The Main Difference Between Successful People And Those Who Aren’t - Ep 618 Real Talk

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[Music] what is up guys it's Andy forcella and this is the show for the realist say goodbye to the lies the bigness and delusions of modern society and Welcome Reality guys today we have a real talk and as promised I have a big announcement before I have my announcement with you guys um you know it's that time of year it's that time of year when everybody's talking about what they're going to do next year and what they're going to become and what they're going to achieve and how they're going to change and how they're going to do all these things that they have failed at doing many previous years before this year and what makes you think that next year is going to be any different what makes you think that when January 1 rolls around that all of a sudden you're going to change everything about yourself and become this brand new version of yourself haven't you told yourself this before haven't you told yourself this over and over and over again how many Mondays have you told yourself that you were going to start how many years have you made the same resolutions that you failed to keep how many times have you had the conversation where you say it's for real this time this time I mean it no seriously I mean it we're doing it this time how many times have you told yourself that my guess is a lot and when you go look at yourself in the mirror or you look at your life or you look at your bank account or you look at everything in your life that you wish was different and you ask yourself why aren't things different I would like to provide that answer to you today you have to understand that if you are to make a change in your life you have to develop a very specific skill set and that is the skill set of discipline the ability to adhere to a plan your problem is not that you don't know what to do that is nobody's problem it's nobody's nobody with the amount of information that we have available to us is sitting around wondering what the they need to do you all understand that there is no secret you know what to do to fix your body you know what to do to fix your relationships you know what to do to make more money the problem is is is that you're not able to do it and why can't you do it because for years and years and years you have told yourself the same lie over and over and over again which is this I lack the skills they have something that I don't have they were born with these traits that I don't have that person just has it and I don't have it success comes easier for them none of which are true the truth of the matter is this you've made some misjudgments and miscalculations or had The Misfortune of Being told the wrong information and the correct information is all of these things that you admire about other people their ability to stick to a plan their ability to follow through their ability to build and create and become all of these things are within your ability as well but it requires you intentionally developing those skill sets see I was like you guys for most of my life for most of my life I looked around at everybody else and I thought why is it so easy for him why can he show up and do all of these things and go out and win and why does it look so effortless when I can't even get through a single week without cheating on my diet or falling off my program or going back to my old habits why can they do it and I can't they must have been Bor born with this thing they must have been gifted with a gift that I didn't receive and I lived a lot of my life that way and it was frustrating and it made me bitter and it made me angry but I met someone a number of years ago named James Lawrence you guys might know him as the iron Cowboy when I met him he said something to me that made this click the key to winning the key to development the key to progress is intentionally putting yourself in uncomfortable situations intentionally putting yourself in uncomfortable and difficult situations why would you do that why would you intentionally make things harder why would you intentionally make things more difficult because when you make things more difficult intention you get the opportunity to gain the skill set that has produced from the endurance through the difficult times and so I want you to realize that as you make all these plans and as you make all these goals and as you say you're going to do this and that and all these amazing things I want you to understand a couple things number one yes it is possible you can do all those things you and become all those things your potential is actually Limitless but number two unless you develop the skill set of mental toughness unless you develop the ability to adhere unless you develop the skill of discipline fortitude grit belief perseverance confidence you will never do any of those things ever and you guys all know and you've heard heard of 75 hard in the live Hard program and this January 1st a little more than a week away from today there is a massive group of people that are going to commit to changing this skill set within themselves and I am one of those people and I hope that you will be as well because the reality is is that our dreams our desires our goals our purpose our destiny is on the other side of the skill set of discipline and if we can develop the discipline to adhere to a program to see things through when we can identify that the actual problem that we all have is not that we don't know what to do but we lack the ability to actually do it now we're in a position to actually go out and win we have identified the source problem we have identified the crack in the foundation and we understand what we need to develop which brings me to my announcement you guys know that I developed 75 hard and live hard and I've given it away for free I wrote a book it's on my website called 75 hard a lot of you guys have read it but I've written another book and the book is called the book on mental toughness and this is the book right here holding it in my hands this is a book that includes the entire 75 hard program the entire Liv hard program and a ton of case studies and information as to what mental toughness is and why you need it and why it is the key to unlocking your true potential in your life and this book is on pre-sale today you can go to my website Andy and you can order this book you don't have to order it the program is still free you can get the program for free at episode 208 that's on the audio feed only that's not on YouTube it was on audio only now the reason I wrote this book is because I understand very clearly that the biggest thing that we are all missing in our pursuit of excellence in the pursuit of our dreams in the pursuit of our true destiny as human beings is the ability to adhere to the plans that we