among thousands of people at any given time the opportunity to make connections has never been greater all right and we have yet we have young people who have this perspective of growing up in this technology crying and bitching about why they can't do it are you [ __ ] kidding me dude when I started my store there wasn't a social media when we started with $7 I was living in the back of my [ __ ] store on a mattress that had a piss stain on it from some animal or human I wanted people to know about me I couldn't just write a little post on [ __ ] Facebook or make a video that had great content I had to [ __ ] get in my car or walk heel toe down to a next door's business and the next door business and the fire stations and the police stations and the hospitals and say hey I'm Andy forella nice to meet you I have this [ __ ] business over here that I think you'll be able to help or that I can help you do this this and this and I meet people one by one by one by one by one which ironically is the same way that business is done today just through different Avenues so when you're young and you're one of these people who's been brought up social media and you look around in the internet and all this [ __ ] you have no [ __ ] clue how good you have it you just don't you have an ultimate [ __ ] opportunity in front of you to make something happen for yourself okay and the other thing you need to realize is that just because you don't have any money that's that's a great thing for you and because let me tell you why this is a good thing when you don't have any money you you are forced to be creative you are forced to come up with ideas you are forced to do the [ __ ] work just because you don't have a [ __ ] million dollars or a $100,000 or $10,000 doesn't mean you could start a business or can't start a business it means that you have to get creative and the best thing that you'll ever have as a business owner a young business entrepreneur is lack of funds because it forces you to get [ __ ] creative which forces you to think all right and when you think it's just like working your muscles when you think hard enough and you think long enough and you don't have the the money just to write a check for something you are in a position now where you're having to think harder than your competition which means ultimately you're going to be more creative come up with more ideas cuz you can't spend your way out of situations get it lack of resources is your ultimate advantage and if you don't understand what I just said go back and rewatch what I just said until you understand it all right lack of resources is your ultimate [ __ ] advant AG don't [ __ ] cry to me and [ __ ] to me or write me a [ __ ] email about how you don't have you know Rich parents or you don't have a bank or you don't have I didn't have any of that [ __ ] either so when you [ __ ] to me about it I look at you and I say you don't have what a [ __ ] takes because real entrepreneurs make it happen either way you don't have the money go out and cut grass go out and bartan go out and sell [ __ ] snow cones do whatever the [ __ ] you have to do to get it period but the point is guys you guys have to understand that we live in Ultimate opportunity land right now there's more opportunity than there ever has been for everybody and here's another thing you young people 15 to 25 got to understand most of your peers who you're competing against have no social skills they grew up on the Internet they grew up on video games they don't know how to shake somebody's hand and say hey nice to meet you and look them in the [ __ ] eye and have interpersonal relationship skills so whenever you could have those skills if you could develop those skills amongst your own own person you're at a tremendous Advantage you have PE you have far less people in that generation that want to be truly successful than what I had or what other Generations had so like dude if you could [ __ ] stand up and make yourself something it's far easier to be successful right now for you than it ever has been so I don't want don't write me a [ __ ] email telling me how hard you have it cuz I'm going to laugh at you period you're being a [ __ ]
Channel: Deltree
Views: 135,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andy frisella, stop whining, motivational speech, the best motivational speech, andy frisella motivation, motivational video, motivational speeches, motivational videos, Entrepreneur, awesome motivational speech, business talk, best motivational speech ever
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 31sec (391 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2016
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