set out for ourselves and like you I spent a lot of my life bitter and frustrated and angry that I did not naturally have those skills some people do have those skills a little more naturally than others but the reality is is that all the people that you witness all the people that you look at all the people that you wish you were like have the skill of mental toughness and discipline they are able to execute when they don't feel like it they are able to do the things they need to do when it is the last thing that they want to do this is the magic you are missing this is the skill you are missing this is the power you are missing and once you develop it you become Unstoppable and it's my hope that whether you buy the book or not that you will understand that the key to your entire existence and becoming who it is that you want to become is going to come down to your commitment to become a mentally harder more disciplined individual I want that for you I want that for all of you and whether you buy this book or not the information is still free you can get most of the information in episode 208 on the audio feed or a lot of the other podcasts that I've done but we have taken most of the relevant information that we can come up with and we've put it in this book that you can buy on my website right now you can pre-order it right now will launch on January 1st it will begin shipping on January second and I believe that you will love this book I believe this is a book that you will not just use once but you will go back to over and over and over again over the course of your life to help guide you and sharpen your blade so that you can stay on top of your mental game and continue to execute and continue to win this is why I'm here this is what I'm here to do and my hope is that you'll do your part when you guys think about what it is that creates greatness and when you think about all the things that you wish you could be and wish you were and wish you could become you have to understand that that requires effort from you that that requires you doing things intentionally that are going to make you uncomfortable that are going to help develop skills that skills that you can then apply to any plan that you move forward one of the things that you need to understand is that the live Hard program 75 hard program is not the end this is the beginning this is the boot camp this is the skill development program and you are to use these skills on a different plan a lot of people think just doing this over and over and over again is going to somehow get you there no it won't you are to take what you learn here and you are to apply it to a life plan that you have thought out that you are committed to that you are dedicated to and this program will give you the skills to follow that plan whatever that plan may be it doesn't have to be the same path everybody walks it doesn't have to be the same Journey that everybody body goes on but no matter what you pick for your journey no matter what you pick for your plan or your path for life you are going to need to follow the plan and your ability to follow that plan or not follow that plan will determine your outcome so remember no matter what your goals are no matter what your outcome is that you desire if you cannot adhere and follow a plan day in and day out day in and day out day in and day out and continue on that path for much much much longer past the time that it is fun past the time that you have excitement past the time that it is easy and you have momentum if you can't continue on that path past those times you can't do anything in life which is most people's problem so guys when you set out at the beginning of this year make it your mission to sharpen those skills make it your mission to become more disciplined make it your mission to become more mentally hardened make it your mission to become someone who exemplifies what discipline actually is and what it looks like and what it can build and what it can become because the reality is that the world is starting serving for examples of excellence and it is our duty as individuals to be that example to be that light for the people that are coming behind us and a lot of us are failing that and I say us because whether we win or lose is going to come down to the collective winning or losing this burden cannot be put on just certain people this burden has to be carried by the Collective personal Excellence is the ultimate Rebellion it is the way that we are going to fix what's going on in the world it is the way that we are going to fix what's going on in our household in our communities in our cities in our states and in our country and in the world we must take that obligation and that Duty seriously and that starts with us so guys if you make one resolution this year if you make one promise to yourself this year make it this that you are going to solve the fundamental problem that has kept you in this place of dissatisfaction for so long you are going to address the core issue and the core issue is that you lack the ability to do things when you don't feel like doing them and what I cover in this book and what I've given you for free in episode 208 is the solution to that problem I invite you to join me on January 1st in doing 75 hard and I hope that you'll take a minute and read this book buy this book and maybe buy a couple copies for people that you think would love this book and I can promise you you'll love it it'll change your life it'll be a resource that you come back to over and over and over again and if you decide that you want to support us by buying one of these books you can get it today on my website at Andy I am committed to doing this work with you every single day for the first 75 days of this year I will be doing the work with you if you're tired I'm tired if you're working I'm working if you're struggling I'm probably struggling if you're suffering I'm suffering we can get better together and that's a promise that I make to you I will be with you every single step of the way whether you buy this book or not I invite you to join on this journey because I know that the more of us that go on this journey and the more of us that develop this skill set the better the world will be I love you guys I appreciate you guys I'm willing to do this with you guys let's go and do [Music] it
Channel: Andy Frisella
Views: 221,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: success, business, entrepreneur, motivational, money, entrepreneurship, ceo, podcast, mfceo, mfceoproject, andy frisella, 1st phorm, motivation, inspiration, millionaire, mentor, billionaire, goals, motivational speaker, realaf, controversial topics, 1st Phorm CEO, 75 HARD, LIVE HARD, first form, ARETE SYNDICATE, ARETE, UNA VIDA
Id: iKZ9RvmA0UY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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